Creativity Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin - the creator of the Russian household comedy in the XVIII century. Denis Fonvizin

Creativity Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin - the creator of the Russian household comedy in the XVIII century. Denis Fonvizin

D.I.Fonvizin Great and famous Russian writer, wonderful playwright, stunning publicist, magnificent translator. It is this person who is rightfully considered the master and the main creator of classicism. It was Fonvizin that the national comedy of life was created. This is he - a person who has written loved by all schoolchildren's play "Nepalm."

Fonononovin was born on April 3, 1745. His hometown was Moscow. The family was worn noble title. Of course, like many other noble children of that time, Denis received a home education.

The family had a patriarchal situation.

Since 1755, the boy began to receive education in one of the noble gymnasiums located at Moscow University. After that, the boy entered the Faculty of Philosophy. In 1760, he became one of the elected and went to St. Petersburg, where his acquaintance happened to famous peoplelike Lomonosov and Sumarokov.

The first works of the future great person appear in the 1760s. His earlier creativity contained an acute satirical orientation. In 1760, his famous "adolescent" entered the seal. Along with the work of Denis, Denis was tightly translated. In 1761, the famous Basinie Holberg were translated into Russian.

Since 1762, a young man occupies a translator. From 1763 - Secretary of the Cabinet of the Cabinet of Elagin himself. In 1769, he brings him the position of personal secretary of the Count Panin himself.

In 1768, one of the satirical comedies called "Brigadier" is published. After its writing, Fononvizin was invited to read the masterpiece itself Empress Catherine II.

Since 1783, the writer is actively traveling throughout Europe. Already in 1785 his first apoplexic strike happens, and in 1787 he decides to return to his native Russia.

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Biography of Denis Fonvizin

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin was born in 1745 in the family of representatives of the middle nobility. His father, who left military service as a major, had a modest civilian position in Moscow; The mother of Fonavizina was from a more noble family. Fonvizin's family arrived in Russia from Germany in the middle of the sixteenth century. At this time, Denis did not know any language except Russian. He had to learn German at school. Unlike many Russian nobles, he studied French, being quite adults.

When he was ten years old, Fonvizin was one of the first who was admitted to the newly opened Moscow University, obviously, to prepare for university education. During his studies, he had a strong thrust for literature. An early trip to St. Petersburg (1760) led him to the Imperial Theater, where he saw the play of the Danish playwright Ludwig Holberg. From now on, he begins to experience interest in the drama; In 1761, he published the translation of Moral Basen Holberg. The writer improved his Russian literary language And thoroughly mastered the French and German languages \u200b\u200bduring the translation of various articles for university journals.

At seventeen, Fononvin found his first job. He began working in the public service a recently crowned empress Catherine. During this period, he read the work of Satirik Antihalia Kantemir, whose work, although it was written earlier, published only in 1762. I was impressed with this work Fonvizin decided to write a humorous letter to his three servants, which was called the name "Message to my servants Shumilov, Vanka and Parsushka" . This work contained satire on the realities of that period.

In October 1763, Fonvizin found a patron woman in the face of Ivan Pontilofelvich Elagina, a supporter of Catherine and a person with literary and theatrical interests. With the help of Elagina, Fonvizin began competing with Vladimir Lukin, a vast talent playwater. Fonvizin's cooperation with Elagin allowed him to experiment with and literary translations in the 1760s. He did pooh translation "Alzire" Voltaire, but did not publish it, realizing that, although he wanted to write a tragedy, but his natural talent was for wit and satire.

At this time, the young man saw the production of neoclassical tragedies and comedies of Sumroikov, as well as numerous productions french comedianstranslated by young nobles of the capital. Fonvizin also translated the play, Sydney, which Jean-Bathist wrote geress; Fonvizin gave the name "Corion" of the Russian version. Despite the fact that the play was translated into Russian, the characters retain their french names. The game was delivered in November 1764 in the court of court, but was not crowned with success.

Fonvizin's life in a fashionable St. Petersburg later was completely reflected in his plays. Fonvizin hated hypocrisy and pretendation, and he did not like St. Petersburg Pijons, with their blind love for French and fashion and their contempt for something Russian. Fonvizin is more inclined to Russian life. The influence of his father attached him a strong sense of debt in front of his country. Inspired by the theatrical interests of his patron, Elagina, he decided to clearly write satirical works and comedy.

He added new figures that have not yet appeared on any russian scene, for example, a rough and small noblewoman who lived in small cities and on their own lands, poorly educated people who recklessly served in rigidly disciplined military units, until they left the brigadier position, for example. Their wives, barely competent, who did not know anything except the household. Fonvizin added to his satirs of judges - bribes, about whom he learned a lot from his father. The result of all this was the Comedy "Brigadier". Fonvizyn read the play in the house of Elagina, and then in June 1769 in Peterhof for the Empress, who enjoyed the game. Twenty-one-year-old Fonvizin ...

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Biography writer

- playwright, publicist, translator.

Born 3 (14) April 1745 in Moscow. Originated from the old nobleman (Livonian knight von Vinner was captured at JohnIV. , then began to serve the Russian king). From 1755, Denis Fononvizin was listed in the gymnasium at Moscow University, where Latin, German and French successfully studied and acted on solemn acts with speeches in Russian and german languages. In 1760, among best Pupils Fonvizina was taken to St. Petersburgfor the presentation of the Curator of the University I.I.Shuvalov and "produced in students." On the literary field made his debut as a translator: translated from the German Collection of Popular in Europe of the Danish writer Ludwig GolbergBasnie moral kettle (1761). Several small translations of Fonvizin appeared in university publications in 1761-1762 (including in the journalM.M.Heraskova "Useful entertainment", where the poems of the elder brother Fonvizin - Paul) were printed; Translation of tragedyVoltaireAlzira (1762) At one time was not published, but received widespread in the lists (publ. 1894). At the same time, he began to translate the extensive, in four volumes an adventurous-didactic romance of Abbat Jean TerrasonHeroian virtue, or life of Sif, Tsar Egyptian, from mysterious evidence ancient Egypt taken (1762–1768).

In 1762, Fononvizin left the university and entered the translator to the collegium of foreign affairs. In 1763, after coronation celebrations in Moscow, together with the courtyard, he moved to St. Petersburg and until 1769 under the start of the State Advisor of the Palace Chancellery I.P. Lagina, who, being the manager of "court music and theater", patronized by novice writers. Fonvizin entered the so-called. "Elaginsky Circle", the participants of which (Elagin himself, V.I. Lukin, B.E. Lacaninov and others. ) were engaged in the development of a Russian original comedy. To this end, they were converted, "inclined" by "on our morals" foreign plays (i.e., the names of the actors, domestic realities, etc. changed.). Lukin argued that the latter is necessary, since "many spectators from comedies in other people do not receive any correction. They think that they are not, and alien to ridicule. " In addition, the traditions of the Meshchansky "Tema Drama" were mastered in the circle (otherwise "serious comedy"), the theorist of which he playedD.Didro. Mixing "funny" and "touching" in comedies was allowed. In this spirit, Fonvizin and composed his first, poetic comedyCorion. (1764), taking as the basis of the drama of the French author Jean-Batista Louis GressSydney . The action in it occurs in the village near Moscow and is to present the sentimental history of Corion's lovers and Sennovia, separated by a misunderstanding and safely connected in the final.Corion. However, there was only a breakdown of Fonvizin-playwater feather.

Quite an original and innovative work has become his comedyBrigadier (1768-1769, post. 1772, publ. 1786). This is the first in Russian literature "Comedy of Mravov", in contrast to the prevailing previously satirical "comedy of characters", when personalized vices were displayed on the scene ("stale", "bhavalia", etc.). INBrigadier Vices, the peculiarities of speech and behavior of the acting persons are socially determined. This is achieved with the help of "verbal masks". Less than speech characteristics There are no other, individual human traits"(G.A.Gukovsky). The "speaking" in the comedy prevails over the "action": they drink tea on the stage, playing cards, discuss which books are required for education, etc. Heroes are constantly "pronounced" about themselves. Explanations in love (adviser - brigadier, brigadier - advisor) do not reach their goals due to what they say essentially different languages. There is a "deaf dialogue". Unites negative characters The comedies of their "stupidity", shaded by the "prudence" of positive - Sofia and Dobrolyubov, whose participation, however, is minimized (they don't speak almost nothing and only scold all other "cattle"). The figure of the "Galleazing" Ivanushka was put forward for the first plan (the impact on the plan of the "Brigadier" of the Comedy of Golberg was notedJean-French ), with which the topic of focusing the theme of the foaming of the focus is bound to phononan.

In the 1760s, in the era of the Commission for the preparation of new deposits (1767), Fonvizin expressed and on the conversion of the nobility of the Nobility. He translates the Treatise G.-F.KuayeTrading nobility (1766), where the focus of the nobleman was justified to engage in industry and trade (not by chance inInexpensive Studies of rich as a Siberian industrialist, and not court). The manuscript was distributed compiled compilation from the works of the German lawyer I.G.YustiReduced on the liberty of the French nobility and the benefits of the third rank (Kon. 1760s). As an application to the translated phonvizin, F.-T.-M. ArnoSydney and Silly, or good and gratitude (1769) One of the few of his poems was publishedMeaning to the servants of my - Shumilov, Vanka and Parsushka (There are elements of anticlelectal satire, inspired, as believed to be a close communication of phonvizin with the writer F.A. Kozlovsky, famous Voltairian and Volnodumz). Fonvizin's activities as a translator artistic prose Crushed the transfer of the Town of the fields of Zheremi Bitobe to the biblical plotJoseph (1769): This is sentimental, imbued with lyricism narrative, performed by rhythmic prose. Later, Fononovine proudly wrote that this story "served me to extract tears in people sensitive. For I know many, koi, reading Joseph, I have been translated, shed tears. "

In 1769, Fonvizin became one of the secretaries of Chancellor Count N.I. Panina, which built plans for the early transfer of the throne Pavlu Petrovich and restrictions on autocracy in favor of the Supreme Council from the nobles. Having made a trustee of Panin soon, Fonvizin plunged into the atmosphere of political projects and intrigues. In the 1770s, he only twice acted as a writer (more precisely, as the political publicist of the Panina Party, the signing of the monarch, how to rule for the benefit of the nation) - inWord for recovery Pavel Petrovich (1771) and translation Words of the Board Brand Aureli A.Toma (1777). Fonvizin's letters written during a trip to France in 1777-1778 and addressed to P.I.Panin (Brother Chancellor), - Wonderful style and satirical sharpness Description of morals french society On the eve of the revolution.

After OPAL and the resignation of N.I.Panina, he retired and Fonvizin (in March 1782). In 1782-1783 "For the thoughts of Panin" he composedReasoning on indispensable state laws (so-called Panina Testament ), which should have become preface to the prepared, but unfulfilled N.I. and P.I.Panigine project "Fundamental rights, unnecessary for all times no power" (i.e., essentially, the project of the constitutional monarchy in Russia). Later isPanina Testament The Decembrists was used in the propaganda purposes of the Decembrists in propaganda purposes. Immediately after the death of the patron (March 1783), Fonvizin composed a brochureLife of Count N.I.panina I first published in St. Petersburg first in French (1784), and then in Russian (1786).

Fame and universal recognition of the Fonvizin delivered a comedyInexpensive (1779-1781, post. In September 1782, publ. 1783). On the extraordinary success of the play in her first stage at the court scene in the Tsaritsyn meadow testified unknown author "Drammatic dictionary" (1787): "The theater was filled with an incomparably, and the public applauded the play by throwing wallets." This is the "comedy of morals", the picturesque homemade life of the wild and dark family of provincial landowners. In the center of the comedy - the image of Mrs. Prostaya, Samonurika and a despot in their own family and, especially among their peasants. Her cruelty in circulation compensated by the unreasonable and tortuous tenderness to the son of Mitrofanushka, which, thanks to such maternal education, growing spoiled, rough, ignorant and completely unsuitable for any case. Prostakova sure what can do what he wants, for this is a decree on the "Validity of the noble". Anti-Pravdin, Sophia and Milon, opposed to her and her relatives, believe that the library of the nobleman is in the right to learn, and then serve the society by his mind and knowledge, which justifies the nobility of the noble title. Retribution comes in the final: Prostakova is revealed from his estate and abandoned own Son. (The topic of cruel, indulging in his passions and sponging subjects of Tiran brings the comedy of phonvizin with tragediesA.P.Sumokova). Contemporaries most inInexpensive captured prudent monologues of the elder; Later, the comedy was valued for the colorful, socio-characteristic characteristic of the characters and colorful household scenes (often these two standards of the comedy - ideological and life-containing - opposed, as, for example, in the epigramI.F. Bogdanovich: Emerging to beginners, / hearing a sneaky noise, / where the woman is nagaznar / with nails climbs into his face, / left home. / Writer dear, / sorry, I did the same ).

In 1783, Princess E. Rodashkov attracted Fonvizin to participate in the magazine published by her "Interlocutor of the Russian Word." In the first issue it appearedExperience of the Russian Code . Compiled as if for the needs of the preparing "Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences", FonvizinskyExperience… He was in-line political Satira, Introducing the court order and "idleness" of the noble. In the same journal in 1783 without title and signatures, politically sharp and daring "Questions" of Fonvizin were published (they were entitled to the manuscripts asSeveral questions that may excite special attention in smart and honest people ) addressed to Catherine II. And supplied by the "answers" of the Empress itself, which at first the author of the "questions" believed I. I.Shvalov. The truth soon turned out, and thus, the phononovin of its "free-free" brought the displeasure of power and further experienced difficulties with the publication of his works. Translation of writings I.G.SimmermanOn national love (1785), the story of persecutions that the sage, speaking the truth of the russian (Callisphen. Greek story 1786), and poetic bassLisens-Kaznode (17887) were printed anonymously. By 1788 he prepared hisFull collection of essays and translations In 5 volumes: a subscription was announced, but the publication did not take place, and even his manuscript is now lost. In the same 1788, he unsuccessfully sought permission to publish the author's magazine "Friend of honest people, or beginners" (part of the materials prepared by phonvizin, only in 1830 saw).

IN last years Fonvizin's health deteriorated strongly (in 1784-1785 he traveled to his wife for treatment in Italy) and at the same time his religious and recovery sentiment increased. They reflected in the autobiographical essay, written "in the footsteps"Confession J.J.russo, – Certainly recognized recognition in the affairs of my and thoughts (1791). Preserved incompletely his last comedyChoosing governer (between 1790 and 1792), is dedicated, as largely andInexpensive , upbringing issues, but strongly inferior to the latter in artistic terms.

Fonimizin 1 (12) December 1792 in St. Petersburg after the evening, held visitingG.R. IDRZHAVINA, where, according to the reviews of those present, was cheerful and joking. He was buried on the Lazarevian cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Vladimir Korovin

Fonvizin was an enlightener, but the seal of noble limitations is noted as its faith in enlightened absolutism and in the original chosenness of its class. It is necessary, however, it is necessary to note that the early interest of Fonvizin to the class, and in essence - to social issues, characteristic and for its subsequent creativity, will allow him more soberly than many of his contemporaries, to evaluate and the political situation that has developed in the reign of Catherine II . Later, creating the image of a nobleman of the Starodam in the "inexpressible", the image to which the author's thoughts and sympathies are given in this play, he noted that his hero has drawn its condition and achieved independence as an honest industrialist, and not as a low-arm court. Fonvizin came out among the first Russian writers who began to consistently destroy the estate partitions of the feudal society.

Fonvizin knew too well russian nobilityTo expect support from him when implementing the educational program. But he believed in the effectiveness of promotion of educational ideas, under the influence of which a new generation of honest sons of the Fatherland was supposed to be formed. As he believed, they would become assistants and support of the enlightened sovereign, whose goal would be the benefit of the Fatherland and Nation. Therefore, Fonvizin, satirik in the nature of its dating, starting with early works, also promotes a positive ideal of social behavior.

Corion, free alteration of the comedy of the French playwright J.-B. Gress "Sydney", opens the Petersburg period of creativity of Fonvizin. Translation of the tragedy of Voltaire "Alzira" (which applied to lists) created him a reputation as a talented novice author. At the same time, he was adopted in a circle of young playwrights, which were grouped around his immediate chief I. P. Elagina, a famous translator and a patron. In this circle, the theory of "decline" of foreign works "on Russian morals" has developed. Elagin The first applied the principle of "decline" in the "Jean de Mole, or Russian French" borrowed at Golberg, and it was consistently formulated by V. I. Lukin in the prefaces to his comedies.

Until this time, in translation plays, a small-term Russian viewer was visited, foreign names. All this, as Lukin wrote, not only destroyed theatrical illusion, but also reduced the educational impact of the theater. Therefore, the "reworking" of these plays began into Russian. "Corion" Fonvizin declared himself as a supporter of the national subject in drama and joined the fight with translators of entertainment plates.

In the circle, Elagina showed a living interest in the new genre of the "serious comedy", which received theoretical substantiation in the articles of Didro and conquered European scenes. An attempt, half and not quite successful, introduce the principles of moral dramaturgy to the Russian literary tradition was already done in the plays of Lukin. But his comedies were deprived of the feelings of the comic and, most importantly, confronted the aggressive penetration of satire in all areas of literature, which later led to the emergence of satirical journalism. Such private topics, as a touching image of the suffering virtue or correction of the vicious nobleman, did not meet the political goals of Russian enlighteners who had the question of the transformation of society as a whole. Close attention to the behavior of a person in society allowed Fononvion deeper than its contemporaries, to understand the foundations of the educational aesthetics Didro. The plan of a satirical comedy about the Russian nobility took shape in an atmosphere of disputes around the commission to compile new deposits, where most of the nobles defended the serfdom. In 1769, Brigadier was completed, and, referring to public satire, Fonvizin finally rummates with an Elagin's circle.

The Comedy "Brigadier", ultimately, was destroying satire for serfs, although Fonvizin directly did not affect the theme of serfdom.

In 1872, Fonvizin finishes work on the comedy "inexpensive"

Externally staying within household comedy, offering the viewer to the viewer household scenes, Fonvizin in the "inexpensive" affected new and deep issues. The task is to show modern "morals" as a result of a certain system of relationships of people led artistic success "inexpressible", made it "People's", according to Pushkin, comedy. By affecting the main and topical questions, "inexpensive" really appeared very bright, the historically accurate picture of the Russian life of the XVIII century. And as such, it went beyond the ideas of a narrow mug of panins. Fonvizyn in the "inexpensive" appreciated the main phenomena of Russian life from the point of view of their socio-political meaning. But his idea of \u200b\u200bthe political structure of Russia was based on the main problems of the class society, so the comedy can be considered the first picture of social types in Russian literature.

In the genreality of "cheap" - comedy. In the play, there are many truly comic, and partly and farce scenes resembling a "brigadier". However, Fonvizin's laughter in "inexpressible" acquires a gloomy-tragic character, and farce skating, when PRATIKOVA, Mitrofan and Cattle are involved in them, cease to be perceived as traditional funny intermediates.

Turning to the comedy to not merry problems, Fonvizin not so much sought to invent new stage techniques, how many rethinking old. Absolutely original in connection with the Russian dramatic tradition They were comprehended in the "inexpressible" receptions of the bourgeois drama. A fundamentally, for example, a resonance function of classical dramaturgy has changed. In the "inexpensive", a similar role is performed by the olders, which expresses the author's point of view; This face is not so much active as speaking. A similar figure of a wise old nobleman met in the translation Western Dram. But his acts and reasoning were limited to the region of moral, most often of family problems. Starods of Fonvizin acts as a political speaker, and its moralization are a form of presenting a political program. In this sense, he is rather reminiscent of the heroes of the Russian tyranoboric tragedy. It is possible that the dramatic effect of high "ideas' dramaturgy" on Fonvizin, Alzira translator, was stronger than it may seem at first glance.

Fonvizin came the creator public Comedy in Russia. His social and political concept led to the most characteristic and overall feature of his drama - the purely educational opposition of the world of evil is the world of mind, and thus the generally accepted content of the household satirical comedy received the philosophical interpretation. Having in mind this feature of Pieces of Fonvizin, Gogol wrote about how consciously neglects the playwright in the content of intrigue, "seeing other, higher content."

For the first time in Russian drama, the love of a comedy's love intrigue was completely moved to the background and acquired the utility value e.

According to the plot and the name "inexpensive" - \u200b\u200ba play on how badly and misunderstood the young nobleman, growing it with a direct "inexpensive". Actually we are talking Not about learning, but about "upbringing" in a common meaning of this word for phononovin.

Although Scented Mitrofan is a secondary figure, the fact that the play was called "inexpensive", not by chance. Mitrofan Prostakov is the last of three generations of cattle, which take place in front of the audience directly or in the memoirs of other actors and demonstrate that during this time there has not changed nothing in the world. The history of the upbringing of Mitrofan explains where the cattle is taken from and what should be changed in order to continue they did not appear: destroy slavery and overcome moral education "Skotan" flavors of human nature.

In "inexpensive" not only deployed positive characters, sketchically scheduled in the "Brigadier", but also given a deeper image of public evil. As before, the focus of Fonvizin is the nobility, but not in itself, but in close relations with the fortress estate, which it controls, and the supreme power representing the country as a whole. Events in the house of space-made, quite flavoring themselves, are ideological about the illustration of more serious conflicts.

From the first scene of the comedy, the fitting of the Kaftan, who sewn by Trishka, Fonvizin depicts the most kingdom, where "people make the property of people", where "the person of one state can be at the same time plaintiff and the judge over a person of another state" (2, 265), as he wrote In "reasoning". Prostakova - a full-awake mistress in his estate. Her slaves Trishka, Eremeevna or the Girl Palachka are right or guilty, it depends on it only from her arbitrariness, and she says about himself that "hands does not rest: it is sculpting, then he holds out, the house holds" (1, 124). However, calling the prostacle "Konozle Furia", Fonvizin does not want to emphasize that the Toyranka landowner depicted by him is a certain exception to the general rule. His idea was that, as M. Gorky, "show the nobility averacted and corrupted by the slavery of the peasantry." Skovinina, Brother Prostaya, the same ordinary landowner, also "every wines is to blame" (1, 109), and pigs in his villages live a lot better than people. "Doesn't the nobleman be wanted to beat the servant when he wants?" (1, 172) - He supports the sister when it justifies its atrocities with reference to the Waist Union Decree.

Accustomed to impunity, Prostakova stretches his power from serfs on her husband, sophia, cattle - at all, from whom, as hoping, will not meet unsubsion. But, by self-disposal in his own estate, she gradually turned into a slave, deprived of self-esteem, ready to rebuff before the strongest, became a typical representative of the world of lawlessness and arbitrariness. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe "animal" of the lowland of this world was carried out in "inexpressible" as sequentially as in Brigadier: and cattle and spaces "one litter" (1, 135). Prostakova Only one example of how despotism destroys a person in man and destroys public relations of people.

Talking about his life in the capital, the Straighs draws the same world of selflessness and slavery, people "without soul." Essentially, says Starodam-Fonvizin, holding a parallel between the shallow landowner by the spacel and noble nobles of the state, "if ignorant without a soul is a beast", then the "enlightened clever" without it is no more than "pathetic creature" (1, 130). Courtic to the same extent as the prostakov, do not have the idea of \u200b\u200bthe debt and honor, getting better, to noble and disharmed weak, they crave wealth and tower at the expense of the opponent.

Aphoristic Investments of the Starodama hurt all the noble estate. The legend has been preserved that some kind of landowner filed a complaint on the phononovin for the replica of the older "master to interpret the decrees", feeling personally offended. As for his monologues, no matter how they were inuscable, the most topical of them were withdrawn at the request of censorship from the scenic text of the play. Satira Phonvizin in the "inexpensive" applied against the specific policy of Catherine.

The central in this respect is the first scene of the 5th action of "inexpensive", where in the conversation of the senior with Pravdina Fonononovin sets out the main thoughts of "reasoning" about the example, which the sovereign must submit to his subjects and the need for strong laws in the state. Senigues formulate them like this: "A decent sovereign seeks to exalted the soul of his subjects ... where he knows what his true glory ..., everything will be shattered, that everyone should look for their happiness and benefits in that one, and that legitimate yourself like unplanned "(1, 167-168). In the paintings of the foams depicted by the history of Mitrofan, which depicted the history of Mitrofan's robin, so, "it turns out instead of one slave two" (1, 169), in reviews of favorites that have a fodder of power, where there is no place for honest people, the accusation of the most honest people ruling Empress. In the play, who became composed for the public theater, the writer could not be expressed as accurately and definitely, as he did in a narrow circle of like-minded "reasoning about indispensable state laws." But the reader and the viewer understood the inevitable non-infractions. According to Fonononovin himself, it was precisely the role of an old product ensured the success of the comedy; The execution of this role I. A. Dmitrevsky The public "applauded the throwing of the wallets" on the scene.

The role of the elder was important for Fonvizin in another respect. In scenes with Sofia, Pravdina, Milon, he consistently set out the views of the "honest person" on the family morality, on the duty of nobleman, busy business Civil Board and Military Service. The appearance of such a deployed program indicated that in the works of Fonvizin, the Russian educational thought switched from criticism dark Parties Reality to search for practical ways to change autocratic system.

Heroes of Fonvizin static. They leave the scene the same as they appeared. The clash between them does not change their characters. However, in a living journalistic tissue of works, their actions acquired not inherent in the dramatic of classicism multi-consciousness. Already in the image of the brigadiers there are features that could not only make the viewer, but also to cause his sympathy. Brigadier stupid, greeding, evil. But suddenly she turns into an unfortunate woman, who with tears tells the story of the captains of the nail, so similar to her own destiny. Even stronger than a similar stage reception - an assessment of the character with different points Vision - conducted in the junction of "inexpressible".

The crown of prostacle is comprehended by deserved car. Coming by the disposal of the authorities to take the estate under the custody of the government. However, Fonvizin fills the external traditional junction - the vice is punished, virtue triumphs - deep internal content. The appearance of Pradda with a decree in his hands allows the conflict only formally. The viewer knew well that the Petrovsky Decree on Opener was not applied to the Tirana landowners. In addition, he saw that Cattle, a worthy brother of the Sprostova, in the oppression of the peasants, remained unpunished at all. He is just frightened over the house of spaced thunderstorms and safely removes his village. Fonvizin left the viewer in the obvious confidence that the cattle is except that they will become careful.

Conducts "inexpensive" by the famous words of the Storagan: "Here is the worst of decent fruits!". This replica applies not so much to the renunciation of spaced from the landlord, how much to the fact that her deprived of power leave, even the beloved son. Prostaya Drama - the final illustration of the fate of every person in the world of cureness: if you are not tyrant, you will find a victim. On the other hand, latest scene Fonvizin emphasized the moral collestory of the play. A vicious person himself prepares inevitable punishment by his actions.

The most important conquest of Fonvizin, as already noted, was a new understanding of character for Russian literature. True, he has all the difficulty of character is limited to one or two features. But these features of the character of the playwright motivates, explains both biographical circumstances and thesis affiliation. Pushkin, after reading the "conversation from Princess Haldina", the scene from the unfinished play of Fonvizin, admired with the way the writer knew how to portray a man whom the nature and Russian "semi-education" of the XVIII century did. Latest researchers, regardless of whether it is about the elements of realism in the work of phonvizin or his belonging to " educational realism"Noted literally the historical accuracy of his works. Fonvizin managed to draw a reliable picture of the morals of his time, as it was focused not only for the educational idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of man, but also realized that a concrete character carries out the imprint of social and political existence. Showing this connection of man and society, he made his images, conflicts, the plots of the expression of public laws. Demonstrated with the glitter of talent, this discovery of Fononovin in practice has become one of the basic principles of mature realism.

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Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich - the famous Russian writer - took place from the Russified Ostsee noble (background visiting). Childhood F. passed in the patriarchal atmosphere in the house of the Father-official of the Audit College. Education received in university gymnasium and at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University. At the end of UN-Ta F. entered the foreign collegium as a translator, but already in 1763 he passed to the service official at the Cabinet-Minister of Elagin. From 1769 to 1783 F. served at gr. Panina P. I., in the College of Foreign Affairs as a secretary. In 1785 F. broke palsy.

F. was the educator-humanist second halves XVIII century. The fan of Voltaire, Rousseau, F. was the enemy of autocratic despotism. F. was sublighted before the thought of "coherent to slavery for himself illegally." Throughout his life, F. carried hostility to the secular o'clock, Tsarskoye Yard, Court Wiel, Teaperson. F. was the enemy of ignorance, a fighter for the culture, fan of Petrovsky reforms, told for assimilation western European cultureBut at the same time burning with the blind imitation of inrogen. Fonvizin knew perfectly clean people's Speech and skillfully used it: Russian people's Language, sharp folk words, sayings attached power with the best works of Fonvizin.

Lit-ala activity F. began after his student of Moscow un-ta. In 1761, he translated from the German Bassni Golberg, then a number of moral satirical works Voltaire et al. In 1762 F. moved to Petersburg and here developed enhanced lite-u activity. He was a permanent guest of Kozlovsky's mug. As a result of rapprochement with this circle, F. wrote "Message to servants", in which he found religious skepticism and gave a sharp characteristic of the clergy. Although in the future the waste of F. from atheistic views is noticed, but he remained forever the enemy of clerics, religious obscurity, all kinds of superstition. In 1764 F. spoke for the first time with independent dramatic work, with a Corion comedy. A few years after Corion, the Social and Household Comedy "Brigadier" appears.


In the genre of Basney Fonvizin was a follower of Sumaro. National morals and characters, accurate parts and fees, conversational speech With frequent use of common words and expressions, we find in its fastened works. Only Fonvizine more bold and radical than its predecessor. The fable "Lisica-Koznodein" is aimed at degrees and shameless subchalima officials, which are supported with flatteful speeches and plenty behavior strong Mira of this And they have considerable personal benefits. Speech B. the work is coming About a certain "Libyan side", which, however, very reminds Russian reality. Not embarrassed by frank lies, the fox praises a lion. In addition to the fox, two more characters are bred in the bass: Mole and dog. These are much frankly and more honest in their assessments of the honorable king. However, they will not say loud out loud; Whispe one else on the ear.

The descriptions of the lion's board are given in the inventive tones, that is, angry chinds. Tron of the king was built "from bones of confused beasts." From the inhabitants of the Libyan side, Tsarist Pets and Velmazby without trial and the consequences are "skidding the skin." From fear and despair leaves the Libyan forest and hides in the elephant steppe. The smart builder of Beaver is ruined from taxes and flows into poverty. But the fate of the court artist is especially expressive and in detail. He is not only skillful in his business, but owns new picturesque techniques. Alfresco is a painting by water colors for the raw plaster of the walls of the housing. All his life, the hold painter devotedly served as his talent of the king and nobles. But he dies in poverty, "with longing and hunger."

"Lisitsa-Koznodein" is a bright and impressive work not only according to the brave ideas declared here, but also on the artistic embodiment. Especially clearly, the reception of antithesis is clearly triggered: contrasted with flattering speeches of faithful and bitter assessments, data to the mole and dog. It is the antithesis that emphasizes and makes such a murderous author sarcasm.


To write a comedy in five actions "Brigadier" Denis Fonvizin began in the first days of his stay in Moscow in the winter of 1768. In the spring of 1769, Denis Ivanovich mentioned her in his letter to Russian state Worker, Poet and historian Ivan Elagin: "adds almost his comedy." In his next letter, to the same addressee, Ivan Pontilofravich, Fonvizin reaffines the comedy, in all likelihood, already reading the final page.

All the work of the playwright over the comedy was associated with questions raised during the convocation of the Commission on the preparation of new deposits. Denis Fonvizin was a supporter of those who, like the Russian philosopher and public figure, Yakov Kozelsky, believed necessary with the help of "righteous speeches" to show a picture of Russian life. At the same time, the issue of the method of creating a national comedy, delivered in Elagin's circle, sounded in the comedy.

Whatever it was, and the first Russian national-household comedy "Brigadier" of Fonvizin is considered a literary monument, which found a display of the struggle of advanced Russian minds XVIII century For the national originality of Russian culture. Denis Fonvizin in his Comedy "Brigadier" rigidly ridiculed the Hall of the modern nobility of Russia in front of the French aristocracy.


The comedy "inexpensive" absorbed the entire experience gained by phonvizin, and in depth ideological issues, by courage and originality of the found art decisions remains unsurpassed masterpiece of Russian dramaturgies XVIII. century. The accusatory pathos "inexpensive" powered by two powerful sources is equally dissolved in the structure dramatic action. Varnish are satira and journalism.

The destroying and merciless satire fills all the scenes depicting the lifeguards of the family of space. In the scenes of Mitrofan's teachings, in the revelations of his uncle about his love for pigs, in the greed of the houses of the house, the world of spacen and cattle is revealed in all the unsighteousness of their spiritual poverty.

In an equally destroying verdict, this world pronounces the group of positive nobles and is contrastingly opposed by the ascoat's existence of Mitrofan's parents. Dialogues of the Stoode and Predian. which are affected by deep, sometimes government problems - these are passionate journalistic performances reflecting copyright. Paphos of the speeches of the foreigner and Praddina also performs an accusatory function, but here the impairment merges with the statement of the positive ideals of the author himself.

Two problems, especially worried Fonvizin, underlie "inexpressible". This is primarily the problem of moral decomposition of the nobility. In the words of the foreigner. With the indignation of the imperial nobles in which the nobility can be said, "buried with their ancestors", in reported Nm observations from the life of the courtyard Fonvizin not only ascertaining the decline of moral mains of society, it seeks the causes of this decline. Unlimited Power of landowners over their peasants in the absence of a proper moral example from higher power became a source of arbitrariness, it led to the oblivion of the nobility of his duties and the principles of the estate, that is, to the spiritual degeneration ruling class. In the light of the general moral and political concept of phonvizin, the positive characters in the play speak, the world of spacen and cattle appears for an ominous realization of the celebration of becoming.

Another problem is "inexpensive" - \u200b\u200bthis is a problem of upbringing. Its understood quite widely, education in the minds of thinkers of the XVIII century was considered as a priority factor that determines the moral appearance of a person. In the representations of Fonvizin, the problem of education acquired state importanceFor, for the right upbringing, the only reliable, in his opinion, was rooted, the source of salvation from the robust to society - the spiritual degradation of the nobility. A significant part of the dramatic action in the "inexpensive" to one way or another is subordinate to the problems of education.

The son of his time, Fonavizin, with all his appearance and the direction of creative quest, belonged to the circle of advanced Russian people of the XVIII century, which made up the camp of the enlighteners. All of them were writers, and their creativity permeated by Paphos of the approval of the ideals of justice and humanism. Satira and journalism were their weapons. A courageous protest against the injustices of self-defense and angry charges against the serfs sounded in their works. This was the historical merit of the Russian Satira of the XVIII century, one of the most bright representatives which was Fonvizin.

Question number 6. ODD Derzhavin

Born on July 3 (14 N.S.) in the village of Karmachi Kazan province in a poor noble family. For three years she studied in the Kazan gymnasium (1759 - 62). From 1762 he served as a soldier in the Guards Transfiguration Regiment, who participated in the palace coup, was erected by Catherine II on the throne.

In 1772 was produced in officers, participated in the suppression of the uprising of Pugachev. Offended by the fact that his service was not assessed by dignity, bypass the awards, went to the civil service. For a short time he served in the Senate, where he came to the conviction that "he could not get along there, where they do not like the truth."

In 1782 he wrote "ODU to Felice", facing Empress, for which he received a reward from Catherine II - the appointment by the Governor Olonetsky (from 1784) and Tambov (1785 - 88). Attached a lot of effort to enlighten the Tambov Territory, tried to fight the bureaucracy, defend justice.

Energetic, independent and direct, Derzhanin could not "get along" with the highest nobles, so the place of his service often changed. In 1791 - 1793 was the Cabinet Secretary of Catherine II, but, without having taken her, he was married to service; Designed by Senator, there were many enemies because of his belover. In 1802 - 1803 was the Minister of Justice. At the age of sixty, resigned.

Derzhavin began to be printed in 1773, trying to follow the traditions of Lomonosov and Sumarokov, but from 1779 "chose a completely different way." He created own stylewho became a sample of philosophical lyrics: Oda "to the death of the KN. Meshchersky" (1799), the ode "God" (1784) about the greatness of the universe and his creator, about the place and purpose of man: "I am a king, I am a slave, I am a worm , I'm God"; "Autumn during the Siege of Ochakova" (1788), "Waterfall" (1791 - 94) and others.

In the 1790th Derzhaftin created lyrical works "To Lira", "praise rural life." The aesthetic views of the Derzhavin are expressed in the treatise "reasoning about lyrical poetry or about ODE" (1811 - 15).

In recent years, Derzhavin has appealed to drama, writing several tragedies: "Dobrynya", "Pozharsky", "Herod and Marimna" and others.

Petersburg writers gathered in his house, and in 1811 there was a circle in approved by the government literary Society "The conversation of lovers of the Russian word" in which Derzhavin occupied special positions. He referred to Zhukovsky and "noticed" the young Pushkin. The creativity of Derzhavin prepared the ground for Poetry Batyushkova, Pushkin, Decembrists poets.

Oda "to the death of Prince Meshchersky"(1779) brought a leader fame. Poems in emotionally, the mood of confusion and horror, predetermined in the first storm by the end of the poem, is injected. The main thing in the poem: life and death, time and eternity. For example, time, inexorably approaching a person to death, depicted in The following hours. Death - old woman with oblique.

Tragic death experience. It has plot contours. Prince Meshchersky, a close familiar poet. His death struck the larger that the whole life of Prince, the "Son of Luxury and Neg" was "the holiday of beauty and contentment". The drama of death is repeatedly enhanced by opposing these poles. Conflict the entire figurative system of the work. And this one art conflictThe basis for the structure of ODD, leads the reader to the thought of contradictory, not conducive to the unity of the dialectical essence of the universe.

1745, April 3, the son of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin was born in the family of an average owner of the middle wealth. (According to other information, date of birth - April 3, 1744)

1755 studies in the Latin school of the noble gymnasium who was preparing for admission to Moscow University.

1759 End of gymnasium, translation into students of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University.

1761 Translates from the German Bassni of the Danish Writer Golberg.

1762 In the university journal "Assembly of the best writings to the dissemination of knowledge and the work of pleasures" translations from Menandra are printed. Begins work on the translation of the tragedy of Voltaire "Alzira". Writes "Meaning to servants." The first original work is a satirical fable "Fox-Kaznodin". The end of the university, moving to Petersburg as a translator of the Foreign Affairs College.

1763 Decree of Catherine II is appointed "for some cases" at the State Counselor I. P. Elagine. Remiers to the Russian Lad. Rodram Gress "Sydney" - called Corion. Lives in St. Petersburg, Tsarskoe Selo, Peterhof.

1764 Comedy Success "Corion" on the scene of the Court Theater. 1766-1769 Writes a comedy "Brigadier".

1769, December appointed to a collegium of foreign affairs to the post of secretary, the actual assistant Minister N. Panin. Printed the Comedy "Brigadier".

1771. He writes and publishes the "Word for Recovery" the heir to the throne of Paul.

1777. Prints the translation of the political essay of the French enlightener of Toma "Pravashny Word Mark Aurali", which shows the perfect monarch philosopher.

September. Going on a trip to France, during which the diary leads, in the form of letters regularly sends it to Moscow. Upon returning from the journey, it starts working on the comedy "inexpensive."

Together with N. Panin, a project of fundamental laws for the future of Emperor Paul is preparing.

1782 year. Posted by a comedy "Lady".

March 7 submits in the name of Catherine II, a petition about dismissal from the service. The petition is satisfied.

1783 year. Participates in the journal "Interlocutor of Russian-Word Fans", which edits Princess E, R. Dashkov, and the checkered - Empress. Publishes satirical miniatures in the form of a passion from the dictionary of synonyms, a satire on the nobleman "Magnificent Russian Minerwe", "the journey of imaginary deaf and dumb", "a few questions that can excite in smart and honest people
attention". Catherine II gives the police an indication not to print the writings of phonvizin.

March. Death of a friend, N. Panin. Writes "Life N. I. Panin".

1784-1785 Traveling in Italy, studies italian Theater., music, painting. He leads a diary, which again sends to Moscow in the form of letters. Upon returning to Russia, Fonvizin breaks paralysis. Leaving to Karlsbad.

1787 returns to Petersburg, without restoring health. Decides to publish their own satirical magazine called "Friend of honest people, or old-doom."

Prepares for the magazine the writing "court grammar", in which mercilessly refuses the courtyard.

1788 The magazine is closed, Catherine prohibits Fonvizin to be printed. Forbidden Common Collection of Fonvizin Works.

1791 year. Transfers four apoplexic strikes.

He writes about the death of Potemkin "reasoning about human vanity," trying to declare the sinful all his literary activities.

Begins last work « Frequent recognition In my affairs and thoughts. " Prepares five volumes Complete assembly Works for publisher P. Bogdanovich, including prohibited articles from "friend of honest people".

1792, November 30, in the evening in the house of Derzhavina read last comedy Fonvizin "Gofmeister" ("Choosing Goover").

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin was born 3 (14) April 1745 in Moscow in the noble family, which occurred from the Livonian knightly. Primary education The future writer got at home. The family of Fonvizina reigned a patriarchal furnishings.

Since 1755, Denis Ivanovich studied at the noble gymnasium at the university in Moscow, then at the Philosophy of the Faculty of Moscow University. In 1760, Fonvizin, among the "Selected Pupils" leaves for St. Petersburg, where he gets to Lomonosov and Sumarokov.

Start of a creative path

Since the 1760s, Denis Ivanovich creates its first works. Early creativity Fonvizin was distinguished by an acute satirical orientation. In 1760, the so-called "early" inexistant "was published in the" literary inheritance ". In parallel, the writer was engaged in translations. In 1761, Fonvizin translated into Russian Basni Holberg. In 1762 - works of terrace, Voltaire, Ovid, Grest, Rousseau.

Since 1762, Fonvizin has been operating by a translator, and from 1763 - Secretary of the Cabinet-Minister Elagina in the College of Foreign Affairs. In 1769, Denis Ivanovich proceeds to the Count Panin as a personal secretary.

In 1768, the writer creates a satirical comedy "Brigadier". The play received a wide resonance and phonvizin, whose biography was still unknown in higher circles, invited to Peterhof to read the work of Empress Ekaterina II.

Public service. Mature creativity

From 1777 to 1778, Fonvizin stayed abroad, for a long time was in France. Returning in 1779 to Russia, Denis Ivanovich comes to the service of the Advisor of the Office at the Secret Expedition. At the same time, the writer translates the book "Ta-Gio". In 1783, Fonvizin creates one of the best works of Russian journalism - "reasoning on indispensable state laws."

Since 1781, Denis Ivanovich occupies a static adviser. In 1782 it comes to resign. In the autumn of the same year, the premiere of the most important work of the playwright - Comedy "Nepali" (the date of writing - 1781) in St. Petersburg was held. In 1783 play was set in Moscow.

Disease. Last years

Since 1783, Denis Ivanovich travels in Europe, visits Italy, Germany, Austria. In 1785, the writer happens the first apoplexic strike. In 1787, Fonvizin returns to Russia.

In recent years, his brief biography of Fonvizin suffered from severe illness - paralysis, but did not stop engaging literary activities. Despite the ban of Catherine II on the publication of the five-volume collection of works, Denis Ivanovich at this time creates a comedy "Choosing Goover", Faketon "Conversation at Princess Haldina" works on the autobiography "Pure Recognition" (remained unfinished).

1 (12) December 1792 Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin died. Buried the writer on the Lazarevian cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.

Other biography options

  • During the trip in 1760, Fonvizin was first attended by theatrical representation. It was the play of Holberg "Heinrich and Pernill". What happened on the stage made an indelible impression on the writer, and he retained the addiction to the theater for life.
  • The success of the premiere of "inexpressible" during the premiere was so great that the audience, according to the custom made at that time, threw the scene wallets with money.
  • Fonvizin paid special attention to appearance, for which he was recognized as Frant. The writer decorates the clothes with alive flowers, wore Satoliy Sirtuk and shoes with large buckles.
  • Denis Ivanovich was married to Katerina Ivanovna Rogovikova, the daughter of a rich merchant.

Test on biography

The test will help you remember. brief biography Fonvizin.