Trofimov family. Sergey Trofimov short biography of the artist, clip

Trofimov family.  Sergey Trofimov short biography of the artist, clip
Trofimov family. Sergey Trofimov short biography of the artist, clip

Sergei Trofimov is a composer, poet, musician, vocalist and insanely creative person with great potential. How many beautiful songs have we heard performed by this stately singer with a magical voice! And how many songs, written by his pen, sounded and sound on music radio stations, TV channels, concerts, creative evenings.

Sergey Vyacheslavovich was born in November 1966. As a child, he was a soloist of the Moscow choir, and later studied at the Institute of Culture. In his youth, he worked part-time in restaurants, surprising everyone present with his singing, and even sang in church.
In the early 90s, everyone had a hard time. So Sergei faced difficult moments and crises. Quarrels in family life (and the singer married at 22), different views on raising his daughter. Rumor has it that we might not have heard the loud performances of the artist, because he was going to go to the monks. But in time I received good advice from a mentor so as not to bury my talent, given from above.
The artist begins his solo career in 1994... Until that time, he had already worked with many famous people. Was released the record of Alexander "Sinful soul sorrow", in which almost all the songs were written by Sergei Trofimov. He also writes for Svetlana Vladimirskaya, Carolina, Alla Gorbacheva and Svetlana Almazova.

But, probably, Sergei no longer wanted to remain in the shadows and in 1995 year he releases the album Aristocracy of the garbage dump part 1, and already next year - its continuation Aristocracy of the garbage dump part 2 and the third album - Eh, I would live. His sincerity and soulfulness, deep lyrics and good arrangements are liked by people and are perceived by them as something new and light.
Later on, Trofim continued his creative career, wrote songs for films, took part in various concerts and festivals. He is a welcome guest everywhere. Lada Dance and Nikolay Noskov are grateful to the author and composer of their many albums.

In 1998 year, two more albums of the singer were released, imbued with the same soulfulness, and in some places with sparkling.
In 2001 year, the singer becomes a laureate of the honorary award "Chanson of the Year 2001". Trofim gathers full houses of people for his solo concerts. People who believed him, who come to enjoy high-quality live music and see their idol.
Later there were Golden Gramophone awards, filming in the TV series "Platinum-2" and countless concerts. And also the release of albums one after another, which still invariably won the hearts of fans. He is called the heir to the star of chanson Mikhail Krug.
And in 2011 the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. And that says a lot without further ado.

short info:
Full name - Sergey Vyacheslavovich Trofimov
Nickname - Trofim
Year of birth - November 4, 1966
Marital status - married
Children - three
Addictions - Italian cuisine

Trofim (Sergey Trofimov)

Singer Date of birth November 4 (Scorpio) 1966 (53) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @zvezdatrof

Several generations have grown up on the soulful songs of Sergei Trofimov (Trofim). He is a recognized legend of Russian chanson, a talented poet and composer, the owner of a soft soulful voice. To fans of bard music, Sergei is well known for his songs "I miss you" and "Bullfinches". Many of the songwriter's creations have become hits performed by other artists. Popular songs include “I'll make the sky under your feet” and “God, what a trifle” by Alexander Ivanov, “I'm unfashionable” by Nikolai Noskov.

Biography of Sergei Trofimov

Chansonnier was born in Moscow on November 4, 1966. In early childhood, Serezha was often ill, at the age of two he suffered clinical death. The mother of the future artist, Galina, devoted herself to her son. This dedication led to family discord. Father, Vyacheslav Trofimov, drank, raised his hand to his wife. When Sergei was four, his parents divorced. Since then, the singer has not seen his father for 35 years.

Galina Fyodorovna noticed early that her son had a wonderful voice. To develop her vocal abilities, she sent the boy to a music school. At the age of 7, Sergei was taken as a soloist in the choir chapel at Gnesinka. Trofim began writing music and poetry in elementary school. The birth of the craving for writing was preceded by an accident. Ten-year-old Sergei, while in a pioneer camp, fell from a tree and broke both hands. After the injury, the boy could not play musical instruments for a long time. Coming up with poetry helped him to have fun and take his soul away.

After school, Trofimov entered the Moscow State Institute of Culture, then studied at the conservatory, but left the university in 1986 to sing in a restaurant. A year later, the artist's solo career started. At the same time, singer Sergei Trofimov was working on the album of the rock group "Eroplan". The collection of songs, however, never appeared - the collective broke up.

Although Trofim was an anti-Soviet, the collapse of the Union caused confusion in his soul. The artist preferred to seek support in faith. From 91 to 93 he served as subdeacon, sang in the church choir. During the same period, his collaboration with such famous performers as Svetlana Vladimirskaya and Alexander Ivanov took place. Trofimov took part in the recording of albums by Tatyana Tishinskaya, Svetlana Almazova, Alla Gorbacheva.

In the mid-90s, the songwriter decided to perform songs himself. Under the guidance of producer Stepan Razin, he recorded his debut album "The Aristocracy of the Garbage-1".

The next five-year period in Trofim's life became truly shock: the artist released four more collections, began touring Russia. In 2000, the singer-songwriter presented two albums at once - "War and Peace" and "I'm Born Again". The singer performed with new compositions in front of Russian soldiers at the height of the Second Chechen War.

The beginning of the new century was marked by the recognition of the artist's achievements. The poet-songwriter was admitted to the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, in 2002 Sergey became the singer of the year. The song "Bullfinches" brought the award to the singer. A year later, the artist became a participant in the popular extreme TV show "Fort Boyar". At the age of 39, the artist gave two concerts at once in the Kremlin Palace. In addition to Trofimov, Tatyana Ovsienko, Alexander Rosenbaum, Irina Ponarovskaya, Alexander Marshal and others performed at the creative anniversary.

A year later, the singer repeated his success on the main stage of the country, presenting the "Forty Forties" program. In the same year, Trofimov's poetry collection "240 pages" was published.

The artist has repeatedly received the Golden Gramophone. The best songs of Trofim, according to the hit parade: "City of Sochi", "Internet", "City in traffic jams", "Wife", "Moscow song", "Don't tell." In 2010–2011, the singer's concert tours took place in America. Songs by Trofimov are in the repertoire of Vakhtang Kikabidze, Irina Klimova, Lada Dance, Lev Leshchenko, Nikolai Noskov.

Personal life of Sergei Trofimov

For the first time, the artist fell in love when he was 10. Seryozha met the girl he liked, the Estonian Katrin, at the resort. Forty years later, the singer maintains friendly relations with the former "lady of the heart", who now lives in the United States.

At the age of 20, Sergei Trofimov married Natalia Gerasimova. He met his future wife after performing in a cafe. In 1988, the couple had a daughter, Anna. The chansonnier's family life did not work out. When their daughter was three, Sergei and Natalya divorced, and in 98 they got back together. The second attempt to improve relations was unsuccessful, and in 2003 the couple parted completely.

In the midst of a family crisis, the singer met Yulia Meshina. The songwriter dedicated the song "Bullfinches" to his new beloved. Their paths parted because of Yulia's dad. He insisted that Trofim give up writing in favor of the family business.

In 2001 Sergei began dating Anastasia Nikashina, a ballet dancer from Laima Vaikule. In early 2003, Nastya found out that she was pregnant. The artist had to choose between his wife and his mistress. He chose to start a new family.

The divorce proceedings lasted five months. Offended Natalia did not consent to divorce. The nervous tension also affected the pregnant Anastasia: Vanya was born ahead of schedule. After the divorce, Trofimov married Nikashina, recognized his son. In 2008, the couple had a second child - Lisa. The chansonnier has a difficult relationship with her eldest daughter. She is a creative self-sufficient person, writes books for children.

In 2009, the singer went to court to terminate the amicable agreement with his ex-wife. The subject of a property dispute was a country house. As a result, the court sided with the defendant - it refused to annul the contract.

Sergei Trofimov is a native Muscovite. He was born on November 4 in 1966. After 3 years, the family broke up, and Sergei stayed with his mother.

Childhood and growing up

Trofimov attended not only the main school, but also a music school. He made great academic progress. At the age of 13 he began to sing in the choir of the Moscow State Capella at Gnessinsk.

Having received a certificate, go to study at the Institute of Culture, and then the Moscow State Conservatory. His choice fell on the specialty "theory and composition".

As a student, Trofimov took an active part in festivals. One of them was the XII World Festival of Youth and Students, where he deservedly received a diploma. It was 1985.


In 1987 he became a member of the Eroplan rock group. Together with the guys, he composed songs. He also dabbled as a musician in one of the city's restaurants to earn his living and help his mother.

In 1991 he worked as a regent in the church. He even began to think about parting with his usual life, but the holy father advised him to devote his time to writing songs.

A year later, he began to work on the album "My Boy" by the singer S. Vladimirskaya. Sergey began to perform at concerts since 1994. He was the author of songs by A. Ivanov called "Sinful soul sorrow", then he began to work under the creative name Trofim.

Collaboration with the producer Razin brought 2 solo albums - "The aristocracy of the garbage can, part 1 and 2".

Subsequently, in the late 90s, he became a popular artist and simultaneously released 4 discs of songs: "Good morning", "Aristocracy of the garbage dump part 3", "Oh, I would live" and "Devaluation". He also continued to work on the work of other artists, among them S. Almazov, N. Noskov, V. Kikabidze.

In 1999 Sergey created the music for the film Night Crossroads, took part in the Musical Ring.

A year later, he gave a concert for soldiers who fought in Chechnya, in 2001 he released a collection of poems and received an offer to become a member of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation. Already in 2005, he received an award to them. A. Suvorov, as an author, and a year later published a poetry collection entitled "240 pages".

In the 2000s, collections of poems and albums with songs were also recorded:

  • Favorites;
  • "Best songs";
  • "Trofim";
  • "Along the very edge";
  • "War and Peace";
  • "I miss you";
  • "Dedication to St. Petersburg";
  • "Wind in the head."

Video clips were filmed for popular songs. In 2004 he became the founder of the festival "Sergei Trofimov Gathers Friends", which is held annually in the city of Navashino. In honor of the 10th anniversary of his performance on the stage, S. Trofimov gave several concerts in the Kremlin, released the album "Nostalgia". For the songs "City of Sochi" and "Moscow Song" he was awarded the "Golden Gramophone" prize.

Interesting notes:

In 2009, he released 4 more collections of poetry, and also went on tour in America. Since 2011, he has been carrying the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. One of the most important concerts for Trofim was the 45th anniversary event in the Kremlin.

In 2014, he delighted fans with a new disc called "Black and White". Then he took part in the show "Three Chords" as a jury.

2 years later he presented another disc "Nightingales". I went on a tour of the Russian Federation. In 2017 he performed a duet with Denis Maidanov "Wife", as well as Victoria Che - the song "Motherland". At the end of the year, he presented a new hit "I have you".

In 2018 he took part in the projects "Honest Word" and "Fate of a Man". He also worked on the musical accompaniment for the film “Crimean Bridge. Made with love! ”, Shoots new videos and pleases fans with songs.

He shares his successes and news with fans on the page on the Instagram social network, which he actively fills with new videos and photos.

Personal life

Sergei Trofimov was married 2 times. Natalya became his first wife. At that time they were 20 years old. In 1988, the couple became the parents of their daughter Anna. But this did not help save the marriage. The couple broke up for a while, after they got back together, but not for long. At this time, Trofim had an affair with Yulia Meshina, who left him and went to Alexander Abdulov.

In 2003, Sergei and Nastya Nikishina met. She was a ballet dancer at Vaikule. They had mutual sympathy. The novel led to the birth of a son, Ivan, as well as the decision to marry and get married in a church.

In 2008, the family became larger - a daughter, Lisa, appeared. Today the Trofimovs live in their home in the Moscow region... Anastasia left her career and became a housewife. Ivan plays the guitar and drums, Liza does vocals and studies the piano. You can read more about Trofim's personal life.

Since childhood, Sergei has been passionate about sports. He visits the gym regularly today.

Sergei Trofimov (Trofim) is a composer, poet, musician, performer of his own songs. Was born on November 4, 1966 in the city of Moscow.
From 1973 to 1983 - was a soloist of the Moscow State Boys' Choir at the Institute. Gnessins. Studied at the Moscow State Institute of Culture and at the Moscow State Conservatory (department of theory and composition).
1985 - Diploma-recipient of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.
1986 - worked in a restaurant in Moscow.
1987-1991 - began concert activity as a rock bard.
1991-1993 - served in the church (choir director, clerk).
1992-1993 - released the album of the singer Svetlana Vladimirskaya.
1993 - Easter Vigil in Moscow.
1994 - the beginning of the tour under the pseudonym "Trofim".
1994 - the album "Sinful Soul Sorrow" was released by the performer Alexander Ivanov.
1995 - released the album of the singer Carolina "Mom, everything, oh", the album by Svetlana Almazova "In the top ten", as well as her own solo album "The aristocracy of the garbage dump part 1"
1996 - released the solo album "Aristocracy of the Garbage Part 2", the album of the singer Alla Gorbacheva "The Voice"
1997 - solo album "Good morning"
1998 - the second album of the singer Carolina "Queen", her own solo album "Oh, I would live"
1999 - released the solo albums "Garbage Aristocracy Part 3" and "Devaluation", is a co-author of the music for the film "Night Crossroads" USA. November 24 participated in the "Musical Ring" with Mikhail Krug
2000 - solo albums "War and Peace" and "I'm Born Again", performances in Russian cities, nightclubs in Moscow; solo concert in the Palace of Culture im. Gorky, a trip to Chechnya took place, was deputy chairman of the board of trustees of the GUIN of Russia
2001 - solo album "The aristocracy of the garbage dump part 4", a member of the Writers' Union of Russia
awarded: medal for courage, medal for strengthening the military community.

Released the following discs:

* Garbage aristocracy 1 - 1995
* Garbage aristocracy 2 - 1996
* Good morning! - 1996
* Eh, I would live ... - 1996
* Garbage aristocracy 3 - 1998
* News from a prickly far away - 1998
* Legends of Russian chanson - 1999
* I'm Born Again - 2000
* Favorites - 2000
* War and Peace - 2000
* For our ladies - 2001
* Bullfinches: Best songs - 2001
* Garbage aristocracy 4 - 2001
* Bard-Vanguard - 2002
* Along the very edge - 2003
* I Miss You - 2003
* Trofim MP3 part 1 - 2004
* Wind in the head - 2004
* Dedication to St. Petersburg - 2004
* Nostalgia - 2005
* Next stop - 2007
* I live in Russia - 2009

Sergey Trofimov's official website:

Sergey Trofimov is a Russian songwriter in the style of chanson, author's song, rock, musician, singer. In 2011, the performer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. During his career, Sergei Vyacheslavovich received the Golden Gramophone award three times.

Trofim ... Not the name, not the nickname. And the songs? Uncomplicated motive and simple texts. Either pop, not chanson ... But even the fans did not suspect that this very Trofim writes amazing poems, moreover, an excellent composer and arranger with a conservatory education.

However, his compositions sounded in someone else's performance, and he did not particularly advertise the authorship. Only years later did he realize that it was time to announce that the singer Trofim and the composer Sergei Trofimov are one and the same person.

Childhood and adolescence, family

The voice and the ability to write good music don't come up overnight. Behind the talent are years of labor and torment ... his mother. Sergei is grateful to Galina Fedorovna for the fact that once, or rather in 1973, brought him, seven years old, to the choir chapel at the Gnessin Institute, where he soon became a soloist. By the way, he has a lot of songs about mothers, but there seems to be nothing to say about fathers.

His dad left the family when Sergei was only four years old, and on the eve of his 40th birthday he wrote on his page on the social network that he dreamed of meeting. Trofimov invited his father to a concert, a little later they met - completely strangers who had nothing to talk about. Both understood this and made no more attempts to get closer.

But once Sergei dreamed that he had a dad, big and strong, able to instruct him to be true. And my mother was worried that her son was growing up like a tomboy without a firm hand. Trofimov really could have gone along a crooked path, if not for an accident when he miraculously survived.

In the pioneer camp, 13-year-old Sergei took part in "Zarnitsa". The tower he had climbed tilted. What happened next, Sergei did not remember well: he fell, everyone was fussing around, they called an ambulance ... The doctors literally collected his hands piece by piece. He spent almost three years in a cast. But it was then that he learned to think, listen to himself, began to compose poetry, however, he could not write down - he dictated to friends.

When the plaster was removed, he almost cried: his thin, bluish little hands did not want to obey. Sergey began to train: power sports, karate, and all through hellish pain. But I realized how fragile our life can be, and what forces have to be applied to return what was lost.


Sergei Trofimov really, all the time wrote something, composed music, lyrics. "God gave you talent, which means that you have to realize it, create and thus serve people. This is your destiny." He determined my choice - I firmly decided to become a singer, and in 1994 with the song "That's all!" - said the sage and sank into the water "Trofim's career began."

At the beginning of the "dashing nineties" Trofimov, like many others, got lost in the Russian reality: “I didn't want to be bandits, to steal too. Art was in complete prostration. I was baptized - I wanted to get closer to Russia, to its traditions. " In 1991, Sergei became a chorister in the choir, then - as a choir director. I even wanted to go to a monastery, but was not allowed: “My spiritual mentor, Father Nikolai, he now monks on Valaam, said that you cannot be a monk if something new is constantly being born in your soul. Indeed, Sergei Trofimov went too far with thoughts of the monastery. By that time he already had a family ...

Personal life

Sergei Trofimov was married twice. He met his first wife Natalia in a cafe, where he gave a concert. Fell head over heels in love! In 1988, daughter Anechka was born. The wife was discharged from the hospital, and the baby was nursed for a long time in the hospital - the daughter was born seven months old. The young father (Sergei was 22 years old) regularly visited the baby - he took away the expressed milk, and then looked through the glass for a long time as his child was sleeping.

Love for his daughter is the only thing that kept Sergei close to his wife. She and Natalya turned out to be absolutely strangers. The couple divorced when Anya was three years old. He regularly visited the child, paid alimony, even decided to remarry with Natalia - let the baby have a normal family. In 1998, they played a second wedding, but ... Trofimov more and more often stayed overnight in the studio, and his wife and daughter were bored in a country house.

By the way, when it came to the final breakup, the wife showed herself in all her glory. For almost a year she did not give consent, until Sergei, who left her both the house and the car, did not give all the accumulated money. But what was to be done? He loved another woman, and she was already expecting a child.

A good friend invited Nastya Nikashina to the club, promised a performance by some Trofimov, in whose group he worked as a guitarist. He praised in every way, although this surname did not say anything to the girl. But as soon as she saw Sergei and heard his songs ... Here she is - a dear soul! After the performance, she came up and tried to express her delight, but she got an inarticulate babble. He looked wearily at another fan. And something hooked!

After a while, the same friend again brought Nastya to the concert. This time Sergey himself offered to meet in a more pleasant atmosphere. But the date was all postponed: either he was on tour, then she (Anastasia danced in Laima Vaikule's ballet). One day she sent him a text message: "I think I love you." Trofimov himself understood that he had found his soul mate. Honestly admitted to his beloved that he is still married. But the key word was goodbye.

When Nastya realized that she was pregnant, she was scared: love is love, but the marriage of a loved one with another. She shared her doubts with Lyme. She even scolded her: “What is there to think about, silly? You are already twenty-seven. Of course, give birth! " "Of course!" - said the happy Sergei. In November 2003, a son, Ivan, was born.

The singer received good news right at a concert in Tula. The presenter announced: "Sergei Trofimov has a son, Ivan!" A year and a half later, in May 2005, they got married, and six months later they got married. And now the words of the priest about "both in sorrow and in joy" have laid down on blessed soil. Both felt an incredible upsurge, both understood that the dearest person was near, and this was already forever.

In July 2008, an addition happened in his personal life - his daughter Lisa. The couple are sure that they conceived a child while traveling in Italy, in Verona, the city of Romeo and Juliet. Once Sergei opened up: “I already had two children - Anechka and Vanechka. And I was worried - what if I couldn’t love the new man as much? ” But even these doubts quickly passed. He has enough love for everyone.

Trofimov seems to make up for the children all that he himself was deprived of. A couple of years ago, the family moved into a four-story country house, where a whole floor was allocated to the son and daughter. There are as many toys as you want, a whole room has been allocated for them.

“Children are the main thing, this is the whole Universe. You are busy, as it seems to you, with something serious, solving global issues, and suddenly a little man comes up and puts his head on his knee - boo! You stroke him and understand that all your clever thoughts, all your unrealistically important things are bullshit, and only this is real ... "