The phenomenon of telegony. Scientific confirmation of the theory of telegony - af_doc

The phenomenon of telegony.  Scientific confirmation of the theory of telegony - af_doc
The phenomenon of telegony. Scientific confirmation of the theory of telegony - af_doc

Telegony is a phenomenon of the influence of the previous male on the hereditary characteristics of the offspring of subsequent males.

Recently, there has been a revival of interest in such a relatively old theory as telegony. Both supporters and opponents of this theory cite as arguments weighty, in their opinion, arguments, many of which, when examined in detail, simply do not stand up to criticism. The author of the article, admitting the possibility of the existence of this phenomenon, tried to analyze publications on this topic, systematize the available facts and suggest possible mechanisms for the occurrence of this phenomenon.

Telegony and Science.
Above were the facts testifying in favor of telegony. What is the opinion of scientists on this score? What is the mechanism of the described phenomenon?
It should be noted right away that the official science does not recognize telegony. There are at least two reasons for this: a) telegony does not fit into the existing theory of heredity; b) no statistical dependence of the manifestation of this phenomenon was revealed.
Obviously, these reasons are not sufficient to reject telegony. After all, the purpose of science is to explain the phenomena of nature, and not to fit them into existing theories. In the meantime, all explanations boil down to supposedly spontaneous mutations without, again, any statistical dependence or suspicion of the action of the law of splitting (Mendel's second law).
However, one should not assume that the supporters of telegonia are among the marginalized from science. The general non-recognition of this phenomenon does not prevent ordinary scientists and even individual scientific teams from having their own opinion, which is different from the official one (especially since knowledge in the field of living nature grows every year and new mechanisms are revealed that are responsible for the transmission of hereditary information, forcing to revise the existing theory heredity). I will give the opinion of two scientists concerning telegony.
Director of the Ukrainian Center for Medical Genetics Professor Igor Barilyak:
“Telegonia has been of interest to me for over 30 years. In biology, it is - this is a fact, no matter how some scientists deny it. True, I have not come across convincing data regarding people. The case of the birth of negroes from white parents, most likely, can be attributed to other reasons - say, the insincerity of the woman or the presence of her \ "black \" genes. But in animals this happens all the time ... But why this happens, no one knows for certain. "
Professor Gennady Berdyshev, Academician of the New York Academy of Sciences:
“There are three main points in this issue. First, telegony really exists. Secondly, it can manifest itself in humans. Thirdly, the mechanisms of this phenomenon have not yet been studied. "
So what is the scientific explanation for telegony? What mechanisms for transmitting information can be responsible for it? Let's consider several options.
As mentioned above, A.G. Bliznyuchenko. showed in his experiments that telegony, based on the penetration of individual DNA fragments formed after the disintegration of spermatozoa, directly into the ovum, exists, although it is unlikely. However, the described telegony mechanism is not unique.
Many tissues of the body contain the so-called hyaluronic acid. Male sperm is no exception - the content of hyaluronic acid in it is 1.3 mg per 100 ml. In its shape, its molecule is a "grid" capable of capturing DNA strands. Because Since this acid is very active, it can easily dissolve cell membranes and, accordingly, introduce foreign genes into the female DNA. Carried by the bloodstream throughout the body, hyaluronic acid is able to reach the ovaries, causing telegonia. It is important to note that in case of pregnancy, the likelihood of this mechanism working increases many times over. the exchange of hyaluronic acid occurs already with the baby's fetus. This opinion is shared by the director of the Swedish Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics Arthur Mingreim. The specialists of the Medical Genetic Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences also agree with him.
The work of the described mechanisms is associated with a direct change in the genetic information embedded in the egg. It should be admitted that although they are real, the probability of their manifestation is small enough to fully explain telegony. However, recent studies have shown that DNA is not the only source of information about a living organism.
So recently, the role of ribonuleic acid (RNA) in heredity has been intensively studied. A whole class of these compounds was discovered, called small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), to which earlier researchers simply did not pay attention. Such RNAs are not a carrier of the genetic information itself, as such, but they have a significant impact on its interpretation, blocking the production of certain proteins in the cell. For example, in the recent experiments of French researchers with mice, very strange results from the point of view of the classical theory of heredity were obtained. When mice were crossed, heterozygous for the gene responsible for tail coloration, splitting of the next generation for this trait was expected. However, the expected splitting did not occur, and almost all mice were born with white tails. Genetic analysis showed that, despite the fact that a quarter of the mice were carriers of genes that give a black tail, this trait did not appear. At the same time, corresponding small RNAs were found in their cells, blocking the manifestation of the trait.
It is already known that Mendel's laws do not apply to these RNAs and they are able to exert their influence over a number of generations. How do they appear in the cell, what is the mechanism of their inheritance? At the moment, scientists have no answers to these questions. There are only suspicions that such RNAs are capable of self-reproduction and transfer from one somatic cell to another, i.e. roughly speaking, the mechanism of their spread in the body is similar to viruses. At this stage, it is difficult to judge whether this phenomenon has anything to do with telegonia or not, but one should not be silent about such facts, as opponents of telegony do.
But that's not all. As it turned out, the transfer of information is possible not only with the help of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), but also with the help of special proteins, the so-called. prions. Mad cow disease is one example of an underlying phenomenon. As you know, each protein, in addition to a certain sequence of amino acids, also has a certain spatial configuration, the so-called. tertiary structure. In the case of prions, the interaction of two protein molecules that have the same chemical composition, but have a different tertiary structure, triggers a chain process of changing the spatial structure of a particular protein throughout the body. A number of diseases caused by prions are currently known, but do all prions cause disease? Unknown.
The question is fair, is telegony possible with such a measure of contraception as a condom? The answer to this question directly follows from the information above. As you know, due to the nature of the material used, the condom has pores, the size of which varies from 5 to 50 microns. At the same time, the AIDS virus is 0.1 microns in size. Because of this, the question has been raised more than once: does a condom fully protect against AIDS? On this score, there is extremely contradictory information and with a certain degree of certainty we can only assert that a condom can reduce the likelihood of infection, but in no way eliminate it. What can we say about hyaluronic acid, small RNAs and prions, whose size is much smaller than the aforementioned AIDS virus? I think the reader will be able to answer this question on his own. It is easy to guess that a similar answer will be true for cases of various sexual perversions.

Telegony and history.
Obviously, the existence of telegony has been known to mankind since ancient times, and this is reflected in the customs of various peoples, as well as in ancient written sources. Telegony allows you to take a fresh look at many historical facts that are sometimes incomprehensible to modern researchers.
Let us recall the following episode from the Gospel:
“Then some of the resurrection-rejecting Sadducees came and asked Him: Master! Moses wrote to us that if a brother who had a wife dies and dies childless, then his brother must take his wife and restore seed to his brother ”(Luke 20: 27-28).
The quoted fragment unambiguously testifies to the fact that Telegonia was known to the ancient Jews! Otherwise, there was no reason to consider a child conceived in this way as a child of the first brother, and not of the second. Indeed, such a woman was, to one degree or another, the bearer of the genetic information of her first husband, although she did not give birth to a child from him. And the brother, in fact, only initiated the pregnancy and supplemented the missing fragments of the genetic set, which were largely similar due to the indicated relationship. Therefore, the born child was considered the son of the deceased, often inheriting the traits and resembling him, which was noticed by the ancient Jews.
But that was known to the Jews. Did our ancestors know about this? The study of Russian customs and history gives an unequivocal answer: yes, they knew!
Since ancient times, Russians have noticed that there can be no good offspring from a walking girl. This was expressed in such an ancient custom as smearing the gates of such a person with tar (by the way, this custom existed in villages until very recently, at least until the middle of the 20th century). Moreover, marriage with a girl who had a premarital relationship was considered invalid and was immediately terminated immediately after this fact became known, as evidenced by Sigismund Herberstein in his book "Notes on Muscovy".
Telegonia is also mentioned in such an ancient literary source as The Tale of Bygone Years. Namely, in that part of it, which tells about the son of Vladimir I (Saint) Svyatopolk (Cursed). The official point of view says that Svyatopolk was not the son of Vladimir at all, but his older brother Yaropolk. Such a statement is based on the words of the chronicle "Vladimir is still a brother to a Greek woman, and she is not idle, from her the birth of Svyatopolk", which is usually interpreted as evidence of the pregnancy of a "Greek woman" at the time of the events described. However, a detailed analysis casts doubt on the correctness of this interpretation, since the following inconsistencies are striking:
1) It is known that a Greek nun was brought to Yaropolk by his father Svyatoslav. Taking into account the fact that Svyatoslav himself died in 972, and Yaropolk in 978, Yaropolk's marriage lasted at least 7 years. And during this time, no children can be traced at Yaropolk. It seems very strange that after so many years, at the very moment when Vladimir seized the Kiev throne, Yaropolk's wife turns out to be pregnant with Svyatopolk.
2) The fact that Svyatopolk was the son of Yaropolk apparently did not bother Vladimir himself at all. He recognized him as his son and gave him the same rights as the rest of his children. This seems unlikely, since native children should have been closer to Vladimir than his nephew.
3) The seniority of the children of St. Vladimir becomes completely incomprehensible. The "Tale of Bygone Years" indicates that Yaroslav was older than Svyatopolk. However, in this case, he had to be born in the same year as his older brother Izyaslav, which is impossible, since they were both born of Rogneda. Historians believe that Yaroslav falsified the year of his birth and was actually younger than Svyatopolk, which can be rightly questioned.
Everything immediately falls into place, if we assume that Svyatopolk was born much later than the capture of Kiev by Prince Vladimir, and academician Likhachev misinterpreted the words of the chronicle. Indeed, the literal translation of the words “not idle” sounds like “not empty”, and not “pregnant” at all. So what was the Greek woman “not empty”? Obviously, in ancient times, this turn of speech carried a much greater meaning, and meant not only and not so much the pregnancy itself, but also the transfer of genetic information based on telegony. The long marriage of a Greek woman and Yaropolk did not pass without leaving a trace and left a deep mark in her genetics. Probably, Svyatopolk had an obvious resemblance to Yaropolk, which was especially noticeable, since Yaropolk and Vladimir were only half-brothers, and this allowed evil tongues to call him "the son of two fathers." In reality, Svyatopolk was Vladimir's own son.
Such a historical episode is also curious. One of the wives of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible was Princess Maria Dolgorukaya. However, as it turned out after the wedding, the bride had a premarital relationship, which was the reason to accuse the Dolgoruks no less than ... high treason and execute the unfortunate bride! Of course, you can blame Ivan the Terrible for his cruelty, but you can look at all this from the other side. Taking into account the existence of telegony, the result of such a marriage could be a child who is not at all a bearer of "tsarist" qualities, which already posed a danger to the whole of Russia and was a sabotage against the entire state system. In any case, the execution of Princess Dolgoruka did not save the family of Ivan the Terrible from extinction. How right Ivan the Terrible was in his suspicions was demonstrated a century and a half later by another tsar, Peter I.
Having violated Russian traditions, Peter I almost brought Russia to the brink of a new catastrophe associated with the succession to the throne, converging (and later marrying) with Catherine I, whose past was, to put it mildly, rather turbulent. Indeed, out of 11 children (!) Born by Catherine, only two survived. How not to recall the experiments of V.A. Britov. and his testimony about "high mortality of embryos and larvae, deformities and chimerism"! Moreover, the surviving daughters also could not boast of their health. One of them, Elizabeth, turned out to be sterile, and the second, Anna, gave birth to, perhaps, the most abnormal tsar in Russian history - Peter III. This fact also surprisingly resonates with the results of Britov's experiments, which indicate an increase in the manifestation of alien signs after several generations, which is another confirmation of the existence of telegonia.

Instead of a conclusion.
It is quite obvious that it is too early to put an end to the controversy around telegony and systematic research in this area is required. In the meantime, official science prefers to pretend that this phenomenon does not exist and to remain silent, it is simply worthwhile to turn to the centuries-old experience of our ancestors and live according to established traditions.
As the saying goes, God protects those who are saved.

Dmitry Bogomolov.

1. Muravnik G.L. "The collapse of the myth of the" mysterious "phenomenon of telegonia"
2. Pentegov Dmitry Alekseevich "In the footsteps of excellent sables"
3. Priest Kulakov G. "Telegonia, or the mystery of the genome"
4. “How many fathers can a child have?”, “Knowledge is power”, 2000, no. 4.
5. Prosekin A. "Telegonia: a scientific fool or a medical fact?"
6. Bliznyuchenko A.G. "Telegony - Myths and Reality"
7. Ivanov I. "Telegonia: For, Against or Abstain?"
8. "Chastity and Telegonia" (collection), publishing house "Psalter", 2004

Good time of the day, dear readers. The topic of today's article may seem strange to some of you, especially since at first glance it has nothing to do with the topic of the blog. I ask you not to jump to conclusions, because after you read this article to the end, 99% of you will have a very interesting opinion about yourself and the people around you - this is the first thing. And second, you yourself will understand why it was now and in the context that it was decided to write this "difficult" article.

Telegony?! I'm sure many of you are hearing this word for the first time. Perhaps someone has come across it before. Personally, I and my friends until recently did not know anything about him. But what happened two days ago opened my eyes to many questions, the answers to which I did not even know where to look. I have already repeatedly told you that quite often I receive letters from readers with various questions, requests and suggestions.

Two days ago, according to tradition, in the evening I opened mine and saw there a letter from the reader Natalya (they asked not to disclose the last name). Usually I quickly reread the letters and immediately answer, but this time everything went wrong ... I had to read Natalia's letter three times and grasp the essence and meaning of what she wanted to convey to me. With the permission of the author of the letter, I publish it here. It is very important for you to more accurately represent the whole problem of this woman:

“Ali, most likely no one has written such letters to you yet. I do not want to burden with my problems, but for some reason it seems to me that you can help me. Silly ... that seems to be all. I have been married for four years and all these years have been happy for me. My husband loved, the family is well off, there is an apartment. What else is needed for a woman to be completely happy! But ... we didn't have children. We turned to doctors, psychologists, and healers. Nothing helped.

In short, I will not tell you for a long time. On the advice of friends, I found a healer there, although he looked more like a shaman, who for about forty minutes muttered something under his breath, ran around me, gave me some tasty water to drink. Of course, all this was very scary, but there was no other way out, she called herself a load - climb into the basket. This whole procedure ended with the fact that he asked for $ 30 for his services and assured that after my arrival I would definitely get pregnant.

Believe it or not, two months later I was already stroking my tummy, as the doctor said that I was 3 weeks pregnant. My husband was just happy with this news and almost carried me to the apartment in his arms. So we lived in perfect harmony with him all these 9 months ...

Then something happened that I could imagine even in a nightmare. A son was born, healthy, strong, but ... tears are welling up in my eyes, three weeks after birth it became clear that we are not growing a Russian boy, but some kind of Chinese. His eyes were narrow, his skin was very pale, and his face was of a Mongoloid type. We waited a few more weeks, and it became finally clear - the child is growing up as Chinese or Japanese ... but by anyone, only there is nothing Russian in him.

I specially selected a picture on the Internet to make it clearer what I am writing about. Ours is about the same. So my husband began to look askance at me, and once he blurted out that I "had a good rest in China." Then the mother-in-law joined this pressure. In a word - life has become a complete hell!

In the end, it all ended with my husband abandoning me, and now I am alone with this Chinese boy, he seems to be mine, but my soul does not last somehow. Although, I swear by all the Saints, I did not cheat on my husband. Even more, he was the only man in my life. But, no one believes me and everyone considers me a harlot. It's a shame, it hurts ... tears in my eyes, but I can't understand and do anything! You can't leave a child, but I can't prove to my husband that he is ours with him!

They carried out a DNA analysis, it seemed, and showed that the child is ours, but the doctors said that there is a possibility that it is not ours either. So I don't know how to be and what to do !!! I looked through my family tree up to the fifth generation and did not find a single connection with eastern people. Ali, if you can, please help ... thanks in advance !!! ".

Friends, you must agree, despite the fact that the letter is quite large, it can be read in one breath! But, it will not be easier for Natalia. In short, I decided to figure out what was the matter. Eh, if I knew where this mini-study would lead me, I would never have undertaken it in my life. Oh, okay, let's go ...

Telegonia - what is this monster?

As luck would have it, the Internet was turned off for several days, so there was no way to google and find something like that. Then I turned to a friend who spends all his time on the Internet. And luck smiled at me, the next day he called and said that "on YouTube I found an interesting video that two white parents had a black son." The video is very interesting, so I give you a look at it:

But why don't you hear anything like this either in the media, or in newspapers or on the radio? It is simply not customary to talk about it. I will repeat what was said at the very beginning of the above video:

“In the 90s, a“ corporate ”scandal occurred within the walls of Moscow State University, when a Negro child was born to a student from a family of oligarchs. The most interesting thing is that the father and mother were white. A girl by all the Saints who did not cheat on her husband. Studies in Germany have shown that she really did not cheat on her husband. During the investigation it turned out that she used to have a black boyfriend - a classmate. "

And here, for the first time, a hitherto unknown word emerges, telegony... Finding the meaning of this word was not difficult. Do you remember from whose hand the legendary Odysseus died? Ha, I'm sure some of you have already thought that I am slowly losing my mind, such abrupt switches from Telegony to Odyssey. No, you will not wait, with my mind everything is fine. But in order to understand the meaning of the notorious "telegony", one had to go so deeply. So, let's turn to Greek mythology:

Telegon, the son of Odysseus from Kirk, went to look for his father, landed on Ithaca and, in an accidental battle, mortally wounded Odysseus, who did not know about him. He took his father's body to Kirk, later he married Penelope (Odysseus's wife).

Friends, I looked through about a dozen medical and other dictionaries, but NOWHERE is written about the phenomenon of telegonia. Moreover, even in computer spelling there is no such word. If you don’t believe, then type “telegony” in the Word and you yourself will understand everything. It seems that this word is deliberately consigned to oblivion. But we move on ...

So, we found out that the word Telegonia came from the name of Odysseus's son - Telegon. As you already understood from mythology, Odysseus was killed by ignorance about a son who was born far from him. That is, literally telegonia translates as "born away from his father." But, for a complete understanding of the word, some illustrative examples were needed.

And then I remembered that in my home (located in) there is a neighbor who keeps a dovecote. So, I never understood why he keeps some pigeons (the most beautiful, thoroughbred) in a separate cage, away from the non-pedigree. If a non-pedigree pigeon “trampled” a thoroughbred pigeon, then he immediately killed this pigeon. I once asked him why he was doing this, to which he replied: “Why do I already need her? Her offspring now, even if her pedigree pigeon tramples, will be non-pedigree. "

And then the inspiration came! , it turns out, has long been known to science, but no one wants to remember him. And in the first half of the 20th century, it was proved that this effect equally applies to people. Here's what it translates into:

Whether a woman wants it or not, in any case, her offspring will be influenced by all previous males in aggregate. Moreover, it is impossible to predict the influence of which male will be great. And, most importantly, it is not necessary that there are children from the previous relationship.

How !!! Not an easy thing, however, this telegony. Let me explain in a simpler way, most likely, your brains are about to "boil". So, if a woman before conceiving a child had sexual relations with other partners, even if she was protected at the same time, then in the process of copulation with them, the biofields of the partners merged. All this leads to the fact that a child born to such a woman, besides his legitimate father (from whom half of the chromosomes are inherited), has several other fathers from whom the child can inherit a lot of "anything".

Friends, in fact, everything is so serious that this topic was reflected even in the "Military Secret" program:

This all sounds like science fiction, but it's a proven fact that you will never be told about. Indeed, in addition to external similarity, a child can inherit a whole bunch of diseases from his "previous" fathers. If you think that only together with spermatozoa a man transfers all the genetic information to his unborn child, then you should know that this is not so. In addition to physiological intercourse, there is also an exchange of energy and information at the level of biofields during intercourse.

And now the truth, which is being hidden from us, is that there are certain forces that for the past 20 years have firmly hammered into our heads that sex can be obtained easily and quickly. Use condoms and nothing will threaten you! From a physiological point of view, perhaps they are right, and even then not always. But, from the point of view of the exchange of energy and information at the level of biofields, this is complete nonsense.

This is where children's health problems arise. It seems that the parents are healthy, and the genotype is good, and there are no hereditary diseases, but the child suffers from a disease that was passed on to him by one of the “former fathers”. Answering Natalya's question, I want to say that, most likely, the problem is that either she or her husband were once in a "close relationship" with a representative of the Mongoloid race. Most likely, this is your husband "had a good rest in Japan" ...

And at this stage of the research, I made another interesting discovery for myself, which changed my views on a very important component in the life of men and women. More on this below ...

The effect of telegony through the prism of chastity

I have always been a strong advocate of a woman's chastity before marriage. But, I confess, for some reason I was condescending to men who "were already with someone" ... Yes, what can I say, if the absolute majority of girls also think, at least in. I even somehow burst into a bomb article, which, by the way, has already collected over 600 comments!

But, thanks to Natalia's letter, I realized that a man should also remain a virgin until marriage. After all, telegony applies equally to both women and men. See what interesting I read:

“The first man in the life of a virgin leaves her with his image of spirit and blood. Mental and physical portrait of the children she will give birth to. All other men who will enter into an intimate relationship with this woman in order to conceive a child give her only seed and carnal diseases. "

And now a question for you, dear readers - tell me, have you often noticed that the father and mother are calm, and the child is somehow nervous? And, I think, lies precisely in the phenomenon of telegony. No wonder, after all, almost all religions unanimously shout that "do not commit adultery"! In and in Christianity, this is one of the greatest sins.

But, unfortunately, in recent years in Russian society, especially among the Russian people, it has become somehow unfashionable to maintain chastity for your betrothed. For thousands of years in Russia, chastity was considered a model of femininity and imitation. It is a well-known fact that in the hottest days of the Great Patriotic War, the doctors who examined the captured girls from the Soviet Union at the age of 16 to 20 were stunned by a very interesting circumstance.
It turned out that 90% of the girls were virgins. Then the doctors wrote a letter to Hitler, in which they demanded an immediate end to the war with the USSR, since it is impossible to defeat a people with such high morality. I think you have already answered the question why the media are so afraid to talk about telegonia.

In fact, all the media (television, radio, Internet), fabricated results of a public opinion poll (here we include VTsIOM, Levada-cent and others like them), "research" of purchased scientists - all this is one BIG MAFIA, which is interested in so that pornography flourishes in our country! "People" earn ... on you and me!

First of all, I appeal to girls! Do you understand that chastity is translated as sanity (whole and philosophizing - to think). And there is no need to believe all the tales that a girl who is still virgin by the age of 18 is behind the times and is not "in demand" among guys! All this is nonsense! I believe, on the contrary, that true civilization is manifested in "sanity" ... I think you understand what I mean.

This concludes this article, it turned out to be great and, to be honest, it was very interesting to write it myself. Just think, I have made so many new discoveries for myself. And I hope I helped Natalia with her problem. And at the end I will give you another interesting video about the phenomenon of telegony:

In the modern world, when there is freedom of morals and the absence of any restrictions in the choice of a sexual partner, the need for morality and chastity has grown. Whether or not people have telegony - there are many ardent opponents of the theory among scientists, but there are also those who unequivocally answer: "Yes, it exists!" This phenomenon still raises more questions.

Telegony - what is it?

In the XIX century. Lord Morton, a close friend of Charles Darwin, ventured into a biological experiment: he crossed a purebred mare with a zebra stallion. The offspring did not work, however, two years later, after crossing with the male of its breed, the mare gave birth to foals with barely weak stripes on the rump. Morton called this phenomenon telegony. Darwin considered this a manifestation of an archaic trait inherent in the ancestor of the equine genus.

Telegony (from ancient Greek τῆλε - "distant" and γόνος - "birth") is the manifestation of the signs of the first male in offspring in the animal kingdom, even if pregnancy did not occur for the first time during mating. Belief in telegonia is mainly common among pedigree breeders and breeders. Known facts:

  • purebred dogs and cats, when mated with outbreds, subsequently give "bad" offspring, therefore, even with a single mating, such animals are "culled";
  • Among professional pigeons there is a cruel custom to turn the head of a female pigeon if she had contact with cisar, a “wild” representative of the pigeon family.

What is telegony in humans?

Telegony in humans has not been scientifically confirmed, but some geneticists believe that the fact itself takes place. The phenomenon of telegony in humans is manifested in the same way as in animals. The signs of the embryo inherit the genotype not only of its specific parents, but also of those partners that the couple had before a particular pregnancy. Cases are described when a white woman gives birth to a child with a dark skin color from a man of her own nation, before that she met with a representative of another nation, but did not become pregnant from him. Science explains the phenomenon by the fact that the parents do not have this trait, but in the genotype it is from distant ancestors.

Telegony in women

Distant ancestors of different nationalities believed that the first man who had a relationship with a woman left his "image of spirit, blood" - a kind of imprint in her genome - as scientists say now. Telegonia, or the influence of the first male, is described in the book by A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo", where Edmond's beloved Mercedes, a few years later, marries Fernand and gives birth to a son with Edmond's features.

Telegony in men

For the first time, the only thing known about the phenomenon is that it leaves an imprint on a woman's reproductive capacity, it turned out to be not so simple. Telegony in males - the effect of the first female - is a more complex phenomenon, which can be described as the "effect of any female", in contrast to the woman, in which only the first partner has the fundamental function of transmitting traits. A man receives a charge of genes from each partner, which is stored in the genome. The more women there are, the more pronounced the change in the genetic information in a man.

Telegony - True or False?

The telegony effect excites the minds of people who have embarked on the path of self-knowledge and cultivating positive qualities in themselves. Currently, telegony is a pseudoscience, akin to extrasensory perception or paranormal events. But researchers are inclined to believe that the real results in the course of the experiments obtained are hushed up from society, therefore, many facts about this phenomenon are simply taken on faith by people. Telegony - myth or reality? For each individual person, it is rather an acceptance of responsibility and an appeal to one's own morality.

Telegonia - scientific facts

Geneticists answer the question of whether there is telegony positively. In 2014, a study was published in which the phenomenon was confirmed in flies. Male flies were separated: some were transferred to a nutrient-rich diet, others to a meager diet. Poor nutrition affected the males, they were small compared to the receiving group. Scientists crossed immature females with both groups of males, and when they reached maturity, they changed partners. As a result of the second mating, the females reproduced large offspring (the influence of the nourishing diet of the male of the first group).

Telegony - how to cleanse yourself?

The ancient Slavs respected the laws of RITA: girls and boys led a chaste and moral lifestyle before marriage, this was the key to the birth of strong and healthy offspring. Today, before tying the bonds of Hymen, young people manage to change several partners until they find their only one. On which child telegonia disappears - married couples who have learned about the phenomenon are interested.

Professor P. Gariaev argues that by imprinting in genes, the traits are inherited in all children born later. But this mechanism can be removed from the genome of both men and women. There are rituals of getting rid of telegonia:

  1. Purification of the physical body- any cleansing practices in conjunction with a partner: a bath with herbal infusions and oil massage - renew the structures and cell membranes of the body, and then foreign information comes out.
  2. Working with thoughts- it is necessary to mentally imagine the first partner for a woman, and for a man all partners to his wife and replace these images with the appearance of the current partner.
  3. Vedic practice- for 3 days, the husband and wife live in nature in a hut, sleep under the starry sky, eat only and wash each other with river or spring water.

Orthodoxy about telegonia

Representatives of religious doctrines have adopted the phenomenon of telegony to reinforce the importance and importance of preserving virginity before marriage. Telegony is not denied in Orthodoxy, priests believe that healing from the effect is possible with spiritual healing - turning to God removes the influence of premarital partners. Telegony and chastity are incompatible concepts. In the Old Testament, cases are described when prodigal girls were driven out of the village, tied to a pillory and flogged, while the confessor read prayers to drive out fornication, sometimes walking girls were stoned.

Telegonia Books

The science of telegony is underestimated by many scientists and is considered a pseudoscience on a par with astrology, but a number of biologists and geneticists continue to work and surprise with the results. You can read about telegonia in the books:

  1. F. Le-Dantek - "Individual, evolution, heredity and originality."
  2. G. Muravnik - "On the mysterious phenomenon of telegony."
  3. GD Berdyshev, AN Radchenko "Telegony as a complex of mysterious genetic phenomena, their mechanisms."
  4. AV Bukalov - “Telegony, wave genetics and quantum levion structures”.

The theory of telegony in humans suggests that a woman's first sexual partner affects her future children, even if they are from another man. Until now, there are heated debates about whether the theory of telegony is true or false, the evidence is refuted and at the same time there is a search for ways to cleanse oneself from the influence of the first man. And also women's minds are worried by the thought - is it possible to be saved from the effects of telegonia if you protect yourself with a condom? Let's take a step-by-step look at this issue.

The theory of telegony appeared about 150 years ago. The term "telegony" itself includes two words: "far" and "generate." And it means that the seed of the first man can influence the offspring of a woman many years later, even if the children are conceived by another man. Influence is also exerted by other partners who were between the first intercourse and the father of the children. The traits of all men are inherited.

At the same time, protection with condoms will in no way protect against the “first man effect”.

After all, it is believed that the effect is not the seminal fluid, but hyaluronic acid. She is able to dissolve the cell membrane, get into the ovaries and penetrate into the woman's DNA, changing it at the genetic level.

Condoms are made from a thin rubber band with small spores that sperm cannot get through. But for hyaluronic acid, this is not a hindrance at all. She easily overcomes the obstacle, enters the woman's body, enters the cells and "prescribes" the necessary information about heredity.

How can I avoid this?

At the moment, there is only one way to avoid the influence of men on offspring - to take care of yourself for your husband. Until you find the very one and do not want to have a child, you can not have sexual relations with other men.

If you are no longer a virgin and do not want previous men to influence your child, perform a cleansing rite. It is described a little further.

But before falling into despair or looking for ways to atone for "sins", it is worth making out - this theory is true or just fiction. Let's look at the evidence for the existence of telegony.

Telegony: evidence

It is believed that Aristotle was the first to put forward the theory of telegony in humans. And he believed that a person inherits distinctive features not only from dad and mom, but also from all the men with whom the woman had sexual relations. Besides this authoritative opinion, there is other evidence, but mostly from the animal kingdom.

  1. Lord Morton's mare... This story was described by Charles Darwin, and it happened with a rather thoroughbred horse: 7/8 Arabian blood, 1/8 English. She was mated once with a quagga, and then with a thoroughbred stallion. After this incident, the offspring had a coat, dark stripes and spots typical of a quagga. By all indications, it turned out that the foals had 1/16 of the blood of a quagga, although physically he was not their father. Refutation: later Charles Darwin himself and some scientists came to the conclusion that external signs may be an archaic manifestation. In addition, many foals may have stripes even if they have not mated with a zebra or quagga.
  2. Dog breeders and pigeons They have long known about telegonia and do not allow their pets to mate with non-pedigree animals. If the dove contacts the cisar at least once, they let her go into the expense - the purebred pigeons will no longer be from her, the sign of the cisar will certainly appear (the color of the feathers, the shape of the beak). The same story happens with dogs - the owners zealously watch that she does not become pregnant from a pooch. Refutation: in birds, the semen of a male can be stored for a long time in the genital tract of the female, and therefore a half-breed may appear after mating with a purebred pigeon. The same situation happens with other animals, including dogs.
  3. Olympics 80... A few years after the festival of youth and students, black children began to be born in Slavic families. This was explained by the fact that during the 1980 Olympics, many girls had sexual relations with visiting guests, including blacks. Rebuttal: there is too little information about these children and there is no 100% confidence in the loyalty of the girls. In addition, there is no data on the pedigree of the parents. Therefore, the veracity of this story is highly questionable.
  4. Wave genetics. Doctor of Biological Sciences Petr Gariaev in 1985 tried to prove the theory of telegony. He mixed DNA in a test tube and analyzed with a laser beam. At some point, he placed an empty test tube and the laser beam read the previous data. The doctor conducted several more similar experiments, and each time the beam read data from the previous experiment from an empty test tube. He assumed it was wave genetics and tried to prove his theory, but he was not taken seriously and was fired. Refutation: Peter Gariaev's research was severely criticized, errors and inaccuracies were revealed, as well as outright lies in his reports.
  5. Kabyla Ewarta. The famous breeder K. Ewart mated eight thoroughbred mares with a zebra, and ended up with 13 hybrids. After this experiment, the horses mated with purebred stallions, 18 foals were born and no one showed signs of zebroids. So the experiment did not confirm the telegony, but refuted it.

These are the most remarkable pieces of evidence for the telegony theory. It is these stories and experiments that are cited as indisputable facts, but they do not stand up to scrutiny when analyzed in detail.

Telegony true or false?

As you can see, the evidence for the existence of telegony is rather superficial and inconclusive. Now let's look at the arguments against telegony, or rather, well-known facts:

  • The egg and sperm contain specific chromosomes. During fertilization, the child receives half of the chromosomes from the mother and half from the father. Normally, no additional inclusions occur, because mammalian ovum has several levels of protection.
  • A brown-eyed couple may have a blue-eyed child, brunettes - a blond, but this is more likely not the influence of the first man, but genetic inheritance from ancestors or a gene mutation. Such situations occur, and if you study your pedigree, you will be able to find the source of such unexpected signs.
  • A human sperm is able to remain viable for only 5 days, after which it dies and cannot influence the offspring. In some animals, sperm can be stored in the genital tract for up to 70 days, which is why mongrels sometimes appear.

Over the years, many scientists have tried to investigate telegony, but have given up - it doesn't make sense. It contradicts many sciences and human nature itself, so it remains in the category of "pseudoscience".

Why is the theory so popular?

It is mainly promoted by adherents of chastity and the church, so that girls keep themselves for their husbands and lose their virginity on their wedding night. It is they who repeatedly raise this topic on women's and mother's forums, intimidating young girls with horror about the possible consequences.

Whether or not to keep herself for her husband is up to the woman to decide. In some cases, the lack of sexual experience is detrimental if the husband is impotent, sexually impaired, or unable to satisfy the wife. But that's a topic for another article.

But the first step towards popularity was made by the same doctor of biological sciences Peter Gariaev. After his theory was criticized, accused of lying and expelled from the institute, he decided to make money on television. After all, people there are much more trusting and are ready to take the word of a scientist. An excerpt from his sensational film can be viewed below.

Believe it or not his words - it's up to you. But scientists unanimously declare: Telegony is a Lie!

Telegony: how to cleanse

There remain people who believe in telegonia, but learned about it too late. Going back in time and preserving virginity for the husband will not work, so you will have to cleanse yourself from the influence of the first man. Fortunately, there are special rituals for this. It is believed that it is best to spend them with your spouse.

  1. Cleanse the physical body. Make a solution of special herbal cleansing herbs available at any drugstore. Choose those that will help unclog the intestines, stomach, other organs, and even cell membranes. Do an oil massage. You can go to a bathhouse or sauna, so that the remnants of the genes of the first man come out with sweat.
  2. Clear your thoughts... Thoughts have a huge impact on our lives, so it is necessary to clear them of sad memories. Lie down every night and remember your first night with another man, and instead imagine your spouse, the true father of your children. Repeat this procedure until the creature feels wishful thinking. At this point, you will feel relieved and realize that the mistake of youth no longer affects your thoughts.
  3. Sadhana or "spiritual practice" lasts 108 days. It should start on an auspicious day on the waxing moon, preferably on a religious holiday. All 108 days you need to eat vegetarian food, reducing grains to a minimum. Before the meal, read the prayer "Our Father" over the meal. Read the scriptures for 15-20 minutes. Drink a glass of holy water a day, do ablution with the sun's rays. Go to church, listen to prayers, mantras, organ and other consecrated music. At the end, take a shower together with your husband so that the water flows from him onto the woman, and at this moment you need to mentally become a single whole.

In the Vedic there is another ritual that takes three days and it suggests that the couple should live for three days in a hut under the starry sky, fast and wash each other with spring water. But in real life, this is impossible to accomplish, so it is not worth considering such a process.

Now you know how to cleanse yourself if the evidence for the theory of telegony in humans seems convincing to you. True or false - everyone decides independently, and in fact, everything depends solely on your thoughts. Maybe someday telegony will cease to be a pseudoscience, but so far it remains at the level of astrology - if you believe, it means it works.

In the 19th century, a theory was born that argued that the hereditary characteristics of female children are influenced by the mother's first sexual partner. This idea is not based on experimental data, but nevertheless arouses controversy and interest to this day. So telegony - false or true? We'll figure out.

The emergence of the term "telegony". Research history

The components are two words - "far away" and "I generate." There is also a myth that gives rise to the telegony. According to him, the son of Odysseus and the nymph Circe, Telegon, was ruined by chance, as well as the father's ignorance of his existence.

The theory of telegony goes back to the assumptions of Aristotle. He believed that the inheritance of traits by an individual occurs not only from real parents, but also from all males from whom the female had previous pregnancies. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, belief in theory was especially widespread among breeders who worked with various types of domestic animals. One of the most famous examples, allegedly confirming the basis of the presentation, is the case of Lord Morton's mare, which was described by Charles Darwin. The horse was 1/8 English and 7/8 Arab. There was a case of her mating with a quagga, after which the mare was covered only by a stallion of her breed. After that, foals were born, which, in terms of the hardness of the coat, color, dark spots and stripes, were similar to the quagga, as if they had 1/16 of its blood. This case was regarded as an example of telegony, but some scientists, including Charles Darwin, considered the similarity of external signs to be an archaic manifestation. The latter was also supported by the fact that foals can have stripes, even if their mother did not mate with quaggas or zebras.

Further experiments

Breeder K. Ewart conducted experiments with eight purebred mares and a male zebra. The result was thirteen hybrids. After that, the mares were covered with stallions of their breed. Eighteen cubs were born, and none showed signs of zebroids. The researcher conducted similar experiments, but did not receive the facts confirming the telegony.

In 2014, a study was published that confirmed the existence of the phenomenon. The article was posted in Ecology Letters and talked about the experiment. It consisted in the following: the males were divided into two groups, one of which ate nutrient-rich food, and the second received food that did not contain enough vitamins. Males of different sizes were mated with young females. With the advent of the first maturity, partners were changed. The result was offspring, the size of which was determined by the diet of the first partner. But this experiment does not fully confirm the effect of telegony, since other options for obtaining such results are also possible. For example, the absorption of the seed molecules of the first male by the immature eggs of the female.

Telegony: what is this term for society

The idea of ​​the theory is supported by some dog breeders and horse breeders. They do not allow the crossing of females with non-purebred animals, since they believe that undesirable genes will be present in all subsequent offspring.

Adherents of religious and conservative ideologies use the telegony effect to maintain the chastity of their followers. This idea sparked a surge in anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany. Esotericism also supported the theory. Her argument was the interaction of the auras and biofields of partners during intercourse, which persisted in each of them throughout life.

Reasoning on the topic

Telegony - True or False? In the 19th century, genetics as a science did not exist, so there were many different theories of inheritance. For example, the philosopher and biologist Le Dantek explained the transfer of characters by the fact that they belong to a species acquired, but morphologically latent category. These inherited traits can manifest themselves in subsequent pregnancies of the mother, as the scientist believed. But Le-Dantec could not provide confirmation of his theory. The opponent of the philosopher Delage noted that the influence of the signs of the first partner manifests itself only in exceptional cases. For lack of evidence, he questioned the very fact of the telegony.

The experiments of G. Mendel laid the foundation for the laws of heredity. At first, his work was not appreciated. In 1900, scientists conducted experiments to support Mendel's hypothesis. With the development of genetics, telegonia began to lose its relevance.

Telegony: evidence

Supporters of this theory consider the appearance of traits that are absent in the parents, but were in the previous partner of the female, an argument in her favor. The term has a number of other, similar in meaning, names - "Laws of Rita" and "the effect of the first male." The belief that the traits of the first male would be reflected in the offspring of subsequent males was maintained in ancient times. For example, the Turkic tribes, making raids on the lands of the Slavs, tried to "spoil" as many girls as possible so that the image of the Basurman would be preserved in them forever. It was believed that women would later give birth to Turks, but from men of their own nationality. Confirmation of the belief in telegony can be considered the "right of the first night", granted to the overlords in the Middle Ages.

"Rita's Laws"

Telegonia - what is it for the Slavs? The ancient family strictly adhered to a set of rules that were aimed at preserving the family and maintaining the purity of blood. For example, an excerpt from one of the parts of the "Laws of Rita" reads: "... for the first man leaves the Images of Spirit and Blood with his daughter ..." kind will not bring danger to girls. According to the Vedas, a woman who has lost her innocence with a foreigner will always carry someone else's Blood in herself, which means a loss of connection with her family. As a result, children are born who are very different from their parents in behavior, thinking and development. Supporters of Telegonia believe that it was precisely the observance of the "Laws of Rita" by the Slavic people that made them invincible and rebellious.

Telegony advocates in science

One of the arguments of scientists is the fact that the set of eggs is unique and does not change during life. Unlike male germ cells, which are capable of renewing several times a year. Also, women are more sensitive to negative effects and are prone to various mutations. Thus, the girl initially carries in herself the rudiments of future offspring, which is influenced by both the alcohol consumed, past illnesses, and other negative factors, and sexual partners. P. P. Gariaev tried to confirm the impact of the latter circumstance. Doctor of Biological Sciences conducted experiments on the study of DNA using the method of laser spectroscopy. After repeated repetition of the experiment, he was convinced that the scattering spectrum of the molecule of heredity (its "phantom", an intangible trace) is preserved even after it is removed from the device. PP Gariaev, on the basis of his experiments, formulated a hypothesis that the first man leaves a “wave autograph” of his DNA on a woman, which cannot but affect future children. The scientist's experiments were criticized in the scientific world, but this did not prevent him from finding many supporters.

Research scientists

Telegony - what is it all the same? There are suggestions that some kind of small RNA blocks the manifestation of maternal traits, but ensures the development of paternal ones. Supporters of telegony also consider this fact to be one of the proofs of their theory. Another mechanism of work was discovered by the scientist A.G. Blaznyuchenko. It is based on the penetration of parts of DNA into the egg. These fragments were formed after the disintegration of spermatozoa. Researcher A. Mingreim has a different opinion about the ways of telegony origin. His assumption is based on the structural features of hyaluronic acid, which is present in male reproductive cells. The molecule is capable of capturing DNA strands, dissolving their shell and introducing foreign genes.

In the period from 1973 to 1975, studies were carried out aimed at studying the ways of penetration of foreign DNA into germ cells. For example, labeled thymidine has been administered to male guinea pigs. DNA was obtained from the testes, which was introduced into the ovaries of rabbits. By means of autoradiography, data were obtained that the labeled molecule of heredity penetrates into the nuclei of ovarian and egg cells (mature and immature), as well as into the epithelium of the embryo.

Physiological preservation

The fact that it is possible to preserve, "preserve" the partner's sperm in the female genital tract is confirmed by all zoologists and breeders. This phenomenon has been observed in vertebrates, the differences are only in the duration of storage. For example, in mammals, sperm cells remain functional for up to several months. In this regard, fertilization of the female with the stored sperm cannot be ruled out during subsequent sexual intercourse with another partner.

Who denies the "first male effect"

Telegony causes a lot of controversy among people. Proponents of the theory believe that it is refuted mainly by those who do not want to infringe on themselves in physical pleasure. Married men deny telegony, because they are afraid that their child may wear the signs of his wife's former lovers. Many women do not accept the law of telegonia on faith. The adherents of the theory explain this by the fact that few people observed chastity before marriage, as well as a lack of interest in the mental and physical health of their partners.

More about the symptoms that appear

Where can “alien” traits come from in offspring? Is this really how telegony manifests itself? Are all these theories true or fictional? The manifestation of such signs is explained as follows.

  1. Atavism. This is a case of the unpredictable appearance of a trait inherited from wild ancestors. For example, multiple nipples, excessive hairiness, the presence of a tail, wisdom teeth, and so on. The phenomenon manifests itself as a result of genetic reversion, that is, an unpredictable secondary mutation that restores the genome that was altered by the primary one.
  2. Phenotypic reversion. The phenomenon occurs when different genes interact. For example, the manifestation of resistance to antibiotics, a great need for amino acids or vitamins, a change in sensitivity to temperature, and so on.
  3. The manifestation of recessive traits as a result of cleavage with certain combinations of parental genotypes. Basically, the phenomenon manifests itself in parents with strong heterozygous lines.

Based on scientific data that have been obtained experimentally and have been repeatedly confirmed, we can say that the science of telegony has no foundation.

Explanations of the phenomenon from a scientific point of view

What do scientists say about this? When asked whether telegony is what it is, genetic scientists answer that this is a manifestation of certain traits in offspring, which the parents did not have, but distant ancestors had. Thus, recessive signs appear, as well as atavisms, spontaneous secondary mutations that restore the genome changed by the primary ones. The fertilization process is accompanied by the birth of a zygote with a double set of chromosomes, which is inherited by each cell. Half of the genetic material is inherited from the egg producer, the other half from the sperm. In the case of penetration of several sperm cells into the female reproductive cell (the phenomenon of polyspermy), the nucleus of the egg is combined with only one sperm. Numerous experiments have shown that a genetically black animal embryo that develops inside a white mother always grows into a black individual, even if it was transported into the body of a non-native female. Thus, the law of telegony has no support in the fields of genetics and reproduction. How many sciences - so many hypotheses.


Telegony - True or False? The issue is still controversial. In the scientific world, evidence for the existence of the theory has not been found. Any unexpected manifestations of traits are easily explained from the standpoint of genetics or biology. But the obligatory preservation of chastity among our ancestors, the prohibition of sexual intercourse with "strangers" are regarded by supporters as an integral fact of telegony. Is it so? Maybe in the old days, modesty was more valued than it is now, or maybe theory is an example of the removal from the father of responsibility for an unlucky child ...