Giovanni Boccaccio Brief biography.

 Giovanni Boccaccio Brief biography.
Giovanni Boccaccio Brief biography.

Its novels are called the forerunner of the European erotic novel. Many authors of modern scandalous works consider him their spiritual father. Boccaccio's name left in history thanks to one work entered into the list of books prohibited by the Catholic Church.

Biography Giovanni Bokcchcho

The extramarital son of the Frenchwoman and the Florentine merchant Giovanni Boccaccio was born in 1313 in Paris. Soon the Father, having walked trading in France, transported the family to Florence. 17-year-old Giovanni was sent to Naples to study the right and natural sciences. The young man has enough time not only to visit the Big Royal Library, but also on the court conversations with the ladies on the banks of the Naples Bay.

Thanks to the special position of Florentine in Naples, Giovanni was adopted at the court of King Robert Anjou. SAMI beautiful legend From life, Bokcchcho states that he fell in love with the side daughter of the king - the beauty of Mary Takóvino - and stood poems for her. And then, on the grave of the Roman poet Vergil, the ardent young man swore to devote his life to the ministry of elegant literature.

Returning to Florence, the 23-bit Bokcachcho is in no hurry to start judicial practice. The son of a rich merchant does not need to take care of the bread as a pressing, and he can do literary. He is so deeply studied creativity, which soon, on behalf of the Florentine authorities, reads citizens of lectures about the life and works of his great countryman.

Boccaccio creates its first poems based on plots ancient Greek myths. Then he moves to prose. In 1343, he writes the story "Fiametta". Loving Giovanni, perfectly studied female Soul, for the first time in Europe makes a woman the main heroine Roman and shows her experiences.

In 1348, the devastating epidemic of plague, which swept all Western Europe, gets to Florence. Bokcchchcho saves from "black death" in a country estate. It is probably there that he comes the idea of \u200b\u200ba novel, consisting of the ten stories of noble young people who, also escape from the city from the plague, for ten days they are drowned for funny stories. "Decameron" translates into Russian as a ten-day cycle. The book was completed by the author in 1353.

His famous friend - Francesco Petrarque - so liked the novel about Grizeld, that he even translated her to Latin. In the "Decameron", based on folk works, jokes, packaging conversations and raise Boccaccio created a portrait italian life Renaissance. In the heroes Bokcchcho guessed real people, contemporaries of the poet. Taking as a basis the classic Roman syllable, Bokcchcho boldly introduced into each of the hundred novel Italian novel people's Speech With her juicy humor.

Many novels are full of ridicule over monks - souls, gagwesters and depravodses. But the fame of the erotic novel became the most firmly for the book. And even in the most skipping episodes of Decameron, erotica does not turn into pornography. The humor, irony and the cheerfulness of the author himself are saved.

Giovanni Boccaccho never sought to publish his writings. It was not a solid, a 43-to-one citizen to recognize in the authorship of a light love spell. Moreover, a long time Bokcchcho performed honorable diplomatic missions on behalf of the Florentine Republic and enjoyed great respect among fellow citizens.

Boccaccio decides to completely devote himself to serious journalism. But ironically, the Latin-speaking treatise on the famous women, many-volume genealogy of the gods, over which he worked hard twenty years later, did not become popular. Cognots are more appreciated biographical story "Life of Dante Aligiery" and comments to " Divine Comedy.»Dante.

The last years of Bokcchcho's life was replaced. Some biographers believe that he took up religious searches, others believe that everything is fault - numerous love failures and experiences. It is said that the last drop was a love relationship with one Florentine widow of easy behavior. Over the years, Bokcchcho has become a woman's laminate and an enemy of marriage. He even accepted spiritualAs if forgetting his eaten ridicule over churchmen. He lived to 62 years and died in his own estate near Florence in December 1375.

  • "Decameron" saw the light only after century after the death of the author. Based on the stories told in it, they created their own works, Lope de Vega, and many other authors.

Along with Petrarch, another greatest figure italian rebirth Giovanni Boccaccio was (Giovanni Boccaccio, 1313-1375). Petrarka and Bokcchcho were more than contemporaries: they united themselves to almost the same social and cultural medium, the community of philological hobbies and artistic interests, numerous analogies in their biographies and work, and in the second half of life - deep friendship, accompanied by a very strong influence of Petrarchi on Bokcchcho, who loved and honored the founder of Italian humanism as a teacher and her older brother.

Like Dante and Petrarke, Bokcchcho was Florentine. His father was

a prominent Florentine merchant, originally from the Blackscape, a place nearby

Florence. Having traveled to trade Affairs In Paris, he joined the love

communication with one Frenchwoman noble. The fruit of this connection was Giovanni

Boccaccio, early lost mother and still in infancy, taken to the Father in

Florence. Boccaccio's father wanted to make a merchant from him, but a boy

experienced a deep disgust for this profession; Externally obeying the Father, he

gave all of his own free time Reading Latin and Italian authors.

After the father married, his relationship with his son was finally spoiled,

and the young man was glad when he was sent by his father at the age of fourteen

Naples in order to complete learning a trading case.

More than science and art classes, Boccaccio attracted to the court of Robert, a cheerful circle of aristocratic youth, in which he was willing to adopt thanks to his graceful manners and poetic talent. He cares for young beauties, composes poems in their honor. But the subject of his most serious

hobbies appeared Maria d'Aquino, illegal daughter King Robert and wife

one of the prominent courtesies. Boccaccio met her in the church of San Lorenzo in

good Saturday of 1336 and immediately fell in love with it. Mary Some

time resisted, then answered full reciprocity. But bliss

Bokcachcho was shortly: the windy beauty began to change him, and

then she leaned completely. Bokcachcho reproaches and molubas tried for a long time

return her love, until the father called, whose deeds to this

time was very upset and who also lost his wife and all legitimate

children were not forced to leave for Florence in 1340.

Years spent in Naples (1327-1340) were a happiest time in

boccaccio's life and at the same time intensive poetic creativity,

when it was formed as a writer. Almost all works written by him in

this time is associated one way or another with his love for Mary, which he usually

calls fiammetta (Italian. FIMMETTA - "Spark"). Some of them he writes

by fulfilling her desire, in others depicts various phases of their love. Despite,

however, that love for Mary - Fiammette captured all the creature

Boccaccio and put the strongest imprint on his work, the story of this

love if you compare it with the attitude of Dante to Beatrice and Petrorsk to the laure

means a huge, typical for the Renaissance, step forward on the way to

realistic understanding of the heart feel and generated by them poetic

image. For Dante Beatrice - semi-abstraction, absolute, "Angel Donna",

put his soul and determined the direction of all of his work. Laura

Already a very earthly woman, to whom Petraka is experiencing lust. She is

does not absorb all his life and creativity in which there are huge areas,

not related to Laura. But still she for him is the highest perfection,

possible on Earth, the ideal companion of his life, inspired him to all

the best thing he created and committed. On the contrary, fiammetta is only an episode, although

very significant, painting some period of life and creativity Bokcachcho,

but then replaced by other impressions and literary tasks.

Life Boccaccio for a decade from 1340 to 1350. We are little known. W.

father, who soon married again, he did not stop. We meet mention

about the stay of Bokcchcho after 1345 in Ravenna and in Forli, where he,

apparently, he served as a secretary or an approximate person from local

princes. In 1348, Bokcchcho visited Naples, but in the meantime the situation

has changed much. King Robert died in 1343, and he inherited him

granddaughter, Queen Giovanna. Soon, at the courtyard, bloody events were played -

murder of the husband of Queen, Hungarian Prince Andrei, as well as her husband her sister.

Former joy of life in Naples Boccaccio no longer found. Soon it came

news of the death of his father, and Bokcchcho in 1349 hurried to return to

Florence, where firmly settled before death.

The property remaining after the Father turned out to be not enough for

quiet and comfortable existence. However, not counting a short time,

when, in 1351, he served as a member of the Urban Management

treasury, Boccaccio, most expensive than its independence, evades

from the classes of any permanent position. In vain in 1353 his old

patron, Great Chancellor of the Neapolitan Kingdom of Niccolo Achchayoli

invites him to move to Naples. Boccaccio writes in response to him

approximate, Napletite Humanist Dzanobi Yes Strada: "Staying

poor, as now, I belong to myself; becoming rich and taking high

position, I will have to live for the sake of others. Here, among your books, I

i feel more happiness than all the princes crowned with crowns. "

In Naples, the poetic gift of Bokcchcho was awakened for the first time, and here

it found exceptionally favorable conditions for its development.

Kipuchi national Life Big shopping city located on

mediterranean cultural paths, charming landscapes of Naples and his

the surroundings, in particular the Poisolo Bay, favorite Local

aristocratic society, a circle of court youth, where they reigned

grace and at the same time simplicity manner, laughter and fun, love hobbies,

songs, poems, funny stories - all this was valid for the feeling and

the imagination of young Bokcchcho, developed freely, without harsh father

supervision, in a setting, pleasant for his mind and heart. All that was written

Bokcachcho in Neapolitan years, despite his sad notes and

even acutely dramatic motives, painted by the feeling of attribute and affection of life.

Boccaccio managed to write in Naples only the first half of Philokolo: His

distracted other tasks and smelted unrest; Only upon returning to

Florence he finished his first novel.

The largest part of lyrics also belongs to the Neapolitan period

Boccaccio. He wrote Chasts, sonnets, Madrigals, Balina, mainly

neapolitan ladies. Two of them, pampinea and abotonia, subsequently

appear again in the "Decameron" as storytellers, but soon

Fiammetta becomes the only object of his love poems. Mostly

Boccaccio is a follower of a "sweet new style" school and, in particular,

Dante; However, his poetry is much less philosophical, it is more

specific and real. Platonic dreaminess is strongly inferior in it.

place direct experience.

"Fiammetta" - goodbye Bokcchcho with the past, with old love, with

feudal naples, where his youth flowed, and decisive departure from

knight's romance that has been penetrating until now his work. From now on Bokcchcho

Citizen Sober and Business Florence, with which he is more and more

republican starting to be interested in social and political issues

and take attention to practical life and generated by the public

types. In creativity, this corresponds to the further deepening of realism, without

refusal, however, from the poetic element, cult of elegant and use

principles classical aesthetics. All this found an equally complete expression,

as in Fiammette, in the second great work of this period, poem in

oktawas "Fiezolaan Nymphs", written around 1345. Primary and

the final stuffs of this poem say that she is inspired by love,

completely owned by the heart of the poet. But the subject of his feeling, - perhaps, already

not fiammetta, but some other Florentine lady, name and fate

which remained to us unknown.

The last years of his life Bokcchcho dedicated to studying and commenting

Dante, who always remained his favorite poet. In 1373, Florentine

commune instructed him to interpret the "Divine Comedy" in the public

lectures. Treaty, thus, the first Danov department in Italy, Bokcchcho

amounted to a very thorough comment on the poem Dante, and also began

write the first biography of the Great Poet ("Life Dante"), which death

i prevented him to finish. Despite her reverence before Dante, Bokcchcho

failed to correctly understand the identity of this great poet citizen because

that was a man's completely different era and warehouse.

So, Bokcachcho tested the same turn toward the old

culture, like Petrock. But this turn was unable to weaken

the grandiose impact of his "Decameron". Bokcachcho entered the story exactly

monuments of human thought and creativity released from the oppression


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Boccaccio statue occupies his honorable place in the Florentine Palace of Uffizi, and his work has become a source of inspiration for many famous writers, among which William Shakespeare.

Long way to literature

Giovanni Boccacco was born 701 a year ago in Paris: his mother was a Frenchwoman. She gave birth to a boy from the merchant Boccaccino da Chelino.

A solid tricky Florentian accepted her son to himself even when he was very baby. And already at the age age, the trader, wanting to teach off the basics of commercial craft, sent Giovanni to a familiar merchant. The boy desperately resisted and did not want to comprehend the Aza of Commerce (he early began to write poems and saw his vocation precisely in this). So the teacher who fastened with him for more than five years, sent a pet back to the father's house.

But the strict father is not so easy to confuse. A little more than a dozen years he lasted his son in Naples, where he gnawing the granite hated science. During this period, they wrote the poem "Philostrato" and Roman "Philocolo" (based on medieval works). Then the papid was walked and allowed the heir to move to the study of canonical law.

However, the future Humanist had to wait before being given to his beloved business. It happened only at 35, when his father was departed into the world.

Petrarca influence

Among the familiar Boccaccio had many noble people and scientists. He led quite a rampant life, indulged love Utyuham And breathing in them inspiration. He fell a special favor to some Mary, later he brought this dear image in the story "Fianmetta."

When in 1341, Giovanni met in Rome with Francesco Petrarch, he decided to put an end to his protracted young fun, became more serious. Talented friend very well influenced his junior comrade. It was then that "Fiezolian Nymphs" were born (the poet was blown up the motifs in Ovidievsky "Metamorphosis").

After 8 years, Boccaccio settled in Florence. It was he who was delegated to tell Petrarke about the end of his expulsion (the poet was invited to lead the department of the University of Florentine).

Bokcchchcho was engaged in creativity, but together the one fulfilled various orders strong Mira This, he played a diplomat and ambassador to resolve conflicts.

Best works Giovanni Brokeccho

Contribution to science and literature

In the family estate, which is in the Blackshair, the poet and the scientist spent a lot of time studying the ancient treatises, rewriting invaluable manuscripts. He put a lot of effort to restore the glory of Monte Cassino's library libraries (the notes made by the hands of Homer and Plato's hands were kept there, was one of the founders in Florence of the Department greek.

It owns the fundamental (in 15 volumes) work written in Latin, "Genealogy pagan gov"And the collection" On the famous women "(106 lives of the great representatives of the beautiful sex, ranging from the ancestor of Eve, ending with the ruling in Naples John, with which the writer was personally familiar).

The descendants of the great Italian is known, first of all, sparkling "Decameron". The plot is built on the stories of ten "refugees from the plague", which, settle in countryside, entertained each other cheerful and instructive stories. Characters-narutments (three young people and seven ladies) are very eloquent: the collection consists of 100 episodes - from frankly erotic to tragic. The book was written in the 1352-1354s.

Only two years managed to Bokcachcho Calm the Department dedicated to Dante's poem at the University of Florence. In 1974, Petrarka died, best friend I experienced it less than a year and a half. The prevention poet and the scientist did not work on December 21, 1375.

Giovanni Boccaccio (Giovanni Boccaccio). Born on June 16, 1313 in Certaldo, France - died on December 21, 1375 in Certaldo, Italy. Italian writer and poet, representative of the era literature early rebirthwhich, along with his idols, Dante and Petrarch, had a significant impact on the development of the entire European culture.

Author poems on the plots antique mythology, psychological story "Fiammetta" (1343, published in 1472), pastoral, sonnets. The main work is "Decameron" (1350-1353, published in 1470) - the book of Novel, imbued humanistic ideas, Spirit of freight and anticlerybalism, rejection of ascetic morality, a cheerful humor, a multicolor panorama of the morals of Italian society.

The illegal son of the Florentine merchant Boccaccino da Chelino and Frenchwoman. The family came from Cellido, why he himself called himself Boccaccio and Blackthado.

Already in infancy, he showed a decisive inclination to poetry, but on the tenth year the father gave him to the merchant for the merchant, who had shifted with him as many as 6 years old, nevertheless, was forced to send him back to his father in view of the heavenly disgust of the young Boccaccio to the merchant lesson. Nevertheless, Bokcchcho had another 8 years languishing over merchant books in Naples, until the father finally lost patience and allowed him to study the canonical law.

After the death of the Father (1348), Bokcchcho got the opportunity to completely surrender to his tendency to literature. During his stay at the courtyard of the Neapolitan King Robert, he became friends with many scientists of that time, among his close friends, in particular, was part of the famous mathematician Paolo Dagomari, the location of the young queen John and the ladies of Mary, his inspirational, described by him later under the name fiammettes .

Friendship from him began in 1341 in Rome and continued until the death of the latter. Petrarque he is obliged by the fact that he broke up with his former ragged and not quite chaste life and became generally demanding more to himself.

Boccaccio was the first humanist and one of the most scientists people Italy. Andalon Del Nero has studied astronomy and for four more years, Leonty Pilate, a large connoisseur in his house of Calabrian Greek greek literatureTo read Homer with him. Like his friend Petrarke, he collected books and his own rewrite very many rare manuscripts, which almost all died during a fire in the Santo Spirito monastery (1471). He took advantage of his influence on contemporaries to arouse the love of study and acquaintance with ancient. His efforts in Florence was founded by the Department of Greek and his literature. One of the first he drew the attention of societies to the pitiful state of sciences in the monasteries that were considered their guardians. In Monte Cassino monastery, the most famous and scientist in the entire then Europe, Bokcchcho found the library launched to such an extent that the books on the shelves were covered with layers of dust, some manuscripts were extended sheets, others were cut and endurers, and, for example, wonderful Manuscripts and were exhausted with inscriptions and theological controversy. There he learned, by the way that the monks dome down from manuscripts Parchment sheets and, scraping old text, Made psalti and amulets, earning on it.

In 1349, Bokcchcho finally settled in Florence and was repeatedly elected by its fellow citizens for diplomatic orders. So, in 1350 he was a messenger with Astarro di Polento in Ravenna; In 1351 he was sent to Paduha to heave Petrarque about the abolition of sentencing about his exile and persuade him to take the department at the University of Florentine.

In December of the same year, he received an instruction to Ludwig V Brandenburg, the son of Ludwig IV Bavarian, ascertain his help against Wisconti. In 1353 he was sent to Innokenti VI in Avignon for negotiations on the upcoming date of the latter with Karl IV and later to Urban V.

From 1363, he settled in a small estate in Certaldo, living on scarce means and completely buried in his books. In the same place, he grabbed a long-term disease, from which he was slowly recovered. His efforts of Florentine, who once killed his great citizen Dante, established a special department to explain the poem of the latter, and this department was instructed in 1373 Bokcchcho. The death of Petrarki storms him so much that he fell ill and 17 months later, December 21, 1375, died.

The Boccaccio Monument, delivered at the Solferina Square in Cellhado, was opened on June 22, 1879. In honor of Bokcchcho, called Crater on Mercury.

Joanni Boccaccio works:

neapolitan period:

1334, Erotic poem "Diana House" (La Caccia di Diana)
OK. 1336-38, Roman "Philocolo" (Filocolo)
OK. 1335-40, Poem "Filostrato" (Filostrato)
OK. 1339-41, Poem "Tezeida" (Teseida Delle Nozze di Emilia).

florentine period:

1341-42, AMETO Pastoral Roman (Comedia Delle Ninfe Fiorentine; Ninfale d'Ameto; Ameto)
Start 1340, Allegorical Poem "Love Vision" (Amorosa Visione)
1343-44, Tag "Fiametta" (Elegia Di Madonna FIMMETTA; FIMMETTA)
1345, Poem "Fiezolaan Nymphs" (Ninfale Fieseolano)
1350th: Decameron (Decameron)
1354-1355, satirical poem against women "Korbachcho" ("Il Corbaccio about Labirinto d'Amore")
OK. 1360, Dante Aligiery's Lifebook ("Small Treatise in Dante Praoma", Trattatello In Laude Di Dante; Accurate Name - Origine Vita E Costumi Di Dante Alighieri, First Revision - 1352, Third - up to 1372)
Cycle of lectures on the "Divine Comedy" (Argomenti in Terza Rima Alla Divina ComMedia), unfinished
Treatise "About the mountains, forests, sources, lakes, rivers, swamps and seas" ("De Montibus, Silvis, Fontibus, Lacubus, Fluminibus, Stagnis Seu Paludibus et de Nominibus Maris", started about 1355-1357, lat. Yaz.
"The genealogy of the pagan gods" in 15 books (de Genealogia Deorum Gentilium, the first edition of about 1360, Lat. Yaz.
"On misfortunes famous people"(De Casibus Virorum et Feminarum Illustrium, the first edition of about 1360, in 9 books, lat. Yaz.
"On the famous women" (de Claris Mulieribus, started about 1361) includes 106 women's biographies
Bucolicum Carmen (Bucolicum Carmen)

During the era of the Renaissance in Europe's literature, poetry continues to develop, in which Sonnet prevails. The novel genre becomes the most popular, the typological foundations of which were laid in Decameron Giovanni Boccaccio.

Work on the novels was carried out in the period from 1348 to 1351 partially in Naples, partly in Florence. Probably, some stories thought Boccaccio long before the start of the plague that had engulfed Florence in 1348. The terrible events of the epidemic of 1348 themselves (then the father and daughter of the writer were killed from the plague) served as a certain impetus for creating a book framing.

It is believed that the work was created on the "order" of the Naples Queen itself. This confirmation is allegedly found in one of the author's letters. With the help of life-affirming literature, the ruling elite counted to calm the townspeople, strengthen their faith in a happy future after the epidemic.

Also, it can be assumed that some novels were represented by readers separately from the book. In one of the parts of the Decameron, there is a copyright with the answer to the criticism of readers, from which it follows that part of the novel was distributed even until the publication of the entire work.

Genre, direction

As mentioned earlier, "Decameron" was a kind of original source for all renaissance novelists. It is in him Bokcachcho improved the existing in the literature of modern Italy a genre of story-novels.

To create a new direction in the literature, the writer used already existing elements by adding some of their innovations to them. Another, very important, element in the Decameron is the use of folk italian languagerather than widespread Latin. The innovative was also unconventional interpretation of all known medieval Fabul, and a single ideological orientation. The author also risked to make fun of the clergy and the idea of \u200b\u200bAskusa.

So, Decameron has become a mapping of new faces of the emerging humanism.

Meaning of the name

"Decameron" - from the ancient Greek "ten" and "day" means in the literal translation of the "Tithing". Such a name Hexaemeron ("Shestodnev") was generally accepted among medieval authors. Shestronev, as a rule, was told about how God created the world for six days. "Decameron" tells the creation of his little Mira, perfect society, a group of boys and girls for ten days. They retired in a kind of Noah's ark and were escaped from the plague, recreating the previous order of things on the grains.

Another name, more common, was the "Prince Galeotto", which in Italian literally means "a pioneer". In general, Prince Geleoto (Galello) called one of the Knights of the famous King Arthur, who contributed to the Forbidden Communication of Jinnev and Lancelot. And after being mentioned in the famous "Divine Comedy" of Dante, the name of the prince firmly entered popular speech as a synonym for a pimmer.


The framing plot is a description of the Florentine plague of 1348. Seven young girls in the company of three young people decide to escape from the city away from the disease and death into their country estates. There they are progressing time, in every way having fun in the lap of nature and telling the company interesting stories, fictional or somewhere heard. They are some ideal society, where culture and equality are becoming a towering start, representing the Renaissance utopia.

All occurring events occupy exactly two weeks, but only ten days are devoted to the announcement of the novel. Daily boys and girls choose the ruler, who elects the topic, one way or another uniting all the history of this day. Friday and Saturday - days weekend, when the ruler does not elect and fun incidents do not tell. Every evening, after the story, one of the girls performed for the rest of the poetic ballad, which are considered one of the best samples of Boccaccio lyrics.

Many novels, however, were not original copyrighted essays. Bokcchcho processed folklore motifs, jokes, moral parables, which were abounded by the preaching of the clergy, and simply oral stories His contemporaries.

Main characters and their characteristics

In the role of the storytellers at Bokcchchcho, the Florentines of a noble kind. Seven ladies, younger than 18, and olders - 28 years old, and three young men, younger of which 25 are described as quite real people with "speaking" names reflecting the main qualities of their characters.

So, pampinea from Italian translates "blooming" - it consists in relation to one of the accompanying ladies of young men. Nephila (from the Greek "New For Love") belongs to the heart of someone from three young people. In the form of fiamets ("light") appears the beloved author: presumably under this name is hidden open-American daughter Robert Anjou, Maria d'Aquino. Another lady, who previously belonged to the Boccaccio's heart, occurs in the form of Filomes (also from the Greek "Fancy Lovers"). Emilia (from Latin "affectionate") met in several other works of the author. Lauretta is better than other girls in the art of dance and singing; She is some kind of reference to the image of Laura - the beloved of the famous Italian poet, Francesco Petrarch. The name of Elissa sends to versgil, as it was the second name of his Didona.

Brokechcho creativity researchers noted that the images of almost all the ladies met in more early works author. In the young men, the sides of the character of Bokcchcho himself are expressed.

For example, Panfilo (from the Greek "fully in love") is of serious and reasonable. Philostrato (also from the Greek "crushed love") is usually sensitive and melancholic. And Dionee (in Italian "voluten", "loyal venere") - always merry and character is extremely sensual.

There is an opinion that the number of the main characters of the Decameron is not accidental. Seven ladies are symbols of four natural and threeological virtues, while the number of young men symbolizes the division of the soul on the mind, anger and passion adopted in the ancient Greeks. Also, the number seven sends to the number free arts. And connecting, they become perfect, according to the ideas of medieval philosophers, the number of ten (such a numerological theory is in the "Divine Comedy" of Dante).

Topics and problems

In the framework composition, as mentioned earlier, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal society of the era of early humanism was expressed. It is promoted by the ideas of equality, love and freedom, regulated by the arch of some rules and democratically elected by the ruler.

Novels themselves are dedicated to the lives of simple Italians, everyday stories People from various social layers. It combines almost all the novels characteristic of prosaic work idea of \u200b\u200blove towering and highly moral, as well as extremely popular among the people, ridicuing bad defendance and monastics.

However, the point of attention from Boccaccio remains the problem of a personal self-awareness that received further development In the philosophy of humanism and in general.

the main idea

So what did the author of the "Decameron" wanted to tell us? The framing plot gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200bculture as a fundamental link human life. Art here is another indispensable factor in personality formation. The main idea is that the very ideal democratic civilized society can exist only in the conditions of isolation on the Lon of Nature, not facing cruel reality, running away from diseases and death. Freedom, equality and fraternity between people are possible, but only on the condition that people themselves go to each other. To do this, it is necessary to develop not blind faith in abstract ideals, which is so easy to direct in evil, but the formation and cult of healthy, natural relationships in society (without slaves and gentlemen, oppression and humility).

And the nor of themselves, one way or another, have an instructive character, praise love and human virtues, and ridicule the worst of human defects. Especially the author does not like the hypocrisy, developing into a hypocrite. Often, a man under the cover of moral obscures makes abuse, unworthy of that, in which he allegedly believes. Alas, the medieval people were unable to understand the sublime philosophy of religion because of his ignorance, therefore, by the way, was the victim of the plague. The banal lack of medical knowledge drove people in the church, where they only distributed the epidemic, infecting each other through various rites. It is this absurdity of obedience to what is not clear and not understood, condemned the author educated. He saw genuine attachment to religious sacraments only in comprehending the surrounding world with all his patterns, otherwise even the most ideal teaching will be only a convenient system of phrases for self-deception and stagnation in ignorance. This is the meaning of the book, which Dogmatic, of course, did not understand and hurried to condemn, burning and prohibiting the Decameron for several centuries.

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