Vasilisa Volodina - biography, photo, personal life of the astrologer and leading. Mystery and meaning of Vasilisa

Vasilisa Volodina - biography, photo, personal life of the astrologer and leading. Mystery and meaning of Vasilisa
Vasilisa Volodina - biography, photo, personal life of the astrologer and leading. Mystery and meaning of Vasilisa

Vasilisa female name is derived from the male name Vasily. Both of them came to us from Byzantium and originate from the Greek word "Bazilius", which translates as "king." Based on this version, the origin of the name Vasilisa means "Queen", "the ruler", "royal", "tsarist".

Previously, the name of Vasilisa was used in the church form "Vasilissa". At the beginning of the twentieth century (after 1917), there was its modification of "Vasilina", which was in everyday life in ancient Rome. It was so called the mother of Emperor Julian II.

A lot of quality Vasilisa is embodied in the heroines of Russian fairy tales Vasilis Wolly and Vasilisa beautiful. It fully justifies the meaning of the name Vasilisa, since it is distinguished by many virtues.

It is characterized by thoughtfulness, the power of feelings, pride. It is the embodiment of the purity of thoughts and the desire to make good deeds.

The owner of Vasilisa openly express their emotions, respond to someone else's pain. At the same time, they are shy, which is often perceived by others as closed. Not possessing the solid power of the will, a woman with the name of Vasilisa is able to yield to appearance, but does not obey him.

Some positive qualities inherent in women with the name of Vasilisa can create some discomfort in their relationship with others. This is, first of all, excessive sensitivity, legending the finest emotional nuances, open admiration for all beautiful. If this causes ridicule or misunderstanding among the environments, Vasilisk, due to its innate shyness, can be closed and hostile to perceive all people.

As they grow up, it begins to feel the inner power, the power of the value of its name. Women By the name Vasilis are confident and able to overcome any obstacles. This is largely due to:

  • high intelligence
  • harmonious combination of female intuition and male mind warehouse,
  • faster reaction to various transformation.

Along with this, they can not always be easily "converged" with people, since they do not differ in the necessary sociability, the ability to "look through the fingers" on other people's costs of character.

Actually, the character of Vasilisa is similar to a medal having two sides. Its positive qualities are often interpreted by surrounding up to the opposite.

The aggravated sense of justice turns into a manifestation of intolerance to the disadvantages of others. And the understanding of their own deficiencies is not expressed in their recognition, but the desire to compensate this by assisting others. It does not use his powerful intuition for his good.

Business qualities

Despite the inconsistency of perception by the surrounding positive parties, women named Vasilis among colleagues invariably enjoy respect. For them, his owner is, first of all, a sincere person who is capable of disinterested partition.

Most colleagues the name of Vasilisa is associated with the willingness to drive people out of trouble, even in harm to personal interests. Although noble motives, the Altruism of the owner of Vasilisa may also be regarded as meaningless conflict and self-deficiency.

Business women with the name Vasilisa The material side of the question interests the least. It can also cause misunderstanding, bewilderment and suspicion of many employees.

Vasilisa Gennadievna Voronina (Russian actress)

  • Very often set by the name Vasilis find themselves in areas requiring analytical synthetic thinking: scientific research, accurate sciences, chemistry, genetics, psychology, brain physiology.
  • They can realize themselves in pedagogy, jurisprudence, financial and economic activities.
  • Organized in the work "royal" Vasilisa is successfully coped with the duties of the head at the level of the workshop, the brigade, the structural unit of the Research Institute.
  • The hobby is not excluded by hypnosis, occult, alternative medicine. In this case, the name of Vasilisa can become a nominal for a first-class healer.

The moral foundations, the spiritual qualities of women named Vasilisa allow them to take place in the social sphere, successfully engage in charity. For them, this is an opportunity to fulfill a high life mission.

Love, family

From the young age, the girl named Vasilisa, as a rule, is a sample of morality and strict rules of behavior. She is completely deprived of flirting and remains true to the motto "Umci, but do not let the kiss without love." This is the high-level beginning of already adult women with the name of Vasilisa may interfere with the creation of a family. Therefore, in childhood, parents, who gave her daughter, the name of Vasilisa, it is important to pay attention to such a feature of its character and try to correct behavior in every way. It involves a high level of confidence relations between the child and adult households.

In women, whose name Vasilisa, early marriages are doomed to failure. At the younger age, they lack restraint and tolerance. Although if the name of Vasilisa is granted in September, the family will be preserved due to the softness and diplomaticity of the character of the keeper of a homemade hearth.

She is a wise, a loving wife and a caring mother, a hospitable mistress, sincerely rejoicing the arrival of guests.

However, the household itself and does not really like to visit or appear "in the world."

  • It does not differ in special culinary talents. Vasilisa does not like to cook at all, with the exception of exquisite confectionery products.
  • For home affairs, she also does not feed a special passion.
  • Her favorite classes - reading books, watching a telecast. Differs love for animals.

Men with names are suitable for creating a family. August, Alfred, Averyan, Valen, Vissarion, Gleb, Dmitry, Kirill,

Astrological characteristic

  • Zodiac sign - Deva, Planet Patron - Mercury.
  • Its favorable plants - cornflower and ash. Totem bird - dove.
  • Colors of Vasilisa - greenish-silver, red, blue.
  • Happiness brings warm tones (orange, brown).
  • Her talisman stones are amethyst, saard, carnelian, amber.
  • Named Vasilisa (days of reverence of her saints patrons):
  1. 21 (January 8) - Vasilisa Egypt
  2. 16 (3) September - Vasilisa Nikomidia
  3. April 28 - Vasilisa Roman.

Wasilisa's female name is a derivative form from the male name Vasily. In Russia, girls are infrequently called, but everyone knows fabulous characters with this name: Vasilisa is beautiful and Vasilisa to do. Immediately come to mind associations with Russian beauty, smart, insightful, good and fair girl.

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Since the name has a male origin, the women named after them are endowed with strong features of character. These are persistent and independent ladies, they know how to achieve their goals and do not leave before difficulties. To conquer the heart of Vasilisa is not easy, it is an independent girl who does not need male support. Its chosen will be able to become only the man who confident a man who has truly valuable advantages. Vasilisa's weak and wonderful people bypass by side, she needs a reliable partner to rely on in any situation.

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    The meaning and origin of the name

    Not all experts agree that the male name Vasily gave rise to the female name. According to some versions of Vasilisa, this is a modified version of the Greek bassiliss, which is translated as "Queen" or "royal." In Orthodox culture, this version finds echoes, since the church calendar you can find only a name with two "C" - Vasiliss. If in official documents, the name indicates a single letter "C", then when baptized, the girl is numbered in accordance with the soles.

    For Vasilisa are happy and patronizing the following values, signs, dates, days and symbols:

    Planet patronsMercury, Jupiter
    Patronizing elementAir
    Patronizing constellationVirgo
    Saints patronessVasilissa Egyptian Numbness, Vasiliss Nikomidian, Martyr Vasilissa Corinthian, Martyr Vasiliss Roman
    Name dayJanuary 8, March 10, April 15, April 16, September 3
    StonesAmethyst, Amber, Sard
    ColorsBlue, turquoise, blue
    Totem animalDove
    Happy number in numerology4
    Important years of life7, 17, 19, 23, 35, 47
    Good day weekWednesday

    In the close circle, Vasilis is often called diminutive-ladies: Fox, Vasya, Vasyuna, Vasyata, etc. Simplified forms are convenient for pronunciation, but the girls should remember that if they wish to fully reveal all the daughter's talents who hide the meaning of the name, you need To call it without abbreviations - Vasilisa. The interpretation of the name points to the dedication, authority and justice of this girl, and if you constantly call it abbreviated options, then these qualities are unlikely to be in character.


    In terms of numbers, it is easy to determine the character of a person, and since the name of Vasilisa has several paired letters, they have an enhanced influence on a woman. Each letter in the name has a digital value:

    • IN 3;
    • A - 1;
    • C - 1;
    • And - 1;
    • L - 4.

    Given the double "and", "a" and "s", it is safe to say that their influence is paramount. Moreover, all these letters correspond to one.

    Decoding and Description:

    • Figure 1 gives a person the strongest leadership qualities, such a person never gets lost in the crowd. Also, the predominance of the unit indicates independence. The mystery of Vasilisa lies in self-sufficiency of this woman, she perfectly tolerate loneliness, does not like noisy companies and prefers to communicate only with one or two elected people.
    • Troika indicates a fragmentation. The effect of this figure pushes a girl to a solid and long-term relationship with men. Vasilisa is not inclined to enter into short-term relationships. If this woman is interested in a man, then in his face she sees the future husband.
    • The presence of four in the name indicates the reliability and practicality of the lady. You can rely on this woman in any case, she does not throw words to the wind, and its promises and commitment fulfillment with full responsibility.

    Fate Vasilisa

    The fate of this woman folds happily. Vasilisa does not put impossible tasks and can appreciate what he has. This girl from an early age dreams of a strong and friendly family. She get married pretty early, but the first marriage is not always becoming successful. A young spouse idealizes his chosen one, and when it faces a reality, often disappointed. In the nature of this lady, men's traits prevail, so it sometimes shows excessive cruelty and inflexibility.

    If she decided to part with a man, then it is impossible to change its decision.

    For Vasilisa, there are no shades, the world she sees in black and white tones. The girl with optimism looks to the future, but if her hopes are not justified, she will not deceive himself. Close people of this lady have no rights to mistakes, Vasilisa does not forgive betrayal. If someone ever deceived her, she forever strikes this person from his life. This approach to relationships allows it to leave only sincere, loyal and devotional people next to them. But for them, she is ready to sacrifice everything that has.

    Special Happiness This name brings a girl born in the summer. Summer Vasilisa is much welcoming the winter, so it is easier for them to build relationships with others. Born in spring or winter always strives for something new, so it does not have time to enjoy the present moments. If the girl was born in autumn, she has an increased anxiety. Autumn lady is suspicious and observed, it is bad for rapprochement with people, preferring to hold apart.


    From the early years, Vasyun seeks power. Already in kindergarten, teachers celebrate her leadership abilities. The girl pulls other guys and listen to her teams. It often organizes various games to which others are connected. Adults allow it a lot, as Vasilisa always adheres to the established rules. If my mother explained to her that it was impossible to fight, Lisa would never knock another child on his own initiative. However, it has a highly developed sense of justice, so she will not endure other people's soldiers.

    This is a serious and obedient girl. It is often left behind the older in the circle of the peers, at school prescribe an old-fashioned class. The instructions and the duties assigned to it are performed on excellent. Vasyun love teachers, since she can entrust responsible tasks. The girl learns well and tries to serve everything for other examples.

    Despite visible positive parties, it is a pretty tricky and mischievous girl. She clearly knows with whom and how to behave, so adult fox seemed cute and charming. However, the girl becomes very hard with those who do not like her. If in a group where she learns, someone has been declared boycott, then you can no doubt that it was not without interfering with Vasilisa.


    By 15-17 years old, Vasilisa is transformed. It wakes up femininity and sensuality. This girl carefully monitors his appearance. Already in his youth, she skillfully uses makeup and chooses a distinctive style in clothes. Fashion trends to her alien, Vasilisa prefers elegance and rigor. It is beneficial to stand out against the background of peers with business suit and bright accessories.

    This girl avoids bad companies, she is not interested with guys of their age, adult men are attracted. It stretches to wisdom, experience and consistency. Its manites a luxurious life, so in the circle of the peers, the girl draws attention only to promising guys from wealthy families.

    In the money of Vasilisa sees the power and the wide possibilities to which she seeks. Excuse and greed do not allow it to be distracted by love, from the young age this girl relates pretty cynically for love.

    She is looking for a profitable batch to make dreams as soon as possible. Vasilisa is well aware of his attractiveness and skillfully uses it to achieve its goals. Very often she managed to find the desired, but the ambitions of this girl are great, so it does not stop moving forward.


    In the mature age of Vasilisa is beautiful. Over the years, the beauty of this woman does not fade, but only flourishes with new paints. Usually, in 30 years, Vasilisa has everything that dreamed of. The spouse and children occupy the most important place in her life, but no less important for her work. Ladies set up by this name rarely devote themselves to the family. Most often, they are reigning on a career ladder or are engaged in their own business.

    Vasilisa can plan his time, so it is equally well coped with both home and working responsibilities. She with great warmth and respect treats her husband, but not always feeling deeper feelings. Family for her is a reliable rear, the spouse of this woman for her friend and colleague, and then the lover. Vasilisa does not need a fervent love, so the satellite of life chooses on his business qualities.

    Health and Psychic

    From this woman, you can hardly hear complaints about health, but her immunity is weak. The girl regularly bothers, but does not allow himself to relax and thoroughly to become it. Due to the fact that all the ailments she tolerates on their feet, chronic diseases often develop. Doctors and Hospitals Vasilisa does not like and afraid, and for medical care only appeals in extreme cases. This girl has strong nerves, it is difficult to remove it. It is cool and restrained, it extremely rarely manifested emotions in humans.

    Career, Business, Profession

    It is unlikely that you can meet this girl in the ordinary position. Vasilisa is rapidly moving in any form of activity. It is attracted by senior positions, she loves and knows how to manage people. Subordinates respect this lady, since such a boss not only gives orders, but also actively participates in the work of the team. It competently puts the tasks, and those who do not cope, patiently explains everything and helps to do as it needs.

    It is impossible to note a certain focus in the talents of this lady. Vasilisa is able to figure it out in everything if it interests her. Most often, she chooses professions associated with people. A woman is often fond of social and political problems, looking for and finds ways to solve them. If the girl is engaged in his business, then this is usually something from the service sector: beauty salons or restaurants.

    Hobbies and hobby

    Since childhood, Vasilisa seeks to create beauty. The main hobby becomes needlework, she adores sewing and knit. He loves to receive guests and sweep their sophisticated cooking dishes. It is attracted by confectionery art, since when decorating cakes and cakes, she can show his fantasy.

    Hobbies of this girl are associated with loneliness, she does not like when someone distracts her from his beloved classes. For the same reason, Vasilisa does not attend sports halls, where people crowded. Due to the weak constitution of the body, it is difficult for her to achieve good results in sports, and since in the competitive moments it is used to winning, it simply refuses to participate where it is not able to make way into the number of winners.


    Vasilisa is rarely falling in love, she can love the man after several years of marriage with him. In love relationship, this lady is rarely revealed, she holds feelings under control. However, its chosen one will never guess that the girl lies in the soul. She is a good actress, so with cavaliers behaves as accepted in novels. Only a very affectionate, gentle and patient partner can reach her heart.


    The family life of this woman is designed successfully after 35-40 years. Up to this age, the girl does not get along with men. It is overly critical and picky to loved ones, often demands impossible from them, trying to rely on themselves. If the spouse gives up its influence, it loses interest and respect for him, and as a result it is divorced with him. Only becoming wiser, this woman understands that it is necessary to treat people to be tolerable. If Vasilisa marries in a mature age, then he lives with her husband's soul. This is a constant and decent lady, it is hardly possible to reproach it in infidelity. Even if the relationship with the spouse does not add up, it does not look at other men until it discern with the previous one.


    In bed, this woman behaves relaxed. She loves sex, it is in an intimate plan of Vasilisa allows himself to show passion and temperament in the open. She is attracted to bed games and long preludes, fast sex is not for her.

    The girl is looking for aesthetics in everything, so Vasilisa lies with the proximity to vasilice through romantic dates. It will not give up to the ferventness, if something does not comply with the rules represented by it. You can put this woman in the bed only conservative methods with long courtship and gradual convergence. She will agree on sex only after it is convinced of the seriousness of the election intentions.

    Compatible with men

    The leadership qualities of Vasilisa prevent her to build relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. She is bad with soft and flexible men, so she should not join the representatives of the following names:

    • Evgeny;
    • Ilya;
    • Nikita;
    • Yuri.

    These men Vasilisa suppresses their authority. But with stronger partners, she can find his happiness if learn to give them a dominant role. Best of all, Vasilisa has a relationship with media of the next male names:

    Male nameCharacteristic of relationships
    GrigoryThis man gives a girlfriend confidence in tomorrow. She does not arise disagreements with Gregory, because both are acting and thinking on the same wave. Such a union allows each partner to show its best qualities.
    DenisWith Denis Vasilisa immediately finds a common language. This man causes her respect, he does not allow her to lead it, but he himself is not trying to put pressure on her. This is a partnership of two equal practitioners
    NovelThe novel is able to make a great pair of this girl from the young years. He patiently and persistent, the criticism of the girl does not hurt him, as Vasilisa quickly understands that he should not blame him. She can rely on him in any case, because he is as responsible as his chosen
    SvyatoslavWith this man girl feels easily and freely. Svyatoslav does not encroach on the independence of the beloved, he admired the independence and purposefulness of this woman. Vasilisa also finds not only strong support in life, but also a better friend

Growth, weight, age. How old is Vasilis Volodyina

Vasilisa Volodina has always been elegant and fragile. Although she gave birth to two children, one of which was born only two years ago, it is possible only to envy her forms. That is why the TV presenter fans often are interested in what its weight, growth, age. How many years Vasilis Volodyina is an equally popular question in the network, because it looks stunning.

So, Vasilisa Volodyina is 43 years old. It weighs 56 kg with an increase of 170 cm. Many are interested in the secret of the famous astrologer of the country, everything turned out to be very simple. Vasilisa is practically not inclined to completeness, which means that sometimes allows themselves the liberty without harm to the figure. Of course, the main thing is to know the measure in everything. In maintaining harmony, the astrologer naturally have star calculations and customs that she keeps secret.

Biography Vasilisa Volodina (TV presenter, astrologer)

Vasilisa grew in the family of the military, and therefore he knew the rigor of education, and was also vaccinated for order and hardworking.

Vasilisa parallel to get a secondary and musical education. Also, she was a frequenter of various circles. It is strict upbringing that has become a impetus to a successful future and good performance.

By the future profession, Vasilis began to be interested in school years. During this period, on television, they first started talking about unidentified flying objects that the girl looked down in the sky from the balcony, looking into the binoculars. She did not see any UFO, but very carefully examined the stars and their location. At that moment, the girl was seriously interested in astrology, after reading several books.

Being at the age of 14, Vasilisa was fascinated by the literature on the Hiromantia and read about his palm of the famous life.

Vasilisa receives secondary education, then receive a diploma of higher economic education in Moscow. But, the girl did not attract the girl, then she decides to enter the Moscow Academy of Astrology. From this point on, the biography of Vasilisa Volodina began to fill more and more vivid events, both from a personal, so professional nature.

The first clients of the astrologer Vasilisa were her classmates. After receiving special education and skills, the girl made predictions not only to students, but also more influential and secured people. Her work has become popular because of the high percentage of previous predictions. Thanks to high professionalism, Vasilisa acquired useful acquaintances and began to gain popularity among the metropolitan elite.

Officially, Vasilisa began to work as a psycho-trap since the beginning of the 90s. All more influential people, stars, other cones are addressed to it. To get to the famous astrologer of Moscow, it was necessary to defend a considerable queue.

Since 2006, Vasilisa starts working the TV presenter of the Star Night program with Vasilisa Volodyina on one of the domestic channels.

Already in 2008, a popular astrologer was invited to work for one of the leading channels of Russia TV host "Let's get married." Its task to tell how the stars will favorab one or another pair on the program. Together with Vasilisa, Rosa Syabitova and Larisa Guzeyev leads. It becomes a very popular TV shows, introducing fans of Volodyina and making it a mud of many fellow citizens.

Personal life Vasilisa Volodyina

Personal life Vasilisa Volodyina is quite interesting, but not so diverse as many famous Russian celebrities. In the 90s, Vasilisa ordered an individual astrological forecast for one man. Later, Vasilisa was very surprised at how much a person suits her to whom she made up the forecast. According to Volodya, their compatibility was perfect.

Sergey Volodin and Vasilisa did not immediately become a couple, but only after some time. The meeting occurred quite by chance, at the party of common friends Sergei and Vasilisa. After marriage, the girl took the creative pseudonym and surname of her husband.

The relationship was gained momentum, but it was not all marriage, only after Sergei and Vasilisa had a firstborn - they had tied themselves to marriage. When the couple met, Sergey worked by the logistics, and the spouse's career growth in time, decided to quit his job and help his wife. Two years ago, the spouses had another child. Vasilisa is happy, but it thanks it for this stars and their skills.

Kids Vasilisa Volodina

Daughter Victoria and Son Vyacheslav - children of Vasilisa Volodyina and her spouse. Vika was born in 2001, and fame - in 2015. The astrologer was ready to appear his children, because their birth dates in advance.

Many surprised the news about the pregnancy by Volodyina by the second child, because at that time she was 40. But, the astrologer itself was not afraid of himself, but on the contrary. And the husband, and the eldest daughter of Vika wanted replenishment. Although Vasilisa, focused more on the state of health and what the stars say about. She admitted that he often appeal to her for the help of a woman wishing to have successful or talented children, children of a certain gender. Vasilisa always surprised it, because many future mothers forget about the most important thing - the health of the baby. And how successful the child will be depends on genetics and education.

Son Vasilisa Volodina - Vyacheslav

The second child, the son of Vasilisa Volodina - Vyacheslav, who was born in 2015. It was the expected child, planned. To the appearance of a kid to the light, the family was preparing in advance. The husband expressed the desire to attend the birth of a child, and his daughter helped her mother in every way, as he was happy in anticipation of the appearance of a brother. Today is glory 2 years old, it grows in a happy and friendly family. Vasilisa tries to devote all his free time to children, although it is quite small. Many are surprised why the spouses wanted the second child so late, but Vasilisa herself admitted that they had already awaited the right moment.

Daughter Vasilisa Volodyina - Victoria

First child pair daughter Vasilisa Volodyina - Victoria. A popular astrologer admitted that pregnancy was severe due to health problems. Today, her daughters are already 16, she ends with school. The girl is in-depth studying English, and goes to the UK to the courses. But, Vika plans to work and live in his homeland, and not abroad. The daughter of the famous TV presenter Vasilisa Volodina loves training at school, especially, accurate sciences (mathematics) attract it.

As for the future profession, Victoria would like to have his own business, sell watches or jewelry. In any case, as the daughter of Vasilisa told in an interview, she counts on the help and support of parents.

Vicky has a hobby, she loves to learn English, which is already free to communicate, and also engaged in basketball. Training at the girl three times a week. She likes this sport madly.

Wiki's girlfriends often ask her mother to draw up an astrological forecast, somehr still managed to get it. As for fans, they are definitely there, but not yet very concern Victoria. The girl is not going to marry early, dreaming to build a career and make money on a condensed future.

Vasilisa Volodyina's husband - Sergey Volodin

Sergey and Vasilisa met each other at a party for general friends. But, Vasilis literally learned this man before their acquaintance, thanks to individual asthrohnosis, which she had previously asked to draw up one friend. Then, Vasilisa was surprised, because they approached each other 100%, which stars said. Lovers for 7 years lived in civil marriage, and when Vasilisa became pregnant, they decided to legalize the relationship, but without lush celebrations.

Spouses in marriage for more than 16 years (officially), and together since 1995. Vasilisa Volodyina's husband - Sergey Volodin, worked in the field of logistics, and very well. But when the wife began to gain increasing popularity, decided to become its director, helping both at home and with work on work. After all, except for shooting on television, Vasilisa still continues to provide the services of an astrologer and willing - a lot. Sergey watches her schedule, helps with phone calls. The naked eye is noticeable that the couple is happy in marriage.

Naked Vasilisa Volodina

Popular TV host and astrologer Vasilis Volodina is a very attractive woman who always follows his figure and beauty. She is already 43, but the requests in the Naked Vasilis Volodin network does not become less. It is strange that Vasilisa was not seen not only in frank photo shoots, but also in indecent. Its outfits are always feminine and elegant, makeup always in the topic and in moderation. Yes, she is a public person, blonde, elegant and beautiful, but no reasons for dirty rumors did not give. A woman has two children, a husband and profession, far from dirty intrigues and indecency. Perhaps someone's violent fantasy caused ambiguous comments on the network that quickly became popular.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vasilisa Volodyina

The popularity of astrologer Vasilisa Volodyina shook and the farther, the more. Her tight schedule does not allow her to relax. Along with other famous Celabritis of the domestic show business, Instagram and Wikipedia Vasilisa Volodyina also has on the network.

In the social network, Instagram has more than 300 thousand subscribers. Vasilisa told that many of her acquaintances only call her friends, and they put on them just freezers who dream of getting a free consultation of the leading domestic astrologer. Vasilisa works for a fee, about which there is also information in instagram. About her a lot of interesting information, a lot of articles about her personal life, children. It is often divided by fresh photos from work and not only. In addition to ordinary biographical data, there are other information that is not very pleasant (nude photos and other).

The Volodya family is happily, as if they got married yesterday. In their family, respect, hard work, honesty reigns. The fact that they found each other, the astrologer binds with the stars. Vasilisa Volodina also deals with charity. Does not forget mom and about children - Vika and Slavka. Today, spouses raise two wonderful children.

Vasilisa Vladimirovna Volodin (nee Oksana Naumova). Born on April 16, 1974 in Moscow. Russian astrologer, astropsychologist and TV presenter.

Volodina - the surname of her husband, Vasilisa - pseudonym. The passport shows the maiden name.

Interest in Esoteric in the biography of Vasilisa Volodina awakened in adolescence. From the age of 14, he was fascinated by card fortune tells, as well as the definition of fate along the palm lines (Hiromantia). Together with this occupation in the biography of Vasilisa Volodyina, astrological experience came.

He graduated from the Academy of Department of Sergo Ordzhonikidze, by education - economist-cybernetics. He defended her diploma on the topic "Forecasting futures in the grain market." In parallel, he studied at the Moscow Academy of Astrology at M. B. Levina.

Since 1992, it works as an astrologer. Conducts personal, as well as business counseling, is forecasts (for press, television).

She became one of the highest paid financial astrolories in Moscow. "A large deployed consultation with a forecast for several years ahead costs from $ 2000. This is a serious job that wealthy people can afford. And serious - their mistakes will cost them more expensive than consultation at the astrologer"- says Vasilisa.

Since 2006, Volodina starts working on television, in the program "Star Night with Vasilisa Volodyina" on the TV channel "Capital".

Since 2008, he took part in the program "Let's get married!" On the first channel as an expert and coordinates and.

In October 2014, he left the project for pregnancy.

In 2012, Vasilis Volodina released a book "Astrology of seduction. Keys to the heart of a man. Encyclopedia Relations »which became the winner of the "Electronic Letter" premium in the nomination "Opening of the Year".

Vasilisa Volodin in the program "Alone with all"

As for astrology and the functions of Astrol Vasilisa says: "The location of the planets in the sky on a person really does not affect, we do not puppets so that someone will pull us for a string. The human horoscope describes - this is such a convenient characteristic system, a certain mechanism that shows how a person is structurally arranged, what motives are driven, To which they pushed him and in which direction he is most likely to develop.

Suppose you are used to every day for three hours to dine. And this is how the clock is prikali - go to the dining room. This is not the clock to blame for this, they do not drive you to the refrigerator, they do not cause the selection of gastric juice. But the clock shows you that the desire to eat is justified. The clock is a mechanism that helps to navigate. The horoscope is the same clock. Imagine such a big clock - with a double dial, 10 arrows, and sectors on each dial - 24. That's about this is the horoscope.

Astrology is like a financial analyst - when we understand that there is a one-year cycle, then the shares will take off ... Only astrology is also not a calendar, where you can take a look when you please.

Astrologer is a mathematician that studies individual human cycles. The horoscope does not affect us physically, it is a kind of tool, a set of cyclic methods, which allows the astrologer to explore the cycles in a person's life ".

Vasilisa Volodyina's growth: 170 centimeters.

Personal life Vasilisa Volodyina:

Married to Sergey Volodyin. The husband worked in the field of logistics, later became the director of Vasilisa Volodyina, engaged in planning her working time.

According to Vasilisa, Astrology helped her to meet Sergey.

She told: "We have a mystical story of our dating with Sergey. It so happened that his horoscope I studied before we met. Somehow a friend turned to me and asked for a horoscope to my friend Sergey Volodin. I fulfilled his request and, I remember, I also noted about myself: "I have an amazing compatibility with this stranger." It took a little time, and the buddy invited me for my birthday. In the courtyard of his house I was faced with a beautiful guy. When our views met, I was sculpted for the first time in my life Thought: "But for this, I would marry ...". So came out.

Vasilisa Volodina - A rare combination of astrologer and TV presenter, the eternal participant "Let's get married", one of the most popular entertainment TV shows of All Russia.

Vasilisa Volodina Biography, photo - find out everything! Name: Vasilisa Volodina Date of birth: April 16, 1974 Zodiac sign: Aries Place of birth: Moscow Actuary: Astrologer, TV presenter: 56 kg Height: 170 cm

The name of Vasilisa for the heroine of our narration is a pseudonym, which, in her opinion, is suitable for her on a horoscope. Different sources by the name of the famous Astropsychologist Vasilisa Volodina Call Svetlana, Oksana, Elena or Elizabeth. It is believed that the most close to the same option is the name Oksana. His maiden name - Naumova, the future TV presenter Vasilis Volodine changed when he married Sergey Volodin (a long-range relative. But, everything in order.

Childhood Vasilisa Volodina
Vasilisa Volodina Born in the capital of the USSR on April 16, 1974. The girl from the Small years was brought up in strict discipline, since her father was a military man. Since childhood, parents taught Vasilis to order, hard work and diligence. Vasilisa Volodina In childhood, in addition to the general education, the child visited and music school, as well as many circles and sections.
Vasilisa Volodina It was a very diligent student and from seven years helped mothers to keep a household. High moral plan, delivered by her parents, asked a rigid working pace of all follow-up Vasilisa Volodina. Interest in the future work of all her life, the famous astrologer began to manifest himself in school.
Then in the 80s, for the first time on the Soviet television, they were talking about UFOs and various paranormal phenomena. Empirely listening to these programs, Vasilisa with greed linked all the information.

And then, long in the evenings, thoughtful and dreamy schoolgirl held an endless clock on the balcony of the parent apartment in Odintsovo, watching the father's military binoculars behind the starry sky. According to the memoirs of the same astrologer, she did not see a single UFO, but it was great to navigate in the arrangement of the stars. Being very passionate and purposeful in nature, Vasilisa read the first few books in their lives of astrology. Of these, she learned the most important truth for himself: the stars can predict the future. A little later, at the age of 14, after reading several books on the chiromantia, Vasilisa made an important discovery on his own palm: in the future, she awaits fame and glory!

Beginning of Career Vasilisa Volodyina
Having finished school with a gold medal, Vasilisa Volodina (Then - Naumova) easily entered the SERGO ORGENIKIDZE Academy to the Economic Faculty Academy. She continued to learn diligently in the university, but the received diploma was made in the specialty "economist-cybernetic" did not give moral satisfaction. Her soul sought to another. Creative inspiration Vasilisa Volodina Received by studying in parallel with the university at the Moscow Academy of Astrology.
First astrological consultations of Vasilisa Volodin Began to spend from 20 years. And at the end of learning at the Astrology Academy, Ms. Volodine was fascinated by the construction of astrological forecasts for business. In the 90s, it was not more relevant. In addition, the future tV presenter Vasilisa Volodina Personal astrological advice for friends and acquaintances.

Professional activities of Vasilisa Volodyina
Since the beginning of the 2000s Career Vasilisa Volodina Definitely went uphill. Children's predictions gradually became a reality. Business forecasts compiled by her and personal horoscopes had a high percentage of accuracy, which did not escape the eyes of the Moscow elite. Volodina became recognizable and famous figure in Moscow secular circles. Horoscopes Vasilisa Volodina very popular in 2006 Astrologer was invited to work as a lead star Night Programs with Vasilisa VolodyinaThe broadcast on the TV channel "Capital". And in 2008, she began operations as an expert astrologer in the First Channel program, "let's get married."

Vasilisa Volodina About horoscopes: How important it is to use the exact birth's birthday that this show made Volodya known to the whole country. Many viewers believe Vasilisa Volodin The most charming of the three leading programs, among which such famous media faces of Russian culture, as well as Rosa Syabitov.

Personal life Vasilisa Volodyina
Once, in the distant 90s, a familiar appealed to the young astrologer Naumova to make a personal horoscope for his friend, a certain Sergey Volodin. At the order of fate Vasilisa Volodina He studied the stellar card of his future husband before a personal acquaintance with him.
Noting for himself rarely encountered amazing compatibility with his horoscope, the girl had already managed to forget about this strange case. But fate brought them personally at a meeting of friends. With this friendly party, when spontaneous, but strong feeling arose between young people, and they are still together.

In 2001, after three years of living in a civil marriage couple of Volodya Daughter was born - Victoria. At the same time Sergey and Vasilisa VolodinaFinally, officially signed, without arranging lush wedding celebrations. Sergey, who worked initially in the field of logistics, after some time he became the director of his wife, making it a business schedule. Vasilisa Volodina Born the Son with the second child of Vasilisa did not rush. Having thoroughly studying his horoscope, she calculated that the future son should appear on this light only when she fulfilled 40 years. On January 3, 2015, Volodina became a mom for the second time. The baby called Vyacheslav.