Family of Hope TEFFI. Biography of Hope TEFFI

Family of Hope TEFFI. Biography of Hope TEFFI
Family of Hope TEFFI. Biography of Hope TEFFI

From the very birth and to death that climbed it in Paris in 80 years, the legendary TEFFI had two qualities, at first glance mutually exclusive. She wrote so simple and clearly that he was clear and to the Higher Society, and Clamps, and Swedmas, and lawyers. But at the same time, there was no simplest simplicity in it.

However, otherwise the name of the hope of Lohwitsky, the Great TEFFI, would not be inscribed in the history of the literature of the 20th century with gold letters. And she entered her, left a tremendous literary heritage, introduced the fashion on the "Women's Humor" and left, and remaining a mystery even for her biographers.

Nadia was born in May 1872 in the family of St. Petersburg lawyer Alexander Lohvitsky. Senior daughter, Masha, or Mirra, served great hopes as a thin lyrics.

Konstantin Balmont admired her verses (obviously in Masha in love) and Igor Northgen, who considered her his teacher. But at 36, Mirra died from tuberculosis. Balmont called his daughter Mirra in memory of the poetess Lochwitz. Well, and the youngest daughter of Lochwitsky, Nadia, also started with poems - elegant and filled with humor and junk.

Many of them were miraculously performed under the guitar and then moved to the stage for many years - to take at least the famous "Dwarf":

My black dwarf kissed me legs,

He was always so gentle and so mil!

My bracelets, rings, brook

He cleaned and kept in the chest.

But on the black day sorrow and anxiety

My dwarf suddenly rose and grown:

I caught my legs face -

And he left, and the chest took!

1946, France, the surroundings of Paris. Meeting of the Soviet delegation with emigrant writers: in the first row it is to the left of Boris Panteleimonov, to the right of him - Konstantin Simonov, sits on the left Nadezhda TEFFI, on the right, the third in the account - Ivan Bunin

But then hope focused on prose. By choosing a pseudonym TEFFI, she wrote wonderful humorous works, which was in itself, and it remains uncommon - women humorists are not so much. Tafffi's stories and fechens were read, and at the beginning of the 20th century, the world of Russian prose had no only King of Satira and humor - brilliant Arkady Averchenko, but also found the Queen - TEFFI. To the talent of Averchenko, the highest society was slightly thoughtful, to TEFFI - alert, but readers voted for them reading. And if Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, for example, Tafffi perceived not too seriously, then Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy simply read it with her works. And Tafffi became the heroine in the eyes of youth: this is who ripped out of the hands of the releases of Satiron and the "Russian Word"! And the first book "Humorous stories", published in 1910, was reprinted ten times before the revolution! At the same time, she will release a collection of "man-like", "smoke without fire", "Carousel" and "and has become so," and the theaters began to put her plays.

Before the revolution, both capitals of Russia - and Moscow, and Peter - went through the Teffi crazy. Because of her, they were shot, and more than once, not even being familiar with her. Around her was also a premium of fans, called "slaves," - they fought among themselves for the right to sit or lie at the legs of the "hostess".

Myself Nicholas II, discussing that it should be in the album to the 300th anniversary of the house of Romanov, exclaimed that Tefffy wants to see in it certainly: "TEFFI! Only her. No one, besides her, do not.

One Tafffi! " Chocolate candies "TEFFI" and perfumes with the same name were bought by a moment. By the way, where did the name of TEFFF come from? Nadia was looking for him for a long time, painfully reflecting: "You need such a name that would bring happiness. Best of all the name of some fool - fools are always happy. " One day such a fool, in addition lucky, she remembered: the name was his Stepan, for home - Steffei. Having threw the first letter of the name, "so that the fool was not surprised," Nadya signed one of his plays: "TEFFI". At the premiere, the journalist asked her about the origin of the pseudonym, and she confusedly replied that it was "such a surname." And someone suggested that the name was taken from the Kipiling Songs "Taffphi from Wales". Nadia laughed and ... agreed with this version.

Approximately 1925. TEFFI during emigration times

She seemed open, and so it was. Only her personal life was tightly tamer from strange eyes - personal life. Tafffi never wrote about her. Maybe because she was too atypical for her circle woman. Only one thing is known: Nadezhda Lokhvitskaya early married Vladislav Buchinsky Pole, at the end of the law faculty served as a judge in Tikhvin. Soon after the birth of the first in the family of the child (in 1892), he left the service and settled in his estate near Mogilev. In 1900, after the birth of the second daughter, Nadezhda suddenly sorted up with her husband, left for St. Petersburg and had passed in a literary life since then.

Could such a woman like TEFFI, live without love? Does not look like. She was too alive to live without passion. But what could make her lonely? I would venture to express the assumption that I came to my head many years ago, when I was only started to get involved in TEFFI, only re-delivered after the restructuring.

Only a secret love - not having an outcome, deep and doomed, could have it, brilliant, makes turn away from fans and choose loneliness. She was too smart to love mediocreness.

Her chosen was to be primarily talent with a capital letter, the talent in an inexhaustible, bright outwardly, and besides, infinite ...

non-free. After all, TEFFI would be closely in happy love ... reading her memories, I involuntarily caught a special, incredibly warm intonation in relation to only one person with whom the writer was friendly all his life. Yes, it seems to me that Teffi loved ... Ivan Bunin.

And he, fucked in his women, was in a sense of the blind ... He admired TEFFI, adored her, trusted her intimate, but could not think that her soul could belong to him.

Independent, with a sharp tongue, TEFFI was a cult for lovers of non-simply literature. She fits perfectly in the context of any literary evenings, including organized by Fedor Sologub.

At the same time, the TEFFI was socially active - for example, defended the need for a device for the protection of artistic values: "We demanded the protection of the Hermitage and art galleries, so that there is no ambush, nor eats." But from these efforts nothing happened, but soon the February, and then the October Revolution broke out, after which the TEFF could remain in his homeland. At first she lived in the Crimea, then in Constantinople, and then, in the 1920s, asslaved in Paris. She will have to experience all those difficulties that accompanied the life of almost any emigrant is to endure the need, unclaimed, suffer from nostalgia. Its condition, as well as the state of most emigrants, TEFFs described in one of the notes printed by the Paris newspaper: "Our refugees come.

Exhausted, blackened from hunger, eaten, calm down, inspect how to establish a new life, and suddenly go out. The eyes dull, the sluggish hands are lowered, and the shower facing the east. I do not believe in anything, we do not expect anything, we do not want anything.

Died. They were afraid of death at home and died death here. Here we are death who remembered death. We think only about what is there. We are interested only in what comes from there ... "... The beginning of the 1920s in Paris is the magnificent French" Russian filling ". TEFFI was not alone in Paris: Nearby - all the colleagues "on the workshop", Bunin and Muromets, Berberov and Khodasevich, Hippius and Merezhkovsky. She wrote, and one so well that in 1920 one of her works reprinted "True"! Her plays were slowly set, and all her life flowed slowly - in the separation from the Earth, on which she was born, even the Tafffi star slowly tuck ... She needed to feed, injection with impressions, shake. But all this was, as Averchenko wrote, "fragments of broken into smithereens."

Presumably 1916. In the midst of the First World War, Tafffi traveled many times to the forefront and worked there the sister of mercy. In the photo, it demonstrates trophies brought from the war - including a trophy German rifle with a bayonet

And then they began to leave those who were roads. By the time of the occupation of Paris, the TEFFI was already ethnic. She did not leave the city, courageously transferred all adversity, cold, hunger, nights in bomb shelter. Sitting surrounded by the same as she, exhausted people, Tafffi considered personal losses: the poet Khodasevich died before the war, in 1941, Merezhkovsky went to the eternity, in 1942 - Balmont ... Bunin was and remained.

And she was justice for him. The life of the genius writer was full of difficulties, and he found soothe in communicating with TEFFI - light, air, wise and ironic. He was a brilliant prose, but not a comedian from literature, and the way to mix Teffi, shocked him.

For example, TEFFI wrote in the story "Town": "The town was Russian, and leaked through him the river, which was called Seine. Therefore, the inhabitants of the town said: we live as bad as dogs on Seine ... "Bunin Gomerically laughed, forgetting about problems.

They understood each other with a half-clow. But, I repeat, it is possible that Bunin did not see the main thing ...

Once Bunin appealed to Teffi, jokingly: "Nadezhda Aleksandrovna! I kiss your handles and other things! "

"Ah, thank you, Ivan Alekseevich, thanks! Thanks for the things. Nobody kissed them for a long time! " - instantly kept in his address of TEFFI.

She always joking. Even when it hurt.

Writer Ivan Bunin in 1901

After the war, TEFFI began to actively type in the United States. Paris lived with sharpness. And in 1946, the Soviet delegation came to Paris specifically in order to give clarification regarding the Decree of the Government on the return of Russian emigrants to their homeland. They communicated a lot with Konstantin Simonov, which later he describes in his memoirs, and TEFFI would be a cheat heart - how and where everything went out than she lived a long time ago ... What was a repell of her life? People, as always - only people. She knew how to find good and good in any person. I found that the demonic Fedor Sologub is incredibly kind, and the cold hypiot is actually only wearing a mask, being cute and gentle. She was worried by a person as a person: "I dream," she said shortly before death, - to write about the secondary heroes. Most of all I want to write about Alexey Alexandrovic Karenine, her husband Anna.

We have terrible unfair! " And in this - all TEFFI.

She spent the last years of life in a quiet street of Paris Ryu Boussier, her eldest daughter Valentina (Valeria) Vladislavovna Grabovskaya, who lost her husband during the war, worked in London, younger, Elena Vladislavovna, a dramatic actress, lived in Warsaw. Noting its regular name days, a week later, October 6, 1952, TEFFI died. She was buried in the Russian cemetery of St. Geneva de-Bois under Paris. There were few people. Bunina buried immediately a year later. Over the coffin of academician, the Nobel laureate was eleven people.


Nadezhda Lohvitskaya, Tafffi, writer

"Life like fiction, scary tasteless. Beautiful, bright novel, she suddenly suddenly squeeze, smith, tear on the most funny and ridiculous position, and the little stupid water wake will face an end from Hamlet ...

TEFFI on wikisklad

TEFFI (real name Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Lohvitskaya, husband Buchinskaya; April 24 (May 6) 1872, St. Petersburg - October 6, 1952, Paris) - Russian writer and poetess, memoist, translator, author of such famous stories like "Demonic woman" and "Ke far?". After the revolution - in emigration. Sister poetess Mirra Lohwitsky and Military Actor Nikolay Alexandrovich Lohvitsky.


Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Lohvitskaya was born on April 24 (May 6) of 1872 in St. Petersburg (for other information in the Volyn province) in the family of lawyer Alexander Vladimirovich Lohvitsky (-). He studied in the gymnasium on the casting prospectus.

She was called the first Russian humorist of the beginning of the 20th century, the "queen of the Russian humor", but it was never a supporter of pure humor, always joined him with sadness and witty observations over the surrounding life. After emigration, Satira and humor gradually cease to dominate her work, observations over life are acquired by philosophical character.


There are several options for the origin of the pseudonym for TEFFI.

The first version is set forth the writer itself in the story. "Pseudonym". She did not want to sign their texts with the male name, as it was often done by the modern writer to her: "I did not want to hide behind the male pseudonym. Cutely and cowardly. It is better to choose something incomprehensible, neither one. But what? You need such a name that would bring happiness. Best of all the name of some fool - fools are always happy ". To her "I remembered<…> One fool, really squeezed and in addition, which was lucky, means, the fate itself for the ideal fool recognized. His stepan called, and his homely called him Steffee. Throwing out of delicacy the first letter (so that the fool is not sought) ", Writer "I decided to sign my" TEFFI "player. After the successful premiere of this play in an interview with a journalist to the question about the pseudonym, TEFFI replied that "This is ... the name of one fool ... That is, such a surname". Journalist noticed that he "They said that this is from kiling". Tafffi, remembered Kipling Song "Taffy Was a Walshman / Taffy Was a thief ..." (Rus. Tafffi from Wales, Tafffi was a thief ), agreed with this version ..

The same version is voiced by a research researcher of Taffphi E. Nitrase, pointing the name of the familiar writer as Stefan and specifying the name of the play - "Women's question" , and a group of authors under the general guidance of A. I. Smirnova, attributing the name Stepan servant in the house of Lohvitsky.

Another version of the origin of the pseudonym is offered by the researchers of creativity of TEFFI E. M. Trubilov and D. D. Nikolaev, in the opinion of which the alias for Hope Alexandrovna, who loved the hoax and jokes, and was also the author of literary parodies, Fakenov, became part of a literary game aimed at Creating an appropriate image of the author.

There is also a version that his pseudonym TEFFI took it because her sister was printed under her real last name - poetess Mirr Lokhvitskaya, which was called "Russian Safo".


Before emigration

Write hope Lohwitsky began in childhood, but the literary debut took place almost at the age of thirty. The first Publication of TEFFI took place on September 2, 1901 in the magazine "North" - it was a poem "I dreamed sleep, insane and beautiful ...".

TEFFI itself responded about her debut like this: "My poem took and attributed it to an illustrated magazine, not telling me a not a word about it. And then they brought the issue of the magazine, where the poem was printed that he was angry with me. I didn't want to note then, because one of my older sisters, Mirra Lokhvitskaya, has long and successfully printed its poems. It seemed to me something ridiculous if we all get into the literature. By the way, it came out ... So - I was unhappy. But when a fee was sent from the editorial office - it made me the most pleasant impression on me " .

In emigration

In Emigration, TEFFI wrote stories, drawing pre-revolutionary Russia, all the same blessing life she described in collections published in his homeland. Melancholic headlock "So lived" Combines these stories, reflecting the wreck of emigration hopes for the return of the past, the complete futility of unsightly life in a foreign country. In the first issue of the newspaper "Latest News" (April 27, 1920), the story of TEFFI was printed "Ke far?" (Franz. "What to do?"), and the phrase of his hero, the old general, who, confusedly looking around at the Paris Square, murms: "All this is good ... but Que Faire? Farm ke? ", I became a kind of password for the exile.

The writer was published in many prominent periodicals of Russian emigration ("common cause", "revival", "steering wheel", "today", "link", "Modern notes", "Firebird"). TEFFI released a number of books of stories - "Lynx" (), "JUNE BOOK" (), "On tenderness" () - showed new facets of her talent, like the plays of this period - "The moment of fate" , "Nothing like this" () - and the only experience of the novel - "Avenue Roman" (1931). But she considered a collection of stories with his best book. "Witch" . The genre affiliation of the novel, marked in the title, caused doubts about the first reviewers: the discrepancy between the "soul" of the novel (B. Zaitsev) was noted. Modern researchers point to the similarities with adventurous, plutical, turquorative, detective novel, as well as a novel myth.

In the works of TEFF this time, sad, even tragic motives are noticeably enhanced. "They were afraid of the death of Bolshevik - and died death here. We think only about what is there. We are interested only in what comes from there "- it is said in one of her first Paris miniatures "Nostalgia" (). An optimistic view of the life of TEFFI will change only in deep old age. Previously, she called her metaphysical age for 13 years, but bitterly slipped in one of the last Paris letters: "All my peers die, and I still live something ..." .

TEFFI planned to write about the heroes of L. N. Tolstoy and M. Cervantes, who were covered with the attention of criticism, but these ideas were not destined to come true. September 30, 1952 in Paris, TEFFI celebrated named after, and in just a week passed away.


Editions prepared by TEFF

  • Seven lights - SPb.: Ryshovnik, 1910
  • Humorous stories. Kn. 1. - SPb.: Ryshovnik, 1910
  • Humorous stories. Kn. 2 (humanlike). - SPb.: Roshovnik, 1911
  • And so. - SPb.: New Satirikon, 1912
  • Carousel. - SPb.: New Satirikon, 1913
  • Miniatures and monologues. T. 1. - SPb.: Ed. M. G. Cornfeld, 1913
  • Eight miniatures. - GH.: New Satirikon, 1913
  • Smoke without fire. - SPb.: New Satirikon, 1914
  • Nothing like that, GH.: New Satirikon, 1915
  • Miniatures and monologues. T. 2. - GH.: New Satirikon, 1915
  • And so. 7th ed. - GH.: New Satirikon, 1916
  • Inanimate beast. - GH.: New Satirikon, 1916
  • Yesterday. - GH.: New Satirikon, 1918
  • Smoke without fire. 9th ed. - GH.: New Satirikon, 1918
  • Carousel. 4th ed. - GH.: New Satirikon, 1918
  • Black Iris. - Stockholm, 1921
  • Treasures of the Earth. - Berlin, 1921
  • Quiet creek. - Paris, 1921
  • So lived. - Paris, 1921
  • Lynx. - Paris, 1923
  • Passiflora. - Berlin, 1923
  • Shamran. Songs of the East. - Berlin, 1923
  • Town. - Paris, 1927
  • Book June. - Paris, 1931
  • An adventurous novel. - Paris, 1931
  • Witch. - Paris, 1936
  • About tenderness. - Paris, 1938
  • Zigzag. - Paris, 1939
  • All about love. - Paris, 1946
  • Earth rainbow. - New York, 1952
  • Life and collar
  • Mitenka

Pirate publications

  • Instead of politics. Stories. - M.-L.: ZIF, 1926
  • Yesterday. Humorian. Stories. - Kiev: Space, 1927
  • Tango of death. - M.: Zip, 1927
  • Sweet memories. -M.-L.: Zip, 1927

Collected Works

  • Collected Works [at 7 tt.]. Cost. and subship. Texts D. D. Nikolaev and E. M. Trubilova. - M.: Lacom, 1998-2005.
  • Cathedral So: at 5 t. - M.: Book Club Terra, 2008


  • Ancient history / . - 1909.
  • Ancient story / Universal history treated with Satirikon. - SPb.: Ed. M. G. Cornfeld, 1912


The works of TEFFI in literary circles were extremely positive. Writer and contemporary Tafffi Mikhail Osorgin considered her "One of the most intelligent and vigorous contemporary writers." Ivan Bunin called a meek bowl "Melnitsa-Dissent" And he said that her stories, truthfully reflective life, were written "Great, simple, with greater wit, observation and wonderful mockery" .

see also


  1. Nitrahur E. "Life laughs and crying ..." On the fate and work of TEFFI // TEFFI. Nostalgia: stories; Memories / Sost. B. Averin; Hitch Art. E. Nitra. - L.: Art. lit., 1989. - P. 4-5. - ISBN 5-280-00930-x.
  2. Biography TZFFI
  3. The female gymnasium, opened in 1864, was located in the Pool Street (now - Nekrasova Street), in House No. 15. In his memoirs, Nadezhda Alexandrovna celebrated: "I saw my work in the press for the first time, when I was thirteen. It was an ode written by me on the anniversary of the gymnasium "
  4. TEFFI (Rus.). Literary encyclopedia. Fundamental electronic library (1939). Archived from the original source on August 25, 2011. Checked January 30, 2010.
  5. TEFFI. Memories // TEFFI. Nostalgia: stories; Memories / Sost. B. Averin; Hitch Art. E. Nitra. - L.: Art. Lit., 1989. - P. 267-446. - ISBN 5-280-00930-x.
  6. Don Amonanov. Train on the third way. - New York, 1954. - P. 256-267.
  7. TEFFI. Pseudonym // Revival (Paris). - 1931. - December 20.
  8. TEFFI. Pseudonym (rus.). Small prose of the silver century of Russian literature. Archived from the original source August 25, 2011. Checked on May 29, 2011.
  9. Literature of Russian abroad ("First Wave" Emigration: 1920-1940): Tutorial: at 2 pp. 2 / A. I. Smirnova, A. V. Mlechko, S. V. Baranov, etc.; Under total. ed. Dr. Filol. Sciences, prof. A. I. Smirnova. - Volgograd: Publishing House of Volga, 2004. - 232 p.
  10. Poetry of the Silver Age: Anthology // Preface, Articles and Notes B. S. Akimov. - M.: Publishing House Rodionova, Literature, 2005. - 560 p. - (Series "Classic in School"). - p. 420.

"TEFFI annoyed that people considered her humorous and that with her, in their opinion, should always happen something funny.
"Anecdotes, she said," are funny when they are told. " And when they are worried about, it is a tragedy. And my life is a solid joke, i.e. tragedy"…
Often reread her books. Of course, there was a Tafffi a big writer, who had funny invariably intertwined with sad. "

A. Sedoy
Sedoy A. distant, close. M., 2003. P. 76.78.

"Woman-writer" - a combination of these words did not sound proudly in Russia, Apollo was unnecessarily cruel to the beautiful floor ... But having wrapped in us a multi-volume flow of the Ladies of the Laman Fiction, a strict Apollo was complicated and sent us to the TEFFI reward. Not the "writer woman," a writer - a big, deep and peculiar ... ".

S. Black
Black C. Collected Works: In 5 tons. M., 1996. T. 3. P. 378.

"TEFFI, in essence, was the only" lady "of literary Paris - not the" literary lady ", and a charming, well-brought up and" metropolitan "lady ... Interested in her human types, children and animals, but she not only understood the tragic fate of all living things But she felt her on her own, above all, experience. "

PER. Shakhovskaya
Shakhovskaya Z.A. In search of Nabokov. Reflections. M., 1991. P. 267.

"... Tafffi does not judge anyone, no one does not say anything. It is in this secret and the reason for the reader's delineation special. Contemporaries and compatriots will recognize themselves in her books themselves and laugh themselves.
Tafffi is not prone to people to flatter, does not want to deceive them and is not afraid of truth. But with persistent inspiration, as if she inspires between the lines, that, no matter how bad, no matter how unsightly happened, life is still beautiful, if there is light, sky, children, nature, finally love. "

G.V. Adamovich
Adamovich G.V. Loneliness and freedom. M., 1996. P. 88.

"Some of the books of TEFFI, anthology will be made, and - with a discount for a while, on the era, on geography - the anthology will be the faithful and fun satellite, leadership and guide for future generations, which, when their hour comes, too, throughout Probability will run in an unknown direction, but, in any case, not to visit, but saving the belly. "

Don amine Addoin. Train on the third way. M., 2000. P. 278.

"... Hope Alexandrovna Tafffi loved the whole of our family, and she loved everyone. And me too. She was up to that talented that for no matter what it was taken, everything got it ... Tafffi She sewed a dress, real, wonderful! .. And you know, I'm photographed in the dress she sewed. Such a whlen ... ".

NB Sologub
"Write me into the album ...": Conversations with N.B. Sologub in Bisci-An-from. M., 2004. P. 102, 136.

"Love for man, despite a sober glance on his weaknesses and disadvantages, will be warm and served in most of what TEFFI says.
But Tafffi loves animals and is it not touching her stories about the beasts and animals? .. There are many more stories for TEFFI about human-animal relationships, and, as it seems to us, TEFFI animals were love and pity even more than people. .. ".

A. Gorskaya
Gorskaya A. Revival. Paris, 1962. № 130. P. 146-148.

"TEFFI, as a writer, the only one in his own way, its place in Russian literature is completely exclusively. Her talent of humorist, .. Her subtlety of the mind, the ability of presentation, and most importantly, the acuteness and mastery of humor are inimitable ...
Teffi's talent asked gray emigrant life, he often caused a smile, and for a smile I want to keep a grateful memory about her. "

A. Gorskaya
Gorskaya A. Revival. Paris, 1962. № 130. P. 148, 150.

"Ten years since the death of Hope Alexandrovna TEFFI. All passing, stiff, conditional has already moved forever, giving waying the place of indelible memories of it itself, about her deep faith, the insightness of the mind; About the patience and courage with whom she tolerated those who had fallen into its share of the test ... ".

V. Vasyutinskaya
Vasyutinskaya V.D. Revival. Paris, 1962. No. 131. P. 87.

"... According to my long-term observations of TEFFI as a person, and not only as a writer, there was some kind of" special, "under the general one did not fit. The case was not only in her congenital talentedness and wit, but in its attitude to the barely noticeable trifles of the surrounding life, in how life is often scanty and the sad - refracted in her mind, causing it sometimes unforeseen reactions ...
In her fun, in her "laughter" there was always a pity for man, compassion for him, the desire to help him. This property was equally tangible in her scriptures, as in a more visual form - in the life itself ... But it is no doubt that we are with you, dear reader, loved and love her stories, always on a high literary level, witty, alive, always with Some kind of pain, with lyrical sadness, with some tear through the laughter. "

A.V. Bahrah
Bakhrakh A.V. Bunin in a bathrobe and other portraits: by memory, by recordings. M, 2005. P. 399, 403.

"Honey, my dear, what I'm" Teacher "- to you, which all my life I sang and still sings still, absolutely not noticing that, scattering shine! ... You are something - and more - Appreciate in me, and I repeat, I swear God, always, has always been divided - never for all my life I have met like you! And what is true happiness that God gave me to know you! ".

Letter I.A. Bunina N.A. TEFFI from 19. IV. 1944.
Diaspora: new materials. St. Petersburg, 2001. Vol. 2. P. 513.

"... In all her stories, there is some amazing and true humor of her words, some kind of secret words, which perfectly owns TEFFI ... The essence of the stories, the basis of their sadness, and often tragic, but the appearance is sincerely funny."

MM Zoshchenko
Zoshchenko M.M. Unnecessary zoshchenko. Ann Arbor. P. 75, 77.

"TEFFI, which is so rarely found among humorists, was in life full of humor and fun ..." Give a person the opportunity to laugh, "she explained," she explained, it is equally important than serve alms. Or a piece of bread. You will laugh - and hunger is not so tormented ... "Without laughter, not one of our meeting with her did not do, even in the domestic days. Having jealously published it, I was already starting to smile - it was always nice and fun with her everywhere. "

I.V. Odoevtsev
Odoevtseva I.V. On the shores of the Seine. - M.: AST: AST Moscow, 2009. P. 98.

see also publications about N.A. TEFFI In the library catalog of the Russian abroad. A. Solzhenitsyn

Nadezhda Alexandrovna Lohvitskaya (1872-1952) spoke in print under the pseudonym "TEFFI". Father - famous Petersburg lawyer, publicist, author of jurisprudence. Mother - an expert on literature; Sisters - Maria (poetess Mirra Lokhvitskaya), Barbara and Elena (wrote prose), younger brother - everyone was literary gifted people.

Hope Lohwitskaya began to write in childhood, but the literary debut took place only at a thirty-year age, according to the family policy, enter the literature "in turn". Marriage, the birth of three children, moving from St. Petersburg to the province also did not contribute to the literature classes.

B1900 she dispersed with her husband and returns to the capital. For the first time spoke in print with the poem "I had a dream ..." in 1902 in the North magazine (No. 3), then the stories were followed in the annex to the magazine "Niva" (1905).

In the years of the Russian Revolution (1905-1907), there is an ostriveloval poems for satirical magazines (parodies, feuethms, epigrams) compounds. At the same time, the main genre of creativity of TEFFI is determined - a humorous story. First, in the newspaper "Speech", then in the "Exchange news" regularly - almost weekly, in every Sunday release - the literary feuethms of TEFFI are printed, soon they brought not only fame, but also all-Russian love.

Tafffi had the talent to speak on any topic easily and elegantly, with an inimitable humor, knew the "secret of laughing words." M. Addanov recognized that the people of various political views and literary tastes agree on admiration for the TAILTER.

In 1910, at the peak of Glory, a two-volume student of TEFFI stories and the first collection of poems "seven lights" came out. If the two-year member was reissued for more than 10 times, the modest book of poems remained almost unnoticed against the background of the deafening prose success.

The verses of Tafffi Rigal V. Bryusus for "literaryity", but for this, N. Gumilev praised. "The poetess says not about himself and not about what she loves, but about what she could be, and that she could love. Hence the mask, which she wears with a solemn grace and, it seems, Ironia, "wrote Gumilyov.

Tomny, a few theatrical verses of TEFFI are as if designed for melodeklasia or created for romance execution, and indeed, several texts used A. Vertinsky for his song, and Tefffi sama sang them under the guitar.

Tephphy felt the nature of the stage convention, she loved the theater, worked for him (wrote one-act, and then multi-acting plays - sometimes in co-authorship with L. Mongstein). Once in 1918 in emigration, TEFFI was most common about the loss of the Russian theater: "Of all that fate deprived me when I deprived my birthplace, my biggest loss is theater."

In Berlin and Paris, the books of TEFFI continued to leave, and an exceptional success accompanied her until the end of a long life. In the emigration, she had about twenty books of prose and only two poetic compilations: "Shamram" (Berlin, 1923), "Passiflora" (Berlin, 1923).

Tafffi is a writer who was working in various literary genres. Its works were read and the last Russian king, and the leader of the world proletariat. Modern readers learn themselves and buddies in the woven shopping and suffering from love of the nobles. The biography of the writer, the language and heroes of which are not outdated for 100 years, full of mysteries and mystifications.

Childhood and youth

Nadezhda Lohwitskaya (the real name and surname of the most successful "satirist in the skirt") was born in the city on the Neva in the spring of 1872. The exact date of birth is argued, as well as how many children in the family. It was documented that Nadi had one younger (Lena) and three senior (Varya, Lida and Masha) sisters and one older brother (Kolya).

The father of the future writer was a specialist in constitutional law and successfully combined the role of a lawyer, professor, a literary popularizer of jurisprudence, i.e., occupied approximately such a position as 120 years later or. Mother had french roots. When Nadah turned 12 years old, the father of the family died.

TEFFI during the First World War / Argus magazine, Live Journal

Nadin Praded Conrad (Kondratii) Lohvitsky wrote mystical poems, and the family legend told about the magic gift, which is transmitted only by the male line, and if the lady wishes them, he will pay for it with personal happiness. A girl from an early age loved books and even tried to change the fate of the characters: in his youth, Nadia went to and asked the writer not to deprive life. The first poems were born in Hope Lohwitsky during training in the gymnasium.

The girl was not beautiful and married the first challenger. Marriage with Vladimir Buchinsky brought the hope of two daughters - Leru and Lena and Son Yanek, but the mother "demonic woman" turned out to be Nalaskova. Saving up to 28 years old, Lohvitskaya left her husband. Buchinsky deprived the Nadia to communicate with children.


Lochwitskaya separated with siblings, unlike, did not rush under the train, and returned to the youthful dream of the literature and in 1901 he made his journal in the magazine "North" a poem "I dreamed of a mad and wonderful dream." By the time of publication, the work of the sister of a novice writer, Maria, was already a famous poetess that was working in the pseudonym Mirra Lohvitskaya. Hope thought about the original literary name.

Lohvitsky did not accept the October Revolution. Brother Nicholas became a companion, and Nadezhda Aleksandrovna through Odessa and Constantinople immigrated to Paris. Life in a foreign land was not sweet, but the gift of foresight and the decisiveness of TEFFI was probably saved by the writer from death in the Bolshevik dungeons.

Personal life

The writer sought to remain a mystery and limited the access of journalists to personal life, and answered questions about age, which feels 13-year-old. It is known that the woman was interested in mysticism and loved cats very much, especially the last pet suffering from obesity. In the mature years, TEFFI tried to establish communication with grown children, but only senior Valeria went to contact from three siblings.

Documentary film "Women in Russian History: TEFFI"

Readers who have so worked to get acquainted with the Queen of the Russian-speaking humor, when communicating with TEFFI disappointed - the idol had a melancholic and irritable character. However, with fellow in Peru, the writer was good and generous. Created by TEFFI in the French capital, the literary salon became the center of the attraction of Russian emigrants, his regulators were a dong-amine and prose.

To get along with the lady who knew the price and very scattered in everyday life, managed to the second spouse - the son of the former Kaluga manufacturer Pavlu Alexandrovich Tikston. Nadezhda Aleksandrovna considered the second husband the best person on Earth, and when the disease looked around him, touching his spouse. In the last years of life, the writer of care for her material security took on Philanthropes S. S. Atran.


Rumors about the death of TEFFI, who survived the fascist occupation of France, Vitali long before the care of Hope Alexandrovna from life. In the 40s of the 20th century, Mikhail Zetlin published an obituary memory of the writer. But DEFFI died only in 1952, having time to create an essay on the essay about familiar celebrities and the cycle of animal stories.


The cause of death was the attack of angina. The grave of Hope Tafffi is located at the Paris Cemetery of Saint Genevieve.


  • 1910 - "Seven Lights"
  • 1912 - "And so"
  • 1913 - "Eight Miniature"
  • 1914 - "Smoke without fire"
  • 1920 - "So lived"
  • 1921 - "Treasures of the Earth"
  • 1923 - "Shamran. Songs of the East "
  • 1926 - "Instead of Politics"
  • 1931 - "Adventure Roman"
  • 1931 - "Memories"
  • 1936 - "Witch"
  • 1938 - "On tenderness"
  • 1946 - "All about love"
  • 1952 - "Earth Rainbow"