Literary Licbee. The most famous works of Lion Tolstoy

Literary Licbee. The most famous works of Lion Tolstoy
Literary Licbee. The most famous works of Lion Tolstoy


Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy - Collection of 279 works

For lovers of creativity, L.N. Tolstoy 2010 is a year sign. We celebrated on September 9, the 100th anniversary of his death.

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Biography with photos

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the manor of the Casual Polyana. Among the ancestors of the writer in the father's line - the companion of Peter I - P. A. Tolstoy, one of the first in Russia received a county title. The participant of the Patriotic War of 1812 was the Father of the writer c. N. I. Tolstoy. By the maternal line, Tolstoy belonged to the nature of the princes of Bolkonsky related relatives with princes of Trubeta, Golitsyn, Odoyevskiy, Lykov and other noble families. By Mother Tolstoy was a relative A. S. Pushkin.

When Tolstoy was the ninth year, the father first took him to Moscow, the impressions of the meeting with which was vividly transferred to the future writer in the children's essay "Kremlin". The first period of the Moscow life of the young Tolstoy continued less than four years. He is early orphaned, having lost her mother first, and then the father. With a sister and three brothers, the young Tolstoy moves to Kazan. Here I lived one of the father's sisters, which became their guardian.

Living in Kazan, Tolstoy two and a half years have prepared for admission to the university, where he studied from 1844 first on the east and then at the Faculty of Law. He studied Turkish and Tatar languages \u200b\u200bat the famous Türcology of Professor Kazzembek.

Claims on government programs and textbooks are a fat-student. He became interested in independent work on the historical theme and, leaving the university, left Kazan to the Casual Polyana, obtained by him under the section of his father's inheritance. He then went to Moscow, where at the end of 1850 his writing activity began: an unfinished story from the Gypsy life (the manuscript was not preserved) and the description of one of the day lived ("Story yesterday"). Then the story "Childhood" was started. Soon Tolstoy decided to go to the Caucasus, where his older brother, Nikolai Nikolayevich, an officer-artillerist, served in the existing army. Entering the army by Junker, later he passed the exam for the junior officer rank. The impressions of the writer from the Caucasian War were reflected in the stories of the "raid" (1853), "Riding Forest" (1855), "demoted" (1856), in the story of "Cossacks" (1852-1863). In the Caucasus, the story "Childhood" was completed, in 1852 printed in the magazine "Contemporary".

When the Crimean War began, Tolstoy moved from the Caucasus to the Danube army, acting against the Turks, and then to Sevastopol, besieged by the combined forces of England, France and Turkey.

In the fall of 1856, he retired and soon went to a half-year passionate journey, visiting France, Switzerland, Italy and Germany. In 1859, Tolstoy opened school in a clear Polyana for peasant children, and then helped open more than 20 schools in the surrounding villages.

One of the first works of the writer were the story of "childhood", "adolescence" and "youth", "youth" (which, however, was not written). According to the author, they had to make a novel "Four Development Epochs".

In the early 1860s. For decades, the order of life of thick, his life is established. In 1862, he married the daughter of the Moscow doctor Sophie Andreevna Bers.

The writer is working on the novel "War and Peace" (1863-1869). After completing the "War and Peace", Tolstoy for several years studied Materials about Peter I and his time. However, by writing several chapters of the "Petrovsky" Roman, Tolstoy abandoned his plan.

In the spring of 1873, Tolstoy began and after four years she finished work on a big novel about modernity, calling him by the name of the main character - "Anna Karenina".

In early 1880 Tolstoy moved with his family from a clear glade to Moscow, taking care of making education to its growing children. In 1882, a census of the Moscow population was held, in which the writer took part. He closely saw inhabitants of urban slums and described their terrible life in the article on the census and in the treatise "So what should we do?" (1882-1886).

Based on social and psychological contrast, a tale of a thick "owner and an employee" (1895), connected stylistic with the cycle of his folk stories, written in the 80s.

All works of the writer are combined by the thought of the social controversy in the time of the "union" of social contradictions, about the replacement of the public "order outlined. "What will be the magazine, I do not know," wrote Tolstoy in 1892. - But that the case comes to her and that it is not possible to continue in such forms, "I'm sure." This idea spiritualized the largest work of the whole creativity of the "Late" Tolstoy - Roman "Resurrection" (1889-1899).

In the past decade of life, the writer worked on the story of "Haji Murat" (1896-1904), in which she sought to compare "two poles of power absolutism" - European, personified by Nicholas I, and Asian, personified Shamil .. acutely sounded written in 1908 The article "Can't be silent", in which he protested against repression over the participants of the events of 1905-1907. By the same period include the stories of the writer "After Bala", "for what?".

Stretching life in a clear glade, thicker was about once and did not decrease to leave it for a long time. But it was no longer able to live on the principle of "together - apart" on the night of October 28 (November 10) secretly left the clear clearing. On the way, he fell ill with inflammation of the lungs and was forced to stop at the small station Astapovo (now Lion Tolstoy), where he died. November 10 (23), 1910, the writer was buried in a clear glade, in the forest, on the edge of the ravine, where in childhood he was looking for a "green wand" with his brother, which stored "secret", how to make all the people happy.

a source: Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography -

Name: Country of works L.N. Tolstoy
L.N. Tough
Genre: Dramaturgy, tragedy, comedy, journalism, prose
Language: Russian
Format: FB2.
Quality: Excellent
Number of works:279
The size:20.08 MB.

List of works:

1. War and the world. Volume 1.
2. War and peace. Volume 2.
3. War and the world. Volume 3.
4. War and peace. Volume 4.

Childhood. Defense. Youth
1. Childhood
2. Defense
3. Youth

1. Confession
2. King and his assistants
3. I can not be silent

From the notes of Prince D.Nehludova (Lucerne)
Morning landlord
Fake coupon

Power of darkness, or "Cognot stuck, the whole bird is the abyss"
And light in the darkness shines
It all qualities
First vinocur, or how derates the paint deserved
Fruits of Enlightenment

Assyrian king Asarhadon
Poor people
Grateful soil
Divine and human
Emintion Lepko, and God hard
Where is love, there and God
Two brothers and gold
Two old man
Girls smarter than Starikov
For what?
Notes Marquera
Diary of a Madman
Grain with chicken egg
From Caucasian memories. Demolished
How derates the shoal
Roots of Vasilyev
Do you need a lot of land
Unfinished. Outline
Songs on the village
After the ball
Passage and peasant
Emelyan worker and empty drum
Conversation with passers-by
Destruction of hell and restoring it
Forest cutting. Juncker's story
Power of childhood
Sleep of a young king
Surat Coffee
Three days in the village
Three parables
Three elders
Three sons
Miss the fire - do not extinguish
Host and worker
What people are alive
What I saw in a dream ...

Collected Works in twenty two volumes
1. Volume 1. Childhood, adolescence, youth
2. Volume 2. Works 1852-1856
3. Volume 3. Works 1857-1863
4. Volume 4. War and Peace
5. Volume 5. War and Peace
6. Volume 6. War and Peace
7. Volume 7. War and Peace
8. Volume 8. Anna Karenina
9. Volume 9. Anna Karenina
10. Volume 10. Works 1872-1886
11. Volume 11. Dramatic works 1864-1910
12. Volume 12. Works 1885-1902
13. Volume 13. Resurrection
14. Volume 14. Works 1903-1910
15. Volume 15. Articles about literature and art
16. Volume 16. Selected journalistic articles
17. Volume 17. Selected journalistic articles
18. Volume 18. Selected letters 1842-1881
19. Volume 19. Selected letters 1882-1899
20. Volume 20. Selected letters 1900-1910
21. Volume 21. Favorite diaries 1847-1894
22. Volume 22. Selected diaries 1895-1910

Outside the series:

Russian classical prose
Carthago Delenda EST (Carthage must be destroyed)
Alesha Gorshok
Apostle John and Robber
Archangel Gabriel
Protein and wolf
Senseless dreams
Good love
God or Mamona
Big Major (bucket)
Big stove
Bulka (Officer Stories)
What is my faith
Option of the end of the story "Devil"
Believe yourself
War and Peace. Book 1.
War and Peace. Book 2.
Volga and Vazuza
Wolf and Mobyl
Son's thieves
Education and education
Memories of the court over a soldier
The time has come
Second Russian Reading Book
Chief Law
Stupid man
Hunger or not hunger
Greek teacher Socrates
Two hussara
Two letters to m Gandhi
Two different versions of hive history with a chest lid
Girl and robbers
Diaries and notebooks (1909)
Fool and knife
Uncle Zhdanov and Cavalier Chernov
Yozh and hare
Life and suffering of the martyr Justina Philosopher
Crane and Aist.
Hares and frogs
The law of violence and the law of love
Notes of Christian
From the will of the Mexican Tsar
Hut and palace
Study of dogmatic theologian
To the clergy
Prisoner of the Caucasus
As uncle Semen talked about the fact that with him was in the forest
How do Russian soldiers die
How to read the gospel and what is his essence
Chinese people from a Christian
Who have to learn to write, the peasant guys with us or we have peasant guys
Horse and mare.
Creichera Sonata.
Krezerova Sonata (Collection)
Who is right
Fox and Zhuravl
Love each other
Wise maiden
Mouse field and mouse urban
Raid (volunteer story)
Do not play with fire - burn it (idyll)
I can not silent (1st edition)
Not kill
Do not kill anyone
Nikolai Palkin
Oh madness
About violence
About Gogol
About hunger
About life
About people big and small
On Methods of Literacy
About folk education
About science (response peasant)
About the census in Moscow
On the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Austria
About Samara hunger
About Shakespeare and Drama
About art
The end of the Malorossiysk legend of the forty years, published by Kostomarov in 1881
It's work well, and sin happens from Togo (Idyll)
Defining the Holy Synod of February 20-22, 1901
The answer to the definition of the Synod of February 20 - 22 and on the letter received by me on this occasion
Father and sons
Father Sergiy.
Father Sergius (options)
Excerpts from the article "Inevitable coup"
Excerpts from the article "The Kingdom of God within you"
Excerpts of stories from rustic life
Hunting Pushcha (Hunter's Story)
First Russian Reading Book
First stage
Song about the battle on the river black
Letter revolutionar
Regarding the conclusion of the Milk
Regarding the World Congress
It's time to come together!
Afterwording to the book E and Popova "Life and death of the Evdokim Nikitich Yezhzhin, 1866-1894"
Afterword to the story of Chekhov "Dressing"
Why are Christian peoples in general and especially Russian are now in distress
Preface to "peasant stories" with t semenova
Preface to the compositions of Guy de Maupassant
Preface to the article Eduard Carpenter "Modern Science"
End approach
Progress and definition of education
The path of life
Bees and drums
Slavery of our time
Talk about science
Stories from "New Alphabet"
Religion and morality
Speech in society of lovers of Russian literature
Smooth inheritance
Sevastopol in August 1855 (Sevastopol Stories - 2)
Sevastopol in December Month (Sevastopol Stories - 1)
Sevastopol in May (Sevastopol Stories - 3)
Sevastopol stories
Family happiness
Tale of Ivan-fool and his two brothers ...
Fairy tales
Death of Ivan Ilyich
Dog and her shadow
Student Movement 1899
So what should we do
Channel on ice
Teterev and Lisa
Water flow
Tikhon and Malania
Third Russian Reading Book
Three questions
Three thiefs
Three Bears
Three deaths
Labor, death and illness
Amazing creatures
Stubborn horse
The doctrine of Christ set forth for children
Haji Murat
Go in the light while there is light
Hastmer (horse history)
Christian doctrine
Christianity and patriotism
Fourth Russian Reading Book
What is art
What is religion and what is the essence of her
Shakeals and elephant
Shat and Don.
It's you
Hawk and pigeons

Three Bears

Children's prose
Two brothers
- guys about animals: the stories of Russian writers

Living Dead
Infected family

Biographies and memoirs

Decembrists (from an unfinished)
Diaries and diary records (1881-1887)
Report made for Congress about the world in Stockholm
Interview and conversations with lion thick
Is it really so necessary?
Supervironment of state

Connection and translation of four Gospels
- The kingdom of God within you ...

This large-scale work that tells about the life of the Russian nice society during the years of the Patriotic War includes many storylines. Here you can find love stories, and battle scenes, and difficult from the point of view of morality situation, and several human types of that time. The work is very multifaceted, it takes several characteristic for thick ideas, and everyone is discharged with amazing accuracy.

It is known that work on the work lasted for about 6 years, and its initial volume was not 4, but 6 volumes. Lion Tolstoy used a huge number of sources so that the events look reliably. He read the works of Russian and French historians, private for the period from 1805 to 1812. However, Tolstoy himself referred to his work with the famous fraction of skepticism. So, he wrote in his diary: "People love me for those trifles -" War and Peace ", etc., which they seem very important."

The researchers counted in the novel "War and Peace" of 559 heroes.

"Anna Karenina" - a tragic love story

Not everyone read this famous novel, but everyone knows her tragic ending. Anna Karenina's name has already become nominable in conversations about unhappy love. Meanwhile, Tolstoy shows in the novel not so much the tragedy of events, such as Shakespeare, how much psychological tragedy. This novel is devoted not to clean and sublime love, which to give a damn on all conventions, and the psyche of a secular woman, suddenly, who was abandoned by all because of the "indecent" connection.

The product of Tolstoy is popular, because it is relevant at any time. Instead of reasoning, earlier authors about enthusiastic and light feelings, it shows the offside of blinding love and the consequences of relations that are dictated by passion, not a mind.

One of the heroes of the novel "Anna Karenina", Konstantin Levin, is an autobiographical character. In his mouth, Tolstoy put his thoughts and ideas.

"Childhood. Defense. Youth "- autobiographical trilogy

Three stories united by one hero, partly based on the memoirs of the very thick. These works are a kind of diary of an adheat boy. Despite the good education and care from the senior, the hero faces problems characteristic of his age.

As a child, he is experiencing the first love, prepares with fear for confession, first faces injustice. The teenager, an adult, learns what betrayal, and also finds new friends and is experiencing breaking the old stereotypes. In the story "Youth", the hero faces public problems, acquires the first mature judgments, enters the university and thinks about its further fate.

With youth, we conduct an analysis of the feelings of Andrei Bolkonsky under the sky of the Austerlitz, we write an essay on the topic "Women in the war of war and the world", sighs hard over the episodes of philosophical reflection of Pierre Proghov and turn a French speech. But Lion Tolstoy is not only boring, the "war and the world" and incomprehensible in the adolescence of Anna Karenina. In his bibliography, you can find book-pearls of Russian classics and heroes that are transformed in our eyes, find themselves.

Tolstoy - master of the word, the genius of the Russian soul and literary pillar and their own, and our time. Lion books Nikolayevich sincere, direct, truthful and solid. They are about Russia, about the pain of the Russian people, about passionate experiences and, most importantly, people. This is exactly the classics that you want to read.

Forget about Pierre and Natasha, take any book from our top and then I assure you to fully change your opinion about creativity, without exaggeration, outstanding L.N. Tolstoy.

"Childhood. Defense. Youth"

No matter how fashionly called the trilogy "Childhood. Defense. Youth "tells us about the cultivation of Nicholya Irtenyev. The first story touches the childhood poetry of the boy, immersed entirely in his inner world of the dreamer. He analyzes himself, acutely notes everything that happens in life, is experiencing about his own loneliness, although it is in the circle of friends and loved ones.

The second part of the formation, about the internal crisis and spiritual reincarnation and the search for truth, truth. And follow the growth of the hero - I wonder, because Nikolyka has already become close to us, loved. "Youth" meets us with certainty, we see that IRTENEV chose his way, could find himself in the world, full anxiety and now he can completely devote himself to the desire to go honestly, not paying attention to any life.

The story is largely autobiographical, written off from the very thick way, but, of course, the author in many ways relied on the stories of loved ones to recreate the atmosphere of growing up in the circle of his family. And it is very difficult to tear away from reading, because you fully plunge into this world of childhood L.N. Tolstoy.


The bright, powerful and accusatory Roman of Tolstoy, in which he tells about the terrible injustice of the judicial system, about the peasantry, hypocrisy and poverty. Heavy and sharp, this work was subjected to the most strict censorship, it was cut and published by parts, because against the background of the development of the main storylines, we show a bright brilliant atmosphere of a sad and bone nobility and the truthful life of a simple Russian peasant.

Here are two main characters: Katyusha Maslova, unfairly punished due to an error and nobleman of non-farms. They together, although in different ways, pass through spiritual suffering, change internally. Fate binds their lives together completely randomly, and we get a magnificent story that opens eyes to the lives of people of that time.

"After the ball"

The works of Lion Tolstoy is always about finding morality. And the story "After the Bala" is no exception. Mostly, he even stronger emphasizes the main leitmotif of the writer's creativity.

Ivan Vasilyevich, the main character, passionately and deeply in love with the daughter of the colonel, the state aristocrat with impeccable manners, Varnka.

But one scene ruins everything, tears the wonderful feeling on the part, changes the attitude of Ivan Vasilyevich and to Varna, and to the Colonel. Because his moral landmarks, his soul, cannot survive the cruelty with which he encountered, which he saw in the Father Varia, in the good-natured Colonel Peter Vladislavovic.

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Zhillin, Russian officer, an honest person with a sense of self-esteem, leaves his mother to visit his mother and, along the way, meets with another officer - Kostlin. They continue the way together and here they meet hustices with obviously unkind intentions. The new acquaintance of Zilina escapes, throws his comrades to the mercy of fate, and our brave hero captures Tatars. However, Kostlina is waiting for the same fate. And two officers are found already captives in the old Saraj.

Lion Tolstoy describes two completely different characters. Zilin is a brave spirit, honest and confident, and Kostlin is a cowardly, misinterpretative and weak. The author opposes officers to each other, reveals with the help of serious conditions of captivity. And all this against the background of the Caucasian War. It is interesting to read, because it is here that there is something to think, because you should never fall in spirit, no matter how terrible does not seem around the world.

"Family happiness"

Family - the spiritual connection of two people and Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in his work speaks repeatedly, because this topic is as important for him as the moral formation of man. In the novel, "Family Happiness" he writes about the importance of family relationships, about the proximity between the spouses and how love transforms and becomes more than just the union of two people in love.

Masha and her sister Sonya remained orphans. For young Mary, the death of the mother, became a great test, because all its hopes collapsed. It was this year that she should have moved from the village to the city, to go out and learn the joy of love, courting. The girl throws all classes and is completely given to Handra, while their guardian, Sergey Mikhailovich, does not appear on the threshold of the orphan home. His arrival absolutely changes Masha, she returns to Muizicy, engaged in studying and in love with the powerful Sergey Mikhailovich. But this novel does not end, because on the way to the quiet family happiness, our heroes will have to do a long way.

"Creicerova Sonata"

Interesting in his ambiguity, the work of Tolstoy "Creicerova Sonata" was prohibited for the publication of censorship. And only thanks to Sofye, the wife of the writer, saw the light in the collected works.

Late Sew, the main character, is ambiguous in his moral, his beliefs expressed with passion, seem strange and dual. He enters a dispute about love, marriage, having his own opinion, supported by a severe life drama.

This is a story about burning jealousy, marriage, and, oddly enough, love. After all, in the book, we are unfolding the life of people who make each other unhappy. And the most interesting thing is that the author himself expresses his opinion, which can be traced in the words of Living. Tolstoy believes that everything is lying to the generally accepted morality and speaks of his views on the relationship between a man and a woman, and what will you think, after reading the "Crazzer Sonata"?

"Death of Ivan Ilyich"

Ivan Ilyich is the usual man, even ordinary, such as he is a lot and there is nothing in it, which would allocate him among the multipath crowd. And only on the threshold of death, our hero understands - his life was not so lived, you can even say in vain. He put too much, tolerated too much and did not do what he really wanted.

Tolstoy in his story tells about the mental suffering, which is able to endure a man on the verge of death, because at that moment he, a person, realizes, rethinks all his actions, every step. But nothing can be changed. Just painfully worry about how aimlessly passed days, in which there was no joy, there were no friends and true unity with the world.

Do not postpone reading the book of Leo Tolstoy "Death of Ivan Ilyich", because it is she will help you learn how to fully understand the meaning of the phrase "tomorrow it can really not come."

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - the Great Russian writer who created more than 279 literary works. In our article you will get acquainted with the list of the best and most popular books of this author.


War and Peace

"War and Peace" - the epic novel or four-member, written during the hostilities of 1805-1812. Tolstoy was inspired by the events that were happening, because of what was decided to create this masterpiece. The action of the book unfolds during the war with Napoleon (Russia was an ally of Austria, also participating in this conflict). Each volume describes a separate story. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

In the first volume, it is told about the life of the Russian society in the 19th century, how people lived in those heavier years, and the stories of poor and rich social layers are affected.

In the second volume of the book "War and Peace" in detail describes Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov's arrival in Austria in Brownau, which was made to inspect and assess the power and strength of the Russian troops.

The third volume is considered the most "calm and peaceful", as it is dedicated to the love stories of the main characters, in particular the young County Son Pierre Probrelov.

The fourth part of the novel begins with the invasion of Napoleon's troops Bonaparte to Russian Earth.

books Tolstoy reads the whole world

Anna Karenina

"Anna Karenina" - a novel about the unfortunate love of a young married woman named Anna Karenina, who was passionately in love with the brave and courageous officer Alexey Vronsky. Also in this work you can find a lot of interesting historical facts about the life of the bourgeois and peasant society of the 19th century. The author describes in detail the St. Petersburg of the time, and this happens simultaneously with the love events of the novel.

Family happiness

"Family happiness" - a novel who was first printed in the magazine "Russian Bulletin" known at the time in 1859. The book tells the story of a young rustic girl who fell in love with his best friend of his not so long ago of the deceased father - 38-year-old Sergey Mikhailovich. After some time, a man married a young beauty, so further describes the first years of their marital life, including quarrels and parting.


"Resurrection" - a work written in 1899, which is considered the last novel of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. The book tells the history of the court hearing, which addresses the case of theft of money and poisoning the merchant of themerelkov, who could not be saved, as a result of which he dies. Police managed to establish the identities of three suspects in this crime. What will be next? Who will make guilty? You can find out by reading the book.

the educated person must be a sign of at least a few pieces of thick


Saty night

"Sight Night" - a story written in 1853. The book tells about a small girl, recalling the old Christmas history, which Grandma told her. Once at night, the man went to search for fire in order to heat his wife and just born child. On the way, he meets shepherds, heat from the fire. Shepherds allowed a stranger to take coals from their fire. They were very surprised that he did not kill when he took the stained stones in his hands. Who is this mysterious traveler? If you are intrigued, then you need to read this story as soon as possible.

Sevastopol in August 1855

"Sevastopol in August 1855" - a book, which is in the cycle of three works about the defense of the city of Sevastopol, which occurred in 1855 during the Crimean War. The story "Sevastopol in August 1855" describes the fate of the young soldier Volodya, who voluntarily went to the front. This work describes the military actions, the experiences of the main character, his personal presentation and the impression of the war.


"Misel" - a story written by Lv Tolstoy in 1856. The book is conducted on the person of the author and begins with a story about how he jumps into Sanya to the passing crawling past and asks to take it from the station home. On the way, the strongest blizzard begins, what long ago I have not seen the city of Novocherkassk lately. Horses became difficult to go, she almost saw nothing because of the Purgi, so the cab driver decided to go back. The main character was trying to help the grocery and decides to get out of the wagon to find a track from Sanya, but nothing comes out. How can they manage to cope with this situation?


"Demoted" - a story that was written in 1856, which is part of the Caucasian cycle of the works of Tolstoy. The plot of books unfolds during the Caucasian War in 1850. The story begins to young prince, serving in the artillery battalion of the Russian army. In a small forest clearing near the fire officers are going to chat and play the popular game at that time - towns. Suddenly, a strange stranger appears - a small peasant in a hare Tulup, which is sitting on officers and begins to tell his story. Who is this strange person? You will learn about it only from the book.

Prisoner of the Caucasus

"Caucasian captive" is a story that was first published in the journal "Zarya" in 1873. It is told about the Russian officer Zhilin, who was in captivity of the mountains during the Caucasian war. The mother of Zilina sends him a letter with a request for the Son to come to see her. The young man immediately makes decisions to go to meet with Mom. On the way it is attacked and taken captured.


"Filipok" is a story written by Lvom Nikolayevich in 1875. The plot describes the life of a little curious boy named Philip, but Mom gently calls his "Philipok". The boy is interested in everything that comes across his eyes. Philip dreams of going to school. Every morning he looks at the elder guys going to study. Once he solves a secret to get to the lesson. What happens to him? You can find out by reading the book.

Surat Coffee

"Surat Coffee House" is a story created in 1906. It is narrated by one small coffee shop located in the Indian town of Surat. In this place, the travelers and high-ranking ranks were very loved in this place, because in the Surat Coffee Coffee Cooking. One day, a strange man who introduced himself to scientist-theologian was entered here. What is the meaning of his appearance? You can learn about it from the story.

Sleep of a young king

"The dream of a young king" - a work written in 1958. It tells about the life of the young king who recently entered the throne. Almost 5 weeks he worked not to twist the hands, almost without rest: signed decrees, attended at meetings, received foreign ambassadors and guests. Once he dreamed of an extraordinary dream. What was he? This can be found only after reading this book.



"Childhood" is one of the books included in the trilogy of the autobiography of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, which was written in 1852. The story tells a lot of facts and stories from the life of the writer, it is described by his experiences, joy, resentment, first love, ups and downs.


"Cossacks" - the story of Lev Nikolayevich, written in 1864. It tells about Junkera-Cossack Olenina Dmitry Andreevich, who went from Moscow to the Caucasus to a new service place. Olenin is located in a small village of Novomlinsky, located on the banks of the River Terek. A little later, the guy falls in love with the daughter of the owners of the house, which removes accommodation. Parents of the girl against such a union, because at the same time they already have the groom for daughter. Who is it? You can learn about it only from the book.

Morning landlord

"Morning landlord" is the story created in 1856, having an autobiographical writing style. Here is a 19-year-old Prince Nehhludovy, who comes to his holidays to his village. After life in the capital of a young man, the poor life of local peasants was greatly surprised, so he was decided to help unhappy people. The guy is decided to quit the university, return to the native edges and engage in agriculture.

Two hussara

"Two hussars" - the story, first printed in the magazine "Contemporary" in 1857. Lev Nikolayevich dedicated this work to his beloved sister. Here is told about Gusar Fedor Turbine (Count and famous for the time of a secular man), who arrived in a small provincial town, in the hotel where he meets Cornet Ilyina, not so long ago losing money in cards. Turbines decides to help the unfortunate and coming up with a game plan in order to beat a cheeler. Will it succeed to them?


"Idyll" is one of the last leaders of Lion Tolstoy, written in 1862. In this work, the author describes the life of his family in the village of Yasnaya Polyana, located in the Tula province. The rustic "idyll" of the Tolstoy family is told in detail in this book.


"Defense" is the second story from the autobiographical trilogy of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, created in 1855. The book tells about the adolescent period of life of a boy if, who is experiencing a lot of difficulties: the first feelings, betrayal of friends, school exams and admission to the Cadet School.


"Youth" is the last story from the autobiographical trilogy, written in 1857. It describes the life of a young guy Nikolai Irtenyev to university years, about his friends, their experiences and difficulties that they will still encounter.

Haji Murat

Hadji Murat is a story published in 1890. The book tells about the lives of the famous brave Avars Hadji Murat, who fought in the Caucasian war against Russian troops. Hadji Murat moves to the side of the enemy, throws his compatriots and runs away from them into the mountains. Further, he is trying to establish relations with Russian soldiers, starting to fight with them.

Also read along with it

The above works written by Lvom Nikolayevich Tolstoy are considered one of the best and most famous among readers of the whole world. But, there are books that are no less popular and interesting. These include:

  • "Polykushka";
  • "Mother";
  • "Diary of a Madman";
  • "Master and employee";
  • "Posthumous notes of the elder Fyodor Kuzmich";
  • "Father Sergius";
  • "Yesterday's history";
  • "Two horses";
  • "Holtomer";
  • "Lucerne";
  • "Expensive";
  • "Fake coupon";
  • "Alyosha Pot";
  • "For what?";
  • "Childhood power";
  • "Father Vasily";
  • "Three days in the village";
  • "Walking";
  • "Infected family";
  • "Nihilist";
  • "Fruits of Enlightenment";
  • "Grateful soil";
  • "Aeronaut's story";
  • "Bounce";
  • "Power of darkness, or brawlocking stuck, the whole bird is abyss";
  • "Peter Khlebnik";
  • "From it all the qualities";
  • "Dramatic processing of legend about agee";
  • "Song about the battle on the Black River on August 4, 1855."

In this article you learned about the best and interesting works of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy. The most popular novels, stories and stories were described here. Each of which we recommend for reading.

Lion Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the Tula province (Russia) in the family belonging to the class of nobles. In the 1860s, he wrote his first big novel - "War and Peace". In 1873, Tolstoy began work on the second of the most famous books, "Anna Karenina".

He continued to write fiction over the 1880s and 1890s. One of his most successful late works is the "death of Ivan Ilyich". Tolstoy died on November 20, 1910 in Astapovo, Russia.

The first years of life

On September 9, 1828, a future writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born in Casual Polyana (Tula Province, Russia). He was the fourth child in a large noble family. In 1830, when the mother of Tolstoy, the nee princess Volkonsky, died, the cousin of the Father took over the care of children. Their Father, Count Nikolai Tolstoy, died in seven years, and their aunt was assigned to the guardian. After the death of aunt Leo Tolstoy, his brothers and sisters moved to the second aunt in Kazan. Although Tolstoy survived a lot of losses at an early age, later he idealized his children's memories in his work.

It is important to note that the primary education in the biography of Tolstoy was received at home, the lessons were given French and German teachers. In 1843, he entered the Faculty of Eastern Languages \u200b\u200bto the Imperial Kazan University. Tolstoy could not succeed in studies - low estimates forced him to go to the easier law faculty. Further difficulties in their studies led to the fact that Tolstoy, in the end, left the Imperial Kazan University in 1847 without a degree. He returned to the estate of his parents, where was going to do farming. However, this endeavor ended in failure - he was too often absent, leaving in Tula and Moscow. What he really succeeded, so it is running his own diary - it is this habit of long in full his life, inspired the lion of Tolstoy to most of his works.

Tolstoy was fond of music, his favorite composers were Schuman, Bach, Chopin, Mozart, Mendelssohn. Lev Nikolayevich could play their works a few hours a day.

Once, the elder brother of Tolstoy, Nikolai, during his army holiday came to visit to Lero, and convinced his brother to go to the army as a Junker to the south, to the Caucasian Mountains, where he served. After staying as Junker, Lev Tolstoy in November 1854 was translated into Sevastopol, where he fought in the Crimean War to August 1855.

Early publications

During his Junkers in the army, Tolstoy had a lot of free time. In calm periods, he worked on the autobiographical history called "Childhood". In it, he wrote about his most beloved childhood memories. In 1852, Tolstoy sent a story to the "contemporary", the most popular magazine of that time. The story was happily accepted, and he became the first publication of Tolstoy. Since that time, criticism was put in one row with already well-known writers, among whom Ivan Turgenev (with which Tolstoy became friends), Ivan Goncharov, Alexander Ostrovsky and others.

After completing the story "Childhood", Tolstoy began to write about his daily life in the army outpost in the Caucasus. The "Cossacks" work began in the army years, he finished only in 1862, after he had already left the army.

Surprisingly, but Tolstoy managed to continue writing during active battles in the Crimean War. At that time, he wrote "adolescence" (1854), continuation of "childhood", the second book in the autobiographical trilogy of Tolstoy. In the midst of the Crimean War, Tolstoy expressed his opinion on the striking contradictions of the war through the trilogy of the works of Sevastopol stories. In the second book of "Sevastopol stories", Tolstoy experimented with a relatively new technique: part of the story is presented in the form of a narrative of a soldier.

After the end of the Crimean war, Tolstoy left the army and returned to Russia. Arriving home, the author was very popular on the literary scene of St. Petersburg.

Stubborn and arrogant, Tolstoy refused to belong to any particular philosophical school. Anarchist announced himself, he went to Paris in 1857. Once there, he lost all his money and was forced to return home to Russia. He also managed to publish "Youth", the third part of the autobiographical trilogy, in 1857.

Returning to Russia in 1862, Tolstoy issued the first of the 12 numbers of the thematic magazine "Clear Polyana". In the same year, he married a doctor's daughter named Sofya Andreevna Bers.

Basic novels

Living in a clear clearer with his wife and children, Tolstoy spent most of the 1860s, working on his first famous novel "War and Peace". Part of the novel was first published in the "Russian Bulletin" in 1865 entitled "1805". By 1868, he released three more chapters. A year later, the novel was completely finished. And critics, and the public argued about the historical justice of Napoleonic wars in the novel, in combination with the development of the stories of his thoughtful and realistic, but still fictional characters. The novel is also unique in that it includes three long satirical essays on the laws of history. Among the ideas that Tolstoy also tries to convey in this novel - the belief that the position of a person in society and the meaning of human life is mainly derived from its daily activities.

After the success of the "war and the world" in 1873, Tolstoy began work on the second of his most famous books - "Anna Karenina". It was partially based on the real events of the period of the war of Russia with Turkey. Like "War and Peace", this book describes some biographical events from the lifetime of the very thick, this is especially noticeable in the romantic relationship between the characters of Kitty and Loowin, which, as they say, reminds Clearing Tolstoy for his own wife.

The first lines of the book "Anna Karenina" are among the most famous: "All happy families are similar to each other, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Anna Karenina was published by parts from 1873 to 1877, and was highly recognized by the public. The fees received for the novel rapidly enriched the writer.

Appeal to faith

Despite the success of the "Anna Karenina", after the completion of the novel, Tolstoy experienced the spiritual crisis and was depressed. The next stage of the biography of Leo Tolstoy is characterized by finding the meaning of life. The writer first appealed to the Russian Orthodox Church, but did not find answers to his questions there. He came to the conclusion that Christian churches were corrupt and, instead of organized religion, promoted their own beliefs. He decided to express these beliefs, founding a new edition called "Intermediary" in 1883.
As a result, for its non-standard and contradictory spiritual convictions, Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Russian Orthodox Church. He even watched the secret police. When Tolstoy, led by his new conviction, wanted to distribute all his money and abandon all unnecessary, his wife was categorically against it. Not wanting to glow the situation, Tolstoy reluctantly agreed on a compromise: he handed his wife copyright and, apparently, all the deductions for his work until 1881.

Late fiction

In addition to their religious treatments, Tolstoy continued to write fiction over the 1880s and 1890s. Among the genres of his late works were moral stories and realistic fiction. One of the most successful among his late works was the story "Death of Ivan Ilyich", written in 1886. The protagonist of all his might is trying to fight death over him. Briefly speaking, Ivan Ilyich is horrifies from understanding that he spent his life on trifles, but the awareness of this comes to him too late.

In 1898, Tolstoy wrote the story "Father Sergius", an artistic work in which he criticizes the beliefs developed by him after his spiritual transformation. Next year he wrote his third volumetric novel "Resurrection". The work received good reviews, but it is unlikely that this success corresponded to the level of recognition of its previous novels. Other later works of Tolstoy are essays about art, this is a satirical play called "Living Corpse", written in 1890, and the story called "Haji Murat" (1904), which was discovered and published after his death. In 1903, Tolstoy wrote a small story "After Bala", which was first published after his death, in 1911.

Old age

During his late years, Tolstoy reached the fruits of international recognition. Nevertheless, he struggled since his best to reconcile his spiritual beliefs with tensions he created in his family life. His wife not only did not agree with his teachings, she did not approve of his disciples who regularly visited Tolstoy in the genital estate. In an effort to avoid growing discontent of his wife, in October 1910, Tolstoy and his younger daughter Alexander came to pilgrimage. Alexandra was a doctor for his elderly father during a trip. Trying not to expose your privacy, they traveled incognito, hoping to avoid unnecessary asked, but sometimes it was to no avail.

Death and heritage

Unfortunately, the pilgrimage was too burdensome for an aging writer. In November 1910, the head of the small railway station Astapovo opened the doors of his house for Tolstoy, so that the sick writer could relax. Shortly thereafter, on November 20, 1910, Tolstoy died. He was buried in a generic estate, a clear clearing, where Tolstoy lost so many people close to him.

To this day, Tolstoy novels are considered one of the best achievements of literary art. "War and World" often lead as the greatest novel from ever written. In the modern scientific community, Tolstoy is widely recognized as the owner of the gift of the description of the unconscious motives of character, the refinement of which he defended, stressing the role of everyday actions in determining the nature and objectives of people.

Chronological table


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