Deep causes and examples of weak character traits. What does it mean to have a strong character? And how to develop it

Deep causes and examples of weak character traits. What does it mean to have a strong character? And how to develop it
Deep causes and examples of weak character traits. What does it mean to have a strong character? And how to develop it

The phrase that only the strongest was winning in the world and will be relevant. Of course, if you used to imply physiological characteristics, the modern world motivates the personality to be improved both in the physical plane and in spiritual. Many people seek to develop strengths of character in themselves to be prepared for any difficulties in life.

A strong character is able to influence the environment, there are much more people than talent, etc. People judge others by their nature. After all, it is he tells about a person more than his words. So, the character is the thoughts of man, its values, actions and words. People with a strong character develop it throughout the entire time. It is not true that most of the human character is formed in childhood, while the character changes not very quickly, it will take time for this.

Strong character traits

A person with a strong character possesses such features of character as:

  1. Initiative and self-confidence. A strong person to any life situations are confident in his abilities, in itself. He is able to soberly realize his own abilities, seeks to expand them. Such people most appreciate their abilities, their own development. Strong personality is not afraid of uncertainty. It is also ready for constant changes.
  2. Attitude to others.Signs of a strong character, first of all, manifest themselves in a favorable attitude towards others. Such people are able to establish deep relationships with whatever the surroundings. Strong people do not seek someone to educate, condemn, teach. They have no goal to subdue everyone to themselves, impose their point of view, will, etc.
  3. Personal responsibility.Strong personalities realize that everything in life depends on them themselves. They are not looking for disapproval or vice versa. What would such a person do, she will always take full responsibility for their actions, which means strong in nature leads such people to an active life position.
  4. The pursuit of excellence. Strong people are able to concentrate on something. They seek to live, creating something in life. First of all, people with a strong character give the main importance to the interests of their affairs.
  5. Openness, naturalness. A strong personality is capable of opening their feelings and in front of him, and before others. She trusts its feelings and is guided by this, making decisions. Communicate with such people is very easy. They are cheerful and always open to communication.
  6. Need originity. Strong people have individuality. She manifests itself in any way. Such people are not afraid to be dissimilar. They seek to express their individuality.
  7. Special experiences.About the fact that you have a strong character, will tell your ability to special experiences, almost mystical. They may be associated with the process of knowledge, creativity, with certain achievements.

Estimation data appear without certain incentives. Strong people at such moments feel ease, loss of sense of time, etc.



Before the dream and the present success, those who have enough hardness in character are getting, and weaklings remain on the side of the road. Only a firm and strong character helps to achieve goals in the life. How to develop a stronger character and severe moral discipline?

The character, from the Greek word "χαρακτήρα" was originally the term, which indicated signs printed on the coins. Nowadays, character means a set of all qualities, such as courage, truthfulness, dedication and direct people possessed. The character may be the most important thing that a person may have, as it determines the most essence of people. Work out a more solid nature means make yourself a more productive person as part of a certain sphere of interest or a certain profession. This article contains advice on how to develop a stronger nature and severe moral discipline.

1. Know what makes character hard. The nature of character develops from the qualities that allow you to control your instincts and desires, to own themselves and have the ability to keep yourself from a variety of temptations with which you are constantly meeting in everyday life. Moreover, the strength of character is freedom from prejudices and stereotypes, and includes the ability to exercise and feel tolerance, love and respect for other people. .

2. Understand why strong character is important for you and especially for others:

Character hardness allows you to freely pursue your goals and at the same time hardens your stability to failures. She helps you achieve your goals.
A solid character allows you to analyze and explore the causes of failures, instead of just complaining about them, as other people do.
A strong character gives you the courage to recognize your shortcomings, frivolity and weakness.
It allows you to survive with any changes to the situation and continue to move forward, not looking at obstacles.

3. Speakers. The most important step in the development of a firm character is to learn to empathize with other people, especially those who are weaker than you, and love other people like you love yourself. This skill may cost you expensive because you have to carefully examine your motives to be able to empathize disinterestedly. The empathy differs from the sympathy that empathy requires your immediate complicity in the lives of other people (enter the life of a person and help him clean the way), while sympathy implies an emotional, but passive reaction without active complicity and self-dedication.

4. Look for the truth. Prefer reason to ordinary emotions. A person with a strong character explores all the facts head and is not amenable to prejudices and emotions. Allow most questions only by reasoning and avoid chaos of your sensations, realizing that despite the fact that "not arguing about tastes", the reason should always win with the help of actual evidence and arguments.

5. Do not be pessimist or optimist; Be the leader. Pessimist complains of the wind, the optimist expects the end of the storm, and the leader rebuilds the sail and prepares them to any weather.

6. Beware of irrational motives. Aristotle and Thomas Aquinity believed that there are seven human feelings: love and hatred, desire and fear, happiness and sadness, and anger. Being quite good by themselves, these emotions often reline our intellect and make us come to be improper: to overeat, irrationally fear something, or allow sadness or anger to absorb us. In fact, the answer to any question can be found only in the rationality of solutions and in the practice of good habits aimed at exemption from emotions. Excessive and sensual appetites are a sign of a weak nature, while the ability to detain (suspend) remuneration and practicing self-control indicate the force of character.

7. Be satisfied with what you have (do not imitate anyone). Appreciate your own advantages. Ideas that the grass is always greener somewhere else will provide you with an unhappy life; Remember that this is just the projection of your ideas about how other people live. It is better to concentrate on how you live.

8. Shake down to go on (delivered) risk. If you avoid battles, you deprive yourself and victory, and all the benefits that are associated with them. Do not be cowardly, alienated and do not leave your duties, but be bold to make your contribution to the development of mankind.

9. Reject any external tips contrary to what you decide for yourself. Each person drive their own interests, whether it is subconsciously or consciously. Do not make anyone do the way you want, but also do not allow others to impose their opinions on you. Understand and take the fact that different people will offer you different decisions of the same question, and that you cannot please everyone. Find the right path and go along it, without turning into the right or left. Manage yourself and never go from the right path.

10. Learn to create good and keep track of / avoid evil. Look for the world and strive to him sincerely. Chasing not personal goals that are trapped the needs of other people, but noble and decent motives that will benefit all the society. If you pursue your personal goals, you will be involved in conflicts with other people and, at the end, you will definitely be defeated. If you work for a common blessing, it will benefit everyone, and you can simultaneously satisfy your personal goals.

11. Learn to own your emotions. Do not allow anything but common sense to influence your daily solutions and actions. Often you can be difficult, sometimes almost impossible, do not give in to emotions, but you can learn to suppress them about phenomena and exceed them, relying on prudence and common sense.

12. Do not be neither wasteful or miser, but find the golden middle. The ability to find a golden middle is a sign of a strong character that can resist extremes.

13. Always keep calm. Calm is a condition that allows you to concentrate and redistribute your divergent soaps and meditate with the benefit. Reflections lead to ideas, ideas lead to opportunities, opportunities lead to success. Calm is Sine Qua Non strong character. Without calm, there is no power of will. Without peace, desires can very quickly light up, turning into an invincible passion and obstructing healthy thinking. Calm is not an enemy emotion, but a regulatory force that allows them to be the right expression.

14. Concentrate on positive moments in life and do not waste time for negative moments. One day a doctor, to whom a young girl came, complaining about a variety of diseases and praying for cure, told her: "Do not think about them; this is the most effective of all drugs." Physical and mental pain can be loosen by one effort of will, sending thoughts to other beds, or strengthen, continuing to think about it.

15. Resist fatalism. Each person is fully responsible for its own development and fate. If you accept fatalism, that is, if you believe that fate is somehow predetermined and unchanged, you will dissuade yourself from any attempts to improve your life and your character. The fate of the blind and dechah; She will never hear and will not see us. Better remember that the correction of errors and the change in its own destiny for the better are the right steps towards the development of a strong nature and improving your life in general. Get your own happiness; Do not wait for something or someone to bring it to you, because this will not happen if you do not show perseverance.

16. Keep patience - to establish enthusiastically, pursue and achieve your goals, whether they are short-term or long-term: that is, to achieve progress (success). Success and there is progress, and not the final destination. A person with a strong character will not give up when he meets the obstacles on his way, but will be persistent until the very end and exceeds all obstacles. Learn to suspend remuneration in life, learn how to wait as you progress and understand that time can be your friend that you can use it to learn and grow. Also know which battles you should get involved, and when it is better to retreat; Sometimes retreat means to take the gift of life, and not cling to a sinking ship.

17. Win all the fears. Indecisiveness is a serious obstacle to success. Do not allow prejudice in your life based on surface observations, but take the facts that are based exclusively on sound rations. Do not lay the foundation on the sand, and better build on a solid stone. Overcoming fear, you will gain a hardness of character that will allow you to think, make decisions and act as a true winner.

18. As a gardener must purify the Earth from weeds to allow his garden to grow, so you should eradicate all the weak thoughts that, like weeds, loosened your strength. Beware of excessive emotionality and give emotions only their true significance. When you notice that you are tormented by some vast emotion, immediately take yourself something for fifteen minutes, better for an hour. Many great wars lost their lives due to the fact that they reacted too unborn to the insults and went too early to fight against their offenders, not having proper preparation, acting extremely hotly and thoughtlessly. Learn over time to overcome such weaknesses, remembering that anger is a common vice among people with a weak character.

19. Practice calm, caution, insight and prudence in business. Develop logical thinking and use it in your work.

20. Be true in all in all aspects of life. If you are not true, you lie, first of all, yourself, and this will certainly affect your character.

21. And finally, be the best of all wherever you are, and always try to do everything as best as possible. Stubfully worry and avoid idleness as the plague. At the same time, learn how to appreciate the good rest for his ability to restore your strength and inspire you to return to your good things every time.


Be disciplined and monitored yourself. Run from bad impulses (including habits and actions that you later regret) - and obsessive behavior that become a habit and deform in nature.

Be a person's person and avoid temptations to lie; Honesty supports strong character. Also learn without fear to make decisions.

Be happy. Happiness is health. Happiness gives you the power to overcome monotony and get rid of boredom in life. It allows you to take the best of any situation. Happiness is the state of the soul. According to observations, poor people are smiling much more often than rich with Wall Street.

Perform physical exertion to develop resistance. The mind and body are interconnected. Train your physical durability to strengthen your mental durability.

Be a good friend. Dedote yourself to your friends and be prepared to go for victims for them. Never hold offense and do not pay attention to small incidents. Live in harmony with other people. Do not be an egoist: always take into account the interests of other people.

"Some when they see the abyss, think about the abyss, and others represent the bridge over her."

In our environment, people with pronounced weak or are always distinguished. It should be noted that such people are found not often. The majority, as a rule, combine in their nature the features of both strong personalities and weaknesses, while the character of each person has distinctive features and individual characteristics.

Let's try to give a description of a person with a strong character.

Steve Jobs

A person with a strong character in any situation seeks to see not a problem, but an opportunity. Steve Jobs, Apple founder said:

"I am the only person who knows what to lose a quarter to a billion dollars per year. It is very well forms a person. "

A strong person is distinguished by perseverance, desire and desire to achieve his goals, perseverance and patience. These people usually know well what they want to achieve in life in general, as well as in every particular situation in particular. They are confident in their abilities. For all his actions, they are responsible for themselves, and they do not blame those who surround people, circumstances, fate, etc. It helps them confidently move towards the goal, they do not stop obstacles. As a rule, their actions, their actions are well delighted, planned and aimed at solving each particular task, as a strong difficulty person perceives as tasks that can and need to decide. In a difficult situation, he does not lower the hands, does not roll, does not complain, but seeks to find the most optimal solution. His motto:

"When it seems that the whole world is configured against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind."

An example of a strong character is the so-called "".

With a representative of a weak character, everything is exactly the opposite. The owner of this character is inherent in the features, directly opposite to the above described.

If a strong character is persistence, dedication, persistence, perseverance, then weakness is uncertainty, weakness, unpredictability of actions and behavior as a whole, the desire to transfer responsibility to others. A man with a weak character lacks forces and will to achieve its goals, he easily exposed to someone else's influence, is not able to defend his opinion, can not resist anyone or anything. As a result, his behavior is often unpredictable because they drive the surrounding environment and the surrounding people. Without able to resist the surroundings, a person with a weak character chooses the path of least resistance, even to the detriment of his desires and its comfort.

Such a division of characters on weak and strong, of course, is very conditional. More often, in everyday life, the phrase "man with character" means a person with a strong character that can behave independently, consistently, purposefully, regardless of people and circumstances.

A strong character can affect people and surroundings even more than the highest diving and abilities.

To be a leader in life, you must not command, but create. You must show an example for others. And the first and most important decision for you will be a person with a strong character.

I like it or not, but people will judge you in your character. Character opens up who we are actually. Character is your values, your thoughts, your words and your actions.

Strong character develops over time. Many mistakenly think that the "large part" of character is formed at an early age, and then there are already little that can be done or change. But we do not know exactly how much or how early nature develops. And it is safe to assert that the character does not change quickly.

An indicator of a person's character is it. This behavior may be strong or weak, good or bad. We recognize the strong character of a person when we see drive, energy, determination, self-discipline, and strong nerves. A strong character knows what he wants. Strong character attracts followers.

On the other hand, a person with a weak character does not show any of these features. He does not know what he wants. A man with a weak character controversial, disorganized and constantly hesitated. Such a person does not attract, but, on the contrary, repels the followers.

A strong person can be good or bad. For example, the gang leader is an example of a strong person with a bad character. The outstanding leader has both strong and good characteristics. The world catastrophically lacks people and leaders who have a strong character who will go to the future and show that they can be trusted.

Quality of strong character

Strong character is the sum of all positive qualities that make you, such as:

  • discipline
  • honesty
  • a responsibility
  • courage
  • patience
  • goodworking
  • self confidence
  • justice
  • compassion
  • leadership
  • respect
  • devotion
  • attention
  • generosity
  • humility
  • and reliability.

Benefits of a strong character

  • If you have a strong character, it means that you are aware of yourself and people around you. You are not selfish and completely disinterested.
  • Having a strong character means that you can control your thoughts, as well as your actions.
  • A strong character is always striving to make the right things. In addition, such a person is difficult to offend. A strong character like teflon (a substance that is not destroyed by the effects of acids and alkalis).

4 ways to develop a strong character

Here are some ways to develop a strong character and strengthen your inner "constitution":

  1. Keep your word. Be a man's word. If you have violated the promise, do not hide it. Bring our apologies immediately and refund all the damage.
  2. Say no. On the contrary, do not let empty promises. In other words, do not bite any more than you can go. Learn to speak no on time. Tell another thing that it does not interest you or you cannot execute it.
  3. Stop complain. Just solve problems.
  4. Be stable. Do not let alone bad day affect the other. Leave in the past yesterday.

Are you a man with a strong character? Or a strong character so far for you - a dream?


Forming from birth. It is influenced by various factors, but mostly this is the environment of the child. Then how to communicate with peers, parents. He learns, looking at the relationship between other people, emphasizes for itself significant moments that are postponed in consciousness. And as a result, it is formed into characteristics. The formation of a person, as a person, is about 18 years. After it is already unlikely that the character will change, if not attaching enough effort to this.

Weak and strengths of character

It happens that we are thinking about our character. Some features interfere with life, do not develop, implemented in life. In such a situation, it is useful to sit down with a notebook and write down the strengths and weaknesses in the column. This technique helps to decompose life problems on the shelves and understand the ways to solve them.

What features are considered strong, and what are weak? Wonder!

Strengths help move forward with proudly raised head, despite the current circumstances. These include:

Dedication. We constantly put our goals: someone wants to succeed at work (an increase in the career ladder), the other puts the goal of a financial nature, the third dream to lose weight and put the goal to get the desired figure on the scales. But not all reach the end point, they lack moral, and maybe physical forces for the implementation of plans. But if in your character there is such a feature, then do not even doubt the successfulness of the tasks.
Persistence. For the performance of desire, dreams or goals is sometimes not only purposefulness, it happens that there is not enough small, which helps a person to reach the end, fulfill the planned tasks and proudly say that it's time to conquer new heights.

Willpower. This quality is usually manifested in situations where overcoming itself occurs. A man throws smoking, losing weight on many kilograms, gets rid of dependencies and addictions. Allows you to cope with desires that do not lead to a positive result.
Organizations. Sometimes it is difficult to organize your own day. That children are distracted, then problems at work and at home. Everything prevents complex issues, disputes. Organizations are easy to develop in itself, making planning for a day or immediately week. Write in the organizer by the hour that when, how much, how much time is spent on the execution of each action, and follow the plan strictly. Over time, you will feel that the recordings are no longer required for you, and you cope on your own, getting used to the regular schedule of the day.
A responsibility. This is one of the important and main features in the character of a person. It will not be possible to create a harmonious family, get a job and work for a long time on a prestigious and highly paid job. Responsibility should be laid with maternal milk, and the famous saying "We are responsible for those who have tamed" perfectly explains the need for this quality.
Communicability, sociability. These qualities provide a person to develop, find useful contacts, negotiate, settle conflict situations.

The totality of all these qualities suggests that a person is strong. Each of them needs to be developed and improved every day. Self-improvement has not yet hurt anyone. Therefore, if you want to seek everything that we thought, you wish to have a reliable rear (family, friends, children), then think about improving yourself.

Weak character traits

Pessimistic. Being in the pessimistic arrangement of the Spirit, a person all perceives in gray. It prevents him from implementing plans, hope for the best, solve problems, and indeed life becomes boring, sad, uninteresting and fresh. It seems that there is no exit from situations, but it is worth only to change the glasses on pink. How immediately is the solution. Look at the world with a bright look, and then it will seem much attractive.
Emotionality. Interferes in communicating between people. This applies not only to family relationships, but also business. How often we scream in the office by the head, forgetting ethiquids. In no case should this behavior be allowed, otherwise the manager will hide angrily. Ultimately, you will receive a reprimand for any small disruption of the employment schedule, and the reason to dismisse it. Therefore, this quality is undesirable to exercise anywhere, even with native people.

Envy. Envy is a detrimental, destructive feeling that negatively affects the psyche and emotional state. We have noticed more than once, as we negatively oppose people who have achieved something in life. The woman bought a dear car, we believe that she got to her as a gift. But few people know that she earned him herself, spending strength for the exercise of a dream. A rich man married a tackle - she with him only because of money, no love and speech and speech. Happy family - hide the present for insincere smiles. And such situations mass. Consciousness, it is like a worm that eats an apple from the inside.
Wastefulness, inability to accumulate. Such people - lifespan, they do not know what it means not to have money in your pocket, they spend them on entertainment, drunks, hiking in clubs, women, etc. This quality is unlikely to help once build their capital, its own fortress, reliable family Ultimately, everything can end the deplorable.

Weaknesses make a person vulnerable, unable to confront negative circumstances, so it is important to develop your thoughts, skills, quality.

How to develop a strong character

Character is a set of qualities that we purchase in the process of life from an early age. It is not born genetically, is not transferred to the son of his son and his daughter. Quality is developing, improving or worse to becoming an adult person. Of course, this age is relative, in some developed personalities, the character appears already in 15-16 years. Much depends on education, mental development, education.

To develop strong traits of character, you need to work hard. This is the same thing that getting rid of from, which was deeply in the brain. I want to continue to do what I did before, but we must do differently. So is there a clear instruction, how to develop a strong character?

First, understand what specifically the quality you would like to change in yourself, to become stronger that your mind and body worked more productively. Write down the pros and cons of your character, which interferes, and what helps, analyze some situations from life, in which you think you behaved as much as I would like. This will help collect information together and draw conclusions.
Why the presence of a strong character is important for you and people around you. First of all, it allows you to achieve all goals. But if it still did not happen, there was a failure, then it should not be desirable, you need to continue moving in the right direction.
Match out. The presence of a strong nature does not mean that you go on heads, break through anyone who will get on your way. All the opposite. You empathize weak, help them achieve the goal, love others. But make help disinterestedly, do not wait for a response from those who you helped.
Naked facts. A strong character means a sober head. Do not repel from emotions, experiences, hints and other relative feelings and qualities. Watch for clean facts, analyze, rotate specific actions in your head, and not blurred assumptions.
Lead. Do not become, be the one who will adapt to the conditions and lead along, that is.

Appreciate what you have. Do you know the saying "Good where we are not"? She is incorrect. All you represent about other people, situations, places, subjectively. Appreciate what is present in your life. If something does not suit, then do not look aside, do not envy other people (neighbors, friends, celebrities), but improve, correct situations within ourselves, at home, at work, etc.
No cowardly! Go for risk, do not be a coward. But the risk should be thoroughly respectful, do not rush into the outer with your head. Without a battle there will be no victories, no gifts that should bring victory.
Do not follow someone's advice. Most likely, in some important question, you have already subconsciously made conclusions for ourselves, we decided how to do, but still ask the advice of loved ones. Do not be fooled by other opinions that are opposed to your own, follow the first answer that arose in my head.

It is not necessary to argue at the same time, stay in my opinion and silently step up, so the strong personalities do.
Create good. Our world is enough evil, violence, pain. Make it a little better, notice only the best moments that occur around, do, create good yourself, help weak: elderly, children, animals. Only a strong spirit man is capable of such actions.
Control the mind, thoughts, emotions. For this, it is not necessary to be, take a look at each situation from the side and review your behavior. Excessive emotionality will never be a supporter of a strong person, this is the manifestations of the weakest. Showing, rudeness, we defend, and therefore we are weak.
Patience. To achieve the goals, you need time, and to wait the right interval, a lot of patience will be required.
Exclude weak thoughts. We, like gardeners who clean the weeds from the garden, we cleare of our heads from malicious, weak, unnecessary thoughts to clear the mind from superfluous. Tune in.
True and only truth. Liages are weak to become strong, speak only the truth. If you are lying to someone from loved ones, you lie, first of all, yourself.
Work. "It's easily not caught and fish out of the pond." Persistently do, self-improvement, improve yourself. But do not forget about the rest, without it will not come out high-quality work on mistakes.

A strong character is not a panacea from all problems, but it will help to cope with many life situations, of which it would seem that there was no way out. Learn, develop, get better, and then life will seem like a fairy tale.

March 15, 2014.