Juno and maybe the history of creation briefly. Genuine history of prototypes of rock opera "Juno and Avos": Last Love or Victim of Fatherland

Juno and maybe the history of creation briefly. Genuine history of prototypes of rock opera
Juno and maybe the history of creation briefly. Genuine history of prototypes of rock opera "Juno and Avos": Last Love or Victim of Fatherland

8 seabors of chords


"Moscow, July 10th. Musical, combining western rock, passionate dances, Russian church chants, Russian-American love story creates the impression that it is placed on order to enslaves soviet culture responded to him: "No!"
The performance "Avos" is exactly the same, but his premiere still took place on the past week in the theater. Leninsky Komsomol. Four years old, an exquisite fancy synthesis of treated in native soil and brought from outside themes and forms, it is indicated as the first for the Soviet scene, where in general the rock opera is quite a new and rare phenomenon.
The combination of religion, semi-terrible hints for politics and frank confession Western Rock. It is not surprising that this setting was long and thorny path. The album recorded a year ago by the Soviet company "Melodia" was not yet released, director of the museum, where the opera recording was recorded was on the verge of dismissal, and the designated date of the premiere was postponed from April. "
Serge Schemen, New York Times, July 11, 1981

"Noise made through the walls and overlappings of the theater. Leninsky Komsomol, was a loud enough to wake up the founder of the Soviet state in his Kremlin Mausoleum. After almost three-week pribiings with the Soviet official instances, Hard Rock triumphantly captured Lenkomovsky layouts. This happened on the occasion of the premiere of the first Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" by Alexei Rybnikov, popular composer, famous for his music for movies. In addition to guitars, violins, cello, drums and choru of 16 Rybnikov required electronic toolsIncluding a multi-end synthesizer and "Roland-paraphal", rarely used so far in the USSR. The opera was a daring mixture of rhythms of hard rock, sparkling folk melodies and traditional Russian chants orthodox church.
Already the first act clearly showed that this performance will be the greatest turnstanding torque in theatrical Life Moscow recent years, exciting discovery, which will enter the current repertoire of the theater. Leninsky Komsomol. The theater for 810 seats was filled with to failure that evening. A privileged public who received free invitation cards enthusiastically welcomed the standing applause of Rybnikov and Voznesensky, giving them a tribute to them. "
Time Magazine, July 20, 1981

The first and last Russian rock opera

"All tickets are sold. Near the cashier crowds long queues, and in stores it is impossible to get a double album recorded by the company "Melody". "Juno and Avos", written by stunning avant-garde soviet composer Alexei Rybnikov on the poem of the famous Russian poet Andrei Voznesensky and his head director of the theater. Leninsky Komsomol Mark Zakharov, absorbed the most subtle "vibrating" talents that are now in Russia now. "
Sunday Times Magazine, November 27, 1983

"This story came to life on the Moscow stage under the sounds of brilliant music of the popular composer Alexey Rybnikov, with choreography Vladimir Vasilyeva from Big Theater., in the formulation of Mark Zakharov and, of course, on the basis of the Libretto of Voznesensky. "

"Alexei Rybnikov's music is eclectic and increasing, it is a huge palette, including all variety - from the melodies of heavy metal rock to the fascinating tunes of captivating romances, and often Russian Orthodox music."
NEWSWEEK, November 28, 1983

"This is not just a certain eclectic composition, this is a new musical stylewho has nothing to do with traditional rock. "
QUOTIDIEN DE PARIS, November 17, 1983

"In ecstasy, pouring through synthesizers, he also hears from the far far away - from Boris Godunov. The choir borrowed the experience of Volzh Burlakov. And when it seems to them that they are too frightened in the disco errors, then in the intervals church bell.
... Super-allyluja goes into real fierce applause - without amplifiers. "
Die Welt, July 7, 1988

"Russians and this time made a stunning effect on our eyesight and ear: no one could assume that the theater from the socialist state can show such an optical magnificence, such dance and vocal power, such Rock Rocats and so perfect musical form».
Composer Alexey Rybnikov created a spectacular musical mixture of folklore, church Chora and rock zones.
Tours have become a triumphal success. "
Frankfurter Rundschau, July 9-10, 1988

"This performance shakes, because no one expects that such a striking sound material can be brought from Moscow, the creation of which we must be the composer Alexey Rybnikov ... with the striking constellation of mystical voices, of which the most amazing is Kazan's voice God's Mother...
But the most amazing thing is to see Parisians who go with the melodies of the "rock opera" on the lips, unknown them on the eve. With melodies that will not leave us more. "
France-Soir, November 23, 1983

"Ultra-conservative jeques of a standard opera repertoire can be annoyed and offended, but everyone who is inclined to risky adventures in the sound world will be intrigued by the sound of this record, which contains many wonderful moments."
Opera Australia, May 1986

You go home with music in my head, "says Pierre Cardin. - Is not musical comedy, This is the opera. But not a boring opera. Music is so strong that it does not matter whether you speak Russian. "
THE SCENCE / NEW YORK, January 8, 1990

First execution

"In Moscow, in the Russian Church, built in Baroque styles, which is today a part of the Museum of Icons, a tremendous crowd of visitors has gathered, to be present in a kind of presentation.
On the left and left of the altar are huge speakers of stereo equipment, in the center - a table with a tape recorder, whose composer Alexei Rybnikov presents its new product that is called "Avos". Rybnikov, a man of 30 years old, said in early words about his essay and text, and then a hundred people who gathered here, listened to music in a winter unheated room, without removing warm coats. The atmosphere resembled cultural programs in Germany post-war.
Why the church is chosen by the point of view, why did this small amateur community gathered here? .. Rybnikov created in the genre of rock opera such a characteristic work for Moscow, and maybe for everything Soviet Union not typical. What happened that evening led to some movement of the gray zone of Soviet cultural life.

Alexey Rybnikov - famous composer. He says that from ten years has tried himself in the composition. Today, his work list is great, here music for television performances And the films "Buratino", "Red Cap," Baron Münhausen "," Treasure Island "- just about forty. In 1976, he meets on his own path of director of the Moscow Theater. Leninsky Komsomol Mark Zakharova. Thanks to this meeting, a nearly not known musical drama genre was born. Rybnikov writes music to the works of Pablo Neruda "Star and Death of Hoachin Muriet" and after that Rock Opera "Juno and Avos."
Liberalization B. music Life, observed for several years and aimed at eliminating the dissatisfaction of young people, the gradual admission of jazz, pop music, tour and techniques of Western groups, which enjoyed great success - all this allowed Rybnikov to make the first steps to the music of the Rock Opera with undoubted passion for genuine Russian music traditions. An interesting and consistent example of such new Opera - "Juno and Avos".
Rybnikov used Libretto A. Voznesensky, telling about the history that occurred in the XIX century ... Count Rezanov took an expedition on the ships "Juno" and "Avos" from Russia to California, where he loved the daughter of the governor of San Francisco, sixteen-year-old girl. He left ... she waited for him long years And finally, went to the monastery. Count Rezanov died under Krasnoyarsk ...
At first glance, sentimental love storyNevertheless, through the text of Lyrics Andrei Voznesensky, through music Alexey Rybnikov undoubtedly reached high level.
Modern objections of censorship, which still delays the release of the records, occur probably due to the idealistic fores of Russian-American relations. Critical statements to address tsarist Russia turn out to be relevant and in relation to today's day. So the Opera Rybnikov opera may be understood.
Clear following Russian traditions, first of all, in the area church musicfound in the text of prayer, sacred music, then very loud, then very quiet, here, in the museum premises or, rather, to say, in the church was in its place. As modern fine toolShe pushed the borders of musical and bureaucratic limitations. Music says more than a description of the composer giftedness of Rybnikov, his fantasy to use modern achievements, its expression. It is a pity that this work will not become the property of society ... "
Klaus Kunza, WestDeutsche Rundfunk, February 1981


Rezanov Nikolai Petrovich (1764 - 1807) - an outstanding Russian traveler and statesman, one of the founders of the Russian-American trading company. There was from the poor kind of nobles of Smolensk province. Serve by the guarantion of the Life Guards of the Izmailovsky Regiment, later held the position of Ober-Secretary of the Civil Department and the Governor of the General Board of the Russian-American Company. In 1806, he took a trip to California, where promoted the establishment of trade relations between the Russian-American company and Spanish colonists. On the way back to Russia died in Krasnoyarsk. "Juno" and "Avos" - the so-called ships on which they made their sailing of Rezans.


At the heart of the plot of the opera - the fate of the Russian graph, Chamber of Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, who sent in 1806 on the Sailboats "Juno" and "Avos" to the shores of California.
Spiritual suffocity, the unbearability of existence in Russia forced rezanov to look for new lands for the exercise of the eternal dream of a free country for Russian people. He, however, understands the utopian of his ideas, understands that the difficulties in his way of irresistible. But even the presence of the smallest chance for good luck, faith in "Avos!" Makes Rezanov to serve one petition after another with a request to allow him a trip to California.
Failures broke his will. In immeasurable longing and despair praises the rezans of Our Lady. In prayer, he is recognized in his most intimate and frightening his very feeling - love for the Mother of God as a woman. This painful obstacle covers it entirely. At the top of his ecstatic state of Rezanov hears an unearthly voice that blesses him. Following this, as an Echo of Divine Light, his dream is carried out in reality - he receives a journey permit, moreover, the highest state mission is assigned to him.
After the hardest path through Pacific Ocean Rezans come into contact with Spanish Franciscan monks, with the governor of San Francisco Hose Dario Arguuelo. Being invited to a reception to the governor, Rezanov meets his daughter - sixteen-year-old Conception de Arguelo. On the Ball of the Groom, the cumshots Federico sings a sonnet about the sad fate of two lovers, and Rezanov seems to be in the end of the earthly incarnation of the tormenting supernatural passion.
At night, in the garden of Rezanov hears the conversation and Federico about their upcoming engagement, but he himself can no longer cope with his feeling. Having penetrated into the bedroom to Cum, he first begs her about love, and then, despite all the despair, the cumsows, he masters ... And the sad, quiet unearthly voice hears again. In the soul of the Cums at this moment, love is born, only repentance and bitterness remain in the soul of Rezanov.
Happy fortune from now on turns away from Rezanov. The affairs of the Russian-American company are bad. The scandal caused by his act makes Russian urgently leave San Francisco.
In his letter to Rumyantsev Rezanov writes that his dreams about the enlightenment of human shower in new Russian colonies crashed in the dust, and he dreams of one thing: to return the ships and sailors to Russia.
Having achieved a secret grinding with a grain, the rezans are started in the opposite sad way. In Siberia, he gets sick and dies. And the ending remains true to his love the rest of his life. After waiting for the rezanov thirty years, she will be torn to the nun and in the dynamic monastery in San Francisco ends his days.
Light anthem "Alliluya Love" sounds the final of the opera.

"Juno and Avos" is one of the most famous modern operas of the composer Alexei Rybnikov on the poems of the poet Andrei Voznesensky. Her first showing on the stage of the Moscow Theater named after Leninsky Komsomol (Lenkom) took place on July 9, 1981.

In the late 1970s, the famous composer Alexey Rybnikov became interested in creating musical improvisations based on Orthodox chants. Once he demonstrated his developments artistic manager "Lenkom" Mark Zakharov, after which he caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating on their basis the opera based on the "Words about the regiment of Igor". It was decided to turn to Andrei Voznesensky for writing a libretto to the opera. Voznesensky did not support this idea, and instead suggested using his poem "Avos", created in 1970. He managed to convince Rybnikov and Zakharov, after which the work went on the adaptation of the poem to the scene. I had to work on many scenes and arias.

Since the word "Rock Opera" was forbidden at that time (like rock music at all), the authors called the work of the "modern opera".

The formulation of dance numbers was carried out by Balletmister Vladimir Vasilyev.

The scene of the poem and rock opera lay down romantic story The love of the Russian traveler Nikolai Rezanov and the daughter of the governor of San Francisco Maria Cumshots Arguuelo De La Concepcion.

Camger Rezanov, buried his wife, decided to give all his strength to the ministry of Russia. His proposals on the need to attempt to establish trade relations with North America for a long time did not meet the response from the authorities, but finally he commanded to fulfill the desired journey. Before leaving Rezanov says that with young years He is being tormented by one circumstance, the impression that the icon of the Kazan Mother of God made it - since then he belongs to the Virgin Mary rather as a beloved woman than the mother of God. Waving to him in the vision, the Virgin tells him not to horrify his feeling and promises to pray for him.

Under the Andreev flag, two ships are saved to the shores of California, "Juno and Avos." In Spanish at that time, California is nearing the wedding of the cumshots, daughters of the governor, and Señora Federico. Rezans on the face of Russia welcomed by California, and the governor invites him as the ambassador of Emperor Alexander, on the ball in honor of the sixteen years of his daughter. The rezanov ball invites to the dance to the dance - and this event becomes fatal in their lives and in the life of Federico. The groom openly jealines, the satellites of Rezanov enclose cynical bet, whether he can "rip the California flower." Men understand that none of them will go away without a fight.

At night, the Copter prays the Virgin Mary in his bedroom. Rezanov comes to her with the words of love.

In the soul, the cumsows at this moment will be born, and it meets the rezanne reciprocity. But happy fortune from now on turns away from Rezanov. The groom the grace causes him to duel, during which Federico dies. Russians are forced to urgently leave San Francisco.

By making a secret engagement with the grave, the rezans are started in the opposite way. In Siberia, he gets ill and dies under Krasnoyarsk. And the ending remains true to his love the rest of his life. After waiting for a rezanov thirty-five years old - from sixteen to fifty two - it will begged in the nun and the San Francisco Dominican Monastery shall ends his days.

Nikolai Karachentsov (Count Rezanov), Elena Shanin (Cumbertta), Alexander Abdulov (Federico) were involved in the first composition of the performance. Immediately after the operating, the opera became the most discussed event in the cultural life of the capital.

Rock-Opera "Juno" and "Avos" successfully passed the test of time - the performance is still with constant anchlats. For 30 years of history, six performers have changed the role of death and three chamber rezanov.

Currently, on the stage of the theater "Lenk", the role of Chamber, Count Nikolai Rezanov executed folk artists Russia and Victor Crakov; Cumberts - Alla Yugan and Alexander Volkova.

There are two spectacle televautions - 1983 and 2002. In the first version captured classic view Speak with Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanina and Alexander Abdulov. In the second version, removed to the 20th anniversary of the performance, are busy Nikolai Karachentsov, Anna Bolshaya and Victor Crakov.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

On the poems of the poet Andrei Voznesensky. The premiere took place on July 9 on the stage of the Moscow theater named after the Leninsky Komsomol (director Mark Zakharov, the design of Vladimir Vasilyeva's dance, the artist Oleg Shaincis), in the repertoire of which the performance is still.

The names of two sailboats, "Juno" and "Avos" were used in the title of the performance, on which the expedition of Nikolai Rezanov's expedition was saved.

History of creation

However, after some time, thanks to Peter Carden, the theater tour was held in Paris and Broadway in New York, then in Germany, the Netherlands and other countries. Subsequently, the opera was delivered to Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, South Korea.

First source plot

According to the memories of Andrei Voznesensky, the poem "Avos" he began to write in Vancouver when "swallowed ... Forest pages about the rezanis of Tolstny Tom J. Lensen, whining the fate of our brave compatriot." In addition, the rowing diary of Rezanov was also preserved and was partially published, which was also used by Voznesensky.

And two more centuries, there was a symbolic act of reunion of lovers. In the fall of 2000, the sheriff of the California city of Benish, where the death of Arguuelo was buried, brought to Krasnoyarsk, the handful of land from her grave and a rose to impose white Crosson one side of which words are knocked out I will never forget you, and on the other - I will never see you.

Naturally, both the poem and opera are not documentary chronicles. As Voznesensky himself says about it:

The author is not as displaced by concert and frivolism to depict persons real on scarce information about them and insult their approximate. Images of them, as well as names, only the capricious echo of the fate of the well-known. And the tragedy of the gospel woman flooded by the highest dogma is unproveless, although it is undoubted. For not the right to the idea of live life and feeling.


Jubilee performances

Spectacle date Rezanov Konchitta Fernando
1-y. 20.10.1981 Nikolai Karachentsov Elena Shanina Alexander Abdulov
700-y. 25.02.1999 Nikolai Karachentsov Inna Pivars Victor Rakov
800-y. 03.02.2002 Nikolai Karachentsov Anna Bigova Victor Rakov
1000-y. 10.09.2008 Dmitry Pevtsov Alla Yuganova Stanislav Ryadynsky

Performance in numismatics


see also


  • "Rezanov and Copter - the history of love in the memory of generations" O. Nikolaev

Theatrical sensation was called a quarter century ago by producing director Mark Zakharov in the theater. Leninsky Komsomol Rock Opera Alexey Rybnikova on Libretto Andrei Voznesensky. And not surprisingly, then back in 1981 orthodox prayers And chants, the Andreevsky flag, the Mother of God with a baby Jesus on the stage of Lenkom - all this seemed miracle. And the history of this work began with the meeting of Rybnikov and Voznesensky.

- Real, though sad, the history of the love of the Russian traveler Nikolai Rezanov and the daughter of the governor of San Francisco Maria Cumshots Arguuelo De La Concepcion. A huge difference in age, thousands of kilometers, dividing lovers, will not allow love to live happily.

This elevation tragic story Love inspired Andrei Voznesensky to create the poem "Avos", which was later reworked by the author to the Opera libretto. Rybnikov had long wanted to connect traditional Orthodox chants with elements of modern musical language. And when Andrei Voznesensky came to him with the text of his poem "Avos", written on the basis of genuine historical factsRybnikov began working on rock opera.

Suggest rock opera "Juno and Avos"

Two sailing ships "Juno" and "Avos" under russian flag arrive in California where the captain of the brig "Avos" count Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov Loved the local beauties Mary Business Concept Arguuelo, daughter of the Commandant of the fortress of San Francisco. The love of the graph and the young Spanish caused the jealousy and hatred of the opponent in her love. Urgent departure Ryazanov To his homeland, separated lovers. For several years, waiting for a marriage with a Catholic, the graph died under Krasnoyarsk, and without having achieved it. BUT Konchita I was waiting for 35 years, until I received reliable information about his death, after which I gave a vow of silence and retired to the monastery.

It was the first Soviet Rock Opera, which, however, due to the features of the mode of the creators, the author of Libretto Andrei Voznesensky and the author of the music Alexey Rybnikov - attributed to another genre, calling it a modern opera "Juno and Avos." Its content is based on real events. At the base of the plot - the tragic story of the love of the Russian graph and the navigator Nicholas Rezanov and the daughter of the Spanish governor of San Francisco Cumshots of Arguuelo.

Meeting history - truthful and fictional

Basic story line Truthful in all versions, it originates from the moment when in 1806, to the shores of California under the flag russian fleet And under the leadership of the Russian graph and the chamber of his imperial majesty, two brigas were stuck - "Juno" and "Avos". The content of all the rest of the action allows different, sometimes conflicting interpretations are already because the story has become a reason to create numerous poems, operas, ballets and simply art historical studies. BUT artistic creativity Presums a varying degree of error before the truth, which was recognized by the author of the poem "Avos" Andrei Voznesensky. And in the stage of the theater Lenk, in creative Commonwealth The author of the music of Alexei Rybnikov and director Mark Zakharov The work has gained its constant name - "Juno and Avos."

Brief content of rock opera

Sorogadvuhlecent State Worker and Flotodets, Widovets and Father Two Children Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, who dreams of swimming for the shores North AmericaBut the refusal of refusal, looking for intercession from the icon of Mother of God and is recognized to her in her unrighteous passion to her as a woman. Our Lady forgives him and promises his patronage. Soon he really receives the highest command from the imperial yard to go to the shores of California to deliver food to the Russian colonies in Alaska. And then anchor in the Gulf of San Francisco Russian ships "Juno" and "Avos". The content of the action is now developing rapidly. Don Arguelo's ball at the ball in honor of the Armored Russian Expedition, the Count meets with the owner's daughter, 16-year-old cumshot. Here he learns that the House of Arguuelo is preparing for the wedding of the young cumper and the young Hidalgo Fernando. Fascinated by the beauty of the girl, the rezans secretly penetrates her bedroom, prays her about love and masters her. The voice of the Virgin Mary again descends to them, and in the soul, there are awakens love.

But for his misconduct, the Count must pay an expensive price: the offended Fernando throws him a challenge and dies from his hand. The Russian expedition rush to leave California. Rezans secretly collapses with her beloved, but for the wedding he needs to take a permit from dad to marry Catholic. However, they are not destined to see more. On the path of Rezans, it's hard and dying under Krasnoyarsk. Copter refuses to believe the terrible news and is waiting for a beloved more than thirty years, after which it is tonsured in a nun and finishes their days by the closer. This is the schematic content of the opera "Juno and Avos."

Embody on stage

In Lenkom, there was a surprisingly happy fate. She missed immediately unlike other, less sharp performances. On the scenes of many countries showed the play "Juno and Avos", the content of each tour was invariably triumphal. Not the last, if not the first role was played by immeasurable talent, energy and charisma performers of major roles. IN different time The role of Graph Rezanov played Dmitry Pevtsov, can be seen in this role and others famous actors. In the role of death - Elena Shanin, Alla Yuganova. In other roles, Alexander Abdulov, Larisa Porgina and others were occupied. With all the advantages of the subsequent compositions of the duet of Nikolai Karachentsov with actress, Elena Shanina, according to the reviews of most viewers, and remained unsurpassed in their mad energy. No wonder the hit of the genre of the musical "I will never forget you" in this performance still does not lose popularity.


Copter Arguuelo (in Mary Domingo) died in 1857 and was buried at the monastery cemetery, from where her dust was moved to the cemetery of St. Dominic.

Count Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov in 1807 was buried at the cemetery of the City Cathedral of Krasnoyarsk. After almost two centuries, in 2000, a white grailer cross was installed on his grave, on which on the one hand read: "I will never forget you," and on the other it is written: "I will never see you."