Weber, Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst Background. Karl Maria Von Weber: Biography, Interesting Facts, Creativity

Weber, Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst Background. Karl Maria Von Weber: Biography, Interesting Facts, Creativity
Weber, Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst Background. Karl Maria Von Weber: Biography, Interesting Facts, Creativity

Weber, Karl Maria Background(Weber, Carl Maria Von) (1786-1826), founder of German romantic Opera. Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber was born at the Economy (Oldenburg, now Earth Schleswig-Holstein), 18 or 19 November 1786. His father, Baron Franz Anton von Weber (Uncle Wife Mozart Constanta, nee Weber), was an experienced violinist and director of mobile theatrical troupe. Karl Maria grew up in the atmosphere of the theater and the first steps in music did under the direction summary brother, excellent musician, in turn I learned from y. Hydna. Later Weber was engaged in a composition with M. Hydno and Pogler. FROM young years Weber attracted opera; In 1813, he became the director of the Opera House in Prague (where one of the first put Fidelio Beethoven - Opera, which was only in Vienna). In 1816 he was invited to head just founded by the German opera in Dresden. European glory came to him, after the Berlin premiere of his opera Wolly arrows (Der Freischütz.) in 1821. In the spring of 1826 Weber drove into London to lead his new opera Oberon (Oberon.) written for the "Covent Garden" theater. However, the composer did not move the journey and died from tuberculosis in London on June 5, 1826.

As a true romance of Weber is characterized by versatility: although the center of attraction was opera, he also wrote an excellent tool music And he achieved success as a concerting pianist. In addition, Weber showed himself gifted musical criticism. At the age of 14, he mastered the lithographic method of printing, invented by A.Zhenefelder (1771-1834), and even improved it. As Weber wrote the Vienna Publisher Artaria, this improvement allowed "engraving notes on a stone with a result that is not inferior to the best English copper engravings."

Weberian Wolly arrows - The first real romantic opera. Evrianta (Euryanthe,1823) was an attempt to create a musical drama, and this work had a significant impact on the Wagner Loejngrina. However, the composer did not quite cope with the difficulties of the task set by him, and Evrianta There was only a short success (there was only a popular Overture to Opera). The same applies to Oberone (Oberon1826) created based on the comedies of Shakespeare Storm and Son B. summer night . Although in this opera there are delightful music of the elves, charming paintings of nature and the fascinating song of mermaids in the second act, in our time there is only an inspirational overture to Oberone. Among the writings of Weber in other genres, you can mark two piano concerts and often executable concertshuk for piano with orchestra; four sonatas; several cycles of variation and the famous Invitation to dance For piano Solo (later instrumented by Hector Berlioz).

Karl Maria von Weber. Operas

Weber's childhood passed in the atmosphere of the wrath of the provincial theater. His mother was a singer, and Father violinist and head of a small theater troupe. Acquired as early as a child the beautiful knowledge of the scene was subsequently very useful to Weber as opera composer. Although permanent connectors interfered with music learning, at 11 years old Carl Maria became an outstanding virtuoso-pianist.

From 18 years ago begins independent activities Weber as an opera conductor. For more than 10 years, he moved from place to place without having a permanent refuge and experiencing tremendous material difficulties,worked by a pianist and conductor. Only in 1817 Weber settled in Dresden. In 1817 he married the singer Carolina Brand. IN Dresden Weber took over the leadership of the German Music Theater and Organized the theater of the German opera, in contrast to the theater of the Italian opera under the guidance of Morlakki.

Dresden period became the top of him creative activity, Best Weber Operas appeared: "Wolly shooter", "Evrianta", "Oberon".

In the history of Western European musical culture Weber's name is associated primarily with the creation of a romantic German opera. The premiere of his "free shooter", held in Berlin on June 18, 1821 under the leadership of the author, became an event historical meanings. She put an end to the long-term domination of ingenic, primarily Italian, opera music on the scenes of German theaters. Simultaneously with the "free shooter", two famous web players were created - the piano "invitation to dance" and "Concertshtyuk" for piano with the orchestra. Both works demonstrate a brilliant concert style characteristic of the composer.

In search of ways to create a People's National Opera Weber appealed to the newest german literature. With many German romantic writers, the composer communicated personally. Dramatic moments, love, subtle features of a musical expression, a fantastic element - everything was available to wide weer gift. The most different images are defined by this music poet with great sensitivitymelodic, rare expression. Patriot in the soul, he not only developed folk melodies, but also created his purely folk spirit.

Representing in 1821 "free shooter",Weber Significantly anticipated the romanticism of such composers, like Bellini and Donizetti, which appeared ten years later, or Rossini, who set "Wilhelm Telly" in 1829. In general, 1821 was significant for the preparation of romanticism in music: at this time Beethoven composes thirty first OP Sonatu. 110 For the piano, Schubert presented the song "Forest King" and began the eighth symphony, "unfinished". Already in the overtoo "free shooter" Weber moves to the future and is exempt from the impact of the theater of the recent past, "Faust" of Spur or Undines, or french operawho influenced these predecessors.

Opera "Evrianta" - a romantic opera. The author of Libretto - Gelmines von Szi.

The story is based on the works of Giovanni Brokeccho, William Shakespeare, as well as the Middle Ages French novel "The History of Gerard de Nevers and the beautiful and virtuous Evrianta of Savoy, his cute."

The graceful girl of the Evriant is gained with the Graph Adolar de Nevers. Also in love and Count Liziart - in the presence of a monarch he announces that she will achieve her love. Moreover, if he can prove that the girl is wrong with his fiance, the Graph Adolar will have to give his own possessions to self-confidently. Adolar is confident in his beloved, and therefore, without a shadow of doubt, the terms of the dispute accepts.

Eglantine comes to the rescue, the daughter of the rustling feudal. At one time, she was saved by the Evrianta, but instead of gratitude, she hates a girl: after all, Evrianta turned out to be a more fortunate rival in love. Having won the confidence of Evrianta, Eglantina will know the terrible secret: Emma, \u200b\u200bSister Adolar, lost one day the groom. She could not cope with grief and poisoned poison from his rings. But everyone knows that the suicide will not be able to gain peace, while the tomb does not fall a tear of an innocent victim. Eglantine takes out a fatal ring out of the coffin and gives him Lizaryt. Then he places a ring to king and declares that Evrianta became his mistress. The Adolar lands go to an evil graph, and the lost Adolar wishes to kill his former bride. Evrianta manages to convince the monarch in her right: after all, she was slandered. From transferred shocks, the girl loses consciousness, and everyone thinks that she died from grief. Meanwhile, Graf Lizhart wants to play a wedding with the Eglantine. But the girl almost lost the reason - she was tortured by remorse. She accidentally reveals the truth to Adolyar, and he causes Lizaryat to a fight. But he was not destined to take place: the king arrived. He informs the graphs about the death of Evrianta. Eglantine bits, but not long: in a rush of joy, she reveals creepy mystery His betrayal and already Lizirart kills her, then goes to the execution. Adolarian repents in disbelief with his beloved, so untimely departed in another world. But here Living Evrianta, crying from joy, concludes beloved in his arms. Her tears gave Emma eternal peace.

In 1822, the composer received an order for writing a new opera from Domenico Barbaiy. Head viennese theater Wanted to get a work in the folk spirit, with fantastic and colorful household scenes. For writing libretto, Gelmines von Szi took up. The text edited 11 times due to the complexity of the plot and the limited features of the scene. Music accompaniment was written for a year and a half.

Opera "Evrianta" marked the new opera genre. The score is characterized by detailed drawing characteristics, choral and orchestral batches give the plot a special brightness.

Many critics consider the plot of opera initially confusing and illogical. Karl Maria Von Weber led the four first productions, the opera was successful. However, it is believed that it was the success of the writer itself rather than the play itself. And the abbreviation of "Evrianta" after the composer departure made the work even more difficult for perception.

- "Evrianta" was dedicated to the Emperor of Austria Frank I.

- The first stage of Evrianta with Henrietta umbrella in the capital party did not have. Then, the opera gained well-deserved significance and it began to be considered a prologue to Wagner's musical dramas. Images of Lizarta and Eglantine on a musical expression anticipate orthroud and Telramund in the "Loangrine" Wagner.

When Weber approached Evrianta, Einstein writes, "his sharp antipod of Spontini in some sense already cleared him the road; At the same time, Spontini only gave the classical opera-series of colossal, monumental dimensions due to mass scenes and emotional voltage. In Evrianta, a new, more romantic tone appears, and if the audience did not immediately appreciate this opera, then it was deeply appreciated by the composers of the following generations. "

Creativity Weber, who laid the foundations of the German National Opera (along with the "Magic Flute" of Mozart), led to the double meaning of his opera heritage, which Julio confalomani writes well: "As a orthodox romance, Weber found in the legends and folk legends a source of music, devoid of notes, But ready to sound ... Along with these elements, he also wanted to freely express his own temperament: unexpected transitions from one tone to the opposite, the daring convergence of extremes, riding each other in agreement with the new laws of romantic Franco-German music, were brought to the composer limit . independent state which was constantly restless and feverish due to charkers. " This duality, which seems contrary to stylistic unity and really disrupts it, gave rise to a painful desire to leave, because of the vital choice, from the last sense of existence: from reality - with her, perhaps, only in the magic "Oberone" is expected to reconcile, and that Partial and incomplete. Exhausted by large organizational work and incurable patient, after the period of treatment in Marienbad (1824), Weber puts in London Oberon (1826), adopted with enthusiasm.\u003e Weber.html.

Academic Symphony Orchestra Moscow Philharmonic under the direction of Simonov

In the form of a kind of protest against the "gray everyday life" of real life, in search of imaginary idyll and beauty poets-romance created an excellent enchanting world in their works. This world of romantic dreams for the first time received a musical embodiment in Oberone Weber. The composer gave him IG-RIVE, cross lighting.
Opera music as if imbued magic light. Paintings of nature (air dances of elves when moonlight, Mermaids singing out of the sparkling ocean, flights of air, water and land) are transferred to sparkling, the paints of the orchestra finest in their shades. With special virtuosity and expressiveness used French horn and wooden wind instruments (Clar-No, flutes).
The wealth of orchestral and harmonic palette is combined in Oberone with the utmost simplicity music forms. The bright melectricity of the people's household warehouse and dance rhythms are re-lowered by many rooms of this opera.

Magnificent Overture "Oberon", fully built on the topics from the opera.

In the brilliance, subtleties, the wealth of paints, this overture is highlighting among all modern symphonic music. Many commercial-romance composites followed the path laid by Weber; Mendelssohn in an overture and scherzo from "Sleep in the Summer Night", Ber Lieoz in the Schrozo "Fairy Maab", Schuman in the scene of Ariel from Faust.

New in Oberone turned out to be the exotic flavor of tradition-onno comedy "eastern" scenes. In their music Weber used a genuine oriental motive, recorded by one of the travelers in the East.

Interesting Facts

At twelve years, Weber composed his first comic opera "The Power of Love and Wine". Opera score was kept in the closet. Soon an incomprehensible way a cabinet with content burned. It should be noted that besides the cabinet, nothing has suffered. Weber perceived it as the "sign over" and decided to abandon music, dedicating himself lithographs.
, passion for music not passed and at fourteen years Weber wrote new opera "Mute Forest Girl." The opera was first delivered in 1800. Then it was quite often put in Vienna, Prague and even St. Petersburg. After a very good start musical career Weber stopped believing in the signs and "signs over".

Weber's creativity motto was the famous words that the composer asked to put in the form of his own autograph on the entered engraving with his portrait: "Weber expresses the will of God, Beethoven - the will of Beethoven, and Rossini ... The Will of the Ventsens"

In Bresslavl with Weber, there was a tragic case, almost worth his life. He invited a friend for dinner, and waiting for him to work. Freezing while workingWeberi decided to warm up the throat of wine, but in the semi squeezed from the wine flask, in which the Weber's father kept sulfuric acid for gravio-work. The composer fell hopeless. Weber friend in the meantime delayed And only came with the onset of the night. The composer window glows, but no one answered on the knock. A friend pushed the door unlocked and saw a webber's bodylessly lying on the floor. The broken flange was lying around, from which the caustic smell was. On the cries of help from the neighboring room ran away Father Weber, together they took the composer to the hospital. Weber was returned to life, but the mouth and throat were terribly burned, and the voice ligaments did not act. So Weber lost his beautiful voice. All further life He was forced to speak in a whisper. To one of his friends, he somehow said in a whisper:

They say Mozart ruined Salieri, I walked around without him ...

Weber loved animals very much. His house resembled Zoosad: Hunting dog Ali, a gray cat Maun, a monkey-cabin cord and many birds surrounded the musician family. The favorite was a big Indian Raven - he was important every morning. He said to the composer: "Good evening."
One day Carolina made a truly wonderful gift to her husband. Especially for the birthday of Weber were sewn costumes for animals, and the next morning a fun march went to the name of the birthday room - Congratulations! .. Ali was turned into an elephant with a long trunk and big ears, Nropon was replaced by silk handkerchiefs. It was a cat, disguised in a donkey, with a pair of home shoes instead of bags on the back. Followed by a monkey in lush dress, she has a flirtary jammed hat on her head ...
Weber in orphanage burned from joy, and here it began something unimaginable: he forgot about his sores, failures and even about composers-competitors ... Animals and happy Weber worn around the chairs and tables, and a serious raven told the infinite number of times to everyone:

Good evening!

It is a pity that Russia has not seen this ...

In Paris newspapers from time to time, enthusiastic praises of the greatest of the greatest maestro of all the times and peoples - Weber appeared. Moreover, the laudatory articles of an unknown author were written with the knowledge of all the subtleties of the composer's music. And it's not surprising, because these diffirable Weber sang ... Weber himself. He was so in love with himself that with the consent of his wife three of four children were named after Father's names: Karl Maria, Maria Carolina and Carolina Maria.

"The talented man is talented in everything" - this expression is quite fair can be attributed to Carlo Weber. He was not only the famous writer, performer and conductor, but also showed outstanding organizational abilities and talent of the head. Do not be a Weber-musician, we would certainly know the webkeeper or webkeeper webkeeper today, since in these areas of art, he also turned out to be very successful. But the love of music inherited from parents determined life Path Karl Mary.

short biography

The head of the family, in which Karl Maria Friedrich Background Weber, Franz Anton Weber, was married for the second time and had ten children. He served in the infantry, but so fascinated by the music that he left the service for the sake of the position of KapelMister and the entrepreneur of theatrical troupe associated with constant touring and moving. Karl was born on December 18, 1786 in the German city of Eitine, and in childhood, together with her parents, there was a significant part of German cities. Father, who played many tools, and mother singer paid special attention to the development of his musical abilities, and in every new, though temporary, the place of residence found for him the best teachers.

After the death of Mother Karl with his father, who had a great hopes for the musical abilities of the Son, moved to the sister of Franz Anton to Munich. The efforts of relatives and unique abilities of Charles soon brought their fruits: in the ten years he tried himself in the composition, and in 1798 he created the first full-fledged works. Weber mentors at that time were I. Wallishausen, I. Kalhore. Unfortunately, the debut work called "The Power of Love and Wine" turned out to be lost.

In 1799, the Opera "Forest Polyana" was created, and next year Karl stops in Salzburg, where he again takes the lessons from Mikhael Gaidna, brother famous composer. His positive estimates of the first experiments of Charles presented the young man faith in own forces, and soon a few more works appeared to the world, including the opera "Peter Shmol and his neighbors". So without waiting for her setting, Weber with his father go to the concert tour, during which Karl strikes the public with his master-playing game, which became the result of long-term exercises.

In 1803, Karl Weber moved to Vienna. Musical classes They continued under the leadership of Abbot Fogler, who paid special attention to the study of the theory of music, bringing young Weber's musical skill to perfection. After the year of the painstaking work, Fogler gave a 17-year-old musician a ticket to adult life: According to his recommendation, Karl took the dropletaster to the Opera House of the city of Brzlavl.

Theater in the life of the composer

Working in the opera theaters first Brzlavl, and then Prague, Weber discovered new facets of his talent. He was an excellent conductor, but besides this, also showed himself as a reformer of musical and theater traditions. From the first days of Weber began to implement his own ideas about how musicians should be located in the orchestra. He posted them by type of tools that at that time it was quite bold, but in the 19th century it became familiar to all opera theaters. In addition, Weber actively interfered with the rehearsal process, demanding separate classes for learning new parties and general guidelines. The innovations of the young droplet player came up to misunderstanding from experienced musicians, but Weber had enough confidence and strength to defend his point of view.

Life and work in Breslavla forced to get into big debts, from which the composer escaped into another tour. Thanks happy occasion He receives the position of Music director of Karslaue Castle in the Duchy of Württemberg. In this short period, the composer creates symphony and concertino for the pipe. A new place of service - the personal secretary of the Duke, turned out not better decision - Weber only aggravated his financial position New debts, and soon was expelled from Württemberg. Weldania Weber continued, he visited Mannheim, Heidelberg, Darmstadt. In Frankfurt, the opera "Silvana" was set. It was a fairly successful period - in each city of Charles, there was an universal recognition, and he continued to tour a few more years, until he received an offer to become the leader of the theater in Prague. However, Weber failed to fully enjoy the freedom provided to him in the production: in January 1812 he was overtaken by the lung disease, and since then the condition has only deteriorated.

A segment of life that Weber tied with the theater, largely determined the main features of his further creative activity, formed the taste and style of the composer. It was a very fruitful time that gave world art many significant works.

Last period of life

In 1817, Karl Weber holds the position of Kuppelmister Opera House in Dresden. Here, his reform moods faced more serious resistance, since at that time the Italian traditions occupied the main place in Opera. Weber came to promote the German opera by the forces of German talented artists. Overcoming discontent even court circles, Weber still gathered a new troupe, and successfully put several bright performances.

In the Dresden period, Weber creates his best workswho glorified him. This is the Opera "free shooter", "Three Pinto", "Evrianta". The first of them marked the beginning of a new period in the development of the German opera as a whole, and its premiere held on June 18, 1821, made Weber National Hero.

  • If Weber had not been engaged in music, it would probably be like that the world would have heard about him as an artist: Karl demonstrated outstanding abilities to painting.
  • Created by the 12-year composer Opera "The Power of Love and Wine" is lost forever: by a strange coincidence of circumstances in the House of Weber, it was the cabinet that Karl kept his essay. Desperate, the young man perceived it as a certain message from above that he should not be engaged in music. However, the subsequent successful performances of his opera convinced Karl in the opposite, and in whatever "heavenly signs" he stopped believing forever.
  • The father of the composer, who considered the main thing his life to help his son, almost he did not become a culprit of the untimely death of the musician. To at least somehow pay with numerous debts, Franz engaged in engraving. Once Karl, without checking the contents of the bottle, made a decent sip with an acid. Fortunately, near close friend The musician who called the doctor. Acid managed to burn her throat, and Weber had lost his beautiful voice forever, spraining only in a whisper.
  • Weber had a tense relationship with the composer of Rossini, whose glory at that time also gained momentum. Karl did not miss the opportunity to release the knife to Rossini, and even on non-portrait In the engraving commissioned to write: "Weber expresses the will of God, Beethoven - The will of Beethoven, and Rossini - the will of the Ventsents "
  • Karl Weber always loved animals, and in his own home there were constantly a few favorite pets: a cat, a dog, a monkey and a lot of birds, including Raven. On one of the birthdays of the composer Carolina Brandt prepared a surprise husband: all animals changed into funny carnival costumes, and in the early morning they launched a musician into the room. Weber rejoiced like a child, for a time forgotten about all the troubles and even about the illness that was at the moment in the stage of exacerbation.
  • The composer was distinguished by narcissism, reaching the point that he himself wrote critical notes about his works and sent them to Paris magazines anonymously or under pseudonyms. The articles were printed, Weber spoke, but no one guessed that this musician himself creates a fame.

One of the first romantic composers, the creator of German romantic. Operas, National Organizer musical Theater. Musical abilities Weber inherited from the Father, Opera Kappelmeister and Anthreprenor, who played many tools. ((A source: Music encyclopedia. Moscow. 1873 ( chief Editor Yu. V. Keldysh). ). Childhood and youth passed in wandering through the cities of Germany. It is impossible to say that he in the youth passed the systematic and strict music school.

Like the first teacher of the game on the piano, whose Weber did more or less for a long time, was Johann Peter Hischkel, then on the theory - Michael Haydn, took the lessons and in Fogler.

Max Weber, his son, wrote a biography of his famous Father.


  • "Hinterlassene Schriften", ed. Gellem (Dresden, 1828);
  • "Karl Maria. von weber EIN LEBENSBILD ", Max Mary von V. (1864);
  • WEBERGEDENKBUCH Kohwut (1887);
  • "Reisebriefe von Karl Maria Von Weber An Seine Gattin" (Leipzig, 1886);
  • "Chronol. Thematischer Katalog Der Werke Von Karl Maria Von Weber »(Berlin, 1871).

From Weber works, in addition to the above, we point out concerts for piano and orchestra, OP. 11, Op. 32; "CONCERT-STÜCK", OP. 79; String Quartet, String Trio, Six Sonatas for Piano and Violin, OR. 10; Large concert duet for clarinet and fs, op. 48; Sonata OR. 24, 49, 70; Polona, \u200b\u200bRondo, Piano Variations, 2 Concerts for Clarinet with Orchestra, Variations for Clarinet and Piano, Clarinet Clarinets with Orchestra; Andante and Rondo for the fag and orchestra, concert for Fagota, Aufforderung Zum Tanz ("Invitation à la danse") and others.

Piano works

  • Variations "Schon Mink" (it. Schöne Minka.), Op. 40 J. 179 (1815) on the topic of Ukrainian people's song "Їkhav kozak for the Danube"


  • "Forest girl" (it. Das Waldmädchen.), 1800 - Separate fragments are preserved
  • "Peter Shmol and his neighbors" (it. Peter Schmoll Und Seine Nachbarn ), 1802
  • "Ryubetsal" (it. Rübezahl.), 1805 - Separate fragments are preserved
  • Silvana (Him. Silvana.), 1810
  • "Abu Gasan" (Him. Abu Hassan.), 1811
  • "Free shooter" (it. Der Freischütz.), 1821
  • "Three Pinto" (it. Die Drei Pintos.) - not finished; Completed by Gustav Maller in 1888.
  • "Evrianta" (Him. Euryanthe.), 1823
  • "Oberon" (it. Oberon.), 1826

In astronomy

  • In honor of main heroine Karl Weer Opera "Evrianta" is named asteroid (527) of Evrianta, opened in 1904.
  • In honor of the heroine of the opera Karl Weber "Oberon" named asteroid (528) Registration opened in 1904
  • In honor of the heroine of the opera Karl Weber "Preciosa" named asteroid (529) of preciosis, opened in 1904.
  • In honor of the heroine of the opera Karl Weber "Abu Hasan" named asteroids (865) Zubaida (eng.)russian and (866) Fatme (eng.)russianOpened in 1917.


  • Ferman V. Opera theatre. - M., 1961.
  • Khokhlovkina A. Western European Opera. - M., 1962.
  • Koenigsberg A. Carl Maria Weber. - m.; L., 1965.
  • Bialik M. G. Opera creativity Weber in Russia // F. Mendelsson-Bartholdi and the traditions of musical professionalism: Collection scientific Labors / Sost G. I. Ganzburg. - Kharkov, 1995. - C. 90 - 103.
  • Laux K. S. M. Von Weber. - Leipzig, 1966.
  • Moser H. J. S. M. Von Weber: Leben Und Werk. - 2. AUFL. - Leipzig, 1955.

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  • Free library classical music On Classical Connect.
  • Karl Maria Weber: Music notes on International Music Score Library Project

Excerpt characterizing Weber, Carl Maria Background

- Here. What a lightning! They were talking about.

In the abandoned Korchm, the doctor was standing in front of the doctor, there was already a man five officers. Marya Herry Herry, full blonde mone in a blouse and night cape sat in the front corner on a wide shop. Her husband, doctor, slept behind her. Rostov with Ilyini, celebrated by cheerful exclamations and laughter, entered the room.
- And! Yes, you have what fun, - laughing, Rostov said.
- What do you yawning?
- Good! So flows with them! Our living room is not soak.
"Marya Henry Henry Dress is not blurred," answered the voices.
Rostov with Ilyinh hurried to find a corner, wherever they, without breaking the modesty of Mary Herrynovna, could change the wet dress. They went for the partition to change clothes; But in a small shell, filling it all, with one candle on an empty drawer, was sitting three officers, playing cards, and never wanted to give up their place. Mary Herrichovna gave way to his skirt for a while to use it instead of curtains, and behind this curtain Rostov and Ilyin with the help of a laurel who brought a blizzard, removed the wet and drove dry dress.
In the broken stove laid fire. I got out the board and, approved her on two saddles, covered the opponent, got a samovarchik, Pogreets and Polbutalki Roma, and, asking Mary Herrykhovna to be a hostess, everyone crowded near her. Who offered her a clean handkerchief to wipe the adorable handles, who under the legs put her Hungarian to her, so that there was no damp, who had a cloak of the window so as not to blow, who fooled flies from her husband's face so that he would not wake up.
"Leave him," said Mary Herrichovna, smiling and smiling happily, "he sleeps well after a sleepless night."
"It's impossible, Mary Herrichovna," answered an officer, "you need to serve the doctor." Everything may be, and he will regret me when the leg or hand cut will be.
Glasses were only three; The water was so dirty that it was impossible to decide when a fastener or loose tea, and in the samovar of the water was only on six glasses, but it was more nice to take turns and seniority to get her glass of chubby with short, not quite clean, nails of Marya Herry Henry Handles . All officers seemed to really be in love with Henry Henry. Even those officers who played behind the partition in the cards soon threw the game and moved to the samovar, submitting to the general mood of Claws for Maria Henrynovna. Mary Hence, seeing herself surrounded by such brilliant and courtesy of young people, shone with happiness, no matter how hard she tried to hide it and, no matter how obviously, she had a her husband who had spawned her husband.
The spoon was only one, the sugar was most, but it did not have time to stir it, and therefore it was decided that it would alternately interfere with sugar to everyone. Rostov, having received his glass and filling it into it, asked Marwe Henry Heno stir.
- Why are you without sugar? She said, everyone smiling, as if everything that she said, and everything that others said, it was very funny and had another meaning.
- Yes, I'm not sugar, I just, so that you prevent your handle.
Marya Henryovna agreed and began to look for a spoon, which someone had already seized.
"You're a finger, Mary Herrynovna," Rostov said, "it will be more pleasant."
- hot! - said Marya Henrykhovna, blushing from pleasure.
Ilyin took a bucket with water and, pinway rum, came to Marie Henry Henry, asking for his finger.
"This is my cup," he said. - Just put your finger, all drink.
When the samovar drank all, Rostov took the card and suggested playing the kings with Marya Henry Henry. Through the lot, to whom to make a party of Marya Henrykhovna. The rules of the game, at the suggestion of Rostov, was that the one who would be the king was right to kiss the handle of Marya Henry Henry, and so that the one who remains the boom would go to put a new samovar for the doctor when he wakes up.
- Well, if Marya Henry Henry will be king? - asked Ilyin.
- She and so queen! And her orders - the law.
The game has just begun, as because of Maryia Henrykhovna suddenly, the fusion head of the doctor suddenly rose. He no longer slept and listened to what was said, and, apparently, did not find anything funny, funny or funny in everything, which was said and was done. His face was sad and sad. He did not say hello to officers, scratched and asked the permission to go out, as he was blocked by the road. As soon as he came out, all officers broke out with a loud laughter, and Marya Herrykhovna blushed to the tears and became more attractive to the eyes of all officers. Returning from the courtyard, the doctor told his wife (who stopped smile happily so happy and, afraid, waiting for the sentence, looked at him) that the rain passed and that it was necessary to go to the kibitu night, and then everything would be cleaned.
- Yes, I will send wisp ... two! - said Rostov. - fullness, doctor.
- I'll be on the clock yourself! - said Ilyin.
"No, gentlemen, you slept, and I didn't sleep for two nights," said Dr. and gloomily sat downside his wife, waiting for the end of the game.
Looking at the dark face of the doctor who mowed his wife, the officers became more than more fun, and many could not be held from laughter, to whom they hastily tried to crucial excuses. When the doctor gone, taking his wife, and fit with her in the kibechka, the officers lay down in Corcch, hiding with wet sinels; But for a long time they did not sleep, tolding up, remembering the fear of the doctor and the fun of the doctors, then running on the porch and reporting what was done in kibitka. Several times Rostov, wrapped off his head, wanted to fall asleep; But again, someone's remark was entertained by him, again the conversation began, and again it was awesome, cheerful, children's laughter.

In the third hour, no one fell asleep, as the Wahmyster appeared to speak to the town of Island.
All with the same talk and laughter officers hastily began to gather; again put a samovar on dirty water. But Rostov, without waiting for tea, went to the squadron. Already light; The rain stopped, clouds diverged. It was damp and cold, especially in a robust dress. Going out of Corchma, Rostov and Ilyin both at dusk dawn looked into a glossy from rain the leather doctoral kibechka, from under the apron of which the legs of the doctor were sticking out and in the middle of which came the cap of the doctors of the doctor and the sleepy breathing was heard.
- Right, she is very sweet! - said Rostov Ilyin, who walked out with him.
- Charite what woman! - Ilyin answered with sixteen years seriousness.
After half an hour, a built squadron stood on the road. The team was heard: "Sit down! - The soldiers crossed out and began to sit down. Rostov, leaving ahead, commanded: "Marsh! - And, stretching out in four people, hussars, Sound Schuyt Schuck wet road, Brenchain Sabel and a quiet speech, moved along a big, covered road, followed by the infantry and battery in front.
Bucked blue lilac clouds, blushing at sunrise, quickly chased wind. It became all lighter and lighter. It was clearly visible to the curly grass, which is always sitting on country roads, still wet from yesterday's rain; Hanging branches Berez, too wet, swung from the wind and dropped a lonely drops from themselves. More clearly and clearer the faces of the soldiers. Rostov rode with Ilyin, who did not stand up from him, the side of the road, between the double near Berez.
Rostov in the campaign allowed himself the liberty to ride not on the front horse, but on Cossack. And the connoisseur and hunter, he recently pulled himself a donkey, a major and good gladian horse, on which no one has dragged him. Riding this horse was for Rostov pleasure. He thought of a horse, about the morning, about the doctor and never thought about the upcoming danger.
Before Rostov, going to the case, was afraid; Now he did not experience the slightest feeling of fear. Not because he was not afraid that he was accustomed to fire (it is impossible to get used to danger), but because he learned to manage his soul before danger. He is used to, going into deal, to think about everything, excluding what seemed to be the most interesting thing, - about the upcoming danger. How much he tried nor reproached himself in cowardice the first time of his service, he could not achieve it; But over the years now it happened by itself. He was driving now next to Ilyini between birch, occasionally taking off the leaves from the branches, which came up at hand, sometimes touching the leg before the groin of the horse, sometimes giving up, without turning, the recorded tube who was behind Gusaru, with such a calm and carefree look, as if he was driving ride. He was sorry for him to look at Ilyin's agitated face, a lot and worried restlessly; He experienced the most painful state of waiting for fear and death in which he was cornered, and knew that nothing but time would help him.
The sun appeared on a clean band from under the clouds, like the wind verse, as if he did not bother to spoil this adorable after a thunderstorm of the summer morning; Drops have fallen, but already plumbing, - and everything calmed down. The sun came out at all, it seemed on the horizon and disappeared in a narrow and long cloud, standing on it. A few minutes later the sun was still lighter to see upper edge Tuchi, breaking her edges. Everything lit up and slate. And along with this light, as if answering him, the guns shots were heard ahead.

Weber was born in the family of a musician and theatrical entrepreneurs, eternally immersed in various projects. Childhood and youth passed in wandering through the cities of Germany together with a small theater body of the Father, due to the fact that it cannot be said that he was at youth to have a systematic and strict music school. Like the first teacher of the game on the piano, from whom Weber did more or less for a long time, was Geshel, then on the theory - Michael Gaidn, took the lessons and G. Fogler.

Back in 1810, Weber drew attention to the plot "Freichetz" ("Wolly shooter"); But only this year he began to write a opera on this plot treated with Johann Friedrich Kind. "Freichetz", delivered in 1821 in Berlin, under the control of the author, caused a positive furyor, and Slava Weber reached his apogee. "Our arrows hit right in the goal," wrote Weber Librettist Kindu. Beethoven, who was surprised by the work of Weber, said that he did not expect this from such a soft man and that Weber should write one opera after another.

Before Freichetz, in the same year, "Preciosa" Wolf was delivered, with Weber's music.

By the proposal Vienna Opera The composer wrote "Evrianta" (18 months). But the success of the opera was no longer so brilliant as "Freichetz". Last work Weber was Oberon Opera, after which he soon died in London in 1826.

Monument K. M. von Weber in Dresden

Weber on justice is considered a pure German composer, deeply understood the warehouse national music and brought to the German melody to high artistic perfection. He remained faithful to the national destination for all his activities, and the foundation was lied in his operations on which Wagner built a "Tangeizer" and "Loengrina". In particular, "Evrianta" covers the listener exactly music atmosphereHe feels in the works of the Wagner of the middle period. Weber is a brilliant representative of the Romantic Opera Direction, which in the twenties of the XIX century was in such a force and which in the later time found a follower in Wagner.

Weber's tutorial beats the key in his three last operations: "Magic Arrow", "Evrianta" and "Oberone". It is extremely diverse. Dramatic moments, love, fine features of a musical expression, a fantastic element - everything was available to widely giving composer. The most different images are contacted by this musical poet with great sensitivity, a rare expression, with great melodiousness. Patriot in the soul, he not only developed folk melodies, but also created his purely folk spirit. Occasionally, his vocal melody in the near pace suffers from some instrumentality: it seemed not to be written to a voice, but for a tool that technical difficulties are more accessible. As a symphony, Weber owned an orchestral palette perfectly. His orchestral painting is full of imagination and is distinguished by a kind of color. Weber - most advantage composer opera; symphony worksThey written by him for a concert pop, far inferior to his opera supervisors. In the field of songs and instrumental chamber music, namely piano works, this composer left wonderful samples.

Weber also owns the unfinished Opera "Three Pinto" (1821, completed by G. Malener in 1888).

Weber erected a monument in Dresden, the work of Ritchel.

Max Weber, his son wrote a biography of his famous Father.


  • "Hinterlassene Schriften", ed. Gellem (Dresden, 1828);
  • "Karl Maria Von W. Ein Lebensbild", Max Maria Background V. (1864);
  • WEBERGEDENKBUCH Kohwut (1887);
  • "Reisebriefe von Karl Maria Von W. An Seine Gattin" (Leipzig, 1886);
  • "Chronol. Thematischer Katalog Der Werke Von Karl Maria Von W. (Berlin, 1871).

From Weber works, in addition to the above, we point out concerts for piano and orchestra, OP. 11, Op. 32; "CONCERT-STÜCK", OP. 79; String Quartet, String Trio, Six Sonatas for Piano and Violin, OR. 10; Large concert duet for clarinet and fs, op. 48; Sonata OR. 24, 49, 70; Polonesa, Rondo, Variations for Piano, 2 Concerts for Clarinet with Orchestra, Variations for Clarinet and F - B., Concertino for Clarinet with orchestra; Andante and Rondo for the Fagota and Orchestra, concert for Fagota, AuForDeruug Zum Tanz ("Invitation à la danse") and others.


  • "Forest girl", 1800
  • "Peter Shmol and his neighbors" (Peter Schmoll Und Seine Nachbarn), 1802
  • "Ryubetsal", 1805
  • Silvana (Silvana), 1810
  • Abu Hassan (Abu Hassan), 1811
  • "Preciosa" (Preciosa), 1821
  • "Wolly shooter" ("Magic shooter", "Freichetz") (Der Freischütz), 1821 (the premiere took place in 1821 in Berliner Schauspielhaus)
  • "Three Pinto", 1888. illegal. Completed Maller.
  • "Euriant" (Euryanthe), 1823
  • "Oberon" (Oberon), 1826


  • Ferman V., Opera House, M., 1961;
  • Khokhlovkina A., Western European Opera, M., 1962:
  • Koenigsberg A., Karl-Maria Weber, M. - L., 1965;
  • Laux K., S. M. Von Weber, LPZ., 1966;
  • Moser H. j .. S. M. Von Weber. Leben und Werk, 2 aufl., LPZ., 1955.


  • Summary (Sinopsis) Opera "Free Shooter" on the site "100 operas"
  • Karl Maria Weber: Music notes on International Music Score Library Project

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    - (Weber) (1786 1826), German composer and conductor, musical critic. The founder of the German romantic opera. 10 operas ("Wolly arrows", 1821; "Evrianta", 1823; "Oberon", 1826), virtuoso concert plays for piano. ("Invitation to ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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