Noble blood is felt in what. Why aristocrats call people blue blood

Noble blood is felt in what. Why aristocrats call people blue blood
Noble blood is felt in what. Why aristocrats call people blue blood

Noble blood and in Petrokes frowns (Heat).
Cm. Titches - class

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"Noble blood and in Petrokes frowns." in books

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Anyone who at least once heard the history of the kings and the aristocracy of Europe, met an entertaining combination of "Blue Blood". What was the ancestors under these words, is there in nature and how to treat this phenomenon?

Representative of royal blood

What is blood?

Blood is an essential fluid in the body. Oxygen and nutrients are transported to cells, removes waste, causes the internal organs to function. In each human body, there is some tasks, but non-etinakov.

According to the popular system, the Blood is divided into four groups, according to the combination of antigens and antibodies.

  • The first, common view that has no antigens and, if necessary, overflows another group.
  • The second, with an antigen A, is suitable only for subtypes with appropriate antibodies.
  • Third, with an antigen in and suitable antibodies
  • The fourth, rare, in which both antigen are present, but no antibodies.

To figure out what blue blood is, which group of blood relates to this phrase, we need a rhesus factor. This is a protein on the surface of the erythrocytes. Depending on whether it is or not, the rhesus is positive or negative. The Royal Indicator is negative rhesus for several reasons.

The concept of a group and cut

Where did the concept of "Blue Blood" originated?

The very phrase has arisen in medieval Europe. Only it was not about the essence of such a liquid, the blue blood group did not exist, since there was no division into groups. Blood groups are open in the 19th century. Under this concept, the aristocratic whiteness of the skin was implied, which gave some sinusia because of the approaches close to the surface of the skin of the veins.

The "dirty" blood was considered a mixture with residents of non-European countries, people with skin color, different from white. The more tanned skin, the less visible "bloodworm blood", and the rank of such a person in society below.

Are there people with blue blood?

When the blue blood is remembered in humans, the blood group does not always matter, because there are people with liquid such a shade. There are few them on the planet, scientists are inclined to believe that their several thousand people call such people kianetics.

People with blue blood blues

This is simply explained - in the red blood cells of such representatives of humanity, the blue pigment, which gives the liquid to the appropriate shade. As a result, the blood is purple with a blue tint. In medicine, this is not considered pathology, as it does not affect the vital activity of the carrier. The difference with ordinary red blood is insignificant and has a positive character:

  • Such people cannot get sick of common blood disease due to copper in them.
  • They have improved blood coagulation, which allows you to quickly stop bleeding.

To be a representative of kianethics - a rarity. This parameter is not inherited, doctors are not clear why it turns out, so such a phenomenon is considered unique.

What groups are called blue?

The concept of "royal blood group" remained in the distant past. At the moment, under this phrase is meant several opposing meanings. There are superstitions that are almost every subspecies called blue.

To understand which blood type is considered blue, it is possible only on the basis of a specific "calculus system". In China, they developed like a horoscope, only by meaning of blood, and endowed every special features. In different conditions, blue is called a different group. According to this criterion, may refuse the workplace or engagement, because it did not like the governing faces or parents a forecast compiled by such an unusual "horoscope".

Consider two main values \u200b\u200bthat invest in this phrase and the reasons for which these groups are special.

The fourth is negative

A truly gold can be called a fourth negative group of blood. In the system, AU0 takes the last place and has two antigen, and A. and B, without antibodies. Special status caused by several factors:

  • The most rare and occurs in 8% of the population. The fourth positive occurs more often, so the negative rhesus of this subspecies is recognized as the most peculiar.
  • It is not formed due to evolution, but when mixing two other groups - the second and third.
  • Does not fit anyone. Such a group can be pouring only to people with a fourth negative subspecies and more anyone. This makes it quite rare in donor points, which creates problems in the acute need for transfusion.

Characteristic 4 groups

Bleeding with such a group is fatal, since it is almost impossible to quickly find the appropriate appearance.

First negative

Golden blood group for many doctors is the first negative. In the system AV zero ranks first and has both antibodies without antigens. This makes it a universal donor material. The absence of lipoproteide protein, which is a reserves factor, allows you to overflow it to any recipient. This can be done due to the lack of immune response to the protein.

Characteristics 1 group

To the royal, this subspecies of blood is believed due to versatility, but in modern medicine it is accepted by each recipient to overflow its group. This is caused by better compatibility and lightweight adaptation of the injected fluid. In case of acute necessity, for example: during epidemics, after mass accidents or natural disasters, the first negative is actively input to save as much more lives as possible.

Racism and "Blue Blood"

Recommending what blue blood is, what a blood type and rhesus can relate to it, it is worth saying that, in essence, this movable connecting fluid has the same functionality from any person. Makes the same work, and at the moment the grotesque concept "aristocratic blue blood" has sunk in the summer, equalizing all people. This is important for overcoming psychological barriers and racism based on the skin of people in different regions of the world.

At the moment, in the scientific world in this concept invests positive senses, relating to blue blood rare fourth and universal first negative groups. However, the European race remained some snobbery about this, which led to the emergence of fascist theory and the Hitler's campaign. Many Altruists all over the world hope that the concept of "blue blood" in the racist sense will finally go to the past after the lesson and the victims of World War II.


Purpose of immunoglobulin with reserves conflict, indications and contraindications

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31/05/04, _Murka_
I somehow, it is in a side of the prince, but still there is something pleasant. This is if the usual pont went to that :). Well, do you understand the great-grandfather, I had a repressed nobleman :). Yes, and a bunch of all sorts of expected in the family was ...

31/05/04, Dahut The White
And I do not know exactly whether there were nozzles nobles. Probably, because of the simple to rent almost (did not have time to give, the owls came. The authorities) before the admiral was impossible, and the great-grandmother Anastasia was probably a nobility, and a dramatic story is connected with another great-grandmother ... I can talk about ancestors for a long time - although the facts remained So little!, - But I will not, because they will not understand, and not why every oncoming transverse one's all-to-date lay out ... and this is not a Ponty. Let them show new Russian and oligarchs, out of the forest. I believe that the past imposes an imprint on the present. And the nobility is associated with my honor, with patriotism, with loyalty, with all the best irrevocably left ... stupid? Naive? But always remains "but" and memory always remains.

13/06/04, Biatraisk
It is cool to know that you flow a little noble blood in you :) Here I have a root of Alexey Tolstoy :) True, it is very distant relatives but still ...

18/12/08, gorkovchanka
Who did not have in the family)) My Praprabablushka was a miniature nobility, he loved music and painting very much, and left us beautiful vintage albums. Praded, he worked in prison in Stalin's time and personally shot sentenced. And another great-grandfather was a professor and collected a wonderful collection of paintings. By the way, another great-grandfather was a disobedient alkash and died that he fell asleep in a drunken drift. In short, everything was mixed in the house of the Blond, as they say. And now Nostalgia in the past, the brilliant era was mixed with modern uremother. I am a rinse lady and a tide in one face.

11/05/10, Matriarch.
Oh, I have no noble blood and it is extremely impressed for me! First, to be involved in noble is undoubtedly nice. Secondly, I essentially always liked the empire, and another XIX century. I am very sorry that it was not born in imperial time, then would be a full nobility. Thirdly, what is there to hone, in me it is already felt, I love to sit, beautiful things, I like intelligence and puritancy ... The modern world, which the peasants right I do not like at all. I would like to have my yard, fortress peasants and a fiance-nobleman! This is life, and now ... the hole from the bagel, and not life. Well, and on horseradish, and I like my noble blood, my daquer, but kinship with the block, the fact that my ancestors were outstanding scientists and ladies. Beauty! Green column, we are already so much, we steered. :)

11/05/10, Kronos Dark Lord.
I think, taking into account the number of past generations, it is a lot in com. How many I know, among the Russians of my ancestors "Blue blood" was not, but the Polish nobleman, who moved to the Russian Empire, was. True, at the time of the revolution, this family was already ruined, which, by the way, perhaps, helped survive after her.

24/12/10, Juliet87.
And on the part of Papy - his great-grandfather was a very rich Polish nobleman, and from Mom - in her family there were very noble Tatar merchants who led trading in the past century with Turkey and Eastern Khanate, there was a beautiful time! And, of course, it is nice to feel blue blood))) By the way, we still have a legend in our family that it seems to be one ancestor on my mother's line, the truth is at all the Sultan! It turns out, I am Julietic -Prinzessian royal blood! \u003d)

24/12/10, American Human.
There is an unlikely noble, but the great-grandfather was a wealthy man - before the revolution he worked the peasants in the fields, and after the revolution he became chairman of the collective farm. Then the portrait of Stalin shown in the dining room, he was put in the camp, a tree fell on him, and he soon died. Who knows, maybe he was from the kind of impoverished nobles? It will be necessary to apply for an archive and spread your pedigree. And from the side of the father, Prababka was a conventional peasant, besides, a shroud communist and the atheistic. When I died, I took a star to her monument. But grandmother (her daughter) was afraid that the monument to the star would destroy the vandals, and this star was lying around somewhere in the garage.

21/10/13, Caramel with Vanilla
Mda. Of course, I do not know my ancestors to 12 generation, but more or less aware of the affairs of the long-lasting days related to my family. There was one Polish nobleman in faith and the truth who served the throne and Fatherland (from him and my last name went) ... After the left-handed, our family got under the cheap principle of "take away and divide", having lost the pair of estates, etc. Alas, worker-peasant cattle , by definition, which does not have a nobility drop, but with such useful d / picoantrophs, as stupidity, tightness and laziness, and lazy, greatly broke the Lisovsky family. I am proud of my ancestors for the fact that they honestly lived life. And I try to be worthy of them. Rubyuyu and contemptuously press the sponge at the thought of those who once forcibly captured power. but. The rotten blood of the sewn proletarians makes itself felt in the descendants of these unlike.

18/12/14, Zukel Connect
I am also a nobleman, a descendant of a glorious German kind, the name to which is the world for everyone (or everything for the world). The world is not in terms of Peace, but in terms of Universe. In general, we are from the distant planets. Germany accidentally threw us. There we stayed, and sometimes in Ukraine guests.

17/07/15, WCHCODIKOK
Yes, on the mother's line in my veins flows the aristocratic blood of the Russian nobility! Grandma told a lot about how our ancestors-nobles lived, and this information, in turn, had learned from their parents, grandparents. And the title was princes. Very wealthy people were, influential, wealthy, but in connection with the revolution lost everything, not a single document was preserved, not a single one's value ... I am very impressed by my partial belonging to the noble family, I like the aristocratic age itself, I would not refuse From the title "Princess", which I could rightfully, do not happen to revolution and preserve the order of that time ... somehow I found a curious article "Portrait of the Aristocrat" on the Internet and found enough signs of human noble blood in it that inherent And I (not for Ponte I say, if that, but simply share the fact of the fact ... and honestly, the peasants in my family were also present).