Standard interview with Tina Kandelaki. Tina Kandelaki: "I don't want to be an ordinary woman interview with Tina Kandelaki Last

Standard interview with Tina Kandelaki. Tina Kandelaki: "I don't want to be an ordinary woman interview with Tina Kandelaki Last

"We are not a trivial couple. There were partners in business, together developed. There are some spheres in which the spouse is interested to make decisions. And there are those in which he will gladly delegate this right to me, "Kandelaki admits.

Tina's meeting was appointed in the workplace in the telecentratus "Ostankino". The general producer of "Match TV" ended the meeting.

- You are already over a year and a half on the channel. And remember your first planer on the "TV match"?

Of course I remember. When I was only led to the channel, I immediately got to meet with employees. From that beginning.

- And how did the male team met you?

Expected. We look and love sports in our country in your own way. Mostly in sports women love if they are athletes. And in other qualities, they are quite difficult to perceive, although Anna Dmitrieva was one of the founders of sports television in our country (legendary tennis player and telecommatto. - approx. "Antennas"), and this is an unshakable value. But then they are accustomed to what she is, and the rest of the leaders are men. In addition, do not forget: for some time I was absent on television. Yes, I have a bright biography. But few have understood what I am now. Those who contacted me in the "apostle" (Tina was co-owner of this company engaged in Pr. - approx. Antennas), knew about my workolism. As one employee told me, after I worked for a month on the channel, asked him: "And she really walks every day to work in" Ostankino "? So straight sits in the office? And what is he from her? " "Not the biggest, but the most common," he replied. How much is the total meters here - 30, including a negotiation? We have one room for two Cabinet with a creative producer. And I do not complain. I have a creative atmosphere here. And it is cool. Television does not tolerate large cabinets, managers torn off from their colleagues. We have in a good way "open doors". All come with their suggestions and ideas, visit guests after the air on the "Match TV". We have the opportunity quickly and on site to discuss all questions and problems - near the studios, and news service, and producers.

- That is, right so any employee can enter the Tinea Kandelaki?

Sure. Everyone knows: ASK-3 (Studios complex in Ostankino, where the "Match TV" is located. - Approx. Antennas) invites. And when the employee told his comrade about how we sit here from early morning and was late, he was very surprised. For many well-known people, stereotypes work - I'm already accustomed to. I think that the result must be proven by affairs. Less empty conversations are more business.

- Do you really sit late?

Differently. When large sports competitions go, I am here in the morning to night. During the Olympics in Rio and Euro 2016, I was in ASK-3 by day. On ordinary days it happens that I finish early, it happens later. Yesterday I went home at nine in the evening. Television is not just a job, but a lifestyle. And when on the channel on the ether, news releases, then you are in touch from early morning. The first esmasks come to me at 7:00. We are the larks. Usually, my early morning begins with answers to urgent morning SMS and letters.

- And yet I had to change the opinion of myself?

I had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe lead. And leading - who? Egoist. That is why it is not always becoming a good producer. The story knows only one example - Konstantin Ernst, unique in his time the leading program "Mator", which became one of the main producers in our country. Why change difficult? In the frame, everyone should work on you and your ego: from the grimer to the director. And when you become a producer, then you serve the whole process. Many athletes, heads of federations, I persecute personally to come as a guest to the "Match TV" studio. You would never have ever seen so much documentary cinema, exclusive, such football stars, like Valery Karpin (ex-coach of Moscow "Spartacus"), Roman Shirokov and Dmitry Bulykin (former Russian national football team players), if our team led with all the dialogue. There are close people with whom I can negotiate in the morning so that they come to us on the canal in the evening. After all, we have a lot of live broadcast: someone refused, fell ill. Producer must convince a huge number of people. After all, he is responsible for the final result. Do not have to kill.

List of "Forbes" - naive desire

- Long doubted when you were invited to the sports channel?

When Dmitry Chernyshenko (General Director of the Gazprom-Media Holding. - Approx. Antennas) invited me to the "Match TV", then I made several calls: Mom, my husband and Natalia Bilan. Mom was happy, as I knew that I had long been to try myself in a new quality. Therefore, left at one time from television. The husband also knew about my desire and supported me. I have a business experience and understanding of the mechanism for the interaction of various business processes aimed at obtaining a qualitative positive result for working in the largest PR agencies. Leading these mechanisms are difficult to understand. It is soft, like a clay that can embody any idea of \u200b\u200banother person. How many times there were: bad scripts, poorly removed, and the story fails. And in my career it happened. Four programs came out, and everything ended. So what? I was like a Tina Kandelaki, it remained. It didn't get better, no worse. After all, it was not my fault. And here you are like a producer you are responsible. In the sport, it is even more hypertrophy. So in the penalty, in an additional time or in Bulliths - in all this I am also to blame. Recently came the coach with an angry Tiraja: why we do not show the World Handball Championship, Match Russia - Slovenia. And you read the program TV program, everything is written there: the match stood in the program. But emotions in sports sometimes prevail: first, after all, it is necessary to check, but only then say. Apologized. And it happens, unfortunately, often. But I grew inside myself, probably, so it became interesting to bear this responsibility. Seven years was in business, that is, in a completely different quality.

With husband Vasil Brovko

- Do not feel sorry for these seven years?

It was a very interesting period. We made curious projects, starting with the brand of the state corporation "Rostech", ending with the promotion of the Kalashnikov machine gun. I am proud of it. What success "Kalashnikov" achieved: entering the American market, a powerful marketing campaign. All this would probably be in another quality embodied with another result, do not be brand who made our team. Many and do not remember that this we were doing these projects.

- What is the dream to get to the top ten of the rich "Forbes"? Goodbye?

I was in her as highly paid presenter. This is a very naive desire. It is important not to get into the list "Forbes", but to have tools to implement your ideas. People who in their lives did not even earn a million dollars think how cool to get them cool. When I said it, did not possess special experience. I had the first few million, which I earned on my creative activity.

- Is you a profitable contract with a cosmetic brand?

Yes, I was and remain the only Russian star from which such a contract was concluded. I thought then that we need to fix the amount of money. Yes, fasten, of course, it is necessary. But you need to develop yourself and your ideas. Look at the brand Zuckerberg ... no one at one time did a bet, but he reached his own. Therefore, today I would like to manage enough money to implement those ideas that I have. And I will be either not in the list "Forbes", in general, no role is playing.

- Is it important for you to constantly develop? This is moving ...

Yes, I already have a warehouse of nature. Forever young. Recently, when Valeria Karpina congratulated on his birthday, he told him: "We had to be born on the day of youth with you." I once passed the Hogan test - a fashionable study, which is carried out when taken to work: Come on or not to the desired position. So, I have a test showing stunning learningability. Graphs have shook. And it is true. I love to learn. This my motto can write it on his forehead and go on.

There are various types of managers, I saw them much by the nature of your activities in the same "apostle". There are those who like to surround themselves with more weak people, retinue. From the moment when I had more than a hundred people in my submission, I made one important thing: it is possible to develop a business or a company only when people who enter your team are your deputies, in a certain direction stronger than you. That's all. If you are stronger, then you will recheck them all the time. And why do you need, if you explain what to do? No need to be afraid to work with strong people. Yes, they will not agree with you in everything. Will argue. And I prove them that my decision is fair, or to recognize their rightness. This is a very interesting process of mutual learning.

- How do you react to criticism? I liked that you usually defend not yourself, and the company ...

I don't care what they say about me. Usually ask: how I treat Vasily Utkin, to Alexey Andronov, to other people who left our channel. When I was a TV host, it was important that I was loved. Love me, look at my program - it means that the rating grows, and I win. Now my task is to make people who come to the channel brought him benefits.

I will never comment

- 6 years ago, Dmitry Guberniev in his interview with "Antenna" said that the only woman with whom he could comment on football is Tina Kandelaki ...

I will never comment. Not interested. Everyone should do what he is best. The mass viewer of our country is not always ready to listen to a woman-commentator during a football broadcast. We are not Italy, where it is frequent practice. Moreover, a study was conducted: when a man looks at sports programs, a woman, even his beloved, he is not needed at all. She can, and is ready to make him a company. But men want to sit, relaxed at the TV, with nuts, with chips.

By the nature of activity - all. And so - football, boxing, fighting without rules. All I loved in childhood. Dad watched football, boxing. Plus, my husband is a football fan. Nothing new was added.

- Are you often chosen to the stadium?

If there is such an opportunity, I use it. This pleasure is a festive exit with family.

"If you drive your last name in the Internet search, then a combination of Tina Kandelaki and Fitness will come out in the first lines. Do you still have time to go to the hall?

In recent months, he was seriously sick, doctors were not allowed. And so yes, I am doing regularly in the morning, I will return to the gym after a week.

- I was asked to clarify me: Want to become a phytonish? We lost weight at 6 kilo ...

I'm not at that age to be "nursing." Thank you for you to believe in my eternal youth, try to maintain the form. But with my attitude to life and with the rest of the luggage, which accumulated in 41 years old, "Nishka" from me will definitely fail.

- The husband, too, are you addicted to fitness?

Vasily in the past candidate for the master of sports (football), he had no need to teach him. We laugh: when they just met, I was always angry that my husband was in front of Slemi's sports sites. Account to see, cutting ass. Now that he comes home, I look at all this with him. My husband says to me: "Of course, I could see everything, I get acquainted with you, but what will you hang on sports sites and we will watch them together, could not suggest. Well did not argue. " Life is a much more talented screenwriter than we are with you.

- Do children are engaged in sports?

Little. Syne Leontius was engaged in boxing, so it looks more on the TV Fighting: Fedor Emelyanenko, Habiba Nurmagomedova. The daughter of Melania, like many, visits the gym.

- Have time to reach at home, turn off the big chief mode?

Those who do not have time to switch are unbearable tyrants for home. I have a tendency to structuring and bringing everything to the system - I will not deliver. I want this desire from work to be moved to the house, but I am in my mind. I do not rush in extremes: the jump from Fitonish in Tirana, in Freken side - this is a jump in the abyss. I try not to make it. At that age, when it is possible to analyze my behavior, keeping sound assessment yourself and realizing that it is necessary to work on yourself.

- Who is the main family?

In the classical Georgian cliché, I certainly must answer that the husband. But let's make aware that we are not a trivial couple. There were partners in business, together developed. There are some spheres in which the spouse is interested to make decisions. And there are those in which he will gladly delegate this right to me. We are still partners, although in marriage it is dangerous, because such relationships can end well. Woman should be a woman, and a man is a man. And I do not confuse role. But my husband must understand that I am not an ordinary wife. Due to the fact that we know a lot about each other, I am ready to support and substitute your shoulder.

Now many men build relationships with their wives so that they do not want to talk at home with them about work. Many unequal marriages. He is 45, and she is 20, so he is unlikely to discuss strategic plans to seize the world. Vasily and I were together in business, the fact of the biography that would not throw out. Therefore, you used to consult each other. In addition, keep in mind that they met with him at that time when I changed my role and he grew up in the direction that later began to engage in. We complemented each other and supported. Acquaintance began with the fact that I came and told him that I don't want to be leading in those projects that they offer. What Vasily said: "Then let's make the project you want." "It will never be shown on TV." "There is an Internet for this." Nine years ago, it was a strange sentence for me. And now the Internet is everywhere.

Melania, daughter Tina Kandelaki

- Are you Vasily to pushing something?

He works a lot on himself and develops. And he is interested. So we found each other, and live.

- And children?

Children up to a certain age is better not to touch. We had an interesting conversation with melania. She is now at school. Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children". I told her that I consider it a crime to pass this work at your age, because you still disagree with his philosophy. But when you reread it in a mature age, then you understand that this problem is old as the world. Understand correctly, in a certain adolescence, the world is still divided clearly on black and white colors: "I will never do that", "My relationship with this person is over." The words "never", "with anyone", denial - the maximalism peculiar to this age. And just stupid to argue with him. Only show on your own example. You do what you think right, and you can choose the opportunity to choose. They, being close to you, adopt not only good, but also bad. Balance question.

- Are they proud by mom?

They need them to ask. I would like to believe that, of course, yes. But I think if I were not the one who I would have spent more time with them. But the question is as a relationship. You can sit at home 24 hours and boil the borschy. But the quality of relationships can be controversial. It is necessary to try to give children what they are most important - it is love, support and understanding. The most important conflict of fathers and children happens when they see that adults do not understand them. I'm talking to my children. We are friends.

If the book, That ... Modern detectives, a very strong school in the same Norway, Josbea, for example. I love Russian literature. I miss all the novelties, sometimes not everyone has time to finish. I read letters of the Czech brothers: Sasha - Anton. Stunning correspondence.

If the movie, then ... "Matrix". Now everyone is discussing "paradise", and I like the movie Andron Konchalovsky "Mary lovers" with Nastasya Kinski. In the Tbilisi period - "face with the scar", "The Godfather". Now the American TV shows are "taboo."

If music ... I am DJ in the past, I have a formed musical taste. Dire Straits will arrive in Russia, I go to the concert, I bought tickets on Aerosmith. I visit big shows. I grew up on the underground of the 90s, then moved to rock music, although I like and Eminem.

If rest ... In my life it is not so much. Now, probably, it would have chosen the beach.

Favorite time of year…. Spring. Because everything is newly born and begins. In Georgia immediately becomes hot, almond flowers, and life slows down.


Lack of ... intolerance. But I'm fighting with it.

Today, visiting the cozy Studio Blog "Tekhnad" charming and incomparable Tina Kandelaki. Please meet our guest with stormy applause. I do not dare to delay with greetings, I turn immediately to the conversation.

MAXIM: Good evening, Tina. Let's start with always an urgent topic. With men. From those most that are required (not obliged?) Kill Mammoth, give flowers, buy fur coats and expensive jewelry, wearing hands, make compliments and provide reliable rear. With sprinkling, I note that such men are now very and very rare. Tina, how do you generally tolerate, do these men? Do not bother?

TINA: First, sinful to row everyone under one comb and say that all modern men are not interesting. At any time, men were interesting and not interesting. I was always surrounded by talented, amazing men who were ready to share their talent. And, most importantly, I was always glad to share in response. Exchange energy. They taught me something, I taught them something. I do not feel problems with men you need to endure. In general, it is not necessary to endure nor a man nor a woman. As soon as you understand that you endure someone, turn right or left, and go away.

MAXIM: And often it happens that men delivered you frank inconvenience?

TINA:The last story was funny. At the Kiev Station, I walked down the street and some kind of a man, obviously Caucasian origin, several times strongly suggested to meet me. In detail and juicy began to talk about how I look from behind. I stopped, turned to him, lifted glasses and told him: "Did you recognize me? And now, while I did not start talking, run faster, flowing time. " All who stood beside, actually laughed. But this is a short sketch of my life.

You look, all these things are associated with restrictions and stereotypes. A smart person will surround smart people, fool - fools. We ourselves tend to choose their surroundings, and it is an even account that we built it. The question is not to build or do not build, it is like different houses. There are high-class houses, perfectly built, with wonderful repair, with high-quality wiring, elevators and with all other services. And there are terrible who did not have time to build, and they are already trembling. This is a relationship, the question is who builds and how builds.

MAXIM:I can assume that the previous question seemed to you somewhat strange. I will explain more. In my opinion, women now overtook men in everything and continue to rapidly disappear from them all the stronger and stronger. Modern women have a whole bouquet of advantages and advantages: they are smarter, cunning, purposeful, pragmatically. A modern man is either cattle or a metrosexual on the verge of a sexual minority. Tina, how do you think you need to do, so that the situation has changed in the root? Or do not do anything at all, and women will just take place on the top of evolution?

TINA: It's all nonsense with you, Dear Maxim. The world has always changed men. This is their property: they are hunters, they mining. Intelligent reasonable men who are peculiar to deep analysis and logical thinking are generally happening initially, because they are most often married. Again, a man "thinking" always needs space, there is no question of the size of the apartments. A woman often absorbs all the air in the room. You can not choke men, they always need free space for maneuver. Do you know how if the tiger has all the claws, crop all the mustache and start feeding the semolina, then in principle it will cease to be a tiger. It is impossible to domesticate this animal, it must remain wild. Based on this, if this wild animal is also intellectually very developed and able to think, it is clear that the usual stereotypical schemes of the type "We are with you on the sofa are watching TV and chew popcorn", no longer work. It should be understood that he always conquers a woman who is near.

MAXIM: I agree, there are many intelligent, interesting, judicial men working in politics, economics, science and art. But at the same time, modern girls most prefer the so-called "clear guys" - far from the most suitable satellites of life. It seems to them that men who are easy and free to communicate, love clubs, sports, breakdance and surfing, competently "rolling" (yes, it is "rolling", and they do not care at all) - perfect. Why is this happening?

TINA:This can be defined as the effect of the era. In each period of history, there is a certain style for a man who is close to women. Now everything is very good, and the relationship also accelerated, they arise faster and faster out of themselves. Therefore, everyone wants a sports, intelligent, strong man, there is nothing wrong with that, this is an instinct. The female always chooses the male, who is capable of capturing it much more than other males who are behind this battle. By the way, this is an important thing: before the girl was achieved for years, and now, if she is not surrendered in a few months, no one will spend his time at her.

MAXIM:Now I propose a little change the topic. Here you are a young and beautiful woman about which such a number of rumors walks. What do you really dedicate your time?

TINA: A lot For example, I am the co-owner of the Apostle Media. This is a producer company developing in two directions - PR and television production. At the moment, the company employs about 100 employees. We make the program "Infatoria" - the first news project of the STS, removing viral rollers, carry out federal PR campaigns. This is a time-consuming, fascinating and very ambitious business project.

MAXIM:And what can be explained so unexpectedly a new direction of your work - Production? After all, it was certainly not easy to enter the new activity for you?

TINA: Quite not easy. But I accepted it as a challenge and decided to submit such projects that no one did before me - and I think that we succeeded. For example, our "info" is a new submission form containing the maximum amount of meaning. We do not react, we offer sense, and they are diverse and everyone can find what it is interesting. There are no smart leaders who say a lot, there are smart columnists who speak little. It turned out that this is enough, the materials are very interesting and people look with pleasure. So, for example, over the past year and a half canal "InfoNaya" on YouTube She looked at 6 million people, this is not counting steadily high digits on the air defense. The average share of the program is 12.5%.

MAXIM:And finally, such a question: you did not enter the public chamber of the Russian Federation not so long ago, becoming one of the youngest and, definitely, the most beautiful member of the OP in its entire history. For many it has become a complete surprise. Share the secret - why do you need now and this extra load?

TINA:When a person is known when he has an active life position, he many invite participation in public life. A member of the OP is not some post under the presidential administration. This is an advisory body, where certain problems are made to the discussion. It is clear that membership in the Public Chamber allows you to offer your ideas to people who are able to implement them. I do not mean the decision here some of your own problems. I have no benefits and preferences from work here, consider this contribution to the life of society in the area in which I really can help.

In the Commission of the Public Chamber for the Development of Education, I have repeatedly raised topical and painful questions for our educational system. The significance of education is impossible to overestimate, therefore it is extremely important to correctly adjust and improve this important and complex system. I also made an initiative to create an online platform on which smart children will be able to unite. It will be a resource, going on which, roughly speaking, one could find talented guys and help them. As a result, it will help reduce the path from children who have talent, to people who need this talent. When we launch the project, I have no doubt that he will bring a lot of benefit.

MAXIM: Thank you very much for your answers. With us was Tina Kandelaki.

February 27, 2013, 12:04

Judging by the photo from the gym, for the last time in her ribbon there are quite a lot, Tina intends to take "gold" on the female fitness championship. The bench rods from behind the head in the sitting position is only a small part of its complex measures to combat complexes. She herself said so. And we noticed: for a month and a half before the first broadcast of a new talk show on the TV channel NTV Tina lost 12 kg. - Tina, to keep the Talk Show "Iron Lady" with Margarita Simonyan - your idea? - We have Vladimir Mikhailovich Kulistikov (General Director of NTV. - Ed. Ed.) A long time has been conversations about possible joint projects. At some point he saw us with Margarita in the "Withers" and thought: "These two women together - like a hurricane, why not combine them?" It was exclusively his proposal. - Women's duets - a new trend of our TV? - temperamental, bright, strong, successful women are more and more space in the air of central American, European TV channels. We have no such school, but there has been a tendency in this direction. The emergence of the same Irada Zeynalova in the program "Time" - nothing but the proof of this thesis. This is not a neutral person talking to people on behalf of the authorities with general words. Trend went to the direction of the leading the leading position. Until a certain moment, a suspended leading lead, who walked guests, was considered a good tone on our television, but he himself remained over the fight. In this sense, I am absolutely solidar with Margarita: it is not about us. All the leaders have their own position, and why not voice it? There are a lot of things that annoy me as a person. This is corruption, and the hypocrisy of some officials. The other day he listened to the morning show Sergey Dorenko, he was very intelligible there, in the images it explained. Some officials belong to the country on the same principle that Masai's African nationality for their cattle. If the chick is still fresh, it will grow and give a lot of milk - you can cut it to Vienna and send some blood, but if it's no longer a chick, and there is no old cow - then there is no sense to wait, you need to tear the piece of meat and run, it's still not today Tomorrow will fall. Part of the elite is exactly what applies to the country: a piece of slice - and run or sit we wait a new moment. But, in my opinion, today there was still a trend on changing this situation, there will be no old way.
- Tina, but who will go on such a broadcast? Do you have a list of guests for the near future? - I have repeatedly said that with guests from the opposition there are no problems and everyone will be invited. The main thing is that they do not be struck, did not lead a million reasons why they cannot, and came. Well, by the authorities, of course, would like to see those who occupy top posts in the country. For any interviewer, this is a great honor. If the talk show works in interesting if our duet with Margarita will take place, everyone will want to come to this program. - You with Margarita stagnate a role in advance: who is a striker today, who is the defender? - No, of course, we do not have such genre division. - Margarita nervous on the eve of the ether? - What are you talking about? I would have wished all the confidence of Margarita Simonyan. - The live broadcast in Prime Time is nervous. But is it only on the air? You look like a loving woman. - On social networks, I often post photos of the marks of attention that men have, but never call names and do not talk about the relationship that is in my life. I have long been divorced, I am a young woman. I fall in love - and in love with me. - This is a breakthrough. Once some six months ago, you said that they were passionate about only work. - I am a very in love person, but at the same time I know how to control myself. And this does not interfere with business. Apparently, already age (laughs), because in priorities, of course, work. Sometimes, you know, as it happens: someone invites for dinner, and I have contracts, customers, meetings. Maximum that I can afford - a couple of times a week to highlight the evening for a trip to the movies. I am like a man: I can at a certain time in a certain place a certain number of times (laughs). - And if so: fell in love and began to live with this person? Do you exclude such a turn of events? - I do not exclude. But so far there is no such. I live enough enough. I get up at seven in the morning, I accompany the children to school, I'm going to the sport, I check the mail on the way in the car, I train the hour and a half, everything else is at work. I frees at best at 8 pm. This is a conscious choice. In order to deal with business, it is necessary to be resistant in all senses - both in physical and psychological. Personal life is a big risk. I often say to employees: your personal hobbies are personal until the moment they begin to give you a psychological influence, in which case I have already forced to share these risks with you. - But can you be insured from everything? - Of course not. On the one hand, I would like an amazing relationship - which will become the second most important thing for me after my marriage. On the other hand, having experience, I, of course, carefully - because these relationships may be painful. When you get closer to someone, it is usually a great test for a man. Not everyone is kept. Many are fascinated, I will not hide. Everyone likes that I am so independent, business. But then ... Men do not understand: why do you work so much if you are a woman, do you have an appearance, in the end you are TV presenter? This is quite enough to live normally and have time to communicate with men. But I have long been not just a TV presenter, I do business, and this is my priority activity. In the profession of TV host much more female, and in order to do business, we need male qualities.
- Have you congratulated Ksenia Sobchak with a wedding? - As you know all users of social media and not only, with Ksenia, we have long ceased to visit, so I think a hypocritical congratulatory man who, at any opportunity, tries to insult you. "No one expected Maxim Vitorgan ..." - Sorry what I interrupt. Let me not comment on the choice of Ksenia. The decision took it herself, which means it is the only right. - Passions have long been lightened, but you do not tell what the cause of your conflict is. Why? - There are very accurate words from Shakespeare: "Sins of others judge you so diligently, start with your own and not get to others!" I always spoke to Xenia that our conflict will become with her for most senseless attraction. What is the essence, will not be clear to anyone, and the attraction will attract much attention. But for Xenia it is important to be a public figure: in the spotlight, in the light of sofites - in any case and at any cost. This is her way, and I respect it. Nothing happened between us. The views on what is happening in the country have changed, and, in fact, each has its own position. But I never, unlike Ksenia, I do not allow yourself to give public assessments to people who consider friends. I do not judge my friends, my task to help them if they have difficulty. Ksenia has a different approach: she regularly accuses me in close connections with the presidential administration and is still God knows what, in general, demonizes so much that I will not be surprised if one day she says that I also eat children. But, I think, by that time the whole country will laugh at this. Unlike me, Ksenia grew surrounded by people from today's power. No matter how he behaved, she has a special relationship with power, so I don't discuss them. He wants - tell himself. I wish you all happiness, Xenia, including. On this I would closed the topic.
- Tina, there is another difficult question - about the dismissal of Tatiana Lazareva and Mikhail Shatz from the CTC channel. What do you think the reason is low ranking? - Do you want me to change my knees once again and said about not those numbers and not those ratings? I will not do this categorically. If colleagues are talented if colleagues are capable if colleagues know what to do, they will definitely work out. And if you do not work, it will also be an answer. "Many thought you were friends with Tatiana and Mikhail." However, believe me, there are those who are confident that in childhood you and Sobchak played in one sandbox ... - I do not think! It's no secret that I am from Tbilisi. Grew up in a classic Tbilisi family, where mother is a strict woman and powerful. She never poured me, brought up in trust, but strictness. I wanted blue synthetuclear boots, and bought good Moscow from the leatherette, like everyone else, they say there is nothing to shift. We must first grow inside yourself, and then decorate yourself outside. I grew not in a golden sandbox, I, of course, there was no driver nor guards, no trips abroad. Parents sold an apartment, moved to a smaller one, and a $ 3770 difference gave me a difference, thus giving me the opportunity to go to Moscow and enroll on the courses to advance the qualifications of radio and television staff. I tell it not in order to arouse sympathy or emphasize my current position. I just state: I had to go a long way.
- Are you a strict mom with melania? - Melania says yes. By the way, she categorically does not like when I tell about her. And I understand her. In her environment there are children who do not pay attention to the fact that I am her mom, and they are talking about as little as possible. - Leontine also does not like when you talk about him? "Yes, he doesn't even allow to lay out on social networks of his photography, and if I do it - very scolding." - How old are your children now? - Melania - 13, and Leontia will be 12. - What are they surprised at this stage? - Two things surprise. The fact that melania was very responsible and wise. Despite their upbringing, it is still its character. And, of course, Leonty's artistry. I made a lot of effort so that the son was not artistic, was a less emotional man, but he grows by a real artist. He is good. And I, like mom, I want to hope that it will not be the main dignity for which women will love him. - Are you with your ex-husband raising children? - I do not communicate with Andrey. But his communication with children in no way hinder. He participates as far as possible and opportunities in their lives. I just welcome it.
- I have a lot of complexes! - Says at some point Tina, and at this time the bouquet of thousands is trying to make her back into the office, no less, burgundy roses (hello from the fan), on the door the flowers are not the first time. - Do not chat. I have a lot of doubts, the mass of weaknesses, the mass of phobias ... But I took responsibility for such a number of people that there is no time to dwell on its complexes. - Can you give an example? - Complex about appearance. From nature I have no data that will allow no extra effort to maintain a good figure for many years. What do I do for this? I struggle with flaws and fighting enough successfully. We train a lot, do not eat sweet, only boiled vegetables and fish - and so daily. I also traveled little. But I try to fix it. Recently, traveled to Europe. In America, only twice. So far I have not seen Australia, Japan, did not see what Vietnam looks like, and Bhutan also wants to go to the kingdom. - Not so many complexes. And they are not so terrible. - Understand, I do not fall asleep with the words: "Oh, what is I beautiful!" No, I'm lying and thinking about what I do wrong, what I make mistakes, why I admit these mistakes and how I sometimes want someone to be near, who instead will decide all these problems. But I understand that it is impossible. And even if it were possible, it is not forever ... Only for a short period of time, because only you yourself, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, from beginning to end to the end you have to make decisions in your life. For you, no one will build your life and will not live.

A few years ago, you were interviewed, after which the journalist made such a conclusion, having you in mind: "It is important for a dialogue, she needs a dialogue." Is there a dialogue inside you, how often do self-confidence?

What you are talking about is possible only when a person remains one with him. In order to conduct an internal dialogue, you need to be interesting yourself. And for this you should constantly develop. I think it is important - develop every day, each, every minute. I am very worried when time is meaninglessly spent ... Yes, I am prone to dialogue with me. During the day I try to find at this time.

I always thought: if you are not interested in yourself, then you will not be interesting to people. This is the main problem of modernity. People, on the one hand, become very lonely, on the other - actively "stick" and begin to be dependent on society

Regular correspondence, presence in different social networks - all this gives an illusory feeling of permanent stay in the crowd. And from the crowd you need to go out if you want to move on.

It does not seem to you that people are pretty fed to the social network: Instagram, Twitter ... Many simply do not have time for this thread.

People rather do not have time for the emergence of a large number of new social networks. This, you know, already such a singularity. They did not have time to gain themselves in Instagram, as it appears, conditionally, WECHAT ... But such breakthroughs were already, for example, during the information revolution: Books began to print, people had the opportunity to transmit information from generation to generation in mass volume, to describe What happens around, share emotions and receive feedback from the reader's audience. Over the past decade, another psychological, civilizational, technological transition to another level occurred. And to say that people will come out of social networks, funny.

Scientists are actively engaged in neuroprogramming, study of neural networks. Probably the future for this. No need to print anything. Already discussed the possibility of licking photos with the help of an "artificial eye"! I am sure that in the very man, inside it, a certain microguet will appear soon, which will give him the opportunity to connect to any information, to any social network in any time convenient for it.

No, no one will leave anywhere, it is already impossible. Everyone will go further and deep into. Another thing - what changes it will bring us. Today, thanks to social networks, everyone appears to be heard. People begin to fight the content much earlier than aware of his meaningfulness: Andy Warholov among those who lay out "art" in Instagram, to put it mildly, little. Therefore, the replacement of content with quantities, of course, is dangerous.

Young people are no longer capable of perceiving long texts, the manner has appeared to replace large texts short, short - change to symbols, and symbols - on Emzi. All this is fraught. Clip thinking - no longer words, this is a reality

In your family, it was customary to watch football in a big company, not embarrassed by emotions? .. Watch games like most - with beer and chips on the table?

Think I look just as good as now? Of course, I sit in front of a TV with a large can of beer (what is there to be shy?!) And package of chips, in domestic training pants with holes on the knees. And I start nervous, like all the fans of our country ... (Laughs.)

You know, I don't drink beer at all: I do not like. Do I eat during sports broadcasts? This is the cliché that while watching a movie you need to eat popcorn, and buy beer and chips to football broadcast. Common stereotype. Yes, in the cinema I love to eat. But when I watch the series - no. The same applies to football matches. Maximum that I can afford - tea. In the end, I, unlike my husband, is not a bright fan. Therefore, he actively sick and shouts. And he eats too. I just support.

We mentioned the tradition of viewing football matches, and whether there are such family traditions that you are necessarily and despite anything intend to transfer to your children?

Traditions associated with the New Year. Joint cooking food is the tradition of any Caucasian, and not only the Caucasian, family. Big festive preparation for some major and iconic holidays ... And it happens quite noisy, tasty, with all sorts of aromas spreading around the house. New Year is the most, perhaps, a sign holiday, because it is accompanied by a lot of smells.

A person in life is peculiar to forget everything. The only thing he remembers to the end is smells. Mandarins, spruce, Khachapuri, meat, fish - the vinaigrette of fragrances, which are difficult to forget. Large-scale preparation for the new year - as if the opening of the new door. Faith and hope, framed by smells, make people move forward. That is why I love the new year since childhood and, being an adult woman, I continue to love him.

I love the weekend. I love to cover the table, we are going to have a lot of friends, I am happy to come up with the thematic feast. Georgian cuisine is very rich. In general, I can talk a lot about Georgian cuisine and Georgian dishes. They do not eat them, but cook and love

I, for example, Imeretink, but I can do the Imereti table, and Megrelsky. One mschi varieties, Gomi, Khachapuri enough to entertain people a few years. We called the last home party "Dolm-Party". I do not eat myself, as it does not eat meat at all, but I can cook. Men love dolma in a grape sheet with special sauce, sour cream, Maceni. Tsar dish! My husband loves me very much (by the way, in childhood disliked them). And the other day we dined in a restaurant with Kerzhakov - Sasha and his wife Milan. And he, as it turned out, also gives preference to this dish.

- Is it really not pulling at least a little bit try, especially when you cook?

I have a very serious tendency to complete. I really love . Even worse: I love Achma, and this is generally a few layers of dough in cheese! . I love the gohomi. But just all this is the road to nowhere. In principle, you just need to choose what you get pleasure. It is important to decide what you like more. Khachapuri with the presence of the abdomen? Or no abdomen without hacapuri? While sticking to the second position. I know how to fight myself. No, I can not say that so categorical. I am no longer so young to say: "Never again will be a hachapuri!"

It may well be that the period will come when it falls into another selection: "Ceboribriti, who waved his hand." EDAC of kilograms to 20, as in Monster, will begin to have a khachapuri and completely apply to the figure. But still hold

You, if you believe in your interview, adhere to the rules of three warnings: ready to endure three violations from your employees ...

It comes with age. Although I argued about this rule before - when it was younger, more categorically, was engaged in different types of activities. Today I do not even know if we get to three warnings. In any case, I always gave and give people chances. Here, a lot depends on the people themselves. The question is not in the number of warnings, but in order to quickly understand how much man is obsessed with work.

The construction of a startup called "Match TV" requires a nontrivial attitude to the profession, this is not the place where you can come to 10.00, and go at 18.00. Someone I write letters at 6.30, to someone answer, relatively speaking, at the hour of the night. With my team, I can call those people who live in the same mode and understand that there can be no pauses on the sports channel. Important competitions are held in different parts of the world and at different times. The schedule of arrival of guests for live broadcasts "Match TV", which are waiting for our viewers right now, as the informational reason for their invitation itself is interesting right now.

There are no such money and there is no such Labor Code that I could oblige people to work. We lived all my life and worked so much. For us, this is not just a profession - this is a lifestyle. With the excavating and unbearable for those surrounding responsibility.

I do not understand how you can not answer the message how can I leave an unread letter in the mail when you are the head

If you see that the colleague refers to work with the coolness, imitating work activities ... Simulators can be seen immediately, for the mile. Age and experience give me the opportunity to recognize similar "passengers". Another thing is that it is not necessary to delay.

Previously, I tried to talk with people all the time, something to explain to them, convince. But experience has shown: time conversations do not lead to anything good. It is now deeply confident that high-quality, professional meeting lasts 15-30 minutes. After half an hour, people in the modern world lose concentration. All that happens more than 30 minutes is absolutely inefficient. Communication passes into imitation and transfusion from empty to empty.

- I hope it does not concern interview.

This applies to everything. Understand me correctly, an overdose of information occurs, the need to be distracted by parallel streams. The first 30 minutes are very rich and filled with meaning a piece of contact. And then we simply physically cannot perceive the information. The world has changed.

- To your children, Leontia and Melania, do you also give a limited number of attempts to correct?

We talked about adults, and children have children: I have a completely different relationship with them, precisely because they are children. Of course, they must be restrained. However, it is very bad when a person, being a leader at work, transfers his working rules in the family, to the house. Thank God, the children in time "hesitate." For them, I am first of all mom. Even if they violate the ban ten times, even if everyone breaks, I will still come, I will understand and help.

It is important to give the child a feeling that in a difficult moment (and it can happen at any time) Mom can say everything, because mom can help. Children waiting for us? Aid. What do we expect from our parents? Aid. This is later we grow and understand that they are no longer able to help us. I wish myself as long as possible to be able to help your own children

I am very grateful to the fate that Leontius and Melania grew by thinking people. I do not even have to arrange an autodafa with electronic diaries, for example. I don't even climb into them. Although the children are very worried when they have something, let's not put in their studies, they try not to upset me very much. And this is not just words: I see their lean attitude towards knowledge and to me. Whether Caucasian upbringing helped, or not Caucasian, but sin complain.

You and your mom call it "high love." And where is the line when this feeling can grow into a targeted education of narcissist egoists?

It all depends on parents. I can only tell about my experience: children have obvious mistakes that they allow and can allow. With them you need to talk a lot, to be in constant contact.

If children are spoiled - this is the problem of their upbringing. Very spoiled children are usually very spoiled parents. Or very brought up, but inattentive, who were not interested in their own children. I have a very educated mom. And it would be strange if I grew up another. She grew up on the already archaic Caucasian traditions. Classic feature, medalist who graduated from the Medical Institute. Such a mother could not be born some other daughter.

- Healthy (well, or unhealthy) Egoism inherent, as a rule, unique children in the family, helped you in life?

I began to work very early, dragging the heavy load of responsibility on my shoulders. Youth egoism, which is peculiar to young people, I slipped very quickly. I have no time to think about myself. It was necessary to take care of the family: I collapsed the Soviet Union, my parents who worked, suddenly in one day were people who could not earn money on the content of the family. In parallel, the power change began in Georgia. For their generation it was a serious blow.

Parents were at that age when it was no longer possible to adapt to new realities. My mother, who was a doctor, respected man, could not rebuild and get into the world of trade. Familiar began to participate in trade relationships with Turkey, hundreds reached out abroad. Someone managed to buy, sell, earn rapid money, invest them.

My mother, of course, did not fit into this life. Mom and trade is two straight lines that never intersect. I remember very well as she tried. It bothered me very much, and I worried, because I understood that she was a doctor, a doctor from God, very talented. At one time, she was the main narcologist of one of the largest regions of Tbilisi. Mom helped people, they stretched to her. And suddenly, overnight, the country has changed. I'm not talking about the difficulties that Pope had. Partly all this and served as an incentive for me.

I very quickly realized that I need to earn. The first money earned at 17 years old, I remember very well. After graduating the first course, went to work on television. Then, in the summer, I received my first salary. Since then, there has been no month in my life so that I do not earn money and did not bring them home

- Do your children now have the opportunity to earn?

Not yet. I recognize: combine work and study is very hard. No, I'm not regretting my past. Life is beautiful in that it is much more interesting and logical than all our discontent about her. But I, of course, worried that I had no opportunity to go abroad to study. I love English very much. I still read a lot in English, I watch the movies in the original sound. 3-4-monthly training abroad would give me an extra bed of knowledge. But all these things passed by me.

You need to give our own children to learn (if they have a desire, of course). My children have a desire to learn, therefore, and one, and the second I give such an opportunity. They do not spend a minute without a minute. All the time with teachers, with teachers, with teachers ... And at the moment when it is necessary to go to work, they will go, because my example was seen in their conscious life

They are very well knowing the price of each ruble, which I earned. They saw all my life in development, saw how much I worked, saw how much effort I applied and apply in order to develop and move forward. But they will go to work when they have a need for them and the time will come to obtain practical knowledge.

Many of our compatriots with you as the chain fell out: bred, marry, bred, marry ... You have no feeling that the institution of marriage in Russia finally collapsed?

Oh, well, I'm not Rosa Xiabitov! This is to her. ( Smiles.)First, this is the problem of large cities, and it remains the problem of large cities. An adult woman can stay unmarried, and this status is no longer affected by society.

In America, you see, the film "Erin Brockovich" is still very popular. (Biographical tape about human rights defender. - Ed.). Moreover, many films are connected with a young 40-year-old woman's manifesto, which chooses freedom and self-development. Secondly, medicine has been developing greatly, which has already made a significant leap and contributed to the "shift" of age aging at much later years than before. These are all interrelated things that are currently a cultural and social trend.

Our favorite Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin paid great attention to the female leg. The female leg was loved, for her he was shot on duels, sometimes not seeing the face, which may have disappointed and would take away the dust of men. The female leg was the subject of lust and dreams. What leg can we talk about now - I don't tell you. From the face to the naked body - literally one click. Any moral and ethical norms are erased on this background.

European relaxation is definitely leading to moral depravity. A large number of people appear a large amount of time. And all this - on the background of almost complete absence of role-playing models.

We, unfortunately, very little strong women who explained their young fans to make a bet on a man as the main support of her life at least stupid

According to research of German scientists, the human being is capable of three times to have a full relationship. They take a conditional period: 20-30, 30-40 and about 40-50 years. Probably, this is true, because in a big city today, for example, it is extremely difficult to preserve the relations of classmates who loved each other in school years and met, for example, decades later.

Of course, today we are still moving towards the European model, when a woman is not an "app" to her husband, it must earn and be self-making. Although I recently asked my comrade: "Why do you need this girl?". He says: "Listen, everyone looks at her. She is a beautiful accessory "

But accessories have seasonality, and the ladies should understand this: today - one, tomorrow - the other. Be prepared for what you will change.

- What did you give you a stamp in your passport, why did you decide to get married again?

I note that this became known only after the media published the tax declaration of my husband. He works at the state service, respectively ... My last name appeared in the declaration, and it became clear that I was his wife. Very funny! Everyone immediately began to discuss me, a classic story. But we are together for nine years.

Let's say this: we were ready to go to the next stage. What is the design of relationships? Recognizing relationships gives additional opportunities. Yesterday, for example, I filled out a questionnaire to obtain a voluntary health insurance policy. In DMS, you can only enter the relatives - a husband or wife, children ... In general, if we were not husband and wife, we would not might fit their names in Polis. I'm joking now, of course.

When you understand that, perhaps, ready to transition to another level that you will have children ... I can not yet tell you that tomorrow will happen in our relationship, but we really have been together. And at some point came to this thought.

We wanted to get married many times, but somehow did not develop. Forest in 2015 Two years ago I understood: if you do not do it now, we will never do it. When children were not born in your marriage or before him, when you live together for a long time, I want to change in your life. Holidays want in the end

No one expected that we would do it. We were merry, and our friends were fun. The groom, as always, was late for painting. The witness we had one. Nevertheless, signed. This time dress was white. Already good.

For a long time you are not particularly "shone" your spouse Vasily Brovko in social networks. Although a couple of times still lay out his photo - for what?

The funny thing is that it was not my spouse. These were our two closest comrades who still laughs: the napes of one and the second are still taking the head of my husband. But I will not "Publish" names, because these people our close friends. But it is very funny.

- The media quickly picked up these photos!

Yes! And we laugh when I say: "Again, look!" A friend sometimes says: "Well, you see: my head is so popular that everyone takes him for the back of Vasily." Yes, I love to joke, to lose weight. I hope not much injured by this public.

Do I often rest in France? Not. Just over the past 3-4 years, I spend every winter there. The French winter resorts is very good. France has its own colossal advantages. And obvious cons. I like to relax there, but I would never want to live there.

I have no real estate in France. And in general, I have nothing abroad. Moreover, I do not dream about it. Although I know a large number of people who claim: "I want to make money on the apartment in Spain or a house in France." I do not want anything anywhere. I want to build in Russia, here and I will build

Now I am infrequently in vacations. And if I go somewhere throughout the year, then in Russia. I can live in any country in the world, I have a large number of relatives in America. But I absolutely consciously chose Russia many years ago. I did not have a day so that I regretted it.

Melania, which you called, so it happened, in honor of the future of the United States, watches politics in the States?

She knows about this story since childhood, he knows about Melania Trump, but the policy is rather interested in Leonthi. The son draws attention to all these rollers. The daughter has no time to do this: she has come this year. And Leonthy - yes, draws attention, itchizes, we throw each other videos. I also follow what is happening. There really is funny.

The election campaign ended, but the campaign that began now, of course, makes the absolute meme. Obama was not the meme, his arrival - due to the American values, due to its origin and biography, by virtue of his personality - was perceived as another breakthrough to a new height.

In a situation with Donald Trump, everything was broken from the chain. Outstanding figure!

TV presenter and producer - about the "cozeny Telegram", "wild budgets" "Match TV" and his love for rap battles

We present to the attention of the readers of "real-time" interviews Tina Kandelaki Telegram Channel "Ruthless Piecers".

Tinatin Hyvievna Kandelaki is a media manager, TV presenter, ex-owner of the PR agency "Apostle", one of the most beloved characters of the Russian Telegram. The man whom the "guard" personally dismissed with the "match" already 50 times, and we are only one. Recently, Tinatin Hivievna decided to tie with "instagram" (in fact, no) and started the telegram channel. Well, we could not pass by, girls, and asked Tina about the interview. And she, imagine, agreed. (What you can not say about you, Yura Dori). And even honestly answered all our questions. Answered herself. And this, the girls are not easy, because we take interviews only in writing. Tina commented on rumors about "wild billions", which spends on the "match", answered Heites and told the "merciless PR," what will happen in Telegram. And yes, specifically for Kashin explaining - this is not a joke and not a fake. Enjoy.

I am not a supreme priestess to sacrifice something. The channel grid is compiled, taking into account the forecast share. The significance of the tournament, the participation of our athletes and so on is also taken into account. Occlamor content according to the approved strategy on channel 10%, the rest of the time is given to the broadcasts and a news broadcast about the sport.

We have never sacrificed sports for the sake of content. We always chose between sports and sports. Perhaps our choice did not always coincide with the opinion of the fans, but always was done in their interests.

Under the "some kind of" shows we always have in mind the quality product, which we showed during broadcasts that attract the attention of the audience. Well, in this way, do not forget, earn money. For example, a reality show "Who wants to be a legionnaire?" It was for us commercially successful.

In the turn-portable product, the possibilities of sponsorship are endless. We must represent sponsors and advertisers the product they can buy. In Lch, Le, Olympiad, there are a large number of restrictions plus the number of hits and numbers. Repeated matches of the Confederations Cup collects completely different numbers, and we repeat programs in the "Okolosport" segment 6-8 times at a minimum, which allows you to maximize the costs.

You have quite actively talked about your Agency "Apostle". At the same time, it is somehow quite quietly gone from the market. Why accompanied such silence? And what happened to him all the same?

Unfortunately, the agency needed a leader. They were always Vasily, then I. But without our personal participation to continue the business turned out to be difficult because the state contracts were given to us, and others would not give, but because it is a personal responsibility for the artistic and economic component of any product you produce. From the brand of the Ministry of Industry to the brand of Kalashnikov. I am glad that the "apostle" brought up a huge number of people with competence in PR, marketing, organization of complex and interesting events. They are everywhere where any high-quality process occurs. With my hiring to work in the subholding "GPM Match", the main condition was that I would go out of all business. I left. Vasily came out even earlier, so it became impossible to work in the same mode.

- Have you ever paid someone to rollback, being the owner of the "apostle"?

No, there was never that.

- It is said that the "apostle", and then his former employees helped and still help the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov to work in social networks. Can you comment on this information?

And if they say that the "merciless prayer" also exists on the money of Ramzan? ["Let them say", the transfer is such - Bp]

About it they say not the first year. Let's move towards the facts. If they are, then I will comment on them.

I opened Twitter Minnikhanov, told Ramzan about the power of the Internet. You will communicate with me, and tell you. I do not take money for this. I for ensuring that the authorities understand the importance of the Internet and participated in the dialogue, and did not limit it.

Also, as our sources say, very many ex-employees of the Apostle work now in the Crimea are engaged in various projects. Do you follow their destiny? Why did they attract their Crimea?

With some former colleagues, I support the connection, but I try to talk about more idle things. They work so busy 24 hours a day.

- I heard that you are a big fan of the new rap-battles format. Even at the "match" you want to make such a show. Do you understand that it is impossible to artificially grow up what has developed naturally? And heard the new song of the glory of the CPSU "Kandelaki"? Like?

Rap-Buttla on "Match TV"? Indeed, a similar project is now in the development stage, but no one is going to chase behind Haip for Haip.

Battles herself became interested in recently - still try to follow the trends on the net. And she was amazed as simple guys, thanks to his talent and wish, turn into the stars of the Internet, to which everyone listens - from schoolchildren to federal channels.

The song "Candelaci" is more creation in the first place of Viti SD, and not the glory of the CPSU. I liked the song. I believe that in modern rape it is difficult to express "Respect" in a different way. And, of course, I never thought that rap heroes would devote my tracks to me. It's nice.

What do you think about the fact that on Twitter and Telegram you do not really like and often ridicule? How do you feel about this? Annoying? Or any mention is good?

Adequate criticism always spurs and makes it work on himself. And about the Heyters - I will quote the other hero of the rap scene - "Your stupid Hate, like my advertisement." Haters were always. This is part of the game.

- Who introduced you to Vladimir Putin?

Work. He has regular meetings with the main editors. Many managers of federal media are participating there and not only.

Recently, a series of articles appeared that a woman becomes the next president. Is there presidential ambitions in the future? And what do you think - a woman can be president?

Why not? But it will not have to choose not because she is a woman, but because she is worthy of candidates. Without overlooking. It will be the best confirmation of equality.

- If briefly, then PR is ...?

This is when you're 24/7 tiger, as she sings Leba Gorosia.

- And our traditional final question. What is your car?

Now I have BMW.