Renaissance (briefly). Brief description of the Renaissance

Renaissance (briefly). Brief description of the Renaissance
Renaissance (briefly). Brief description of the Renaissance

Everyone knows that italy was the heart of the whole period of revival. Great Wizards Words, Brushes and philosophical thought appeared in each of the culture in Italy demonstrates the origin of traditions that will develop in the following centuries, this period has become a reference point, the beginning great era Development of creativity in Europe.

Briefly about the main thing

The art of early rebirth in Italy covers a period from about 1420 to 1500, preceding and completing the processensans. As for any transition periodFor these eighty years, the ideas that preceded, and new, which, nevertheless, are borrowed from the distant past, from the classics. Gradually the creators got rid of medieval concepts, transferring their attention to antique art.

However, despite the fact that for the most part they sought to return to the ideals of forgotten art, both in general and private ancient traditions were woven with new ones, but in a much lesser extent.

Architecture of Italy during early rebirth

The main name in the architecture of this period is, of course, Filippo Bruneland. He became the personification of the Renaissance architecture, organically embody his ideas, he managed to turn projects into something fascinating, and, by the way, so far, his masterpieces are carefully guarded throughout many generations. One of his main creative achievements is considered to be the facilities located in the very center of Florence, the most remarkable of which the Dome of the Florentine Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and Pitty Palace, which became the point of reference to the Italian architecture of the early Renaissance.

To others important achievements Italian Renaissance also relates to about main Square Venice, palaces in Rome's hands Bernardo di Lorenzo and others. During this period, Italy's architecture seeks to organically combine the features of the Middle Ages and the classics, striving for the logic of proportions. An excellent example of this statement can be called the Basilica of San Lorenzo, again the hands of Filippo Bruneland. In other European countries, early revival left as vivid examples.

Artists of early rebirth


The culture of the early rebirth in Italy, though she strives to the same thing - to display the classics through the prism of naturalness, but the creators go different ways, leaving their names in Renaissance culture. A lot of great names, brilliant masterpieces and a complete rethinking of not only artistic, but also a philosophical culture - all this brought us a period that foreseen other stages of the Renaissance, in which established ideals found their continuation.

Lesson 26. The culture of early rebirth in Italy.

Purpose: Explain the meaning of the ideas of humanism and the revival for the development of the European Society.

Type of lesson: Opening a new knowledge.


    Organizing time

    Motivational target stage

Everyone knows that italy was the heart of the whole period of revival. Great masters of words, brushes and philosophical thought appeared in each of the periods of the Renaissance. The culture of early rebirth in Italy demonstrates the origin of traditions that will develop in the following centuries, this period has become a reference point, the beginning of the Great Epoch of the Development of Creativity in Europe. Let's plunge into this era and get acquainted with ideological inspirations of that time.

    Actualization of knowledge

Let's remember:

What is culture?

What is included in the concept of culture?

The topic of the lesson: "The culture of early rebirth in Italy".

Suppose what questions we will consider at our lesson.

Lesson plan

    "Wisdom lovers" and the revival of ancient heritage.

    New doctrine of man and upbringing a new person.

    The first humanists in literature and art.

    Work on the lesson

In the middleXIV Century in Italy a new era is born - revival. The first one and a half century are called early revival.

Today you will act as researchers. We split into groups, each of which will receive your task.

1 group. Working with the text of paragraph 1 of paragraph 29, answer questions:

    Who called himself "wisdom lovers"?

    How did they relate to the period of the Middle Ages?

    How did they call their time?

2 group. Working with the text of paragraph 2 of paragraph 29, respond to questions:

    What did the medieval thinkers do?

    What was the main one in the writings of new scientists?

    How did they call their classes?

    Who are Humanists?

    What is humanism?

    What is the essence of the teachings of Humanists?

    What is the ideal of humanists?

    group. Working with the text of paragraph 3 of paragraph 29, answer questions:

    What did Humanists assert?

    What did the humanists devoted to all their free time?

    What did Humanists about nobility stated?

Presentation of the work of groups.

Already in the Epoch of the Early Renaissance in Europe began the flowering of art. Painting, sculpture and revival architecture are imbued with the ideas of humanism. Let's get acquainted with the first humanists of Europe.

Student reports:

Francesco Petraska

Giovanni Bokcchcho

Sandro Botticelli

    Summing up the lesson

What new appeared in the revival era? What are specific traits of this era?

Replies of students

Check how well you learned the material studied.

Poll with the site Plikers

A1. Renaissance is taken to be the period

1) VIII-XI centuries.
2) XIV-XV centuries.
3) XIV-XVII centuries.

A2. What country is the birthplace of revival?

    2) Italy
    3) Spain

A3. Why did the wisdom lovers also called humanities?

1) they called for mercy

2) they showed interest in man, his earthly life

3) they defended heretics from the inquisition

A4. The first humanist is called

1) Francesca Petrark
2) Dante Aligiery
3) Giovanni Boccaccio

A5. Which of the listed figures of the Middle Ages was a painter?

1) Sandra Botticelli
2) Bernard Clervos
3) Thomas Akvinsky

VI . Reflection

What new learned in the lesson?

What skills and skills work out?

What new terms got acquainted?

What did you like and what did not like it in the lesson?

Homework: Paragraph 29, learn new words, dates, fill the workbook

Culture of early rebirth

Revival, as an era in the history of art and culture, are divided into four such steps:

1. PRATINESANCE, refers to the second half of the thirteenth, beginning of the fourteenth centuries).
2. Early rebirth, beginning fifteenth and to the end of this century.
3. High revival, the end of the fifteenth century and the first twenty years of sixteenth).
4. Later revival, From the middle of the sixteenth to the nineties of this century.

The period of "early rebirth" covered from 1420 to 1500. During these years in art, some elements taken from the classics of antiquity are mixed at the art that has yet been renounced from the recent past.

Revival is an era, which reflected the beginning of the transition to capitalism from feudalism. Classic forms of revival have developed at the very beginning in Italy, a little later, similar processes began in Asia and in countries of Eastern Europe. In each of the countries, this type of culture had their own individual characteristics, namely ethnic characteristics, specific traditions, the influence of other cultures. Revival is closely related to the formation of secular culture and consciousness.

The main feature of the cultural of the early rebirth, which Bokcchcho, Petrarch, Donatello, Jotto, Botticelli, were versatile and integrity of the understanding of a person, culture and life. The authority of culture has increased dramatically all the time, but it was not opposed to crafts and science, but was an equivalent and equal form of human activity. Before high level Architecture rose applied art, they had a connection artistic creativity, crafts and technical design. Another feature of the Renaissance is his pronounced realistic and democratic character, in the center of which is always worth nature and man.

Artists achieved a large and wide coverage of the existing reality, they are truthfully displayed all the main trends of that time. They are looking for the very effective methods and tools to brighter all the wealth and diversity of the forms of manifestation of reality in the world: its beauty, harmony and grace.
This era has a big positive value In the whole world culture, since the ideal of the free and harmonious body of human is embodied in art.

The era of the early revival transitional from the Middle Ages to the period of the new time. It was in those days that were large changes in cultural and economic life with the manifestation of the first adventures of the capitalist industry, with the development of banking and international Trade. There is a formation scientific picture Peace, with the emergency nature of experimental science. The largest scientists of this era: Copernicus, Bruno, and Galilee justify the heliocentric system. In addition, the world's first journey around the world Columbus and Magellan in order to open new lands.

The culture of revival has its different development in terms of pace. So, in Italy, it began in the fourteenth century, in some others only in the fifteenth. Samoa higher point Development of Renaissance is considered the sixteenth century when he spread already on different european countrieswhich are united by the ideas of humanism. This principle has become an expression of the basic direction of the entire culture of this time, as it is considered the highest moral and cultural in the development of human abilities. The ideas of humanism were covered by different layers of society, from merchant circles to religious spheres and ordinary popular masses. It was the time to start the appearance of a completely new secular intelligentsia. Humanism is faith in big, completely without borders, the possibility of a person. In spiritual culture there are innovations associated with freedom of judgment, independence, with a bold critical spirit. The personality of man, beautiful and mighty, rightfully becomes the center in the ideological sphere.

The first anthem of the dignity of man was written by Dante Aligiery - they became " The Divine Comedy" Poetry and philosophy connected in this work. It has even theology, science that is imbued with great faith in the purpose of man on earth. Contemporanik Dante - Petrarch was a philosopher and a lyrical poet. It was he who is called the ancestor of the Italian humanistic movement of the Renaissance.

Culture and has become the predecessor of the culture of the new time. And Renaissance ended in the XVI-XVII centuries, since in each state he has its own date of principles and finals.

Some shared information

Distinctive features of the Renaissance - this is anthropocentrism, that is, an extraordinary interest in man as an individual and its activities. Also here refers to the secular nature of culture. In society, the interest of the culture of antiquity appears, something like her "Renaissance" occurs. Hence, in fact, the name of such an important period of time appeared. Outstanding figures Renaissance can be called immortal Michelangelo, and always live Leonardo da Vinci.

The era of the Renaissance (briefly the main features are described in our article) left its ideological and cultural imprint in all European countries. But for each individual country there are individual historical borders of the era. And all - due to unequal economic and social development.

There was a revival in Italy. Here, his first symptoms were noticeable in the XIII-XIV centuries. But the firm epoch was rooted only in the 20s of the XV century. In Germany, France and other powers, Renaissance emerged much later. The end of the 15th century falls the highest rage flourishing. And in the next century there is a crisis of ideas of this era. As a result of the incident, baroque and mannerism occurs.

What was this era

The time of the Renaissance is a period when the transition from medieval to bourgeois begins. This is exactly the stage of history when bourgeois-capitalist relations have not yet been formed, and the social and feudal foundations have already been loosened.

In the Renaissance era, nation begins to form. At this time, the power of kings with the support of ordinary citizens managed to overcome the power of feudal nobles. Prior to this time, the so-called associations were called states exclusively from geographical considerations. Now large monarchies are born, the foundations of which are nationality and historical fate.

For the revival, the incredible development of trade relations between different countries. During this period, ambitious geographical discoveries. Renaissance became the period when the basics of modern scientific theories. So, natural science appeared with its inventions and discoveries. A turning point For the described process is the opening of a typography. And it was it perpetuated by the revival as an era.

Other renessance achievements

The era of revival is briefly characterized by high achievements in the field of literature. Thanks to the appearance of a typography, it acquires the possibility of distribution that could not afford before. Antique manuscripts that rebelled, as if Phoenix from the ash, begin to translate to different languages And reprinted. They travel around the world as fast as ever. The learning process has become much easier due to the possibility of multiplying the most diverse scientific achievements and knowledge in paper.

Restricted interest in antiquity and the study of this period were displayed on religious ingredients and views. From the mouth of Ka Bellcho Salutatti, the Chancellor of the Florentine Republic, sounded a statement that Holy Bible is nothing more as poetry. In the Renaissance Epoch, the Holy Inquisition reaches the peak of its activities. This was due to the fact that such a deep study of the ancient work could undermine the faith in Jesus Christ.

Early and high rebirth

Features of the Renaissance Age are designated two periods of the existence of the Renaissance. So, the whole epoch scientists are divided into early rebirth and high revival. The first period lasted 80 years - from 1420 to 1500. Throughout this time, art has not yet got rid of the remnants of the past, but already tried to combine them with elements borrowed from classical antiquity. Only a lot later and very slowly artists, thanks to the influence of radically changing conditions of culture and life, refuse the basics of the Middle Ages and antique art is beginning to use without a revelation of conscience.

But all this happened in Italy. In other states, art has long been subordinate to Gothic. Only at the end of the 15th century, revival comes in Spain and in states located north of the Alps. Here, the early stage of the epoch continues until the middle of the XVI century. But nothing standing attention During this period, it was not produced.

High Renaissance

The second era of revival is considered the greatest time of its existence. High revival also lasted 80 years (1500-1580). During this period, the capital of art becomes Rome, and not Florence. All this became possible due to the ascent on the throne of Pope Julia II. It was an ambitious person. He was also famous for his honesty and enterprise. It was he who attracted the best Italian artists to his yard. Under Julia II and its successors is constructed great amount Monumental sculptures, unsurpassed sculptures are pushing, frescoes and paintings are written, which today are considered masterpieces of world culture.

Periods of art of rebirth

The ideas of the Renaissance Age were embodied in the art of that period. But before talking about the art itself, I would like to highlight its main stages. Thus, the PRATINESSANS or the introductory period is noted (approximately 1260-1320), duty (XIII century), twitto (XIV Art.), As well as a quatrocheto (XV Art.) And Ginkvestto (XVI Art.).

Naturally, the sequence of borders of centuries do not quite coincide with specific stages cultural Development. PRATINESSANSA is marked by the end of the XIII century, early Renaissance ends in 1490, and high rebirth is dried even until the beginning of 1530. Only in Venice, he continues to exist before the end of the XVI century.

Renaissance literature

Reviews of the Renaissance are such immortal names as Shakespeare, Ronsar, Petrock, Du Belly and others. It was during the renaissance that the poets demonstrated the victory of mankind over their own shortcomings and mistakes of the past. The most developed was the literature of Germany, France, England, Spain and Italy.

On the english literature The poetry of Italy and classic works. Thomas Wayatt introduces a dream form, which is quite quickly gaining popularity. Also attention is also honored and sonnet created by Count Surrey. The history of the literature of England a lot in what is similar to the literature of France, although they external similarity Minimum.

The German Review Epoch is known for the fact that during this period Schwwank appeared. These are interesting I. merry storieswho first were created in the form of poems, and later - in prose. They were talking about life, about everyday life ordinary people. All this was served in a light, humorious and relaxed style.

Literature France, Spain and Italy

French references renaissance is marked with new trends. Margarita Navararskaya became the patronage of the ideas of the Reformation and Humanism. In France, national and urban creativity began to go to the fore.

The era of the Renaissance (briefly with it can be found in our article) in Spain is divided into several periods: Early rebirth, high Renaissance and Baroque. Throughout the era in the country marks increased attention to culture and science. Publicistics develops in Spain, typography appears. Some writers intertwined religious motives and secular

Representatives of the Renaissance era are Francesco Petrack and Giovanni Boccaccio. They became the first poets that the sublime images and thoughts began to express a frank prison language. This innovation was perceived with a bang and was distributed in other countries.

Renaissance and Art

Features of the Renaissance - this is what the human body has become the main beginning of enthusiasm and subject to research for artists of this time. So, she was focused on the similarity of sculptures and painting with reality. The main features of the art of the Renaissance period include the radiance, refined possession of the brush, the game of shadow and light, carefulness in the process of work and not easy compositions. For artists of Renaissance, the main images from the Bible and myths were.

In the similarity of a real person with his image on one or another canvas was so closely that fictional character It seemed alive. About the art of the twentieth century it is impossible to say this.

The era of the Renaissance (briefly the main tendencies are outlined above) perceived the human body as an infinite start. Scientists and artists regularly improved their skills and knowledge, studying the body of individuals. Then the opinion prevailed that the person was created by the likeness and image of God. This statement was displayed physical perfection. The main and important objects of the art of the Renaissance were gods.

Nature and beauty of the human body

The art of the Renaissance much attention Attached. A characteristic element of landscapes was a variety of lush vegetation. Heaven blue-blue shadewho penetrated the sun's rays that penetrated through the clouds white colorwere a great background for soaring creatures. The art of the Renaissance has adopted before beauty human body. This feature was manifested in the sophisticated elements of muscles and bodies. Non-easy posture, facial expressions and gestures, coherent and clear color palette are characteristic of the work of sculptors and rainters of the Renaissance period. These include Titian, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt and others.

The lesson on the history of the Middle Ages in the 6th grade on the topic: "Early Renaissance Culture in Italy"

Objectives: - find out the reasons for the rise of culture in Italy inXIV century;

Ensure the assimilation of a new concept "Renaissance"

Get acquainted with humanists and their views;

Develop the ability to work with the textbook and find necessary information;

Develop the ability to reason, speak, make conclusion.

Rail interest in the study of the culture of other peoples.

Planned educational results

Subject: Know chronological framework Epochs of early rebirth, explain the meaning of the concepts of humanism, revival, is evaluated historical personality, express judgments about the meaning of the ideas of humanism and the revival for the development of the European Society; They know what they were brought to architecture, sculpture and painting artists of the Renaissance.


Cognitive : The training material is structured and analyzed, they allocate significant and insignificant, the iconic symbolic means to systematize the material are used.

Regulatory: Allocate and retain learning tasks, take into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher in the new educational material, Evaluate your work in the lesson, analyze your emotional state, take a learning task for self-fulfillment.

Communicative: plan a training cooperation with the teacher and peers, they adequately use speech to regulate their actions, control the actions of the partner, agree and come to a general solution in joint activities.

Personal: show a positive attitude to learning activities, educational and informative interest, understand the reasons for success in training activities, are aware of the significance literary heritage Middle ages and early rebirth, they are interested in masterpieces of world artistic culture.

Type of lesson: combined

Equipment : Computer, presentation, tests, tasks on cards.

During the classes.

1. Org. Start lesson.

2. Checking homework.

Testing on the topic: "Medieval literature and art »

1. What were the poets singers, who manifested themselves in Provence inXI century?

A) Troubadura

B) Trubachi

C) composites

2. What did not sing the poet singers in their verses?

A) just and rich life

B) the image of the perfect knight

C) ministry Beautiful lady, Madonne

3. What was called knightly poets that appeared in Northern France. Italy. Spain, Germany?

A) Troubadura

B) Pesnyary

C) Trumpets

4. In medieval novels reflected:

A) ancient legends and beliefs

B) the views of the ancient thinkers

C) legends about King Arthur, selfless love and fate of Tristan Isolda

5. The favorite genre of city literature was

A) poems

B) stories in verse and fables on household topics


6. The most great poet of the Middle Ages was:

A) Francis Vignon

B) Vergili

C) Dante Aligiery

A) Rome and a meeting with dad

B) postal kingdom

C) to heaven and conversation with God

8. Roman style Characterized:

A) massive buildings with smooth walls, high towers and concise decor

B) low buildings with large quantity semicircular windows

C) Light buildings with lots of spacious and high buildings

9. Artist Middle Ages sought:

A) glorify the beauty of the human body

B) reveal the rich world human soul, thoughts, feelings.

C) write portraits of saints

10. The main figure of the decor in the temple, in the monastery cell, in the bedroom, the laity was the image:

A) Virgin Mary

B) any holy

C) crucifixion of Jesus Christ

11. Medieval painting was presented:

A) stained glass windows and book miniatures

B) frescoes and mosaics

C) paintings

Criteria for evaluation :

Less than 5 - "2"

From 5 to 7 - "3"

From 8 to 10 - "4"

11 - "5"

So we checked with you as you learned the topic studied at the last lesson

3. Message Topics and Lesson Goals .

"Creator can survive the Creator:Creator will leave, the nature is defeated,However, the image is captured,For centuries will warm the hearts. "
M. Bangarotti

Beginning with XIV century The culture of Italy receives a new impetus in its development. This period is called the culture of the revival, what do you think, why?

What could be caused by the emergence of a new culture? We will talk about this with you today at the lesson.

Write down the topic of the lesson in the notebook.

What goals do we put for ourselves today in the lesson when studying this topic?

(SL. 2) Learn new Material We will be like thisplan:

    "Wisdom lovers" and the revival of ancient heritage.

    New teaching about man.

    Education of a new person.

    The first humanists.

    The art of early rebirth.

Task for lesson:

(SL. 3 ) - I would really like to have throughout our lesson you thought about what kind of question: "Why italy became the birthplace of the appearance new era - Renaissance "

4. Studying a new material.

1) Teacher's story:

As already talked,in the middle of the XIV century in Italy originates new culture - The culture of the Renaissance, which will then spread throughout Western Europe. The era of the Renaissance, when this culture developed, will last until the middle of the XVII century. The first one and a half of her centuries are called early revival.

What do you think, why did this culture arose? What reasons contributed to its appearance? (children's responses)(SL. 4)

Let's summarize your assumptions and write down in the notebookthe reasons The emergence of the Renaissance:

1) The flourishing of Italian cities

2) Trade and Craft Development

3) development in the cities of education

4) the desire of citizens to learn more

1 . "Wisdom lovers" and the revival of ancient heritage. (Shot. 5)

Go to the study of the first question.

What goals do you put for yourself?

In the XIV century, people called themselves appeared in the rich cities of Italy"Fans of wisdom " They bowed before ancient culture And they believed that antiquity was the "golden age" when science and art flourished, people were valiant and mud. And then, they thought, the barbarians (goths) came, and ignorance and gesture reigned. Barbarors have forgotten the beautiful Latin and began to speak on rough adverbs. And now it's time to revive the "golden age" and connect his antique valor with the Christian faith.

(SL. 6) His time "lovers of wisdom" called the Renaissance Epoch.

- We write a definition :

Revival or Renaissance - Epoch in the history of the culture of Europe, who has replaced the culture of middle ages.

(SL. 7) So for the first time, an idea of \u200b\u200bthree stages of world history was appeared: antiquity, middle eyelids, new time.

And what do you think people called "lovers of wisdom"?

What did they have to study so that they began to call them?

(Latin studied and greek, wanted antique statues and manuscripts, rewrite and studied works antique literature. Often they spent on it all free time and money. In behavior and even in the clothes "wisdom lovers" imitated heroes and philosophers Ancient Rome and Greece.)

What do you think people could get into the number of "wisdom lovers"? (Pharmacist and duke, shop master and university professor, priest, lawyer and official)

Having gathered together, they enthusiastically discussed the recently found antique manuscript. At first, "wisdom lovers" was a bit. They supported each other, wrote each other letters, united in the circles.
- "Wisdom lovers" considered the Middle Ages "dark failure" in history.

What do you think they were right? Why do you think so?

(We know that this is not the case: Dante books and verses of Troubadurov, Gothic cathedrals, the Philosophy of Foma Aquinas are no less beautiful than the books of Homer, the temples of the Acropolis and the philosophy of the Greeks).

Can we say that antique art was worse than a new one?

(They are no better and no worse, they are different. But although for many "wisdom lovers" there was one ideal of beauty and valor - antiquity
"We found out who" people of wisdom "with you, and now get acquainted with the new teaching about a person."

2) independent work By textbook:

P. 229-230

Now you will meet your own new doctrine of a person, and then I will ask you a few questions to check how carefully you read this material.

Let's check how you understood the read material.

What is the second name "wisdom lovers"? (Humanists)

(Shot. 8) - We write down the definition

Humanism - The worldview in the center of which is the idea of \u200b\u200ba person as a higher value;

What was the attitude of humanists to a person? (They believed that a person is the best and most importantly of God's creation).

How can a person reach the stars and defeat the fate? (effort of will and labor)

What will serve a person award for his effort, works and perseverance? (Glory to contemporaries)

What person was the ideal for humanists? (" universal man", Which has achieved perfection in everything)
3) teacher's story :
3. Education of a new person .

Humanists argued that a person should be the owner of his fate. The Lord provides people with help and help, and only on a person depends whether it will be raised to the substance of almost divine or fall below the catot.
- Natural abilities are similar to the grain, they are embedded in our birth. The greatness reaches only that person who day after day, after year, he tirelessly grows up this grain, works on himself, raises and temper his spirit.
- Let's remember who in the feudal society considered "noble"?
(who had noble ancestors.)

Humanists stated that noble depends on the origin. No matter who you are by origin: the son of Prince or shoemaker. Slender the one who brought up his soul to the formation and reflection over the elevated objects. Only such a person can achieve greatness and glory.

If you were now in middle ages, then you could be called humane?
4. First Humanists .

(Shot. 9) The first humanist is called the Italian poet Franchishco Petrarch (1304-1374). Against the will of Petragh's father dedicated his life to poetry and philosophy. This story will repeat more than once: many Humanists will go against the will of their conservative and more practical parents.
-( sl. 10) Once Petrors saw a young woman in the church. He loved her immediately and loved his whole life. She died from the plague in 1348, did not respond to the poet. Petrol gave his beloved name Laura and dedicated to her a lot of poems that became one of the vertices of European love lyrics. Petraka portrayed the tragic complexity of his feeling and the first suggested that the actual experiences of the poet could be interesting to other people. Petraque for the first time named the Madonna Woman.
- The poet for 16 years has lived in the small town of Voklyuz. Here he had a lot of free time, and he dedicated him "Studio Humanitatis." For Petrarca, antiquity thinkers are not absolute authorities, but a favorite teacher and interlocutors. He admires them, but often argues with them. He did not agree to refuse freedom to reflect and from his own opinion.
- During the years of his life, Petracka acquired great glory, moral authority. His letters and books read all the educated Europe.

(Shot. 11) He was neither rich, nor noble, but also the Pope, and the emperors, and the most powerful state trucks of Italy listened to the advice of Petrarks and even his harsh reproaches. In 1341, at a solemn ceremony in Rome Petrarka was crowned with a laurel wreath and title of the king of poets.

(SL. 12) A student and follower of Petrarch was a writer and a scientist Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375). Best and most famous work Boccaccio - "Decameron", a book consisting of a hundred novel. In the "Decameron" novels, joking and serious, coarse and sophisticated, brightly and fascinating the world of Italy XTV century.
- Thanks to Petrarke, Bokcchchcho and their followers, the authority of the Humanists would unusually increased. Ancient literature experts were invited to lecture at universities, appointed on high positions In the management of cities. Humanist Tommaso Peretunilli, son of the shoemaker, elected Pope Roman.
- In the XV century, Florence, Milan, Venice, Naples, Rome became centers of culture of the early revival. From Italy, the ideas of Humanists spread to other countries of Europe.
5. The art of early rebirth .

(SL. 13) Already from early rebirth in Europe, the flowering of art began. Painting, sculpture and revival architecture are imbued with ideals of humanism.
- Artists became interesting a real man In his earthly life. Great distribution is obtainedpicturesque and sculptural portrait - Individual or family, where not gods, heroes and saints are depicted, and contemporaries from different classes. Thanks to this portrait, we know the real appearance of many famous people that time.
- Using light, artists reach figures and objects of the feeling of volume in the image . Their attention attracted bright characters, depth and power of human experiences.
- (SL. 14) The most wonderful painter of early rebirth is Florentic Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510).

(Shot. 15-16) Self famous paintings Masters - "Spring" and "Birth of Venus", which are filled with naive serenity, captivated with tenderness and grace.
(SL. 17 ) The architecture of Italian cities changed. Gothic cathedral stretched vertically, it is directed up, to God. The city is revived "Horizontal". Architects build new types of buildings: Urban Palaces - Palazzo, Country villas, merchant mansions, universities, hospitals. These buildings are comfortable, created for the convenience of man.
In the era of the Renaissance, artists and architects began to enjoy tremendous respect.
Honor invitation italian artists Pope, kings and rulers of the cities of Italy were challenged to her yard.

5. Let's summarize the lesson .

Remember what goals you set up at the beginning of the lesson. Did you reach them?

Let's check how you learned the new material.

"Yes No" game

1. In the middle XIV The century new culture is born - the culture of revival.

2. Her homeland is considered Greece.

3. People appeared who began to call themselves "wisdom lovers"

4. "Wisdom lovers" considered the antiquity of the "dark failure", and the Middle Ages - the "golden age"

5. During the Renaissance, a new doctrine of man appears - Humanism.

6. Humanists claimed that a person is not the owner of his fate.

7. The first humanist consider the Italian poet Franchishco Petrarch.

8. He wrote famous work "Decameron"

9. The most famous artist of the Renaissance is Sandro Botticheli.

6. Estimated estimates



Was the lesson interesting and informative? What is interesting? What did you like?

What questions did you get answers?

What did you do in our lesson?

8. Homework:

Paragraph29, fill in the "Early Renaissance Culture" table.