Music "Juno and Avos" - eternal love. Genuine history of the prototypes of rock opera "Juno and Avos": the last love or victim to Fatherland? When the play was put on Juno and Avos

Music "Juno and Avos" - eternal love. Genuine history of the prototypes of rock opera "Juno and Avos": the last love or victim to Fatherland? When the play was put on Juno and Avos

Admit, and you also thought that the Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" is the story of love of a beautiful girl Juno and no less beautiful young people of Avosa, or is it only I was so ignorant? :-) If you, too, thought so, then I will make your hand and tell, Hu from Hu. Sit comfortably.
In short, I was lucky here, I accidentally get to the aforementioned Rock Opera, Alexei Rybnikov Theater climbed, and in our fly foams. Well what can I say? Considering that when you sit in maternity, any hike, even in the shopping center, this is a great output to the light, then hike in the theater is finally an event with a big such letter SE. What to say, of course I liked it!

For those who are not in the material (and I myself, until recently, was not strongly in the material, see above) briefly.
The plot is based on real events.
42-year-old Russian diplomat and traveler Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov after the death of his wife, continuing the case of his testing, goes to establish trade and diplomatic relations with the new light. So he meets the 15-tape-year-old daughter of the top California's commandant Maria Concepcion Arguuelo, according to eyewitnesses, written by beauty, although, judging by the portrait, can and argue, well, oh well
Well, as they say, he twisted. They began a stormy novel. And even her parents were categorically against such a development of events (which is not at all surprising), the lovers married. However, happiness was short. According to official cases, the count was necessary to leave, Copter, as usual, promises to wait for him, and he, as usual, promises to come back in a year. This is where all the famous words of the song "I will never forget you, I will never see you."
By the way, you don't get into the eyes of a small one, but the wildest discrepancy - you are going to return a year later, Comrade Count, so what Khrena "never see", and?! Well, it is so, a small non-vector retreat.
For SIM Rezanov departs in a distant race. Upon arrival, his various bureaucratic troubles are waiting, the times are changing, the bureaucracy remains among them, he hoped to overturn at the Pope permission to marry with a Catholic. Affairs do not glue, he is in a hurry to catch on time, along the way falls from a horse, in the upset feelings falls and dies.
Everhead, despite the deployment of the deaths of the beloved before it, it continues to wait for him, going every morning to Cape (now on the place of the famous Californian Golden Gate support).
She waited for him 35 (!) Years, and then, when she was informed of the exact information about the death of the count, retired to the monastery. Here is such a sad story.
And yes, you will not believe, but "Juno" and "Avos" are the names of the ships! Suddenly, yes? :-) :-)

I liked the production, I am competently delivered and the choreography is clearly worked out, the game of actors and vocals is also quite a decent level. The only thing for me was personally unusual, so it is almost a complete lack of decorations, they replaced them, I don't even know how to correctly call them, this is a piece of type of a large frame standing on the supports, throughout the perimeter whose ropes hung (most of the action That is why the ship passed).

Because of this, and because of the dark lighting of the scene, the action looked somewhat gloomy.

For my taste, I would add a little bright colors :-) The brightest and colorful moment (not for sensations, but on the design) was the ball at the governor in honor of 15-tightly take-off with all the mandatory attributes of the balls of those times (1806): ladies, As usual, in lush dresses, Cavalers, are known, in the uniforms, they used to dress, echo grasiosic ceremonial dances were played earlier, ech. In general, beauty, I love it all, Wow. I tried to even capture. That's what came out.

A separate mention, in my opinion, is worthy of a scene of several audiences Nikolai Petrovich at Count Rumyantsev, the then Minister of Commerce, which, as far as I understood, was the patron saint of Rezanov at the court, and through which all his petitions, permits and other paperwork necessary in these affairs. Almost alone with a speech, capricious intonations and impudent gestures, Nicholas Lutov, so thinly handed over the entire atmosphere of the then yard with his intrigues and fiber!

Esno, coming home, rushed to study the match. I wonder if everything really was, or embedded the authors of art for the sake of and consupping drama for!
As a result, in fact, although who now the whole truth learns everything turned out to be somewhat prose.

No, well, firstly, our count and indeed turned out to be a personally extremely outstanding and entertaining, possessing enterprise, charm and rather strong life grip. Non-sleeping combination, right? All his career is a series of takeoffs and falls, and their causes are not always clear. There was even a version that at the dawn of a foggy youth, when the young Rezanov served the Fatherland somewhere in the Crimea, his rapid takeoff on the service staircase very much contributed to the arrival of Catherine II, which was attracted by a young impressive officer who was responsible for its safety during the trip. At that time, Rezanov was only 16 years old.
Secondly, who are quite sophisticated, our Nikolai Petrovich very successfully married the 15-tape-year-old judging around, loved our graph of the young daughters of the merchant Shelikhov, whose enterprises were sent to inspect.
By the way, it should be noted, the father-in-law also was a person outstanding and enterprising. How much in this story of outstanding enterprising personalities, you do not find? :-) So shelikhi at that time was a rather successful businessman who first began trading relations with North America, moreover, thanks to his initiative, Alaska became part of Russia and the first Russian settlements were founded, for which he received even the nickname "Russian Columbus ".
This marriage was achieved from which side to see: Shelikhov went to son-in-law with a strong position at the court, his daughter got the county title, well, and our hero was a young beautiful (so again the eyewitnesses wrote) Wife with tremendous dowry.
But if you drop in the direction of mercantile considerations, then judging by the original sources, my wife loved his rezanov and he, according to his own words, "8 years of married to taste all the happiness of life," and the death of his wife after the second birth was hard for him, though In Rock Opera, this is mentioned only by passing as something secondary. After that, he remained a widower with two young children.
Six months after the wedding of the daughter of Shelikhov, being still rather unstasted, a strong man, suddenly dies, and rezans, using their position at the court, continues, and very successfully, to promote his Russian-American campaign. And the case of Shelikhova lives and flourishes, Ruta Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov!

Another interesting fact from the biography of our hero. At that very moment when he remained alone with two young children and, experiencing a loss, she was going to even leave the king to the wilderness, the king intervened, at that time it was Alexander I and sent his chamber meter with the original instruction to establish diplomatic relations with Japan, At that time in full self-insulation. The Japanese emperor took gifts, and then she pulled the ship half a year in the harbor, not to say no, nor no. As a result, in half a year of waiting, the Japanese gave the answer that they do not want to trade with Russia, the patience of the count burst, and he expressed the Japanese dignit about everything he thinks about him, his mother country, the emperor, geisha and samurai :-) figuratively Esno.
What happened next, tell, I think you do not need. The commission was faced with a crackle, it was visible that the larger Rezanov's luck had come down at that time. But not for a long time, do not worry.

By the way, another interesting fact. According to some contemporaries, the Japanese emperor was offended by the unknown gifts of the Russian side and even returned them back, such as dishes and fabrics, for which the Japanese themselves were masters themselves, and the Fur Chernobur Fox, who in Japan is considered unclean, devilish animals.
Not prepared, in general, Comrade Ryazanov, did not learn the local production and raw materials base before traveling, so to gather. I don't know whether Japanese emperors really have such a touchy people, I am not familiar with them, but here the Japanese are our charming graph, as you can see, I liked it, because in Japanese history textbooks, it is referred to as a highly intelligent and deep-allowed cargo-saved diplomat :-) In both!

In general, the rezanov for the sunny California shore, in the glorious Bay of San Francisco, arrived in a fairly grated Kalach. Here and rushed :-)

And let the lovers subsequently accuse in mercenary and pragmatic intentions. They will say that, on the one hand, the rezans in their diary too impassively and dismissed what is happening, often mentioned that this is all the needs of the Fatherland and all that (after all, precisely because of its successful fierce in California, he managed to supply Russian settlers in Alaska who are literally starved due to remoteness from Russia and the negligence of their previous supplies) and that, on the other hand, the Copter also pursued ambitious plans to become the wife of Chamber and dreamed of hanging out at the luxurious Russian imperial yard. As they say, let them say!

After all, no matter how cool, and this was still a beautiful love story, albeit without happi-indence. And most likely, if it, I am sure, would not be a graph of Rezanov, a Russian traveler, a diplomat, and just an enterprising Maine, so known to descendants, like, in fact, and the daughter of Commandant, beautiful Maria Concepcion Arguuelo. And Rock Opera, first put by the unsurpassed Mark Zakharov on the scene of the famous Lenkom with Nikolai Karachentsov and Elena Shanina, really worthy of attention, and see it undoubtedly worth it!

Not so long ago, in 2000, there was a symbolic reunification of lovers: a monument was put in Krasnoyarsk on the grave of Rezanov - the White Cross, on the same side of which it was written: "Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov. 1764-1807. I will never forget you, "and on the other -" Maria Concepcion de Arguelo. 1791-1857. I will never see you. " Sheriff Monterrey arrived at the opening and dispelled there a handful of earth from the grave of the cumshots. Back he took a handful of Krasnoyarsk land - cums.

Well, the Russian-American plans of Rezanov, unfortunately, was not destined to be realized: as we all know, after 60 years, Alaska was sold for nothing to America. But the American Admiral Van Dernds will later write such lines: "Live rezanov for ten years longer, and what we call California and American British Columbia would be a Russian territory." Everything can be, everything can be, but, as you know, the story does not tolerate the subjunctive ignition ...

For more than 30 years, the phenomenal rock operator "Juno and Avos" continues to worry the hearts, immersing the audience in the romantic world of two lovers: Count Rezanov and young cumshots. Their sad love story ended over two centuries ago, but thanks to the heartfelt poems, laid on excellent music, this story seems to live forever.


The modern opera "Juno and Avos" is based on real events that occurred in the XVIII century. In St. Petersburg, the son of Nikolai was born in the impoverish noble family of Rezanov. The boy received a good home education and showed brilliant abilities to study languages. In addition, by 14 years, he grew up not by the years and was able to enter the military service in artillery. For a fairly short time, ambitious and purposeful young people changed several posts and served before the ruler of the office with the secretary of Catherine II Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin.

Portrait of a correspondent for the Russian-American trading company Count Nikolai Rezanov Brushes of an unknown artist

However, the appearance of a young high handsome of Rezanov at the court caused concerns from the new favorite of the Empress, Count Zudda. The latter, deciding to remove the potential rival from the road, ordered to send Nicholas to Irkutsk. In the province of Rezanov was to inspect the trade activities of the merchant and traveler Grigory Shelikhov, known as Russian Columbus. He became the founder of the first Russians in America, it was with the help of Shelikhov Alaska under Catherine II entered the Russian Empire.

From this point on, the fate of Rezanov was forever connected with Russian America. He married her daughter Shelikhov, Yuna Anna, both greatly won this marriage. Shelikh strengthened his position at the court, his daughter received the noble title and all the privileges associated with him, and Nikolai became a co-owner of huge capital. By order of Paul I, who replaced the Empress, a single Russian-American company () was created on the basis of the trading company of Shelikhov and companies of other Siberian merchants. Of course, its authorized representative became a rezanov, which made all the forces to merge companies in one powerful organization.

In the new post Rezanov, he filed the emperor to establish a maritime communication with Russian settlers in America. Due to the irregular and long delivery of food from Russia, they often received a provision overdue and already unsuitable for use. By 1802, a round-world travel plan was developed, the objectives of which were the inspection of Russian settlements in Alaska and the establishment of connections with Japan.

However, the preparation for the expedition for the count was overshadowed by the death of his wife. Anna died 12 days after the birth of their second child. The luckless widower was already going to resign and devote himself to raising children, but was stopped by the order of the emperor. He appointed the rezanov envoy to Japan and the head of the first Russian round-the-world expedition. In 1803, on two ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva", the count went on the road.

The brainchild of geniuses

The country of the rising sun has half a year lasted a diplomat on his land and eventually refused to deal with Russia. After the failed mission of Rezanov continued his way to Alaska. Arriving in place, he was amazed: the settlers lived on the verge of hunger, in ruin, "flourished" the ration.

Seeing the confusion of the ruler of Russian America Baranov, rezans for their own funds acquired from the coupling merchant Frigate "Juno" with a load of food. However, it was clear that these products would be enough for a while. Then the Count ordered to build another ship - the tender "Avos." For the provincial, he decided to go to the rich and prosperous fort San Francisco in California, and at the same time, to establish trade relations with the Spaniards, which was under the authority of this part of America.

Starting from this trip, the action of the famous rock opera "Juno and Avos," although at first it was only "Avos." Andrei Voznesensky Poet wrote the poem "Avos!", Based on the rest of the rezanov diary and the records of J. Lensen, he was a very high opinion of the Russian column. The poem told the sad story of the love of 42-year-old Rezanov and 15-year-old Spanish, the girls, which Nicholas met at the California coast.

Anna Bolshaya in the role of death and Dmitry Pevtsov as Nikolai Rezanov on the scene "Lenk" in the rock opera "Juno and Avos"

When the director Mark Zakharov turned to Voznesensky with a request to write a libretto to the story "Words about Igor's regiment", the poet was not confused and suggested instead the basis of the performance to put his poem. The director agreed, and Alexei Rybnikova was invited as a composer. So, thanks to the initiative of the three geniuses, one of the most piercing musical performances of the 20th century, which became a sensation in both the USSR and abroad appeared.

The premiere of Rock Opera took place on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the theater "Lenk". Those who were lucky enough to participate in the formulation of the rock opera, later recognized that the play was owned by their stunning success. The atmosphere of love and inspiration is impregnated with every syllable and every note of the work, and even with the replacement of the usual and loved actors, the opera does not lose its charm. But still canonical is considered to be the version of the performance with Nikolai Karachentsov and Elena Shanina - the first rezanov and graduate.

"I will never forget you"

The events described in the rock opera are romantic, and the main characters are full of love and self-sacrifice. Reality from artistic fiction is different, but, oddly enough, slightly. When in 1806, "Juno" and "Avos" arrived in California, the Spaniards met the Russians in unwriting and refused to sell them. However, quite soon the governor of San Francisco Jose De Aguello succumbed to the diplomatic gift of the belief and charm of Rezanov, especially since the Governor's young daughter fell in love - the beauty of Maria Concepcion, or, simply, Copter.

Despite the fact that Rezanov was already 42 years old, he did not lose his appeal at all, in addition, he was famous, rich and rotated in the highest circles of society. Contemporaries argued that in the desire they were granting to marry the Russian graph, there were as many love, how much and the calculation, allegedly dreamed of a luxurious life at the court in St. Petersburg, but the subsequent events proved the sincerity of her feelings to Rezanov.

The graph stayed in San Francisco just six weeks, but during that time he managed to fulfill his mission and even more: he got a provisionant for starving with Alaska, his supported by the support of the Spanish governor and wrapped with the grace. At first, José de Arguuelo did not want to issue a daughter to marry a Russian graph. Parents drove the girl to confession and convinced to refuse such an unexpected marriage, but the Copter was adamant. Then they remained only to give their blessing on the engagement, but the final decision of the issue of marriage was for the Roman throne.

However, the harsh Russian winter and a long journey through Siberia undermined the forces of the diplomat. Due to the strong cold rezanov, almost two weeks lay in unconditional and hot. In serious condition, he was brought to Krasnoyarsk, where March 1, 1807, he died. When before the graduation came to the news of the death of the count, she did not believe him. Provided by his promise, she waited for Rezanov and during the year every morning came to a tall cape, from where he was peering into the ocean. Over the next years, the best grooms of California woven the beautiful girl, but each time they received a constant failure.

Copter remained faithful to the deceased Count and saw his lot in charity and teaching the Indians, the La Beata was called at home - blessed. After 35 years, Maria Concepcion entered the third Order of the White clergy, and after another 10 years he accepted Monastic San. She died at the age of 67, next to her grave at the cemetery of St. Dominica built stele in memory of her loyalty and love.

Thanks to the world-famous rock opera, a symbolic reunion of unfortunate lovers occurred. In 2000, the sheriff of the city, in which Cumbling was buried, brought a handful of land from the grave of Spanish and dispelled it over the burial site of Rezanov in Krasnoyarsk. A monument was put on the grave of the count, where the lines of the famous romance were captured: "I will never see you, I will never forget you."

Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" is based on real events. Initially, it was the poem "Avos", which Andrei Voznesensky created, the impressive history of the love of the traveler Nikolai Rezanov and the cumshots of Arguuelo.

After meeting with the composer Alexei Rybnikov, the poet writes libretto. After the processing of which the Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" appears. It was a new trend in art - song-prayers sounded on stage with modern musical accompaniment. And now almost 37 years old Rock Opera, set by the director Mark Zakharov, successfully goes on the stage of the theater named after the Lenin Komsomol.

The plot of the poems is about great love, for which there is no barriers and distances, there are no age limitations, the topic of faith and ministry of the Fatherland, the topic of sacrifices in the name of Russia, is also very convex.

Voznesensky shows us the main hero of the libretto with a high sense of patriotism, devotion to the Motherland, the man of the meaning, the truth of life. Rezanov refers themselves to the unwanted generation, which is hard and at home, and in someone else's side.

Nikolai Rezanov does not find a reflection in everyday life, his soul in the eternal search for non-fulfilling dreams. In his youth, he dreamed of the Virgin and since then she took possession of his thoughts. After years, the image of Saint Virgin became relative. A young man thinks about her as his beloved with cherry eyes. His heart is in constant confusion.

And now he is 40 years old, and he, as lost, rushes in search of a ghostly freedom, a new life path. Without finding anything in any other places, Nikolai Petrovich decides to devote his life to serving a dedication, embody his idea - find new lands.

He writes numerous petitions, believing only to the Russian "Avos", sovereign Alexey Nikolaevich with a request to support his venture and send ships to the shores of California for the implementation of the Russian-American trading company, to strengthen the glory and power of Russia.

From the hopelessness of the rezanov prays the Mother of God and shyly admitted in the secret love for her, as to the ordinary woman. In response, he hears a voice that blesses him to affairs. And unexpectedly, the chamber receives a positive response to the trip. The sovereign imposes a responsible mission to Rezanov - to establish Russian-American and Spanish trade relations.

In response, Rumyantsev is gracious, in view of the former feats of rezanov and grief after the loss of spouses, as well as due to the complex external situation, supports the draft graph.

The reserves goes to the sea under the Andreev flag on the ships "Juno" and "Avos." Already on the approach to the shores of California, the team did not have food, many sick in Qing.

Travelers stop in Spanish shore. The commandant of Fort was so impressed with the greatness of the Mission of Rezanov, which gave the ball in honor of the Russian peacemaker. It was a fatal solution.

The Russian traveler gives the daughter of the commandant of San Francisco Golden Tialee with precious stones in friendship between two great powers. The Russian Maritime Invites the daughter of José Dario Arguipeo, who immediately fell in love with him. This is a turning point in rock opera.

Emotions overwhelm the main characters. The governor's daughter was only 16 years old, Senor Federico was considered her bridegroom. But the reserves can no longer abandon young beauties and comes to the end of the night with the words of tenderness. They get close.

They have to commit a secret engagement that has had no power. Different religions did not allow them to be together - the Copter was to obtain the consent of the Pope, the Rezans-Zrasrius Emperor.

The Company condemns the actions of the Russian, brewing the scandal. Rezanov with sadness leaves his bride; Holds the way to St. Petersburg to get a permit for marriage with the tip. In addition, it is necessary to continue the mission for the benefit of the Fatherland launched mission.

The reverse path was sad. Rezanov writes the sovereign, which wanted to glorify the Motherland, but his dreams crashed to smash. Returning to St. Petersburg, the traveler is ill and dies and dies, and without fulfilling his idea.

Copter remains to wait for Rezanov. When she inform about the death of her beloved, she rejects these rumors. And continues to wait. Many enviable grooms woven to the daughter of the governor, but she again refused to them. Her heart belonged only to the distant Russian. Mother and father were aged, Copter took care of them. And waited.

There was time, went into the world another parents. Passed thirty years. And only when the cumper saw the official papers on the death of Rezanov, she becomes a nun, spending the rest of days in the Dominican monastery.

"Juno and Avos" - about loyalty, the power of love, which Camchitsa proudly carried through his life. At the end of the rock opera sounds "Alliluya" - as a symbol of great love, then, for which it is worth living.

"... the rivers are generally merged into the sea,

Picture or drawing of Rybnikov - Juno and Avos

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"Juno and Avos" is the most famous and still popular domestic rock opera. The premiere of the play took place in 1981 at the Moscow Theater named after Lenin Komsomol, on the stage of which he is still to this day.


The author of the music to the spectral - A. L. Rybnikov. He was born in Moscow on July 17, 1945. His parents were people of creative professions: Mother is an artist-designer, and the father is a violinist. To write music Alexey Lvovich began in 8 years. The first writings were places for piano, and at 11 years old he wrote a ballet "Cat in boots". A. L. Rybnikov graduated from the conservatory in the class of composition, his teacher was Aram Khachaturian.

In addition to the work of "Juno and Avos", Alexey Lvovich wrote another legendary Rock Opera - "Star and Death of Hoaquin Muriet". He is the author of the music for the Mystery "Liturgy announced", to the musical drama "Maestro Massimo", to the modern opera "War and Peace", to such films, like: "Treasure Island", "That Münhgausen", "Fairy Tale of Starry Boy "," Andersen - Life without love "," Adventures of Buratino "," Red Cap "," Brothers of the Karamazov ", etc., as well as to cartoons:" Wolf and seven kids on a new way "," black chicken ", series" Mumi-Troll ", etc. In addition, A. L. Rybnikov writes symphonic, chamber and choral music. And it is undoubted that the assignment of the title of people's artist in 1999 is quite fair.


The most famous product of the composer A. L. Rybnikov was and remains Rock Opera "Juno and Avos." The summary of the performance will be presented in this article. The story is based on the same poem written by Andrei Voznesensky. She introduces us with a genuine history that happened at the beginning of the 19th century. Russian State Affairs Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov in 1806 made a trip to California, where his meeting with the ending - the daughter of San Francisco Commentant.

So, "Juno and Avos" (a summary of the opera will be described further in detail) - this is a story about how Nikolai Rezanov as part of the expedition, which he led, along the way to Alaska stops in California. He meets the ball with sixteen tidy, which falls in love with him. After his engagement with her, Nikolai Rezanov is forced to continue the expedition and leave the bride in California. On the way to St. Petersburg, where he was driving to bother about a marriage resolution with her graduate, since she is Catholic, Nikolai Petrovich gets silent and dies. Copter was waiting for him for many years and did not believe that he died, and having received a confirmation of his death, he rushed into a nun and gave a vow of silence.


Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" (a summary goes "foot in the foot" with the work itself) begins with a prologue. Nikolai Petrovich prays, appealing to the Lord and to his homeland. After that, the prophet comes to the scene, who predicts Russia that he will soon get a heavy 1812 year.

First action Rock Opera "Juno and Avos"

The brief content of the first part is: after the funeral in the church, the wife of Rezanov gives a petition of the Count Rumyantsev that he supported his project - the first in the history of Russia around the world, which he intends to lead, in order to establish friendly relations with America that Russia promises great benefits . Having received good from Rumyantsev, N. P. Rezanov goes to swimming.

Second action

Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" a brief content (second part) tells about what happens with heroes already in America. The scene begins with the fact that Nikolai Petrovich writes a letter to A. N. Rumyantsev about what his expedition arrived to the shores of California, and how they met the locals. Next, the action is transferred to the Balnroom. Here is the acquaintance of N. P. Rezanov with a graduate, in honor of the 16th anniversary of which the ball was given. Nikolai Petrovich presents the daughter of the Commandant gift - the Golden Tiam from the collection of Empress Catherine. After the ball of the rezanov penetrates the bedroom of the cumshots and seduces it. The girl falls in love with him, and he is experiencing only repentance. For confession, the girl tells everything to his confessor, what he brings her father, who insists on the engagement to hide the dishonor of his daughter. Rezans and graduate will be engaged, after which he floats, but it is not destined to return to it. Thirty years old, Copter was waiting for the return of N. P. Rezanov, without believing rumors about his death.

Incidentally the coming spring and the awakening of nature to life is configured to a romantic way. I want to touch something sincere, clean and true!

Today I will tell you about the musical "Juno and Avos", about the history of the creation of the musical itself, about the real events that underlie this musical performance and the creators of this wonderful creation. And at the end of the article, you are waiting for a pleasant surprise on the topic.

"Juno and Avos" Musical?

It would be more correctly to call the Rock Opera, but, the birth of this rock opera took place during the times of Soviet censorship and because at the time everything was connected with rock music would never have come to review the public. And what a loss would have suffered from us, such injustice would happen !!! Therefore, this musical performance of his cutting creators called the "modern opera". The musical is a common name for musical performances and films, we have already talked about the genre of the musical in the article. Well, it does not matter to which the genre is the performance, it is important that he turned out to be stunning-penetrating and captured for a long time our hearts captured.


The musical is based on the poem of Andrei Voznesensky "Avos", the music for the spectrum was written by composer Alexey Rybnikov, the production was carried out by Mark Zakharov on the stage of the Moscow Theater named after Leninsky Komsomol in 1981.

There is a story about how a happy meeting of the creators took place. And it was so ... A composer Alexei Rybnikov came to Mark Zakharov and presented his work, they were improvisation on Orthodox chants. Zakharov appreciated the work of Rybnikov and he had an idea about creating a musical performance, only the topic that at that time was interested in the work of labor "Word about the regiment of Igor". With thoughts to combine the improvisation of Rybnikov and the "word" Zakharov went to the poet Andrei Vosneshensky and at the meeting outlined his idea.

Andrei Voznesensky, having listened to the idea of \u200b\u200bZakharov, offered an even more audacious version for the musical performance and gave Zakharov to read his poem "Avos."

Zakharov quickly read the poem and more quickly agreed to put a performance on it.

So the creators of this unforgettable musical were connected.

History "Juno and Avos"

If you think that the heroes of the rock opera name of Juno and maybe, then you are mistaken, these are the names of sailing ships, in which our main character sailing to the shores of California.

About this in more detail. The Poem Voznesensky was written, as it is now customary to say "on the basis of real events." The biography of Nikolai Rezanov, the Russian officer, the head of the first round-the-world expedition. Reading the story about the life of Rezanov and the Mauda Diary, Voznesensky was inspired by the life of a brave compatriot. The real story was as follows: Nikolai Rezanov sailed to California in 1806 to replenish food reserves for the Russian colony in Alaska. In San Francisco, he met the cumper of Arguuelo, with which they fell in love with each other and wrapped themselves. But the rezans, on debt of the service, was forced to leave first to Alaska, and then to the courtyor of the emperor in St. Petersburg. At the courtyard of the emperor, he planned to get permission to marry Catholic. And here on the road Rezanov fell ill ... Heared heavily and died in Krasnoyarsk, never returned to his beloved. Rezanov at a meeting with the grace was 42 years old, cumming of 16 years. Died Rezanov in 43.

Copter refused to believe the rumors about the death of Nikolai and waited for his return until 1842, when the English traveler George Simpson was able to tell her already accurate details about what happened with Rezanov and his death. She believed in the news of the death of his beloved only after 35 years, after which he had grown in the nun and accepted the vow of silence. She left in his life in 1857, living in the monastery for almost two decades.

This hopeless and piercing story has a small continuation in our time. In 2000, the sheriff of the city of Benish, where he was buried by Arguuel, he traveled to Russia to the city of Krasnoyarsk and at the grave of Rezanov brought to the earth from the grave of the cumshots and a rose. Through the ages, our contemporaries tried to reunite these loving hearts.

On the grave of Rezanov, there is a white cross, the words on one side "I will never forget you" and "I will never see you" on the other hand.

Such is the story of the death of Arguelle and Nikolai Rezanov, the rest is what the poet Andrei Voznesensky supplemented the poet, is a focus of this piercing history of the people living in the 19th century.

Copter and Rezanov

Even without an artistic image, the story of the Cumbouts and Rezanov is pierced to the depths of the soul! In our age of consumerism and cynical neglect to spiritual values, it is difficult to submit such devotion and all-consuming love of the cumshots, which devoted all of his life to one by only Rezanov, revoking his own desires and expectations.

The fate of Musikla

The formulation of the musical took place in 1981 and was surprising that the Commission missed Rock Opera from the first time, without changing anything in it. Voznesensky recalled that before this commission, they were in the church at the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, who mentioned in the musical, and even brought illuminated icons into their grimyr.

The first performers of the roles were rezanov - Nikolai Karachentsov, Copter - Elena Shanin, Fernando (grace of Copy) - Alexander Abdulov.

Nikolai Karachentsov played Rezanov to the very accident that happened to him.

The performance toured abroad - New York, Paris, Germany, the Netherlands, etc.

In 2010, the musical was released on the stage in a two thousandth time, it was also put in other countries Germany, South Korea, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic.

Where to see Rock Opera?

It would be nice to see the musical of the victim, but not always we do it, and therefore I advise you to see Rock Opera without leaving home.

I recommend to see the musical "Juno and Avos", in the production of Lenkom 1983, this is one of the first productions, in my opinion the most successful! For some reason, subsequent reversal always lose something impossible valuable.

As promised at the beginning of the articles I give you a surprise