What a rock junoon and maybe. Genuine history of prototypes of rock opera "Juno and Avos": Last Love or Victim of Fatherland

What a rock junoon and maybe. Genuine history of prototypes of rock opera
What a rock junoon and maybe. Genuine history of prototypes of rock opera "Juno and Avos": Last Love or Victim of Fatherland

"Juno and Avos" is one of the most famous modern operas of the composer Alexei Rybnikov on the poems of the poet Andrei Voznesensky. Her first showing on the stage of the Moscow Theater named after Leninsky Komsomol (Lenkom) took place on July 9, 1981.

In the late 1970s famous composer Alexey Rybnikov became interested in creating musical improvisations based on Orthodox chants. Once he demonstrated his developments artistic manager "Lenkom" Mark Zakharov, after which he caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating on their basis the opera based on the "Words about the regiment of Igor". It was decided to turn to Andrei Voznesensky for writing a libretto to the opera. Voznesensky did not support this idea, and instead suggested using his poem "Avos", created in 1970. He managed to convince Rybnikov and Zakharov, after which the work went on the adaptation of the poem to the scene. I had to work on many scenes and arias.

Since the word "Rock Opera" was forbidden at that time (like rock music at all), the authors called the work of the "modern opera".

The formulation of dance numbers was carried out by Balletmister Vladimir Vasilyev.

The scene of the poem and rock opera lay down romantic story The love of the Russian traveler Nikolai Rezanov and the daughter of the governor of San Francisco Maria Cumshots Arguuelo De La Concepcion.

Camger Rezanov, buried his wife, decided to give all his strength to the ministry of Russia. His suggestions on the need to attempt to establish trade relations with North America For a long time did not meet the response from the authorities, but finally he commanded to fulfill the desired journey. Before leaving Rezanov says that with young years He is being tormented by one circumstance, the impression that the icon of the Kazan Mother of God made it - since then he belongs to the Virgin Mary rather as a beloved woman than the mother of God. Waving to him in the vision, the Virgin tells him not to horrify his feeling and promises to pray for him.

Under the Andreev flag, two ships are saved to the shores of California, "Juno and Avos." In Spanish at that time, California is nearing the wedding of the cumshots, daughters of the governor, and Señora Federico. Rezans on the face of Russia welcomed by California, and the governor invites him as the ambassador of Emperor Alexander, on the ball in honor of the sixteen years of his daughter. The rezanov ball invites to the dance to the dance - and this event becomes fatal in their lives and in the life of Federico. The groom openly jealines, the satellites of Rezanov enclose cynical bet, whether he can "rip the California flower." Men understand that none of them will go away without a fight.

At night, the Copter prays the Virgin Mary in his bedroom. Rezanov comes to her with the words of love.

In the soul, the cumsows at this moment will be born, and it meets the rezanne reciprocity. But happy fortune from now on turns away from Rezanov. The groom the grace causes him to duel, during which Federico dies. Russians are forced to urgently leave San Francisco.

By making a secret engagement with the grave, the rezans are started in the opposite way. In Siberia, he gets ill and dies under Krasnoyarsk. And the ending remains true to his love the rest of his life. After waiting for a rezanov thirty-five years old - from sixteen to fifty two - it will begged in the nun and the San Francisco Dominican Monastery shall ends his days.

Nikolai Karachentsov (Count Rezanov), Elena Shanin (Cumbertta), Alexander Abdulov (Federico) were involved in the first composition of the performance. Immediately after the operating, the opera became the most discussed event in cultural life capital Cities.

Rock-Opera "Juno" and "Avos" successfully passed the test of time - the performance is still with constant anchlats. For 30 years of history, six performers have changed the role of death and three chamber rezanov.

Currently, on the stage of the Theater "Lenk", the role of Chamber, Count Nikolai Rezanov play folk artists of Russia and Victor Rakov; Cumberts - Alla Yugan and Alexander Volkova.

There are two spectacle televautions - 1983 and 2002. In the first version captured classic view Speak with Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanina and Alexander Abdulov. In the second version, removed to the 20th anniversary of the performance, are busy Nikolai Karachentsov, Anna Bolshaya and Victor Crakov.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

"Juno and Avos" is one of the most famous modern operas of the composer Alexei Rybnikov on the poems of the poet Andrei Voznesensky. Her first showing on the stage of the Moscow Theater named after Leninsky Komsomol (Lenkom) took place on July 9, 1981.

In the late 1970s, the famous composer Alexey Rybnikov became interested in creating musical improvisations based on Orthodox chants. Once he demonstrated his developments to the artist "Lenkom" Mark Zakharov, after which he caught fire for the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating on their basis the Opera based on the "Words about the regiment of Igor". It was decided to turn to Andrei Voznesensky for writing a libretto to the opera. Voznesensky did not support this idea, and instead suggested using his poem "Avos", created in 1970. He managed to convince Rybnikov and Zakharov, after which the work went on the adaptation of the poem to the scene. I had to work on many scenes and arias.

Since the word "Rock Opera" was forbidden at that time (like rock music at all), the authors called the work of the "modern opera".

The formulation of dance numbers was carried out by Balletmister Vladimir Vasilyev.

The main story of the poem and rock opera lay down a romantic history of the love of the Russian traveler Nikolai Rezanov and the daughter of the governor of San Francisco Maria Cumshots Arguuelo De La Concepcion.

Camger Rezanov, buried his wife, decided to give all his strength to the ministry of Russia. His proposals on the need to attempt to establish trade relations with North America for a long time did not meet the response from the authorities, but finally he commanded to fulfill the desired journey. Before the departure of Rezanov, he says that from the young age he is tormented by one circumstance, the impression that the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, since then he belongs to the Virgin Mary rather as a beloved woman than the mother of God. Waving to him in the vision, the Virgin tells him not to horrify his feeling and promises to pray for him.

Under the Andreev flag, two ships are saved to the shores of California, "Juno and Avos." In Spanish at that time, California is nearing the wedding of the cumshots, daughters of the governor, and Señora Federico. Rezans on the face of Russia welcomed by California, and the governor invites him as the ambassador of Emperor Alexander, on the ball in honor of the sixteen years of his daughter. The rezanov ball invites to the dance to the dance - and this event becomes fatal in their lives and in the life of Federico. The groom openly jealines, the satellites of Rezanov enclose cynical bet, whether he can "rip the California flower." Men understand that none of them will go away without a fight.

At night, the Copter prays the Virgin Mary in his bedroom. Rezanov comes to her with the words of love.

In the soul, the cumsows at this moment will be born, and it meets the rezanne reciprocity. But happy fortune from now on turns away from Rezanov. The groom the grace causes him to duel, during which Federico dies. Russians are forced to urgently leave San Francisco.

By making a secret engagement with the grave, the rezans are started in the opposite way. In Siberia, he gets ill and dies under Krasnoyarsk. And the ending remains true to his love the rest of his life. After waiting for a rezanov thirty-five years old - from sixteen to fifty two - it will begged in the nun and the San Francisco Dominican Monastery shall ends his days.

Nikolai Karachentsov (Count Rezanov), Elena Shanin (Cumbertta), Alexander Abdulov (Federico) were involved in the first composition of the performance. Immediately after the operating, the opera became the most discussed event in the cultural life of the capital.

Rock-Opera "Juno" and "Avos" successfully passed the test of time - the performance is still with constant anchlats. For 30 years of history, six performers have changed the role of death and three chamber rezanov.

Currently, on the stage of the Theater "Lenk", the role of Chamber, Count Nikolai Rezanov play folk artists of Russia and Victor Rakov; Cumberts - Alla Yugan and Alexander Volkova.

There are two spectacle televautions - 1983 and 2002. The first version captures the classic specuit of the play with Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanina and Alexander Abdulov. In the second version, removed to the 20th anniversary of the performance, are busy Nikolai Karachentsov, Anna Bolshaya and Victor Crakov.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

"Juno" and "Avos" - the so-called two sailboats, on which the expedition of the Russian state Worker And the traveler Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov in 1806 went to the shores of California. "Juno and Avos" - so in 1970 called his new poem Andrei Voznesensky, in which he told amazing story Love 42-year-old Count Rezanov and 16-year-old Cumshots Arguuelo, San Francisco Commentant's daughter. "Juno and Avos" - such a name is the most famous Soviet rock opera Alexei Rybnikov, who saw the light in the 1980s in the form of an audio station, and six months, embodied in the musical performance on the Lenkom stage. Compare with this stunning music on beauty, expression and strength of exposure to the viewer still can not be any domestic musical composition This genre.

Coincidence in titles? By no means - a consistent chain of artistic incarnation historical fact plus an incredible confluence of circumstances that drip three talented people: Andrei Voznesensky, who wrote a libretto to the opera on the basis of his poem, Alexei Rybnikov - the author is an amazing, some kind of unearthly, and sometimes even mystical music, and Mark Zakharov - the famous director and Khratuka Moscow Theater. Leninsky Komsomol, who gathered in the play of the most bright theatrical stars. Well, of course, those who were brightly embodied on July 9, 1981: the artist Oleg Shaincis, who created magnificent scenery, the famous balletmaster Vladimir Vasilyev, who put dance numbers, and, of course, the very first "star" Composition of actors: Nikolai Karachentsov (Rezanov), Elena Shanina (Copter), Alexander Abdulov (Fernando), Lyudmila Torgin (Virgin Mary, popular actors "Lenkoma".

History of the creation of rock opera "Juno and Avos"

Orthodox chants were interested in many soviet composersbut precisely Alexey Rybnikov managed to transfer them to large scene. In 1978, he showed his musical improvisation to director Mark Zakharov, who really liked this music. Then, two masters were born the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a musical performance about orthodox Russia, the plot of which was chosen "the word about the regiment of Igor". But who to entrust writing libretto? The choice fell on the poet Andrei Voznesensky, who, to the surprise of Zakharov, did not support this idea, and suggested his, than somewhat discouraged the director. However, reading the poem, Zakharov agreed to form a performance on this plot. Rybnikov I also liked the idea, however, in order to give the spectral format of the rock opera, the Voznesensky had to prevent several new scenes and solo arias.

The fact that the future performance has no analogues on the domestic scene, understood everything: director, composer, author of libretto, the director of vocal and dance numbers, and actors engaged in the production. The performance, which is essentially rock opera, had to triggered the name "Modern Opera", since the formulation of the Rock Opera could become a serious obstacle to the viewer. Yes, and the role of Our Lady had to designate in the play as a "woman with a baby", otherwise it would not have missed censorship.

Work on the performance was in parallel with the recording of the opera audibility, in which other performers were involved. The first listening of the album took place for six months before the theater premiere, December 9, 1980. It is noteworthy that this event was chosen the church of the Intercession on filients in Moscow, and not concert hall. But it is thanks to the magnificent acoustics of the Temple of the audio Reader, a real furor was produced: the opera was noticed and unconditionally loved. True, censorship by different reasons The serial release of the opera audibility was postponed, but still two years later the firm "Melody" released an album of two plates, which instantly became a deficit among Melomanians.

Surprisingly (and for both the authors themselves), but the Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" is an idleset "Lencom" at once, although the previous Rock Opera Rybnikov, the "star and death of Hoachin Muriet", the Commission rejected as many as 11 times! Maybe an accident, and maybe the highest strength really intervened, because Andrei Voznesenskyhe said that before showing the commission of the Commission, they went to the Elohov Cathedral with Zakharov to ask for blessings from the Kazan Mother of God and put candles at her icon. In addition, they brought three consecrated icons from the temple to the theater and put them on the Grimor tables Elena Shanina, Nikolai Karachentsov - performers of the main roles - and Lyudmila Porgina, who in the premiere play performed the role of the Virgin (or a woman with a baby, as indicated in the program) .

What influenced the opinion of the commission is unknown, but the fact that the performance was resolved to performing on the stage of the Theater of the Lenin Komsomol, this is a fact. And this year the legendary performance notes in world theatrical sites.

On our site you can listen to the full audio version of the Rock Opera"Juno and Avos".

"Juno and Avos" - a cult performance not only for Lenkom, but also for theatrical Moscow is not one decade. He was born in 1981 and from the fact that more than twenty years is coming with unchanged marriage. Two versions of this magnificent play are offered to your attention .. 1983 with Elena Shanina as Cumbertt (this version is considered classic) .. and the 2004 version with Anna Bolshaya, in my opinion there is even more successful setting ..

History of creation

Back in the late 70s, Alexey Rybnikov, contacting the poetry Andrei Voznesensky, created Rock Opera "Juno and Avos." Just like the main characters of this work - the Russian traveler of the count of Rezanov and the daughter of the governor of San Francisco Cum - Opera Rybnikova was waiting for a lot amazing adventures, moreover, with international scope ...

Alexey Rybnikov

Few people remember that for the first time the opera was presented not on the scene of Lenkom, but in orthodox church. In February 1981, in the Church of the Intercession in the films in the presence of not only Melomanians, but also specially invited Western correspondents, as well as representatives of the police and the KGB (who did not need the invitation!). On the right and to the left of the altar base for creating a stereo effect, speakers were installed, in the center behind the table with a tape recorder, Alexey Rybnikov, who uttered several entrance phrases, and then about a hundred people listened to the Rock Opera recording for almost two hours. Everything happened in the unheated room, the listeners did not shoot the winter coat. But the goal was reached: articles appeared in the Western press, after which the authorities decided to figure out what kind of attacking such - "Juno and Avos."
To begin with, the firm "Melody" received an indication to suspend the release of the record with Opera Rybnikov.

Mark Zakharov

The help arrived with the most unexpected side. Andrei Voznesensky drove friendship with the world famous designer and Kuturier Pierre Cardin, who arranged creative evenings Russian poet in his theater on the Champs Elysees. Having received a cassette with the record "Juno", Monsieur Cardin came to delight and, having arrived in Moscow, decided to visit the performance. He was shown a draft version, but this was enough for the French guest to invite Lencommovs to Paris. He was not even embarrassed by the fact that the troupe Mark Zakharov at that time was considered the union. The authority of Pierre Carden in the USSR was so great that he was worse than the Ministry of Culture, but also to the Yuri Andropov himself, where it was not tired to repeat that soviet art It can be proud of not only ballet and circus, but also modern opera. The efforts of the Paris Celebrity are good on the tour of the theater in France. And thus - and the inspired permission to the premiere of the performance on main scene Lenkom.

1981 the premiere of the play

20 years later

However, Andrei Voznesensky believes that it was not without interference higher Forces: "All our efforts to break through the premiere was broken about the bans of the KGB. But one day Mark said: "You know, Andrei, there is one person who will help us." We went to the Elohov Church, where Mark said: "Let's put the candles of the Kazan Mother of God!" Put three candles. And I bought three samples. One brought Karachentsov (performer of the role of Count Rezanov. - Approved auth.), The other, maybe Shanina (Elena Shanina, the role of the role of the roles. - Approx. Aut.) Maybe Rybnikov, I don't remember, and I left alone. And here we were allowed everything! Maybe Mark Anatolyevich called someone at night and agreed ... But the fact was allowed. It's like in "Juno and Avos," after the intervention of the Mother of God, suddenly give a good trip ... so it is magic story. And mysticism continues. "

At the premiere of the joint venture. "Juno and Avos" in Paris, 1983

Interestingly, the first Soviet rock opera was "Orpheus and Evridika" Leningrad VIA "Singing guitars", but still called the first Soviet rock opera worldwide and will be called "Juno and Avos" ... Indeed, Rock Opere Rybnikov was destined been through world glory. By the way, in the early 80s, a record was recorded (and not with the actors of Lenkom, but with invited singers), which was separated by a circulation of more than two million (!) Copies, for which the company "Melody" was awarded Rybnikov "Gold Disk".

Monsieur Cardin kept his word and introduced the Russian Miracle on the scenes of Paris, New York, Hamburg, Munich, Amsterdam and other cities in the world. In Paris, Pierre Cardin for two months (!) Showed Russian Rock Opera in his theater on the Champs Elysees, invited celebrities there. So, Rothschilds were all the clan.

His respect for the singer of Marely Mathieu. Look at the Arabic Sheikh Arab Opera. All two months were Achlags, despite the fairly expensive tickets - the place in the parquet was worth four hundred francs. Subsequently, English was shot documentary about the Moscow play. Opera was also supplied to Hungary, Germany, South Korea, Czech Republic, Mexico. Of course, the creators of "Junites" dreamed of Broadway. And here is the famous Broadway Producer Joseph Pap ("Hair", "Corus Line!") Offered to make a "Juno" with american actors. Prepared translation into English, Rybniki flew many times in New York, where rehearsals were already started with actors. However, Joseph, as if the hero of the opera, the Count Rezanov, suddenly fell ill and died, and the project forced.

From time to time, Lenko went on tour and in Russia, where something incredible was happening. Alexander Abdulov, I remember, said, as passed at the beginning of the 80s tour in Leningrad: "When we first brought to Peter" Juno and Avos ", several hundred young people broke the doors of the Gorky Palace, then minutes of thirty-forty with dogs they caught throughout the DC. Once I just stunned: Before the start, forty minutes remained, I raised my head upstairs, and there, on the grateful, the man lies twenty people, are waiting for meetings with art. So specifically, in the beams lie. And they could easily cut into the scene! "

Performance "Juno and Avos" became business card theater, and today it does not have a temptation, but a completely modern project, where young people are constantly introduced talented actors. Therefore, the public interest does not weaken. Andrei Voznesensky at the request of Mark Zakharov even changed the final line of the performance, which now sounds like this: "Children of the twenty-first century! Your new century began. "

In 2005, the danger arose that the legendary performance will be rolled or suspended, after he got into heavy car accident legendary performer The role of Count Rezanov 60-year-old People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov. However, the theater found two worthy Rezanov in the face of Dmitry Puttsov, who in its 45 is in an amazing form, as well as the People's Artist of Russia Viktor Rakov, and the show continues.

At the beginning of the 80s, a pirate film playing on Junon, with Karachentsov, Shanina, Abdulov, who walked around the country in video prunes was removed. In 2004, a new CD was recorded (the disk was released by Sony Music and Columbia) with Lenkomov actors and a group "Araks", and also removed new film on the spectrum for DVD with Dolby Sound. Alexey Rybnikov has repeatedly spoke about the existence of a draft full-length musical film, but among the film director does not see the composer decent candidates, insofar as music films In Russia, have long been professionally not shot. And bad, or even at the middle level, to remove the picture on "Juno" can not!

Magnetism and the amazing energy of the play made it truly eternal ... There are decades, actors change, but this performance floats as "Juno" on the waves of time ... Stunning actor play, heartfelt music and strong texts make this rock opera with a real theatrical miracle.

), in the repertoire of which the performance is still included. From December 31, 1985, the St. Petersburg Theater "Rock Opera" is performed. Also included in the repertoire of the Irkutsk Regional musical Theater. named after N. M. Zagger, Krasnoyarsk Music Theater and the Rostov Music Theater, Altai Regional Theater musical Comedy., Orenburg regional Theater Musical comedy.

The names of two sailboats, "Juno" and "Avos" were used in the title of the performance, on which the expedition of Nikolai Rezanov's expedition was saved.

History of creation

The premiere of the opera took place on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the Moscow Theater named after the Lenin Komsomol, Nikolai Karachentsov (Count Rezanov), Elena Shanin (Cumbet), Alexander Abdulov (Fernando) were involved in the main roles. In a few days, according to the memories of Rybnikov, in the West, scandalous articles were published on the performance, asking him as an anti-Soviet, which complicated the life of his authors:

The Western press reacted as if we did the premiere on Broadway, and not in Soviet Moscow. After that, I was very long moved to the shadow. The performance was played, but did not release abroad, the record did not leave for a very long time (there is 800 people for a performance 2-3 times a month, and the plate is a mass fame). I was not even recognized by the author, did not sign the contract with me, and I was judged with the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, foreign correspondents came to the court ... Winning the court, I got into the category of people with whom it is better not to contact the court.

However, after a while, thanks to Pierre Carden, Gastrol Theater "Lenk" took place in Paris and Broadway in New York, then in Germany, the Netherlands and other countries.

December 31, 1985 on the stage of DC them. Capranov in St. Petersburg took place the premiere of the rock opera performed by VIA "Singing guitars" (subsequently became the "Rock Opera" St. Petersburg theater). This stage version was different from the layout of Lenkom. In particular, the director Vladimir Podgorodsky introduced into the play of a new character - a ringing, actually "emitted" the soul of Nicholas Rezanov. The rigor is almost deprived of words and only the most complex plastic and emotional attitude passes throwing the soul of the main character. According to memories, Alexey Rybnikov, who was present at the premiere, admitted that "singing guitars" more accurately embodied the idea of \u200b\u200bthe creators of the Opera, while maintaining the author's Mystery Opera Genre and the original Voznesensky's playwright. In the summer of 2010, a two-thousand execution of "Juno and Avos" was held in St. Petersburg performed by the "Rock Opera" theater.

Opera was also supplied to Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, South Korea, Ukraine and other countries.

In the summer of 2009 in France State theater. under the direction of People's Artista Russia composer Alexei Rybnikova presented new production Rock Opera "Juno and Avos." The main focus in it is made on the musical component of the performance. The vocal numbers are delivered by the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Zhanna Christmas, choreographic rooms - Jeanne Shmakova. The main director of the performance is Alexander Rykhlov. On the website A. Rybnikov marks:

Complete author's version ... is a serious innovation in the genre of the world musical theater and is designed to return the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe authors. IN new version Opera joined the traditions of Russian spiritual music, folk Folklore, genres of mass "urban" music, with shaped, ideological and aesthetic priorities of the composer.

First source plot

The story of the poems "Juno and Avos" (1970) and rock opera is based on real events and is dedicated to the journey of the Russian State Avestigator Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov to California in and his meeting with the young graduate of Arguuelo, the daughter of San Francisco Commentant.

According to the memories of Andrei Voznesensky, the poem "Avos" he began to write in Vancouver when "swallowed ... Forest pages about the rezanis of Tolstny Tom J. Lensen, whining the fate of our brave compatriot." In addition, the rowing diary of Rezanov was also preserved and was partially published, which was also used by Voznesensky.

Nikolai Rezanov, one of the leaders of the first Russian world expedition, in 1806 arrived in California in order to replenish food reserves for the Russian colony in Alaska. He was loved by the 16-year-old Cumper Arguuelo, with which they were engaged. Rezanov was forced to return to Alaska, and then go to the Imperial Yard to St. Petersburg to overtake permission to marry with a Catholic. However, on the road, he was seriously ill and died in Krasnoyarsk at the age of 43 (years of life Rezanov 1764-1807). Copter did not believe that he had reached her information about the death of the bridegroom. Only in the English traveler George Simpson, arriving in San Francisco, told her the exact details of his death. Taking only thirty-five years later in his death, she gave a vow of silence, and in a few years he took a tonsure in the Dominican Monastery in Monterrey, where he spent almost two decades and died in 1857.

And after another and a half century, there was a symbolic act of reunification of loved. In the fall of 2000, the sheriff of the California city of Benish, where the death of Arguuelo is buried, brought to Krasnoyarsk a handful of earth with her grave and a rose to impose white Cross, on one side of which the words "I will never forget you will never", and on the other - "I will never see you."

Neither the poem nor Opera - not documentary chronicles. So the Voznesensky himself says this:

The author is not as displaced by concert and frivolism to depict persons real on scarce information about them and insult their approximate. Images of them, as well as names, only the capricious echo of the fate of the famous ...

In 1810-1812, Davydov's notes were published. "Two-time journey to America ..." in which the history of the captains of the legendary ships "Juno" and "Avos" are set out.

A similar story occurred with the future Decembrist D.I. Zavalishin during his participation in the circulation of the expedition under the command of M. Lazarev (1822-24) (see Questions of History, 1998, No. 8)


Count Rezanov, buried his wife, decided to give all his strength to the ministry of Russia. His proposals on the need to attempt to establish trade relations with North America for a long time did not meet the response from the authorities, but finally he commanded to fulfill the desired journey. Before the departure of Rezanov, he says that from the young age he is tormented by one circumstance, the impression that the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God made it - since then he belongs to the Virgin Mary rather as a beloved woman than the mother of God. Waving to him in the vision, the Virgin tells him not to horrify his feeling and promises to pray for him.

  • Rezanov - Trophimov
  • Copter - A. Rybnikova
  • Federico - P. Tils
  • Rumyantsev, Tail, Father Juvenali - F. Ivanov
  • Voice of Our Lady - J. Christmas
  • Soloist in Prolog - R. Filippov
  • Davydov, the second soloist - K. Kuzhaliev
  • José Dario Arguuelo - A. Samoilov
  • Praying woman, soloist in Epilogue - R. Dmitrenko
  • Praying girl - O. Christmas
  • Sailor - V. Rotary
  • Group of Praying - A. Sado, O. Christmas, A. Parainn
  • Yreeny - A. Rybnikov

Juno and Avos. Author's version

In 2009, especially for the festival Pierre Carden in Lakoste, the composer Alexei Rybnikov and Theater Alexei Rybnikov created a scenic version of "Juno and Avos" in the author's version, which is significantly different from the play of Lenkom. The director of the production was made by Alexander Rykhlov.

Performance in numismatics

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An excerpt characterizing Juno and maybe

"I told you," Natasha answered, "that I have no will, as you don't understand this: I love him!"
"So I will not allow, I will tell you," Sonya screamed with the breakdown tears.
"What are you, for God's sake ... If you tell you, you are my enemy," Natasha spoke. - You want my unfortunate, you want, so that we are separated ...
Having seen this fear of Natasha, Sonya put in tears of shame and pity for his girlfriend.
- But what was between you? She asked. - What did he tell you? Why doesn't he go to the house?
Natasha did not answer her question.
"For God's sake, Sonya, don't tell anyone, do not suffer me," Natasha stacked. - You remember that it is impossible to interfere with such things. I opened you ...
- But why these secrets! Why does he not go to the house? - Sonya asked. - Why does he directly seek your hand? After all, Prince Andrei gave you complete freedom, if so; But I do not believe it. Natasha, did you think, what could be secret causes?
Natasha looked at Sonya in surprised eyes. It can be seen, she itself was the first time this question was and she did not know what to respond to him.
- What are the reasons, I do not know. But therefore there are reasons!
Sonya sighed and shook her head incredulously.
- If there were reasons ... - she began. But Natasha guess her doubt, frightened it.
- Sonya, it is impossible to doubt it, it is impossible, you can not, do you understand? She shouted.
- Does he love you?
- Does he love? - repeated Natasha with a smile regretting about the incomprehensibility of his girlfriend. - After all, did you read the letter, did you see him?
- But if he is an ungivory man?
- He! ... Ungological man? Call you would know! - Natasha said.
- if he is a noble person, then he or must declare his intention, or stop video of you; And if you do not want to do this, then I will do it, I will write him, I will say Dad, "Sonya said resolutely.
- Yes, I can't live without him! - screamed Natasha.
- Natasha, I do not understand you. And what are you saying! Remember the Father, about Nicolas.
- I do not need anyone, I do not like anyone except him. How do you dare to say that he is ungrees? Don't you know what I love him? - Screaming Natasha. "Sonya, leave, I don't want to quarrel with you, leave, for God's sake of God: you see how I suffer," Natasha shouted with angrily and desperate voice. Sonya burst out and ran out of the room.
Natasha went to the table and, without thinking not a minute, he wrote the answer to the princess Marya, who she could not write a whole morning. In a letter, she briefly wrote the princess Marya, that all the misunderstanding them were over, which, taking advantage of the generosity of Prince Andrei, who leaving her freedom, she asks her to forget everything and forgive her if she was to blame for her, but that she could not be his wife . All this seemed to her so easily, simply and clear at that moment.

On Friday, Rostov had to go to the village, and the graph on Wednesday went with the bidder to his near Moscow.
On the day of the departure of the count, Sonya with Natasha was called to a large dinner to Karagina, and Marya Dmitrievna was lucky. At lunch, Natasha met anatolem again, and Sonya noticed that Natasha spoke with him something, wanting not to be heard, and all the time lunch was even more excited than before. When they returned home, Natasha began the first one with Sonya's explanation, which her friend was waiting.
"So you, Sonya, spoke different nonsense about him," began Natasha with a meek voice, the voice that children say when they want to praise them. - We explained to him now.
- Well, what, what? Well, what did he say? Natasha, as I am glad that you are not angry with me. Tell me everything, the whole truth. What did he say?
Natasha thought.
- Ah Sonya, if you knew him like me! He said ... He asked me about how I promised Bolkonsky. He was delighted that depends on me to refuse him.
Sonya sighed sadly.
"But you did not refuse to Bolkonsky," she said.
- Or maybe I refused! Maybe everything is over with Bolkonsky. Why do you think about me so bad?
- I don't think anything, I just do not understand this ...
- Wait, Sonya, you will understand everything. See what kind of man he is. You do not think bad about me nor about him.
- I don't think about anyone. But what should I do?
Sonya did not give up a gentle tone, with whom Natasha appealed to her. The softened and sorry was the expression of Natasha's face, the face of Sony was striking.
"Natasha," she said, "you asked me to not talk to you, I didn't say, now you started." Natasha, I do not believe him. Why this mystery?
- Again, again! - Interrupted Natasha.
- Natasha, I'm afraid for you.
- What are you afraid?
"I am afraid that you will destroy yourself," Sonya said resolutely, herself frightened by what she said.
Natasha's face again expressed anger.
- And I will shoot, shiping, as soon as possible empty myself. None of your business. Not you, but I will be bad. Leave, leave me. I hate you.
- Natasha! - frightened Sonya.
- I hate, hate! And you are my enemy forever!
Natasha ran out of the room.
Natasha did not speak more with Sonya and avoided it. With the same expression of excited surprise and crime, she walked around the rooms, accepting the time for another occupation and immediately throwing them.
As it was neither hard for Sony, but she, not showering eyes, watched her girlfriend.
On the eve of the day, in which the count was supposed to return, Sonya noticed that Natasha sat all the morning by the window of the living room, as if waiting for something and that she did some kind of sign of the military, whom Sonya took for Anatol.
Sonya became even more attentive to watch his girlfriend and noticed that Natasha was all the time lunch and evening in a strange and unnatural condition (answered the nefple for the questions made to her, began and did not have any phrases, he laughed everything).
After tea, Sonya saw a robling maid girl, waiting for her at Natasha doors. She missed her and, overhearding at the door, he learned that the letter was transmitted again. And suddenly Son became clear that Natasha had some terrible plan for this evening. Sonya knocked her. Natasha did not let her.
"She will run away with him! Thought Sonya. She is capable of everything. Nowadays it was something particularly pitiful and decisive. She cried, saying goodbye to Uncle, recalled Sonya. Yes, it's right, she runs with him - but what should I do? " I thought Sonya, recalling now those signs that clearly proved why Natasha had some terrible intention. "There is no graph. What should I do, write to Kuragin, demanding explanations from him? But who tells him to answer? Write a pierra, as I asked Prince Andrei in case of unfortunate? ... But maybe, in fact, she has already refused to Blocks (she sent a letter to Knuckle Marya yesterday). Uncle No! " To say Marie Dmitrievna, who believed in Natasha, it seemed terrible soma. "But one way or another, I thought Sonya, standing in a dark corridor: now or has never come time to prove that I remember the benefits of their family and love Nicolas. No, I will not sleep for three nights, and I will not go out of this corridor and I will not put it out of this, and I will not give my shape to collapse on their family, "she thought.

Anatol lately I moved to Dolokhov. The Rostova's abduction plan has already been respectable for several days and was cooked by Dolohov, and that day, when Sonya, overhearding Natasha at the door, decided to protect it, this plan was to be carried out. Natasha at ten o'clock in the evening promised to go to Kuragin on the rear porch. Kuragin was to land her in the cooked three and carry for 60 versts from Moscow to the village of Kamenka, where the pressed pop, who had to marry them was prepared. In Kamenka and was ready to stand, which was supposed to take them on the Warsaw road and there they had to jump abroad on the postal.
Anatoly had a passport, and zapalae, and ten thousand money taken from the sister, and ten thousands engaged in Dolokhov.
Two witnesses - tails, a former conjunction that was used for the game of Shahov and Makarin, retired hussar, good-natured and weak personwho fed an infinite love for Kuragin - sat in the first room for tea.
In the large office of Dologov, removed from the walls to the ceiling by Persian carpets, bearish skins and weapons, Singing Solokov in Road Beshmete and boots before the opened bureau, on which the scores and packs of money lay. Anatol in the unbuttoned uniform went from the room where witnesses were sitting, through the office to the back room, where his footman, the Frenchman with others laid the last things. Shelachov considered money and recorded.
"Well," he said, "the tail should be given two thousand.
"Well, let me," said Anatol.
"Makarka (they were so called Makarin), this unselfishly for you into the fire and into the water. Well, the scores are finished, "said Solokhov, showing him a note. - So?
"Yes, of course," said Anatol, apparently not listening to Dologov and with a smile who did not converge from his face, looking forward to himself.
Shelahov slammed the Bureau and turned to an anatoly with a mocking smile.
- And you know what - I quit it all: still there is time! - he said.
- Fool! - said Anatol. - Stop saying nonsense. If you knew ... This Chort knows what is!
"The right to quit," said Doolokh. - I tell you the case. Is it a joke that you started?
- Well, again, again tease? Went to Chort! And? ... - wriggling Anatole said. - The right is not up to your stupid jokes. - And he left the room.
Shelokhov smiled contemptuously and condescendingly when Anatol came out.
"You're waiting," he said after an anatoly, "I'm not joking, I'm talking about," I look here. "
Anatol again entered the room and, trying to focus on, looked at Dologov, obviously unwittingly conquering him.
- You listen to me, I'll last time I say. What should I joke with you? Did I reread you? Who made you everything, who had found, who took the passport, who got the money? All I.
- Well, thank you. Do you think I'm not grateful to you? - Anatole sighed and hugged Dologov.
"I helped you, but still I should tell you that it is dangerous and, if you disassemble, stupid." Well, you take her away, well. Will it leave this so much? The business is that you are married. After all, you will be submitted for the criminal court ...
- Ah! Stupidity, stupidity! - again wriggling anatole spoke. - After all, I interpreted you. BUT? - And anatole with those special addiction (which happens to people stupid) to the conclusion, which they reach their mind, repeated the reasoning, which he once again repeated Dolohov. - After all, I interpreted you, I decided: if this marriage would be invalid, - he said, bending a finger, "it means I do not answer; Well, if valid, anyway: abroad no one will know it, well, so? And do not say, do not say, do not say!
- Right, throw! You only tie yourself ...
"Get out to Chort," said Anatol and, holding the hair, went out into another room and immediately returned and sat down with his feet on the chair close to Dolokhov. - This is Chort know what is! BUT? You look like beats! - He took the hand of Dologov and attached to his heart. - AH! QUEL PIED, MON CHER, QUEL REGARD! Une Desese !! [ABOUT! What leg, my friend, what look! Goddess !!] a?
Shelokhov, coldly smiling and brightly with his beautiful, impudent eyes, looked at him, apparently wanting to have enough to have fun.
- Well, the money will come out, then what?
- What then? BUT? - repeated Anatol with sincere bewilderment before the thought of the future. - What then? There I do not know what ... Well, it's stupid to talk! - He looked at the clock. - It's time!
Anatole went to the back room.
- Well, will you soon? Draw here! - he shouted for servants.
Shelokhov removed the money and shouting the man to be told to eat and drink on the road, entered the room where the tails and macarine were sitting.
Anatole lay in the office, leaning on his hand, on the sofa, smiled thoughtfully and she whispered gently to himself with his beautiful mouth.
- Go, eat something. Well drink! - shouted to him from another room of Polokhov.
- I do not want! - answered Anatol, all continuing to smile.
- Go, Baiga arrived.
Anatol got up and entered the dining room. Balag was a well-known threefold bar, six years old knew Dologov and Anatol, and served them with his top three. Once he, when the regiment of Anatol was stood in Tver, from the evening he took him out of Tver, he delivered to Moscow to Moscow and took the other day at night. More than once he hosted Dolokhov from chase, more than once, he was on the city of Kori with the Gypsies and ladies, as Baigalag called. More than once, he pressed the people and cabrs in Moscow in Moscow, and his Lord had always brought him down, as he called them. Not one horse he drove beneath them. More than once he was bit them, more than once they attacked his champagne and Mader, which he loved, and not one thing he knew for each of them, which ordinary person Siberia would have long ago. In the kits, they often called Balagu, forced him to drink and dance in Gypsy, and not one thousand of their money went through his hands. Serve, he risked twenty times a year and his life and his skin, and on their work argued more horses than they were overpayed by money. But he loved them, loved this insane ride, to eighteen a moss per hour, loved to rejected the cab driver and crush a pedestrian in Moscow, and to fly through the Moscow streets in the entire SC. He loved to hear this wild cry of drunken voices: "I went! Went! " whereas it was impossible to go shiber; He loved to pull painfully on her peasant, who was not alive, neither was dead by him. "Real Lord!" He thought.
Anatol and Shahov also loved Balagu for his skill ride and for loved by the same thing as they. With other Baiga, it took a ridiculous, took twenty-five rubles for two-hour skates and with others only occasionally went by himself, and more sent his magician. But with her gentlemen, as he called them, he always drove himself and never demanded anything for his work. Only by learning through the chameneers time when there were money, he came in the morning, sober and, low, flatly, asked him to help him. He was always planted by the Lord.
"You can't call me, Batyushka Fedor Ivanych or your fortification," he said. - Performed at all, to go to the roman to ride that you can.
And Anatol and Shahov, when they were in money, gave him a thousand and two rubles.
Balag was blond, with a red face and especially red, thick neck, squat, smoky man, twenty seven years old, with brilliant little eyes and a little beard. It was dressed in a thin blue cafetan on a silk lining, bowed on a sermon.
He crossed on the front corner and went to Dolohov, stretching black, small hand.
- Fedor Ivanovich! He said, bowing.
- Great, brother. - Well, that's it.
"Hello, your beggar," he told an anatoly and extended his hand too.
"I'm telling you, Baiga," said Anatol, putting his hands on his shoulders, "Do you love me or not?" BUT? Now serve the service ... what came? BUT?
"As the ambassador ordered, on your in beasts," said Baiga.
- Well, hear, Baiga! Draw the whole trip, and to come three hours. BUT?
- How to dance, how we'll go? - said Baiga, winking.
- Well, I'll break the face of you, you do not joke! "Suddenly, throwing her eyes, shouted anatole."
"What to joke," said the pump said. - Did I regret for my Lord? That urine ride will be horses, we will go.
- BUT! - said Anatol. - Well, sit down.
- Well, sit down! - said Doolokh.
- Stop, Fedor Ivanovich.
"Sit down, you are lying, drink," said Anatol and poured his big glass of Maders. The eyes of the yammer lit up on wine. Refusing to decency, he drank and sank with a silk red scarf, which lay in his header.
- What, when to go what your fortification?
- Yes, here ... (Anatol looked at the clock) now and go. Look, Baiga. BUT? Do you want?
- Yes, how will the departure - will it be happy, and then why not hate? - said Baiga. - Delivered to Tver, slept at seven hours. Remember I suppose, your fortification.
"You know whether I rode from Tver from Tver," said Anatole with a smile of memories, referring to Makarina, who looked at Kuragin in all his eyes. - Do you believe, Makarka, that the spirit captured, as we flew. They drove into travels, after two bureaucrats crossed. BUT?
- Oh horses were! - continued the story of Baiga. - I am then the precenty to the wagon of the waters, "he turned to Dolokhov," Do you believe, Fyodor Ivanovich, 60 miles of animals flew; It is impossible to keep your hands, frost was. I threw the entrance, keep, they say, your shyness, myself, so in Sani and fell. So because it is not that it is impossible to drive, it is impossible to keep the place. At three o'clock they came the devils. Frake left only.

Anatole came out of the room and a few minutes later returned to the fur coat and sabol with a silver belt, well-walked on Beckrane and very smashed to his beautiful face. Looking at the mirror and in the very pose he took in front of the mirror, becoming before Dolokhov, he took a glass of wine.
"Well, Fedya, goodbye, thanks for everything, goodbye," said Anatol. - Well, comrades, friends ... He thought about ... - youth ... I, forgive, - he turned to Makarin and others.
Despite the fact that they all went with him, Anatol apparently wanted to do something touching and solemn appeal to comrades. He spoke slow, loud voice and putting his chest swayed by one foot. - All take glasses; And you, Balag. Well, comrades, my friends of my youth, we smoked, lived, hit. BUT? Now, when you want? abroad will go. Eastern, farewell guys. For health! Hooray! .. He said, drank his glass and slapped him about the Earth.
"Be healthy," said Baiga, also drinking his glass and wrapped with a handkerchief. Makarin with tears in his eyes hugged Anatol. "Eh, Prince, how sad it is to part with you," he said.
- Go, go! - shouted Anatol.
Balag was from the room.
"No, stand," said Anatol. - Cancel the doors, it is necessary to sit down. Like this. - Got the doors, and all sat down.
- Well, now the march guys! - said Anatole getting up.
Joseph Lackey gave an anatoly bag and saber, and everyone went to the front.
- And where is the fur coat? - said Doolokh. - Hey, Ignatka! Look to Matrey Matveyevna, ask a fur coat, Salop Solimi. I heard how to take away, "said Solohov, winning. - After all, she will pop up either alive, nor dead, what was sitting at home; Slightly hesitate, here and tears, and dad, and milf, and now, and back and forth, - and you at the fur coat immediately and carry in Sani.