Kipling writer which country. Kipling Biography

Kipling writer which country. Kipling Biography

Together with his sister, he lived in the Lorn Lodge guesthouse, attended school in Southcy.

In 1878 he entered United-Service College in Westord Hou, north of Devon.

Released home newspaper for which poems and parodies composed.

In 1881, his mother secretly from his son published a collection of school poems in Lahore ("Schoolboy Poems").

In 1882, the Reddard returned to India and settled an assistant to the editor in the Lahore newspaper. In 1887, Kipling moved to the Pioneer newspaper in Allahabad.

In 1886, he released the book of poems "Department Songs". "Simple stories from the mountains followed it (1888). The best of his stories came out in India in cheap editions and later were collected in the books of "Three Soldiers" and "Wi-Willi Winki".

In 1889, Kipling taught the world, wrote road notes. In October, he arrived in London and almost immediately became a celebrity.

In 1990, his "Ballads about the East and West" and "Barracks", created in the new manner of English styers, came out.

The first Kipling novel "Light went out" (1890) appeared in two versions - one with a happy end, the other - with tragic.

Due to overwork, the health of the writer staggered, and he spent most of 1891 in traveling in America and British dominion. Returning to America in January 1892, Kipling married the sister of the American publisher Walcotta Balestir, in collaboration with which Roman "Naulanka" (1892) wrote.

In the spring of 1891, he acquired a brother of his wife a plot of land north of Braslborough Vermont and built a big house that was called "Naulach".

For four years, lived in America, Kipling wrote the best works - stories included in the collections "Mass of Famons" (1893) and "Days of the Day" (1898), poems about ships, the sea and seamen-pioneers collected in the book "Seven Seas "(1896).

In 1894, his famous stories about the life of the human young Mowgli among the animals were written in the "Jungle Book", in 1895, "the second jungle book" was created.

In 1896, Kipling wrote the book "Brave Maritimeers". At the age of 32, Kipling became the highest paid writer in the world.

In 1896, he returned to England.

In 1899 during the Anglo-Board War (1899-1902), Kipling created the so-called "rifle clubs" throughout the country. At the end of the year, he became a military correspondent in Bloemfontein in South Africa of the Military Newspaper "Friend".

In 1900-1908, on the advice of doctors, the writer conducted winters in South Africa.

In 1901, Kipling released the novel "Kim", in 1902 - "just fairy tales" with the drawings of the author.

In 1902, to sell "Naulahu," Kipling moved to the Mansion "Beitmenz" (Barosh, Sussex county).

By the middle of the writer, his literary manner changed - he began to write slowly, cautiously, carefully unwilling written. For two books of historical stories "Pak from a Bunch Hill" (1906) and "Awards and Fairies" (1910), a higher service of feelings is characterized, some of the verses reach the level of pure poetry. Kipling continued to write stories collected in the books of "Roads and Discovery" (1904), "Action and Countessing" (1909), "Most different creatures" (1917), "parishes and expenses" (1926), "renewal boundaries" (1932 ).

In 1919, the "Complete Assembly of the Rudyard Kipling poems", re-delivered in 1921, 1927, 1933.

In 1922, Kipling became the rector of the University of St. Andrew.

The work of the writer and the poet was noted by various awards, from many of which he often refused, preferring to remain independent. In 1899, he abandoned the Order of the Bath of the second degree, in 1903 - from the Knight's title and Order of St. Michael and St. George, in 1921 and 1924 - from the Order of Honor.

In 1907, Kipling became the first Englishman who received the Nobel Prize in literature. Honorary Dr. Cambridge University (1908), Edinburgh University (1920), Sorbonne (1921) and Strasbourg University (1921).

In 1924, he received an honorary degree of Ph.D. at the University of Athenian University.

Since 1886, Kipling was a member of the Masonic Lodge.

Since 1897 - Honorary Member of the London Club "Ateneum".

In 1933, the kipling had a duodenal ulcer. On January 12, 1936, on the way to treatment in Cannes, the writer came to the London hospital "Middlsex Hospital", where on the night of January 13 postponed the operation.

On January 18, 1936, Rudyard Kipling died in London from the peritonitis developed after the operation. His dust was buried in the corner of poets, in Westminster Abbey.

In 1937, the autobiography of Kipling was posthumously "a little about himself. For my friends - acquaintances and strangers."

In 1937-1939, the total, so-called "Sussex" collection of writings of Radyard Kipling in 35 volumes was published.

In marriage with Caroline Balestir, Kipling had three children. Josephine's daughter (1893-1999) Early died from inflammation of the lungs, the son of George, 1897, died in France in the First World War. The second daughter of Elsi, 1896 of birth, died in 1976 childless.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

Rudyard Kipling was born on December 30, 1865, in Bombay. When the future writer turned five years old, the parents decided to send it to the English boarding school.

After 7 years, he was sent to study to the Devonian school. It was there that young Kholping began writing small stories.

The father, impressed by the talent of his son, determined him as a journalist as a editorial office of the "Civil and Military Newspaper".

His works began to be published and sold in 1883

Start of a creative path

In the second half of the 80th, a young writer took a trip to the United States and Asian countries as a reporter. His travel essays have gained considerable popularity. In 1888-1889 Six books were published with kipling stories.

In 1889, Khipling is justified in England. After the release of his first novel, the "light went out" of the novice writer began to call the "second dickens".

Flowering creative activity

In London, the Kipling acquaintance with the American editor of W. Balestir. At about the same time, the writer creates such wonderful works for children. , like "Jungle Book" and "The Second Jungle Book."

In 1897, the light saw the tale of Kipiling "Brave Maritimeers". In 1899, being in South Africa, Kipling met with the symbol of English imperialism, S. Rodz, and wrote one of the strongest novels, "Kim". At about the same time, another wonderful children's book, the "fairy tales of old England" was written.

Political activity

The whole biography of Kipilingasvifelines about him, as a strong, but restless nature. The writer was actively interested in politics. The brilliant analytical mind allowed him to "predict" the coming war with Germany. Being a supporter of conservative views, he repeatedly spoke out against the intake of feminism.

At the end of the war, Kipling became a member of the commission on military burials. In 1922, he met King Georg V. Monarch and Writer for many years tied a warm sincere relationship.

Disease and death

Kipling continued to write until the first half of the 30s. XX century. Unfortunately, his new works used far from such popular as early books created by him at the dawn of creative activity.

In 1915, the writer mistakenly diagnosed gastritis. Taking care of constant gastric pain for many years, Kipling soon found out that in fact he progresses an ulcer.

Rudyard Kipling passed from life on January 18, 1936, in London. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. According to critics, the writer made a huge contribution to the treasury of British culture.

Personal life

In 1892, Khipling married the sister of W. Balestir, Carolina. They had two children. A brief biography of Reddarda is kipiling covers a lot of tragic moments. His daughter died from the inflammation of the lungs in 1899. During the First World War, his son John died.

Other biography options

  • Kipling was the youngest Nobel laureate in literature. At the time of award, he was only 42 years old. This record does not break until now.
  • Worked in chipping only with black ink. According to critics, the cause of such "eccentrics" was the weak vision of the writer.
  • In 1885, Khipling became a member of the Masonic lodge. He liked this experience, and he devoted his activities in the bed a few poems.
  • The writer suffered from insomnia to the end of his life. It developed against the background of ill-treatment of it in the private board, in which he lived in childhood, for six years.

Born December 30, 1865 in Bombay (India). Father, a major specialist in the history of Indian art, was the director of the museum; Mother originated from the famous London family; Both grandfather were Methodist priests. At six years old, the boy sent to England on the care of a Calvinist family. In 1882, sixteen-year-old Reddard returned to India and settled an assistant to the editor in the Lahore newspaper. In 1886, he released the book of poems "Department Songs". It was followed by simple stories from the mountains (Plain Tales from the Hills, 1888) - laconic, often rude stories about the life of British India. In 1887, Kipling moved to the Pionir newspaper in Allahabad. The best of his stories came out in India, in cheap editions, and later were collected in the books of "Three Soldiers" and "Vi-Willi Winki", containing pictures of the life of the British army in India.

In 1889, Kipling traveled around the world, wrote road notes. In October, he arrived in London and almost immediately became a celebrity. The next year was the year of the Glory of Kipling. Starting with "Ballads about the East and the West", he walked to the new manner of English styers, creating "songs of the barracks".

Some bibliographic difficulties are associated with the release of the first romance of Kipling "Light of Forests" (1890), since it appeared in two versions - one with a happy ending, another with tragic. Due to overwork, the health of the writer shake out, and most of the 1891 he spent on travels in America and British dominion. Returning in January 1892, he married the sister of the American publisher U. Balexier, in co-authorship with whom he did not have success novel "Naulanka" (1892).

During the honeymoon, who spent the kipling in Japan, the bank crash left them without a penny, and they settled them in the house of the Polers in Bratlborough (PC. Vermont). For four years, lived in America, Kipling wrote the best his works. These are the stories included in the collections "Mass of Famons" (1893) and "Works of the Day" (1898), poems about ships, about the sea and pioneer sailors collected in the "Seven Seas" book (1896), and two "Jungle Books" (1894-1895). In 1896, he wrote the book "Brave Marithels". The life of killeps in New England ended with a ridiculous sorry with Shurin, and in 1896 they returned to England. According to the advice of doctors, the writer conducted the winter in South Africa, where she became close to the ideologists of Colonialism A. Milner, L.S.Jayimson and S. Ursov. He was a military correspondent during the English-Board War 1899-1902.

At the top of the glory and wealth, Kipling avoided publicity, ignored hostile criticism, refused the title of the poet laureate and many honors. In 1902, he settled in a deaf village in Sussex county. In 1901 Kipling released the novel "Kim", his farewell word to India, in 1902 - the delightful children's book "Tales just like that."

By the middle of the life of the writer, his literary manner has changed, now he wrote leisurely, cautiously, carefully imparting written. For two books of historical stories "Pak from a bunch hill" (1906) and "Awards and Fairies" (1910), a higher service of feelings is characterized, some of the verses reach the level of pure poetry. Kipling continued to write stories collected in the books "Roads and Discovery" (1904), "Action and Countessing" (1909), "Most different creatures" (1917), "Debit and Credit" (1926), "Restriction and Update" ( 1932). In the 1920s, the popularity of Kipling decreased. The death of the Son in the First World War and Unsure Diseases The writer suffered precisely. Chiping in London died January 18, 1936.

😉 Greetings permanent and new readers! In the article "Rudyard Kipling: biography, creativity, facts, video" - about the life of the English writer, poet, themelist and laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature. Years of life: 1865-1936.

Joseph Reddard Kipling

The future famous writer, who was rightly ranked towards the "great storytellers," was born in the mysterious and mysterious country - India, in Bombay. His father served as a teacher in an art school. The boy grew on the care of the land of Indians and began to speak in Hindi earlier than in English.

Although most of his life passed outside of India, he always felt like an English indian. And it was a completely special category of people. Keeping a living connection with England, they considered their country after all.

She knew her well and loved both the country itself, and inhabiting her peoples, not forgetting, however, that they are envoys of a higher civilization. Such a look at the population of English colonies - understanding, attentive, even respectful, but still down - the writer will preserve forever, and he will determine a lot in his work.

When the boy grew a little, he was sent to England. There he lived in other people's people, as he himself said - "In the house of despair." In his family he was a bald pet. Here he was trying to raise with rigor and humiliating punishments.

On the nervous soil near the Rediard began to quickly deteriorate. The mental experience of non-free and humiliation was not forgotten. The "House of Despair" he then describes in the story "ME-E, Parsive Sheep" (1888).

Creativity Kipling

Having received a good education, Joseph returned to India. Here in one of the newspapers, which was published in the city of Lahore, his articles and stories appear ("Gate of Stokey"). These stories later amounted to the "simple stories from the hills" collections (1887), Willi Winki, "under deodaras", "three soldiers" (all three - 1888).

For the Literature of Great Britain, these stories appeared a new, unusual genre. Unusual was primarily their brevity: newspaper sites did not allow to turn around. But this is the external circumstance master of the word turned into an artistic technique. In his prose every word in sight, almost like in verses.

English literature (unlike American and French) is not used to this. "Kipling grabbed the cold, clear cruelty of the French story. These stories like Ukolov: and quickly, and very painful, "wrote G. K. Chesterton.

Kipling language was close to the daily speech of the Alarindians. In particular, abounded by borrowings from Indian languages \u200b\u200b(due to which, many of them were subsequently established in literary English).

Finally, the plots of their scenes on the material, which for literature was also new, although his first readers are excellent, - on the descriptions of the life of colonial officials. While Kipling's fame did not go beyond India, it was perceived as realism, and sometimes shockingly rough and hard.

Soon the writer became interested in the English audience. The household background of his stories immediately turned into exotic. Events and characters hugged a romantic haze.

Poetry Kipling

In poetry, Rudyard Kipling debuted even earlier. His collection "School Lyrics" came out in 1881, when Joseph was barely fulfilled sixteen years. Its poetic style is very peculiar. This recognized classic is a mansion in classical English poetry.

Rudyard Kipling: biography and creativity → Awesome poem "If"

Neither the tongue nor the rhythm nor the heroes of his poems seems to do not pay any attention to tradition.

The language of classical English poetry (like Russian) retains many outdated words and turnover and thereby isolated from prosaic speech. Kipling writes not just a "prosaic" language, but often tongue is deliberately wrong.

His favorite reception is to keep a story on behalf of the character: a soldier, a sailor. And they say not quite competently - tolerating badly familiar words, using spurable and dialectal forms and professional expressions. The Russian reader can remember as an analogy of the song of Vysotsky and Galic.

Kipling wanted poems to sound like a genuine speech of characters. And in what genre soldiers or sailor can naturally speak verses? Of course, in the song. Therefore, the rhythms of many poems seem to dictate a melody.

Kipling really was a preacher, but he preached by not only imperialism. He tried to teach his contemporaries to live with dignity - even if you don't believe that for every act, evil or kind, we will pay in heaven.

Business and Law

Kipling to the place of God's commandments put the idea of \u200b\u200bthe law. His heroes are comprehended and defended the laws of their country, their regiment, their "flocks". Sometimes in the literal sense, as in the stories about Mowgli.

The law exists for those who have a common cause. This is the second most important value for kipling. In one of the best poems, Tomlinson - he is with a mockery describes the afterlife of a person who has no case in life.

He is not allowed to paradise, but also the hell is repeated the same. As a result, Satan from pity sends him to Earth.

A man without a case is not a man. And the Englishman of Kipling considered the Empire. But those who consider it by ordinary chauvinist, they will be mistaken. First, the empire for him meant the ministry of conquered peoples, that is, the debt, and not the privilege.

And secondly, Kipling does not have a trace of disrespect for those peoples who resisted the British power. He understood that they had their own "flock", and if they follow her law, they are good people worthy of respect. Because two things in the world - love and war - ancient and above any law.

The best book about India

For a long time, the writer remained a small form master: readers appreciated his stories and poems. And only in 1900, "Kim" - a masterpiece of the writer and by the general opinion, the best book about India.

In this novel, the adventure intrigue is surprisingly combined with the philosophical depth, and the bright pictures of Indian life - with psychological clarity.

His heroes - the Buddhist monk and the Sirota boy, the son of the English soldier, - at the same time and are involved in India (- Religion of Indian origin, and the boy grew up the street in the Indian city and feels in this country as a fish in water), and separated from it.

Their eyes and see the reader, all the multiweight languages, religions, peoples and customs of this great and beautiful country.

Kipling reached the vertices of glory at the turn of the century: she was already followed, when in 1907 the writer received the Nobel Prize. And after World War I, his work began to be perceived in England only as annoying and lying propaganda.

In Russia, Kipiling was lucky more, - True, here it was known mainly as a poet and children's writer. Nowadays, however, in English-speaking countries, it becomes a recognized classic. Probably, the Mira again needed courage and honor, whose singer he was.

Kipling Reddard Joseph (1865-1936) - the famous English storyteller writer. The paradoxical world of kiling fantasies, excites imagination and shakes with its originality. The great fairy tales that are read about not one generation of children of the whole world are narrated by both distant exotic countries, in small fairy tales and in the legends from the Knight's time, in the collection. And the famous about the boy "Lyakushkonka", Mudrome Python Kaa, Sly Panther Baghera, and Evil Tiger Cher Khan is known to absolutely all children.

Mowgli - Jungle Book

The first book of jungle

Second book jungle

Tales of old england

Little fairy tales

Why whale eats only small fish

How a hump appeared on the back of the camel

How to appear on the skin of the rhino

As a leopard became spotted

Why the dickery has such a hairstyle

Request an old kangaroo

How the battleship appeared

How was the first letter written

How was the first alphabet

Sea crab that played with the sea

Cat waging in itself

Moth, who trampled his foot

Story about the Togmai taboo

Fairy tales of five continents

Biography of Kipiling Reddiard Joseph

Joseph Reddard Kipling (eng. Joseph.RudyardKipling; December 30, 1865 - January 18, 1936) - English Writer, Poet and Novelist.

Kipling was born on December 30, 1865 in the Indian city of Bombay. Father, a major specialist in the history of Indian art, was the director of the museum; Mother originated from the famous London family; Both grandfather were Methodist priests. He received the name of the Reddard, as they believed, in honor of the English lake Reddard, where parents met.

The first years of life in the biography of Kipling were very happy. An Indian Nanny taught the little Reddiard to speak Hindi, introduced with Indian fairy tales about animals. At the age of five, he moved to England, where he lived and studied in a private board.

But at the age of 5, along with his sister, he goes to study in England. For 6 years, he lived in a private board, the hostess of which (Madame Rosa) appeared poorly, punished. Such a relationship has so much affected him that until the end of the life he suffered from insomnia.

At the age of 12, parents arrange him in a private Devonian School, so that he can then go to the prestigious Military Academy. (Later about the years spent in the school, Kipling will write the autobiographical work "Stalks and the Company"). The director of the school was Kormell Price, a friend of his father Reddiard. It was he who began to encourage the love of a boy to literature. Myopia did not allow Kipling to choose a military career, and the school did not give diplomas for receipt to other universities. Under the impression of the stories written in the school, the Father finds him the work of a journalist in the editorial office of the "Civil and Military Gazette", which was published in Lahore (British India, now Pakistan).

Kipling becomes a reporter and journalist in India. After that, in the biography of Joseph Reddarda Kipling begins Traveling around Asia, USA, England.

Cyiling works are gaining great popularity. For the first time, Kipling novel was published in 1980 ("Light went out").

Setting up in London, Kipling marries. But soon due to the material flaw, it moves to relatives in the United States. It is there in the biographies of D. R. Kipling, his most famous works for children were written: "Jungle Book" (the first and second book).

In 1899, the writer returns to England, in the same year travels in South Africa.

Two years later, Kipling publishes one of the most successful his works - Roman "Kim". Among other well-known works of the writer: "Pak from the hills", "Awards and Fairy".

In 1900, Kipling went to South Africa as a special correspondent at the headquarters of the English Army, where he witnessed the main events of the Anglo-Board War.

In Africa, he begins to select a material for a new children's book, which comes out in 1902, called "Tales just so" ( Just So Stories.).

In 1907, Kipling becomes the first Englishman who received the Nobel Prize in literature "for observation, bright fantasy, maturity of ideas and an outstanding talent of the narrator." In the same year, he is honored with awards from Universities in Paris, Strasbourg, Athens and Toronto; Honorary degrees of Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh and Daurus Universities are also honored.

Literary activity is becoming less saturated. Another blow to the writer became the death of the eldest Son of John to the First World War in 1915. Kipling together with his wife worked in wartime in the Red Cross. After the war, he becomes a member of the commission on military burials. It was them that they were chosen the biblical phrase "their names will live forever" on obeliski memory. During one trip in 1922, in France, he meets the English king of Georg V, with which a big friendship is tied.

Kipling continued his literary activities until the beginning of the 30s, although success accompanied him less and less. Since 1915, the writer suffered from gastritis, which subsequently turned out to be an ulcer. Rudyard Khipling died of sprinkling ulcers on January 18, 1936 in London. Buried in the corner of poets in Westminster Abbey.

Among the works of Reddiard Kipling - poems, novels, stories, fairy tales, stories, novels: "Department of Songs" (1886; Collection of poems), "Simple stories from the mountains" (1888; Collection of Novel), "Light went out" (1890; Roman; Russian translation - in 1903), "Songs of the barracks" (1892; Collection of poems), "Jungle Book" (1894; Stories about Mowgli), "The second jungle book" (1895; stories about Mowgli), "Seven Seas" (1896; Collection of poems), "White Man's burden" (1899), "Kim" (1901; Roman), "just fairy tales" (1902), "Five Nations" (1903; collection of poems), "Pak from the hills" (1906; collection "Historical fairy tales"), "Awards and Fairy" (1910; collection of "historical fairy tales").

By the middle of the life of the writer, his literary manner has changed, now he wrote leisurely, cautiously, carefully imparting written. For two books of historical stories "Pak from a bunch hill" (1906) and "Awards and Fairies" (1910), a higher service of feelings is characterized, some of the verses reach the level of pure poetry. Kipling continued to write stories collected in the books "Roads and Discovery" (1904), "Action and Countessing" (1909), "Most different creatures" (1917), "Debit and Credit" (1926), "Restriction and Update" ( 1932). In the 1920s, the popularity of Kipling decreased.

His best works are the "Jungle Book" ( The Jungle Book), "Kim" ( Kim.), as well as numerous poems.

The rich language of the works of kipling, full metaphor, made a great contribution to the Treasury of English.