"Seville Naughty and Stone Guest": description and analysis of the plays. Molina Tirso Seville Naughty, or Stone Guest

"Seville Naughty and Stone Guest": description and analysis of the plays. Molina Tirso Seville Naughty, or Stone Guest

Palace of the King Neapolitan. Night. Don Juan comes out of the Duchess Isabella, who takes him for his beloved Duke Octavo. She wants to light a candle, but Don Juan stops her. Isabella suddenly understands that it was not an octaveo with her, and calls for help. Neapolitan king comes to the noise and orders the guard to grab Done Juan and Isabella. He entrusts the Spanish Ambassador Don Pedro Tenoro to figure out what happened and leaves. Don Pedro orders Jebella. When Don Pedro and Don Juan left her eye, Don Juan tells how cunning snuck to Isabelle and took possession of her. Don Juan is Don Pedro's nephew, and Uncle Will-Neils have to cover his tricks. Fearing the monarch of anger, he sends Don Juan to Milan and promises to inform the nephew about the consequences of his deception. Don Pedro reports the King Neapolitan, that a man who grabbed the guard jumped from the balcony and fled, and the lady, which turned out to be the Duchess Isabella, argues that the Duke of Oktavo appeared to her at night and treasured her. The king orders to leave Isabella in the dungeon, and octaveo grab and violence in Isabelle. Don Pedro and the guards come to the house Octavo. Don Pedro the name of the king accuses him that he discounted Isabella, who believed his asks. Oktavo, having learned about the infidelity of the beloved, comes to despair and decides to secretly flee to Spain. Don Juan, instead of going to Milan, also sails to Spain.

Young tisbey fisherman sits on the seashore near Tarragona and fishes fish. All her friends are in love, she is also unknown to flour love, and it rejoices that neither passion nor jealousy is poisoning her life. Suddenly a cry is heard: "Save! Tone! ", And soon two men are chosen on the land: this is Don Juan and his servant Catalive. Don Juan saved the endless servant, but, going to the land, collapsed unconscious. Tisbeya sends Catalon for fishermen, and herself puts the head of Don Juan to his knees. Don Juan comes to feel and seeing the beauty of the girl, explains to her in love. Fishermen take Don Juan to Tisbei's house. Don Juan orders Katalin to get horses to embellish before dawn. Katalon is trying to stop the owner: "Throw a girl and hide - / This is about the raining fee?", But Don Juan recalls Eney, who threw Didon. Don Juan kits Tisbee in love and promises to take her to his wife, but after a trusting girl is given to him, he fits towards the same horses along with the catalive. Tisbea mourns his express honor.

King Alphonse Castilsky talks with Don Gonzalo de Uloa, who returned from Lisbon. Gonzalo talks about the beauty of Lisbon, calling him the eighth miracle of the world. The king to reward gonzalo for the faithful service, promises himself to find a decent groom for his beautiful daughter. He intends to give her for Don Juan Tenoro. Gonzalo in the souls of the future son-in-law - after all, he comes from a noble Seville race.

Don Juan Diego's father receives a letter from his brother Don Pedro, where he tells how Don Juan was caught at night with the Duchess Isabella. King Alfons Castilsky, learning about this, asks where Don Juan is now. It turns out that he came to Seville this night. The king is going to inform everything about everything in Naples, to marry Don Juan on Isabelle and rid from the undeserved kara duke octaveo. In the meantime, from respect to the merit of the Father, he sends Don Juan to Exile in Lebriah. The king regrets that the daughter of Don Gonzalo for Don Juano, and not to offend Don Gonzalo, decides to appoint him to Hofamarshal. The servant reports to the king that the Duke of Oktavo arrived and asks to accept him. King and Don Diego think that Oktavo knows everything and will ask for the permission to call Don Juan to the duel. Don Diego, worrying for the life of the Son, asks the king to prevent a duel. The king gently takes octaveo. He promises to write to the Napletinian king, so that he removed from him opal, and suggests him to take the daughter of Don Gonzalo de Uloa. Don Diego invites Oktavo to his home. Having met by chance with Don Juan, Octavo, who does not know that Don Juan is the culprit of all his suffering, exchanges with him assurances in friendship. Done Juan Marquis de la Mota Marka Dow Juan on the fact that he completely forgot. They often focused together, and Don Juan asks the Moto about familiar beauties. Mota belongs to Don Juan his heart secret: he is in love with his cousin Don Abon, and she also loves him, but on trouble. The king has already won it for another. Mota wrote Donate Anna and is now waiting for an answer from her. He is in a hurry to do, and Don Juan proposed waiting for the letters instead of him. When the Mota leaves, Donja Anna's maid reports Don Juan a note for a note. Don Juan rejoices: "I am a good luck / postman to serve me. / It is clear that the letter from the lady, / whose beauty Marquis is immodest / overcast. Here is lucky! / I'm nice, I am not in vain, like the most / unbearable mischievous: / I am really Mastak / Girls, they are unhonest, / so that there was no evidence. " Don Juan prints the letter. Donya Anna writes that for her "three deaths of terrible triple" to live with an unloved spouse, and if the Mota wants to tie his fate with her, let him come to her at eleven o'clock, putting the color cloak so that it was easier to find out. Don Juan transfers Marquis De La Moth that his chosen is waiting for him at midnight in his bedroom and asks to put on a colored cloak, so that Dueny was recognized. Mota is out of happiness. Don Juan rejoices to the upcoming adventure.

Don Diego braws the Son for the fact that he will flock their glorious genus, and tells him the order of the king to immediately leave Seville and go to Lebriah.

Don Juan at night meets the Moto, which will not wait for a meeting with Donia Anna. Since until midnight for another hour, and Don Juan is looking for entertainment. Mota shows him where Beatrice lives, and threatens his colored cloak so that the beauty takes Don Juan for the Moto and was Laskov with him. Don Juan in a raincoat of a moth is sent not to Beatrice, but to Donier Anna, but he cannot deceive the girl, and she drives the height. Don Gonzalo with a naked sword resorts to Creek Daughter. He does not give Don Juan to run away, and to escape, he challenges Don Gonzalo.

Jumping out of the house of Don Gonzalo, Don Juan faces Moto, which hurriedly takes his cloak, for the midnight will come. Don Juan has time to tell him that his prank ended badly, and the moth is preparing to argue the reproaches of Beatrix. Don Juan hides. Mota hears the screams and wants to find out what was the matter, but here it is enough for the guard. Don Diego leads a bottle to the king Alfons of Castilsky, who orders to judge and tomorrow to execute the villain. Moth cannot understand what is the matter, but no one explains anything to him. King tells to bury the glorious commander - Don Gonzalo - with all the honors.

In the field near the village of Dos Ermanas, the peasants celebrate the wedding of Patricko and Amintes. Shepherds sing songs. Suddenly, Katalon appears, which reports that a new guest will arrive - Don Juan Tenoro will soon arrive. Gassen, the father of the bride, rejoices the arrival of a noble senor, Patrioto is not at all glad to the uninvited guest. When Don Juan comes up to the festive table, Gasna asks for guests to relax, but Don Juan, who attracted Aminte, sits right next to her. After the wedding party, Don Juan declares Patriotov, that Aminte is his long-standing mistress and herself invited him to see the last time before he married another. Hearing such a bride, Patrioto without regrets is inferior to her Don Juan. Don Juan, asking the Amintes Hasned Hasane and ordered Katalon to settle his horses and submit them to Dennice, goes to the aminea to the bedroom. Aminte wants to drive him, but Don Juan said that Patrios forgot her and henceforth he, Don Juan, - her husband. Sweet speeches of a deceiver who says that it is ready to marry her even despite his father's will, soften the heart of the girl, and she is given to Don Juan.

Isabella on the way to Seville, where they are waiting for a wedding with Don Juan, meets Tisbe, who turns her his grief: Don Juan seduced her and threw her. Tisbea wants to take revenge on the deceiver and complain to the king. Isabella takes her to his companions.

Don Juan in the chapel talking to the catalive. The servant says that Oktavo agreed that the perpetrator of all his troubles was, and the Marquis de Yes Mota also proved his innocence to the murder of Don Gonzalo, noting the tomb of the Commander, Don Juan reads the inscription on it: "Cavalero burned here. / He is waiting for the Dandy of God / Solver to Revenge. " Don Juan jerges the statue of the beard, then invites stone sculpting to her dinner. In the evening, when Don Juan and Katalion sit at the table, a knock on the door is distributed. The servant sent to open the door, cannot expand the words from fear; A cowardly Catalon, to whom Don Juan tells the guest to let the guest, as if the language swallowed from horror. Don Juan takes a candle and comes to the door himself. It includes Don Gonzalo in the form, in what he is being broken over his tomb. He slowly approaches Don Juan, who retreats in confusion. Don Juan invites a stone guest at the table. After dinner, the commandman makes the sign of Don Juan to send the servants. Having left with him one on one. Commander takes the word from Don Juan tomorrow at ten to come to him for a dinner in a chapel accompanied by a servant. The statue goes. Don Juan brave, trying to overcome horror.

Isabella comes to Seville. The thought of the shame does not give her rest, and she cares with grief. Don Diego asks the king to take off opal from Don Juan, since he is going to marry him on the Duchess Isabelle. The king promises not only to take off Opal, but also to Don Juan Titul Count, so as not to suffering from the pride of Isabella, because the octaveo, with which she was previously gained, - Duke. The queen requested the king to forgive the Marquis de Yes of Moth, and the king orders to free the Marquis and marry him on Donier Anna. Octavo asks the king permission to cause Don Juan to a duel, but the king refuses him.

Aminte with his father is looking for Don Juan. Having met Octavia, they ask where they find it. Oktavo, finding out why they need he needed, advises Gassen to buy daughters outfit, similar to court, and promises himself to take her to the king.

At night, a wedding of Don Juan and Isabella should take place, but before that, Don Juan is going to hold back the word and visit the statue of the commander. When they come to the chapel with the catalion, where Don Gonzalo was buried, the commander invites them to divide the meal with him. He makes Donu Juan to raise the tombstone - under it there is a black table, covered for dinner. Two ghosts in black bring chairs. On the table - scorpions, toads, snakes, from drinking - bile and vinegar. After dinner, the commandman stretches Don Juan's hand. Don Juan gives him his own. Squeezing Don Juan's hand, the statue says "" the Lord's failed / in the righteous solutions. He wants to be punished / you for all your villains / this dead hand. / Vyshny sentence reads: / "For actions and compensation". Don Juan says Dona Anna Clea: He did not have time to disaggregate her. He asks to bring a priest to let him let him go. But Don Gonzalo inexorable. Don Juan dies. A roar is heard, the tomb, together with Don Juan and Don, fell goncalo, and Catalion falls to the floor.

Patriot and Gasna come to the king with a complaint to Don Juan, deceiving at Patrcio Aminte. They are joined by Tisbeya, which Don Juan discounted. Marquis de la Moth comes behind it. He found witnesses, ready to confirm that the crime for which he was in the dungeon did not committed him, but Don Juan. The king orders grab and execute the villain. Don Diego also asks to condemn don Juan to death. Catalian appears. He tells what happened in the chapel. Having heard about fair ragged rascal. The king suggests as soon as possible to send three weddings: octaveo with Widowed Isabella, Moths with Donia Anna and Patriots with Aminte.

Palace of the King Neapolitan. Night. Don Juan comes out of the Duchess of Isabella, who excloses him for his beloved Duke Octavo. She wants to light a candle, but Don Huanostops it. Isabella suddenly understands that it was not an octaveo with her, and calls for help.
The Neapolitan king comes to the noise and orders the guard to grab Don Juanai Isabella. He instructs the Spanish Ambassador Don Pedro Tenoro to figure out, and leaves. Don Pedro orders Jebella. When Don Pedro and Don are huanoted with an eye on the eye, Don Juan tells how the cunning snuck to Isabellei mastered her. Don Juan is Don Pedro's nephew, and Uncle Wolly-Neils have to cover his tricks. Fearing the monarch of anger, he sends Don Juan to Milan and promise the nephew about the consequences of his deception. Don Pedro reports the King Neapolitan, that the man who grabbed the guard jumped from the balcony and fled, and the lady, which turned out to be Heroogy Isabella, argues that the Duke of Oktavo appeared to her at night and cauldly. The king orders to leave Isabella in the dungeon, and octaveo grab and forcibly marry Isabelle. Don Pedro and the guards come to the house Octavo. Don Pedro name kingoquins him in the fact that he discounted Isabella, who believed his asks. Octaveo, the understanding of the beloved infurity, comes to despair and decides to secretly flee to Spain. Donhuan, instead of going to Milan, also sails to Spain. The girl Tisbaysitis is on the seashore near Tarragona and fishes. All her friends are in love, she is not noteworthy of love, and it rejoices that neither passion nor jealousy poisoning her life. Throws a cry: "Save! Tona! ", And soon two men are choshit: it's don Juani his servant Catalion. Don Juan saved the endless servant, but, going to the land, collapsed. Tisbeya sends Catalon for fishermen, and herself puts Don Juan's head to sebal knees. Don Juan comes to the feeling and, seeing the beauty of the girl, explain in love. Fishermen take Don Juan to Tisbei's house. Don Juan orders the catalonuras of horses in order to escape to the dawn imperceptibly. Katalion is trying to stop hosted: "Throw a girl and hide - / This is about the raining fee?", But Don Juanvespets the Eney, who threw Didon. Don Juan dies Tisbee in love and promises to take her wife, but, after a trusting girl is given to him, he dries down with the catalyne. Tisbea mourns his emulsioned. Kalol Alfons Castilsky talks with Don Gonzalo de Uloa, returning Lisbon. Gonzalo talks about the beauty of Lisbon, calling him the eighth miracle of the world.
The king to reward gonzalo for the right service, promises himself to find a decent groom for the beauty of his daughter. He intends to give her for Don Juan Tenoro. Gonzalo in the soul to participate - after all, he comes from a noble Seville race. Done Juan Don dieggles a letter from his brother Don Pedro, where he tells how Don Juan was caught up with the Duchess Isabella. King Alfons Castilsky, having learned about it, asks, Gdesayh Don Juan. It turns out that he came to Seville this night. The king is going to be about to all go to Naples, to marry Don Juan on Isabelle and get rid of the undeserved Carygerzog octaveo. In the meantime, out of respect for the merits of the Father, he sends Don Juan's expulsion to Lebriah. The king regrets that the daughter donal apexal for Don Juan, and, so as not to offend Don Gonzalo, decides to appoint it to Hofamarshal.
The servant reports to the king that the Duke of Oktavo arrived and asks to accept him. The king and the Don you know that the octaveo knows everything and will ask for permission to call Don Juan to the duel. Donde, disturbing the life of the Son, asks the king to prevent a duel. The king is affectionately accepted. He promises to write to the Napletinian king, so that he removed from him opal, and suggests him to take the daughter of Don Gonzalo de Uloa. Don Diego invites Oktave their home. Having met by chance with Don Juan, Octavo, who does not know that Don Juan is the culprit of all his suffering, exchanges with him assurances in friendship. Done Juan's friend Markisma La Mota Pension Don Juan on the fact that he completely forgot. They are often boning, and Don Juan asks the Mother of familiar beauties. Mota belongs to Don Juan his own secret: he is in love with his cousin Donew Anna, and she also loves him, but on trouble.
The king has already won it for another. Mota wrote Donate Anna and is now waiting for an answer from her.
He is in a hurry to do, and Don Juan proposed waiting for the letters instead of him. When it turns out, the maid of Donja Anna transfers Don Juan a note for a moot. Don Juan is rejoicing: "Mooring the very goodness / postman was filed. / It is clear that the letter from the lady, / whose beauty is MarkiSneskromic / overcast. Here is lucky! / I'm nice, I am not in vain, like the most / unbearable mischievous: / I am really Mastak / Girls, they are unhonest, / so that there was no evidence. " Don Juanolaspit. Dona Anna writes that for her "three deaths of terrible triple" live by an unloved spouse, and if the Mota wants to tie his fate with her, let him come to the Nein eleven hours, putting the colored cloak so that it was easier to find out. Don Juan transfers Marquisud La Mota that his chosen is waiting for him at midnight in his bedroom and asks for a colorful cloak, so that the Dueny was recognized. Mota is out of happiness. Don Juan is rejoicing to the upcoming succession. Dyuly branches the Son for the fact that he will flock their glorious genus, and give the king's order to immediately leave Seville and go to Lebriah. Don Juan at night remarks the Mother, which will not wait for a date with Donia Anna. Since up to midbid a whole hour, and Don Juan is looking for entertainment. Mota shows him where Beatrice lives, and lens his colored raincoat, so that the beauty takes Don Juan for the Moto and was with Nemlaskov. Don Juan in a raincoat of a moth is sent not to Beatrice, but to Donier Anna, but he manages to deceive the girl, and she drives the height. Don Gonzalos naked sword resorts to Creek Daughter. He does not give Don Juan to escape, and to escape, that challenged down a gonzalo. Having a don's house from the house of Done Gonzalo, Don Juan faces Moto, who will take his raincoat, which is about to come midnight. Don Juan has time to tell him that his prank ended badly, and the moth is preparing to argue the reproaches of Beatrix. Don Juansk is. Mota hears the screams and wants to find out what was the matter, but here it is enough for the guard. Dondeoga leads a bottle to the King of Alphonse Castilsky, who orders to judge and break the villain to execute. Moth cannot understand what is the matter, but no one explains anything to him.
King tells to bury the glorious commander - Don Gonzalo - with allpoints. In the field near the village of Dos Ermanas, the peasants celebrate the wedding of Patricks and Amintes.
Shepherds sing songs. Suddenly, the Catalive appears, which reports that a margin will soon arrive - Don Juan Tenoro. Gassen, the father of the bride, rejoices the arrival of a noble senor, Patriotice is not at all glad to the uninvited guest. When Don Juan comes to a festive table, the guests will be sighted, but Don Juan, who attracted Aminte, sits right next to her. After the wedding party, Don Juan declares Patriot, that Aminte - his long-standing mistresses herself invited him to see the last time before the marriage of another will be married. Hearing such a bride, Patrioto without regrets is inferior to her Don Juan. Don Juan, asking the aminta's hand from Hacken and ordered Katalonon to settle his horses and Dennice, goes to the aminea to the bedroom. Aminte wants to drive him, but Don Huangovitis that Patrios forgot her and from now on, Don Juan, - her husband. Sweet speeches, who says he is ready to marry her even despite her father's will, soften the hearts, and she is given to Don Juan.Izabella on the way to Seville, where her weddabas Don Juan is waiting for her, which hesitate her grief: Don Juan Seduced her threw. Tisbea wants to take revenge on the deceiver and complain to the king. Isabella takes himself to his companions. Don Juan in the chapel talking to the catalion. It is servant that the octaveo agreed who the culprit of all his misfortunes was, and the Marquis de Yes of Moth simply conceded his innocence to the murder of Don Gonzalo, noting the tomb of the Commander, the Don Huntacks the inscription on it: "Cavalero burned here. He is waiting for the Dandy of God / Solvubotomstit. " Don Juan pulls the statue of the courtyard over his beard, then invites stone scabbies to his dinner. In the evening, when Don Juan and Katalina sit at the table, the door heels. The servant sent to open the door, cannot expand the words from fear;
a cowardly Catalon, to whom Don Juan tells the guest to let the guest, as if the language swallowed from horror.
Don Juan takes a candle and comes to the door himself. Don Gonzalo is included in the form, in Kakomon is begging over his tomb. He slowly approaches Don Juan, who retreats confusion. Don Juan invites a stone guest at the table. After dinner, Commands the sign Don Juan send the servants. Having left with him one on one. The commander takes the word with Donahuana tomorrow at ten to come to him for a dinner in a chapel accompanied by a servant.
The statue goes. Don Juan brave, trying to overcome the horror. Andabella comes to Seville.
The thought of the shame does not give her rest, and she cares with grief. Don Diego asks the king to remove the population from Don Juan, since he is going to marry him on the Duchess Isabelle. Korols not only to take off opal, but also to Don Juan Titul Count, so as not to the suffrageity of Isabella, because the octaveo, with which she was previously engaged, - the duke. QueenArted King to forgive Marquis de Yes Moth, and the king orders to free the marquise to marry him on the Donier Anna. Octavo asks the king of permission to cause Done Juanana a duel, but the king refuses to him.amint with his father is looking for Don Juan. MeetingOktavo, they ask where they find it. Oktavo, finding out why they need him, it is advised to buy a daughter's daughter, similar to court, and promises himself to take Skyk Korole. There should be a wedding of Don Juan and Isabella, but before that, Don Huanswicks to keep the word and visit the statue of the commander. When they with the catalion coming the chapel, where Don Gonzalo is buried, the commandman invites them to divide the meal with him.
He tells Donu Juan to raise the tombstone - under it there is a black table, covered with forgotten. Two ghosts in black bring chairs. On the table - scorpions, toads, snakes, from drinking - bile and vinegar. After dinner, the commandman stretches Don Juan's hand. Don JuanPods his own. Squeezing Don Juan's hand, the statue says "" I will defect the Lord / in the righteous solutions. He wants to be punished / you for all your villains / this dead hand.
/ Vyshny sentence reads: / "For actions and compensation". Don Juan says Dona Annachista: He did not have time to disaggregate her. He asks to bring the priest to let him let go of the church. But Don Gonzalo inexorable. Don Juan dies. A crash is heard, the tomb, together with Donomhuan and Don, fell goncalo, and Katalon falls on Paul. Patriotic and overspend to the king with a complaint with Don Juan, deceiving from Patricko Aminte. Tisbee is nimmunted, which Don Juan has discounted. Marquis de la Moth comes behind it.
He found witnesses, ready to confirm that the crime for which he entered into a dungeon did not committed him, but don Juan. The king orders grab and execute the villain.
Don Diego also asks to condemn don Juan to death. Catalian appears. He tells what happened in the chapel. Having heard about fair ragged rascal. The king is proposed to correct three weddings: octaveo with Widowed Isabella, Moths with Donia Annai Patriots with aminea.

Seville Najik, or Stone Guest

Palace of the King Neapolitan. Night. Don Juan comes out of the Duchess Isabel, who takes him for his beloved Duke Octavo. She wants to light a candle, but Don Juan stops her. Isabel suddenly understands that it was not an octaveo with her, and calls to help. Neapolitan king comes to the noise and orders the guard to grab Done Juan and Isabel. He entrusts the Spanish Ambassador Don Pedro Tenoro to figure out what happened and leaves. Don Pedro orders Jabel. When Don Pedro and Don Juan left her eye, Don Juan tells how cunning snuck to Isabel and mastered it. Don Juan is Don Pedro's nephew, and Uncle Will-Neils have to cover his tricks. Fearing the monarch of anger, he sends Don Juan to Milan and promises to inform the nephew about the consequences of his deception. Don Pedro reports the King Neapolitan, that the man who grabbed the guard jumped from the balcony and fled, and the lady, which turned out to be the Duchess Isabel, argues that the Duke of Oktavo appeared to her at night and worn it. The king orders to leave Isabel in the dungeon, and octaveo grab and violence for Isabel. Don Pedro and the guards come to the house Octavo. Don Pedro's name King accuses him that he discounted Isabel, who believed his asks. Oktavo, having learned about the infidelity of the beloved, comes to despair and decides to secretly flee to Spain. Don Juan, instead of going to Milan, also sails to Spain.

Young tisbey fisherman sits on the seashore near Tarragona and fishes fish. All her friends are in love, she is also unknown to flour love, and it rejoices that neither passion nor jealousy is poisoning her life. Suddenly a cry is heard: "Save! Tone!", And soon two men are choshit: it's Don Juan and his servant Catadinone. Don Juan saved the endless servant, but, going to the land, collapsed unconscious. Tisbeya sends Catalon for fishermen, and herself puts the head of Don Juan to his knees. Don Juan comes to feel and seeing the beauty of the girl, explains to her in love. Fishermen take Don Juan to Tisbei's house. Don Juan orders Katadinone to get horses to imperceptibly slipping before dawn. Katalon is trying to stop the owner: "Throw a girl and hide - / This is about the raining fee?", But Don Juan remembers Eney, who threw Didon. Don Juan swear Tisbee in love and promises to take her to his wife, but after a trusting girl is given to him, he bows towards the same horses with Catadinone. Tisbea mourns his express honor.

King Alphonse Castilsky talks with Don Gonzalo de Uloa, who returned from Lisbon. Gonseado talks about the beauty of Lisbon, calling him the eighth miracle of the world. The king to reward gonzalo for the faithful service, promises himself to find a decent groom for his beautiful daughter. He intends to give her for Don Juan Tenoro. Gonzalo in the souls of the future son-in-law - after all, he comes from a noble Seville race.

Don Juan Don Diego's father receives a letter from his brother Don Pedro, where he tells how Don Juan was caught at night with the Duchess Isabel. King Alfons Castilsky, learning about this, asks where Don Juan is now. It turns out that he came to Seville this night. The king is going to inform about everything in Naples, to marry Don Juan on Isabel and rid of the undeserved kara of the duke octaveo. In the meantime, from respect to the merits of the Father, he sends Don Juan to Exile in Huebrich. The king regrets that the daughter of Don Horseado was too hastily for Don Juan, and, so as not to offend Don Gonzalo, decides to appoint him to Gofamarshal. The servant reports to the king that the Duke of Oktavo arrived and asks to accept him. King and Don Diego think that Oktavo knows everything and will ask for the permission to call Don Juan to the duel. Don Diego, worrying for the life of the Son, asks the king to prevent a duel. The king gently takes octaveo. He promises to write to the Napletinian king, so that he removed from him opal, and suggests him to take the daughter of Don Gonzalo de Uloa. Don Diego invites Oktavo to his home. Having met by chance with Don Juan, Octavo, who does not know that Don Juan is the culprit of all his suffering, exchanges with him assurances in friendship. Done Juan Marquis de la Mota Marka Dow Juan on the fact that he completely forgot. They often focused together, and Don Juan asks the Moto about familiar beauties. Mota belongs to Don Juan his heart secret: he is in love with his cousin Don Abon, and she also loves him, but on trouble. The king has already won it for another. Mota wrote Donate Anna and is now waiting for an answer from her. He is in a hurry to do, and Don Juan proposed waiting for the letters instead of him. When the Mota leaves, Donja Anna's maid reports Don Juan a note for a note. Don Juan rejoices: "I am very good to serve for me. / It's clear that the letter from the lady, / whose crasa Marquis is immodest / overcast. Here you're lucky! / Nice I'm not in vain, like the most / dampardone misornik: Girls dishonor so, / so that there was no evidence. " Don Juan prints the letter. Donj Anna writes that for her "three deaths of terrible triple" to live with an unloved spouse, and if the Mota wants to tie his fate with her, let him come to her at eleven o'clock, putting to the colored cloak so that it was easier to find out. Don Juan transfers Marquis De La Moth that his chosen is waiting for him at midnight in his bedroom and asks to put on a colored cloak, so that Dueny was recognized. Mota is out of happiness. Don Juan rejoices to the upcoming adventure.

Don Diego braws the Son for the fact that he will flock their glorious genus, and tells him the order of the king to immediately leave Seville and go to Lebriah.

Don Juan at night meets the Moto, which will not wait for a meeting with Donia Anna. Since until midnight for another hour, and Don Juan is looking for entertainment. Mota shows him where Beatrice lives, and threatens his colored cloak so that the beauty takes Don Juan for the Moto and was Laskov with him. Don Juan in a raincoat of a moth is sent not to Beatrice, but to Donier Anna, but he cannot deceive the girl, and she drives the height. Don Gonzalo with a naked sword resorts to Creek Daughter. He does not give Don Juan to run away, and to escape, he challenges Don Gonzalo.

Jumping out of the house of Don Gonzalo, Don Juan faces Moto, which hurriedly takes his cloak, for the midnight will come. Don Juan has time to tell him that his prank ended badly, and the moth is preparing to argue the reproaches of Beatrix. Don Juan hides. Mota hears the screams and wants to find out what was the matter, but here it is enough for the guard. Don Diego leads a bottle to the king Alfons of Castilsky, who orders to judge and tomorrow to execute the villain. Moth cannot understand what is the matter, but no one explains anything to him. King tells to bury the glorious commander - Don Gonzalo - with all the honors.

In the field near the village of Dos Ermanas, the peasants celebrate the wedding of Patricko and Amintes. Shepherds sing songs. Suddenly, Katalon appears, which reports that a new guest will arrive - Don Juan Tenoro will soon arrive. Gassen, the father of the bride, rejoices the arrival of a noble senor, Patrioto is not at all glad to the uninvited guest. When Don Juan comes up to the festive table, Gasna asks for guests to relax, but Don Juan, who attracted Aminte, sits right next to her. After the wedding party, Don Juan declares Patriotov, that Aminte is his long-standing mistress and herself invited him to see the last time before he married another. Hearing such a bride, Patrioto without regrets is inferior to her Don Juan. Don Juan, asking the Amintes Hasned Hasane and ordered Katalon to settle his horses and submit them to Dennice, goes to the aminea to the bedroom. Aminte wants to drive him, but Don Juan said that Patrios forgot her and henceforth he, Don Juan, - her husband. Sweet speeches of a deceiver who says that it is ready to marry her even despite his father's will, soften the heart of the girl, and she is given to Don Juan.

Isabel on the way to Seville, where they are waiting for a wedding with Don Juan, meets Tisbe, who belongs to her his grief: Don Juan seduced her and threw it. Tisbea wants to take revenge on the deceiver and complain to the king. Isabel takes it to his companions.

Don Juan in the chapel talking to the catalive. The servant says that Octavo agreed who the culprit of all his troubles, and Marquis de Yes Mota also proved his innocence to the murder of Don Gonzalo, noticing the Tomb of the Commander, Don Juan reads the inscription on it: "Cavalero buried here. / Waiting for the land of God / Solver will revenge. " Don Juan jerges the statue of the beard, then invites stone sculpting to her dinner. In the evening, when Don Juan and Katalion sit at the table, a knock on the door is distributed. The servant sent to open the door, cannot expand the words from fear; A cowardly Catadinon, who Don Juan tells the guest to let the guest, as if the language swallowed from horror. Don Juan takes a candle and comes to the door himself. It includes Don Gonzalo in the form, in what he is being broken over his tomb. He slowly approaches Don Juan, who retreats in confusion. Don Juan invites a stone guest at the table. After dinner, the commandman makes the sign of Don Juan to send the servants. Having left with him one on one. Commander takes the word from Don Juan tomorrow at ten to come to him for a dinner in a chapel accompanied by a servant. The statue goes. Don Juan brave, trying to overcome horror.

Isabel comes to Seville. The thought of the shame does not give her rest, and she cares with grief. Don Diego asks the king to take off opal from Don Juan, since he is going to marry him on the duchess of Isabel. The king promises not only to take off opal, but also to Don Juan Titul Count, so as not to suffer from the pride of Isabel, because the octaveo, with which she was previously gained, - Duke. The queen requested the king to forgive the Marquis de Yes of Moth, and the king orders to free the Marquis and marry him on Donier Anna. Octavo asks the king permission to cause Don Juan to a duel, but the king refuses him.

Aminte with his father is looking for Don Juan. Having met Octavia, they ask where they find it. Oktavo, finding out why they need he needed, advises Gassen to buy daughters outfit, similar to court, and promises himself to take her to the king.

At night, a wedding of Don Juan and Isabel should be held, but before that, Don Juan is going to keep the word and visit the statue of the commander. When they come to the chapel with the catalion, where Don Gonzalo was buried, the commander invites them to divide the meal with him. He makes Donu Juan to raise the tombstone - under it there is a black table, covered for dinner. Two ghosts in black bring chairs. On the table - scorpions, toads, snakes, from drinking - bile and vinegar. After dinner, the commandman stretches Don Juan's hand. Don Juan gives him his own. Squeezing Done Juan's hand, the statue says "" I will defect the Lord / in the righteous solutions. He wants to be punished / you for all your villains / this dead hand. / Vyshny sentence reads: / "For actions and compensation". Don Juan says Dona Anna Clea: He did not have time to disaggregate her. He asks to bring a priest to let him let him go. But Don Gonzalo inexorable. Don Juan dies. A roar is heard, the tomb, together with Don Juan and Don, fell goncalo, and Catalion falls to the floor.

Patriot and Gasna come to the king with a complaint to Don Juan, deceiving at Patrcio Aminte. They are joined by Tisbeya, which Don Juan discounted. Marquis de la Moth comes behind it. He found witnesses, ready to confirm that the crime for which he was in the dungeon did not committed him, but Don Juan. The king orders grab and execute the villain. Don Diego also asks to condemn don Juan to death. Catalian appears. He tells what happened in the chapel. Having heard about fair ragged rascal. The king suggests to quickly post three weddings: octaveo with widowed Isabel, Moths with Donia Anna and Patriot with aminea.

Palace of the King Neapolitan. Night. Don Juan comes out of the Duchess Isabella, who takes him for his beloved Duke Octavo. She wants to light a candle, but Don Juan stops her. Isabella suddenly understands that it was not an octaveo with her, and calls for help. Neapolitan king comes to the noise and orders the guard to grab Done Juan and Isabella. He entrusts the Spanish Ambassador Don Pedro Tenoro to figure out what happened and leaves. Don Pedro orders Jebella. When Don Pedro and Don Juan left her eye, Don Juan tells how cunning snuck to Isabelle and took possession of her. Don Juan is Don Pedro's nephew, and Uncle Will-Neils have to cover his tricks. Fearing the monarch of anger, he sends Don Juan to Milan and promises to inform the nephew about the consequences of his deception. Don Pedro reports the King Neapolitan, that a man who grabbed the guard jumped from the balcony and fled, and the lady, which turned out to be the Duchess Isabella, argues that the Duke of Oktavo appeared to her at night and treasured her. The king orders to leave Isabella in the dungeon, and octaveo grab and violence in Isabelle. Don Pedro and the guards come to the house Octavo. Don Pedro the name of the king accuses him that he discounted Isabella, who believed his asks. Oktavo, having learned about the infidelity of the beloved, comes to despair and decides to secretly flee to Spain. Don Juan, instead of going to Milan, also sails to Spain.

Young tisbey fisherman sits on the seashore near Tarragona and fishes fish. All her friends are in love, she is also unknown to flour love, and it rejoices that neither passion nor jealousy is poisoning her life. Suddenly a cry is heard: "Save! Tone! ", And soon two men are chosen on the land: this is Don Juan and his servant Catalive. Don Juan saved the endless servant, but, going to the land, collapsed unconscious. Tisbeya sends Catalon for fishermen, and herself puts the head of Don Juan to his knees. Don Juan comes to feel and seeing the beauty of the girl, explains to her in love. Fishermen take Don Juan to Tisbei's house. Don Juan orders Katalin to get horses to embellish before dawn. Katalon is trying to stop the owner: "Throw a girl and hide - / This is about the raining fee?", But Don Juan recalls Eney, who threw Didon. Don Juan kits Tisbee in love and promises to take her to his wife, but after a trusting girl is given to him, he fits towards the same horses along with the catalive. Tisbea mourns his express honor.

King Alphonse Castilsky talks with Don Gonzalo de Uloa, who returned from Lisbon. Gonzalo talks about the beauty of Lisbon, calling him the eighth miracle of the world. The king to reward gonzalo for the faithful service, promises himself to find a decent groom for his beautiful daughter. He intends to give her for Don Juan Tenoro. Gonzalo in the souls of the future son-in-law - after all, he comes from a noble Seville race.

Don Juan Diego's father receives a letter from his brother Don Pedro, where he tells how Don Juan was caught at night with the Duchess Isabella. King Alfons Castilsky, learning about this, asks where Don Juan is now. It turns out that he came to Seville this night. The king is going to inform everything about everything in Naples, to marry Don Juan on Isabelle and rid from the undeserved kara duke octaveo. In the meantime, from respect to the merits of the Father, he sends Don Juan to Exile in Huebrich. The king regrets that the daughter of Don Gonzalo for Don Juano, and not to offend Don Gonzalo, decides to appoint him to Hofamarshal. The servant reports to the king that the Duke of Oktavo arrived and asks to accept him. King and Don Diego think that Oktavo knows everything and will ask for the permission to call Don Juan to the duel. Don Diego, worrying for the life of the Son, asks the king to prevent a duel. The king gently takes octaveo. He promises to write to the Napletinian king, so that he removed from him opal, and suggests him to take the daughter of Don Gonzalo de Uloa. Don Diego invites Oktavo to his home. Having met by chance with Don Juan, Octavo, who does not know that Don Juan is the culprit of all his suffering, exchanges with him assurances in friendship. Done Juan Marquis de la Mota Marka Dow Juan on the fact that he completely forgot. They often focused together, and Don Juan asks the Moto about familiar beauties. Mota belongs to Don Juan his heart secret: he is in love with his cousin Don Abon, and she also loves him, but on trouble. The king has already won it for another. Mota wrote Donate Anna and is now waiting for an answer from her. He is in a hurry to do, and Don Juan proposed waiting for the letters instead of him. When the Mota leaves, Donja Anna's maid reports Don Juan a note for a note. Don Juan rejoices: "I am a good luck / postman to serve me. / It is clear that the letter from the lady, / whose beauty Marquis is immodest / overcast. Here is lucky! / I'm nice, I am not in vain, like the most / unbearable mischievous: / I am really Mastak / Girls, they are unhonest, / so that there was no evidence. " Don Juan prints the letter. Donya Anna writes that for her "three deaths of terrible triple" to live with an unloved spouse, and if the Mota wants to tie his fate with her, let him come to her at eleven o'clock, putting the color cloak so that it was easier to find out. Don Juan transfers Marquis De La Moth that his chosen is waiting for him at midnight in his bedroom and asks to put on a colored cloak, so that Dueny was recognized. Mota is out of happiness. Don Juan rejoices to the upcoming adventure.

Don Diego braws the Son for the fact that he will flock their glorious genus, and tells him the order of the king to immediately leave Seville and go to Lebriah.

Don Juan at night meets the Moto, which will not wait for a meeting with Donia Anna. Since until midnight for another hour, and Don Juan is looking for entertainment. Mota shows him where Beatrice lives, and threatens his colored cloak so that the beauty takes Don Juan for the Moto and was Laskov with him. Don Juan in a raincoat of a moth is sent not to Beatrice, but to Donier Anna, but he cannot deceive the girl, and she drives the height. Don Gonzalo with a naked sword resorts to Creek Daughter. He does not give Don Juan to run away, and to escape, he challenges Don Gonzalo.

Jumping out of the house of Don Gonzalo, Don Juan faces Moto, which hurriedly takes his cloak, for the midnight will come. Don Juan has time to tell him that his prank ended badly, and the moth is preparing to argue the reproaches of Beatrix. Don Juan hides. Mota hears the screams and wants to find out what was the matter, but here it is enough for the guard. Don Diego leads a bottle to the king Alfons of Castilsky, who orders to judge and tomorrow to execute the villain. Moth cannot understand what is the matter, but no one explains anything to him. King tells to bury the glorious commander - Don Gonzalo - with all the honors.

In the field near the village of Dos Ermanas, the peasants celebrate the wedding of Patricko and Amintes. Shepherds sing songs. Suddenly, Katalon appears, which reports that a new guest will arrive - Don Juan Tenoro will soon arrive. Gassen, the father of the bride, rejoices the arrival of a noble senor, Patrioto is not at all glad to the uninvited guest. When Don Juan comes up to the festive table, Gasna asks for guests to relax, but Don Juan, who attracted Aminte, sits right next to her. After the wedding party, Don Juan declares Patriotov, that Aminte is his long-standing mistress and herself invited him to see the last time before he married another. Hearing such a bride, Patrioto without regrets is inferior to her Don Juan. Don Juan, asking the Amintes Hasned Hasane and ordered Katalon to settle his horses and submit them to Dennice, goes to the aminea to the bedroom. Aminte wants to drive him, but Don Juan said that Patrios forgot her and henceforth he, Don Juan, - her husband. Sweet speeches of a deceiver who says that it is ready to marry her even despite his father's will, soften the heart of the girl, and she is given to Don Juan.

Isabella on the way to Seville, where they are waiting for a wedding with Don Juan, meets Tisbe, who turns her his grief: Don Juan seduced her and threw her. Tisbea wants to take revenge on the deceiver and complain to the king. Isabella takes her to his companions.

Don Juan in the chapel talking to the catalive. The servant says that Oktavo agreed that the perpetrator of all his troubles was, and the Marquis de Yes Mota also proved his innocence to the murder of Don Gonzalo, noting the tomb of the Commander, Don Juan reads the inscription on it: "Cavalero burned here. / He is waiting for the Dandy of God / Solver to Revenge. " Don Juan jerges the statue of the beard, then invites stone sculpting to her dinner. In the evening, when Don Juan and Katalion sit at the table, a knock on the door is distributed. The servant sent to open the door, cannot expand the words from fear; A cowardly Catalon, to whom Don Juan tells the guest to let the guest, as if the language swallowed from horror. Don Juan takes a candle and comes to the door himself. It includes Don Gonzalo in the form, in what he is being broken over his tomb. He slowly approaches Don Juan, who retreats in confusion. Don Juan invites a stone guest at the table. After dinner, the commandman makes the sign of Don Juan to send the servants. Having left with him one on one. Commander takes the word from Don Juan tomorrow at ten to come to him for a dinner in a chapel accompanied by a servant. The statue goes. Don Juan brave, trying to overcome horror.

Isabella comes to Seville. The thought of the shame does not give her rest, and she cares with grief. Don Diego asks the king to take off opal from Don Juan, since he is going to marry him on the Duchess Isabelle. The king promises not only to take off Opal, but also to Don Juan Titul Count, so as not to suffering from the pride of Isabella, because the octaveo, with which she was previously gained, - Duke. The queen requested the king to forgive the Marquis de Yes of Moth, and the king orders to free the Marquis and marry him on Donier Anna. Octavo asks the king permission to cause Don Juan to a duel, but the king refuses him.

Aminte with his father is looking for Don Juan. Having met Octavia, they ask where they find it. Oktavo, finding out why they need he needed, advises Gassen to buy daughters outfit, similar to court, and promises himself to take her to the king.