Tolstoy was born in the family. What are the modern descendants of the lion of Tolstoy

Tolstoy was born in the family. What are the modern descendants of the lion of Tolstoy
Tolstoy was born in the family. What are the modern descendants of the lion of Tolstoy

There are still disputes about this couple, - no one walked as much woven and did not bother so many speculations as two of them. The history of the family life of Tolstoy is a conflict between the real and sublime, between the life and dream, and inevitably the next mental disappearance. But who in this conflict is right - the question is unanswered. Each spouse had its own truth ...


Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born on August 28, 1828 in the Casual Polyana. The count took place from several ancient births, in its genealogy, the branches of Trubetsky and Golitsyn, Volcaksky and Odoyevskii. Lion's father Nikolayevich married a huge state of Mary Volkonskaya in girls not in love, but the relationship in the family has developed tender and touching. The mother of the little left died from the hot, when he was a year and a half. The orphaned children brought up the aunt, who told the boy about what an angel was his deceased Mother - and intelligent, and is educated, and delicate with the servant, and cared for children - and how happy the father was happy. Although it was a kind tale, but it was then that in the imagination of the future writer there was a perfect image of the one with which he would like to associate his life. The search for the ideal turned to the young man with a grave burden, which over time turned into a detrimental, almost manic attraction to the female floor. The first step to the disclosure of this new side of life for Tolstoy was to visit a public house where his brothers led. Soon in his diary he will write: "I made this act, and then stood at the bed of this woman and cried!" At the age of 14, the Lion experienced a feeling as he considered, similar to love, seducing the young Maid. This picture, already being a writer, Tolstoy will reproduce in the "Resurrection", disclosing in detail the scene of the seduction of Katyusha. The whole life of the young Tolstoy took place in the development of strict rules of behavior, in spontaneous evasion from them and a stubborn fight against personal flaws. Only one vice, he cannot overcome - creature. Perhaps fans of creativity of the Great Writer would not know about the numerous addictions to the female sex - Koloshina, Iolanskaya, Obolenskaya, Arsenyeva, Tyutcheva, Administrative, Shcherbataya, Chicherina, Olsufyeva, Rebinder, Sisters of Lvous. But he persistently listed the details of his love victories into the diary. In the clear Polyana Tolstoy returned full of sensual gusts. "This is no longer temperament, but the habit of debauchery," he recorded upon arrival. "Lust terrible, reaching physical illness. Hang around the garden with a vague, a voluptuous hope to catch someone in Kuste. Nothing bothers me to work. "

Desire or love

Sonechka Bers was born in a doctor's family, a valid Stat adviser. She got a good education, was smart, easy to communicate, possessed a strong character. In August 1862, the Bers family went to visit his grandfather to his property of Ivitsa and stayed on the way in a clear clearing. And then, the 34-year-old Graph Tolstoy, who remembered Sonya still a child, suddenly saw a charming 18-year-old girl who agitated him. There was a picnic on the lawn, where Sofya sang and danced, shook everything around the sparks of youth and happiness. And then there were conversations at dusk, when Sonya Robel in front of Lvi-Nikolayevich, but he managed to talk, and he listened to her with delight, and he said to the farewell: "What are you clear!" Soon Berse left Ivice, but now Tolstoy never could live without a girl who conquered his heart. He suffered and suffered because of the difference in age and thought it was unavailable to him, "every day I think that it is impossible to suffer more and together to be happy, and every day I get insane." In addition, he tormented the question: what is this desire or love? This difficult period of attempting to understand itself will be reflected in the "War and the World". He could not more resist his feelings and went to Moscow, where he made Sofa proposal. The girl happily agreed. Now Tolstoy was absolutely happy: "I never so happy, clearly and calmly did not seem my future with my wife." But one more thing remained: before you get married, he wanted them to have no secrets from each other. Sony from her husband had no secrets - she was clean as an angel. But Lion Nikolayevich was abused. And then he made a fatal mistake, a predetermined course of further family relations. Tolstoy gave the bride to read the diaries in which everyone described all his adventures, passions and hobbies. For the girl, these revelations became a real shock. Sophia Andreevna with children. Only the mother was able to convince Sonya not to give up marriage, she tried to explain to her that all men at the age of Lion Nikolayevich had the past, simply, they prudently hide him from their brides. Sonya decided that Lion loves Lion Nikolayevich strongly, to forgive him everything, and, among other things, the yard peasant Aksinhu, which at that time was waiting for the child's graph.

Family weekdays

A married life in a clear glade began far from cloudless: Sofa was difficult to overcome the squeeziness, which she experienced to her husband, remembering his diaries. However, she gave birth to Lion Nikolayevich 13 children, five of whom died in infancy. In addition, she for many years remained the faithful assistant to Tolstoy in all his affairs: the rewriter of manuscripts, the translator, secretary, publisher of his works.
Casual Polyana village. Photo "Sherler, Nagolts and K0". 1892 Sophia Andreevna for many years was deprived of the charms of Moscow life, which was accustomed to from childhood, but she with humility took the rustic existence. She brought up children herself, without nannies and governess. In his free time, Sophia scored rewriting the manuscript "Mirrors of the Russian Revolution". Countess, trying to match the ideal of his wife, about whom Tolstoy she said more than once, she took his villagers from her village, he resulted in disputes, and over time he opened the hospital in a clear Polyana, where herself examined the suffering and helped how she had enough knowledge and skills.
Maria and Alexander Tolsty with the peasants of Avdota Bugova and Matrey Komarov and Peasant children. Clear Polyana, 1896, all that she did for the peasants, actually was done for Leo Nikolayevich. The graph accepted all this, as proper, and never was interested in what was happening in his soul his spouse.

Out of the frying pan into the fire...

After writing "Anna Karenina", on the nineteenth year of family life, the writer had a mental crisis. He tried to find calm in the church, but could not. Then the writer renounced the traditions of his circle and became a real ascetic: he began to wear peasant clothes, to lead a natural economy and even promised all his property to distribute to the peasants. Tolstoy was a real "Domostroev", inventing his charter of further life, requiring its unquestioning fulfillment. The chaos of countless home worries did not allow Sophia Andreevna to be in new ideas of her husband, listen to him, divide his experiences.
Sometimes Lev Nikolayevich went beyond the face of reasonable. She demanded that younger children did not teach what is not needed in a simple people's life, then I wanted to abandon the property, thereby having a family of livelihood. That wished to renounce copyright to his works, because he believed that he could not own them and receive profit from them.
Lion Tolstoy with Sonya and Ilya's grandchildren in Crekshino Sophia Andreevna stoically defended the interests of the family, which led to the inevitable family collapse. Moreover, her spiritual flour was revived with a new force. If earlier she did not even dare to be insulting on the treason of Leo Nikolayevich, now she began to remember all the old resentments.
Tolstoy with family behind a tea table in the park. After all, whenever she, pregnant or just gave birth, could not share a married bed with him, Tolstoy was fond of another maid or a cook. He sinned again and repent ... But from home demanded obedience and respect for their paranoid charter of life.

Letter from that light

Tolstoy died during the journey, which went after breaking with his wife in a very old age. During the move, Lev Nikolayevich fell ill with inflammation of the lungs, he descended at the nearest major station (Astapovo), where the station in the house died on November 7, 1910. Lion Tolstoy on the way from Moscow to a clear clearing. After the death of a great writer, a squall of accusations hit the widow. Yes, she could not become like-minded and ideal for Tolstoy, but was a model of the loyal wife and an exemplary mother, sacrificing his happiness for the sake of family.
Viewing the papers of the late husband, Sophia Andreevna found a sealed letter to her, dated in the summer of 1897, when Lev Nikolaevich decided to leave. And now, as if from the world of other, his voice sounded, as if she who accepts forgiveness from his wife: "... With love and gratitude, I remember the long 35 years of our life, especially the first half of this time, when you are with your own maternal self-demission, so Energically and firmly carried what he considered himself designed. You gave me and the world what could give, gave a lot of maternal love and selflessness, and you can not appreciate you for it ... Thank you and remember with love and I will remember that you gave me. "

Sofia Andreevna Bers

Lion Tolstoy met his future wife Sophia Bers, the daughter of a Moscow doctor when she was seventeen, and he was thirty-four years old. Tolstoy married in 1862. Together they lived 48 years old, there were 13 children who survived eight. All the children were gifted - in painting or literary creativity.

Yasnaya Polyana- house L.N. Tolstoy

Their marriage is quite reference, although it should be deteriorating on the law all the time. Clear Polyana is a true example of a family nest ... However, when the sake of education of children needed to move to Moscow, the clear glade was left.

Lev Nikolayevich with his wife Sophia Andreevna

Sophia Andreevna was not only his wife, but also a faithful devoted friend, the assistant in all matters, including literary.

In the family, Lev Nikolayevich was a home tyrant, although his wife and children loved in his own way. Nevertheless, he made a direct method to surrounding his will.

When he became a vegetarian, unwitting the whole family stopped eating meat, and when he came to the thought of abandoning earthly goods and left the wooden shelves in the house, the children had to come to terms with it.

Tolstoy Sergey Lvovich.

Count Sergey Lvovich was born in a clear glade on June 28, 1863. - composer, musicologist, memoirist; owner with. Nikolsky-Vyazemsky Chernsky county of the Tula province. Wife: 1) From July 9, 1895, Maria Konstantinovna Rachinskaya (September 29, 1865-2 July 1900, England, was buried in the village of Tatevo Belsky. Smolensk lips., Now the Oleninsky district of Tver region), Daughter Konstantin And Mary Alexandrovna Daragan. 2) From June 30, 1906, the Countess Maria Nikolaevna Zubova (August 5, 1868-22 June 1939, Moscow, buried on the introduced cl.), Daughter of Count Nikolai Nikolayevich Zudov and Countess Alexandra Vasilyevna Olsufyeva.

Children: Count Sergey Sergeyevich Tolstoy (August 24, 1897, England - September 18, 1974, Moscow, buried on the introduction of cl.), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of English Institute of International Relations of the USSR Foreign Ministry; MemoMist. Wives: 1) since 1918 Maria Alexandrovna Khorolovskaya (1898-1919); 2) From May 2, 1927, Vera Chryshanfovna Abrikosov (March 27, 1906 - April 29, 1957, Moscow, buried on the introduced cl.), Chrysanfa Nikolayevich's daughter Abrikosov and Princess Natalia Leonidovna Obolensk; 3) from July 29, 1966, Raisa Vasilyevna Chuchkov (R. 1922); divorced March 14, 1972

Initial education received at home under the leadership of its parents and invited teachers, both Russians and foreign. He loved to remember that his first teacher and a man who had a huge influence on him was a father.

Withstand exams on the certificate of maturity in the Tula Gymnasium, in the fall of 1881 Sergey Lvovich comes to Moscow University for the Physics and Mathematics, the Department of Natural Sciences, where chemistry is engaged in the benefit. In 1886 ends the university with the title from the end of the 1890s. Sergey Lvovich was engaged in musical and compositive activities. Sergei Lvovich was an excellent performer, mainly classical music. In 1928-1929. He taught musical ethnography at the Moscow State Conservatory, was a researcher from 1921-1930. State Institute of Music Science. From 1922 he was a member of the Union of Soviet composers. The Soviet government highly appreciated the merits of S. L. Tolstoy, awarding it with the Order of the Labor Red Banner. In 80, he lost his leg, with difficulty moved to the crutches, lost his hearing and vision. With L. Tolstoy, died on the night of December 22nd to December 23, 1947. From a stroke, droplets just a few days. By his desire, he was buried at the introduced cemetery in Moscow, next to his wife's grave M. N. Tolstoy

Thick Tatyana Lvovna.

(October 4, 1864 - September 21, 1950). From 1899 married to Mikhail Sergeyevich Sukhotyn. In 1925 with daughter emigrated. Daughter Tatyana Mikhailovna Sumetina-Albertini (November 6, 1905-1996) since 1930. Married by the Italian Leonardo Albertini.

Was a talented artist and writer. The father saw the similarity with Sofia Andreevna: "The best pleasure to mess around with small," to rejoice at the sight of the joy of others who managed to please themselves. "When she is here, I don't notice her just because she is exactly part of me, surely she is me. I really is close to me "- spoke Tolstoy about the eldest daughter.

Initial education received at home. In 1893-1895 He studied in the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in Moscow. The author of graphic portraits L.N. Tolstoy (about 30), performed by pencil, coal, Sangina. I wrote a number of essays united in the book "Friends and guests of the clear Polyana" (M., 1923) and other works. From 1914 to the end of 1921 he lived with his daughter in a clear glade. He organized a drawing and painting school in Moscow (1922). In 1917-1923 Guardian Museum-Manor L.N. Tolstoy "Clear Polyana". In 1923-1925 was the director of the L.N. Museum Tolstoy in Moscow. In the 1920s, the years of the Civil War and the formation of a new power, she managed to save many of the prison and death. In 1923 T.L. Sukhotina met with the famous Austrian actor Moise, who set the play on the play of a thick "live corpse." He persuaded her to leave Russia. Thanks to Masarik, President Czechoslovakia, who was familiar with her father, she received the necessary visas and left abroad in 1925 with his twenty-year-old daughter. He lived in Prague, Vienna, Paris, Rome.

"The birth of my daughter Tanya was like a holiday, and her whole life was then for us parents, solid joy and happiness. None of the children made such a content, such assistance, love and diversity, as our Tanya. Smart, alive, talented, cheerful and loving, she knew how to arrange a happy spiritual atmosphere around him, and her loved her own - both family, friends, and others "(Diary S.A. Tolstoy).

Grandfather with granddaughter of Tatiana Mikhalovna Sukhotina-Albertini

Daughter Tatiana Lvivna - (1905-1996)

Tolstoy Ilya Lvovich.

(May 22, 1866 - December 11, 1933), Writer, Memoist. Lev Nikolayevich considered the most literary gifted. Ilya Father's correctness: "Games invents himself," "Variously" in everything, "" Loves badly "," loves to eat and lie quietly. " Father is already concerned: "Ilya will perish if he does not have a strict and beloved leader." Ilya left the gymnasium and never studied after that. He married early. Parents highlighted him a village. And for some time, Ilya enthusiastically "Pailed the Earth." However, the one who did not know the systematic, daily labor behind the school textbook began to be in packet. Family Ilya also did not resist. In essence, the "restraint of the Spirit" of his father, or in a different "caressitution", freedom of judgment turned on that period by the collapse of the life of Ilya.

And only when after the revolution of the seventeenth year he emigrated and got into Europe, and then to America without means of existence, he first began to work for the first time in his life. The age of more than mature. Here, the genes of the father-thinker and workers were useful - Mother. Ilya began to write lectures and promote the work of the Father.

Despite his gifts, Ilya did not graduate from the gymnasium and entered the military service at Sumy Dragun Regiment.

The first marriage is married (from February 28, 1888) in Sofier Nikolaevna Philosophical (1867-1934). Their kids:

He worked alternately, then a bank employees, the agent of the Russian social insurance company, the agent to eliminate private estates.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Ilya Lvovich settled with his wife Sofia and children in Kaluga, buying a house in the city center. Sophia Nikolaevna, in order to somehow correct the financial position of the family, in 1909 went to work in the private women's gymnasium Salol, where he had a choir in girls III-V classes

During the First World War, he worked in the Red Cross. I tried to become a journalist, in 1915 I founded the New Russia newspaper.

In 1916, Ilya Lvovich left Russia and went to the United States. In America, he married the theosophical of the hope of Clemetyevna Katulskaya (1920) (according to the first husband of Pashin).

He earned the lecture on the lectures on the work and the worldview of Tolstoy, took part in the screenings of the novels "Anna Karenina" and "Resurrection", which were unsuccessful.

Tolstoy Lion Lvovich.

(1869-1945), writer, sculptor.

It turned out to be the most talented, he was a musician and a portrait artist, an athlete, a cavalidist, was engaged in his own stories and stories.

Born in 1869 in the Casual Polyana in the family of the Russian writer Count Tolstoy.

He graduated from Polyvanovskaya Gymnasium, entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. I studied one year, moved to the historical and philological. At the 2nd year of the university went to the Samara province to organize the starving.

Since 1893, he developed a nervous disease, because he had to leave the university.

M. P. L. L. L. L. L. Tolstoy, hidden form of malaria and on February 14, 1895 placed it in his sanitary colony near Moscow.

After the end of the course of treatment, he left for Finland, and then in Sweden, where he finally cured from Dr. Ernst Westerlund (1839-1924), on whose daughter, Dore, in 1896 and married. Their kids:

  • Lion (1898-1900)
  • Paul (1900-1992), agronomist.
  • Nikita (1902-1992), Doctor of Philological and Economic Sciences, taught at Uppsa University.
  • Peter (1905-1970)
  • Nina (1908-1987)
  • Sophia (1908-2006), artist
  • Fedor (1912-1956)
  • Tatiana (1914-2007), artist
  • Daria (1915-1970)

The second marriage is with Mariana Nikolaev Solskaya. Child from this marriage:

Ivan (1924-1945)

He served as a rank in the 4th rifle of the imperial surname battalion, but soon he was released from military service.

He made his debut in the press in 1891 - Children's story "Monte Cristo" ("Spring", 1891, No. 4). After that, he published his articles and stories in North Verpene, a messenger of Europe, a new time and other publications. Later, some of the works were published by separate books. In 1899, he wrote the story of the "Prelude Chopin", in which he had half alarmed with the "Crazcene Sonata" of the Father.

Also engaged in music, portrait painting and sculpture. In 1908-1909, he studied sculpture in Paris with the famous Auguge Rodin.

Fat Maria Lvovna .

(1871-1906) buried in p. Kočaki Krapivsky County (Sovr. Tul. Region, Shchekinsky district, der. Kočaki). From 1897 married to Nikolai Leonidovich Obolensky (1872-1934)

I rewrote his manuscript and fulfilled other instructions of the Father, increasingly replacing Sophia Andreevna. In childbirth with Masha Sophia Andreevna was at death. The girl was born painful. She has two years old, and his father writes about her: "Very smart and ugly." This is despite the fact that the blonde hair is wound, and the blue eyes are huge. For the genius of Tolstoy, this two-year-old child is "one of the riddles", "will suffer, will find nothing; But it will be forever to look for the most inaccessible. " But he ... I was wrong.

In the fifth child, Masha, there was a force that tamed the Terrible Father. None of the children bold him to kiss - Masha was bother. No one dare stroke his hand - only Masha. Everyone look at it from below. And only Masha showed an incredible courage. It is silent to him, silently kisses, says affectionate word, and the wrinkles of the Father will speak. She saw one in the "lump" of a simple, ordinary man who in the soul is waiting for the most ordinary: to regret it and asked: "Dad, are you tired?"

"Some of us would have come out of something unnatural," then Ilya will write, "and she came out simply and heartily." Father expected that she would not find anything in life. " It will not penetrate the mystery of the meaning of life, and the Genius Machines are the main thing. She never fought with anyone. The smallest and fragile of the sisters, she went with Baba to collect the hay and tied the wounds to their children. She knew how to go to his father, and to mother, to brothers and sisters. All her family loved everything! Of all the children, she did not occupy one in the religious and class war of Lion Nikolayevich and Sofia Andreevna drawing side. She just lived next to them and knew how to remove the voltage of the constant battle. Other children will say Ilya Lvovich, loved her father no less. Moreover, Masha got father, sensitive and responsive conscience. But it was this cons "that she suggested that she had to not fight for her principles, but to embody them on his own example. It is amazing that Lev Nikolayevich with Masha has no pedagogically experimented. EDUCATION Her and Education was more natural, without much pressure from parents. Masha has always stood up for those who fell some complaints. Fair or unfair - anyway. And in this compassion for people, outside of any condemnation, and its real religiosity affected. "Masha was able to pacify everyone," say Ilya after her death. She died at the age of thirty-four as a result of lung inflammation, in 1906. Four years before the death of the father.

Tolstoy Peter Lvovich.

Born on June 13, 1872 in Casual Polyana, died on November 9, 1873. Buried on the Kochakovsky cemetery.

Tolstoy Nikolai Lvovich.

Born on April 22, 1874 in Casual Polyana, died on February 20, 1875. Buried on the Kochakovsky cemetery.

Thick barbarian lvovna.

Born and died in November 1875 in Casual Polyana. Buried on the Kochakov cemetery.

Tolstoy Andrey Lvovich.

(1877-1916), official for special instructions at the Tula Governor.

The volunteer went to the Russian-Japanese war, where he was injured and received the St. George cross for courage.

Andrei was a man of a gusty and passionate. Everyone loved him for the generosity, simplicity, kindness and nobility, even those who did not approve of his violent behavior. Brave and confident in herself, he switched on a walking Volga from one shore to another during the ice plant.

A passionate hunter, loving horses, may be more than people, he bred the famous Breed of Orlovsky Rysakov. Gentle and soft, like a child, he could easily chase, be cruel, even rude. But always repent. One day, angry at the cook, who spoiled dinner, he hit him in the face, but after a few seconds, having crazy his act, gave him 100 rubles to forgive him, this amount was ten times more than his monthly salary.

He loved his mother very much, who adored him and forgiving him everything. He loved his father, but was afraid of him; It did not prevent him from the most young years to defend his views.

He believed that if he was a nobleman, then should use all the privileges and all the advantages of the nobility. He applied to everyone who was below his rank, at you, while his father with all was on you, with the exception of youthful friends.

Of all the passions, Andrei Women were always in the first place. Gifted from nature exceptional temperament, he is from fifteen years old, to the great chagrin of his father, disappeared the days and nights in the village of Clear Polyana.

Andrei was not eighteen years old when he declared his intention to marry a peasant from the village. He threw his studies in the gymnasium, spent whole nights in Gypsy, led a scattered lifestyle.

He led a stormy lifestyle, he spent a lot of money, made debts, sent to the mother of telegrams with the requirement of large amounts of money, then went to the Caucasus. In Tiflis in the summer, he met Georgian prince Elena Gurieli, fell in love with her, made her an offer, then returned to Moscow, where I met Olga Dieterichs, which was also falling in love. The daughter of General, Zolovka Chertkova, a follower of Lion Tolstoy, she was beautiful, smart, formed and passionate by the ideas of Tolstoy.

Charmated, like everyone else, the charm of Andrei, she married him on January 8, 1899 in Tula.

During the first two years of marriage, the spouses were happy. Thanks to the beneficial influence of his wife, Andrei calmed down.

Two children were born from this union: Sonya in 1900 and Ilya in 1903. But the marital soon became a flour for them. Characters them no longer approached each other. In 1904, Andrei became interested in Anna Tolmacheva, the daughter of General Sobolev, she replied to him. The wife, having learned about this connection, went with children to England to the sister. Andrei, finally confused, broke with Anna and went to the Russian-Japanese war.

Andrei was wounded at war, he received the St. George cross for courage and returned to a clear clearing.

In 1907, he entered the service official of special instructions at the Tula Governor Mikhail Viktorovich Artsimovich

Andrei fell in love with his wife, not very beautiful, older than him for several years. They inspired each other such a reckless passion that she went to Andrei, leaving a house desperate her husband and six children.

He went to England to the first wife and divorced her. Three months later, he married Arzyimovich and settled with her in the magnificent estate of Toptykovo.

Marriage was relatively happy, they had a daughter of Maria in 1908.

Andrei business flourished. The equestrian plant and the management of the estate on new methods brought him substantial income to which a good salary was added, which he received as a high-ranking official in the Ministry of the Interior in St. Petersburg.

He fell ill in February 1916 in St. Petersburg, the general blood infection took him into the grave. The funeral was lush and great. He was conceited at the Nikolsky cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

With the grandchildren of Sonya and Ilya in cracks

L. N. Tolstoy tells the tale about cucumber grandchildren Ilyusha and Sona, 1909, Krekshino, photos of V. G. Chertkov. Sophia Andreevna Tolstaya in the future - the last wife Sergei Yesenin

Tolstoy Mikhail Lvovich.

(1879-1944) playedly played on balalaica, harmonica, piano, he composed romances.

Mikhail was a child calm, healthy, cheerful, full of life and hate disputes. Mother was engaged in her upbringing more than father

As all children and Mishe, Lev Nikolayevich gave the lessons of gymnastics, horse riding, putting him addiction to sports.

In Moscow, a ten-year-old Misha was recorded in the private gymnasium of Polyvanov, where he became friends with Peter Glebov. He invited him to his home on the weekly dance lessons, where Mikhail met Lina, Sister Petit. Lina and Misha had a big sympathy to each other. Misha immediately fell in love. The next day he said Pet: "Your sister will be my wife."

The famous singing miracle of the monastery was invited to the solemn wedding in the Kremlin on January 31, 1901.

Before the revolution, their lives looked like the life of the landowners, which Tolstoy described in his novels. For 10,000 rubles, Mikhail bought a thousand hectares of land in the chief of the chief4 and actively began to manage the economy.

The family has increased rapidly. In 1901, Ivan was born, then eight more children, from which two died in childhood. Tanya, Lyuba, Die Little, Twins Vladimir and Alexander, Peter, Misha, Sergei and Sonya Last, Born in 1915. Profit from the estate almost enough for a secured lifestyle: an apartment in Moscow, teachers, German and French governess, numerous servants.

He took up entrepreneurial activities. For this purpose, he traveled almost the whole of Central Russia, learned to understand her, loved the customs, morals, folk costumes, shaped and bright popular tongues.

After a while, he went to Morocco to his sons Vladimir and Peter and to the daughter of Tanya, who was married to Alexander Konstantinovich Lviv.

Vladimir, who had just received a diploma of the architect, worked at Buaye, building a hotel "Marhab" on the Atlantic coast. Petya was a topographer. Alexander Lviv, who serves in the Ministry of Agriculture Morocco, was first working at Reno's factory, then the taxi driver, then he went to learn, received a diploma of agronomist at Gygnon School.

Seryozha lived in Paris one. Having completed the Medical Faculty at the Pasteur Institute, married in January 1sh7 at Olga Celebova.

He wrote memories of his life in a family circle, not condemning anyone: neither mother, no father.

At the end of 1943 in the Rustic House, the attack of malaria and terrible fatigue chained him to bed. October 19 at six o'clock in the evening he took a deep breath and died in the hospital in Rabat. (Morocco)

He had a rare gift to call to himself a pleasant and most unexpected people, starting with a simple Kabak, Araba, or a Jew with a market, who endowed him the gift of providence, to the most refined representatives of the bourgeoisie and nobility. A brilliant secular man, he was his own in any society, he knew how to lead so well a conversation with people, creating such an atmosphere in which everyone could show himself from the best side.

His courageous and strong character was not free from weaknesses, his love for life did not defend him from the temptations who defeated him, but his absolute and intellectual honesty saved him from the slightest lowness. He was the nobility itself.

Tolstoy Alexey Lvovich.

Born on October 31, 1881 in Moscow, died on January 18, 1886. Buried in the cemetery with. Nikolsky near Pokrovsky-Streshnev near Moscow, from 1932 - on the Kochakovsky cemetery.

Thick Alexander Lvovna.

Alexandra, was the support and support of Leo Nikolayevich in the last years of his life, when he almost did not communicate with Sofia Andreevna. She is the main enemy of the mother and a companion of the Father, a real "sweatshirt", suffered a tuberculosis and survived.

Received a wonderful home education. In the family, the girl was called Sasha. Her mentors were governess and older sisters who were doing more with her than Sofia Andreevna. Father as a child also communicated with her little.

When Alexander turned 16 years old, her rapprochement occurred with his father. Since then, she has devoted all her life to him. Performed the secretarial work, wrote under the dictation of his father's diary, masterfully substnography, machine gun. According to the will of Tolstoy Alexander Lvivna received copyrights of the literary heritage of the Father .

At the very beginning of the First World War, she graduated from the courses of her mercy sisters and left voluntarily to the front, served on the Caucasian ministry and the North-West Fronts (Head of the Military Medical Difference). On November 21, 1915, the Chief Committee of the Commissioning Survey of Patients and Wounded (VIS) elected Alexander Tolstoy his authorized. Alexandra Lvovna worked almost without rest. He was awarded the St. George Medal of the4th and 3rd degrees. It was wounded. After the October Revolution of 1917, Tolstoy did not want to reconcile with the new power, which severely pursued the devise. As a passionate human rights activist, Alexander Lvovna could not be silent and openly opposed violence.

In 1920, the HCC was arrested, was the defendant in the case of the Tactical Center in the Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal. It was sentenced to three years of conclusion, which was serving in the camp of the Novospass Monastery. Thanks to the petition of the peasants of the Casual Polyana, she was released early in 1921, she returned to his native estate, and after the corresponding decree, the Museum became the Keeper. He organized a cultural and educational center in a clear clearer, opened school, hospital, pharmacy.

In 1924, slanderous articles about Alexander Lvovna began to appear in the press, in which she was accused of misunderstanding. In 1929 he left the Soviet Union, left for Japan, then in the United States.

Abroad, she spoke with lectures on father in many universities. In 1939, he organized and headed by the help of Russian refugees to the Tolstovsky Fund, whose branches are now in many countries.

In 1941, she adopted US citizenship.

In subsequent years, she helped many Russian emigrants. In 1952, he headed the Public Council of the Chekhov publishing house established in New York.

In November 1956, during the introduction of troops in Hungary on a mass rally in "Madison-Square-Garden", Alexandra Tolstaya spoke in Russian with a call, which was transferred by Radio Liberty in the Soviet Union, Alexander Tolstoy was removed from all photographs and newsreel, Her name was not mentioned in notes and memoirs, sightseeing stories and museum expositions.

Died on September 26, 1979 in Wall Cottage (New York) aged 95 years.


From memories. 1931-1933. Paris. // Modern notes. - 1920.

About the departure and death of L. N. Tolstoy. - Tula, 1928.

Pre-regulatory fog. Novel. // New Journal (New York). - 1942. - № 1, 2, 3. (Neokonch.)

Father. Lion Lion Tolstoy. - New York, 1953.

Glimpses in darkness. - Washington, 1965.

Daughter. - London, 1979.

Tolstoy Ivan Lvovich.

(March 31, 1888 in Moscow, in the Khamovnic House-1895) very similar to the lion of Nikolayevich and Masha, the same blond and light-eyed, gentle, very clean, crucible child. When him, the heir of a clear clearing, who deceased from Scarletin, buried, Lev Nikolaevich said: "This is hopeless grief." Ilya Lvovich, already an older man, will make this conclusion: that if only Masha and Vanya, the most beloved, and father and mother, and the wife were alive, and his father would not part!

Tolstoy taught the Son to speak, read, he himself read the fairy tales, who Vanechka repeatedly retells with invented new details. A great success in the family used the books of Jules Verne, who liked Tolstoy primarily as a skillful popularizer of knowledge.

Read and write Vanechka studied on the "alphabet" of Tolstoy, who still lies on the table in his children's room of Moscow at home. He showed great abilities when studying foreign languages: in 6 years he has fluently owned English, he understood French and German languages. He loved to draw, was very musher, plastic, well dancing.

From time to time, Tolstoy put more and more complex tasks before the son: Vanechka himself must clean his bed, a table, toys, not difficult to nanny.

This child was a congenital sense of justice. He could not carry when he was angry with him. He always burned for his sister Sasha if the older brothers were offended her, burned for the nanny, when Mom was angry with her.

Vanya loved to write letters very much - first under dictation, then his relatives and loved ones. He possessed the undoubted gift of the artistic imagination, like a small storyteller, telling about the events and experiences of his children's life. This bright, the bright world of children's life was lost his paints when Vanya was sick. He sick often. 1895 became tragic in the life of a fatty family. Since the beginning of the year, Vanechka has impass all the time. February 20, he sick scarlet. February 23, 1895 Vanya Tolstoy died. He was 6 years old, 10 months and 22 days from the family.

Sons of Leo Tolstoy, 1903

His senior sons Sergey and Ilya, Daughter Tatyana and Alexander left after themselves memoirs, which were translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

As of 2010, there were a total of more than 350 descendants of L. N. Tolstoy (including both the living and those who already died) who lived in 25 countries of the world. Most of them are the descendants of the 10 children of Lev Lvovich Tolstoy, the third son of Lev Nikolayevich. Starting from 2000, once every two years in the Casual Polyana are the meetings of the writer's descendants.

Family life Tolstoy was not idyll. But the first years of the Union was happy: "Remember, I somehow wrote to you that people are mistaken, waiting for some such happiness, in which there are no works, no deceptions, no grief, and everything goes smoothly and happily. I'm then I was wrong: there is such happiness, and I live in it for the third year, and every day it is done evenly and deeper. And materials from which this happiness is built, the most ugly - children who (to blame) are laughing and screaming, wife who feeds One, drives the other and every minute reproaches me that I do not see that they are both on the edge of the coffin, and paper and ink, through which I describe events and feelings of people who have never happened ... "

For many years, Marriage Sophia gave birth to her husband thirteen children, the first of which appeared 10 months after the wedding, and the last - 26 years later.

Family L.N. Tolstoy on one of the anniversary of the marriage:

Senior Son, Sergey, was born on June 28, 1863 in Casual Polyana. "Senior blonde, isolated; there is something weak and patient in expression and very meek. When he laughs, he does not infect, but when he cries, I hardly hold out to not cry. Everyone says that he looks like my older Brother ... Seryozha The smart - the mathematical mind - and a bit to the art, learns perfectly, leaving ledgers; but Gauche and scattered. There is little original in it; it depends on the physical, "- wrote about the nine son's father.
Although Sergey Lvovich graduated from the Physics and Mathematical Department of Moscow University, he became a composer and a musical ethnographer. After the revolution was a professor of the Moscow Conservatory, left memoirs about the father and died in 1947.

For the year younger than him was Tatiana, known later as dryly thick. "Tanya is 8 years old. If she was Adam's eldest daughter and there would be no children less than her, she would have an unhappy girl," Tolstoy said about her daughter. - The best pleasure to mess around with small ... Her dream is now conscious - have children ... She does not like to work with the mind, but the head of the head is good. She will be a wonderful woman if God gives her husband. " Tatiana loved art, studied in the school of painting, sculpture and architecture in Moscow, and N.Ga wrote her: "I am glad that you want to do art. Your abilities are big, but know that the abilities without love do nothing will do anything" . Like Sergey, Tatiana had one child, the truth is not a son, and the daughter named after Tanya's mother (Sergey's son was also Sergey).

About Son Ilya (1866 - 1933) Lev Nikolayevich prophetically responded: "Broad, Bel, Rumyan, shining. Loves badly. Always thinking about what he is not told to think. Games invents himself. Neat, thrifty," mine "for him It is very important. Hot and Violent (impusty), now fight; but also gentle, and it is very sensitive. Sensing - loves to eat and lie calmly ... Everything unauthorized has the beauty for him ... Ilya will die if he won't be strict and his favorite leader. "
The gymnasium Ilya with all his talents (and his father believed that the third child had a literary gift) and did not finish, in search of a call, rushing from the military to the Bank's employee, during the First World War I tried to become a journalist, and in 1916 I emigrated to the United States. Ilya had eight children (all from the first marriage, concluded in Russia). By the way, his lug (his granddaughter of one of the sons) is Anna (Focla) thick, journalist and TV presenter.

"Pretty: deft, lusty, graceful. Any dress is sitting, as she is sewn. All that others do, he and he, and everything is very clever and good," these words of the writer treated the Third Son, Lev Lvovich (1869- 1945). Capable, then entering the medical faculty, then turning on historical and philological, he was seriously engaged in literature and arts (sculpture, for example, studied at O. Emina). Once also a young lion, sent to the health recovery in Finland, advised a great Swedish doctor. The doctor had not only really extensive knowledge in medicine, but also a pretty daughter with which the patient soon married. From this union, however, in the 1920s, the broken, and the pretty large Swedish branch of the family of Tolstoy went.

Mary, born in 1871, was perhaps the most beloved daughter of Tolstoy, responding about her: "Weak, painful child. Like milk, white body, curly white hair; large, strange, blue eyes: strange in deep, serious expression. Very smart and ugly. It will be one of the riddles. Will suffer, will search, it will not find anything; but will forever look out the most inaccessible. " At the age of 26, she married Nikolai Obolensky, his three-core brother, and 35 died. The reason is different sources in different ways: not from inflammation of the lungs, not something - from the typhoid. "I live and often remember the last minutes of Masha (I don't want to call it Masha, so it's just the name of that creature that left me)," writing some time len Nikolaevich in the diary. And four years later he followed her, according to eyewitnesses, exclaiming: "Masha! Masha!"

His next three children, Chet Tolsty lost over two years. In 1873, a two-way Peter died. Sofya wrote sister: "He suffered, it seems, little, I slept a lot during the disease, and there was nothing even terrible, or convulsion, no torment, and for that thank God. And even then I consider the mercy that smaller, and Not one of the elders. There is nothing to say, but it's still heavy, this loss ... has passed ten days, and I go to everything as lost, I'm waiting to hear, how fast legs run and how to customize his voice from afar. Nothing The child was not so tied to me and no one shine so fun and so kindness. In all the sad hours, at all moments of rest after the teachings of children, I took it to myself and amused them ... And now everything is left, but all the joy , all the fun of life ... And now went again our life in the old way, and only for me one ground is joyful light in our house, - the light that I gave me a cheerful, loving Dobryak Peter and who covered all my sad moments .. . ". In February, 1875, Nikolai was followed by Nikolai, and in November, causing pregnant Sophia again, caught up for sick coughing. Premature birth followed and the girl appeared on the light, called Barbara, soon died.

About Andrei Tolstoy (1877 - 1916) Father, displeased with his second marriage on a woman who threw the sake of his beloved husband and governor and six children, said: "I don't want to love him, but I love because it is genuine and does not want to seem other" . Andrei Lvovich had three children, the eldest daughter (one of Wives S.Senin) was almost twenty years old was the director of Tolstovsky museums, and the son became founder of the world's first Dolphinarium and Messenger Roosevelt in Tibet.

Musically gifted Michael Tolstoy (1879-1944) The tendency to the sciences did not show, but was distinguished by the good temper and a good sense of humor. Instead of the university, he served in Cavalry, he married the father of Ninter, and in 1920 she moved abroad, changing countries: Turkey, Yugoslavia, France, Morocco ...

Alexey Tolstoy, born in 1881, died, without surviving the fifth birthday:

Alexandra Tolstaya (1884-1979) from childhood was characterized by a decisive and complex character. During the first world, she went to the front of the sister of mercy and so distinguished himself on this field, which was awarded in three St. George crosses. The youngest daughter, never married, she all gave the cause of his father's life, who gave her all the rights to his literary heritage. In 1920, Alexander was arrested and sentenced to three years of conclusion, but soon released to freedom and returned to a clear clearing, where he became the keeper of the museum. In 1929, due to the concentrated clouds, it was forced to go to Japan, from there moved to the United States, where she died in half a century later.

Alexandra and Mother, Portrait of N.Ga:

His last child - Ivan, who appeared in 1888, Lion Tolstoy adored. But Vanechka (so called it in the family) died from a stereo scarlet in 1895.

Valery Dmitrieva, researcher of the Museum of Museum-Manor "Clear Polyana", tells about the family customs and traditions of the Count of the Graphic Family.

Valeria Dmitrieva

Prior to acquaintance with Sofia Andreevna Lev Nikolayevich, at that time a young writer and enviable fiance, for several years I tried to find myself a bride. He was happy to take it in homes where girls were issued. He corresponded with many potential brides, watched, chose, appreciated ... And once a happy case brought him to the house of Berse, with whom he was familiar. Three daughters were brought up in this beautiful family: older Lisa, middle Sonya and younger Tanya. Lisa was passionately in love with Tolstoy Count. The girl did not hide her feelings, and the surrounding already considered the fat fiance of the eldest of the sisters. But Lev Nikolayevich had a different opinion.

The writer himself experienced tender feelings to Sona Bers, what he hinted in his famous message.

At the Liver Table, the graph wrote the first letters of three sentences: "V. m. and p. p. from. g. n. m. m. s. and n. from. In c. from. from. l. in. n. m. and in. from. L. Z. m. with c. from. T. " Later, Tolstoy wrote that it was from this moment that his entire further life depended.

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy, photo 1868

According to his plan, Sophia Andreevna was supposed to solve the message. If it decrypts the text, it means that it is his fate. And Sophia Andreevna realized that he meant Lev Nikolayevich: "Your youth and the need for happiness too vividly remind me of my old age and the impossibility of happiness. In your family there is a false look at me and your sister Lisa. Protect me with your sister Tanechka. " She wrote that it was providence. By the way, later this moment Tolstoy described in the novel "Anna Karenina". It was the chalk at the Liver Table Konstantin Levin encrypted the Kitty proposal of his arms and hearts.

Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya, 1860s

Happy Lion Nikolaevich wrote a proposal of his hand and hearts and sent him to Bersem. And the girl, and her parents answered consent. The modest wedding took place on September 23, 1862. The couple marked in Moscow, in the Kremlin Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Immediately after the ceremony, Tolstoy asked the young wife, as she wants to continue a family life: whether to go to the honeymoon abroad, whether to stay in Moscow with their parents or move to a clear clearer. Sophia Andreevna replied that he would immediately want to start a serious family life in a clear glade. Later, the Countess often regretted his decision and how early her devotees ended and that she had never been so anywhere.

In the fall of 1862, Sofya Andreevna moved to live in the manor of her husband's clear clearing, this place was her love and her destiny. The first 20 years of life both remember as very happy. Sophia Andreevna looked at her husband with adoration and admiration. He treated her with great tenderness, tremble and love. When Lev Nikolaevich left for business from the manor, they always wrote each other's letters.

Lev Nikolaevich:

"I am glad that this day was entertaining me, otherwise I was already scared for you and sad. It is funny to say: how I left, so I felt how terribly left you. - Farewell, dumb, be Painka and write. 1865 July 27. Warrior. "

"How do you mile me; How much you better, cleaner, honest, more expensive, the nail of everyone in the world. I look at your children's portraits and glad. 1867 June 18. Moscow. "

Sophia Andreevna:

"Leav, darling honey, I wanted to see you terribly at that moment, and again in Nikolsky drink tea under the winds, and run on foot to Alexandrovka and again live our cute life at home. Goodbye, dumb, cute, firmly kiss you. Write and take care of yourself, this is my will. July 29, 1865 "

"My dear leav, survived the whole day without you, and with such a joyful heart I get to write to you. This present and best of my consolation to write to you even about the most insignificant things. June 17, 1867 "

"This is such a work to live in the world without you; All is not that, everything does not seem like that. I did not want to write anything like you, yes so broke. And so everything is closely, so petty, something is better, and this is the best - it's only you, and forever you are alone. September 4, 1869 "

Tolstoy adored to spend time the whole big family. They were great inventors, and Sophia Andreevna itself managed to create a special family world with his traditions. Most of all it was felt in the days of family holidays, as well as for Christmas, Easter, Trinity. They were very loved in a clear glade. Tolstoy went to the liturgy into the parish Nikolsk Church, located two kilometers south of the manor.

A tour of the festive dinker was served and a corona dish - Ankovsky Pie. His recipe Sophia Andreevna brought to a clear Polyana from his family, in which he handed him the doctor and friend Professor Anke.

The son of Tolstoy Ilya Lvovich recalls:

"Since I remember myself, in all solemn occasions of life, in big holidays and in the days of the name, always and invariably filed in the form of the" Ankove Pie "cake. Without this, dinner was not lunch and a celebration was not a celebration. "

Summer in the estate turned into an endless holiday with frequent picnics, tea drinking with jam and outdoor games. They played the crocketh and tennis, bathed in the funnel, ride boats. Successful musical evenings, homemade performances ...

Family of fat for the game in big tennis. From the album photos Sophia Andreevna Tolstoy

They often dinner in the yard, and the tea drank on the veranda. In the 1870s, Tolstoy brought the children such a fun as "giant steps". This is a big pillar with ropes attached at the top, on them - loop. One leg was inserted into the loop, the other was repelled from the ground and thus jumped. Children liked these "giant steps" that Sofya Andreevna recalled how it was difficult to tear them away from fun: the children did not want to eat or sleep.

In 66 years, Tolstoy began to ride a bike. The whole family was worried about him, wrote him letters to leave this dangerous occupation. But the count said that he was experiencing sincere children's joy and in no case would not leave the bike. Lev Nikolayevich even studied in a motorway ride on a bicycle, and the city-Skye gave him a ticket with a permit to ride through the streets of the city.

Moscow city government. Ticket №2300 issued to a tolstoy to ride a bike through the streets of Moscow. 1896

In winter, Tolstoy hung on skates, Lev Nikolayevich very much loved this thing. No less than an hour spent on the rink, he taught sons, and Sophia Andreevna - daughters. Near the house in Khamovniki himself poured the rink.

Traditional homemade family entertainment: reading out loud and literary lotto. Excerpts were written on cards from works, it was necessary to guess the name of the author. In the late years, Tolstoy read the excerpt from Anna Karenina, he listened to and, without learning his text, he appreciated him.

In the family loved to play in the mailbox. All week, family members lowered the leaflets with jokes, poems or notes with what bothers them. On Sunday, the whole family sat down in a circle, opened the mailbox and read out loud. If these were humorous poems or storyors, tried to guess who could write it. If personal experiences - dealt. Modern families can take this experience in service, because we are now talking so little with each other.

To Christmas, Christ in the house was always put on Christmas tree. Decorations for her were prepared by themselves: gilded nuts, carved from the cardboard of animals figurines, wooden dolls, dressed in different costumes, and much more. The estate was organized in the estate, in which Lev Nikolayevich, and Sophia Andreevna, and their children, and guests, and yard, and peasant guys took part.

"At Christmas of 1867, we wished to make a Christmas tree with the British of Khanna. But Lev Nikolayevich did not love either the trees, nor any festivals and strictly forbidden to buy toys to children. But the Hannah and I have scored permission on the Christmas tree and for us to be allowed to buy Sergei only a horse, and Thane only a doll. We decided to call the courtyard, and peasant children. For them, we are except for different sweet things, gilded nuts, gingerbread and other things that bought wooden skeleton-dolls, and dressed them in a wide variety of costumes, to the great delight of our children ... A person gathered 40 guys from the courtyard and from the village, and for children and I was You can happily hand out all the trees. "

Dolls-Skeletins, English Pudding (Pudding, Light Roma, lit during the filing on the table), Masquerade become an integral part of the Christmas holidays in a clear glade.

The rapidation of children in the Tolstoy family was mainly engaged in Sophia Andreevna. The children wrote that Mama spent most of the time, but they were very respected by their father and were very pleasant. His word was the last and decisive, that is, the law. Children wrote if fourth needed on something, it was possible to approach the mother and ask. It will ask for detail what you need, and with persuasion to spend gently give money. And it was possible to approach the father who would simply look at stop, he would look around and says: "Take on the table." He watched so penetrating that everyone preferred to ask for money from the mother.

Lev Nikolayevich and Sofia Andreevna Tolsty in the circle of family and guests. September 1-8 1892

A lot of money in the family of thick was spent on the formation of children. All of them got a good home primary education, and the boys then studied in the Tula and Moscow gymnasiums, but only the eldest son Sergei Tolstoy graduated from the university.

The most important thing is what the children in the family taught in the family, be sincere, good people and feel good to each other.

In marriage, Lev Nikolayevich and Sofia Andreevna were born 13 children, but only eight of them lived to adult age.

The very heavy loss for the family was the death of the last son of Vanechka. When the baby was born, Sophie Andreevna was 43 years old, Lero Nikolayevich - 59 years.

Vanya Tolstoy

Vanya was a real peacemaker and his love merged the whole family. Lev Nikolayevich and Sophia Andreevna loved him very much and worried untimely death from Scarlantine who did not live up to seven years of the youngest son.

"Nature tries to give the best and, seeing that the world is not ready for them, takes them back ...", "Tolstoy said such words after the death of Vanechka.

In recent years, Lev Nikolayevich felt badly and often gave a native reason for serious concern. In January 1902, Sophia Andreevna wrote:

"My leav is dying ... And I realized that and my life could not stay in me without him. Social year I live with him. For all he is a celebrity, for me he is all my existence, our lives went alone in another, and, my God! How much urgency accumulated, repentance ... It's all over, you will not return. Help, Lord! How many love, tenderness I gave him, but how much my weaknesses were upset to him! Sorry, Lord! Sorry, my cute, cute dear husband! "

But Tolstoy understood the whole life, what kind of treasure it got. A few months before death, in July 1910, he wrote:

"The rating of your life with me is this: I, depraved, deeply vicious man in sex, no longer the first youth, married you, clean, good, smart 18-year-old girl, and despite this is my dirty, the vicious past you Almost 50 years old lived with me, loving me, labor, hard life, burning, feeding, raising, causing children and after me, not leaving those temptations that could so easily grab every woman in your position, strong, healthy, beautiful. But you lived so that I have nothing to reproach you. "

On August 28, the old style (and on September 9, in a new style) marks 190 years since the birth of the great Russian writer Lion Tolstoy. Creative heritage is truly invalid. However, there were quite real real heirs - children born in marriage with Sophia Andreevna Bers. Of the 13 children of the writer to adult, they lived only 8. How did their destinies and what stop did they leave in history and literature?

Sergey Lvovich Tolstoy, born in 1863

The firstborn extremely pleased with his father with his talents and similarity with the eldest brother of the writer, Nikolai Nikolayevich. Aza science he got at home, later passed the exams on the certificate of maturity in the Tula gymnasium. From the walls of Moscow University, he came out with the rank of candidate of science, brilliantly defending the work on heavy oil oils. In parallel, it was improved in music, mastering not only the technology of the game, but also the theory, harmony, a Russian song.

Sergey Lvovich Tolstoy.

Sergey Lvovich became famous as a talented composer, a musical ethnographer and the author of articles and methodical materials. He was a professor at the Moscow Conservatory. After the father's heritage was preserved, he wrote memoirs and articles about the role of music into the life of Lion Tolstoy under the pseudonym S. Brodinsky. Every summer spent in a clear glade. He was married twice, Son Sergey was born in the first marriage.

Sergey Lvovich died in 84 years in Moscow.

Tatyana Lvovna Suchotina (in the greatness of fat), born in 1864.

Lion Tolstoy wrote about extremely closeness with Tatiana and about her ability to create a fun friendly atmosphere around him.

Tatiana studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Boyania and Architecture. Subsequently wrote about 30 graphic portraits of the Father. Inheriting writer talent from him, published his own diary, which he led from 14 years old, a number of essays and memories. There was a house-museum of the Tolstoy Museum.

1870. Children of Leo Nikolayevich: Ilya, Lev, Tatiana and Sergey. / Photo: From the Nemorior Foundation Museum-Manor "Clear Polyana", counteratp with photos of F. I. Khodasevich,

In 1925, emigrated with the daughter of Tatiana, born in marriage with Mikhail Sukhotin, the leader of the county nobility and a member of the First State Duma.

Tatyana Lvovna died in 85 years in Rome.

Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, born in 1866

Ilya delivered a lot of trouble to parents in childhood, diligently disrupting the prohibitions and not showing talent to the sciences. However, it was his lion Tolstoy considered the most gifted literary. The gymnasium to graduate did not succeed, was in military service, after she worked as an official, the agent to eliminate estates, served in the bank. Later he became a journalist, founded the newspaper, but recognition received after emigration to America. There, his writings were printed in various editions, but he received the main income to reading the lectures on the work of the Father.

L.N. Tolstoy with the son of Ilya Lvovich. 1903

Twice was married, in the first marriage with Sophia philosophical, seven children appeared. Died in 67 years in America from oncological disease.

Lion Lvovich Tolstoy, born in 1869

The third son of the writer was closer with his mother, he didn't inherit himself. Later always took the side of the mother in family conflicts. Lion Lvovich wrote about himself, as a very controversial, and Sophia Andreevna marched his nervousness and lack of cheerfulness.

Lion Lvovich Tolstoy.

Not a special zeal in the sciences, nevertheless compensated by the writing of the gift, musicality and artistic talent. Left his mark in history as the author of many works for children and memoirs about the father. From 1918 he lived in Sweden.

Twice was married, in the first marriage with expensive Westerlund, 10 children appeared on the world, in the second, one son was born with Mariana Solskaya. Died in Sweden, in 1945.

Maria Lvovna Obolenskaya (in Major Tolstaya), was born in 1871

Maria since childhood was a painful child. She is the only one of all children to whom the writer showed external signs of love, could be treated. The girl did not have a relationship with the mother, but from the ornament, she became a faithful assistant, the companion and the favorite of the Father. He was engaged in educational work, a lot of strength and health gave, helping the needy.

Died from pneumonia in 35 years in a clear glade.

Andrey Lvovich Tolstoy, born in 1877

In the upbringing of younger children, born after the death of Peter, Nikolai and Barbara, Lev Nikolayevich took little participation. It cannot be said that he does not love them, but he set down much less. Andrei was a pet favor. But the father was a lot of trouble his very free lifestyle, love for guilt and women. Andrei Lvovich did not show any special talents, participated in the Russian-Japanese war, was injured and the St. George Cross for courage. After the post of a high-ranking official.

Andrei Lvovich Tolstoy.

He was married twice, he had from two marriages three children. Died as a result of sepsis aged 39 years in Petrograd. Shortly before the death saw a proper dream, which was attended by his own funeral.

Mikhail Lvovich Tolstoy, born in 1879

Music gifold and the desire to compose music did not find further his reflection in Mikhail's life. He chose the path of the military, participated in the First World War. In 1920, emigrated. In recent years, I lived in Morocco, where his Mitya Tivherin, who was the memories of Mikhail Lvovich about life in a clear glade was written. He was married, 9 children were born in marriage.

Died in Morocco in 65 years.

Alexandra Lvovna Tolstaya, was born in 1884

The younger daughter of the writer has already cope with the work of the Personal Secretary of the Father. Many noted her giftedness and serious attitude to life. He took part in the First World War as a sister of mercy, was the head of the military medical detachment.

Alexandra Lvovna Tolstaya.

In 1920, he was arrested and convicted for three years, after early release, he returned to a clear glade, where in 1924 he became the custodian of the museum, in parallel with the educational work. Emigrated to America in 1929. Actively advocated lectures, wrote the memories of the Father, created and headed the Tolstov Foundation. Helped Russian emigrants to be equipped in the United States.

For the anti-Soviet statements, her name was forbidden to mention even during museum excursions, photographic materials and a newsreel with her participation were removed from exposures.
Died in 95 years in America.