What is the difference between a folk tale from literary? Similarities and differences. Oral folk creativity: species, genres of works and examples

What is the difference between a folk tale from literary? Similarities and differences. Oral folk creativity: species, genres of works and examples
What is the difference between a folk tale from literary? Similarities and differences. Oral folk creativity: species, genres of works and examples

The fairy tale is a favorite genre not only children, but also many adults. First, the people were engaged in essay, then mastered the professional writers. In this article we will deal with how different folk fairytale from literary.

Features of the genre

The fairy tale is the most common type of folk creativity, telling about the events of an adventure, domestic or fantastic nature. The main installation of this genre is the disclosure vital truth With the help of conditionally poetic techniques.

In essence, the fairy tale is a simplified and abbreviated form of myths and legends, as well as a reflection of the traditions and views of peoples and nations. What is the difference between literary fairy tales from folk, if there is a direct reference to folklore in this genre?

The fact is that all literary fairy tales rely on folk art. Even if the plot of the works contradicts the folklore tradition, the structure and the main characters have a clearly visible connection with it.

Features of folk creativity

So, what is the difference between a folk tale from literary? To begin with, we will understand what is customary called "folk fairy tale." Let's start with the fact that this genre is considered one of the oldest and recognized cultural Heritagewho retained the ideas of our ancestors about the device of the world and about the interaction of a person with him.

In such works, the moral values \u200b\u200bof the people of the past, which manifested in a clear division of heroes in good and evil, national traits Character, facilities of beliefs and life.

Folk tales are made to divide into three types depending on the plot and heroes: Magic, animals and household.


To understand what the folk fairy tale differs from the literary, it is necessary to deal with the origin of the latter. Unlike his folk "sister", the literary fairy tale arose not so long ago - only in the 18th century. This was due to the development of educational ideas in Europe, which contributed to the beginning of the author's treatments of folklore. Folk plots began to collect and record.

The first such writers were brothers Grimm, E. Hoffman, Sh. Perso, G.Kh. Andersen. They took the famous folk plotsSomething was added to them, something was cleaned, often invested new meaning, heroes changed, complicated the conflict.

Main differences

Now let's move on to what the folk tale of the literary is distinguished. List the main features:

  • Let's start with the fact that the author's work always has the same unchangeable plot, while the people are modifiable and transformed all the time of its existence, as the surrounding reality and the worldview of people is changing. In addition, the literary option is usually larger in volume.
  • In the author's fairy tale, brighter expressed pictures. It has more details, details, colorful descriptions of actions and characters. The folk version is very similar to the place of action, the characters themselves and events.
  • The literary fairy tale has a psychologism that is unavigated by folklore. That is, the author pays a lot of attention to the study of the inner world of the character, his experiences and feelings. Folk creativity never in detail in detail in the topic.
  • The main characters of folk fairy tales are the type masks, generalized images. The authors give their characters individuality, make their characters more difficult, controversial, and acts are motivable.
  • In the literary work there is always a pronounced position of the author. He expresses his attitude to what is happening, gives an assessment of events and characters, emotionally color what is happening.

What is the difference between the literary fairy tale from the people: examples

Now let's try to apply the theory in practice. For example, we take fairy tales A. S. Pushkin.

So, in order to show the techniques of depiction, take a "fairy tale about dead princess" The author is very detailed and colorfully describes the situation and decoration: "In the bright doors ... shops, covered with a carpet", the furnace "with a satellite laying."

Psychologist of Heroes perfectly demonstrates the "Tale of Tsar Saltan", Pushkin treats his hero's feelings with great attention: "The regime was borrowed ... I got sick with a tear ... I did the Spirit in it."

If you do not quite understand what the literary fairy tale is different from the people, then consider another example associated with the individual character of the hero. Recall the works of Ershov, Pushkin, Odoyevsky. Their characters are not mask, these are live people with their passions and characters. So, Pushkin even deceives with expressive features: "I ran away ... Touching, all the vocreshenek ... rubbing."

As for the emotional color, then, for example, a "tale of a bald" - a balalagen and mockery; "The Tale of Gold Fish" is ironic and slightly sad; "The fairy tale of the dead princess" is sad, sad and gentle.


Summing up the results of what the Russian folk fairy tale differs from the literary, we note another feature that generalizes all the others. The author's work always reflects the worldview of the writer, his view of peace and attitude towards him. This opinion can partially coincide with the people, but will never be identical to him. Per literary fairy tale Always attacked the person of the author.

In addition, recorded fairy tales are always tied to a certain time and place. For example, the plots of folk fairy tales often roame and occur in various locations, so it is almost impossible to date their origin. And the writing time of the literary work is easy to determine, despite the stylization under folklore.

1. Literature.

Literary work - the work of human thought, enshrined in writing and possessing public meaning. As an example of a literary work, I chose Piese S. Ya. Marshak<<Двенадцать месяцев >>.

Piez S. Ya. Marshak<<Двенадцать месяцев>\u003e It says that good always wins evil that the power of nature helps only, good and hardworking people.

This fairy tale tells how the Queen under New Year I published a decree that I would reveal the one who would bring her a basket of snowdrops. Greedy I. evil stepmother A daughter is sent to the forest of stepdaughter. Padderitsa meets 12 brothers from the fire - months. They help her, there are snow trucks and a magic ring. Stepmother with his native daughter bring snowdrops to the palace, and the queen orders them to show where they narrow flowers. Stepmother with a daughter talk about Padherce, and the queen with a retinue, with a stepmother, daughter and a padchier ride in the forest. The Queen wants to execute a padchier, but the brothers come to the rescue to her, turn the stepmother and her daughter in dogs, accelerate the courtiers and make the queen think about what good.

In the play-fairy tale Marshak vitality and truthful characters of the characters, their actions. Truthfully depict the kaprises of the queen, insincere the behavior of the court, for example, the gofamister, the evil and the greed of stepmother and daughters, the kindness of the soldier, the loyalty and the heart of the stepdaughter.
Injustible, fantasticly the very existence of brothers - months in the form of people, meeting girls with them by the fire in the forest, the transformation of winter in the spring and then a quick change of all seasons in a short time.
Such a combination of fantastic and real Marshak reaches an amazing result: the audience and readers begin to believe that the monthly brothers really exist; Marshak teaches us good and compassion, but does it not in the form of boring teachings, but in the form of a fairy tale that comes to the heart itself.
We condemn a greedy stepmother with a daughter, an intense queen, stupid and insincere Hofmeister, sympathize with Padherce and Queen's teacher. We laugh at greed, stupidity and lies, and believe in good and justice.

2. Phollar work.

Folk artwork - the result of collective creative processin which it is impossible to establish authorship. The literature combines works whose authorship is reliably known. As an example, I chose a fairy tale<<Морозко>>.

Mathemia live her native daughter and stepdaughter. The old woman decides to drive a dip from the courtyard and orders his husband to carry a girl "In a purely field on a cracked frost." He will obey.

In the pure field of frost red nose welcomes the girl. She is affectionately answers. Frost becomes sorry for Padmeritsa, and he does not freeze her, but gives a dress, a fur coat, a chest of dowry.

Magic is already coping with the commemoration of Padrelitsa and tells the old man to go to the field, bring the girl's body to bury. The old man returns and brings his daughter - live, elegant, with dowry! Steply orders her native daughter to take the same place. Frost red nose comes to look at the guest. Without waiting for the girl " good speeches"He kills her. The old woman awaits the return of his daughter with wealth, but instead, the old man brings only a cold body.

main character Fairy tales - Padderitsa, the girl is hardworking, helping and meek - "socially disadvantaged character" in the house of the stepmother: "everyone knows how to live behind the stepmother: you will turn the bat - Bit and untruth - the bit ..." Padderitsa did the whole homework, but I could not please An evil cruel stepmother.

By canon magic fairy tales The heroine leaves the house before finding his happiness. The reason - it catches the stepmother: "We have come up with a stepmother and came up with a step with the world." - Vesui, drove it, an old man, "says her husband," where you want her eyes to do not see her! "We take her to the forest, for a cracked frost."

The character of the stepdaughter is so meek that she does not argue and does not resist when a native father leaves her in a student winter forest. And also, she behaves when the capital hero of the fairy tale - Morozko - is experiencing its character, all amplifying and enhanced frost. Girl's answers are friendly, despite burning frost. For this, frost regrets the girl and generously giving. Wealth as a reward is a characteristic reception of folk fairy tales.

Steph, powerful, envious and greedy, having seen a feverly disadvantageous yes with rich gifts, tells the old man to carry her native daughter at the same place in the forest. The main reason for such an envy is clear from the words of the dog: "old man's daughter in the Child, in silver driven, and they do not take the old woman." It was behind the applied old woman who sends a native beloved daughter to the frost.

The situation in the forest is repeated: Frost appears and exposes the girl with a three-year-old test. That, however, is not endowed with no kind nor mildness and pride is filled. The answers of her rude and disrespectful, and Morozko cruelly punishes this heroine: it dies from the cold.

In such a tragic final, the Folk Tale of "Frost" shows the reader how cruel people condemn envy, greed, the evil and the oppression of the weak and defenseless, which there was a stepdaughter. Behavior negative heroes Fairy tales, stepmothers and her native daughter, causes rejection of malice and injustice in the children's soul. And the punishment that the girl suffered is perceived by the reader as a celebration of justice.

3. Fores, the literary work is distinguished from the folk work.

Between folklore and literature, there is a close connection due to the specifics verbal creativitywhich displays a person's ideas about the world and development laws public consciousness. However, in folk and literary works there are fundamental differences that determine their characteristic features and features. There are also differences in heroes.

In the examples given by me, there are similar heroes. There are also differences. In fairy tale<<Морозко>\u003e, as in the fairy tale - Piese S. Ya. Marshak<<Двенадцать месяцев>\u003e There are the same heroes such as: Padder, stepmother, queen, daughter, soldier, etc .. in plays-fairy tale S.Ya. Marshaca<<Двенадцать месяцев >> characters Obviously not folklore, but literary origin: Teacher of Queen, Hofampina, Chancellor, Head of the Royal Guard, Royal Prosecutor and other members of the Queen Sweets.

Folklore in wide sense - It is historically established, absorbed folk traditions Collective co-authorship, transmitting oral or gaming form Poetic summary of the experience of many generations. Among the folk genres, ritual, songs and epic are distinguished. TO epic genres There are fairy tales, legends, epics, legends, tales, as well as small forms of oral folk creativity - proverbs, sayings, riddles and jokes. The word "folklore" is often used in a narrower value - to determine the content and method of creating verbal artistic imagesInherent in this genre.

Numberliterature As the type of art in many cultures is associated with the development of the folk epic. He served as the basis of the chronicles and the blessings of the saints; The principle of narrative borrowed from folklore fairy talesused in the construction of plots of adventurous and plutovsky novels - a variant of many genres modern prose; The figurative system and the rhythmic organization of the epic, historical, ritual songs were reflected in the author's poetry.

but literary works did not obey the folk canons, had a more complex composition, an arbitrarily developing plot and could only exist in writing, since each of them was represented by original essaycreated by one person.

Starting from the Renaissance, characteristic feature fiction The author's style becomes, and the object of the image is the inner world of the hero, in which the reader finds moral priorities and features of the era characteristic of a specific historical period in the development of society.

Modern literary process - Complex diverse cultural phenomenonmanifested in the manifold already established and only emergingforms of verbal creativity.

Unlike literature, folklore retains stable shapes and a larger compositional structure text. Inner world The hero is closed: only an event or act or a deed, in which there are no character traits, but generally accepted the principles of behavior adopted as a basis of the procedure establishing the balance between good and evil.

1) no personal creator

2) emerged and develops as oral folk creativity

3) lives in a variety of options

4) can be transmitted by a recitative

5) can be sailing and planted

2) originated as written and develops as written

3) has one option written by the author

4) writer wrote

5) reader reads

Also in our examples, in a fairy tale<<Морозко>\u003e Not a personal creator, it develops as oral folk creativity, this fairy tale, once a long time was invented by the people, later different options have already appeared. There is a variant of Tolstoy and the option of Afanasyev.

Korovina V.Ya.Literature and folklore. Tutorial For students of grades 9-11 - M., 1966.

the set of texts of Russian folk culture transmitted predominantly, having the status of disavortor, anonymous and not belonging to certain separate performers, although the names of some bright executive craftsmen are known: The Supernitz T. G. Ryabinin, the reparition of I. A. Fedosova, Tappy A. K. Baryshnikova, Pesselnitsa A. I. Glinkina. These texts are singing or told, have more or less large form (historical song or proverb) are associated with rites (calendar spells, due) or, on the contrary, are completely independent ( chastushki, epics). The most important qualities of the works of Russian folklore are due to the cultural memory of the ethnos, the presence of ideological and religious traditions and household pragmatism social structuresin which they will be. The concept of "Russian folklore" is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200btraditionalism, although the quantitative accumulation of gradual changes leads to new phenomena. Folklore tradition has both community features and local, regional, introducing an abundance of options and features of every existence of each separate work, custom, rite, etc. In the process of historical development, there is a gradual and natural dying of traditional folklore. The most ancient forms of Russian folklore - rites and ritual folkloreto which belong calendar holidays and rituals, ritual songs (carols, passenger, Troitsko-Semitic, Kupali, Zniki, etc.) and song-spells (Round-up songs, Vesniki, Egoryev's songs, conceptions, etc.), conspiracies, intensiveness, poetry of funeral and wedding rites. As the Russian state is being created, the genre repertoire of Russian folklore is significantly expanding.

Folklore and literature:

Word oral and written

Despite the disagreements between the folklorists, which is called Poetic creativity, altogether, will all agree that it is inherent in such defining features as the collectivity, the traditional and the oral nature of the works. Moreover, each compound may be present in other types of creativity, but in folklore they are necessarily in a non-inspireant unity.

The collectivity of folk art is primarily the generality of generations, which manifests itself on the most different levels: generality of generations of the family, village, region, nationality, humanity (remember in connection with the last world stray plots). In other words: the collectivity is inseparable from the tradition of transferring works from one generation to another, and this transmission must be carried out without interpreting.

Do not detract the importance of traditions and teams in the definition of folk art, we assume to devote the article precisely the interconnection of the works of verbal folklore and, in connection with this, look at the history of the relationship between Russian folklore and Russian literature.

When called poetic folklore The art of the word, it is necessary to add that this word must be verbal. It is very important. This is his principal difference from the literature - the art of a written word.

Oral word has its own special feature opportunities: Mimicu, gesture, voice timbre, intonation and other means that literature cannot use (or uses limited). The transfer of oral words on the letter will always remain surrogate. Any written fixation of the fairy tale, the song is of the character of imitation, which, with all its utility (even the need), cannot replace the original how to replace the photograph of a living object. The life of any product of the folklore passes in a variety of oral versions close as their basis, but at the same time different from each other. Folklore is not thought without improvisation. In this and the charm of art of oral words: each text is in its own one and unique. The miracle of art is performed directly in our eyes, in our presence.

16 Slavic traditional culture

At one time, the voices were heard that the folklore should inevitably die that his literature will be supplanted. "Logic" was as follows: Folklore - the art of illiterate population, primarily rustic, its oral character is determined mainly in the absence of education. If the teacher graduates from school and learn to write, he will cease to be a teacher and turn into a writer. The author of these lines fifty years ago defended such an incorrect position; incorrect for many reasons. The folklore was recognized only in illiterate classes, the fact that fairy tales, jokes, and rumors, songs, proverbs and sayings were not taken into account in the noble and intelligent environment. But the main thing was discharged with the bills that the folklore has its own special feature field, not affordable literature to which it can only approach. There were always masters of oral words, "Beautiful narratives", whose art was not at one time fixed. So everyone recognized D.I. Fonvizin, who had a gift to "show people", how to do it in our time, I.L. Andronikov, how entertained their Ariadne Efron, the daughter of Marina Tsvetaeva. Oral stories M.S. Schep-Kina admired A.S. Pushkin. An interesting story was N.K. Poglyzazhskaya, from her Pushkin and P.A. Izzemsky recorded a lot of legends of the XVIII century. There are memories of M. Gorky as a talented storyteller, loved and tell and listen to others.

But the art of oral words is not necessarily folklore. It becomes them only when both components are emerging - oral word and tradition, i.e., when the transmission of oral material has a traditional basis, combined with the transfer of certain traditions.

Oral tradition arose and began to develop when there were no writings and therefore, it could not be compared with the literature and contrast.

With the baptism of Russia, the literature began to develop, and already in the XII century such a wonderful monument appeared as the "Tale of Bygone Years", where the oral tradition of legends, legends and even jokes was widely used. When the majority of society was illiterate, the social watershed did not pass, as at a later time, according to the opposition: oral literature for a simple people - writing for the highest classes. Social addictions could manifest themselves both in the literature and in folklore. An example is different legends about Kie-Prince and Kie-carrier. Probably, a legend about Kie-carrier in ancient times was bored with a sacral character, lost by the XI century. Then there was a legend about Kie-Prince. In the "Tale of Bygone Years", both are recorded, but at that time a legend about Kie-carrier was already perceived as a legend about Kie-Proshirud. In ancient Russian literature, it is possible to find works identical on the ideological content of the oral tradition: the life of Peter and Fevronia, a democratic satire, etc.

The literary language at the time was the church-Slavic language of the Great Russian edition. Oral speaking could not be an object of writing. Modern philologist B.A. Suspensky calls such a situation of "Church Slavonic-Russian Diglosia", under which there is a book language system associated with a written tradition and a non-engaged system associated with everyday life. Under these conditions, according to a scientist, no one uses the book language system as a means of spoken communication "(B.A.US-Pensky. A brief essay of the history of the Russian literary language (XI-XIX centuries) M., 1994, p. 5) . The division of literature and folklore was then followed by genres: Some were an affiliation of a written word (church office texts, lives, chronicles, tale, etc.), and others - oral (fairy tales, songs, proverbs, sayings). Therefore, so rare in Handwritten monuments of the proverbs and sayings, although their collections exist already in the XVII century. If in the chronicles and they are found, then only as a foreign quote, and not the author's tongue ("perception, aki doom", "trouble, aquies in relatives" and t .d.).

While most society remained illiterate, only elements were opened for him spoken Speechwhich everyone knew, and along with her and songs, and fairy tales - oral traditional poetry. Elizabeth Petrovna, still great PrincessWhen she threatened the monastery, in the evening on the porch of his palace sang a song: "Ah, my life, living poor." It heard the soldiers standing near the clock and told his neighbor's neighborhood. And he was not surprised: "What is there strange, Baba Babia and sings." Then there was still no social opposition: "Folklore - Nellulkor", and were: "Women's songs - men's songs." The fact that the future empress sang songs, famous for a simple peasant, is a characteristic feature of time.

When in the XVIII century. The noble intelligentsia began to be created, then at first she tried to remove from folklore, well known for the stories of fortress unuse and nannies, seeing only ignorance in it. Now, in most cases, they remember how Fonvizin virtuoso owned the elements of spoken speech, the proverbs and sayings knew. But who speaks his comedies with proverbs and sayings? - Cattlenin and prostacle! The playwright uses national aphoristry in the language of its negative heroes as a sign of rudeness and ignorance. Mitrofan and Natilin are listening to the "stories" (fairy tales) of Agafa Bird. According to the tradition of the XIX century. It would be necessary to die and say about the proximity of cattle and Mitrofan to folk poetry. But for Fonvizin - otherwise. For him, this is a sign of darkness and non-ultimate, shameful for nobleman.

At V.F. Odoevsky in the fairy tale "Town in Tabakcoque" there is such an episode. The Boy-bell explains: "This is our saying." And the main hero of Misha objects: "Patenka says that it is not very good to get used to the sayings." In the noble culture of the first halves XIX. in. The proverb and saying wore a seal of some tabulation.

A new attitude to oral poetry as "folk wisdom" arises at the end of the XVIII - early XIX centuries. In the work of A.N. Kradishcheva, N.M. Karamzin and, finally, A.S. Pushkin. It is in his works that the most clearly "oral" is marked as "folk". By this time, there were already "scissors" between the people and the intelligentsia, highly educated people appeared who were poorly knew oral creativity. Very soon they saw in this "lack of their damned education" (A.S. Pushkin - L.S. Pushkin, November, 1824). Then there was a look at the oral tradition as folk. It was at this time that literature and folklore were divided socially. From the works of Pushkin begins citation of folklore as a sign of communication (or the desires of such a connection) with the people, and it is from simply nations, understanding of the oral tradition as a special "folk wisdom." Recall the images of Pugacheva, Savelich, Varlaam with their songs, sayings and booms.

Approximately with A.P. Chekhov The situation changes in the root. We all the people, and all the best that we have, from the people, "he wrote. The separation of folklore and literature loses its social base. Chekhov uses proverbs and sayings absolutely free, without sharing the addressees of their letters on those for whom you can, and those who are indecent in letters to use folk aphorustics (Pushkin has such a separation very clearly trace).

And A.A. Block uses folklore images as personal, and not opposed to his speech practice ("My favorite, my prince, my fiance ...").

In the work of the poets of the XX century. Images of traditional oral poetry often occur in the author's speech. At the same time, they are not attracted by social nature, but an artistic expressiveness.

B. Pasternak: ... where Makar calves did not speak ..

A. Tvardovsky: When serious reasons

For speech, they died in the chest,

The usual complaint is the title,

What no words do not start.

All there are words - for every essence,

All that lead to battle and work,

But repetitive VSE

Lose weight like murut flies.

The term folk poetics "Zinch", proverbs about Makar and mrucing flies poets are used as images known to everyone. These images are a general heritage, and therefore - the property of poets. And poets are treated with them, as with their own property, allowing themselves to use them in their own way, in a somewhat modified, but recognizable form ("not janiv" - instead of "not driving").

Today, folklore, as well as literature, serves all society; You can talk about nationwide oral creativity. The class separation was replaced by division into social groups: tourist folklore, student folklore, mining, prison, etc.

There is a constant mutual influence of folklore and literature, but it is no longer that character, as was in the XIX century. This is the mutual influence of the two kindred arts of the word - oral and written, in both cases of art of a figurative word.

Folklore as an art of oral words will live as much as oral speech will live. In this sense, he is eternal. Genres change. We left the epics, go "long" songs; Actively lives chastushki, non-surrender prose, alterations of literary songs, jokes, proverbs, sayings.

In ancient times, the oral tradition concluded the entire amount of human experience, it was a comprehensive - this is a religion, science, and meteorology, and medicine, and agronomy, ethics, and aesthetics. Therefore, so majestic epic works of the distant past. The division of labor has affected the oral tradition. Science, theology, jurisprudence and other areas of knowledge have been separated into independent activities. Modern folklore left only the art of oral words. Therefore, today there are no epics, nor "orad" - their time passed. But a chastushka, proverb, the saying carry a large poetic charge, necessary in our today's difficult life.

To the outgoing folklore should be very attentive and careful attitude. They can not be admired, it is impossible not to love. He may (and should) sound from the stage, on radio and television - but still he will not replace modern folklore. And the modern folklore is going on today: on the basis of a tradition or based on the breakdown of tradition - descendants will understand. Our duty to them is to take care and save, write and fix everything. Experience has shown that the offspring can overestimate our records and the fact that today it seems valuable, tomorrow does not interest anyone. And vice versa.

Differs from written literature? Folk creativity, in contrast to the works of literature, does not have one author, because it has been created for a long time by many authors from the people. Such works options, i.e. the same thing may exist in different versionsDepending on the territory and time of execution (each narrator adds something to something, and something lowers). Folk creativity was created and long time He told only B. oral speech. People's works Inherent special artistic structure, permanent epithets and comparisons, own rhythm and style.

What genres of folk creativity are you known? Ukrainian creativity is very diverse. It includes epic workswho narrate the heroic events from the life of the people (first of all, these are the Duma), national Epos. in the form of fairy tales, legends, retellings, from folk demonology, sayings, proverbs, lyrical songs, ballads, humorous works and drama.

Name the main topics of the historic songs of Ukrainians. Historical songs depict the heroic figures of the past and important for the people of the event. Ukrainian historical songs tell us about the fight against the Tatar invasion, with the Turks, heroic times Cossacks, fight against national oppression or social injustice. In fact, historical songs displays every meaningful historical event: There are folk songs and about long-standing events, and about relatively non-evil (famous songs of the fighters of the UPA and the songs of World War II). So, ukrainian song Several thousand years.

What are historical figures depict folk songs? Images of historical figures in folk songs are often different: they are depicted with dusting patriots, courageous and fearless warriors, people wise and decent. But everyone has their own individual traits, as everyone has them. Combining idealization with individual features makes these images brighter and more interesting for the reader.

5. Retell the legend about Marus Churai? Express your own attitude towards long-standing events.

6. What songs are you known? What are their topics? Famous songs Marusi Churai is "Venew the wind, a buoy felt", "the kozaks got up", "Oh, do not go, Gregory ..." and many others. In his songs, a talented Poltava girl depicts all aspects human life: love and friendship, some moments from public Life, Cossacks, creates pictures of their native nature.

7. If you have already read in verses Lina Kostenko, tell what is shown in this work.

8. Give the definition of the Duma as a genre of folk art. Duma is a lyrol-epic product of heroic content, relatively large in shape. It necessarily has a plot, performed by a recitative in music accompaniment. Duma have their own features of rhythm model associated with the specifics of execution.

9. What types of doom are known to you? What do you know about the performers of the Dum? Name the famous cobras. The performers of the Dum were Kobzari, the generalized image of Kobzar became one of the symbols of Ukrainian nations. Famous masters Ostap Veresa, G. Goncharenko, Kravchenko. Now this art is being revived, the schools of Bandurists are based, new professionals appear. Among modern bandurists can be noted, Litvini. Analyze the problems of the Duma "About Marusi Boguslavka".

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