Watch what is "Holy Grand Princess Olga" in other dictionaries. Registration of the cathedral

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Watch what is "Holy Grand Princess Olga" in other dictionaries. Registration of the cathedral

Also, just waited for the case of bodies of Russian land. But the princess Olga, the mother of Svyatoslav, turned out to be a woman very clever, moreover, a solid and decisive lavet, fortunately, there were experienced military leaders who were devoted to her.

First of all, Princess Olga brutally dismissed rebels for her husband's death. This is what legends about this revenge say. Drevlyan, killing Igor, threatened to settle the case with Olga: chose their twenty-best-best from the Wednesday and sent to her with a proposal to marry the prince of them. When they arrived in Kiev and Princess Olga found out what was the matter, he told them:

- Lyuba me is your speech, my husband does not resurrect me. I want to give your honor tomorrow before my people. Go now in your rooks; Tomorrow I will send people for you, and you tell me: I don't want to go to ride, nor walk to go, carry us in boats, you will suffer.

When, on the other day in the morning, people came from Olga to call them, they were answered as she taught.

- We are brought, the prince is killed, and our princess wants to go beyond your prince! - they said Kiev residents and suffered razlyan in the boat.

The ambassadors were satisfied, proud of a high honor. They brought them to the courtyard and threw a booth into a pit, which was previously pulled by Olga's orders. The princess leaning toward the pit and asked:

- Do you have a good honor?

- honor this is worse than Igor's death! - answered unfortunate.

Revenge of Princess Olga Drevlyanam. Engraving F. Bruni.

Princess Olga ordered to fall asleep their living earth. Then I sent ambassadors to the Ridges to say: "If you really ask me, then send me the very best husbands of yours so that with a great honor I come to you, otherwise the Kievans will not be allowed."

New ambassadors arrived. Olga, according to the customer, ordered to prepare a bath for them. When they entered there, they were locked them on the orders of the princess and burned together with the bath. Then she sent again to tell the rallies: "I'm already going to you, prepare more honey - I want to create on my husband's grave tRIZNU (commemoration). "

Drevlyan fulfilled her demand. Princess Olga with a small squad came to Igor's grave, cried in her husband and ordered his people to pour a high grave hill. Then they began to rule the TRIZNU. Dracks sat down, the rasows (younger warriors) of Olgin helped them.

- Where are our ambassadors? - Ask Drevlyan to Knyagini.

"Go with my husband's friend," Olga answered.

When the Drevlyans, the princess ordered his squad to chop them with swords. Many of them were cut down. Olga hurried to Kiev, began to collect a squad and the next year went to the Trezhlyan land; With her there was a son. Trees thought to fight in the field. When both rati come together, the small Svyatoslav first threw a spear, but the weak was still his children's hand: the spear barely flew between the ears of the horse and fell to his legs.

- Prince already started! - shouted the governors. - Daughty, ahead, for the prince!

Trees were broken, fled and hid in cities. Princess Olga wanted to take the main of them - Korosten, but here all efforts were in vain. Resperedly defended the inhabitants: they knew that they were waiting for them if they would give up. The whole summer stood Kievskaya rails under the city, and could not take it. Where the force does not take, there sometimes can be a snorkerel can be taken. Smell Knyagin Olga to say to Korostanians:

- What are you not going? All cities have already surrendered to me, pay tribute and calmly cultivate their novices, and you can see if you want to deceive to hungry death?!

Korostnians responded that they were afraid of revenge, and tribute they were ready to give honey, and furs. Princess Olga sent to tell them that she had already revenged enough and demands only a small Dani from them: three pigeons and three sparrow from each yard. Amented besieged, which can be separated from trouble so cheaply, and fulfilled her desire. Olga ordered the warriors to bind to the legs of birds pieces of a cloud (that is, rags impregnated with gray) and, when it is frozen, to light the clutch and put the birds. Sparrows flew under the roofs in their nests, pigeons in their pigeon. The dwellings at that time were all wooden, roofs straw. Soon the korosten was selected from all over, all at home covered the fire! In horror, the people rushed out of the city and fell right in the hands of their enemies. Starin Princess Olga captured, and ordinary people - one ordered to beat out, others gave into slavery to the warriors with their own, and the rest left a heavy tribute.

Many prisoners, Drevln Olga sacrificed the gods and ordered to bury around the grave of Igor; Then I fired a TRIZNU by my husband, and warlike games took place in honor of the deceased prince, as customs demanded.

If Olga was not so cunning, and the Drevlyans are so simple and trusting, as the legend says, it was still in the people and in the squader believed that it was exactly that: the princess was praised for the fact that she was slyly and brutally dismissed the raft for death husband. The harshs were in the ancient morals of our ancestors: the bloody revenge demanded a custom, and the harmful Avenger Mustil the murderers for the death of his rhodation, the greater praise deserved.

Using the Drevlyan, Princess Olga and his son and a friend went on their villages and cities and installed what tribute should they pay her. The next year she went around with a friend and other ownership, divided the land to the plots, determined which providers and regulations should have paid to her. An intelligent princess, as can be seen, clearly understood how much evil was from the fact that the prince and the squad took Dani, how much he wakes up, and the people did not know how much he was obliged to pay.

Princess Olga in Constantinople

The most important thing Olga was that she was the first of the princely family of Christianity.

Princess Olga. Epiphany. The first part of the trilogy "Holy Rus" S. Kirillova, 1993

Date of baptism of princess Olga In Constantinople, most sources are considered autumn 957.

Upon returning to Kiev, Olga to baptize and his son Svyatoslav in the Christian faith wanted.

"I've learned the true God and I am happy," she said to her son, "to be baptized, you know God, and you will be joy and in your soul."

- How do I take one other faith? - Svyatoslav objected. "The squad will laugh at me! ..

"If you are baptized," Olga insisted, "everyone follows you.

But Svyatoslav remained adamant. The shower of the Warrior Prince for baptism, to Christianity with his meekness and mercy.

In baptism Elena (Died on July 11, 969) - the Great Princess, the rules of the Kiev Rusy after the death of her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich (Drevlyan tied him to two bent trees and broke), as regent from 945 to about 960. The Holy Russian Orthodox Church, the first of the Russian rulers adopted Christianity before the baptism of Russia.

According to the earliest Old Russian chronicles, the "Tale of Bygone Years", Olga was from Pskov. Typographic chronicle (end of the 15th century) and later Piskarevsky chronicler transfers hearing, as if Olga was a daughter of the thing Oleg, the comrades of the legendary Ruretta and Regent with his juvenile son Igor, who married the pupil on his daughter.

According to the chronicles, in 945, Prince Igor dies from the hands of Ridge after repeatedly charged with Dani. The heir to the throne of Svyatoslav was then only 3 years, so Olga became the actual ruler of Kievan Rus in 945. The squad of Igor was submitted to her, recognizing Olga by a representative of the legitimate heir to the throne. The decisive image of the action of princess in relation to Drevlyan could also incline the warriors in her favor. Olga several times brutally revenged with Asmert her husband.

1st Revenge of Princess Olga: Shatuals, 20 Drevlyan, arrived in the roaster, ask Olga to go beyond their prince. Rude Kiev residents were treated and threw a deep hole on the courtyard of the Terem Olga. Shatov-ambassadors buried alive with the rook.

Olga looked at them from Terema and asked: "Is the honor of honor?" And they shouted: "Oh! It's worse than Igor to death"

2nd revenge: Olga asked for respect to send new ambassadors from the best husbands to her, which was with hunting performed by rallies. The embassy from noble arches burned in the bath until those werehed, preparing for a meeting with the princess.

3rd revenge: Princess with a small squad arrived in the lands of Drevlyan, in order to correct the TRIZNU on the tomb of her husband. After the Trenna, Olga ordered them to chop them. The chronicle reports about 5 thousand of the collapse of the Trees.

4th revenge: In 946, Olga came out with an army campaign on Drevlyan. At the Novgorod first chronicle, the Kiev squad won the Drevlyan in battle. Olga walked around the Round Earth, established Dani and taxes, after which he returned to Kiev.

In PVL, the chronicler took the insert into the text of the initial arch of the siege of the Radio Capital of Earls. By PVL after a non-successful siege, Olga burned the city with the help of birds, to which the incendiary means told. Part of the defenders of the eraser were interrupted, the rest were submitted.

After crucifier with the Drevyans, Olga began to rule the Kiev Rusy to the adulthood of Svyatoslav, but after that she remained the actual ruler, since her son was absent most of the time in military campaigns.

In 947, Olga went to Novgorod and Pskov lands, establishing regulations and Dani there, after which Svyatoslav returned to the Son. Olga installed the "chassis" system - trade centers and exchanges, in which the fees collected more ordered; Then the chases began to build temples. Princess laid the beginning of a stone urban planning in Russia (the first stone buildings of Kiev - the city palace and the country Terem Olga), with attention referred to the landscaping of the subjects of Kiev, Novgorod, Pskov, located along the River Desna, etc.


The date and circumstances of the baptism remain unclear. According to the Tale of this year, this happened in 955 in Constantinople, Olga personally baptized Emperor Konstantin with Patriarch (Feofilakt until 956): "And she was set in baptism the name Elena, as the ancient Queen - MotherKonstantina Great". PVL and Life decorate the circumstances of the Baptism of the story about how Olga's wise reached the Byzantine king. He wandering her mind and beauty, wanted to take Olga married, but the princess rejected the claims, noting that he did not like Christians for pagans to ware. Then And her king was baptized with the Patriarch. When the king began to budge again, she pointed out that she was now a shameful daughter of the king. Then he richly gave her and let her go home.

Upon returning to Kiev, Olga, who adopted the name Elena in Baptism, tried to introduce the Svyatoslav to Christianity, however "He did not think to listen to it; but if anyone was going to be baptized, he did not forbid, but only mocked the"Moreover, Svyatoslav was angry with his mother for her persuasion, fearing to lose respect of squads.

In 969, Olga was buried in the Earth in the Christian rite. In 1007, her grandson Prince Vladimir Baptist postponed the relics of saints, including Olga, in the Church founded by the Church of the Holy Virgin in Kiev. According to the life and monk, Jacob, the body of the blissful princess was preserved from Tlen. Her "Luminous Yako Sun"The body could be observed through a window in a stone coffin, which was opened for any truly believer Christian, and many were healing there. Only the coffin was seen other than others.

Most likely, the prince of Vladimir Prinugin Olga began to be worn as holy. This is evidenced by the transfer of its relics to the church and the description of the wonders given by the monk Jacob in the XI century.

In 1547, Olga is ranked with the village of Holy Equal-Apostles. Such an honor was honored with only 5 holy women in Christian history (Maria Magdaline, the first Fekla, the martyr Apfia, the Queen Elena and the Enlightener of Georgia Nina).

Saint Vladimir is depicted in rich princely clothes, surprisingly beautiful on a combination of paints. Red noble-dull shade of porphyra, pearl crown, color enamel on the cross, snowy white beard and matte transparent paints of the face are surprisingly harmonized with each other.

The powerful confidence, with what he he to hold the cross, gives in it former militant tongue-nickname and accustomed to command the prince. But in his eyes, the holiness of the Christian Duma is already visible.

St. Prince Vladimir, grandson of St. Olga, cruel and second-hand, had his youth in quarrels and in the war with the brothers. Mailing brother Yaropolk, Prince of Kiev, he became a minor sovereign and began to pronounce in Kiev from the 980th year. St. Prince Vladimir, baptized in Kherson (Korsun) in 988.

Holy Olga is depicted in a magnificent costume of the Byzantine queen. Her face expresses all the structured of her nature, asking for her, as a woman, a vengeful, fearless, inappropriate to forgive and shoot. In her Christianity, these features affected steady fanaticism. This is a rammer of those splitters who burned themselves alive for bonders. The cross in the right hand and the model of the Vyshgorod Church is about belonging to the Christianity.

Wikipedia has articles about other people named Olga (Values). Olga Art. Slav ... Wikipedia

And, wives derivatives: Olgun; Olga; Olguha; Olgush; Olya; Olyl; Lully; Olyona; Lyuna; Olya; Lucy; Olya; Olyusha; Olyas; Olyan; Olena; Løn (Löna); Liel; Lyalya. Supply: (Early borrowing from Skand. Yaz. Wed. Dr. Skand. Helga; Dr. Russian ... ... ... Dictionary of personal names

V. M. Vasnetsov. "Princess Olga" Princess Olga, in the baptism of Elena († July 11, 969) Great Princess, the rules of the Kiev Rusy after the death of her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich, as Regent from 945 to about 960. Holy Russian Orthodox Church, the first ... ... Wikipedia

V. M. Vasnetsov. "Princess Olga" Princess Olga, in the baptism of Elena († July 11, 969) Great Princess, the rules of the Kiev Rusy after the death of her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich, as Regent from 945 to about 960. Holy Russian Orthodox Church, the first ... ... Wikipedia

V. M. Vasnetsov. "Princess Olga" Princess Olga, in the baptism of Elena († July 11, 969) Great Princess, the rules of the Kiev Rusy after the death of her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich, as Regent from 945 to about 960. Holy Russian Orthodox Church, the first ... ... Wikipedia

- (in the baptism of Elena) the wife of Prince Igor; Great Princess Russian. The years of the Board is approximately 945 955. Rod. Between 890 894, mind. In 969, the chronicle and other information are so decorated with a legend that sometimes it is difficult to indicate the border where it ends ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

This term has other values, see Olga (Values). Olga Scandinavian production. Forms: Olya, Olya, Olenka and other foreign-language analogues: English. Olga Belor. Volga Ial. ... Wikipedia

Olga - (Mind. 969) Holy Equal-Apostles, Great Princess. One of the first in Russia accepted Christianity and as much as she contributed to his spread. Patriarch Constantinople Feofilakt, who kestering her, blessed the Russian Princess Cross, ... ... Orthodoxy. Dictionary dictionary

- (in the baptism of Elena) Russian princess, wife Igor Rurikovich. There was a lot of assumptions about her origin. In the initial chronicle, it is mentioned only that Oleg in 903 led Igor wife from Pleskov (Pskov?), Name O. Based on the news of one ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • , Velko A .. Holy Equal-Apostles Great Princess Olga occupies a special place in the history of Holy Rus. Becoming the first princess Christian in the ancient Russian state, it, like Holy Pupils and ...
  • Holy Equal-Apostles Great Princess Olga, Velko Alexander Vladimirovich. Holy Equal-Apostles Great Princess Olga occupies a special place in the history of Saint Rus. Becoming the first princess Christian in the ancient Russian state, it, like Holy Pupils and ...