Essay: Grinevo in the Belogorsk Fortress. Report: Greenieva's life in the Belogorsk Fortress Peter Grinev in the Belogorsk Fortress

Essay: Grinevo in the Belogorsk Fortress. Report: Greenieva's life in the Belogorsk Fortress Peter Grinev in the Belogorsk Fortress
Essay: Grinevo in the Belogorsk Fortress. Report: Greenieva's life in the Belogorsk Fortress Peter Grinev in the Belogorsk Fortress

"Captain's daughter" - the work of A.S. Pushkin. The events described in this novel (Tale) occur during the Pugachev Bunt. The main place is the Belogorsk Fortress. The story is coming on behalf of the main character of Peter Andreevich Greenyowa.

The Hero of the Roman was born in the Symbirian province in the estate of his parents. Up to sixteen, Grinyow indulged in fun with the yard boys. It was not particularly sought to study science. Yes, and to teach him a good education was no one. The father of the boy - a strict retired officer decided that it was time for his son to give the military service. Yes, not to Petersburg, where Yunsha will not train the real military case. And there, where life and circumstances will teach the Son to everything necessary. So Petrusha Grinev was sent to the service in the Belogorsk Fortress.

The imagination drew a fortress with towers and bastions. Seen actually did not make a positive impression on the hero. The fortress turned out to be an ordinary village, discouraged by a frequenza from Brön. But they met him good-naturedly. The commandant of the fortress took to Greenwood straight-things in Oeta.

The first test sent by Petrishe Greenwood was a duel with a colon. Protecting his honor and Masha, he bravely fought on the swords and was injured. After this event, Peter decided to ask the blessings from his father to marriage with Masha. But received a refusal. The father was against the Son to marry the idleness. Thus, not only the honor of Greenwood was tested for strength. His love feelings were also trial.

The next test for the strength of character was the capture of the Belogorsk Fortress by the Buntockers. The fortress of the siege could not stand and was captured by the reels under the leadership of Emelyan Pugacheva. Grinyov bravely fought on a par with other defenders of the fortress. Despite the desperate resistance, the fortress was captured by the enemy. The commandant and his spouse were killed. Masha Mironova became an orphan one day. And Peter captured captured, threatened the death penalty. From death, he was saved by the old servant Savelich.

The short was the service of Peter Andreevich Grineva in the Belogorsk Fortress. But she taught him such important life lessons. There he gained the second house in the face of the commandant of the fortress and his family. I learned the first love, betrayal of Schwabrin's colleague and accepted the first fight.

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One of the works of the school program, written by the Russian writer Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, is the "Captain's daughter". In this article, we will analyze the value of the place in which Yunets Petrusha has grown spiritually and turned into a man Peter Greeneva. This is a Belogorsk Fortress. What role does she play in the overall plan of the work? Let's deal with.

How was the work created?

Before switching to the question of what plot and semantic functions, the Belogorsk Fortress and all the episodes that the place had in it must be referred directly to the history of the story. No analysis of the artistic work can do without parsing events who served as an impulse to the creation of one or another creation, without the search for real prototypes of heroes.

The origins of the novel go to the middle of 1832, when Alexander Sergeevich first turns to the topic of Emelyan Pugacheva's uprising 1773-1775. At first, the writer gets access to secret materials with the authorities permission, then, in 1833, sent to Kazan, where we are looking for contemporaries of those events that have already become old people. As a result, from the collected materials, the "HISTORY OF PUGE BUNT", published in 1834, but not satisfied with the artistic research of Pushkin.

The thought is directly about a major work, with a hero-otchenzen in the lead role, which turned out to be in Pugachev camp, has matured by the author since 1832, during work on a not less famous novel "Dubrovsky". At the same time, Alexander Sergeevich was to be extremely careful, because censorship because of any little things could consider a similar work "free-reform."

Prototypes Greens

The essential components of the story were repeatedly changed: for some time Alexander Sergeevich was looking for a suitable surname for a key character, until he eventually stopped at Green. By the way, such a person was really listed in real documents. In the time of the uprising, he was suspected of collusion with "villains", but as a result, he was exempted due to the unprincipledness of his guilt. However, the prototype of the main character was the other person: initially it was assumed to take a follower of the 2nd grenadier regiment Mikhail Schvanovich, but later Alexander Sergeevich stopped the choice on another participant of the events described, Basharine, who was taken by the rebel, but fled, and eventually began to fight on Side of the pauntercycles.

Instead of the intentional one nobleman on the pages of the book, there were two of them: the Antagonist Schvabrin, "the vile villain" was added to the Grinevo. It was done to pass the censure obstacles.

What is the genre?

The work in which the Belogorsk Fortress will play a significant role, the author himself was interpreted as a historic novel. However, today the majority of literature researchers in view of a small volume of literary work include him to the genre of the story.

Belogorsk Fortress: How did she look like?

The fortress appears in the narrative after the protagonist, Petrusha Grinev, reaches the age of 16. Father decides to send the Son to the service in the army, which a young man thinks with joy: he assumes that he will be sent to Petersburg, where he can continue to lead a rampant, fun life. However, everything turns out somewhat differently. Where is the resulting young griny? In the Belogorsk Fortress, which, however, was even worse than her young man represented.

Located in the Orenburg province, she, in fact, was a village, surrounded by wooden brave frequencing! Here, the captain of Mironov, the manager of the commandant, who, according to Petrushi, was to be solid, harsh, strict old man, turned out to be affectionate and mild, met a young man in a simple way, as if his son, and military exercises and spent at all in the "cap and in Chinese Bathrobe. " The brave army completely consisted of old people with disabilities, which could not remember where the right is, and where he left, and the only protective gun in the fortress was the old cast-iron gun from which it is unknown when they last shot.

Life in the Belogorsk Fortress: How the Petra's attitude changes

Over time, however, Grinyov changed his opinion on the Belogorsk Fortress: here he was engaged in literature, he was surrounded by the good, bright and wise people with whom he loved to talk, - especially this was the family of Mironov, that is, to the commandant himself, his wife And daughters Masha. For the latter, Peter broke out feelings, because of which the young man got on defending the honor of the girl and his relationship to her fellow, envious, jealous swabs.

A duel occurred between men, as a result of which Grinyov was dishonestly wounded, but it was only more brought him closer to Masha. Despite the lack of blessing from Peter's father, the beloved continued to remain faithful to each other in words and actions.

After the conquest of the fortress by the Emelyan Pugachev and his gangster, Idilly collapses. At the same time, Peter continues to remember and honor the best moments of his life spent here and does not betray this place even after it turns out in the hands of the rebels. He flatly refuses to swear to the loyalty to Pugachev, and even the fear of death does not scare him. The main hero is ready to follow the commandant and other killed fortress defenders. However, the leader of the uprising agrees to spare Greennev for its respectableness, honesty, loyalty to honor.

It turns out to grine in the Belogorsk Fortress, the essay of which is deployed in this article, and after the events described, because it will return here in order to save your favorite Masha, captured by a recession of the Swabrine. As can be seen, the fortress is one of the central places in the work. There is a large number of important, from the point of view of the plot and the development of action, episodes.


The composition of the Belogorsk Fortress cannot end without describing the value of this place in the semantic structure of the story. The fortress is one of the most important components of the formation of the Hero's personality. It is here that Greenyov meets with a serious love, here he faces the enemy. As a result, it was in the walls of the fortress Peter from the boy turns into a mature man, a man who is able to bear responsibility for the acts performed.

Here he is thinking about many truly philosophical matter, such as the meaning of life, about honor, about the value of a person's life. Here it is finally crystallized its morality and purity.

Obviously, the best place was simply impossible to come up with - Pushkin Genius showed that the appearance itself is not as important as life, life, traditions, culture of a certain place. The Belogorsk Fortress is an element that accumulates everything is truly Russian, folk, national.

The historic novel "Captain's daughter", written by A. S. Pushkin, in the magazine "Contemporary" was published a month before the death of the poet himself. In it, most of the plot is devoted to a popular uprising under the rule of Catherine II.

The elderly landowner Peter Andreevich Grinev, the childhood of which was held in a quiet and cozy parental estate, remembers the turbulent events of his youth. But in a short time he was waiting for the Belogorsk fortress. In Greennev's life, she will become a real school of courage, honor and courage, which will radically change the whole of his future life and harde the character.

A little about the plot

When it was time to serve as a dedication, Petrusha, quite another young and gusting, was preparing to go to the service in St. Petersburg and taste the whole charm of city secular life. But his strict father is a retired officer, he wanted her son first to serve in more stringent and even harsh conditions, so as not to gold epoles to felt before the ladies, and how to learn to the military case, and therefore he sends him to serve away from home and the capital.

In the life of Grneeva: an essay

And Petrusha is already sitting in a sleigh and travels through the snow-covered fields in the Belogorsk Fortress. Only here he could not imagine how she would look like.

Mainly in the topic "Belogorsk Fortress in Greennev's life", the composition should be started with the fact that we saw our romantic hero instead of the formidable and impregnable bastiions of the fortress. The usual deaf village, where they were huts with a straw roof, surrounded by a log fence And three sinks of the hay, lined with snow.

Instead of a strict commandant, he saw the old man Ivan Kuzmich in a bathrobe with a cap on the head, the brave army were several elderly people with disabilities, from the deadly weapon - the old gun scored by different trash. But the funniest was that the commentant's wife, a simple and good-natured woman Vasilis Egorovna, managed to all this farm.

However, despite this, the Belogorsk Fortress in the life of Greeneva will become a real anvil, which will make it not a coward and a soft traitor to the Motherland, and a faithful oath, brave and courageous officer.

In the meantime he only meets the cute inhabitants of the fortress, they give him the joy of communication and touching care. There was no other society there, but he did not want more.

Peace and calm

Neither the military service nor the exercise, no parade attract Greennev, he enjoys a calm and commensurate life, writes poems and burns from love experiences, as the perfect Masha Mironov is almost immediately falling in love with the daughter of the commandant.

In general, as it became clear, the Belogorsk Fortress in the life of Peter Greeneva became a "horipped fortress", to which he was bought with all his heart and soul.

However, over time problems appeared. At first, his partner, officer Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin, began to laugh at the feelings of Greeneva and called Masha "Fute". The point even reached a duel, on which Grinev was injured. Masha long and gently cared for him, which was even more nearby. Petrusha even decided to marry her, but his father was angry with frivolous behavior, he does not give blessings.


The Belogorsk Fortress in Greeneva's life became his favorite quiet refuge, but for the time being, the farthest of Emelyan Pugachev was disturbed on all this peace. Combat clashes were forced to anew to look at life and shake the Greeneva officer, who, despite all the difficulties and dangers, remained a noble man, faithful to his debt, who were not afraid to stand up for her beloved, which in an instant became complete orphan.


Peter shuddered, tormented, but also brought up as a real warrior, when he saw the father of Masha's fearlessly died. The old and intimid old man, knowing the insecurity and the unreliability of his fortress, went ahead of his breast in the attack and before Pugachev did not hold, for which he was hanged. Another faithful and old minister of the fortress - Ivan Ignatievich also behaved the same, and even Vasilis Egorovna went to death for her husband. Grinene saw in them the valiant heroes of the debris, but there were traitors in the face of Schwabrin, who, not enough that he switched to the side of the robbers, but he almost ruined the captive Masha.

The role of the Belogorsk Fortress in Greennev's life can not be underestimated, seeing his father knew what he was doing, and perhaps it would be necessary to act with "Mamienician Sons." Greeneva himself from the gallows saved his servant Savelich, who was not afraid and asked Pugachev mercy for the Barsky Child. He got angry, but he remembered the banging Tulup donated to him, when he was in the run, let go Greeneva. And then Pugachev helped to reunite young Peter and Masha.


Hatred for inhumanity and disgust for cruelty, humanity and kindness in difficult moments in the main hero revealed to full. All these noble qualities could not not evaluate the leader of the uprising - the rebel of Emelyan Pugachev, who wanted him to squeeze his loyalty, but Grinev could not step over a sense of duty and the oath given by Empress.

The trials sent by God, Grinevo passed with dignity, they hardened and cleaned his soul, made him serious and confident. The Belogorsk Fortress in the life of Greeneva helped him to transform all his further life, the words of the father "Take care of the dress with Novu, and the honor of the Smoloda," he always remembered and honored.

The story "Captain's daughter" was written in the form of memories of the main character - Peter Green-Va. The childhood of Petrushi was free and free, he "lived a baking sheet, chasing the pigeons and Ig-Paradise in the leapsman with the courtyard of mal-cleaners." But at the achievement of sixteen years, the father decides to reflect Peter to serve in Ar-Mii. Petrusha was delighted by this, because he hoped for a service bu in St. Petersburg, in the guard and was sure that life there would be as easy and careless as in the nomed house. The father rightly judged that Petersburg could only teach a young man only to "wind and hang," therefore directs the Son to General with a letter, in which she asks a hundred friend to determine Peter to the service in a safe place and be painted with him.

Thus, Peter Grinev, upset by far from the prospects of his future, falls into the Belogorsk Fortress. Initially, he expected to see the "deaf fortress" on the border of Kyrgyz-Kaisak steppes: with Grozny bastions, towers and shaft. Captain, Miro-Nova Peter represented himself "Strict, an angry old man who does not know anything other than his service." What was Peter's amazement, when he drove up to the real Belogorsk fortress - "a village, surrounded by a log-chat fence"! Of all the terrible weapons - only an old cast-iron gun, which serves not so much for the overax of the fortress, how many kids for games. The commandant turns out to be a gentle old old man "High Ro-Stu", he comes out to spend the teachings dressed at home - "in the cap and in the Chinese coat". No less surprise for Peter was the form of a brave war-ska - defenders of the fortress: "Man twenty-old old people with disabled people with long braids and in triangular hats", of which most could not remember where the right is, and where - left.

It took quite a bit of time, and Grinev was already glad that fate led him to this "thewiest" village. The commandant and his family were cute, simple, graded fish and honest people, to whom Peter attached to the whole soul and became the frequent and long-awaited guest in this house.

In the fortress "there was no reviews nor teachings, nor Karau-Lov, and nevertheless, a young man who was not burdened by the service was produced into officers.

Communication with pleasant and cute people, Lee-terretura's classes, and in particular the love of Mironova, who woke up in the heart of Peter, played an important role in the formation of the nature of the young officer. Peter Grine-to-protect his feelings and the good name of Masha in front of the Masha in front of the Masha in front of the Masha in front of the Masha before Salt and False Swabrine. The dishonest blow to Schvabrina on the same one brought the Grinevo not only a heavy wound, but also in the mash and car care. The prosperous recovery of pet-ra rains young people, and the grine makes a girlfriend, confessing, confessing in his love. However, the pride and nobility of Masha do not allow her to marry with Peter without the consent and blessing of his parents. Unfortunately, Greeneva's Father believes that this love is a blarie of a young man, and does not give his consent to a marriage. Material from site.

The arrival of Pugachev with his "gang of gangsters and rebel" destroyed the life of the inhabitants of the Belogorsk Fortress. During this period, the best features and moral qualities of Peter Greens are revealed. He is fulfilled by the Testament of the Father: "Take care of the honor of the Smoloda." He boldly refuses the oath-to-sculpture to Pugachev, even after the commandant and many other defenders of the Belogorsk Fortress were killed in his eyes. His kinda, honestly, the directness and decency of Peter managed to earn respect and the location of Pugachev himself.

The heart does not hurt in Peter during his participation in the honeycomb. He is experiencing for the fate of his love, I first left the orphan, then I was captured by the Schvabrin's Upper, the Grineal feels that, recognizing himself once Masha in his feelings, he took responsibility and for the future of a lonely and defenseless girl.

Thus, we see how important the role of the Syk Ral in the life of Peter Greeneva, the period held by him in the Belogorsk Fortress. During this time, the hero managed to grow and mature, he thought about the meaning and value of human life, and in communicating with various people, all the wealth of the moral purity of the hero was opened.

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Tale A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" (1836) is based on real historical events. It describes the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev. The narration in this work is conducted on behalf of the nobleman Peter Greens. The main part of the "Captain Daughter" is a description of the life of the hero in the Belogorsk fortress, where he was sent to carry the service.
In this fortress, the Grineal fell in sixteen years. Prior to that, he lived in a father's house under the supervision of a loving father and in all his mother-riddled mother: "I lived a baking sheet, chasing the pigeons and playing a leaf with the courtyard boys." It can be said that, hitting the fortress, Grinev was still a child. Belogorsk fortress played the role of a cruel educator in his fate. Coming out of her walls, Grinev was a fully formed personality with his views and beliefs, moral values \u200b\u200band the ability to defend them.
The first bright event that influenced Greenyev, was his love for the daughter of the Komentant of the fortress, Masha Mironova. The hero admits that at first Masha did not like him. Another officer who served in the fortress, Shvabrin, told a lot of unpleasant about her. But over time, Grinevo was convinced that Masha "reasonable and prudent girl." He was more and more tied to her. Once, having heard the offensive words about his beloved from Schvabrin, the Grinev could not resist.
Despite all the resistance of the commandant and his wife, the rivals secretly fought on the swords. Schvabrin dishonently wounded Peter Greeneva, when he turned away to Savelyich's cry. After this event, Grinev and Masha were convinced that they love each other, and decided to get married. But Peter's parents did not give their consent. Schvabrin secretly wrote them and said that Grineh was fought for a duel and even wounded.
After that, the heroes began to experience a large hostility to each other. Although at first Grinevo most came out with the Swabrinian. This officer was closest to the hero in the level of education, interest, mental development.
There was one thing between them, but the indigenous difference is in the moral level. This grine began to notice gradually. First, by unworthy Men reviews about Masha. As it turned out later, Schvabrin just avenged the girl for refusing him in his courting. But all the meanness of nature of this hero revealed under the climax events of the story: the capture of the fortress by Pugachev and his associates. Schvabrin, who swear to the loyalty to the Empress, without thinking over to the side of the rebels. Moreover, he became there one of their leaders. Schukabrin was coldly watched as the commandant and his wife, who treated him so well. Taking advantage of Masha's power and helplessness, this hero kept her and wanted to marry a girl forcibly. Only the intervention of Greeneva and the mercy of Pugacheva saved Masha from this fate.
Grineh, without knowing himself, met with Pugachev, behind the walls of the Belogorsk Fortress. This "man" brought them to Savelich from Burana, for which he received from Greeneva as a gift to a holy Tulup. This gift largely determined the good attitude of Pugachev to the hero in the future. In the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev defended the name of the empress. The sense of duty did not allow him to recognize the sovereign in Pugacheva, even under the fear of death. He frankly says the impostor that he jokes "a dangerous joke." In addition, Grinev admits that if necessary, he will fight against Pugacheva.
Seeing all the atrocities, creative by the impostor, Grinene treated him as a villain. In addition, he learned that Schwarrin became the commandant of the fortress, and Masha will be in full of its disposal. Leaving to Orenburg, the hero left his heart in the fortress. Soon he returned there to help out Masha. In captivity, communicating with Pugachev, Grinevo changes his opinion about the self-coaching. He begins to see in him who is characteristic of human feelings: thanks, compassion, fun, fear, fear. Grineh saw that in Pugachev a lot of tight, artificial. In humans, he played the role of the emperor's sovereign. Remaining one on one with Grinev, Pugachev showed himself as a person, told Peter his vital philosophy concluded in the Kalmyk fairy tale. Grineh cannot understand and take this philosophy. For him, nobleman and officer, it is incomprehensible to how you can live, killing people and blessing all sorts of atrocities. For Pugacheva, human life means very little. For the impostor, the main thing is to achieve your goal, no matter what victims.
Pugachev became for Greeneva benefactor, a kind of godfather, because he saved Masha from Schwabrin and allowed to leave the fortress in love. But it could not bring it closer with Grinev: Too different vital philosophies were among these heroes.
Belogorsk fortress and those events that were connected with it, played a key role in the life of Peter Greens. Here the hero met his love. Here he, under the influence of terrible events, matured, matured, established himself in his loyalty to the sovereign. Here, the Grinemen passed the "strength test" and with honor stood it. In addition, in the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev witnessed the events stirred by the whole country. Meeting with Pugachev touched not only him. Grinev participated in an important historical event and with dignity passed through all the tests. About him we can say that he "retained honor with the Moldus."