Angry tongue that arrow proverb. Mari Proverbs and sayings

Angry tongue that arrow proverb. Mari Proverbs and sayings

Mariyza (Earlier, they called Cheremis) - the Finno-Ugric people in Russia, one of the peoples of the Volga region. The total number of Mariers is about 700 thousand people. Half of this number live in the Republic of Mari El. A large number of Mariers (more than 100 thousand people) live in Bashkiria. There are three Marytsev groups: mountain, meadow and oriental. The Mari language belongs to the Finno Volga group of the Finno-Ugric branch of the Ural languages. Earlier, Markets professed paganism. Related peoples of Marijtsev: Merya, Moksha, Murom, Erzya.
The Mari folk folklore was born in deep ancient times, the main genres of which are legends, legends, fairy tales,, songs, as well as signs and riddles.


M. ana scolds loving.

Dreams are tastier of layer pancakes.

Silent pig bags tears.

Wife with her husband is one blood.

With mother warmer.

The brothers won even the bear. ( about friendship)

There is a woman in the body three drops of snake blood.

The widow is a garden without hedge.

The widow is a lost goose.

Each your child is the road.

Married - Terp, the hunger of the skin also suffers three years.

Child - Parent Blood.

On Olkom, apples do not grow.

If the child does not read the parents, he is stupid.

If the boy goes in the footsteps of his father, will be a real man.

If the father is a pot with a soot, and the mother - a barrel with a party, their children will not be a berry of the raspberry.

If you come to your son - sit down to the table, to the daughter - closer to the door.

If the child teaches the mother - it will be a shock in labor, if the father will be fast on mind.

If the child could not teach when he lay across the bench, he would not teach him when he would lie along the bench.

If the mother stresses , stakes to good.

Wife can both do rich and beggar.

Marriage, marriage - not a porridge.

Woman - homemade loose. ( about a woman with a negative side)

The life of Maiden - Honey, the life of Babia - a dog.

Far Roda is butter, close - bitter radish.

No children - one grief, there are three grief.

For stone palaces in the price of stones, for wooden - wood, for parents - children.

Kindness of his brother with a sleepy - on top of a naked pine tree.

When children are small - one grief, grown - a lot of grief. ( letters "STO" translated from Mari)

When the son marries, you have to drink and help. ( proverb about Son with negative connotation)

Who does not listen to parents, he often falls into trouble.

False word - for three days, a truthful word - by century.

Horse - man wings.

Horse - the support of the economy.

The meadow is beautiful with flowers, native land - with their people.

Mother's milk is always in our language.

Maternal heart with children, children - with stone. ( about ungrateful children)

Husband and wife - pair of bells.

Husband with his wife should be like two cola for spinning, if one begins to fall, you can rely on the other.

A man without a wife, like a goose, looking for water.

We are relatively related. ( about Night)

In words, the oil is on the heart of the stone.

He is warm in the sun, and the mother is still warmer.

Umbilted stallion Road no.

One match is not a match, one son is not a son.

From ate fir born, from oak - oak.

While the foal sucks, the mother will notice, licking the ice. ( those. for the sake of the child mother erase everything)

While small - hard legs, grow up - heavily heart. ( about kids)

Putting the burdock, you will not grow cabbage.

I feed the parents - I returned the debts, I bring up a son - I gave a duty, I rode my daughter - we throw into the water.

Native land - all mother. ( about Motherland)

Sillar bear, because and they catch it.

Senior words will not fall into the ground. ( those. will not disappear, come true)

Words can be bending and olhovy arcs.

Far relative advice is more expensive than gold.

Senior tips - silver coins.

A quarrel between brothers only before drying the crankhor towel. ( those. A quarrel between relatives is not long)

A quarrel between her husband and his wife only before drying a silk towel.

Son will be born to keep the farm, daughter - to wind the farm.

Son raise the hands to rest, daughter - so that the heart calms down.

The path from walking is laid.

There are no trails without a walk, no mutual visit is.

The tree with a strong core and branches should be good.

At the son-in-law with daughter - Kalinovy \u200b\u200bpies, a son with a dream - salty pies.

Having hit the neck, the horse will not teach.

The mind of Mariyza for three days later goes, at three days old, y - exactly in-point.

Praised lamb (child) disgraceful. ( unwise from the point of view of education to praise children)

The farm without a horse, that a man without a head.

Although the Voronene and the mouth ugly, for the mother he is very beautiful.


1) "Mary Kalyk Oypoy: Calykmut-Muka - Arch of Mari Folklore: Proverbs" / Sost. A.E. Kytikov. - Yoshkar-Ola: Marnieyali, 2004. - 208 p.

2) Ibatov S. "Proverbs and sayings of the Mari People" - Yoshkar-Ola: Mariy Book Publishing House, 1953. - 88 p. Mariy Nihiology. Ed. K.A. Bachereva.

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format


Proverbs and sayings of any people reflect the Spirit, experience and wisdom of the people. Therefore, knowledge of proverbs and sayings helps in learning not only language, but also contributes to the understanding of traditions, character, thinking, habits and worldview of the people.

Relevance This study consists, firstly, in the fact that this study is within the framework of the most popular and actively developing area of \u200b\u200blinguistics - linguoculturology, which studies the link language and culture. Secondly, the knowledge of the peculiarities of the national mentality of the speared of the language under study, their differences from their own national mentality, as well as the knowledge of all values \u200b\u200bof the system of representatives studied lingvocultures, plays an important role in the intercultural communication process.

The purpose of this work - Comparative and comparable study of the inference expressions of the studied languages \u200b\u200band identifying on the basis of this general and national-specific features.

Object research - General and distinctive features of the English, Russian and Mari proverbs and sayings.

Subject of research - English, Russian and Mari proverbs and sayings.

Hypothesis Research: Between the English, Russian and Mari proverbs and sayings there is a meaningful bond, the thematic similarity, an instructive nature, which is based on the moral and moral foundations.

To achieve the goal and verification of the hypothesis extended, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Identify sources of education of proverbs and sayings;

Determine the concepts of "proverb" and "saying";

Consider the main tasks of proverbs and sayings;

To identify the difficulties of transferring English proverbs and sayings to Russian.

3) Conduct survey among residents of Bekmurzino village, grade 7 students to find out the role of proverbs and sayings in their lives.

Plan Actions: study theoretical material; collect and analyze the actual material: the vocabulary, proverbs, sayings; conduct spectacating of the population; Based on the work done, write research work.

The degree of study: The study of proverbs and sayings of the English, Russian and Mari language are devoted to many scientific works in certain areas. But the concrete material on our topic we did not reveal.

Source base: The results of the survey.

Research methods: Theoretical, search, comparison, analysis.

In the work is used literature: Anikin V.P. "Russian oral folk creativity", Kunin A.V. "The course of the phraseology of modern English."

Chapter I. English, Russian, Mari proverbs and sayings as a genre of oral folk creativity

1.1 Sources of proverbs and sayings

Proverbs and sayings are pearls of folk art, where the age-old experience passed from the mouth to the mouth, from generation to generation. It has long been noticed that the wisdom and spirit of the people are manifested in his proverbs and sayings, and the knowledge of proverbs and sayings of this or that nation contributes not only to the best knowledge of the language, but also a better understanding of the image of the thoughts and the nature of the people. A comparison of proverbs and sayings of different nations shows how much common these peoples have, which, in turn, contributes to their best understanding and rapprochement. In proverbs and sayings, the rich historical experience of the people, the presentations associated with the work, life and culture of people are reflected. The correct and appropriate use of proverbs and sayings gives speech unique originality and special expressiveness.

If in the last century the main purpose of the study of proverbs and sayings was the knowledge of the "Spirit of the People", now many are interested in the purely language features of these units, their use in artistic speech, interaction with the folklore foundation of other peoples, translation problems into other languages.

The sources of proverbs and sayings are the most diverse, but in the first place it is necessary to include observations of the people over life. And at the same time, the source of proverbs and sayings are the folklore itself, and literature.

In the Russian book and literary tradition of the proverbs of sheaven with a special authority. They refer to both the legendary Nestor, who has been the initial Russian chronicle, and the author "Words about Igor's regiment", and numerous writers of secular and religious works of ancient Russia. Often, the reference to the proverb summarizes the meaning of the said, gives it a special evidentiary force, makes you remember a particularly important thought. Repeatedly in the chronicles there is a saying "Will-Neils". "GLѣB is stolavich. Not hotѣ ѣhai. But beyond the will and invisibility. ѣh to Numen. "

In Russian, the proverbs are obliged to basps, fairy tales. For example, it can be attributed "And Vaska listens and eats", "love all ages are submissive." Some sayings for their origin must proverbs. For example, the proverb "Easy to other people's hands to rush", is used as a saying "there is a fear of stump", that is, a lover of someone else's work is depicted.

Mari language is also not inferior to the Russian culture, wealth of the language. The Mari folk folklore was born in ancient times, the main genres of which are legends, legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, songs, as well as signs and riddles. Major Skemetan, the famous Mari writer and the poet, widely used all the linguistic wealth of Mari Folklore, which is confirmed by frequent appeal to proverbs, aphorisms, folk expressions: Kurem Mucco Ilen, Kurem Mucco Tunomam (live a century - and learn); Norny onchykten, and Korninlan Kinda Schuletysh Puen refressed (showed the road, and bread did not give the road); Kiyashy Ku Yõmak Wood Yogen Ok Puro (under the lying stone water does not flow).

English has a thousand-year history. During this time, a large number of expressions have accumulated in it that people found successful, laid and beautiful. So there were proverbs and sayings. Some proverbs were borrowed from other languages. In the twentieth century, the proverbs were used in England as one of the means of studying Latin. The most common proverbs still constitute a part of the general education of each person who owns English.

Dum Spiro, Spero. (Cicero) - So far I live, I hope. (Cicero). - AS LONG AS I BREATHE, I HOPE.

Dura Lex, Sed Lex. - The law is strong, but it's law. - The Law Is Hard, But It Is Law.

Proverbs and sayings are the eternal genres of oral folk art. They arose in ancient times, actively live and are created in our days. The need for language creativity, the ability to him people are a faithful guarantee of their immortality.

1.2 What is a proverb and saying

Under proverbs understand "aphoristically compressed saying with an outdative meaning in rhythmically organized form."

The proverb is a small form of popular poetic creativity, closed in a brief, rhythmic transference, carrying a summary thought, withdrawal, allegory with a didactic bias.

The definition, which is given by the proverb, taking into account all its structural-semantic types, the following: Proverb - a brief, resistant in speech source, rhythmically organized saying or with common direct, or with a portable, multivalued meaning based on analogy. The signs that are named, it is necessary to attach the most important - the functional purpose of proverbs as a statement or denial, reinforcing the speech by reference to the general order of things and phenomena.

Proverbs are an expression of folk wisdom, and they are characterized by a higher degree of abstraction than for sayings. The saying is a "communicative phraseological unit of a non-presses." Most of the sayings are colloquial. In English, sayings many times less than proverbs.

In most of the sayings are estimated turnover expressing as a positive (May Your Shadow Never Grow Less - I wish you to live for many years! - I wish you good luck / success) and a negative assessment (WOE BETIDE You - be you Cursed!).

Proverbs and sayings carry the experience gained by generations, and also decorate our speech and make it more expressive.

1.3 Proverbs and sayings

After analyzing 60 proverbs and sayings of the English, Russian and Mari language, we came to the following conclusion: each proverb and the saying has its own function (Appendix 1).


Hurry up - rush people. - Haste Makes Waste. - Sodor Dysteyat is entered.

Summarize the people's experience:

What is mother, such and daughter. The apple never falls far from the tree. - As Is The Mother, So Is The Daughter. Like Mother, Like Child. - Ava Mogai - Juscape Tugai.

Life live - not the field go. - Life Is Not A Bed of Roses. - Ilyashe Yizhyann, Tuzhoy Savurtashan.


Everyone Calls His Own Geese Swans. - Any Kulik his swamp pravito - it's for Kayyklan Skece Shergo (horrified by Skece Murzho Ullo).

Comment appearance:

Meet for dressing - accompanied by the mind. - Judge Not of Men and Things At First Sight. - Vurgem on all your vrawn, sew semn horror.


Do not postpone tomorrow what can be done today. - DON'T PUT OFF TILL TOMORROW WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY. - Tachy Pasham Erlalan Codiman was refressed.

Thought wisdom:

Knowledge-power - Tunymashte - Viy - Knowlelge IS Power. - SCORE TWICE BEFORE YOU CUT ONCE. - Shym Ghana Visa - IR Ghana Puch.

Obviously the similarity of proverbs, therefore, the peoples of English, Russian, Mari language have the same moral values, the concept of culture, traditions. All examples reflect the folk wisdom accumulated over the years.

1.4 Difficulties in the translation of English proverbs and sayings into Russian. Features of foreign language culture.

When communicating with a carrier of another language, knowledge is needed not only for the language, but also the cultures of this people, the characteristics of the linguistic and cultural, as well as the possession of the phraseological wealth of the language. And we, students studying three languages, English, Russian and Mari, sometimes for a complete understanding of the statement, it is necessary to analyze the meaning of the text on three levels in the mind.

In the English language, his word order, and in the Russian - the other, the Mari language, the order of words is also slightly different. In the English phrase, there can never be two denies, and in Russian we just used them two: "Never", "not". The English phrase literally sounded like this: "There can never be two denials in the English phrase." Russian is flexible, and it allows you to save English word order in the phrase, but not always. The English phrase "He Was Not Happyy" literally translates as "he was not despicable." Such, the order of words cuts the rumor, and we change it to "he was not happy." The difficulties of translating English proverbs and sayings arise and always arose. And, given all the features of a given language, translate what is considered part of the culture of one people to another language is very difficult.

For example, the English proverb: The Pot Calls The Kettle Black. The literal translation of this proverb sounds like this: the pot calls this kettle black. If the meaning of the proverb is understandable for the British, then for a Russian person, this proverb seems something new, so the meaning is not always disclosed completely. So, in order for the Russian to understand what they wanted to say the proverb of the British, it is necessary to search for Russian equivalent: Whose Cow was at first, and your rather was silent. This option is more understandable and closer to the Russian person. But if you translate it into English, then the following is: Anyone's Cow May Moo, But Yours Should Keep Quite. As you can see, the initial option is far from the final.

For example, the proverb Curiosity Killed The Cat. The literal translation of this proverb sounds like this: curiosity killed the cat. But in Russian there is no such proverb, but there is another proverb: a curious barbarian in the bazaar nose torn off. Translated into English it sounds like this: Curious Varvara's Nose Is Teared Off AT The MarketBazar. In principle, these two proverbs are equivalents in meaning. But the literal translation of the Russian proverb will sound like this: Life is Better, Where We Are Not Present.

Take the Russian expression "in someone else's monastery with your charter do not go", which is used in the meaning of behaving in someone else's place as it is accepted. The English equivalent of this proverb is the expression: When in rome do as the Romans Do. When translating to Russian The proverb sounds like "when you are in Rome, behave like Romans."

Thus, it is obvious that there are proverbs in English, the meaning of which is incomprehensible to the carrier of the Russian language or vice versa. This is due to the language, stylistic, cultural peculiarities of a given language.

Chapter II. Practical part

2.1 National culture through the prism of proverbs

English language is very rich in idiomatic expressions, proverbs and sayings that are constantly found in the literature, in newspapers, in films, in radio and television transmissions, as well as in every day communication of the British, Americans, Canadians, Australians. English idiomatics, very diverse, is quite complex for learning English. Of the well-known science of languages \u200b\u200bthere are no such, in which there would be no idiom, phraseological revolutions, proverbs and sayings. But English bypassed everyone.

Proverbs and sayings, being an integral attribute of the folk folklore, and in turn, the attribute of the culture of this nation, carry a reflection of the life of the nation to which they belong. This is an image of thoughts and the nature of the people.

Proverbs and sayings are diverse, they are as if outside the temporary space. Indeed, in whatever time we did not live, proverbs, and sayings will always remain relevant, coming always to the place. In proverbs and sayings, the rich historical experience of the people, the presentations associated with the work, life and culture of people are reflected. The correct and appropriate use of proverbs and sayings gives speech unique originality and special expressiveness.

A comparison of proverbs and sayings of different nations shows how much common these peoples have, which, in turn, contributes to their best understanding and rapprochement. Living in a multinational country, studying a foreign language, will be appropriate to carry out an analogy between the English, Russian and Mari proverbs and sayings. The identification of the peculiarities of national history and life made by different peoples and captured in the form of proverbs and sayings is successful for the formation of a horizons, awareness of the unity and integrity of world development.

We have examined the 60 most frequently used proverbs and sayings of the English, Russian and Mari Languages \u200b\u200b(Appendix 1).


In English, great attention is paid to proverbs on the topic "Money". A Penny Saved IS A Penny Earned and All Work and No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy. Money IS A Good Servant But a Bad Master. Money is a good servant, but a bad owner. The meaning of the proverbs is that a person must dispose of money, and not money. To identify analogy and differences, we give the example of Russian proverbs: without money the dream is tighter; without money to trade, how without salt is biting; without a penny ruble shcherbatoy; crazy - only lose money; Without master money - shards. We find an analogy in Russian and English proverbs, where it is argued that a person should skillfully manage the money. Russian proverbs also argue that money does not bring good, without money it lives easier.


The topic of honesty occupies an important role in the life of any people. In English, honesty and trust are features of a decent person: Honour and Profit Lie Not In One Sack. - honesty and benefit in one bag are not lying; Honesty Is The Best Policy. - honesty is the best policy; Fair Play Is a Jewel - honesty is a treasure. The Russian flooring also states that "honesty is all more expensive." Mari proverbs have the same attitude to honesty. For example, the Mari Proverb "Schke Sai Lyat Gyn, En'at Porot Poro Piece" has the same meaning as the golden rule of morality - a general ethical rule that can be formulated as "believing to people as you want to treat you" . However, in Russian proverbs you can find other allegations. For example: honest hard work will not be rich; The truth is not caught.

A family

As the analysis of the assembled material shows, the understanding of marriage, successful family life becomes more and more common and is largely associated with a material aspect. Marriages for the calculation, the growing number of divorces - all this is reflected in modern Russian and English proverbs:

The Russian proverb says "Marry Going out - both look." English Analogy - Keep Your Eyes Wide Open Before Marriage, and Half Shut Afterwards. (Look both before entering into marriage and semi-closed eyes after).

Russian proverb - marriage, that lot - who pull out. English Analogy - Marriage IS A Lottery. (Marriage is a lottery.)

However, in Mari proverbs such a trend is not observed:

Mariy - Ava Kumyl Kechte Dechat Schoksho (Mamino Heart The Warm of Sun);

Avasurtn En'ertyshjzhe. Russian analogy - a woman-keeper of a homely hearth.

Thus, we see that in Mari proverbs, there is no two-eye shade in relation to marriage as in Russian and English proverbs. This can be explained by the fact that English and Russian languages \u200b\u200bare more productive. This attitude did not have time to reflect in the Mari language. However, this can also be explained by stereotypes that have developed in these peoples.


Nowadays, time is money. This applies to all nations. Time - Money (RUSS.) - Time Is Money (English).

You can always meet the proverbs, which says that time is the best healer. Time Cures All Things (Time is all treated). Time Is The Great Healer. The Russian analogy is the proverb "Time is the best leakage." Time Tames The Strongest Grief (time softens the strongest grief).


Proverbs and sayings about good and evil teach to make good deeds and be kind. Doing a good deed, a man is joyful and happy, and evil always brings disappointment, evil people are alone, they tormented them envy, evil ruins them.

Do good, and you will be good - Do Well and Have Well (do good - and you will get good) - Mar. Powa Pasha is praised by the Conde (literally good deed brings good). Thus, we see an analogy of proverbs in Russian, English, Mari, which proves their community of views, the same attitude to kindness.

Labor, work

Many proverbs and sayings are devoted to the topic of labor. The concept of labor has long been inseparable from the Russian people, it is no coincidence that this proverb is folk wisdom. In the distant times, labor is the only thing that helped ordinary people to survive. And today the unemployed person is not easy to live. The proverb "Without difficulty caught and fish from the pond" symbolically reflects a very important morality, more precisely popular wisdom. Of course, we are not talking about fishing here, but that if you want to get the desired result, you will have to work pretty. In Russian, there are other proverbs with the same morality: you love to ride - love and sosochos to carry; patience and work will be perfectly; no pain - no victories; who does not work shall not eat.

Also in English, many proverbs and sayings are devoted to the topic of labor. The British believe that labor always requires any effort.

Nothing To Be Got Without Pains (without diligence will not get anything).

No Sweet Without Sweat (He Popot, Sweet Will you not get).

The Mari people are known for their hardworking, respectfulness to every work, patience and diligence. Historically, it happened that the Mari people had to pass through severe trials, where, of course, labor was a means of survival. All Mari writers chased the topic of love for labor, which is reflected in the Mari works.

Ko: Pasham Ok Shave, Tudo Ok Koch (who does not work, he does not eat). Yoghin Chusyad Chersh (Lazy all hurts). Ilysh Poro Pashalan Pualtyn, the Russian analogy of which is "Life is given to good deeds." Pasha yu: CTA, Pasha Puchsha, Pasha Memnam Ilash Tunykta (work Sort, work feeds, work with us Life teaches).

Thus, comparing the proverbs and sayings in different languages, it is obvious that a lot of general binds these peoples: attitude to kindness, life, family, money, time. But there are also differences that depend on the mentality of the people, traditions and customs that have been established historical conditions.

2.2 Results of the questionnaire

To identify today's language, we conducted a survey. (Appendix 2). Respondents were 30 people from 8 to 75 years. Questionnaires were offered to students, teachers, parents, retirees. Results:

The meaning of the proverb was able to explain 26 people, 4 people found themselves in response.

Everyone was able to give an example of the Russian proverb - 30.

All students (grades 7-9) were able to bring an example of the English proverb.

Among the interviewed, all carriers of the Mari language were able to give an example of the Mari proverb.

To the question "Do you use proverbs in your speech?" We received the following answers: 15 - "Required, 14 -" Rarely ", 1 -" No ".

Would you like to use proverbs and sayings more often? " Not everyone answered positively: 19 - Yes, 11 - no.

Thus, the popular Russian proverbs were: "Some seven times, one time, the" century live, learning a century "," what we will lay, then you will thanm to. " Most students noted the English proverbs "Better Late Than Never" (better late than ever), "East or West Home is Best" (visiting well, and at home is better). Most of the carriers of the Mari language called the proverb "Prepare Sani in the summer, and in the winter" (rubbed Keng, Evalja Body Yamdyle).

According to the results of the study, we conclude that proverbs and sayings did not lose their vitality, they take place in our speech. Many of them moved from the century to the century and will undoubtedly be useful. They decorate our language. Their study is important for the knowledge of the language itself.


As a result of our work, the sources of the education of proverbs and sayings in English, Russian and Mari language are revealed. We revealed the concepts of proverbs and sayings, relying on several sources. We also analyzed 60 proverbs and sayings, with the help of which we allocated the tasks of proverbs and sayings, led the appropriate examples. We described the difficulties of transferring English proverbs and sayings to Russian, possible difficulties in finding similar examples in our native Russian and Mari.

In the practical part of our work, English, Russian and Mari proverbs and sayings are grouped by various topics: money, family, good, work, honesty, time. Obviously, much associates these languages, culture. There are also distinctive features of these peoples, which depend on the mentality of the people, the level of development, the prevailing historical conditions, traditions and customs. The survey showed that proverbs and sayings did not lose their vital value, they take place in our speech.

Novelty Our research is a comparison of the English, Russian and Mari proverbs and sayings, as well as identifying the general and distinctive features of the languages \u200b\u200bstudied.

We tried to confirm our working hypothesis: Between the English, Russian and Mari proverbs and sayings, there is a meaningful bond, the thematic similarity, an instructive nature, which is based on the moral and moral foundations.

I would like to complete the work with the words of K.D. Shushinsky: "The language of the people is the best, never fading and ever again blooming the color of his whole spiritual life."

This research work can be printed in the newspaper, can be used in the lessons of Mariy, English languages \u200b\u200bin order to study the language and education of the younger generation in love and respect for the native and studied foreign language.


Anikin V.P. Russian oral folk creativity - M.: Higher School, 2001. - P. 367

Kunin A.V. The course of the phraseology of modern English - M.: Higher School; Dubna: Phoenix, 1996. - P. 378

Mari Literats: Visit Smodel textbook-hostess. - Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Book Savktysh, 2005. - p.61

Mary Kalykmut Mother. - Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Book Publisher, 1991. - 336 p.

1st ed. Ipatiev chronicle. St. Petersburg, 1843 388 p. - Inventory A, №1397. (visit date: 12/01/2017) (visit date: 02.12.2017) (visit date: 03.12.2017) (visit date: 03.12.2017)

Attachment 1

The most frequently used English, Russian and Mari proverbs and sayings

Hurry up - rush people.

What is mother, such and daughter.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

Life live - not the field go.

Meet for dressing - accompanied by the mind.

Do not postpone tomorrow what can be done today.

Knowledge is power.

Whose cow was at first, and your packed.

Curious Varvar in the Bazaar nose torn off.

In someone else's monastery with his charter do not go.

Seven times measure cut once.

Money is a good servant, but a bad owner.

Curiosity killed a cat.

Without money, sleep is stronger.

Without money to trade, how without salt is bread.

Without a penny, the ruble Shcherbaty.

To trade without crazy - just lose money.

Without master money - shards.

Get married - both look.

Mamino heart warmer sun.

Honesty and benefit in one bag are not lying.

Marriage that lot - who pull out.

Time is money.

Seven times measure cut once.

We live, learning a century.

What we will lay, then you will thangrass.

Honest hard work will not be rich;

The truth is not caught.

Honesty is the best policy;

Honesty is a treasure

Look both before entering into marriage and semi-closed eyes after.

Marriage is a lottery.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Better late than never.

Time is the best leakage.

Do good - and get good.

Who does not work shall not eat.

Lazy all hurts.

Time is treated.

He Popot, you will not get sweet.

Without zeal, you will not get anything.

As Is The Mother, So Is The Daughter.

Like Mother, Like Child.

Life Is Not A Bed Of Roses

Judge Not of Men and Things At First Sight.

Everyone Calls His Own Geese Swans.



The Pot Calls The Kettle Black.



A Penny Saved is a penny earned.

All Work and No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy.

Haste Makes Waste.

Money IS A Good Servant But a Bad Master.

Honour and Profit Lie Not In One Sack.

Honesty Is The Best Policy.

Knowlelge is power.

Fair Play Is a Jewel.



East or West Home is Best.

Time Cures All Things.

Time Is The Great Healer.

Time Tames The Strongest Grief.

Do Well and Have Well.

Nothing to Be Got Without Pains.

No Sweet Without Sweat.

Keep Your Eyes Wide Open Before Marriage, And Half Shut Afterwards.

Ilyosh Yizhyann, a member of Savitashan.

There is nothing like leather.

Each Cayyklan Skece Pyzheshyzhe Shergo.

Horrhanant Shka Muryzho Ulo.

Poor Pasha is sometimes Condu.

Vuurgam is notching, seven semn horror.

Touchy Pasham Erlalan Codiman washed.

Ava Mogai - Juscape Tugai.

Tunymashte - Viy.

Shym Ghana Visa - IR Ghana Puch.

"Schke Sai Lyat Gyn, Yen'At Tylat Poro Pure.

Ava Kumyl Kechie Dechat Shoksho.

Avasurtn En'ertyshjzhe.

Ko: Pasham Ok Shave, Tudo Ok Koch.

Yoghin Cheylant Chersh.

Ilysh poro Pashalan Pualtyn,

Pasha yu: Kta, Pasha Puchsha, Pasha Memnam Yilas Tunykta.

Sodit Slyte is enrolled.

Appendix 2.

Questions for survey

What is proverbs?

Give an example of the proverb in Russian. How do you understand her?

Give an example of the proverb in English. How do you understand her?

What Mary Proverbs and sayings do you know?

Do you use proverbs and sayings in speech?

Would you like to use them more often? Why?

2 kuju.

G. Thugs

1. Long; having a greater length, stretching. Song of the bang is very long, long-premissive; I'm somewhat like a long shirt; Kechyol Long ray of the sun; Song of Sola den is a long whip; Meter of the bang is a longer meter.

□ AҥYyer, Kuzzi Corridor Mucco Semyne \u200b\u200bMӧҥgesh-Ontysh Cats. G. Chekomov. As a clock, I go back and forward in a narrow, long corridor. Kunchayk shuylah shuylakulya Kuyachyl. P. Coriov. A long shadow seems to be clearly stretched.

2. High; Large in length in director from below. Kujuzhan Kulyshan whom the boots with high inlets; Kuju Shudo High Grass; Kap Denge Kujurak is rather high, rising higher.

□ Kuju, Kӱzhgӧ Tumo Erkyn Lӱҥgaltesh. K. Vasin. Slowly swing tall, thick oak. Cf. Kӱkshӧ.

3. Long; Long, long. I'm somewhat lousy years; Song stories long history; Song Keҥzh Kech is a long summer day.

□ Song Schijz - Kuj Tellen. Pale. Long autumn - to a long winter. Kaniwalked for a change of smoke. B. Danilov. Dining change is long.

4. The oblong, elongated form. Kuju Shӱrgyavyyshan with an oblong face.

□ Song of Geun Kuryk Vuyzhezho Ik Saltile Imñzhoy ӧ Yartner. Muro. At the top of the oblong mountain, the soldiers saddles his horse. Kӱryshtӧ Kuja Cell Moist Utel. "Botany". The core is the cells of the oblong form.

5. Long, significant in the volume or requires long reading, letters etc. Song Roman Long Roman; Kuju Yomaky Koltash to tell a long fairy tale; I'm kunching the cloud of tunaching Long poem.

□ Severe, Horror, Song Push. V. YUKSN. My letter, obviously, will be long.

6. Extension, stretched, slowly or long stretching. Kuju is a minor melody.

□ Song Kӱdychӧ YoҥGaltaren Ertiash. A. Filippov. Threatened stretching thunder. Maxi Bayan Den Bezu Muram Shockey. A. Volkov. Maxi on the accordion plays a long song melody.

7. Wide, swallowed, long (about step, steps). (Comelina) Kuju Oshkylzhylan Ver Shagal Geinat, Kostysh, Ala-Mom Vacu. N. Nekine. Although for the wide steps of Committee space is not enough, he worst, waiting for something.

8. In combination with adjectives, denoting possession of The sign corresponds to Rus. Long-, long-, highly. Kanapan tall, deer I'm somewhat long-haired; Song Urvaltan long-range, long-folee.

9. in meaning SUD (big) length or length; be long; Long; Slow flow (time). Kornin Kuzhuzho (Big) Length of the Road; Uto Kuju Sundish to get rid of unnecessary longs.

□ Kavashte is dead Kӱchykl Kuryash. P. Kornilov. In the sky and the long seems short. Zhapan Kuzhuye Veruk Sewiresh. M. Skemetan. Berak feels how the time stretches slowly (letters. Longitude of time).

◊ Kuju Yylman talkative, with a long tongue. Kuju Yylman IT Lii! Do not be chatty! Kuang Kidan

1. Non-fatty hand, bewildly, greedy to someone else's. Aram IT Ohlo, Kuzannashte Kuang Kidan Uka Ictat. M. Cossacks. In vain, do not say, in the nature of our unclean on hand there is no one; 2) having long hands i.e. able to influence all. Kugyj Kuzhan Kidan. Tsar long hands. Kuju Mut denu is verbly, extensively, with abundant word. Tidy (Acting DyshtylMy) Ivanov Pusniymashte Kuju Mut Den is crumpled fum. D. Orai. At the Ivanov meeting, the activity of the asset was verified verbally. Smoking Mute Mutan

1. suffering a lot of one (about man). Bezzhene is somewhere Mutan Eҥdech yyrnet. To the very verbose person you have dislike. 2) Long, not concise, long (about speech or writing). Kalyk-Mut Song Mutan Ok Level. The proverb does not happen verbose. Kuju Teuckle . Long ruble, light and big earnings. (Acham) Kuang Kayen Kayen. V. Ivanov. My father went for a long ruble.

3 proverb

proverb (Calykmouth). (Zverev :) Olga Pavlovna, Rush Proverb Tyga Kalas: "Shӱshpyklan Basnie Logue Puksh." S. Chawin. (Zverev :) Olga Pavlovna, the Russian proverb says: "Nightingale, fables are not feeding."

4 troy

G. Tosty

1. arr. old, dilapidated, dilapidated; Formerly used in use, spoiled from time. Trozed newspapers Old newspaper; Troyto Yolchiya old shoes; Troythhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtes

□ Uzhga Toshto, tints torture. K. Vasin. The fur coat is old, all the shown. Rails Kӱ RTNӧ scrap Den Nӧ Ltalyn, Yymachynah Trozed Speall Shpäni Luktyt, Olmeshjzhe at the sleeper Chekken Shyndat. A. Erykan. Railing the rails with iron lobs, they pull out old sleepers, they put new sleepers instead.

2. arr. old, old, longtime; Having a place in the past. Trozed yӧ n former method; Troy Kdysh old trail; Troya Pasha former work; Troyed old duty.

□ Looks in, but Tsinech Tschakt. M. Skemetan. You have a new gun, but the eyes are the same. Osean Eman Tosho Palima Smole. M.-AZMEY. Osyak and Eman - long-standing familiar.

3. arr. old; Old, ancient. Troyt yӱ la vintage custom; Trozed Kushtymash ancient dance; Troyt is the old melody.

□ Oxa Troyto, Kugyzhan Godo. V. Boyarian. Money old, royal time. Kumalyt, --- Troyt Mary Yumamat Kalasat. MEE. Miliation makes all the ancient Mari gods mention.

4. arr. old; Outdated, inconspicuous, talked. Trozed Zhap old times; Tosho Koyysh Increased behavior, relics; Trozed fashion outdated fashion.

□ And the play-Muka Sadak Toshak Smole. M. Skemetan. And the plays are still obsolete. ProclamationShiste --- Troyat Social Slahloh Shuash ӱzhm. N. Nekine. In the proclamation - the call to overthrow the old system.

5. arr. old; A long-dealing, experienced, experienced. Trozed Kolyzo is a fisherman; Trozed Pashaҥstar (experienced) worker.

□ Troy Frame Chagal. N. Nekine. Little old frames. Meminan Rotystto Pavlovsky Trozto Salta. M. Skemetan. In our company Pavlovsky was an old soldier.

6. arr. old; having a large age; Long stored. Troyt is the old Lipa; Trozed garden old garden.

□ Trozed Power Hoeful a bunch. Calkmouth. Old tree hold roots. Troyto Kavanen Salney, Aram Pӱ Knen Shinch vet. V. YUKSN. Sell \u200b\u200byour old stack, in vain it stands, moldsheet.

7. sUD old, past; Something last, past, former, long. Powdered pandaratasch the past; Effective Usheshtarash recall the past; Troyo Sno and Last Life.

□ Chustesh Codeus. M.-AZMEY. Everything remains in the past. Achazhyn Palymeni-Poisy is wolting. Kutyrat, rushing sharnaltat. G. Chekomov. Familiar father come. Chatting, remembered the past. Cf. Ertysh.

8. sUD old; Something talked. Yal Kalyk Ilyzhely Troyto Den in Wui-Woman Shogyshat. M. Skemetan. In the life of the rustic people, the old and new fought with each other. My duck, mind chow. K. Korshunov. I overlook the old, building a new one.

◊ Troyt Mary

1. Ancient Mariec. Troyto Mary Dos Tӱ RLӧ archeologies Monument to codes. "Onchyko". Various archaeological monuments remained from the ancient Mariers. 2) ancestors, great-grandfathers. Kum Kechylan Katy Gyn, Arnyalan Sitis Kindim Nal, Trozto Mary Chyne Ohlen. V. Sapaev. The ancestors said rightly: you go for three days, take a bread for a week with you. 3) Dead, dead man. Occashes Tosho Marya Horn - Overnight. Pale. In a dream you will see the dead man - to bad weather. Trozto Mut Proverb, saying. Troyat stalls? Korak Korak Shincham Nigunam OK Chӱҥgal. N. Nekine. Do you know the proverb? Raven the eye of the eye will never disable. Troyto Tallza flavored, decreasing moon. Lum Troyto Troyan Kuyche Lev Leve Push. Pale. The first snow will appear with a flawed moon - winter will be soft.

5 shay


1. Story; A short verbal message about whom-l.; what is told; speech. Shayam Tӹ NGӓ LӓSH Start a story; Shiyam pakled species Ш continue (letters. further lead) story; Typing a tiny pegshots listen to the story of the speaker.

□ Savikӹn Nezalent Loestӓ Rӓsh Tsatsat Gӹ Nyat, Tӹ Dӹ with Pop. N. Ignatiev. Despite the fact that they are trying to kill Savik's story, he says everything. The teacher's attemps of the Yazhon Draw, acknowledged by Yinglash Tsacs. K. Belyaev. Carefully (letters. Good) Listen to what the teacher says, try to understand her speech.

2. Speech; conversation, conversation, words; Value exchange information, opinions. Shayam Tӓrvӓ TӓSh Talk; Shuhaish (KI) Ushnash to join the conversation; Loeshtӓ LTSHӹ Shaya Interrupted Conversation.

□ - Horry, also nigzeӓ T Ak Kӹ LDӓ LT. V. Suza. - I see, the conversation does not fit. Shay Kushtyta. A. Kanushkov. The conversation facilitates the road. Cf. Oilimo, Oilmash, Mut, Mutlanmash.

3. Word, words, statement, phrase, expression, offer. Puras of the seams of keleses say good word; balance sheets of the last words; Huda shaya dono uursash scold stronger (letters. bad) words.

□ Kӱ N Yarats ӹ Dӹ Rzhӹ Ul, Tӹ Dӹӹ Schke Shaunas ӹ Dӹ RzhӹM Unegnuzhӹ Dӓkym-Nӹhlas Pelshtӹ Nen. N. Ignatiev. Who has a favorite girl, he wants to see his desired girl and say three or four words. Chairman Ti Sayeshӹ Lida Yakshargen Kesh. A. Kanushkov. From these words, the chairman of Lida blushed. Cf. Mut, Oh, Shomak.

4. Word, words; opinion, thought. Tӧ £ p IR Shayam Kelesӓ Sh say one word; Tyiches of Jaryktash to approve the opinion of the speaker.

□ Kelesӹ Shӓstlyk Shayatӹm Monden Shootӓ T, Timanal Slags Angeltash Tӹ NG LӓT. N. Ilyakov. Forget the word that I have to say, and you start looking into the hall as Owl. Shayat Laccus: Tetada Shӱ m. empty. A. Kanushkov. Your words are true: without a child, the heart is empty.

5. Word, opinion, decision, order; Admission, advice. Sacrarhad to listen to the words of the elders.

□ Parties YUKH, Tӧ R Avenge Ryszy Peishten, Poshӓ m. ӹ Pcs Ш Tsyl Н MISTӹ. N. Ignatiev. Taking into account the voice of the party, her correct word, let them come to work. - Mӹ Ny Tӹ Ny Gӹ Tset IR Puras Shayam Yadnay. N. Ignatiev. - I want to ask you to ask one good advice. Cf. Mut, Oh, Shomak.

6. Word, phrase, saying; Expression, speech turnover, containing deep thought. Jazhn wise saying.

□ "Mahan Pop, Thai Peak" Merma Shayam Kerded Ma? N. Ignatiev. Didn't you hear the saying: "What is the pop, such a parish"? Shaya TiDӹ at least tossed, Dualumba Kӹӹ TӓT Kynesh Tesch. N. Ilyakov. The word is although the old one, but sometimes it is suitable. Cf. Mut, Shomak.

7. Conversations, rumor, gossip, rumors, sense; News, news. Shayam Shurӓ Sh spread rumors; Schyngi-Shangi shaya rumors.

□ Ikkӹ Pashtek Web Seja Halyk Horses Kӹ Ny Lӹn. A. Kanushkov. In the people, one after the other arose (letters rose) conversations. Ӓ Nyat, seaming Vela TIDӹ, ӓ Nyat, ӹ Lӓkӹ Zӹ TӓT. Matyukovsky. Perhaps only rumors it may live now. Cf. Mut, Oh, Shomak.

8. Word, permission to speak publicly; Speech, public verbal performance. Shayam Kashartash end speech.

□ Anjyshalish question mark m. Yaryktat, Diazikin Tӓng Shayam Nӓlesh. K. Belyaev. Questions made for consideration approve, and Comrade Isikin takes the floor. Cf. Mut.

9. Word; Unit of speech. Rushlaat Kydy-Tidӹ Shayavlӓ m. Mӹ Ny Poklӹ Kӓl. V. Patrash. And in Russian, some words I (a little) know. Cf. Mut, Shomak.

10. Speech; Pronunciation, pronunciation, manner talk. (Kolyan) Alickens, Kid-Yalzhy, Vӹtskӹ Shӹ Rgӹ Lӹ Shӹ Zhӹ - Cylӓ Vaslinok. A. Apateev. Speech, the figure of if, the subtle features of the face - everything is like Valley.

11. in pos. ORD. speech, conversation, phrases, words; Speech, conversation, phrase, word. Shaya sӓrӓ Ltӹsh talking of speech; Shaya Yuk conversation (letters. Sound of the conversation).

□ PASTAKHE Кӹ Рӹ Зл з з з з за закта закташа тӹ НГӓ LӹT. N. Ilyakov. Separate fragments of phrases begin to commemorate to ozoline.

◊ Your Maltdima (Your Maltash Lidӹ Mӹ) Shaya Slӓ Ltӹsh lingv. phraseologism; Sustainable expression in the language. Your Maltandama Shaya Slӓ Ltӹ Schvlӓ Explanly Dictionary Shag T Anjkaltyt. "Mar. yӹ lmӹ ". Phraseologists are indicated in sensible dictionaries. VIӓ Shcha gram. direct speech; Alien speech transmitted without a change from the face of the speaker. See Viasha. Yӓ l (ӹ n) Shears rumors, sense, rumor, gossip (letters. Stranch words, someone else's conversation). Yӓ LӹN Shim Shayashty Veldӹk ӧRyzh Vӓresh Yamnat. Matyukovsky. Because of the black gossip, you disappeared on a foreign land. Tashchya shy empty, meaningless conversation; empty words. See scrolls. Tuan also native speech. Plows Rocky Shurgӓ "Tuan Shaya" book ӓ leaf. I. Mountain. Plow turns the land, as if the page of the book "Native Speech". Uhi, but the extra words (conversations); Void. Ӹ Rwezӹ Shota Shota, coils covered AK Yrats. A. Apateev. The guy is sensible, does not like to say extra words. Halyk Shaya Proverb, saying (letters. People's saying). Nature ӹ Shӹ Klӹ Mӹ Hishӓ H Halyk Shyavlӓ m. Exceident canned. "Jerӓ". As an example, we led proverbs about nature conservation. Shying Gӹts also word for the word; Gradually, little in the face (talk). Shaya Gӹts Shea, Dӓvan Petrovich Mӹ Lӓve Pop. V. Suza. Word for the word, and Ivan Petrovich tells me. Shaya Dorz (YN) (Gӹ c (ӹ H), seven, don) input. sl. the words; Based on whose Oral statement, statement, report. Amelts Dorcin, Pӹ Tӓri Chairs IR Initial Shummer Tymen. I. Mountain. From his words, at the beginning of the chairs taught in one elementary school. Shine (Ke) Paint

1. intervene (intervene) in the speech; kiss Galyat ӓ Heavy Drany Dreshen Keӓ. Matyukovsky. And Galya (that's what) interrupts the Father. 2) intervene (intervene) in the conversation; interrupt (interrupt), interrupt (kill) conversation. (Kugusa's bones :) Speeding LMӓ Shum Tsӓrӓ Sh Mann, Mӹ Nyatniy Drazes. K. Belyaev. (Grandfather's grandfather :) To stop the quarrel, intervened in the conversation and me. Shay Mastar talkative, a word-witted man; Govorun, Govorunya, good narrator. Osh Pandashan, but the Mastar Litӹ Mӓsh. K. Belyaev. My grandfather was with a white beard, a very good storyteller. Loose stuff (tool) input. sl. by the way); In addition to what was said (letters. The word coming). Kӹ ZӹT, seama, MӓMNӓ N Thydima Poshӓ Pish Cogon Dusty Shӹ Nzӹn. N. Ignatiev. Now, by the way, our education (letters. Teaching the case) strongly loosened. Shaya Uke Gӹts from nothing to say (speak); To support the conversation; If only something to say. Vaslin Kelesӹ Mӹ Zha is a nervous, she caught a Uke Gӹts Podyyshek Velo Shaktysh. A. Kanushkov. Said Wallery sounded weakly, as if nothing to talk. Shaya part lingv. Part of speech; The main lexico-grammatical discharge of words (names, verbs, adverbs, etc.). Morphologists seaming Parts m, shaman form m. DӓNӹ NӹN Grammatic Vallenishtӹm Teenӹt. "Mar. yӹ lmӹ ". In morphology, we study parts of speech, forms of words and their grammatical meanings. Shayat Lin Ak Kerd and conversation (speech) can not be; Completely excluded be SURSKIY MODASHIR SKӹ Mӹ NGESH SӓRNӓ LMӹ Gishӓ Namahan Shayat Lin Ak Kerd. N. Ilyakov. There can be no conversation about returning to the surfactant monastery. Shayam Your Mottash (Your Mottenin Koltash), shay (the weight of the Kornish) SӓRӓ W (Sӓ RӓLӓ W) Translate (Translate) Talk (on another topic) (letters. Road). Rose Shayanam Naho Weight Kornyh Corn l. Koltysh. K. Medeakov. Our conversation rose translated completely to another topic.

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