Works of Shakespeare: list. William Shakespeare: Creativity

Works of Shakespeare: list. William Shakespeare: Creativity
Works of Shakespeare: list. William Shakespeare: Creativity

In the work of William Shakespeare "Hamlet" Heroes are struggling with injustice and lies, everyone for their truth. The main events occur in the Royal Castle in Denmark. The main character Hamlet young, wit, dare, drive the purpose of a revenge for the death of the Father. This image is multifaceted and attractive to its faith in the truth, the desire to understand the essence of human being. Characteristic of the character - his masterpiece monologues, sincere friendship and love, actions prompted by the bearer of the heart. Despite the tragic final of the plays, the Hamlet remains the winner.

Characteristics of heroes "Hamlet"

main characters


Prince Danish, returns to the kingdom due to the sudden death of his father. Much thinks about the meaning of life, cleaned, formed, good luck accompanies him everywhere. He is in love with Ophelia, the daughter of the Royal Advisor. Polon of energy, vitality, faith in good, in people. After the death of his father, his world is changing, the prince has to portray squeezed to understand the death of his father. Beloved and friends betray him, the mother turns out to be heartless, weak.


The king of Denmark married Mother Hamlet immediately after the funeral of his brother. Smart, cunning, cunning man. Weave intrigue using loved ones. Hypocrite and liar. Because of him, innocent people die. Kills native Brother, because of the thirst for power. Like any person, he is tormented by conscience, he cannot rejoice and live quietly because of her remorse.


Best friend of Hamlet, his defender, devotee and reliable person. Helps the Prince to realize all the plans. Saves from betrayal. At the end of the play, Horatio wants to die along with the friend, but Hamlet will make him tell people the truth.


The son of Polonia, the brother of Ophelia, a young man who does not have his mind and will. It is devotion to King Claudia, performs all its spy order and participates in palace intrigues. In the final duel with the Hamlet, dies from his poisoned sword.


The Royal Advisor, the organizer of all intricacies in the castle, devotedly serves Claudia. Hamlet kills polonium when, during a conversation with the mother, Poloniy hides to overhear. The royal adviser and his children are dying due to the intrigue of the king.


Daughter Polonia, beloved Hamlet. A good kind girl becomes a puppet in the hands of Claudia and involuntarily acts against Gamlet. She sincerely loves him, but Hamlet feels a betrayal. Amazed by the "madness" of Gamlet, spiritually donated. After the death of his father, goes crazy, cums suicide.


Mother of Hamlet, a woman is far from stupid, but weak. Goes on Claudia, participates in a conspiracy against his own son, mother's love Not familiar to her. Understands the rightness of Hamlet only before death, drinking poisoned wine.

Minor characters

"Hamlet" is one of the best works In world literature. The author puts at the head of the play eternal themes: truth and lies, friendship and betrayal, love and hatred. The article will help when analyzing the work, registration reader's diarywriting creative work.

Test on the work

In the comedies of William Shakespeare "How do you like it" (1599) One of the courteous nobles of the expected duke, melancholic and philosopher, among the reasoning of which there are a famous monologue "Theater

4 letters

Adam In Comedy, W. Shakespeare "How do you like it" (1599) a loyal servant of the family of Sir Roland de Bois

Foam In the comedy of William Shakespeare "Measure to measure" (1604), a walk, who, along with a pompey, leads to the court to the Vienna governor of Constable elbow

5 letters

Abram In the tragedy of Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" (1595) MONTEKEK servant

Arthur In the Chronicle of William Shakespeare "King John" (1596) Young nephew of John, the son of his older brother Gottfried, having legitimate rights to the English throne

Banco In the tragedy of Shakespeare "Macbeth" (1606) the commander of the King Duncan, killed by the order of Macbeth, who did not give resting the prediction of witches that the descendants of the bank will rule Scotland

Dumena In Comedy W. Shakespeare "Fancy Efforts of Love" (1594) One of the approximate king Navarre Ferdinand, who agreed to spend three years with him in scientists who went away from all worldly temptations and immediately, forgetting about the promise to fall in love with Katerina, Freillina French Princess .

Luzio Character of Comedy William Shakespeare "Measure Mode" (1604), the history of which is a side plot line of the play; Young Halt, Schiegol, Boltun and Rough, Frewewely Booters and Breeding

Tasa In the tragedy of Shakespeare "Pericles" (about 1607, published 1609) The daughter of Tsar Simonid, who arranges her marriage to the old good way - organizes the knightly tournament and appoints the main prize of Taisa's hand

Tubal In Comedy W. Shakespeare "Venetian merchant" (1596) a friend of the Sheilok, who goes in search of the Jessica's daughter escaped

6 letters

Angelo In the comedy of William Shakespeare "Measure to measure" (1604) Viennese governor in the absence of Duke Vinchenzio

Bianca In Comedy W. Shakespeare "Taming Shrew" (1593) Gentle and meek girl, in character, the direct faithfulness of his older sister Katharina

Gremio In the Comedy of W. Shakespeare "Taming Stropive" (1593) A rich old man, one of the grooms of Bianchi, whom she rejects for Luciato.

Elbow In the comedy of William Shakespeare "Measure" (1604), stupid and illiterate Vienna constable, one of the frequent police officers in Shakespeare's plays endowed with these personal qualities

Ophelia In the tragedy of Shakespeare Hamlet (1601), the daughter of Polonia, the sister of Laert and the beloved of the capital hero

Password Character Comedy William Shakespeare "End - Case of the Crown" (1603), an approximate Count Bertram, a noble nobleman and a dashing shirt in words, a silent parvenue, bragging and coward in practice

Public In the tragedy of W. Shakespeare "Tit Andronik" (1594) Son Mark Andronika and a nephew of Tita, who participates in the scene of shooting from the onions statues of the gods in the Imperial Palace, and then helps to capture the enemies of her family Demetrius and Hiron.

Fabian In Comedy, W. Shakespeare "Twelfth Night" (1600) approximate Countess of Olivia, social status which is not entirely clear: he may be a simple servant or a poor nobleman living at the court of aristocrat, which hints his pretty familiar treatment with the relative of Olivia Sir Toby White

7 letters

Aleksas In the tragedy of William Shakespeare "Anthony and Cleopatra" (1607).

APEMANT In the tragedy of W. Shakespeare "Timon Athens" (1608) a grumpy philosopher who constantly denounces others

Imogen Heroian tragicomedy W. Shakespeare "Cymbelin" (about 1610), the daughter of King Cimbelina and the wife of the post of Leonata, who came for him in love, but against the father's will

Nerissa In Comedy, W. Shakespeare "Venetian merchant" (1596) servant and girlfriend serving

Pantino In the comedy of William Shakespeare "Two Verona" (1594), servant Antonio, who advises the latter to send his son a protestus to Milan, so that he sneaked in the Duccian courtyard, and then trying to speed up the action, then the case of a stalking protest and his servant of Lance, which Without the slightest hunt, they are preparing for departure.

8 letters

Valentine One of the main characters of the Comedy W. Shakespeare "Two Verona" (1594)

DOGBERRI In Comedy, W. Shakespeare "Much noise from nothing" (1598) Stupil officer

Cornelius In the tragedy of W. Shakespeare "Cymbelin" (about 1610), the doctor of the Queen of Britain, by order of which Cornelius supplies its potent poisons to be allegedly scientific experiences on zverushkha

Many heroes of works english playwright existed either real prototypes, or legendary and semi-free prototypes ...

Many heroes of the works of William Shakespeare have existed either real prototypes, or legendary and semi-reliable prototypes, whose historicity is still disputed by researchers. However, no less disputes are maintained relative to the English playwright and its creativity.

"Romeo and Juliet"

Many researchers worked the question, whether Romeo Montecci and Juliet Capulini actually, or their images represent only artistic fiction. "Go to Verona - there is a Lombard Cathedral and the Roman Amphitheater, and then the grave Romeo ..." - wrote in 1875 the poet Graph Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy his beloved Sophie Miller. And Germen de Stelle in the novel "Corinne or Italy" mentions: "The tragedy about Romeo and Juliet is written in the Italian plot; The action takes place in Verona, where and now show the tomb of two in love. "

Romeo and Juliet. Scene on the balcony. Ford Madox Brown, 1870

Before today's day The Verona practices a special ceremony of Patto d'Amore (Vinds of Love) for newlyweds. She is committed in the very place where, as the old Verona legend says, gave each other vow love Romeo and Juliet. Their secret marriage was consecrated in the Church of the Monastery of St. Francis. The preserved premises of the Church of San Francesco became now the museum of frescoes, next to which the famous crypt is located with Sarcophag Juliet - Tomba di Giulietta. This place is the most ancient of all connected with the story of Romeo and Juliet in Verona, and honoring it began even before the advent of the Great shakespearean tragedy. Many celebrities gave tribute to this tomb: Maria-Louise Austrian, Madame de Stal, Byron, Heine, Mussy and others. All these evidence suggests that legendary History Could be true, despite the lack of direct historical evidence.

Besides beautiful legend, about Romeo and Juliet have no reliable information

Italians include the history of Romeo and Juliet by the period of the Veronian Señora Bartolomeo I Della Rock (Escala on Shakespeare), that is, by 1301 - 1304 years. Dante Alighieri in " Divine Comedy."Even mentions some kappeletti and monteches:" Come, careless, throw only a look: Montaldi, Philippests, Kappeletti, Montekki, - those in tears, and those tremble! "

It is known that in Verona in the XIII century families lived with similar surnames - Dal Capello and Monticoli. But in which they were relations, the researchers could not establish. Perhaps in hostile, that for that time was not rare. Almost everyone italian city It was splitter then on rival groups. And it is possible that unfortunate lovers could be victims of this struggle, current and in Verona itself.


Scotland's king from the Sea Dynasty Mac Betade Mac Phindlayh, who lived in 1005-1057, became the hero of the tragedy of Shakespeare Macbeth. It should be noted that the plot of works does not quite correspond to historical reality.

Henry Fuseby. Macbeth and witches

Macbeth was the ruler of the Sea and headed Scotland after the death of King Duncan I, who died at the invasion of the seas on August 14, 1040. In 1045, the father of Duncan Crinne rose against Macbeth, however, he was killed, after which the power of the Scottish ruler was only strengthened. It continued until the invasion of Sailda's troops in South Scotland, which broke Macbeth. Three years later, he was killed by the son of Duncan Malcolm.

In 1040, Macbeth - the prototype of the play Shakespeare - became King of Scotland

"King Lear"

Leir, the eleventh legendary King of Britain, became the prototype of the Shakespeare King Lira in his tragedy of the same name. According to legend, Leir, born in 909 BC, was the son of King Blaudu. Unlike his ancestors, he did not have sons. But he had three daughters: Gironil, Ragan and the youngest - Cordelia.

King Leir with daughters

The king wanted to divide the kingdom into three parts so that each of the daughters received his. However, the elders began to weave the intrigue behind the father's back with the purpose of capturing the authorities. As a result, the monarch was forced to flee in Gallia, where he was united with his younger daughter and went hiking to Britain at the head of the big army. Leir won the rules for another three years, and then handed the throne of Cordelia.

Leir, the legendary king of Britain, became the prototype of King Lira


Hamlet, like other heroes Shakespeare, was historical prototypewhich "English" learned from the works of the Danish chronicist of the XII century Saxon Grammar. It turns out that the prince of amlet lived in Yutland a long time ago. But serene life The prince ended when evil enemies killed his father Gorvendil. To revenge for the death of the parent, the amlet was crashed insane, thereby having fragrating enemies, after which it was cruel with them dealt with them, betraying death among others and his stepfather. By the way, he, it seems, did not reflect on and without it, but was a strong man quite decisive. He lived, unlike the literary gamlet, long and, perhaps, happily, until he died in the battle with the king of Denmark.

Hamlet's prototype was cunning than his literary hero

Sarah Bernard as Gamlet. Photo of James Lafayette


The prototype of the famous Othello from the play "Othello, Venetian Mavr" is probably the Italian named Maurizio Othello. He stood at the head of the Venetian troops in Cyprus from 1505 to 1508. During this period, the spouse of the commander died, and the circumstances of her death were very mysterious. In Cyprus since then there is a castle of Othello in Famagusta, where the desideon was allegedly strangled.

Tower of Dovemone - Another name of the castle Othello. Photo 1900

The drama of the XVI - XVII centuries was an integral and, possibly, the most important part of the literature of that time. This kind literary creativity It was closest and clear to the wide masses, was a spectacle that allowed to convey to the audience the feelings and thoughts of the author. One of the most bright representatives The dramatic of the time you read and reread until our time put performances according to its works, analyze the philosophical concepts, is William Shakespeare.

The genius of the English poet, the actor and the playwright lies in the ability to show the realities of life, penetrate into the soul of every viewer, find a response to her philosophical statements through feelings familiar to every person. The theatrical action of that time happened on a platform in the middle of the square, the actors along the play could go down to the "Hall". The viewer became a member of everything that happened. Nowadays, such a presence effect is unattainable even when using 3D technologies. The greater the value of the author, the language and style of the work was obtained in the theater. Shakespeare's talent manifests itself in many ways in its language manner of the plot. Simple and somewhat vesty, it differs from the language of the streets, allowed the viewer to rise over everyday life, stand for a while heel with the characters of the play, the people of the highest class. And the genius is confirmed by the fact that it did not lose their importance and in later times - we get the opportunity to become accomplices of medieval European events for a while.

The top of the Creativity of Shakespeare Many of his contemporaries, and after them and the subsequent generations, considered the tragedy "Hamlet - Prince Danish". This product of a recognized English classic has become one of the significant and for Russian literary thoughts. It is not by chance that the Hamlet's tragedy was translated into Russian more than forty times. Such interest is caused not only by the phenomenon of medieval dramaturgy and the literary talent of the author, which is undoubtedly. Hamlet is a work that is reflected " eternal image"The truth seeker, the philosopher of morality and the person stepped above his era. Pleiada such people started with Gamlet and Don Quixote continued in Russian literature by the images of "extra people" by Onegin and Pechorin, and further in the works of Turgenev, Dudolyubov, Dostoevsky. This line is native to the Russian seeking soul.

History of creation - tragedy Hamlet in romanticism of the XVII century

How many works of Shakespeare are based on themelles of literature early Middle AgesAnd the plot of the tragedy Hamlet borrowed from the Icelandic chronicle of the XII century. However, this plot is not the original for the "Dark Time". The topic of the struggle for power that does not look at moral norms, and the theme of revenge is present in many works of all times. Shakespeare's romanticism based on this was created by the image of a person protesting against the obstacles of his time looking for a way out of these shackles of conventions to the standards of pure morality, but who himself is hostage existing rules and laws. Crown Prince, Romantic and Philosopher, which is asked by eternal issues of being and, at the same time, is forced to fight in the realities to fight with the way it is made at that time - "he is not the owner, he is connected by Hands" (Act I, Scene III ), and it causes his internal protest.

(Ancient engraving - London, XVII century)

England in the year of writing and setting the tragedy crucial moment In his feudal history (1601), therefore, in the play and there is some darkness, real or imaginary decline in the state - "inflicted something in the Danish kingdom" (Act I, scene IV). But we are more interested in the eternal questions "On the good and evil, about Luta Wait and Holy Love", which are so clear and so ambiguously spelled out by the Genius of Shakespeare. In full compliance with romanticism in the art of the play contains heroes of pronounced moral categories, a clear villain, beautiful hero, there is a love line, but the author goes on. Romantic hero refuses to follow the canons of time in its revenge. One of the key figures of the tragedy is polonium, it does not seem to us in the unequivocal light. The topic of betrayal is considered in several scene lines And also offered to the audience's court. From the explicit betrayal of the King and the infidelity of the memory of the late husband, the Queen, to the trivial betrayal of students of students who are not off for the mercy of the king to bring secrets from the Prince.

Description of the tragedy (the plot of tragedies and its main features)

Ilsinor, the Castle of the Danish kings, the night guard with Horatio, a friend of Hamlet, meets the ghost of the deceased king. Horatio talks about this meeting Hamlet and he decides to personally meet with the shadow of his father. The ghost tells Prince horrible story His death. The death of the king is a suitable murder committed by his brother Claudius. After this meeting in the minds of Gamlet, there is a fracture. The recognized is imposed on the fact of an unnecessary wedding of the widow of the king, mother of Hamlet, and the brother killer. Hamlet is obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200brevenge, but is in doubt. He must be convinced of himself. Depicting madness, Hamlet watches all. Poloniy, the Counselor of the king and the father of the beloved Hamlet, is trying to explain to the king and the queen such changes in Prince rejected love. Before, he forbade his daughter of Ophelia to take care of Hamlet. These prohibitions destroy the idyll of love, in the future lead to depression and the breathtaking of the girl. The king makes his attempts to find out the thoughts and plans of the step, he is tormented by doubts and his sin. Hamlet's former student friends hired with him are incredible, but to no avail. The shock from the recognized causes Hamlet to think even more about the meaning of life, about such categories as freedom and morality, about the eternal question of the immortality of the soul, the fraternity of being.

Meanwhile, in Ilsinore, the troupe of stray actors appears, and Hamlet persuades them insert them theatrical action Several lines of implancing the king in the fratricide. In the course of the play, Claudius gives himself confusion, doubts of Hamlet in his guilt dispelled. He is trying to talk to his mother, throw her the accusation in the person, but the ghost who appears to revenge the mother. Tragic chance It aggravates the tension in the royal rest - Hamlet kills Polonia, hidden from curiosity behind the curtains while talking, accepting him for Claudia. Hamlet sent to England to conceal these annoying accidents. Friends are sent to him to be skewed. Claudius hands them a letter for the king of England with a request to execute the prince. Hamlet, who managed to accidentally read the letter, makes fixes in it. As a result, traitors fall under the execution, and he returns to Denmark.

Laert Son Polonia is returning to Denmark, the tragic news about the death of the Ophelia sister as a result of her breathtaking due to love, as well as the killing of his father pushes him to the Union with Claudia in the case of ignition. Claudius provokes a duel on the swords of two young people, Laerta Blade is intentionally poisoned. Without stopping on this, Claudius poisons and wine to peak gamlet in case of victory. During the fight, the Hamlet was injured with a poisoned blade, but finds mutual understanding with Laert. The fight continues, during which the opponents change with swords, now the poisoned sword is injured and LAERR. The voltage of the fight does not withstand the mother of Gamlet's Queen of Gertrud and drinks poisoned wine for the victory of the son. Claudia killed and alive remains only the only one true friend Hamlet Horace. In the capital of Denmark, the troops of the Norwegian Prince enter, who occupies the Danish throne.

main characters

As can be seen from the entire development of the plot, the topic of revenge goes into the background before moral quest Main character. The accomplishment of revenge is impossible for him in the expression, as is customary in that society. Even convinced of the guilt of uncle, he does not become his executioner, but only the prosecutor. Unlike him, Laert concludes a deal with the king, for him the revenge is above all, it follows the traditions of his time. Love line In the tragedy is only additional means Show moral images of that time, overlap the soul searches for Hamlet. Main acting persons The plays are the prince Hamlet and the Counselor of the King Polonius. It is in the moral implications of these two people a time conflict is expressed. Not a conflict of good and evil, but the difference in the levels of morality of two positive characters - The main line of the play, brilliantly shown by Shakespeare.

Smart, devoted and honest servant King and Fatherland, a caring father and a respected citizen of his country. He sincerely tries to help the king to understand Hamlet, he sincerely tries to understand Hamlet himself. Its moral foundations at the level of that time are flawless. By sending the Son to study to France, instructs its rules of behavior, which today can be given unchanged, so wisely and universal for any time. Worry for the moral appearance of the daughter, he admits her to abandon the courtesy of Gamlet, explaining the length difference between them and not excluding the possibility of a non-serious attitude of the prince to the girl. At the same time, according to his moral views of the corresponding time, there is nothing prejudice in such earthenly from the young man. With her distrust of the prince and the will of the Father, he destroys their love. For the same reasons, he does not trust his own son, sending servune to him as a spy. The observation plan is simple - to find familiar and, slightly silent the Son, put out the frank truth about his behavior away from home. To overhear in the royal rest, the conversation of an angry son and the mother is also not for him something wrong. All his actions and thoughts of Polonius seemed smart and good manEven in the madness of Gamlet, he sees his rational thoughts and gives them due. But he is a typical representative of the Company, which is so pressing on Gamlet with his falseness and dowel. And in this tragedy, which is understandable not only in modern society, but also the London public began the XVII century. Such a double deals with its presence and in modern world.

Hero S. strong spirit And an extraordinary mind, seeking and doubting, who became one step above all society in his morality. He is able to look at himself from the side, he is able to analyze those surrounding it and analyze his thoughts and actions. But it is also a product of that era and it binds it. Traditions and society, he is imposed on a certain stereotype of behavior, which he can no longer accept. Based on the plot of revenge, the entire tragedy of the situation is shown when a young man sees evil not just in one cheap act, but in all society in which such actions are justified. This young man calls for himself to live in accordance with the highest morality, responsibility for all his actions. Family tragedy just makes him think about moral values. Can not such a thinking person not to raise for himself and universal philosophical questions. The famous monologue "to be or not to be" is only a vertex of such reasoning, which are woven into all his dialogues with friends and enemies, in conversations with random people. But the imperfection of society and the environment is still pushing on impulsive, often unjustified acts, which are then hard to experience them and ultimately lead to death. After all, and wines in the death of Ophelia and a random mistake in the murder of polonium and the inability to understand the burning of Laerta will oppress it and drag the chain.

LAERR, Ophelia, Claudius, Gertruda, Horatio

All these individuals are introduced into the plot as the Hamlet's environment and characterizing an ordinary society, positive and correct in understanding of that time. Even considering them from a modern point of view, you can recognize their actions with logical and consistent. The struggle for power and marital treason, revenge for the dead Father and the first virgin love, enmity with neighboring states and land acquisition as a result of knightly tournaments. And only Hamlet stands upside down over this society, having stuck in the belt in the genital traditions of swallows. Three friends of Hamlet - Horatio, Rosencranz and Guildenster, are representatives of nobility, courtiers. For two of them, the surgery behind the other is not something wrong, and only one remains a faithful listener and the interlocutor, the smartest advice. Interlocutor, but no more. Before his fate, the society and the whole kingdom of Hamlet remains one.

Analysis - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe tragedy of Prince Danish Hamlet

The main idea of \u200b\u200bShakespeare was to show the desire to show psychological portraits contemporaries based on the feudalism of "Dark times", growing in society a new generation, which can change the world for the better. Competent, seeking and freedom-loving. Not by chance in the play of Denmark, a prison was named, which, according to the author, was the entire society of that time. But the genius of Shakespeare was expressed in the ability to describe everything in the halftons, not rolling toward Grotesque. Most characters are people positive and respected by the canons of that time, they reasonably well and fairly.

Hamlet is shown as a person prone to self-analysis, spiritually strong, but still connected with conventions. The inability to act, inability, relates him to " superfluous people»Russian literature. But he carries the charge of moral purity and the desire of society for the better. The genius of this work is that all these issues are relevant in the modern world, in all countries and on all continents, regardless of the political device. And the language and storage of English playwright captivates with its perfection and originality, forced to re-read the work several times, turn to performances, listen to setting, look for something new, hidden in the depths of centuries.

It can be safely argued that this person changed the world, mentality, perception, attitude to art as such. William Shakespeare, whose works are studied in school Programwas a real genius. His plays and poems can be called the genuine encyclopedia of human relationships, a kind of mirror of life, reflector deficiencies and strong Parties Human essences.

Great genius

The works of Shakespeare are an impressive contribution to world literature. For their lives, the Great Briton created seventeen comedies, eleven tragedies, a dozen chronicles, five poems and one hundred fifty four sonnets. Interestingly, the subjects of them, the problems described in them are relevant to this day. Even many researchers of creativity of the playwright cannot give an answer, as in the sixteenth century, a person could create works that are worried about all generations. It was even put forward by the hypothesis that work was written not by one person, but a certain group of authors, but under one pseudonym. But the truth has not yet been established.

short biography

Shakespeare, whose works are so much like many, left a lot of mysteries after themselves and very little historical facts. It is believed that he was born near Birmingham, in Stretford-on-Avon, in 1564. Father engaged in trade and was a wealthy citizen. But the questions of literature and culture with little William were not discussed: it was not at the time in the city of the environment that would favorab the development of talent.

The boy went to a free school, eighteen married (forced) on a rich girl, she was older than eight years old. Apparently family life She did not like Shakespeare, so he joined the stray group of artists and left London. But he was not lucky to become an actor, so he wrote poems in honor of the influential persons, served the horses of the rich visitors of the theater, worked as a soufleer, adding the plays. The first works of Shakespeare appeared when he was 25 years old. Then he wrote also. They were set and had success. In 1599, the funds of the group's artists, and Shakespeare, including, was built famous Theater. "The globe". In it, the playwright worked, not in hand.

Features of works

The works of Shakespeare even then differed from traditional drams and comedies. Them distinctive feature There was a deep content, the presence of intrigue, which changes people. William showed how even a noble man could fall under the influence of circumstances and, on the contrary, how the great acts take away the villains. The playwright forced his heroes to disclose the character gradually, as the plot develops, and the audience - to empathize with the characters, follow the scene. And the works of Shakespeare are characterized by a high moral pathos.

It is not surprising that the genius of dramaturgy has already deprived the income of many authors, since the audience demanded that his work. And he answered the demands of demand - wrote new plays, replayed the ancient plots, used historical chronicles. Success presented William welfare, and even the noble coat of arms. He died, as it should be considered, after a fun fear in honor of his birthday in a friendly circle.

Works of Shakespeare (List)

We will not be able to list all the works of the greatest English playwright in this article. But we will specify the most famous works of Shakespeare. List of following:

  • "Romeo and Juliet".
  • "Hamlet".
  • "Macbeth".
  • "A dream in a summer night".
  • "Othello".
  • "King Lear".
  • "The Merchant of Venice".
  • "Much ado about nothing".
  • "Storm".
  • "Two Verona".

These plays will be in the repertoire of any self-respecting theater. And, of course, paraphrasing famous saying, We can say that the bad actor who does not dream of playing Hamlet, the wrong actress that does not want to play Juliet.

To be or not to be?

The work of Shakespeare "Hamlet" is one of the brightest, most heartfelt. The image of the prince of Danish worries to the depths of the soul, and his eternal question makes thinking about his life. For those who have not yet read the tragedy in full version, Tell me summary. The play begins the appearance in the kings of the ghost. He meets with Hamlet and tells him that the king died not his death. It turns out that the soul of the father demands revenge - the killer of Claudius not only took himself the wife of the late king, but also the throne. Wanting to make sure the truthfulness of the words of night vision, the prince gives himself for the madman and invitesrates stray artists to the palace for the drawing of the tragedy. Claudia's reaction issued it, and the Hamlet decides to take revenge. Palace intrigues, betrayal of beloved and former friends make from Prince Avenger without a heart. He kills several of them, defending himself, but he dies from the sword of Brother's deceased Ophelia. In the end, everything is dying: and Claudius, who fallenly took the throne, and the mother who drank the wine-poisoned wine cooked for Hamlet, and the Prince himself, and his opponent Laert. Shakespeare, whose works touched to tears, described the problem not only to Denmark. But the whole world, the hereditary monarchy, in particular.

Tragedy of two lovers

The work of Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" is a touching story About two young people who are ready to sacrifice themselves to be with their chosen one. This is a story about the warring families who did not give their children to be together, be happy. But children of the warring nobles do not care about the established rules, they decide to be together. Their meetings are filled with tenderness and deep feelings. But the girl found the groom, and parents are veyd to prepare for the wedding. In the street scuffle of representatives of the two warring families, Brother Juliet, and the killer consider Romeo. The ruler wants to send a criminal from the city. The monk and the cormalist help young people, but they did not fully spoke all the details of escape. As a result, Juliet drinks the potion, which flows in Romeo, considers beloved dead And drink poison in her crypt. After waking up, the girl kills himself dagger guy. Montextures and cabinets are laid by mourning their children.

Other jobs

But William Shakespeare works and others. These are fun comedies that raise mood, lungs and lively. They tell about people, although famous, but those who are not alien to love, passion, striving for life. The game of words, misunderstandings, happy accidents lead heroes to Heppi-Ento. If there is a sadness in the plays, then she is fleeting, such as emphasizing cheerful turmoil on stage.

Sonnets of the Great Genius are also original, filled with deep thought, feelings, experiences. In verses, the author appeals to a friend, beloved, sad in separation and rejoicing at the meeting, is disappointing. Special melodic, symbols and images create an elusive picture. Interestingly, in most sonnets, Shakespeare appeals to a man, perhaps to Henry Rizli, Count Southampton, the patron of playwright. And only then, in later works, a dark lady appears, a cruel yoke.

Instead of pre-school

Everyone is simply obliged to read at least translated, but full content the most famous works of Shakespeare, make sure that the greatest genius possessed the ability of the prophet, because I was able to identify problems even modern society. He was a researcher human souls, I noticed their shortcomings and advantages, pushed to changes. Isn't it the purpose of the purpose of art and the great masters?