What colors mix for. Getting blue and blue shades by mixing paints

What colors mix for. Getting blue and blue shades by mixing paints
What colors mix for. Getting blue and blue shades by mixing paints

Flower science is a whole science. And the mixing of colors among themselves is quite fascinating. Just imagine that from a small set of primary colors and additional white, you can get absolutely any shade and enrich the color palette of your picture.

Difficulties in working with color

Each artist faces the fact that he can need some particular shade that can be made up of two or three colors. The professional does not occur at the same time. He clearly imagines that and with what to mix to achieve the desired result. At the same time, it can only use several local colors.

Newbies also have difficulty with this. And not everyone knows that green is obtained from yellow with blue, but brown from red with green. What about pink color? How to get it in a pure form or a concrete hue, because the pink palette is very extensive. In addition, it is not always possible to achieve a clean color.

Features that need to be considered when mixing

Successful mixing of colors will depend on the type of paints you work. All of them differ in chemical composition, respectively, can enter each other to the reaction. This is especially true of oil paints. If you do not take into account the features of some pigments, the resulting color when connecting two or three poorly combined with each other can darken, crack or purchase an inappropriate shade. In order to help artists in this sort out, special tables are created, which indicate all unwanted mixtures of oil paints. There are auxiliary tables with shades that clearly show you that you get, mixing certain colors.

Shades Pink

If you have a task - to get as close as possible to how you imagine it, then first you need to decide exactly what color is considered pink? Or rather, to say which of its great many shades, which vary not only in lightness, but also in heat and coldness. It is interesting to know that every person sees and perceives this color in his own way. It may depend not only on the floor, but also from the climate, in which a person lives.

How to get pink color from artistic paints?

Its receipt will be directly dependent on the type of paint used. We will analyze the somewhat most common options.

If you draw watercolor and use a standard set of 24 colors, you can find carmine there. Dilving it with water, you will get pink. Saturation It is adjustable by the amount of water added. If you use a limited palette, then any red that you have is suitable. Similarly, mix it with water.

Gouache is also done on a water basis, but unlike watercolor, Belil is actively used in it. Red gouache with Bellyli will give you pink. To make it more pale, add more bleel, brighter - more red. Pay attention to the fact that the gouache becomes lighter when dries. Therefore, the color of diluted paint should be brighter than you need.

The situation is a bit more complicated with oil paints. It is important to take into account, dealing with it to get pink, which colors will approach the composition, and which after mixing can over time to sweep. The ideal option will be if there is the same in the robust to add actions the same as with a gouache. The more blell, the little color.

Before applying to the picture, try the resulting color on a separate piece of paper or cardboard to make sure that it suits you.

Warm and cold shades

What colors to mix to get pink will affect not only the total color range of your picture, but also lighting on it. After all, pink in the shade and in the light are two absolutely different shades.

There is another important nuance that start-up artists sometimes misses from the species, and are surprised why they do not leave the desired color when they did everything right. The fact is that the resulting shade of pink directly depends on what kind of red tone is used as the basis. Accordingly, mixing the cold red color with white, you will not get warm pink. And you can get a warm tone by adding yellow, orange or brown in the right proportions.

If you need a cold pink, then mix red and white with a small amount of blue or blue. If at the same time add a drop of black paint, then the color will be muted. Experimental, you can achieve very interesting shades.

How to get pink color when mixing building paints?

As for construction and interior colors, there are several options, in addition to buying a ready-made color, which can not always fit your expectations.

One option is to buy a jar of a white base color and a universal pink kel, which should be compatible with paints from any manufacturer. To mix them, you will need a separate container. Pour the white paint into it (it can be both a water-emulsion and construction acrylic) and begin to add a kel into it.

In the process you need to carefully stir the composition. Continue to drip the kel in it and mix until you feel that the desired tone turned out. But do not rush to immediately paint them the entire surface. First, paint them a small plot, and wait until it dry to estimate the result.

The second option of how to get pink color is to mix red and white paint. Shades of red among building paints are also a lot. If you need to paint a large plot and the mixture will have to do several times, then write down the proportions as accurate as possible so that the color is eventually uniform over the entire surface.

At the same time, glossy paint will be bright and saturated, matte - more muted.

Get pink color, as you already understood, in many ways. It all depends on the tasks set before you. And when you receive a good shade, you must write down which colors you used and in what proportions so that at case you can repeat it.

Sienna burned, ultramarine, cadmium yellow - these words sound like mysterious spells for the uninitiated ear. In fact, it is only the names of the colors, although certain magic in them, of course, is present. It is worth only to take a brush and put a few drops on the palette, as the imagination comes life. And all that remains the artist, it is properly mixed in paints to create real wonders.

Beginner artists sometimes it is difficult to navigate in the choice of colors for their painting, especially if in the set of its watercolor a lot of colors. That is why it is recommended to buy paints with a smaller variety of shades, because much more interesting and, most importantly, it is more useful to mix paint yourself. Finished colors are often quite sharp, distant from natural muted tones. But the personally created palette will not only help find what is needed for the desired image, but will also serve as a source of imagination and useful knowledge.

All shades of paints are divided into warm and cold. These names are completely speaking, warm colors are more solar, summer: orange, red, yellow. Cold, respectively, winter, refreshing: blue, blue, purple.

Paints on the palette interact with each other, forming completely incredible variations. However, there are general trends that are reflected in the so-called Circle of Ytten. This is a model for connecting primary and secondary colors.

The circle not only shows how secondary colors are formed from primary, but also visually divides them to warm and cold, respectively, one right, others on the left. It is important to understand that we are talking about basic colors, and not shades. After all, in comparison, they will be warmer, others are colder.

Here is a small table to mix basic colors.

Rules of mixing paints

To properly mix watercolor paints, you need to know their some features and be sure to take them into account when applied to paper. It is not only about dividing on warm and cold tones, but also about the covers of some colors, i.e. Ability to overlap previous layers. Various shades are obtained not only by mixing two colors, but also by varying their quantity, as well as the amount of water used. For example, mixing the classic combination of yellow and green, when adding more yellow, it will gradually change to lighter salad, and even it can return to the original element.

Colors close to each other during mixing will not give pure tone, but with their help you can get a very expressive shade, it will be called chromatic. If combining the colors located in the opposite sides of the color circle, then you can get a achromatic, grayish tone. For example, such an effect will give a combination of orange with green and purple.

Some paints with mixing give a unwanted reaction. This is not just about dirt in the figure, it can lead to cracking of the paint layer, as well as to its dying when drying. The combination of zinc blees with a cinnaber has a beautiful bright pink tone, but in the future such a combination darkness becomes inexpressive. Therefore, the optimal, of course, is considered to achieve brightness and multicolorism by mixing the minimum number of colors. Remember that some combinations give a persistent effect, and some are unacceptable at all.

How to get yellow color when mixing paints

Yellow color is one of the three basic, so it is impossible to get it by mixing in pure form! However, it is possible to achieve some result by playing with its close on the palette with shades. For example, to get gold, you need the usual yellow and drop of red or brown. A good option can also be removed yellow with red and adding it.

How to get orange when mixing paints

Much more productive is the mixing of yellow paint to obtain orange. It is formed from the kneading yellow and red. When adding a small amount of brown and red, you can make a mandarine shade or gold, depending on the number of ingredients. Bright orange color is obtained from classic orange with brown and white.

How to get a mint when mixing paints

How to get black color when mixing paints

In each set of watercolors there is a black color, but if for some reason you did not have it, or you need a very dark shade, you can mix it yourself. It will take to connect in equal proportions red, yellow and blue. Great color is obtained from blue and brown. Also suitable for mixing red, green, yellow, purple. Soft black color will give yellow cobalt, blue cobalt and pink garnet.

How to get green when mixing paints

Green color is obtained from yellow and blue. However, in watercolor in its pure form it is used infrequently. The color of sunny green or olive green, midnight green, their connection and other options are much more popular. In green sunny, ultramarine and yellow cobalt are used, olive prepare from the same colors with the addition of Sienna Luzheny, and the midnight - from the blue FC, yellow and droplets of black.

How to get turquoise color when mixing paints

Turquoise is more famous under a different name, Aquamarine. On the color spectrum its place between green and blue. It became for mixing, they will be needed. It will take a little greater amount of blue cyanovoy, rather than green. However, it depends on the required color intensity. For a more delicate turquoise, you can add a drop of bleel or light gray paint. For saturated aquamarine, you will need to take a bright shade of blue, green and a little yellow.

How to get a burgundy color when mixing paints

Burgundy color is obliged to its name to the same name French guilt. This color is a solemn, deep, you can mix it with the help of three parts of the red and one blue. For a warmer shade, you can enter a little yellow, or combine bright scary in half with brown. A colder tone will turn out of red, brown and black, it comes out so rich that it is necessary to dilute with water.

How to get a blue color when mixing paints

Blue color in watercolors get very easy, it is enough to dilute ultramarin water, and the case is in a hat. However, for those who do not seek easy paths, there will always be a couple of interesting ways. One of them is used: on 2 parts of ultramarine, one piece of white paint will be required. Dilute blue color needs to be gradually to adjust the saturation of the tone. For bright blue, it will take all the same blue, a droplet of red and white. Another shade can be obtained by adding one part to this mixture not red, but green paint.

How to get raspberry color when mixing paints

Bright and energetic raspberry color has a whole range of shades. The main one can be obtained by connecting red, blue and small white. For muffling, a little black is added too catchy. Instead of black, you can apply brown, and instead of blue - turquoise or blue, or violet, the results will be very extraordinary.

How to get a brown when mixing paints

Get brown in various ways. The easiest is mixed with red and green paints. It can also be made from purple and yellow, the more yellow, the lighter will turn out to be tone. Another way is the use of red, blue and yellow, but they need to mix it gradually, adding new portions of paint to adjust the shade, otherwise black color may form, especially if red and blue will prevail. A good otenok gives mixing orange and blue.

How to get purple color when mixing paints

From the school program it is known that purple is obtained from red and blue. However, in fact it is not quite so. Get a high-quality bright shade is quite difficult, and what it turns out from two of these colors rather similar to the unborn burgundy. So, in order for a bright rich purple color in the company from red and blue should prevail the last. At the same time, the shade of red need to take as cold as possible, otherwise the probability of mixing brown, and not purple. Blue also has its own requirements - there should be no greenish notes in it, take it only in pure form, for example, blue cobalt or ultramarin. To lighten the final tone, you can use a little bit. An important nuance is that after drying the color is a little pale.

How to get blue color when mixing paints

Blue is basic, it is impossible to mix it from other colors. But with the help of blue paint and auxiliary you can get a lot of its shades. For example, from a bright ultramarine with Bellyli, you can get heavenly blue. For a saturated blue tone take ultramarin with dark turquoise. Beautiful blue-green is obtained from blue with a small amount of yellow. More pale this shade will make a white color. Famous Berlin Azure turns out of the kneading blue and green in equal shares. If you take 2 pieces of blue and 1 red, then it turns out a blue-purple. And if you take not red, and pink, then the Royal Blue will turn out. Complex gray-blue color, perfectly suitable for drawing shadows, can be obtained from blue with brown. Saturated dark blue will come out of blue and black, connect two to one.

How to get pink color when mixing paints

Usually pink color is obtained from the red and white compound, its shade will depend on the proportions. But it is possible to experiment with various types of red. The wonderful effect gives bright scarlet, pink color is very clean. Brick red gives peach shade. And bloody alizarine with a white form of Fuchsia. By adding a drop of purple or yellow, you can get unexpectedly interesting results. Not everyone accepts the use of white in watercolor, then you can get pink simply by diluting with water of any red. In a low concentration - it will be what you need.

How to get a beige color when mixing paints

Beige or body color is needed by an artist for the image of people, people, portraits, etc. Gentle beige can be obtained from Belil with the addition of ocher, the cadmium of yellow and red, Sienna and sometimes Urachny in meager quantities, for easy stencil. The ocher ratio in comparison with the rest of the components will be higher, all ingredients need to be administered gradually, adjust the required color intensity. Unfortunately, there is no accurate recipe, each artist has its own vision of this issue.

How to get a lilac color when mixing paints

Lilac color is quite close to purple, they are even called relatives. They both are cold shades and stand in a color circle close enough. Actually, the main recipe for lilac color is the dilution of purple leaks or water.

How to get gray when mixing paints

In watercolor paintings, never meet black shadows, they usually draw the same paints as the other parts, but with the addition of a darker element, for example, gray. This color in watercolors can be obtained by connecting black with plenty of water or ledges. Interesting shades are obtained from the blue cobalt with the addition of Sienna Luzhenya or Umbra Luzheny.

Mixing oil paints, mixing technology

Mixing oil paints has somewhat different specifics, unlike watercolor. Although the main recipes for obtaining certain colors, of course, are common. Basic mixing techniques acrylic paints:

  • Compounding colors on the palette, i.e. Physical, to obtain a new tone or shade in order to apply to the drawing. If one of the paints are brighter, then it is applied with small strokes on the dark, provided that both paints have the same undermined properties. When mixing transparent paint with a covering event, it turns out a lifting one. If two transparent paints are taken, then the result will be transparent. With this method, a decrease in the purity and intensity of the tones is inevitable.
  • The method of applying paints, in another it is called the lescing, is to impose transparent paints on each other directly in the image. Of course, the previous layer should be absolutely dry.
  • Method of color adjoining. If brushing brush strokes are very tight with each other, then visually mixing these colors, like a certain illusion.

Oil Mixing Table

Mixing acrylic paints, technology

Acrylic paints are an excellent option for beginner artists and painting lovers. They are universal suitable for both paper and fabric, glass, wood, etc. The only minus is rather high cost, and therefore in the sets acrylic, as a rule, not too rich palette. But nothing prevents it from expanding it using mixing technology. It is necessary to have 7 colors: red, pink, yellow, blue, brown, white and black. And then with the help of a special table you can easily mix acrylic yourself.

Acrylic Color Mixing Table

Mix Color Color Gouache

When choosing Guaashi, you should not focus on large sets, they look very impressive and presentable. But in essence will have to overpay for completely unnecessary colors. Where it is better to focus not on the number of jars, but on their volume. After all, when the main colors are completed, it will still have to buy new paints, and the unused so remains to lie in a dead cargo. Moreover, to get new colors and shades of Guaasi is very easy, just just how to keep a brush in your hands. There is no special rules here, except that the color alignment table needs.

Gouache Mix Color Mixing Table

How to get a blue color when mixing paints for writing pictures, in printing house and computer graphics? Blue enters the triad of the main colors, where the other two are red and yellow. In natural conditions, it is impossible to get the color when mixing two others. All features are determined by many conditions.

It is impossible to get a truly basic color in the process of writing pictures. It is false to assume that blue is obtained as a result of the mixing of green and yellow, on the contrary, comes out olive. How to get blue? Achieve the goal is simple: it is enough to mix blue and white in equal proportions.

In the visual arts often enjoy the finished palette, where the proportions and the ratios of the paints are painted. But with her, you can only get the shades of blue:

  • Blue - produced by the method of mixing paint aquamarine and white in proportion 2: 1.
  • Royal Tint - It turns out in the process of mixing aquamarine and pink.
  • Dark blue - reproduced when combining two parts of standard blue and one part of black.
  • SERO-BIAN - is made when combining the base colora and brown. It is brown that will create a dimming effect.

Variants of proportions and ratios, a lot of shades combinations. In the standard set, the analogue of blue paint can be obtained by mixing the color of aquamarine with pink.

On video: how to mix oil paints.

Synthesis in typography

This method is used in modern printers. It is believed that in the printing house, blue can be obtained, if you mix green and one of the shades of purple - fuchsia. Naturally, the basic basic will fail, but only an analog close to the original.

In the field of typographic work, the lack of quality of the color of the color is modified artificially, using the game of shades and contrast. With the help of a standard color circle you can recreate and shades. How to make a high-quality analogue, a highly qualified specialist will be able to respond using the method of trial and error. In any case, the base tone must be present, which, when mixed, becomes the base to create its interpretations.

Not only the palette is taken into account to create a color, but also the features of the surface on which the tone will be applied. First you need to take the sample and test it.

Computer graphics and main palette

Create blue in the so-called "artificial conditions" can be without problems. Even if it is basic, you can find a specific condition. Software provides the ability to synthesize any color using a correctly prescribed binary code.

Unlike typography and artists to get this base, programmers do not face the problem of obtaining the main color. The main thing is to choose the appropriate software environment.

Natural dyes

Natural dye is valued much more expensive than synthetic options. Such paint can be used to dye textiles and food items. Get blue can be obtained from:

  • grapes;
  • blueberries;
  • blackberries;
  • eggplant peel;
  • cauliflower sheets.

There are more exotic options for obtaining the base. They are too expensive, complex in relation to the cooking technology. The above are actively used when creating food dyes, watercolor paints and guaishes. But the resulting paint is completely safe for health and life. There are also cons in the use of natural dyes: quickly lifted, unsaturated base, leaves traces on the skin and surfaces.

Brown, although not bright, but rather popular. It is used in the repair of the apartment, for staining interior items, when drawing acrylic and other paints and gouache, when painting hair, as well as other actions. To get brown use mixing techniques. Colors take both dark and bright, and which we will find out later in the article.

One of the main and simple ways to make brown is mixing green and red dyei. These colors are in any palette of paints, from construction to designed for painting on paper canvas. The use of dark green and dark red is not permissible, otherwise we will get a color close to black, but not like dark brown.

The following method will be mixing 3 dyes: red, blue and yellow. This method comes out of the previous one, instead of green, use blue and yellow, which, when mixed, give green, as a result we obtain the color formula described above. This combination of paints is good when green ended in the palette.

Another way to make brown will be mixed with orange and gray or orange and blue, which is more relevant for the usual palette of paints.

The last way to get a classic brown is to combine purple and yellow paint. Instead of purple, you can use purple. This option is less popular as it is difficult to control the resulting color when mixing, the slightest overdose and the shade is not the same.

Making shades of brown

The traditional palette is good, but it does not always require its use, for example, in the staining of the wall in the hallway, it will be more bright tone, and to give a picture of realistic paints, depicting the earth, usually take dark paint. Next, we give the instructions how to make brown was darker or lighter:

  • How to get dark brown? We will not invent the bike and offer the most effective method - this is the addition of black components. We advise you to mix on small drops, otherwise the paint gets risks to spoil and have to throw it. After adding a small dose of black, mix thoroughly to a homogeneous consistency, only after deciding whether it is necessary to darken.
  • How to get brown brown?Here we will also go to the prohibition loan and offered a method of use of Belil or white dyes. Adding clarifying colors can be made more intensely compared to darkening. This is due to the fact that if you have rejected brown, you can always return to a couple of tones darker. As the main Belil, there is a white paint, besides her, you can use yellow - which will give a shade of ocher, red - give shades of rust, and blue will make a deeper and contrast.

For lovers of painting, together with Olga Bazanova, prepared a video lesson for mixing brown color from others:

Pros and cons of mixing brown

No matter how strangely sounded, but make the brown color of the paints with their own hands is not always the best idea. Let's look at when it is profitable to mix, and when it is better to buy a ready-made dye:

    • Draw acrylic paints on the canvas - here you can make brown and its shades in any quantities and about the portions of colors;
    • Doing repair and remained extra paints from which you can get brown for use in the intended design;
    • Do anything, but in the presented shops of the palette of colors there is no need;
    • If brown walls are provided in the design of the room, then you should not buy other colors to mix them, in building stores there are enough brown paints to choose the appropriate;
    • If you paint your hair, you should not mix different components, even the same shade, if not provided by the instruction;
    • If you are not sure about in advance that you are brown.

Secrets of mixing paints

        1. To make a beautiful brown paint use accurate proportions.
        2. If you seek the desired tone, add the color of the "diluent" on a little bit, otherwise you risk everything to ruin everything.
        3. Try to try the resulting dye on a small painted area, because the color in the jar and on the surface may differ.
        4. When working with the picture, the connection of the paints can be carried out directly on the canvas, thereby achieve an interesting effect.
        5. Before connecting other colors, read the instructions, the color of the dried paint may differ from only applied, it should be considered.


The methods of obtaining brown colors and shades are many, they can be applied with any painting work, but should be focused on the feasibility of mixing or buying ready. In addition to the main mixture, you can make a lot of shades from light to dark, from contrasting to deep. Do not be afraid to experiment, because all the well-known masterpieces of the interior, painting and fashionable things appeared as a result of a large number of samples. Tell us in the comments, and what kind of paints use you to make your brown dye?

Two color blending tables

The mixing table of colors allows you to find out how when mixing two or more colors and shades get the right one.

Such a table is applied in various fields of art - visual, modeling, and others. It can also be used in construction when mixing paints and plasters.

Colors Mixing Table 1

Required color Main Color + Mix Instructions
Pink White + add a little red
Chestnut Red + add black or brown
Royal Red Red + add blue
Red Red + white for lightening, yellow to get orange-red
Orange Yellow + add red
Gold Yellow + drop of red or brown
Yellow Yellow + white for clarification, red or brown to get a dark shade
Pale green Yellow + Add blue / black for depth
Herbian-green Yellow + Add Blue and Green
Olive Green + add yellow
Light green Green + Add white yellow
Turquoise-green Green + Add Blue
Bottle-green Yellow + add blue
Coniferous Green + Add Yellow and Black
Turquoise-blue Blue + add a little green
White-blue White + add blue
Maddlewood blue White + add blue and black
Royal blue
Dark blue Blue + add black and a drop of green
Grey White + add a bit black
Pearl-gray White + Add black, little blue
Middle brown Yellow + add red and blue, white for clarification, black for dark.
Red-brown Red & Yellow + Add blue and white for clarification
Golden brown Yellow + add red, blue, white. More yellow for contrast
Mustard Yellow + add red, black and a little green
Beige Take brown and gradually add white to receiving beige. Add yellow for brightness.
Not quite white White + add brown or black
Pink-gray White + drop of red or black
Gray-blue White + add light gray plus drop blue
Green-gray White + Add Light Gray Plus Green Rail
Gray coal White + add black
Lemon Yellow Yellow + Add White, Little Green
Light brown Yellow + Add White, Black, Brown
Color of green fern White + Add Green, Black and White
Forest greens Green + add black
Emerald green Yellow + add green and white
Salad Yellow + add white and green
Aquamarine White + add green and black
Avocado Yellow + add brown and black
Royal Purple Red + Add Blue and Yellow
Dark purple Red + add blue and black
Tomato-red Red + Add Yellow and Brown
Mandarin, Orange Yellow + add red and brown
Redhead-chestnut Red + add brown and black
Orange White + add orange and brown
Color of red burgundy Red + Add Brown, Black and Yellow
Crimson Blue + add white, red and brown
Plum Red + add white, blue and black
Money color White, Yellow and Dark Brown
Dark brown Yellow + red, black and white
Copper-gray Black + add white and red
Team of eggshell White + yellow, little brown
The black Black use black as coal

Colors Mix 2 Table

Mixing paints
the black\u003d brown + blue + red in equal proportions
the black \u003d brown + blue.
gray and black\u003d Blue, green, red and yellow mixed in equal proportion, and then one or another is added to the eye. It turns out more blue and red
black \u003d.it turns out if you mix red, blue and brown
the black\u003d Red, green and blue. You can additionally add brown.
bodily \u003d red and yellow paint .... The smallest. After mixing, if yellowing, then add a little red, if it pose a little yellow paint. If the color is strongly saturated, it turned out to put a piece of white mastic and wash again
dark cherry \u003dred + brown + a bit blue (blue)
strawberry\u003d 3 parts of pink + 1h. red
turkiz \u003d 6 hnebezno-blue + 1h.zhet
silver gray \u003d 1Ch.Chigan + 1h.Sine
dark red \u003d.1h. red + little black
rust color\u003d 8h.Onzhevy + 2h. red + 1 hp
greenish\u003d 9h.newable blue + a little yellow
dark green\u003d green + little black
lavender\u003d 5h.-transition + 1C. SEREEN
bodily\u003d little color copper
nautical\u003d 5h. Blue + 1C. Green
peach\u003d 2h. Orange + 1h. Dark yellow
dark pink\u003d 2h. Red + 1Ch.Cyrian
dark blue\u003d 1h. Blue + 1h. Serenevian
avocado\u003d 4h. yellow + 1h. agriculture + slight black
coral\u003d 3h. torque + 2h.zhet
gold\u003d 10h.zhet + 3h.Onzhevy + 1h. red
plum \u003d.1h.Fiolet + a little red
light green \u003d. 2h.piolet + 3h.zhet

red + yellow \u003d orange
Red + ocher + Belil \u003d apricot
Red + green \u003d brown
Red + blue \u003d purple
Red + blue + green \u003d the black
Yellow + Belil + Green \u003d citric
Yellow + blue or blue \u003d green
Yellow + brown \u003d ocher
Yellow + green + bleel + red \u003d tobacco
blue + green \u003d sea \u200b\u200bwave
Orange + brown \u003d terracotta
Red + Belil \u003d coffee with milk
Brown + Belil + yellow \u003d beige
salad\u003d green + yellow, more yellow, + white \u003d light salad

lilac\u003d blue + red + white, more red and white, + white \u003d light Siren
lilac\u003d red with blue, and red prevails
Pistachio paint. It turns out when mixing yellow paint with a small amount of blue