Sleep in the summer night passage. Sleeping in the summer night (1594)

Sleep in the summer night passage. Sleeping in the summer night (1594)

William Shakespeare

A dream in a summer night


Tezay. , Duke Athens.

Aegea , Father Hermia.

Lizardr, Demetrius Lovers in Hermia.

Philostrat , Persecution manager at the courtyard of Tezay.

Pigva , a carpenter.

Milyaha , joiner.

The foundation , weak.

Dub , reinforcement inflatable fur.

Snout , Mednick.

Zapysh , tailor.

Ippolita , Queen Amazon, collapsed with theses.

Hermia Loving in Lizandra.

Elena Loved in Demetry.

Oberon , Tsar Fay and Elves.

Titania , Queen Fay and Elf.

PEC, or kind small robin , small elf.

Fragrant peas, cobweb, moth, mustard grain , elves.

Fairies and elves, submissive Oberon and Titania, Sweet.

The place of action is Athens and the forest nearby.

Act I.

Scene 1.

Athens, Tezay Palace.

Enter Tezay., Ippolita, Philostrat and sweet.


Beautiful, our marriage hour is getting closer:

Four days happy - new month

We will lead. But oh, how slow is old!

It is on the way to my wellats,

Like stepmother Ile old widow,

That young men income is stuck.


Four days in the night will raise fast;

Four nights in dreams so quickly await ...

And crescent - silver bow,

Stretched in heaven - illuminated

Night of our wedding!


Philostrat, go!

Shave all young people in Athens

And the frisky spirit of fun witness.

Sadness for funeral let it remain:

We do not need a pale guest on the feast.

Philostrat goes away.


I got you sword, Ippolita,;

Threats of love of yours achieved

Solemnly, and fun, and magnificent!

Enter Aegea, Hermia, Lizardr. and Demetrius.


Be happy, the nice duke is our toy!


Thank you, Aegea! What do you say?


I'm in grief, with a complaint to you

On Hermia - yes, on my native daughter! -

Demetriy, come! - My sovereign,

That's the one who wanted to give my daughter. -

Lizardr and you approach! - My sovereign!

And this heart came to her. -

You, you, Lizandr! You wrote her poems

The pledges of love changed with her

Under the windows of her under the moonlight

Feigned to love the love of the feigned song!

You go to the move to capture her heart

Bracelets, hair rings, candy,

Flowers, balancing, striking - all

That youth inexperienced cute!

In cunning you kidnap her

You are obedient, due to father,

In stubbornness evil turned! - So if

She with you, my sovereign will not give

Consent Demetrius, I call

To the old Athenian law:

Once my daughter, I can oh

Place And I decided: Demetri

Or - as provided for by law

In such cases - immediate death!


Well, Hermia, beautiful maiden,

What do you say? Think of good.

He created your beauty, and you

They cast a wax form;

Her leave Il to smash - he is entitled.

Demetrius - a person is quite worthy.


My Lizardr is also.


Yes, by itself;

But if your father is not for him,

That means that one is worthy.


I wanted to watch my father


Not! Early your eyes

Must be subordinate to him.


Sorry, your lordship, begging.

I don't know myself where I found courage,

And it is possible, not insulting modesty,

With all I have so fluently talk.

But I spell, I get to know:

What is the worst to me

When I won't go for demetry?


What? Death! Ile renunciation forever

From the society of men. That's why,

Oh Hermia, check yourself. Think:

You are young ... you ask your soul,

When you come against your father's will:

Able to wear a nurse outfit

Forever be concluded in the monastery,

All my life live the nuns fruitless

And sadly sing the moon of cold hymns?

The stock edge is blessed who blood is humbled,

So that on Earth the path to virgin to accomplish;

But rose, in the fault, dissolved,

The happiest that on the bush is innocent

Flowers, lives, dies - all lonely!


So I blossom, and live, and die

I want more than maiden rights

Give it to power! His Yarma

My soul does not want to conquer.


Think, Hermia! On the day of Novolunya

(A day that I will connect me with my love

For eternal commodity) should

You are ready: or die

For a violation of father's will,

Il to get married with whom he chose,

Il to give forever at the Altar Diana

Vale of a celler and harsh life.


Softech, oh Hermia! - And you, Lizandr,

My rights are indisputable to give ways.


Demetriy, since the father loves you so much,

Give me a daughter, and marry himself!


The mocker daring! Yes, father's love -

Behind him and with her everything is what I own.

But my daughter is mine, and all rights above it

I give Demetriya in full!


But, the sovereign, I am equal to him

And wealth; I love stronger;

By clause, I'm not lower than

Rather, even higher than demetry;

And most importantly - which exceeds everything -

I love Hermia beautiful!

Why do I replace from my rights?

Demetrius - Yes, I will tell him in the face -

In Elena, the daughter was recent, was in love.

Her joined him. Gentle Elena

Unstable insensually loves

Bogatvit an empty man!


Confess, I heard about it

And even thought to cake with him;

But engaged in the most important affairs

Forgot about that. - Go with me, Demetriy,

And you, Aegea! Go with me both

And we find what to talk about! -

Well, Hermia, try to subordinate

Your dreams will be the wishes of the Father

Not the law of Athens

(Which we can not change)

To death or for eternal celbacy. -

Well, Ippolit ... What, my love?

We go ... - Demetrius and Aegea - after me.

I will instruct you to arrange something

To the solemn day and ceiling

About what is concerned both.


We are always debt to fulfill our debt.

Tezay., Ippolita, Aegea, Demetrius and sweet go.


Well, my love? How pale cheeks!

How quickly suddenly the roses fade on them!


Not because there is no rain which

From the storm eyes of my eyes easily.


Alas! I have never heard

And did not read - in the history of Lee, in the fairy tale, -

So I smooth was the path of true love.

But - or the difference in the origin ...


About Mount! Higher - captivate the lowest! ...


Or different in the years ...


About Mock!

To be too old for young bride!


Il selection of loved ones and friends ...


But how to love someone else's choice?


And if the choice is good, - War,

Disease ILE death always threaten love

And make it like sound instant

As a shadow, volatile and, like a dream, short.

So zipper, shining in the darkness of the night,

Will express angry heaven and land,

And before exclaiming, we: "Look!" -

It will absorb the abyss of darkness -

All bright disappears so quickly.


But if for lovers inevitably

Suffering and such is the law of fate,

So we will be patient in testing:

After all, it is for love a conventional cross,

Decent she, - Dreams, Torlenya, Tears,

Welcome, dreams - love of the unfortunate retinue!


Yes, you are right ... But, Hermia, listen:

There is a aunt with me. She is a widow,

Rich, childless.

Lives from here miles so in seven.

So: she loves me as a son!

There, Hermia, we can get married.

Brutal Athenian laws

There will not find us. If you really love

Tomorrow you leave the night at night.

In the forest, in three miles from Athens, in the place,

Where I met you with Elena (you came

To accomplish the rites as May morning, remember?),

I will wait for you.



I swear to the custody cupid bow,

His arrow is the best, golden,

Veineleys of doves purity,

Fire in which Didon rushed,

When Trojan raised Sails, -

Everyone than love is associated heaven,

Darkness of the oath of male, impaired godless

(What women cannot catch up with them)

I swear: in the forest specified by you,

I'll be tomorrow night, my dear!

Included Elena.


You will hold back the oath ... but look - Elena!


Hey! Where are you going, my friend is beautiful?


Beautiful - me? Oh, do not joke in vain.

Your beauty demet is captivated,

Happy! Your eye shines

What is the lark of the song among the fields ...

Be beauty sticky alert -

I would have become infected with you, my friend!

Would one of you would have perch

And glitter eyes, and the tenderness of speech is sweet ...

Be my whole world - Demetriya speedy

I took myself; All other - owned!

But teach me: what kind of art

Demetry have you seen feeling?


I crumpled an eyebrow - he loves everything stronger.


Such power - my smile!


Klyan him - it is only brighter than the flame!


Oh, if I soften him with plenty!


The tougher I, the more gentle with me!


What I am gentle, the harder he is with me!


In his madness - not my fault.


Your beauty! Oh, be mine, wines!


I will not meet him anymore: do not suffer.

We will leave this edge forever!

While I lived here, love is not knowing,

Athens seemed to me better than Paradise ...

And here - love! What is good she

When from paradise to make hell free?


Elena, friend, I will open everything to you:

NEWSTRA in the night, barely narrow

Your face is sober in the mirror river,

Introduction to the liquid pearl, -

Per hour that lovers of secrets takes

We will come out with her from the city gate.


In the forest where often lying between flowers,

We shared girlish dreams,

My Lizardr must meet me,

And we will leave our native city,

Looking for other friends, a different circle.

Goodbye, children's girlfriend games!

Please, about our in our fate,

And God went demetry to you. -

So remember the passage, Lizandr: until night

We must fast will be our eyes.


Yes, Hermia is my ...

Hermia goes away.

Goodbye, Elena!

Demetry love you wish you.

(Goes out.)


How happy one to the detriment of the other!

In Athens, I am equal to her beauty ...

What about? He is blind to my glory:

Does not want to know what everyone knows.

He is in delusion, Hermia captive;

I - also, admiring blindly.

Love is able to forgive

And in the valor of the vices turn

And not eyes - the heart chooses:

For that, its blind is depicted.

It is difficult for her with common sense to reconcile.

Without eyes - and wings: a symbol of reckless

Sensity! ... her name is child;

After all, it's easy to deceive her joking.

And how in the game the worms are born,

So she is easy and nipple deception.

Until he was Hermia Captive,

Then the hail of the oaths in love I swore;

But only from Hermia removed the heat -

Dried hail, and with him all oaths in vain.

I will go, I will reveal their ideas:

He, right, in the forest will go at night sometimes;

And if you get gratitude,

I am expensive for this.

But I'm in my longing and this is a lot -

With him together in the forest and the road from the forest!

(Goes out.)

Scene 2.

Athens. Room in the hut.

Enter Pigva, Milyaha, The foundation, Dub, Snout and Zapysh.


Is our company whole?

The foundation

And you better make a roll ring: call us all on the list.


Here is a list with the names of everyone who found little suitable to present our interming before the duke and the duchess evening on their marriage.

The foundation

First of all, the kindest Peter Pigva, tell us what the play is, then read the names of the actors - and come to the point!


Right! Our play is "the preailed comedy and a very cruel death of pram and fesby."

The foundation

Excellent thing, I assure you in the word, and overhanded! Well, the kindest Peter Pigva, now call all the actors on the list. Citizens, get into a row!


Answer on call! ... nickname!

The foundation

There is! Name my role and continue the rollback.


You, nickname, outlined for piram.

The foundation

What is peirs? Lover or villain?


Lover who prevented himself kills himself because of love.

The foundation

Yeah! So, there are tears here to play it as it should. Well, if I take it for this role - prepare, public, handkerchiefs! I'll raise the storm ... I will smooth to some extent ... But, to tell the truth, the main thing about the vocation is the role of villains. Erkules I would like a rarity played or in general such a role so that the land is nibble and all the circle into squeaks!

Hearing the roar

Strikes fighters -

And collapses

Cruel dungeon.

And Fib, bright God,

Far and high

Change evil rock

From your chariot!

What was it? Cancelled, huh? Well, call other actors. Here you were the manner of Yerkles, the nature of the villain; Lover - where tearful.


Francis Dudka, reinforcement of inflatable fur.


There is Peter Pigva!


You have to take on the role of fesby.


And who will be fesby? Wrong knight?


No, this is a lady, in love with femors.


No, I ask you, do not force me to play a woman: my beard makes his way!


Does not mean anything; You can play a mask and you will squeak the most thin voice.

The foundation

BUT! If you can play in a mask - let's, I will play you and fist: I can speak a monstrously thin voice. "Your, your ... ah, female, my lover is dear! I am your fesby dear, I'm your lady dear! "


Not! Not! You have to play a pram, and you, a twin, - fist.

The foundation


Robin Zaporch, tailor!


There is Peter Pigva!


Zaporch, you will play the mother of fesby. - Thomas Ryl, Mednik!


There is Peter Pigva!


You are Pirs Father. I will play Fisin Father. - Milyaha, joiner, you get the role of lion. Well, I hope that the play diverges from us perfectly.


Do you have a role of Lion rewritten? Now you will give her now, otherwise I have a memory of a very tight to study.


There is nothing to learn here, and so you will play: you will only have to growl.

The foundation

Let me play you and Lion! I will go so that you will be happy to rejoice; I will go so that the duke himself will definitely say: "And well, let him still porridge him, let him still get it!"


Well, if you go so scary, you, perhaps, the duchess and all the ladies will crush to death; They also wrap up, and this will be pretty tolerant of all of us!

Yes, yes, we will overweight to one!

The foundation

This is me with you, friends, I agree that if we are taking the ladies, so the best will not come up with anything, as we all take up. But I will be able to give my voice so much that I will grow out gently that your ducky chuck; I will dig you, that your galley!


There is no role to play any role, except for the pyrma, because the femors are a beautiful well done, just such a real man in the color of the years, a first-class man, good-bought, with manners, well, in a word, exactly like you ... you only and Play a pram.

The foundation

Okay, I agree, take a role. And in what beard to me to play it?


Yes, what you want.

The foundation

Okay. I will imagine it in a beard of straw color. Or better in orange-brown? Or in purple-red? Or maybe the color of the French crown is a purely yellow color?


In some French crowns, there are no hair at all, and you will have to play with a naked physiognomy ... - Well, citizens, here are your roles, and I ask you, begging you and I spell you - to drive them away by heart at tomorrow. And in the evening, come to the Palace Forest, in one mile from the city: there we will arrange a rehearsal during the lunar light. And then, if we gather in the city, they pierce and get out our venture. In the meantime, I will make a list of butaforia that we need for the play. And I ask you - do not let me down.

The foundation

Come necessarily. There it will be possible to rehearse, as they say, is unceremonious, more stronger. Try, do not hit the dirt face! While be healthy!


Meeting - at the duccian oak.

The foundation

Okay. Although you wish, but be on the spot.


Act II.

Scene 1.

Forest near Athens.

Appear from different sides fairy and PEC.

A, Fairy! Hello! Where is your way?

Above the hills, over dollars

Through the thranger, by bushes,

Above the waters, through the flame

I wandered here and there!

I'm flying the moon faster,

I serve Queen Fay,

Books - her convoy.

See the golden outfit?

The specks on it are lit:

Then rubies, the color of the queen, -

In them, the whole flavor is lighted.

For the books, I need a stock of Rosinkov -

Purpose each in the ears from pearls.

Farewell, the spirit-tooth! I am flying forward.

Here the queen with elves will come.

My king here will have fun at night, -

Look, so that the queen was not met with him!

He comes over with her, angry - fear!

Because of the child, that with her

(Kidnapped by Indian Sultan).

She pampers, riseling the worker,

And Oberon-jealous wants to take

His herself to wander with him in the forests.

The queen is all joy sees in it,

Do not give! Since then only over the stream,

On the illuminated light of the stars

They will come together - in the middle of the pass,

Yes, so that elves are all with fear - away,

Rock in acorn and tremble all night!

Yes, you ... I'm not mistaken, perhaps:

Hawts, kind ... Are you kind small robin?

The one who scares rural hands-made

Breaks them and spoils the handles of the mills,

Interferes with oil to confuse

Then cream raises from milk,

Then get driving frowning in Brage,

That night leads travelers in the ravine;

But if someone calls him his boyfriend -

Topics helps, happiness contributes to the house.

Well, yes, I am kind small robin,

Merry spirit, night tramp stagnation.

In the jokes of Oberon, I serve ...

Then in front of the full stallion

As a mare; That is still fooling:

Suddenly apple baked in a circle hiding,

And only a fear of the bitter bread,

From there I am on her lips - IC! Both chest

I sag up the whole will be a beer.

Ile aunt that leads the story to cry

Three-year chairs will show the corner:

Suddenly slipping by trap! - Aunt on the floor.

Well, coughing, well, yelling! Make fun!

Everyone dying, blowing away from laughter,

And, for the sides, holding the whole choir,

That did not laugh so much before ...

But, fairy, away! Here is the king. Go from here.

But she! Ah, it would not be bad!

Come on one side Oberon with mine sweet, with another Titania With his.


Not in good time I'm with a shine moon

Titania meeting.


How are you, jealous Oberon? -

Lethemte, elves, away! I repent

From the society and the Oberon Lodge.

From the mid-summer we can't

Fall into the meadows, in the forest, at the noisy river,

In the stone of the wedder,

On the golden sand, washed by the sea,

Led circles for whistles and wind songs,

So that the scream did not interfere with our games!

And the winds are in vain sang songs in vain.

They raised from the sea

Malicious fogs. Those rain

On the ground fell. Rivers angry

And came out, getting down, from the shores.

Since then, in vain pulls the Volume of Yarm

In vain Pakhaar pours its sweat: bread

Digid, do not reflect the mustache.

Empty pens in bombarded fields,

From the crows fell dusted ...

Dirt brought tracks of funny games;

There are no paths in green labyrinths:

Zaros of their trail, and not find it!

All death winters are rather asked;

Do not hear songs at night ...

And here is the moon, the ruler of the waters,

Pale from anger, the air is allochal

And rheumatism spread everywhere.

All times are prevented in confusion:

And falls gray-headed frost

To Punchy rose in fresh arms;

But to the crown of ice winter

Wreath fragrant from summer buds

In the mockery attached. Spring and summer,

Falling autumn and winter

Change the outfit, and can not

The world is amazed to distinguish between times!

But such disasters appeared

All because of our quarrels and disagreements:

We are their reason, we create them.


In your hands, change everything: what

Titania will re-overcome Oberon?

After all, I ask a little: give

You're a boy in fizz me!


Stay calm:

For your whole edge, I will not give magic!

After all, his mother was mine priestess!

With her spicy air nights indian

On golden neptune sands

We were often sitting, the ships count.

Laughed with her, looking like sails,

Pregnant wind, inflated ...

She joking them nice imitated

(At that time she was hard

My favorite) and sailed as if

With some bale returning

To me, as if from a swimming with a commodity ...

But my girlfriend was my girlfriend,

And this boy was worth his life.

Loving her, baby I am sleek;

Loving her, I will not give it!


How long will you spend here in the forest?


Must be before the wedding of the withkey.

Kohl want to dance peacefully with us

And having fun at the moon - stay.


Give your child, I'll go with you!


For no magic edge! - For me, elves!

Kohl will not leave - they will argue forever.

Titania and her sweet go.


Go! You will not leave the forest before,

Than for the insult I will not accept. -

My dear Pack, come here! Do you remember"

As I listened to the sea Sirena's Song,

Walking to the dolphin on the ridge?

So sweet and harmonious were

Those sounds that the rude ocean itself

The courtee also assured this song,

And the stars like insane, broke off

From your heights to listen to the song ...


At that moment I saw (at least you did not see):

Between moon cold and earth

A armed Cupid flew.

In reigning in the west Vestka

He was aiming and so let the arrow,

End of a free introductory fragment.

The action takes place in Athens. The ruler of Athens is the name of Tene, one of the most popular heroes of antique legends on the conquest of the Greeks of the warlike tribe of women - Amazons. At the queen of this tribe, Ippolit, and marries Tekes. The play, apparently, was created for the performance on the occasion of the wedding of some high-ranking faces.

Cooking for the wedding of the Duke of Tereus and Queens of Amazons of Ippolites, which should take place on the night of the full moon. The Palace of the Duke is angry Age, the father of Hermia, who accuses Lisandra is that he was challenged his daughter and insidiously forced her to love him, while she was already promised to Demetrius. Hermia confesses love to Lizandru. The duke announces that in Athenian laws, she must obey the will of the Father. He gives a delay to the girl, but on the day of the new moon she will have to "or die / for a violation of his father's will, / Il to get married with whom he chose, / Il to give forever in the Altar Diana / Vale of Clastic and Stern Life." Loves agree together to escape from Athens and meet the next night in the near forest. They open their plan to girlfriend Hermy Elena, who once was a beloved Demetrius and still loves him passionately. Hoping for his gratitude, she is going to tell Demetrius about the plans of lovers. In the meantime, the company of rustic craftsmen is preparing for the setting of an intermediate on the occasion of the wedding of the duke. Director, Carpenter Peter Pigva, chose a suitable product: "The preailed comedy and a very brutal death of pram and fesby." Tax Nick's foundation agrees to play the role of a pyrum, as, however, most other roles. The reinforcement of inflatable fur Francis Dudka is given the role of fesby (in the time of Shakespeare, women were not allowed on the scene). Tailor Robin Zapysh will be the mother of a fesby, and the Mednist Tom Sonya is the father of Pram. The role of the Lion is entrusted with the Milayage Stolyar: he has a "Memory of Tuga for the Doctrine", and for this role you only need to growl. Pigva asks everyone to drive the roles by heart and tomorrow evening come to the forest to the Duccian oak at the rehearsal.

In the forest near Athens Tsar Fay and Elfov Oberon and his wife Queen Titania quarrels because of the child, whom Titania adopted, and Oberon wants to pick up to make a pack. Titania refuses to obey the will of her husband and goes along with elves. Oberon asks the Naughty Elf of Pack (Good Small Robin) to bring him a small flower, to which Cupid arrow fell, after he missed "in the reign in the West Vestka" (a hint of the Queen Elizabeth). If the eyelids of the sleeping lubricate the juice of this flower, then, waking up, he falls in love with the first living creature that will see. Oberon wants to thus try to fall in love with some wild animal and forget about the boy. Pack flies in search of a flower, and Oberon becomes an invisible witness of the conversation between Elena and Demetria, who is looking for Hermia and Lizandra in the forest and with contempt, rejects his former beloved. When the Pack returns to the flower, the Oberon instructs him to find a demetry, which describes as "arrogant hanging" in Athenian clothes, and lubricate his eyes to him, but so that during awakening with him there was a beautiful beauty in him. Finding sleeping titanium, Oberon squeezes flower juice at its eyelids. Lizardr and Herria got lost in the forest and also lay down to relax, at the request of Hermia - away from each other, because "for the young man with the girl shame of the human / does not allow proximity ...". PEC, accepting Lizandra for Demetrius, drips juice to his eyes. Elena appears, from whom Demetrius escaped, and stopping to relax, wakes up Lisandra, who immediately falls in love with her. Elena believes that he mocks her, and runs away, and Lizandr, throwing Hermia, rushes for Elena.

Next to the place where the titanium sleeps, a company of workshops gathered at the rehearsal. At the suggestion of the foundation, which is very concerned that, God forbid, do not scare the spectacles to the play, two prologies write to the play - the first thing is that the femors do not kill himself and in fact not the femors, but the basis, but The second is that the lion is not at all lion, but the joiner of the Milya. Shalun Pack, who watches with interest the rehearsal, shakes the foundation: now weak the donkey head. Friends, by taking the basis for the washingal, we run away in fear. At this time, the titanium wakes up and, looking at the foundation, says: "Your image captures your eyes love you. Follow me! " Titania calls on the four elves - mustard grain, fragrant peas, a web and a moth - and orders them to serve "their sweet one." Oberon delighted listening to the story of a peak on how Titania fell in love with the monster, but very unhappy, having learned that the elf splashed with magic juice into Lizandra's eyes, and not demetry. The Oberon shifts the Demetrius and corrects the mistake of the peek, which, by order of his Lord, lures Elena closer to sleeping Demetrius. Already waking up, Demetrius begins to swear in the love of the one that recently rejected with contempt. Elena is convinced that both young people, Lizandr and Demetrius, are mocked above it: "There are no empty mockery!" In addition, she believes that Hermia is at the same time, and bitterly Corps a friend for cunning. Shocked by rude insults of Lizandra, Hermia accuses Elena that she was a cheater and a thief, who stole the heart of Lizandra from her. Word for the word - and she is already trying to scatter Elena's eyes. Young people - now rivals, seeking Elena's love, are removed to decide in a fight, which of them has more rights. Pack is delighted with all this confusion, but Oberon orders him to make both dueling deeperates in the forest, imitating their votes, and knock them down from the way, "so that they do not find each other." When Lizardr in exhaustion falls from the legs and falls asleep, the Pack squeezes the plant's juice at its eyelids - an antidote of a love flower. Elena and Demetriy are also sleeping near each other.

Seeing the titanium asleeping next to the base, Oberon, who by this time had already paid the child he liked him, regrets her and admits her eye to her eye with antidote. Queen Fay wakes up with the words: "My Oberon! What can we dream! I dreamed that I fell in love with the donkey! " Pack on the orders of the Oberon returns its own head. The lords of the elves fly away. In the forest appear hunting, Ippolit and Aegei, they find sleeping young people and will be their. Already free from love potion, but still stunned Lizardr explains that they fled to the forest from Herrmy to the forest from the severity of Athenian laws, Demetrius recognizes that "Passion, the goal and the joy of the eyes is now / not Hermia, but a cute Elena." TEXE announces that two more couples will be crowned together with them and Ipolyta, after which it is removed with the retinue. The awake base goes to the house of Pigva, where friends are eagerly awaited. He gives actors the last instructions: "FISBA Let us put on clean underwear," and the lion will not think of trimming the nails - they should look out from under the skins, like claws.

Theses are divided by a strange story of lovers. "Mad, lovers, poets - / all of the fantasies are created alone," he says. Handelverers of Filostraths presents him a list of entertainment. The duke chooses the play of masters: "It can never be too bad, / that devotion to humbly offers." Under the ironic comments of the spectators of Pigva reads a prologue. Fille explains that he is a wall through which femors and fesb are pronounced, and therefore I am smeared by the excitement. When the base of the femors is looking for a gap in the wall to take a look at the beloved, the digs of the fingers are destructively spread. The lion appears and in verses explains that he is not real. "What a meek animal, - admires the teashere, - and what reason!" Amateur actors godlessly releasing the text and say a lot of nonsense than the pretty spent their noble spectators. Finally the play is finished. Everyone diverges - midnight, a magical hour for lovers. A PEK appears, he and the rest of the elves will first sing and dance, and then by order of the Oberon and Titania, they fly around the palace to bless the bed of newlyweds. PEK appeals to the audience: "If I could not edit you, / Easily you will fix everything: / Imagine that you fell asleep / and the dreams flashed."

"Sleeping in the summer night (a midsummer night" s dream) "

Sleep in Ivanov night.

Active faces.

Teze, Duke Athens.

Age, Father Hermia.

Lizandr and Demetrius, lovers in Hermia.

Philostrat, manager of the festival of theses.

Pigva, carpenter.

Bourv, joiner.

Motok, weaver.

Twink, merchant inflatable furs.

Float, medical.

Otter, tailor.

Ippolita, Queen Amazon, Bride Tezay.

Hermia, Egea's daughter, in love with Lizandra.

Elena, in love with Demetrius.

Oberon, king elves.

Pok or Dobryak Ruben, Elf.

Titania, Queen Chalves.

Easy peas, web, mole, mustard seed - elves.

Pirs, Fisby, Wall, Moonlight, Lev - Persons involved in intermediate.

Elves accompanying Oberon and Titania. Cruised Tezay and Ippolites.

Situation: Athens and forest adjacent to them.

First action

Cases: Teze, Ippolita, Philostrat and Sweet.

Tezie. Beauty of the Hippolyta, the hour of our marriage is approaching quickly. After four fertile days to come a new month. But the old one seems to me, you kill unusually slowly; He delays the fulfillment of my desires, like a machikha or widow, long slowing to pass the property to the young heir.

Hippolyte. Four nights will quickly distinguish the remaining four days, and the dream of four these nights will help reduce time. And when he will be afraid, the new moon, bent in the sky silver spirit, will see the night of our celebration.

Tezie. Stay, Philostrat, inspired by Athenian youth and tell me, so that it has fun. Yes, there is a living, frisky spirit of fun in it. Sorrow is decent only to funeral processions, and she, pale, not comrade our flavor (Philostrat go). You, Ippolita, I highlighted my sword; Insulting you, got your love. Now I want another order for our marriage, that is, peters, festivities and celebrations.

Enter: Age, Hermia, Lizandr and Demetrius.

Aegea. I wish every happiness toze, our glorious duke.

Tezie. Thank you, kind of uge. What do you say to us Novago?

Aegea. I came to the soul, I came to you with a complaint about my daughter my Hermia. Demetriy, come closer. Sovereign, this man received my consent to marry her. Come and you, Lizandr. But this one, the kindest my duke, was completely prompted by my child. You, Lizandr, gave her poems, exchanged with her pledges of love, sowed a song under her window and a false voice he had fallen lying love. You have made it the arrangement of wrists made from your hair, rings, ribbons, different faded baubles, flowers, delicacies. Thanks to these messengers, to resist that the gentle adolescence is unfortunately, you kowardly kidnapped my daughter's heart and turned the obedience to stubbornly, with whom she is obliged to perform the will of the Father. Therefore, the kindest duke, I ask you if she even here, in your presence, refuses to go out for Demetrius, let me use the old Athenian right. Since she is mine, I can have it to have it, and I have it like this: I will cover it or go out for this person, or, according to an old law, which foresee the case, to death.

Tezie. What do you say, Hermia? Pretty girl, in hand. Father must be God for you: he is the creator of your beauty. For him, you are the same as the wax or stupid doll, which he is waved or keep safely, or destroy. Demetrius - a young man is quite worthy.

Hermia. And Lizardr is also worthy.

Tezie. Put it, so. But, having in mind the desire of your father, preference should be given to the first.

Hermia. Why does father do not want to watch my eyes?

Tezie. Not he, and you have to look through the eyes of his prudence.

Hermia. Forgive me, Duke. What power gives me courage and how much, saying my thoughts in such a presence, I can damage my modesty, - I do not know. Please tell your lordship to me: - If I refuse to go for a demetry, what can you expect me to be the worst?

Tezie. Or death, or omitting forever from the society of men. Therefore, the beauty of Hermia, think. Accept your youth to your youth and pretty good at your blood, whether it is, if you do not give away the father's desire, always wear her launches. Think: You will put you in the gloomy monastery, where you will lead the life of miserable priestesses, having sluggish hymns with a cold, fruitless moon. Three times blessed those that are so in the power to study their blood that in a state of virgins to go through the whole life path. But, speaking of the earth, - torn rose is happier than that, who, having fading on a virgin stem, Rostet, lives and dies in lonely bliss.

Hermia. I, my Lord, rather agree, live and die so much to substitute the neck under a heavy yarm, which I am hateful.

Tezie. I give you a time to drag. In the next new moon, then-there is on the day of my connection with my beloved for eternal cohabitation, - Yes, on the same day, if you do not agree to go for Demetrius, whether you are ready or die for your disobedience, or bring Diana to Altar Most of eternal impossibility and loneliness.

Demetrius. Listen to the Father and Duke, Beauty Hermia. And you, Lizandr, also give up their missed intention to impede my indisputable right.

Lizardr. You, Demetrius, acquired Father's love; I get married if you want, on it, and Hermia leave me.

Aegea. Yes, the stubborn Lizardr, he acquired my love and all that mine, this love conveys him. My daughter is mine, and all my rights to her I give Demetrius.

Lizardr. I, my master, comes at all no worse than him. I'm just as rich as he, but I love stronger than he. I in all respects, if not higher, is equal to Demetrius; But, more importantly, I love perfectly Hermia. Why don't I use my advantage? In my presence, I argue that Demetriya cared for Elena, the daughter of Nadar, heavened her heart, and she, poor, loves to adoration, simply worst this criminal disabled person.

Tezie. I confess, I heard about it and even wanted to talk to Demetrius about this business, but, burdened with my own business, I still forgot it. Go, Demetriy! Go and you, Age. Go both for me. For both of you, I have some secret instructions. And you, beautiful Hermia, if you do not want, so that the Law of Athens, to soften which we cannot condemn you to death or for eternal loneliness, try to give way of your father. We go, Ippolita. How do you look at it, my sweetheart? Demetriy and you, Age, go too for me. I need to talk to you about something relating to our wedding, and then something relating to you.

Aegea. We go for you on debt and optional (leaves with theses, hippolyte and demeter; behind them a suit).

Lizardr. Well, my love? How are you pale! Why did the roses fade on your laboctions so quickly?

Hermia. Probably from lack of rain, which could always irrigate a storm, which broke out in my eyes.

Lizardr. Alas, never from books, nor from the outer legend, I did not know that the course of true love happened when either serene. Happiness is indignant by the birth difference ...

Hermia. Yes, grief when they are too highly captured standing too low.

Lizardr. Then the difference in the years ...

Hermia. Mountain, when too old wants to tie himself with too young.

Lizardr. That is the need to obey someone else's choice ...

Hermia. Oh, if in love you have to submore the choice of other people's eyes, it is a perfect hell.

Lizardr. If the choice is even happy, the war is threatened, then death, then diseases, make it instant, like sound, full-range, as a shadow, briefly like sleep, and elusive, like lightning, in the Black Night Screwing Sky and, before you have time Say: "Look", again absorbing the earth with a merciless mouth of the gloom. Yes, all the bright fades quickly quickly.

Hermia. If you sincerely loving always met obstacles, it means that this is the predetermination of fate. We will learn to patiently treat obstacles we occur, as these obstacles are the usual business, as inevitable in love, as the everight of its satellites - dreams and sighs, desires and tears.

Lizardr. It is quite convincing, so listen, Hermia. I have a aunt, a childless widow with a great condition, - her house in seven miles from Athens, - and she loves me, as the mother loves the mother of the sole. There, cute Hermia, I can get married with you, there is a strict law of Athens is powerless. If you love me, leave your father's house quietly tomorrow, and I will wait for you in a grove, just one mile away from the city, in the most grove, where I once had already met you when you were celebrating May Morning with Elena.

Hermia. Oh, my sweet Lisandr, I swear to you with the most merciless Luke of Cupid, the best arrow with the golden edge, the slicety pigeons of Venus, to all that connects the soul and makes love happy, fire, burning the queen of Carthage, when she saw Sailing Trojan running away from her; I swear by all the oaths ever disturbed men, even more numerous, when either spoken women, that tomorrow I will certainly be with you at the appointed place.

Lizardr. Hold your promise, my dear. But, look, and Elena.

Elena enters.

Hermia. Hello, beauty Elena. Where are you going?

Elena. Are you saying: Beauty? Take back this word. Demetrius loves your beauty. Oh, happy beauty! Your eyes are a guide stars, and the sweet sounds of your voice is more pleasant to him than the shepherd of the Lark song, when the Niva is green and the hawthorn will bloom. The disease is adhering - about if the beauty was like that! I would get from yours, beautiful Hermia, I would not get a step away from you, until my ears have become infected with your voice, my eyes are your eyes, my tongue is a charming harmony of your speech. It belongs to me the whole world, -, with the exception of Demetrius, would give it all, so that only to transform you. Oh, teach me to watch me like you, teach the sorcerer, with the help of which you took the heart of Demetrius!

Hermia. I turn away from him, and he loves me everything.

Elena. Oh, if your incontestability handed this power to my smiles!

Hermia. I curse him, and he answers me with love.

Elena. Oh, if my mozzles caused this location in it!

Hermia. The more I hate him, he is more haunting me with his own molhers.

Elena. The stronger I love him, the stronger he hates me

Giermia. It is his wines, Elena, and not mine.

Elena. Not yours, but the wines of your beauty. Oh, why not I am guilty!

Hermia. You will be comfortable, he will no longer see my face: Lizardr and I run away. While I did not see Lizandra, Athens seemed to me by paradise. As a great power of my lover, when the most paradise he drew into hell!

Lizardr. Elena, and open it all. Tomorrow at night when Febay sees his silver face in a water mirror and removes meadow with liquid diamonds, that is, an hour always covers the escape of lovers, we will leave the Athens.

Hermia. And in the most grove, in which we both with you so often, resting on the bed of flowers, passed our sweet dreams with each other, we will come down with Lizandr in order to turn our eyes from Athens and look for new friends in an alien to our society. Goodbye, my childhood friend! Moths for us gods, and let them send you the happiness of your demetry. Help your word, Lizandr. Let's make it only until tomorrow's midnight is hungry for our eyes and we will launch an abstinence from sweet food of love (out).

Lizardr. I cut, my Hermia. Goodbye, Elena! Let the Demetriy also sighs about you, how do you sigh but it (out).

Elena. Oh, how good others are! In Athens, they find that I am as good as she, but what about it? Demetrius does not find it. He does not want to know that everything else knows him. And how he is mistaken, the eyes of Hermia, so I shave him perfections. Love even the most insignificant, the most stray man can attach beauty, and dignity. Love looks not through the eyes, but a heart. That's why the winged Cupid is depicted by the blind: love does not know how to reason; Possessing the wings, but devoid of eyes, it serves as an emblem of irreparable levity. Therefore, he is so often mistaken in the choice and his name is a child. Like playful children often change in games to this word, and the child-love is constantly changing his oaths. So Demetrius, until he saw Hermia, shouted me with a hail of the assumption that he exclusively belongs to me. But only a warm beam of beauty Germy touched this ice, he melted and crumbled with a whole stream of rain. I'll go, I will tell him about the shoot, plucked Hermia; Tomorrow at night he will hammer behind her in the forest. For me, a big award will be that if he thank me for this notice. I, at least, facilitate my suffering from what I will be with him and he will return with him from there (out).

There. Room in the house of Pigva.

Includes: Boulevard, Motion, Dudk, Fig, Pigva and Otter.

Pigva. Are all our assembly?

Motion. It would be better for you to make us a rollback at all at all, and then alone.

Pigva. Here is a complete list of names of those persons who in all Athens are recognized as able to play in our intermedia in the presence of the Duke and Duchess in the night after their marriage.

Motion. First of all, the kindest Peter Pigva, what is speaking in the play? Then read the names of the actors, and then proceed to the distribution of roles.

Pigva. You see, the play is our deplorable comedy; The death of Pram and Fisby is depicted in it.

Motion. It must be a great thing and overhanded! Now, the kindest Peter Pigwa, do your actors on the list. Become, gentlemen, in a row.

Pigva. Discover the call. Nick Motok, Weaver!

Motion. Here! Tell me what role is meant and go on.

Pigvl. You, Nick Motok, is assigned the role of pyram.

Motion. And what is peirs? Lover or tyrant?

Pigva. A lover who killing himself because of love most the most important way.

Motion. What, for the performance of this role, tears will need? If I play, take care, listeners, eyes. I will make the stones to move and in some way cause universal condolences. Now further. I am mainly strong in the performance of Tirana roles. Jack I would play on Divo or any such as tuning and all crushing role.

"Wild cliffs, their shakes

The doors of the dunnov in me crushes.

From the chariot lumpy fub

Congratulates the acts of stupid fate. "

Here it is what is called wonderful and more beautifully what is not in the world! Now echoing the names of other actors. This is the reception of the Jaclovsky, purely tyrant. The lover speaks more complaints.

Pigva. Francis Dudka, Seller Inflatable Fur.

Dub. Peter Pigva, I'm here.

Pigva. You have to take on the role of Fisby.

Dub. And what is Fisby? Wrong knight?

Pigva. This is a girl in love with femors.

Dub. No, make a favor, do not make me play a woman: I have already made your beard.

Pigva. It's nothing, you can play her mask. It will be implied to you as possible.

Motion. And if you can hide the beard under the mask, let me play fist. I will speak an amazingly thin voice. - Fispa, Fispa! - "Ah, Pirs, Dragging My lover! I am a Drawing Your Fesby, Dragging Your Lover."

Pigva. No, no, you have to play piram, and you are a twin, play fistby.

Motion. Oh well. Go on.

Pigva. Ruben Oter, tailor!

Otter. Here, Peter Pigva.

Pigva. You, Radan Otter, will have to play the mother of Fisby. Now Tom Sonya, Mednick.

Snout. Here, Peter Pigva.

Pigva. You will be the father of the pyrum, and I myself will be the father of Fisby. Bourv, joiner! Take on the role of a lion. Here, it seems, all roles in the play are distributed.

Bourish And what, the role of a lion you have written? If it is written, give me it now, because I'm scary hard to memorize.

Pigva. You can play it without memorizing, because it only needs to roar.

Motion. Let me play a lion, I buried so much that I will make everyone listen to me. Yes, glow so that the duke himself will say: "Let him even fuck," let him sneak. "

Pigva. And if you wear too scary, you are overrun and the duchess, and its close, that he sneaks themselves. And this will be enough to have extended us all.

Everything. How to translate all of us? Us, sons of our mothers?

Motion. I agree, friends: if we confuse the lady, that he will lose their heads, he, of course, will not advise us to translate us. But I will wait for my voice to such an extent, the glow is so pleased that I will be taken for the glowing dove. I glow I Solovy.

Pigva. You can not play any other role except Pram, because the femors are a pleasant outfit, a man is so beautiful that it is better not to find it on the most clear summer day. He is a person canceled kind; Therefore, you should play a pram to the willy.

Motion. Well, try. And what beard will have to wear me for this role?

Pigva. What do you want.

Motion. I can grab it with a beard of straw color, and with dark orange, and with a crimson-red, and with a beard of the color of the French head, that is completely yellow.

Pigva. But, after all, many French heads are completely without hair; Consequently, you probably would have to play at all without a beard. Well, gentlemen, here are your roles. And I ask, I urged and begging you to learn them on a teeth to tomorrow night, and then, with a lunar radiance, to go with me in the palace forest, located in one mile outside the city. There we will make a rehearsal. Because, if we came together in the city, we would not get rid of the crowd of curious and our intention would be open. In the meantime, I, in the meantime, I will make a list of everything that does not take us for the presentation. I ask you, do not cheat me.

Motion. Make a rehearsal there will be more relevant, and rampant.

Pigva. Try to distinguish yourself. Farewell. The gathering is appointed at the Ducal Oak.

Motion. Okay, she was not! (Go).

Action second.

Forest Plisis Athens.

On the one hand included Fairy, on the other - Pok.

Pok. What's new, fairy? Where are you going?

Fairy. In the mountains and dollars,

But shrubs prickly

I porch carefree

Running the moon is ahead.

Me, Queen Faiwear,

Are not obstacles

Neither the pictures of shady parks,

Neither fire nor the water of the river.

And serve I diligently

Meadow green irney

Refreshing dew.

And his colorful flowers,

What's circle of adolescent

Bulk spill.

I need to collect several drops of dew here and, like pearls, bring them to the ear of every letter. Goodbye, ignorant of all spirits, - I have no time. Our queen, and with her and all elves, will now come here.

Pok. And our king celebrates this night here. Beware, the queen, do not show him on the eyes, because he is terribly annoyed and angry with the fact that a beautiful boy, kidnapped by the Indian king, still in a retinue. Baby Milagio never had no one. In envious Oberon, I would like it to be His Fajem and wandered with him on the dormant forests. She did not want to give up for anything, grows his flowers and can't catch him. Because of this, where they would now meet - in the grove, whether, in the meadow, at a pure source, with the radiance of bright stars - they have such a quarrel every time, that all elves in fear crawl into a cup of acorns And hide there.

Fairy. If I do not deceive your appearance and your whole look, you are cunning, plutish spirit, called roller rocon. This is how you scare rustic girls, shoot with cream milk, forcing you sometimes work a handmill, interfere with the mistress to shoot down the oil, you don't even give a drink with a different times, knocking up the night wanderers from the way and you are fighting their annoyance. For the same, who calls you Gobgoblin or the cutest post, you work for glory and deliver him all luck. You're point after all?

Pok. You were not mistaken, Fairy: I am this cheerful night tramp. I felt the Oberon, forcing him to smile, when, imitating the rusty of a young mare, I am inflated by a fat stallion, fueling the pea. Sometimes in the form of a baked apple I am climbing a mug of a mushroom, and if it looks like a drink, beat her on her lips and spill beer in her fabric. Even the wisestness of the aunt, telling the most deplorable of all the ages, sometimes takes me for a tripod bench, I am slipping from under what she sits on, and she, up with the legs flying to the floor, shouts: - "Ah! Ah!", And the cough between this is so choking it. Looking at this, the whole company snaps with laughter, sneezes and swear, that he never had anything funnier. Clean, however, comes here to Oberon.

Fairy. My queen goes. Oh, if he rather removed from here!

On the one hand, the Oberon includes, with his retinue, on the other - Titania with his own.

Oberon. Meeting during the lunar light with you, inexperienced Titania, - the meeting is far from pleasant.

Titania. Oh, envious Oberon here. Fairy, run from here! I renew from his society, as well as renounced his bed.

Oberon. Stop, insane, self-widen wife! Are I not a husband for you?

Titania. If so, then I must be your wife. But I know that you secretly flew from the country Fay, squatted whole days in the image of Corin near the Felida in love playing on the straw shirt and singing about her love. Why did you come here from the further limits of India? To attend with the marriage with the needle of your full-fledged, on the booths of a bunny amazon, the militant beloved! You came here to bestow their lies joy and happiness.

Oberon. How are you not ashamed, Titania, root me for my location to Ippolit, when I have a great passion of your child? Whether you starred at night I took him from the punctured perigen, didn't you make him break an oath given to the beauty of Egle, Ariadne and Antiop?

Titania. All this is one fiction, inspired by jealousy. Never from the very beginning of the summer, we neither on the hills, nor in the valleys, nor in the meadows, nor in the forests, nor the relaxes, running along the rocky lie, nor the blizzards of the river reeds, nor on the wax waves of the outskirts of the sea, have never succeeded Under the rustle of the wind, drive our dance without so that you do not upset our fun with our downtrend. As if in retaliation for volatile, the winds caused infectious fogs from the sea, which, surfactant to Earth, was overwhelmed with each river that they all opposed their coast. Because the bull was in vainly pulled his yoke, and the farmer was in vain then, bread was rotted, being still very green and not to live to the harvest. The hay rotes on the poured water meadows, and the crows are withering, tugging the fallen cattle. Celebrated for the rustic gaming grooves dragged themselves. There are no paths that appear in luxury greenery is also not visible, because no one does not prock them. Mortals are devoid of even earthly fun, no night is marked by either songs or games. Therefore, the lulman of the waters, the month, pale from anger, I impressed all the air to dampness so that the lack of colds was not felt. From this turmoil change the most seasons. The frozen frosts are falling on the heads of blooming scarlet roses, and the chin and the floe of the old winter, as it were, the mockery is decorated with a fragrant wreath of summer stencils. Spring, summer, abundant autumn fruits, harsh winter, as it were, exchanged the usual outfit. And the amazed world, although it who peers, does not know and now, which which. And all this string of evils is generated by our partners, we are their parents, their hedlemen.

Oberon. All this comes from you and depends on you everything. Why treat the titanium to your Oberon? And what do I ask you? Only tiny submenuble boy, so that I bring him to my fourth.

Titania. You will have to reconcile with this. If you were for this boy offered me all my magic country, I would not give it to you then. His mother was mine priestess. As it happened, often, hidden by the fragrant air of India, she served me by the interlocutor, sat down with me on the yellow sand of Neptune and watched his eyes behind the traders and laughed, seeing how the sails from a voluptuous touch of air as shuffled and made very puzzled. And she, imitating them, - She was already pregnant in young people for a long time, - crawled on the ground, beautifully and quietly swaying in order to get me different baubles, and returned as if from a distant swimming with a rich goods. But she, giving birth to this child, being a mortal, died. From love for her, I will emerge her son and not part with him because of love with her.

Oberon. How long do you intend to stay in this forest?

Titania. Maybe before the end of the marriage festivals of Theze. If you want to warm the dances with us peacefully with us, pull out our fun - or with us. If you do not want, - avoid me, and I will avoid the terrain that you visit.

Oberon. Give me a boy, and I will go for you.

Titania. Not for all your magic kingdom. We leave here, fairies. If I stay at a robes, we will completely cut out (leaves with your retinue).

Oberon. Good, go. But do not get out of this forest, so far for this insult I do not humble you carefully. To me, kindty Do you remember how I once, sitting on the cape, listened to the singing of the siren, carried on the back of the dolphin? She sang so harmfully, so sweet that the raging sea subsided from the sounds of her voice. And not one asterisk, stringly departed from its sphere, so that only listen to this singing.

Pok. I remember.

Oberon. At that time, I saw, "but you could not see," Cupidon flew around the young month and earth. He chille into an excellent Vessel who reigned in the West, and put his arrow with such a force that she would seem to have a hundred thousand hearts. But I saw that the fiery arrow of a young Cupid was found in the chaste rays of a wet month, and the royal priestess, not at all filled, sailed past in virgin thoughts. I, however, noticed where Cupid arrows fell. She fell into a small western flower, formerly formed by dairy-white, but now from the love wound made purple. The girls call him "dustling love." Acquaint me this flower, my grass, I like it. Thanks to her juice, if they are anointed with a dream of a dream, a man or woman to madness falls in love with the first living creature, which he falls on his eyes. I serve me this flower and returning to him here before Leviafan succeeds to sailing alone only mile.

Pok. I am able to get out the whole globe in some minutes forty (out).

Oberon. If I get the juice of this grass, I will lose a minute when Titania falls out, and I will smell her eyelids. The first thing that will fall on her eyes after awakening, "be it lion, a bear, a wolf or ancor, a curious monkey or a fussy monkey," she starts haunting his passionate love, and I, before you take these spells from her eye - what can do Other grass, make her give me a group of it. But who is this here? I'm invisible. I overheard their conversation.

Demetrius enters, Elena.

Demetrius. I do not love you, so stop pursuing me. Where are Lizardr and beautiful Hermia? For that ... that she kills me, I will kill him. Did you say that they hid in this forest? And I also in it. So I got into this forest and angry for not finding my Hermia. Leave me, go, stop following me

Elena. Oh, a cruel magnet, you yourself attract me to yourself! And do not attract iron, because my heart is true as steel. Lost your attractive force, and I lick the opportunity for you to follow.

Demetrius. Do I exclude you, say that you are beautiful? On the contrary, I tell the essential truth that I do not love you, I can not love.

Elena. That is why I love you even stronger. I'm your dog. You see, Lee, Demetrius, the more you will beat me, the time I will become more gentle. Go to me, like with your dog, repel me with my legs, Bay me, neglect me, ruffie me, but only the doser to me, unworthy, follow you. What is the worst place in your love can I ask you? Your appeal with me, as with a dog, will be the greatest for me.

Demetrius. Do not expose my hate excessive test. I get sick when I see you.

Elena. And I am sick when I do not see you.

Demetrius. You are terribly in good kind of glory, going out for the city, going into the hands of anyone unlosestly to you and trusting the night, favorable love adventures, dirty supremes, sustained by solitude and desert terrain.

Elena. Your virtues will serve me to protect this treasure. For me, not the night when I can see your face, so I don't believe me at all that now night. In addition, this forest is not at all deserted, because in it the whole world is. Who dares to say that I am alone when I look at me the whole world?

Demetrius. Usat from you, hiding in the bushes and leave you for the extraction of animals.

Elena. Even with the fierce of the animals, the heart is not so ruthless, like yours. Sugges, if you want, then only legend will be distinguished: Apollo runs, and Daphne is chasing him; The dove pursues the hawk, the humble Lan is trying to catch a tiger. The effort is completely unnecessary when the courage turns into flight, and the cowardice runs after it.

Demetrius. I do not want to more listen to your curses, let me. Or, if you still aggress me to pursue me, know in advance that I am here, in the forest, will carry you a cruel insult.

Elena. Alas, and in the temples, and in the city, and in the fields - you everywhere insult me. You shame, demetry, your resentment will disgrace my floor. We are not men and can't, as they, to seek love with weapons in their hands. We must take care of us, we are not created for courtship. I go for you, by all means, I, if I have to see death from a passionately beloved hand, the hell is done for me by paradise (leaves him.)

Oberon. Comfort, nymph. Before he comes out of this forest, you will run away from him, and he will hurt you with his love.

Po returns.

Well, wanderer, did you get a flower?

Pok. Here it is.

Oberon. Come on. I know the corner of the shore, the wondered by wild Tmin, the letter and hesitant. It is almost like a tent, autonomed with fragrant hopper, fragrant roses and a beautiful rosehip. There, branched by games and dangling songs, Titania usually spends a part of the night in a dream. There, the snake dumps his skirt with himself, and this clothing is spacious enough for an elf. Juice of this flower splashes into her eyes and she will overflow the most ridiculous fantasies. Take you and you are a particle of a flower, finding in the forest of a young man who neglects the love of a beautiful Athenian girl, and the juice of his eyes to him, but only when the first thing he should see will be. Looking, try to arrange so that he fell into love with her even stronger than she in him, and come back to me before the first cocks.

Pok. Be quenched, your servant will fulfill everything as follows.

Another part of the forest.

Included titaniums with his retinue.

Titania. Well, now drive a dance under the magic song, then delete a third of minutes. Let some kill the worms in the sprakes of roses; The other is fighting with bats, to get the skin from their web-hearth wings, and from this material to sew shirts for small elfs; Third let alone be distilled off the restless owl, screaming all night, looking at our beautiful elves. Fit me singing, and then go to fulfill your duties. Give me a rest.

1st Fairy (sings).

Evil motley echids

With languages \u200b\u200bsplit;

Gada harmful, creeping,

Peaceful sleep of Tsaritsa OUR.

With our song with a lullaby,

Sweeping with us:

"Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!"

So that neither evil nor the chit

To the queen did not touch

And until the morning sleep-wizard

She was not licking and caressed.

Spiders, - and Tonogi,

That kostov depict

And cosmodo-poisonous

Worms that reptile

On the ground a sickway,

Dream Beauty Titania,

1st Fairy. Well, now rather from here! Everything is right here. One of us, however, let him remain and worshiped on the sidelines (the fairy leaves. Titania is sleeping. Oberon appears).

Oberon (squeezing the flower juice on the titanium). Fall in love passionately in what you will see immediately after awakening. Love then and Tomber. Whether it is a beaver or a cat, or a bear, or a leopard, or a bristly boar, he, when you wake up, will introduce you to your beloved. I'm going to dream when something nasty (leaves. Lizardr and Hermia appear).

Lizardr. Uglessly mine, you tired of this wanderings in the forest. I confess, I got off from the road. If you wish, Hermia, a rest. I will wait here for an hourly dawn.

Hermia. Be how you please, Lizandr. Looking over your bed, and I scant my head here to this hillock.

Lizardr. Alone and the same Kochka will serve for both of us a pillow. One heart, one bed, two chest and one loyalty.

Hermia. No, good Lizardr, I ask you, Lagge, my dear, while, away, do not lie so close.

Lizardr. Oh, my beloved, understand it in the most innocent sense. Love should understand the words of love and treat him trusting: I wanted to say that my heart is so closely related to yours that they can be adopted for one; That both our breasts are asked by an oath that, although there are two of them, - loyalty is alone. Therefore, do not refuse me in the bed near you. Believe, Hermia, this bed will not be defiled by a lie.

Hermia. You, Lizandr, play with words perfectly.

Lizardr. I have fallen a scary curses of my temper and my pride, if Hermia was thinking to say that Lizandr lies.

Hermia. But, my dear, of love and from the courtesy of Lagged all the same way. Such a temporary disconnection required by modesty may be very suitable for the virtuous young man and for the girl. Laging is better there, my kind friend, and the late night. You will not change your love to the end of your dear life!

Lizardr. "Amen, Amen!" I answer the beautiful this prayer. When my loyalty disappears, let life disappear ... I'm lying here. Yes, it will help you sleep to find a complete soothing!

Hermia. Half of this desire and somnight of the eyelids who expressed it (both fall asleep).


Pok. I walked around the whole forest and did not find the Athenian, in front of which I should heal the love strength of this flower. What kind of darkness, what silence! Who is this? On it is the clothes of the Athenian. This, as my lord said, he negleces the Athenian girl. So she sleeps like killed, on raw and dirty land. She did not even dreamed even to lie down near this is an inappropriate, heartless man. Wait, nevezha, lick on your eyes all of these Char. Oh, love when he wakes up, do not allow him to sleep with his eyelids, wake up when I leave. And I need to rush to Oberon (out).

Demetrius rises, Elena.

Elena. Stop, cute demetri! Better I'll kill me.

Demetrius. Loose! Do not stick to me like that.

Elena. And will you leave me in such a topic? Oh, do not do it!

Demetrius. Stay here at your own fear. I want to go one and leave (runs away).

Elena. I completely got out of the strength from this crazy chase. The more I beg, the less I see him sympathy. Where would you rest, Hermia, you're happy. It has wonderful, charming eyes. Why are they so bright? Not from your own moisture tears? If, if this, my glimpse would be brighter, as they incomparably the most often wrapped in this moisture. No, no, I must be a dirt, like a bear; No wonder the animals came across towards me to meet me to side. Therefore, it is not surprising that Demetriy runs away from me when I'm so scary. As the same insidious and false mirror, when it assures me, I can help with Hermia. Who is it? Lizardr on Earth! He died or just sleeping? I see no blood or wound. Lizardr, are you alive? Wake up!

Lizardr (waking up). For you, I will even go to the fire, Elena, you just like transparent. Nature shows its power, giving me the opportunity through your breast to see your heart. Where is Demetri? And as worthy of carrying this disgusting name to die from my sword!

Elena. Not to say that, Linetre, do not say! What do you care about what he loves your Hermia? What do you have from this? After all, Hermia still loves you. Be satisfied with this.

Lizardr. Satisfied with Hermia? No, miserable moments held with her, I am boring. I do not like Hermia now, and Elena. Who does not exchange the crows on the dove? The will of a man manages his mind, and the mind tells me that you are incomparably worthy of love. All grieving until time is not ripe. So I was still too young, so I did not get to the mind. But now I have achieved a full development of a person, the mind became the head of my will and leads me to your eyes, in which I see wonderful love to love read in the luxurious book of love!

Elena. Why was I born? Why did she live to such an evil ridicule? What do I deserve contempt from you? Isn't it too pretty that I could never and can not get from a gentle glance demetry? And you still kill my misfortune. So contemptuous courting you offend me, offend cruelly. Goodbye. I confess, I thought you were much noble. Surely for the fact that the woman is rejected by one, it must be insulting from the other (outgoing).

Lizardr. She did not see Hermia. Night, helicate, sleep here and never approach Lizandru. As the satiety of sweets gives rise to the stomach of the terrible disgust, or how the heresses are hated in the eyes of the man, especially when he was deceived, so you, the guilt of my suggestion, my heresy, be haired for everyone, and more than for someone else. Let all their forces go to love and on devotion to Elena; I will be her slave (out).

Hermia (wakes up). Help, help me, Lizandr! Turn the snake who brightened to my chest. Oh, shy! Oh, what a terrible dream! Looking, Lizardr: I shall with fear. It seems to me that the snake sucks my heart, and you, looking at her ill neighborhood, sit quietly and just pour themselves. Lyzandr! How not it? Lyzandr, my Lord! Do not hear, left, no word, no sound! Oh, where are you? Remember if you hear! I pray you with love, answer! I almost lost feelings from fear. Not! I see now that you are not proximity. Or now I will find you, or die (out).

Action third.

Titania sleeps. Included: Pigva, Burav, Basis, Dudk, Float and Otter.

The foundation. Are we on your face?

Pigva. All, all! And the glorious place is for our rehearsal. This lawn will be our scene, the bushes of the hawthorn of our restroom, we will be depicting everything exactly as you will be depicted in front of the duke.

The foundation. Peter Pigva!

Pigva. What do you, restless teach?

The foundation. In our comedy "Pirs and Fissab" there is something that others will not like to taste. First, the femors are forced to grab the sword, to kill themselves, there are no such spectacles of the Baryni. What do you say to it?

Snout. This, swear the Blessed Virgin, really fear how scary.

Otter. I think suicide when everything is over, we will have to release.

The foundation. In no way! I invented how to fix everything. Cover the prologue, and let the prologue hint that we will not harm our swords that the femors are not really killed; And also for greater calm, tell them that I am playing a pyrum, not at all the femors, but a weak base. It will save the spectators from any fear.

Pigva. Well, composure. Just how do we write it: six or eight-stranded verses?

The foundation. No, it is better to add two feet, let them be eight, and he is an eight-sour.

Snout. And the lather lion is not afraid?

Otter. I'm afraid of this. However, we will see.

The foundation. We, gentlemen, must discuss all this pretty. God forbid to bring lion to the society Baryn! This is a terrible thing, because there is no bird of prey a terrible lion, especially living. Therefore, we must take such a consideration.

Snout. So the other prologue would say that he is not a real lion.

The foundation. No, it is necessary that the audience knew his name so half of his face peeking out due to the lion's neck. And if you need to say something to correct this disadvantage, so that's what: "Masseman, or beautiful madam, I wished, or demanded, or asked if you were not afraid, did not flutter, for I live I am responsible for yours. If you think that I was here a real lion, grief to me, the great grief! No, the same thing I have a creature, such as everyone! " Then let him call himself by name and says straight that I am a joiner.

Pigva. Excellent, so we will do. But there are two more difficult things. First: How to enter moonlight into the room? - You know that femors and FPSBI are found in the light of the month.

Bourish And night, during the presentation of our comedy there will be a moon.

The foundation. To serve a calendar, calendar, and find, lunaries will be the night or not!

Pigva. Moon.

The foundation. If so, leave only an open window in a large room, where our presentation will happen, and the month can be shone in the window.

Pigva. Perhaps, and so. And not something, let someone come to the knitting black and lantern, let it say that he came to the image of the role or to represent a monthly light. But then there is still another difficulty. We need a wall in a large room, because it is known to legend that femors and fisbi talked through the crack in the wall.

Bourish Well, the wall is in the room you do not inject, what do you say to it, the basis?

The foundation. Well, someone can portray the wall. Melt only his little to designate the wall with lime, clay or plaster, and let him hold his fingers like this. Through this slit and will be twisted between themselves with femors and fisbi.

Pigva. If it is settled, everything is settled. Well, all those born from the mother, sit down and proceed to the rehearsal. Pears, you start. When you speak your role, go to these bushes. Let the same makes each if it requires his role.

It enters and stops in the depths of the scene.

Pok. What is this nonsense, thicker so close to the lie of the beautiful Queen? That's so thing, preparing the view! I will be a spectator and, if necessary, even an actor.

Pigva. Speak, peirs! Fisby, come!

Pears. Breathing colors stumbled, you are weak ...

Pigva. Not stumbled, and fragrant.

Pears. Breathing color fragrant unpleasant

When to compare it with the breath of the wonderful fistby.

Having a bit

And I get back to you from there! (Goes out).

Pok. Of all the femors in the world, did anyone see this? (Leaving him).

Fisby. Now it's my turn?

Pigva. Of course, yours. You must understand that he leaves then to find out which he heard a voice there, and will now come back.

Fisby. Shine pears that whiteness is

Know with Lilia and Rosa Rudy!

Brave young man, miley from people

And faithful, as the most faithful spear, which did not hurt,

What does it mean to tired, Ile to stumble,

I will get off at the grave of Nina.

Pigva. At the grave Nina. Full, kind! Talk it to you too early; You answer these words to the pyrum. You say all your role of a spell - and replicas, and everything else. Come in, femors. Your replica is already said; After all, she in words: - "fatigue does not know."

(Enter the base, with a donkey head on the shoulders).

Fisby. Oh, faithful in the same way as the most faithful of the horses,

Who never tiredness knows.

Pears. Only for you, the femors want to be so.

Pigva. Oh, it's terrible! Monsterly! The unclean forces are joking and here with us jokes. Pray, gentlemen! Bat, gentlemen! Help!

Everyone will be killed in fear.

Pok. I'm yours. I pursue you on the swamps, at the plates, too, bone spiny shrubs. I will first take the sight of the horse, then the dogs, the borov, then the headless bear, then the fire, to laugh, bark, grunt, roar and burn, like a horse, dog, bors, bear and fire (out).

The foundation. Why did they rush from here from here? Joke is that to scare me?

Returns fig.

Snout. Oh, the basis, what a transformation with you! What do I see in your shoulders (go)?

The foundation. What do you see? Must be, you see an outfit head on your own, you see?

Pigva returns.

Pigva. Oh, the basis, help, help you Lord! You are completely spoiled (out).

The foundation. I understand their trick: they want to fool me and, if they succeed, scare. But what would they do there, I will not be touched from here. I will take it here, tighten the song so that everyone heard that I was not afraid of anything (sings).

And black thrush, with a printed beak,

And the rooster with a short feathers ...

Titania (waking up). What kind of cherub is disturbing my sleep on the bed of flowers?

Sparrow or Shchegglenok,

Even the gentry cuckoo,

On a cheeky cry of which

A rare husband will not respond

Objection: "You are lying."

Because, in fact, anyone will contact such a stupid bird who will lean the bird in a lie, no matter how much it screamed "Ku-ku!"

Titania. I ask you, handsome, sleeping anything else. Your voice has completely fascinated my hearing, and your image captured my vision. With the first look at you, the mighty beauty of your spell makes me against the will say and even swear that I love you.

The foundation. It seems to be madam that you have no thorough reason for it. However, speaking in truth, reasonable foundation and love rarely get together at present. And it is very regrettable if some helpful neighbor will not work out to reconcile them between him. See that I am at the case of a wizard.

Titania. You are the same smart as beautiful.

The foundation. Well, no, not so! I'm neither one or the other. If I had enough so much mind to get out of this forest, it would have been enough for my personal use.

Titania. Oh, do not want to get out of here! Will-nilly, and you will stay here. I am spirit, and not unimportant: in my possessions eternal summer. And I love you, stay with me! I will give you an elves in service. They will find for you to find diamonds, in the deep depths of the earth, will sing during your sleep on fresh colors. I will make the mortal shell before the thin and mild, and you will flute like a air spirit. Easy peas, web, mole, mustard grains!

Four elf includes: fragrant peas, cobweb, mole and mustard grains.

1st elf. I'm here!

2nd elf. And I!

3rd elf. N I!

4th elf. And I!

Everything. Where do you get to fly?

Titania. Be kind to this Mr. and kind with him; Put, download around him during his walks, feed it with apricots, purple grapes, zedenyi figami and mulberry, kidnap their chants for him, have wild bees away from their legs wax on candles and light these candles with fiery eyes and illite my way of my way Milago with a waste of it to sleep and with awakening. Open paint wings from butterflies and take them the rays of the month from the sleepy century. Welcome him, elves!

1st elf. Like you, mortal!

2nd elf. And mine!

3rd elf. And mine!

4th elf. And mine!

The foundation. From the heart I am grateful to you, a durable elf. Your name, most marked?

1st elf. Pautinc.

The foundation. Very glad, the kind Mr. Pautinka, to meet you shorter. If you cut a finger, bother to resort straight to you. And your most married?

2nd elf. Sweet pea.

The foundation. I ask you, the kindest Mr. fragrant polka dot, to fold the word for me with Mrs. Skin, your mother, and Mr. Pod, your father. I am very glad to meet with you. I also ask you to tell me your name?

3rd elf. Mustard grains.

The foundation. I know your condescension, the courtesy of Mother mustard grains, I know perfectly. The vile of this gigid roast beylf did not minor the Lords like you. Believe me, familiarity with you has repeatedly squeezed tears from my eyes. Very glad, the kind mustard seeds, to meet you are still shorter.

Titania. Serve and him, as his Mr. Drive it to my arbor. The moon looks somewhere tearfully, and if she cries, then every little flower is crying, grieving on someone lost chastity. Open the tongue of my tongue is ridden and lead it in full silence.

Another part of the forest.

Included Oberon

Oberon. It's curious to know me, whether the titania woke up and someone who was the first to get to her eyes and to whom she had to fall in love with madness.


So my sent. Well, the pursuit, what pants did you do in this magic forest?

Pok. My queen fell in love with the monster. While the snoekonko, he firmly slept in a gazebo dedicated to her, several overannants were gathered, immense artisans, because of the pumping bread workers working in Athenian lavs, and began to make a comedy rehearsal, which was conceived to submit on the wedding day of the Great Teze. Saying your monologue, the most brainless of these boobs, the most unfit from all of this bastard, which represented the piram in their play, went into the bushes, and I, using this case, turned his head into the donkey. He then followed him to answer the fesby, and he again performed on the scene. Here, as if wild geese, envied by a crawling hunter, or as if redhead tanks, who suddenly jerk with a cry, are divided into separate detachments and, like insane, dissect air, all comrades seeing the executing the role of the Piros, rushed from him and, sneaking each other with his feet, shouted: - "Robbery!" And they began to call on someone from the Athenian residents to help themselves. The head of them is already weak, and now from a strong fear of having lost it finally, they armed against themselves even soused items; A thranger and rose robs are torn on them, one breaks off the sleeve, from the other, they break off the hat, constantly depriving the pants, who did not even think resist. So, by blowing on them insane fear, I drove them from here, holding only one loaf here, on whose shoulders I put a donkey head. And then it happened so that the titanium woke up and immediately fell in love with the donkey.

Oberon. Everything happened more successful than I expected. And you smeared you lovely the eyelids of Athineyan, as I ordered you?

Pok. Made and this. I found him sleeping; Not far from it was the Athenian; He will certainly see her when he wakes up.

Enter: Demetrius and Hermia.

Oberon. We will go to the side. Is this the most accminean?

Pok. The woman is that, but the man is not the one.

Demetrius. Well, why do you repel someone who loves you so much? So evil can only speak with the worst your enemy.

Hermia. I only scold you, about how you can, you deserve more worst, because I'm afraid, you did not give me a reason for the curses. If at a time when Lizandr slept, you killed him and the one plunged into the blood of the knee, the loading into it even deeper, kill me. The sun itself was not so true of the day as he me. Would he leave Sleeping Hermia? Early, I will believe that you can drill the whole globe through and what a month to make your brother to the midday sun, slip into this hole to the antipodes. You certainly killed Lizandra: so dedicated, so fiercely can watch the murderer.

Demetrius. As the murdered, so I watch and I, pierced through the merciless of your cruelty. You, the murderer, look as light and clear how the brilliant Venus in the sky.

Hermia. This will not help this Lisandra. Where is he? Oh, kind demet, return it to me!

Demetrius. I would rather give his corpse to my dogs.

Hermia. Bare from me, dog! Away, dog! You brought me out of virgin patience. So you killed him? Be forever crossed out of the list of people! Oh, at least once, tell us the truth, tell her at least for me. Not daring to look at him while he wake up, you killed him sleepy. Oh, what kind of feat! Snakes and echids are capable of such a valiant feat. And he was made by Echidna, because she had never been so for his unknown tongue.

Demetrius. You pour your anger about the error. I am not climbing the blood of Lizandra and, as far as I know, he did not die at all.

Hermia. Repeat me, begging you that he is healthy and unharmed.

Demetrius. And what was your benefit, if I could even say that?

Hermia. The benefit that you never see me more than me; Your presence is hateful! Lee Lizardr or died, do not expect anything from me (out).

Demetrius. Chasing her when she is in such an accurate mood, useless; Therefore, a little a little here. The burden of grief increases the debt that the untenable debtor-sleep did not pay him. Therefore, if I will wait for it here, he can pay me at least a particle of this debt (falls asleep and falls asleep).

Oberon. What have you done! You were mistaken in the most implacious way, squeezing the love juice on the eyes in fact a loving person. Your mistake inevitably turns true love in a false, and the false will not make true.

Pok. Fate turned out to be stronger than me. She is to blame: after all, one loving invariably accounts for a million trainees who violate one oath for another.

Oberon. Faster winds around the whole forest and finding Elena Athens. She, poor and pale, is very sick of love, the sighs of love beat blood from her face. Her husband here is some kind of deception, and, in the meantime, charming to her arrival of the boy's eye.

Pok. Run Run! Look, I am flying faster than the arrows, a pushed Tatarin (runs away).

Oberon. The juice of the bugger flower climbed by the boiled arrow, penetrate his eyes. Let when he sees the girl in love with him, she will shine for him as bright as Venus in the sky. When you wake up, and she will be near you, ask her healing.

Po returns.

Pok. The lord of the magical of our country, Elena close, and with her that young man who introduced me in a mistake. He prayes that she loved him. I will admire their insane comedy. Oh, how stupid are mortals!

Oberon. We will go to the side. Their conversation will wake demetry.

Pok. And then he will take care of two times. That will be fun! Similar confusion - my passion!

Enter: Lizandr and Elena.

Lizardr. Why do you think that I just want to seek your love? Didn't the mockery or contempt expressed someday tears? Look: I cry when I swear in love. And the oaths that are born in this way, they already testify to their sincerity. Having such a wrestling in sincerity, how can my love for you seem contempt?

Elena. You are more and more showing your cunning. When is it true kills the truth, what can be terrible than such ads of the sacred struggle? Your assurances should be treated with Hermia. Do you want to leave her? Try to find out the weight of the oath with the help of the oath, and they will not know anything. If you put your oaths in one cup, and the oaths to each other, all will be one weight, all the same lightweight as fairy tales.

Lizardr. I was a madman when I swear.

Elena. In my opinion, you, leaving her, and now insane.

Lizardr. Demetrius loves her, and you are not.

Demetrius (waking up). Oh, Elena! goddess! nymph! perfection! deity! What, oh, my love, compare and your wonderful eyes? The most crystals next to them seem muddy. Oh, as charming mature, those two cherries, of which are your mouth! Even a clean frozen whiteness, even the burnt eastern winds, the snow on a high brand becomes a black crow when you raise your hand. Oh, let me cut this queen of the purest whiteness, this printing of bliss!

Elena. What vitality! Oh, hell! I see that you are fun to insult me \u200b\u200bfor the sake; I know that you both hate me, but it's not enough to you, you still need to mock me. According to you people, but if you were in fact people, you wouldn't like a decent girl, you would not assure it, I would not have a love in love, would not exaggerate my advantages when I am quite sure that you hate me . You competed by challenging the love of Hermia: and now compete, mocking on Elena. What, in fact, a wonderful feat, what a valiant act by ridicule to cause tears to the eyes of a poor girl! No decent person wants, so offend the girl, will not bring it down, the poor, from the patience - and all this for the sake of just fun.

Lizardr. You are cruel, Demetrius. Stop being so. After all, you love Hermia. You know this and you yourself, I know, and from the whole soul, from the bottom of my heart I give up my share in the love of Hermia. Give me and you are your love in love, which I love now, which I will love to death.

Elena. Never mockery did not spend such a variety of unnecessary words!

Demetrius. Leave, Lizardr, Hermia with me, I don't need it. If I have ever loved her, all this love has passed. My heart was just temporarily stuck in Belie, but now it returned to his real home hearth, to Elena to stay there forever.

Lizardr. This is not true, Elena.

Demetrius. Do not slandering the conscience, which you yourself do not know, or you will pay expensive for it. Look, your beloved goes here. You are the road, and not Elena.

Germina is included.

Hermia. Dark night, taking the ability to see eye, enhances the ear susceptibility; Relaxing vision, it in return enhances the power of hearing. I did not look for you, Lizandr. Hearing is great for this thanks to him - led me here on the sound of your voice. But why did you leave me so ruthless?

Lizardr. Why stay to those who love to leave?

Hermia. What kind of love could make Lizandra get away from me?

Lizardr. Lyubov Lizandra, who did not allow him to stay, - the love of Beauty Elena, absorbing the night is stronger than all these fiery points, all these are the eyes of the sky. Why do you find me? Unless, seeing that I was not, you did not guessed that I made me forced me to have a hatred that I dare to you?

Hermia. Can not be! You say not what you think.

Elena. And she! And she, too, with them in conspiracy. I see now: all three you have conspited to play this feigned comedy to rummage. Verger Hermia, shameless of all Athenian girls! And you are in conspiracy, and you agreed so nightly mock me, along with them! Surely all the dreams that we tried to each other, all the vows sister sister, all the watches we spent together, watches, forced us to scold the rapid time for separating us, really all this is forgotten - and school friendship, and children's innocence ? Like two skillful goddesses, Hermia, we created our needles the same flower but the same pattern, sitting on one pillow, both singing the same song in the same tone as if our hands , hearts, voices and thoughts belonged not to two creatures, but one. So we grew, like a double cherry, seemingly divided, but, despite this separation, still the component of one whole. Like two bodies loving each other on one stem, we represented two bodies, but one heart. We were like two Geroldic shields crowned with one helmet and belonging to a person alone. And you, entering the union with men, you want to break the old one's love to rummage over a poor friend. No, a woman and friendship do not do that! For this, the same as me, all our gender renewes on you, although only I am insulted.

Hermia. I am surprised by an angry your speech. I'm not over you, - you mock me, it seems you.

Elena. Did you dissuade Lisandra in a mock to pursue me, overclock my eyes, my beauty? Didn't you and another, in love with you, just, as if a dog that pushed me to the nurse, make me goddess, nymph, Divine, incomparable insignificant, heavenly? Why does he say that one hates? Why and Lizandr reverses his love for you, is still so strong, and imposes it to me? Because you taught him, and he does it with your consent. Or I'm not so beautiful as you are not so charming, not so happy, but on the contrary, it's scary, because I myself love, but I am not mutually loved; It is a suffering that it should not be called.

Hermia. I do not understand what you want to say.

Elena. Oh, continue to pretend to be distressed and serious, keep it up to me behind your backs of the faces and exchange signs! Continue the adorable this task! This junction, played so successfully, will go to the chrifted chronicle. If you were at least a spark of compassion, nobility or knowledge of decency, you didn't make me the subject of such fun! Farewell! In part, I myself am to blame; But death or separation will soon be fixed.

Lizardr. Wait, cute Elena, listen to my excuse. Oh, Adorable Elena, my love, my life, my soul!

Elena. Perfectly!

Hermia. My dear, stop mocking like that.

Demetrius. If she does not build, I will make it observe the force.

Lizardr. Your power will affect me as little as her requests. Your threats are so powerless as her molly weak. Elena, love you! I swear life that I love! I swear to what is ready to lose to prove that he lies the one who dares to say that I do not like you.

Demetrius. And I say that I love you more than he is capable of love.

Lizardr. If you say so, expove the sword and prove the justice of your words.

Demetrius. This minute; We go.

Hermia. What does all of this mean?

Lyzandr. Away, Ethiopkka!

Demetrius. Full, full! You break only for the species, just pretending you want to go after me. At the same time you will not go, because you are a coward.

Lizardr. Top from me, cat, burdock! Let, rubbish, or I will shoot you, like a snake.

Hermia. Why did you turn with me so severely? Why, honey, are you so cruel?

Lizardr. What is your cute? Away, Blacksaya Tatarka, away, away, disgusting the drug! Away, deadly poison!

Hermia. Are you kidding!

Elena. So he is joking, like you.

Lizardr. Demetrius, I will restructure this word to you.

Demetrius. I wanted to have proof rising, because I see how even weak bonds can hold you. I do not believe in your word.

Lizardr. Why do you want: so that I hit her, inflicts her wound, killed? Although I hate her, but I will not do such evil yet.

Hermia. What evil maybe there is a stronger than your hatred for me?! You hate me? For what? Oh, the gods, what is this news, my cute? Isn't I Hermia? Aren't you Lisandr? I am also good as it was. No further as today's night you still loved me. Meanwhile, threw the same night. Why did you threw me? Oh, do not allow this, gods! Surely all this is not a joke?

Lizardr. Not at all, swearing life. I say this so that you will never see you already. Therefore, leave all the hopes, all questions; Nothing may be more undoubtedly. I hate you and love Elena, I'm not joking at all.

Hermia. Oh, grief! Cooked snake! Worm, devouring flowers! The thief of my love, why did you get up at night and kidnap me my beloved heart, Elena?

Elena. Better and better! You have no modesty, nor the maiden shyness, no sparkness. Is it so nice to pull out such uks from my humble mouths? You shake, you shame, the pretender, a doll on the springs!

Hermia. I doll on the springs? why? So that's all this means! Now understand. She forced him to pay attention to his height and on my and captured him with his high height. You because you grew up in his location, that I am so small that I am very carlitsa. But the luxurious May tree, no matter how small I was, - yes, no matter how small I was, I still, I'm not so, so as not to get your eyes to the nails.

Elena. Although you, gentlemen, you need to kill me, but, I beg you, do not allow it to fight. I'm not at all evil, not grumpling, I am quite a girl by timidity. Do not allow her to beat me. You can, perhaps, think that I am gliting with her, as she is somewhat lowering me with growth.

Hermia. Lower! Again! Hear?

Elena. Cute Hermia, do not be so cruel. I always loved you, Hermia, always kept your secrets, never changed it. Only this time, from the love of Demetrius, told him about your escape in this forest. He rushed after you, and I followed him from love. But he drove me from here, threatened to nail, trample me with his legs, even kill. And now, if you let me go back with my madness back to Athens and I will not more follow you. Let me go! You see, as I am intense, as stupid.

Hermia. Stay! Who keeps you?

Elena. Stupid my heart that I leave here.

Hermia. With Lizandr?

Elena. With Demetrius.

Lizardr. Do not be afraid, Elena, she will not touch you.

Demetrius. Of course, courtesy, not touched, although you were for one with her.

Elena. It is likely when it becomes angry, it becomes scary zadorn and grumpled; She and at school constantly fought. Although she is small, but scary quick-tempered.

Hermia. Again small! All Mala, yes Mala! Why do you allow her so I need to mock me? Let me go to her!

Lizardr. Won, hence, dwarf! Won pluging, created from grass, interfering with children's growth! Away, glass bead, underpowing acorn!

Demetrius. You are already too helpful regarding a woman neglecting your services. Leave her alone; Do not dare to talk about Elena, do not dare to defend, because you will pay expensive if you gave way to her like a shadow!

Lizardr. Now that she does not hold me, go after me if you dare. Let's see who has more rights to Elena, you or me!

Demetrius. For you? No, I will go with you next (go).

Hermia. All this, madam, your business. Stop here, do not go!

Elena. I do not trust you and do not want to stay in your opposite society. To fight, your hands are more more than mine, but for the flight my feet is longer (runs away).

Hermia. I do not know what to say from surprise (runs away for Elena).

Oberon. That's what your mistakes took. It may be one of the everlasting misses, and maybe conscious disgrace.

Pok. Believe, the king of disembodied spirits, I was mistaken. After all, you said that I recognize him on the clothes of Athenaanpna, and in error I am not to blame. If I splashed the flower juice on the eyelids of Athenian, then even glad about it, because the quarrel is very funny.

Oberon. You see, lovers are looking for places for the fight. Hurry. Thicken still shadow of the night; Now the clouds are the starry sky black, like Aheron, fog and the intelligent rivals so that they could not go. Teasing by evil ridicule The demetry by the voice of Lizandra, then Lizandra was a voice demetra, distract them from each other until the lead legs and heavy wings would not catch sleep on their eyelids, this master to mad death. Then, on the eyes of Lisandra, this is a plant; The juice from it has the power to destroy any illusion and return the usual ability to see their eyes. When they wake up, the whole confusion will seem to them with a dream, a ghostly vision, and the lovers will return back to Athens, making an unit of the unit of death to the very death. And I, while you are busy with this, I will go to the queen, I will drop the Indian boy with her; They can then destroy the chairs that make her love for the monster, and then the world reigns between all.

Pok. We, the magical Mis Lord, must complete all this rather, because the rapid Dragons of the nights are already cutting the clouds and the harbinger of Aurora has already appeared, with the approach of which everything, then, there is a wandering, shadows run home on the cemetery. All the devotees of the curse of the soul, sorcerer at the intersections and in the waters, have already lightened to their diesel beds. From fear so that the day did not see their shame, they voluntarily expelled themselves from the limits of daylight and rekwit themselves forever with an impenetrable darkness of the night.

Oberon. But we are the souls of another kind: I am often played with a pet favorite and, like a forester, I can wander around the groves, even at a moment, when the eastern, the fire-red gates are expanding and throwing wonderful, blessed rays their own on Neptune, gold his saline, green waves . But still hurry, finish everything before dawn (out).

Pok. In villages and in cities

Everyone is afraid of me.

I will become blind, drive

And there I am here.

Yes, Rod, Cracker Goblin,

That there is them, then here.

Here one is already here!

Lizardr is included.

Lizardr. Where are you demeterry? Draw!

Pok. Here, rascal! My sword is naked, I am ready! What are you somewhere?

Lizardr. MiG wanted about you.

Lok. So hurry to place more advantageous than me (Lizardr leaves, as if following the voice).

Give demetry.

Demetrius. Ey-Hey, Lizandr, come again! Speak you, fugitive, speaking, coward where you ran away! Speak! Hinge somewhere in a bush? So where did you hide?

Pok. A coward that exalting his bravery to the most stars, you must have been saying that you want to fight, and you are not. Come out, scoundrel, come out, boys! I will drive you Ryget. Out against you the sword means just to touch.

Demetrius. Are you here?

Pok. Follow me. There is no place to experience our courage (out).

Lizardr returns.

Lizardr. He turns out to be all ahead and everything causes me. I reached the place where he called, and his trace was heated. Round easier for me. No matter how quickly I chased him, he fled from me even faster. And so I somehow got on a scary outdoor road. Rest here. Oh, a bright day, come rather (falls). As soon as your grayish light appears in the sky, I will find demetry and I will find him (falling asleep).

Pole and Demetriy return.

Pok. Hey hey, panty! What are you not going?

Demetrius. Wait for me if you have enough courage. You're all running away from me, all change the place, nowhere dare to stop and look at me right in the face. Where are you now?

Pok. Come here! I'm here.

Demetrius. Will not go. You seem to be laughing at me, but you will be expensive to pay me for it if I manage to see your face under the lunar light. Now go to your expensive. Fatigue makes me measure my growth on this cold bed. But with dawn wait for me (falls and falls asleep).

Elena enters.

Elena. Oh, night, oh, infinitely boring, long, troubling night! Reduce your clock. Sit down in the east, the express ray so that I could return to Athens in the daylight and leave here those I, poor, so befit. Sleep, sometimes clouling even the defendants of the sadness, kidnapped me at my time (I go down and falls asleep).

Pok. As long as three here; Need one more - two people of each floor will be four! But it goes and she, excited and sad. Plutovat, Cupid, when he brings poor women to such madness.

Germina is included.

Hermia. I never got tired so, did not happen so sad; He squeezed from the dew, scratched the thorn spikes, I not only can not go, but even crawled further. Feet will not obey my will. Rest here before dawn. Oh, heaven, save Lizandra if opponents really fight! (Falls asleep and falls asleep).

Pok. Tempered on Earth and sleep firmly. And your eyes, a gentle lover, I will heaile this means (squeezes the juice of the plant on the eyes of Lizandra). When you wake up, you will still be admired by the eyes of your own beloved. Thus, with your awakening, the famous rustic saying is justified with anything: when Jack has Jenny, everything will go to his own way, and when a person again is his mare, everything will be fine (goes away and the rest are sleeping).

The fourth action.

Included: accompanied by elves, titanium and base. For them Oberon, remaining invisible in depth.

Titania. Come here, sit on it snapped with flowers. I will face your adorable lines, to remove the roses. Your smooth, soft head, a gap, my joy, your wonderful, long ears.

The foundation. Where is fragrant polka dot?

Sweet pea. Here.

The foundation. Pray my head, an adorable flower. And where is Mr. Pautinka?

Pautinc. Here.

The foundation. Mr. Pautinka, a kindest gentleman, take your weapon, kill me that a red bobby bee that I sat down on top of the wicker, and bring me, my kindest, honey sonya. However, my dear, in this business should not be too hot: see that the sratens did not break. It would be regrettable to me, if you, the most respectable gentleman, were evolved with a fragrant honey bag. And where is the mustard seed?

Mustard seeds. Here.

The foundation. Your foot, mustard seeds! Yes, please leave your ceremony, kind grains.

Mustard seeds. What you want?

The foundation. Yes, nothing special. Help only Mr. Customer scratch my head. However, my friend, it seems to me, it is necessary to go down to the valley, because my face is, as it seems to me, it looks like a hair, and I, even donkey, but so sensitive that where only snags hair, so Square.

Titania. Do you want my cute, listen to music?

The foundation. For music, my ears is quite developed. Let me be served the key and tongs.

Titania. Tell me, my treasure, do not want to eat you?

The foundation. Well, the measure of oats, perhaps, would not be superfluous to me; Good, dry oats wished me willingly. Yes, I would not refuse me and from Khpanka Sen; With good scented hay, nothing in the world will compare.

Titania. Mim my elf from the socket protein will achieve fresh nuts.

The foundation. I preferred a handful or two dry peas. But, I ask you, order your servants so that they do not disturb me with anything, because I feel instant calling for sleep.

Titania. In the monkey. And I wise your own neck. Elf, delete, leave us for a while. So the Pavita wraps a fragile goat leaf, so woman-shaped ivy decorates rings rough rod joints. Oh, as I love you! How strongly I am fascinated to you (falling asleep).


Oberon (speaking forward). Here, kind of robe! Do you see the adorable this picture? I'm already starting to regret that I caught up with such madness. I met her a few times ago. She collected incense herbs for the disgusting alcohol. I threw it on her, began to scold, why she removed his sword wool whiskey wreath from fresh fragrant flowers. And the same dew, which can usually tremble on the board, like precious oriental pearls, now trembled in cups of colors, like tears, mourning their own humiliation. When I triggered and walked for a long time, and she had repeatedly began to pray for a condesception, I demanded a changeable boy from her, and she immediately lost it, told his elf to take him into my magic country and hide him there in the gazebo. Now, mining the boy, I cure her eyes from their bad ailment. And you, Pain, take away from this Athenian fooling his magic head so that he wakes up, like all the others, could, like them, return to Athens, imagining that all the events of this night were creating him in anxious dream. But before, I have to disappoint Qaritsu Fey.- Whether it was, and see how I saw before. Such a gracious action has a flower of Diana against a cupid flower. Wake up, my titanium, my dear, my queen!

Titania. Oh my spouse, what I saw sleep! I dreamed that I fell in love with a donkey.

Oberon. Here is your love lies here.

Titania. How could it happen to happen? Oh, how disgusting me now his face!

































































































































































































Tezay. , Duke Athens.

Aegea , Father Hermia.

Lizardr, Demetrius Lovers in Hermia.

Philostrat , Persecution manager at the courtyard of Tezay.

Pigva , a carpenter.

Milyaha , joiner.

The foundation , weak.

Dub , reinforcement inflatable fur.

Snout , Mednick.

Zapysh , tailor.

Ippolita , Queen Amazon, collapsed with theses.

Hermia Loving in Lizandra.

Elena Loved in Demetry.

Oberon , Tsar Fay and Elves.

Titania , Queen Fay and Elf.

PEC, or kind small robin , small elf.

Fragrant peas, cobweb, moth, mustard grain , elves.

Fairies and elves, submissive Oberon and Titania, Sweet.


Act I.

Scene 1.

Athens, Tezay Palace.

Enter Tezay., Ippolita, Philostrat{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} sweet.


Beautiful, our marriage hour is getting closer:


We will lead. But oh, how slow is old!

It is on the way to my wellats,

Like stepmother Ile old widow,

That young men income is stuck.


Four days in the night will raise fast;

Four nights in dreams so quickly await ...



Night of our wedding!


Philostrat, go!

Shave all young people in Athens

And the frisky spirit of fun witness.

Sadness for funeral let it remain:

We do not need a pale guest on the feast.



I got you sword, Ippolita,;

Threats of love of yours achieved

Solemnly, and fun, and magnificent!

Enter Aegea, Hermia, Lizardr.{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} Demetrius.


Be happy, the nice duke is our toy!


Thank you, Aegea! What do you say?


I'm in grief, with a complaint to you



That's the one who wanted to give my daughter. -


And this heart came to her. -

You, you, Lizandr! You wrote her poems

The pledges of love changed with her

Under the windows of her under the moonlight

Feigned to love the love of the feigned song!

You go to the move to capture her heart

Bracelets, hair rings, candy,


That youth inexperienced cute!

In cunning you kidnap her

You are obedient, due to father,


She with you, my sovereign will not give

Consent Demetrius, I call

To the old Athenian law:

Once my daughter, I can oh

Place And I decided: Demetri




Well, Hermia, beautiful maiden,

What do you say? Think of good.

He created your beauty, and you

They cast a wax form;






Yes, by itself;

But if your father is not for him,

That means that one is worthy.


I wanted to watch my father


Not! Early your eyes

Must be subordinate to him.


Sorry, your lordship, begging.

I don't know myself where I found courage,

And it is possible, not insulting modesty,

With all I have so fluently talk.

But I spell, I get to know:

What is the worst to me

When I won't go for demetry?


What? Death! Ile renunciation forever

From the society of men. That's why,

Oh Hermia, check yourself. Think:

You are young ... you ask your soul,

When you come against your father's will:

Able to wear a nurse outfit

Forever be concluded in the monastery,


And sadly sing the moon of cold hymns?

The stock edge is blessed who blood is humbled,

So that on Earth the path to virgin to accomplish;


The happiest that on the bush is innocent



So I blossom, and live, and die

I want more than maiden rights

Give it to power! His Yarma

My soul does not want to conquer.


Think, Hermia! On the day of Novolunya

(A day that I will connect me with my love

For eternal commodity) should

You are ready: or die

For a violation of father's will,

Il to get married with whom he chose,

Il to give forever at the Altar Diana

Vale of a celler and harsh life.



My rights are indisputable to give ways.


Demetriy, since the father loves you so much,

Give me a daughter, and marry himself!


The mocker daring! Yes, father's love -

Behind him and with her everything is what I own.


I give Demetriya in full!


But, the sovereign, I am equal to him

And wealth; I love stronger;

By clause, I'm not lower than

Rather, even higher than demetry;


I love Hermia beautiful!

Why do I replace from my rights?


In Elena, the daughter was recent, was in love.

Her joined him. Gentle Elena

Unstable insensually loves

Bogatvit an empty man!


Confess, I heard about it

And even thought to cake with him;

But engaged in the most important affairs


And you, Aegea! Go with me both

And we find what to talk about! -

Well, Hermia, try to subordinate

Your dreams will be the wishes of the Father

Not the law of Athens

(Which we can not change)

To death or for eternal celbacy. -

Well, Ippolit ... What, my love?


I will instruct you to arrange something

To the solemn day and ceiling

About what is concerned both.


We are always debt to fulfill our debt.

Tezay., Ippolita, Aegea, Demetrius{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} sweet{!LANG-268686817c3befa3f2b8c5903dd212d2!}


Well, my love? How pale cheeks!

How quickly suddenly the roses fade on them!


Not because there is no rain which

From the storm eyes of my eyes easily.


Alas! I have never heard


So I smooth was the path of true love.





Or different in the years ...


About Mock!

To be too old for young bride!


Il selection of loved ones and friends ...


But how to love someone else's choice?



Disease ILE death always threaten love

And make it like sound instant

As a shadow, volatile and, like a dream, short.

So zipper, shining in the darkness of the night,

Will express angry heaven and land,

And before exclaiming, we: "Look!" -

It will absorb the abyss of darkness -

All bright disappears so quickly.


But if for lovers inevitably

Suffering and such is the law of fate,

So we will be patient in testing:

After all, it is for love a conventional cross,




Yes, you are right ... But, Hermia, listen:

There is a aunt with me. She is a widow,

Rich, childless.

Lives from here miles so in seven.

So: she loves me as a son!

There, Hermia, we can get married.

Brutal Athenian laws

There will not find us. If you really love

Tomorrow you leave the night at night.

In the forest, in three miles from Athens, in the place,

Where I met you with Elena (you came

To accomplish the rites as May morning, remember?),

I will wait for you.



I swear to the custody cupid bow,




When Trojan raised Sails, -

Everyone than love is associated heaven,

Darkness of the oath of male, impaired godless

(What women cannot catch up with them)

I swear: in the forest specified by you,

I'll be tomorrow night, my dear!

Included Elena.




Hey! Where are you going, my friend is beautiful?



Your beauty demet is captivated,

Happy! Your eye shines

What is the lark of the song among the fields ...

Be beauty sticky alert -

I would have become infected with you, my friend!

Would one of you would have perch

And glitter eyes, and the tenderness of speech is sweet ...



But teach me: what kind of art

Demetry have you seen feeling?








Oh, if I soften him with plenty!


The tougher I, the more gentle with me!


What I am gentle, the harder he is with me!




Your beauty! Oh, be mine, wines!


I will not meet him anymore: do not suffer.

We will leave this edge forever!

While I lived here, love is not knowing,

Athens seemed to me better than Paradise ...


When from paradise to make hell free?


Elena, friend, I will open everything to you:


Your face is sober in the mirror river,

Introduction to the liquid pearl, -

Per hour that lovers of secrets takes

We will come out with her from the city gate.


In the forest where often lying between flowers,

We shared girlish dreams,

My Lizardr must meet me,

And we will leave our native city,

Looking for other friends, a different circle.

Goodbye, children's girlfriend games!

Please, about our in our fate,

And God went demetry to you. -

So remember the passage, Lizandr: until night

We must fast will be our eyes.


Yes, Hermia is my ...


Goodbye, Elena!

Demetry love you wish you.

(Goes out.)


How happy one to the detriment of the other!

In Athens, I am equal to her beauty ...

What about? He is blind to my glory:

Does not want to know what everyone knows.

He is in delusion, Hermia captive;


Love is able to forgive

And in the valor of the vices turn


For that, its blind is depicted.

It is difficult for her with common sense to reconcile.



After all, it's easy to deceive her joking.

And how in the game the worms are born,

So she is easy and nipple deception.

Until he was Hermia Captive,

Then the hail of the oaths in love I swore;

But only from Hermia removed the heat -

Dried hail, and with him all oaths in vain.

I will go, I will reveal their ideas:

He, right, in the forest will go at night sometimes;

And if you get gratitude,

I am expensive for this.

But I'm in my longing and this is a lot -

With him together in the forest and the road from the forest!

(Goes out.)

Scene 2.

Athens. Room in the hut.

Enter Pigva, Milyaha, The foundation, Dub, Snout{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} Zapysh.


Is our company whole?

The foundation

And you better make a roll ring: call us all on the list.


Here is a list with the names of everyone who found little suitable to present our interming before the duke and the duchess evening on their marriage.

The foundation




The foundation

Excellent thing, I assure you in the word, and overhanded! Well, the kindest Peter Pigva, now call all the actors on the list. Citizens, get into a row!


Answer on call! ... nickname!

The foundation

There is! Name my role and continue the rollback.


You, nickname, outlined for piram.

The foundation

What is peirs? Lover or villain?


Lover who prevented himself kills himself because of love.

The foundation


Hearing the roar

Strikes fighters -

And collapses

Cruel dungeon.

And Fib, bright God,

Far and high

Change evil rock

From your chariot!



Francis Dudka, reinforcement of inflatable fur.


There is Peter Pigva!


You have to take on the role of fesby.


And who will be fesby? Wrong knight?


No, this is a lady, in love with femors.




Does not mean anything; You can play a mask and you will squeak the most thin voice.

The foundation




The foundation

Robin Zaporch, tailor!


There is Peter Pigva!




There is Peter Pigva!




Do you have a role of Lion rewritten? Now you will give her now, otherwise I have a memory of a very tight to study.


There is nothing to learn here, and so you will play: you will only have to growl.

The foundation

Let me play you and Lion! I will go so that you will be happy to rejoice; I will go so that the duke himself will definitely say: "And well, let him still porridge him, let him still get it!"


Well, if you go so scary, you, perhaps, the duchess and all the ladies will crush to death; They also wrap up, and this will be pretty tolerant of all of us!


Yes, yes, we will overweight to one!

The foundation

This is me with you, friends, I agree that if we are taking the ladies, so the best will not come up with anything, as we all take up. But I will be able to give my voice so much that I will grow out gently that your ducky chuck; I will dig you, that your galley!



The foundation

Okay, I agree, take a role. And in what beard to me to play it?


Yes, what you want.

The foundation




The foundation

Come necessarily. There it will be possible to rehearse, as they say, is unceremonious, more stronger. Try, do not hit the dirt face! While be healthy!



The foundation

Okay. Although you wish, but be on the spot.


Act II.

Scene 1.

Forest near Athens.

Appear from different sides fairy{!LANG-8eefcd256d51352e9a043cb316173645!} PEC.


A, Fairy! Hello! Where is your way?


Above the hills, over dollars

Through the thranger, by bushes,

Above the waters, through the flame

I wandered here and there!

I'm flying the moon faster,

I serve Queen Fay,


See the golden outfit?

The specks on it are lit:

Then rubies, the color of the queen, -

In them, the whole flavor is lighted.

For the books, I need a stock of Rosinkov -

Purpose each in the ears from pearls.

Farewell, the spirit-tooth! I am flying forward.

Here the queen with elves will come.


My king here will have fun at night, -

Look, so that the queen was not met with him!


Because of the child, that with her


She pampers, riseling the worker,

And Oberon-jealous wants to take

His herself to wander with him in the forests.

The queen is all joy sees in it,

Do not give! Since then only over the stream,

On the illuminated light of the stars



Rock in acorn and tremble all night!


Yes, you ... I'm not mistaken, perhaps:


The one who scares rural hands-made

Breaks them and spoils the handles of the mills,

Interferes with oil to confuse

Then cream raises from milk,

Then get driving frowning in Brage,

That night leads travelers in the ravine;

But if someone calls him his boyfriend -

Topics helps, happiness contributes to the house.




Merry spirit, night tramp stagnation.

In the jokes of Oberon, I serve ...

Then in front of the full stallion

As a mare; That is still fooling:

Suddenly apple baked in a circle hiding,

And only a fear of the bitter bread,


I sag up the whole will be a beer.

Ile aunt that leads the story to cry

Three-year chairs will show the corner:


Well, coughing, well, yelling! Make fun!

Everyone dying, blowing away from laughter,

And, for the sides, holding the whole choir,

That did not laugh so much before ...

But, fairy, away! Here is the king. Go from here.


But she! Ah, it would not be bad!

Come on one side Oberon{!LANG-ca46b2ec547252086484a61c67f56d84!} sweet, with another Titania{!LANG-055ea608033f86c7084cfe375a56326c!}


Not in good time I'm with a shine moon

Titania meeting.


How are you, jealous Oberon? -

Lethemte, elves, away! I repent

From the society and the Oberon Lodge.











From the mid-summer we can't

Fall into the meadows, in the forest, at the noisy river,

In the stone of the wedder,

On the golden sand, washed by the sea,

Led circles for whistles and wind songs,

So that the scream did not interfere with our games!

And the winds are in vain sang songs in vain.

They raised from the sea

Malicious fogs. Those rain

On the ground fell. Rivers angry

And came out, getting down, from the shores.

Since then, in vain pulls the Volume of Yarm

In vain Pakhaar pours its sweat: bread

Digid, do not reflect the mustache.

Empty pens in bombarded fields,

From the crows fell dusted ...

Dirt brought tracks of funny games;

There are no paths in green labyrinths:

Zaros of their trail, and not find it!

All death winters are rather asked;

Do not hear songs at night ...

And here is the moon, the ruler of the waters,

Pale from anger, the air is allochal

And rheumatism spread everywhere.

All times are prevented in confusion:

And falls gray-headed frost

To Punchy rose in fresh arms;

But to the crown of ice winter

Wreath fragrant from summer buds

In the mockery attached. Spring and summer,

Falling autumn and winter

Change the outfit, and can not

The world is amazed to distinguish between times!

But such disasters appeared

All because of our quarrels and disagreements:



In your hands, change everything: what

Titania will re-overcome Oberon?

After all, I ask a little: give

You're a boy in fizz me!


Stay calm:

For your whole edge, I will not give magic!

After all, his mother was mine priestess!

With her spicy air nights indian


We were often sitting, the ships count.

Laughed with her, looking like sails,

Pregnant wind, inflated ...

She joking them nice imitated

(At that time she was hard

My favorite) and sailed as if

With some bale returning

To me, as if from a swimming with a commodity ...

But my girlfriend was my girlfriend,

And this boy was worth his life.

Loving her, baby I am sleek;

Loving her, I will not give it!


How long will you spend here in the forest?


Must be before the wedding of the withkey.

Kohl want to dance peacefully with us



Give your child, I'll go with you!




Titania{!LANG-bb70b0559fc7e3fd7726cef96cb850f7!} sweet{!LANG-268686817c3befa3f2b8c5903dd212d2!}


Go! You will not leave the forest before,

Than for the insult I will not accept. -

My dear Pack, come here! Do you remember"

As I listened to the sea Sirena's Song,

Walking to the dolphin on the ridge?

So sweet and harmonious were

Those sounds that the rude ocean itself

The courtee also assured this song,

And the stars like insane, broke off

From your heights to listen to the song ...


At that moment I saw (at least you did not see):

Between moon cold and earth

A armed Cupid flew.


He was aiming and so let the arrow,


























Included Demetrius; Elena{!LANG-efd6524d1a4d3df23162fcb3f3573c0a!}



























































Teze, Duke Athens.
Age, Father Hermia.
Motok, weaver.
Float, medical.
Hermia, Egea's daughter, in love with Lizandra.
Elena, in love with Demetrius.
Oberon, king elves.


First action




