Drawing maternal love in stages. How to draw a mom for a preschooler? We give simple tips

Drawing maternal love in stages.  How to draw a mom for a preschooler?  We give simple tips
Drawing maternal love in stages. How to draw a mom for a preschooler? We give simple tips

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Photo gallery: How to draw a mom beautifully and easily: step-by-step instructions for kids. What to draw for mom as a gift for Mother's Day, birthday and just like that

Do you need a reason to please your beloved mother with a beautiful pattern? Of course not! And although most often children present postcards and memorable drawings with their own hands to mothers for their birthday, March 8 or Mother's Day, you can do it just like that. For example, you can draw a portrait of mom or the whole family (mom, dad, daughter, son) with a pencil and attach it to the refrigerator, making an unplanned a pleasant surprise... A beautiful drawing can be not only a gift for mom, but also a part of a commemorative postcard, panel or poster. How to draw a mother and what to draw beautiful in her honor will be discussed further. In this article, we tried to collect the easiest and most interesting master classes of drawings on a given topic for children 8-9 years old and older with step-by-step photos.

Master class on how to draw a mom beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old - a step by step lesson with a photo

Probably the most difficult question is how to draw a mother beautifully and easily in children of 8-9 years old. At this age, artistic talents are not sufficiently developed in everyone, and to give clumsy portraits as in kindergarten already ashamed. In this case, the next master class comes to the rescue on how to draw a mother beautifully and easily for children of 8-9 years old with step-by-step photos.

Necessary materials to draw mom beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old

  • album sheet
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • felt-tip pens or colored pencils

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a mother beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old

How to quickly and easily draw a mom, dad, daughter and son - a master class with a photo in stages

You can also make your mom happy or design a themed postcard with a family portrait. The next master class on how to easily and quickly draw mom, dad, daughter and son is suitable for middle and high school students. Younger children, in turn, can use the common elements of the technique from the lesson to learn how to quickly and easily draw individual people - mom, dad, daughter or son.

The necessary materials to quickly draw a mom, dad, son, daughter

  • simple pencil
  • paper
  • eraser
  • colour pencils

Step-by-step instructions on how to easily and quickly draw a family of mom, dad, daughter, son

How to draw a mother with a small child on Mother's Day in pencil - a master class in stages with pictures

Mother's Day is a great excuse to give a beautiful drawing to your mom. For example, you can draw a mother with a small child on Mother's Day with a pencil, as a symbol of boundless love and care. Detailed instructions how to draw a mother with a small child with a pencil for Mother's Day with pictures, see below.

Necessary materials to draw a mother and child with a pencil for Mother's Day

  • pencils
  • eraser
  • paper sheet

Step-by-step instructions with pictures of how to draw a mother with a small child with a pencil

What is beautiful to draw for mom on her daughter's birthday with a pencil - a step-by-step master class with a photo

Mom's birthday is a good reason for her daughter to draw something beautiful and memorable with a pencil or paints. For example, you can draw a very feminine and delicate image of a mother, decorated with flowers. You will find the original idea of ​​what to draw beautifully for mom on her birthday with a pencil for her daughter in the master class below.

Necessary materials to draw beautifully for mom's birthday from daughter with pencils

  • simple pencil
  • paper
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on what to draw beautifully for mom's birthday from her daughter with a pencil

What to draw for mom just like that with her own hands - a simple step-by-step master class with pictures

It is not at all necessary to wait for a special occasion or a holiday to please your mother with a memorable drawing. What to draw for mom with her own hands just like that? Most often, children paint bouquets, individual flowers, family portraits. But you can draw a cute animal for mom just like that with your own hands, for example, a panda with a heart - a kind of declaration of love.

Necessary materials to draw a picture for mom just like that with your own hands

  • paper
  • black marker
  • colored markers

Step-by-step instructions on what to draw for mom just like that with her own hands

How to quickly draw a postcard for mom on Mother's Day with your own hands - a master class with a video

Any drawing from the master classes above, what and how to draw for mom with her own hands, including a portrait, can be used to design a postcard for March 8, birthday or Mother's Day. But the next option step by step master class, how beautifully and quickly to draw a card for mom on Mother's Day with your own hands for children, adapted specifically for this format of congratulations. Of course, you can easily draw such a postcard for mom with a pencil and for no reason, as they say, just like that.

How to draw a mother with a child? Step-by-step tutorials for toddlers and older children.

Mama - main person in the life of every child and the drawing "about mom" is almost the first drawing of every kid. Probably, it has always been this way, and even in those days when people lived in caves, children took out themselves and their mother with a stick in the sand. Modern kids also sometimes practice " rock painting"Drawing cute doodles on the wallpaper. But in this article we will only describe how to draw a portrait for Mother's Day on paper with pencils.

"Mom, Dad, Me" is one of the pictures that kids love to draw

How to draw a full-length mom and baby with a pencil?

The difficulty of such a task is that everyone's mothers are different, which means they need to be drawn in different ways. Therefore, we will present two simple guides that explain how to depict people using construction lines. And you, by slightly changing their size and adding details, will be able to draw yourself and your mother, similar to the real ones.

We draw mom and daughter in full growth

  • We start drawing with the ovals of the face. Place them in the top third of a piece of paper. Draw a vertical line on each oval - it will mark the middle of the face and the axis of symmetry. Then draw three more horizontal lines, the first of them will be the line of the eyes, the second will be the line of the tip of the nose, and the third will be the line of the lips.

  • Start drawing torsos with geometric shapes... Please note that the mother's body and knees are higher than the daughter's, and the girl's arms end lower than her mother's. It is necessary to draw all these elements exactly, as in the sketch, so that the correct proportions are obtained in the final drawing.

  • Create with the help of smooth lines the outlines of the arms, legs and the whole body.

  • Start drawing faces. The mother in our drawing has a small forehead, so we draw her eyes above the top line, her nose is also small and short, which means it will end above the second line.

  • We also draw the girl's face. Notice how the facial features of our drawn heroines are positioned differently in relation to the markup.

  • Now it's time to draw clothes and shoes for mom and daughter. In addition, we still have hands that are not drawn, we will depict fingers and lines on them.

  • Now it remains to carefully erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser, and the drawing can be colored.

The drawing "Mom and Daughter" is ready!

Children are so unique and ingenious in fine arts that their mothers can draw without even relying on sophisticated drawing techniques. Each baby's drawing is filled with love for his mother, and maybe little genius and does not need adult tips for such creativity.

And here is my mother, who is busy with work and taking care of children all day. Children subtly feel the mood of the mother, see how the mother is trying to give all her strength for the good of the family and draw a mother who has not two, but many hands.

There is no need to demand from babies the ideal observance of the proportions of the body in the picture. After all, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the baby was able to convey his thoughts about his mother on paper.

Mom queen and her children - princess and prince

How to teach a child to draw mom

The following technique is suitable for teaching children to draw. The kids will surely be able to draw such a picture.

First, we draw the mother according to the scheme, as in the picture.

Then we draw a boy.

Parents carefully keep the first drawings of kids "about mom" and after years show these masterpieces to their grown children. Sometimes there is a whole folder of such pictures, and the more interesting it is to sort through and examine these pictures on quiet family evenings.

The first drawing "about mom"

How to draw a portrait of mom and baby with a pencil?

Those who are good at drawing will be able to depict a variety of portraits of mothers and babies.

And in order to draw a face with photographic accuracy, we propose to apply the method of redrawing from photograph to paper. For this:

1. Take a photo and clear sheet paper, attach them to each other and bring them to the light, so that the outlines of the face are visible on the paper.

2. Outline the facial features.

3. Finish the portrait, adding clarity to the lines and applying shadows.

It is easier to draw a mother's face using the diagram below.

Moms rarely get upset if there is no photographic similarity between the portrait and the mother's face. After all, the portrait, made with love and small inaccuracies, invariably pleases all mothers who received such a drawing as a gift.

Drawings for children on the theme of mom for sketching

  • Try to draw slender and beautiful mom with my daughter, as in the picture below. The faces will need to be painted.

  • Mothers with children are engaged in a lot of interesting things, for example, playing goodies. To draw this, copy the drawing below. If you try a little, adding faces and clothes, you can make them look like you.

Drawing for Mother's Day: Mom and Baby Play Sweethearts
  • What if you can't draw people beautifully, so that they look like real people? Stylize your drawing! You can, for example, paint a picture for your mom in the spirit japanese anime or the way comics draw.

  • To make your drawing look like Japanese cartoons, draw a very big eyes, and make all the lines a little angular.

  • Such drawings with mothers, as in the picture below, look very beautiful, it seems that their heroes are cartoon characters.

  • Mothers are often engaged in interesting and not very interesting activities: they wash the dishes, cook in the kitchen, make something. And in the picture, you can depict a mother at some of these cases.

And the smallest will find it easier to sketch simple picture, on which there are few items.

Everyone loved to draw in childhood. Another question is how it happened. Children draw everything that surrounds them: mom, dad, sky, sun, trees, cars, people, themselves.

At the kindergarten age, the level of drawing is one, at school it is already different. Whatever the drawing lessons, you can't teach everyone how to draw correctly and beautifully.

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Moreover, not every artist is capable of painting portraits. But teachers, developing methods of raising children and teaching them to draw, found a way to teach a child to draw portraits. Made for child-friendly reasons younger age... They are not only interested in drawing a picture, but also to make it so that they can give it to their mother. This technique is used today by many educational institutions and private practices, where teach step-by-step creativity.

Diy mom portrait

Try to make a gift to your loved one with your baby. This question is very important for a child when a holiday is approaching. Little artists do not always need to see the object of drawing in front of them, since children always draw from their memory.

In this case, it would be more correct to draw a portrait with a photograph in front of you. This will make it easier to conduct a master class with your child. After all, photography is what we will start from.

It will be much easier for a novice artist to draw a portrait of a mother with his own hands if a sheet of paper divide into squares vertical and horizontal lines. V art schools also teach this method. Further, referring to the photo, draw a separate element in each square. At the same time, we explain all the steps in detail to the child. Only then will he understand how to do it.

The simplest and easiest option for a child's drawing can be called a drawing of a mother with paints. Most children, having become acquainted with paints, begin to do all their work only with them. This can be used with educational benefits. For example, a child is able to draw beautiful image mothers, if you explain to him, how is it easier to do:

Do-it-yourself portrait of a mother will give life shine blush on the cheeks.

Such phased drawing under the force of both adults and children. There are no identical paintings, all portraits of mothers made by children are individual and diverse. The only thing they are all alike is in the drawing technique.

For work you will need: paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, a sharpener and a photograph of your mother. It is easier for a novice artist to start with pencil drawings: firstly, incorrectly drawn lines are erased with an eraser; secondly, it is easier to convey the shadows of the hair or face in a pencil picture than with paints.

Step by step option will give the kid skills that he can use in the future when drawing people. Plus, you can always refer to the photograph to determine the various parameters of the person being drawn.

Finally with a pencil outline all the lines, creating shadows... Erase the excess vertical and horizontal lines. By outlining the nose, lips, mouth, eyes, and shading the darkened areas in the photo, we will bring the drawing to life. Hair stands out in the same way.

The next step, if necessary, will be coloring the picture created by the child with paints or felt-tip pens.

How to prepare your child to draw people

Starting to teach a child to draw portraiture, I need to talk to him... You can also talk in the process of preparing for him to paint a portrait of his mother. The main thing that he should learn from this conversation:

  • what shape is her face, ears, eyes;
  • color of eyes, lips and hair;
  • how long is the hair and what hairstyle;
  • symmetry of the location of the nose, eyes, and ears;
  • the principle of drawing people is always the same

Knowing how to hold a pencil in his hands and use paints, the newly-minted artist with each new creation will develop their abilities... His childhood paintings will become a real hobby for him, and maybe more.

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All children love to draw. However, they do not always do it well. No one will argue with the fact that for a mother, even ordinary doodles drawn by her baby are the most expensive gift. However, a child can be taught to draw. And this is very easy to do. with mom? This will be discussed further.

About the psychology of drawing

Each child drawing carries a certain amount of information. This should not be forgotten. So, portraits of mothers drawn by children are very different: they can be bright or dark, beautiful and handwritten - it all depends on the relationship between the baby and the parents. However, in this situation, one should not forget that a child's drawing is a momentary state of his soul. Maybe the baby is just going through a difficult period, so his drawing is dark and gloomy.

It should also be noted that the more mother is in the child's drawing, the more he loves her, the more significant she is for him. Depending on the relationship, the details of the drawing, as well as the color scheme, may differ. The pressure when drawing is also indicative of a lot. Sharp lines indicate that the child has a negative attitude towards the mother, is afraid or fearful of her. If the lines are light and smooth, everything is fine in the "mom - baby" relationship.

Figure 1. The simplest

Answers to the question of how to draw a child with mom, maybe great amount... But you need to start with the simplest options. So, it can just be a schematic drawing for the little ones:

  1. First you need to draw an adult - a mother. The head is a circle, the oval is the torso, the lines are the arms and legs. A child is drawn according to the same principle, only smaller in size.
  2. To add beauty to the drawing, mom and baby can be dressed. The mother can wear a simple triangular dress, the child, depending on the gender, can also wear a dress or just shorts or pants.
  3. The easiest way is if mom and baby hold hands. In the free hand of the child, you can draw a ball, in the mother's - a flower.

Figure 2. In action

The next tip on how to draw a child with a mom: in action. They can feed birds, lie on a towel by the sea, play ball. There are many options. In this case, the child himself must decide how he wants to see the picture. Drawing of mom and baby on the beach:

  • First, a towel is depicted on which mother and child will lie.
  • Then both figures are "laid" on a bedspread or towels. Again, this can be the simplest schematic drawing of a circle, an oval, and straight lines.
  • In this case, it is important to draw the details of the interior, that is, sand, sea, sky, seagulls. You can draw protective and toys.

Figure 3. Portrait

When figuring out how to draw a mother and child in stages, you need to remember that it is the face that is most difficult to depict. So, you can try to create a portrait of mom and baby.

  1. Initially, you need to draw an oval - the face of the mother. Further, it is divided in the middle by a vertical line and three horizontal ones - at the level of the eyes, nose and mouth.
  2. The eyes, nose and mouth are drawn from this markup.
  3. Next, you need to draw hair, bangs. By the way, they can hide some of the nuances of the picture. For example, if it did not work out well to portray one eye.
  4. By the same principle, the baby's face is drawn side by side.
  5. The portrait also features shoulders and a neckline. All this is drawn schematically. First, the neck is depicted, then the shoulders. The cut can be drawn with a triangle. You can "hang" a pendant or beads on your mother's neck.
  6. To complete the drawing, you can draw a frame, as if the picture is already framed.

Figure 4. Baby in a stroller

The next tip on how to draw a baby with a mother: the baby can be "put" in a stroller. This is not difficult to do. So, first you can draw mom. She can just stand up straight with one hand outstretched to the side of the stroller. A stroller is drawn next to it, just a rectangle on wheels, from which the child will look out. It is also easy to portray him. You can just draw a head with a funny curly curl on the forehead and a cute smile. The picture is decorated bright colors and interior details - flowers, grass, sky, animals.

Other options for drawings

  • The baby is in mom's arms. He can hug the parent by the neck, he can show something.
  • Baby in a sling ( great alternative stroller when walking with the baby), that is, tied to the mother with a special cloth.
  • The child and mother are sitting opposite each other. They can dine in a cafe or do something else.

Original version

A very original version of how to draw a mother with a child: depict a pregnant parent. However, older children who understand how people are born will be able to guess so. To do this, just draw a woman with a large round belly. Both original and completed.

Mother's portrait

And the last thing I want to tell you about: mothers in pencil. For children, this task will not be very easy. After all, you will need to draw small details - nose, mouth, eyes, hair. This must be done according to the above scheme, where an oval is first drawn, then it is divided by three horizontal and one vertical lines. After that, various small details are depicted. And to divert attention from poorly drawn elements, the child can draw large bright earrings or beads.

Mom is the closest and dearest person in the life of every child. Indeed, the role of the mother in education and development little man it is difficult to overestimate, because it is she long years is near, protects and supports. Looking closely at children's drawings, most often in a touching angular female figure, you can recognize a mother - babies with special love and diligence depict small "identifying" details of hairstyles or clothes. So how to draw mom? We have selected the simplest step-by-step master classes with photos and videos depicting a mother with pencils or paints - with a child, as well as a "family" drawing with a father, daughter and son. With the help of our lessons for children 8 - 10 years old, you can beautifully draw with your own hands a mother's portrait or a postcard as a birthday present, Mother's Day, March 8 - from your beloved daughter or son. Inspired by our ideas, you can easily decide what to draw your mom for any significant date or just like that. Good luck with your drawings!

How beautiful and easy it is to draw mom with paints - a step-by-step master class with a photo for children 8 - 9 years old

Children's drawings always convey feelings, thoughts, emotions young artist- everything that, due to age, is difficult to express in words. How beautiful to draw mom in gouache? For children 8 - 9 we offer step-by-step master class with a photo to create a colorful portrait of mom. By adhering to the instructions in the lesson, each child can easily paint a mother's portrait and present a surprise on Mother's Day or March 8th. Undoubtedly, every mother will like such a touching gift from her daughter or son, made with love with her own hands.

Required materials for drawing a mother's portrait with paints:

  • paints - gouache
  • paper
  • squirrel brushes of different thickness
  • a glass of water

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on creating a beautiful drawing of a mother by a child of 8 - 9 years old, with a photo:

  1. First you need to mix white paint with red and yellow - you get a nice flesh color.

  2. On a white sheet we depict a face in the form of an oval and a neck.

  3. Draw the outline of the clothes with red paint and paint over it.

  4. It is better to make the background light - in our case it is yellow.

  5. When the paint dries up, we start drawing the hairstyle - we send the strokes from the place of the "parting" downward, along the hair growth.

  6. To depict the eyes, you need a thin brush, which we dip in white paint and make a base. Draw blue circles on top - our mother's eyes will be of this beautiful color.

  7. Make the lips red.

  8. Highlight the cheeks in pink.

  9. Draw the line of the nose and eyebrows with a thin brush.

  10. Using the same thin brush, draw individual strands of the hairstyle with a light shade.

  11. Make the neck darker to shade the face.

  12. For expressiveness, we outline the eyes with a thin black line, and also draw the pupils and cilia.

  13. We draw a thin line-a smile on the lips.

  14. Complementing the portrait small details- white earrings and beads.

  15. The final touch of the drawing will be a bouquet of daisies in mom's hands. First, draw the yellow center, and then the white petals.

  16. Draw the leaves and stems of flowers in green and shade with turquoise paint.

  17. It remains to decorate the background with small details in the form of flowers or leaves and that's it - our mother's portrait is ready! Such a beautiful drawing can easily be drawn by a child of 8 - 9 years old for a gift to mom for any holiday date or just to please or cheer up.

How to draw a mom, dad, daughter and son with a pencil - a master class in stages on a video for children

For children of any age, a family is loving and dear people, real support and support. In addition to himself, in his first drawings, the baby usually depicts mom, dad, sister or brother. Over time, the drawings become more meaningful, but the essence remains the same - with the help of a pencil or paints, the child expresses his feelings for the surrounding close people and life events. With the help of our master class on the video, we will learn how to draw a mom, dad, daughter and son in stages - such a pencil drawing is easy to master even for the smallest painter.

Video tutorial on creating a family drawing - mom, dad, daughter and son:

How to draw a mother and child with a pencil - a master class for aspiring artists

Mom's hands are affectionate, caring and kind. The child receives the first hugs in his life from his mother, and as he grows up, the need for a warm touch also grows. a loved one... Most famous artists drew a mother with a child in her arms - many of these paintings can be found in galleries different countries the world. How to draw a mother and child with a pencil? Take our beginner's workshop and soon you will be able to draw with a pencil a mom with a baby in her arms - a wonderful gift for the upcoming Mother's Day.

List of materials for the master class of pencil drawing for mom and child:

  • sheet of white paper
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils or paints for coloring

The procedure for drawing a mother with a child in her arms is in stages:

  1. We start the drawing by sketching the head of the mom and the baby - with horizontal and vertical lines to mark the location of the eyes, nose and mouth. We outline the contour of the mother's body, marking the line of the shoulders, arms and back. We outline with strokes the child's hand on the mother's shoulder, as well as the line of the body. Then we give the faces the shape of an oval, and draw the ear for the child.

  2. We make a parting on the mother's head, from which we draw wavy strands of hair. Draw a short hairstyle with bangs for the boy.

  3. Place the eyes on the top horizontal line faces, outlining the contours of the eyelids and drawing the eyeballs, pupils and eyelashes. We supplement the eyes with curved eyebrow lines. We draw noses and lips, stretched out in a smile - along the previously outlined vertical and horizontal lines.

  4. We draw the body of the child - the shoulder, back, chest, as well as the arm and sleeve of the shirt. The fingers of the hand hugging mom need to be outlined more clearly.

  5. Now we outline the back and chest of the mother, not forgetting to mark the sleeve of the dress. We finish drawing the arms hugging the child.

  6. Everything, our black and white drawing mom with a baby in her arms is ready!

  7. It remains to color the image with colored pencils or paints. For mom and baby hair, you can take different shades brown, dress orange and shirt blue. A beautiful and touching drawing turned out!

What to draw for mom for her birthday from her daughter 8 - 10 years old - original ideas with photos

Every mom is pleased to receive in her main holiday a gift from your beloved daughter or son - a drawing or hand-made craft. So, what should mom draw for her birthday? We have selected the most interesting ideas with a photo of hand-drawn gifts for mom - any of the proposed options is quite within the power of a girl of 8 - 10 years old. Complete the drawing with warm touching verses - best wishes!

Photo ideas of children's drawings for mom's birthday

What to draw for mom just like that - a selection of beautiful drawings in the photo

The best drawings for mom - from children just like that, from a pure heart

How to draw a postcard for mom on Mother's Day with your own hands - a step-by-step master class with a photo

On the eve of different holidays, children draw wonderful drawings-cards with paints or pencils for their mothers - the most "universal" gift and sign of attention from a loving child. So, how to draw a card for mom on Mother's Day with your own hands? In 2017, we celebrate this wonderful holiday on November 26, so you can already start studying our step-by-step master class with a photo. A little perseverance and diligence, and you will get a beautiful hand-drawn card for mom - for Mother's Day or other special occasion.

List of materials for a master class on creating a card for mom for Mother's Day:

  • thick white paper or double-sided cardboard
  • acrylic - white, Ivory
  • brushes - scapula, thin
  • pencil simple
  • watercolor paints
  • thin felt-tip pen

Step-by-step description of the "Hand-drawn postcard for mom" master class - as a gift for Mother's Day:

  1. Paint over the base of the postcard acrylic paint light color with a spatula brush.

  2. Apply to the surface of the sheet simple pencil individual details of the drawing - flowers, leaves, stems.

  3. Mix yellow and orange watercolors and create a background for the flowers.

  4. We paint the poppies in red.

  5. For the middle of the daisies, we take the yellow paint.

  6. We paint the "core" of the poppies with black.

  7. We outline the contour of the poppies with a black thin brush with black paint or a felt-tip pen.

  8. Paint over the contours of the chamomile petals with white acrylic, shading each element. Complete such a card with a congratulatory inscription and - a gift for Mother's Day is ready!

How to draw a mom? Here you will find master classes with photos and videos for children 8 - 10 years old on drawing with a pencil and paints a portrait of a mother with a child, as well as family drawing with dad, daughter, son. If you have not yet decided what to draw for your mom for her birthday, March 8, Mother's Day or just like that, use our ideas and lessons. Following the step-by-step instructions, you will beautifully and easily make a touching gift card with your own hands. Undoubtedly, every mother will be happy with such a creative surprise from her beloved daughter or son.