Icon of Russian ballet. On the stage of Marina Semenov brought a happy case

Icon of Russian ballet. On the stage of Marina Semenov brought a happy case
Icon of Russian ballet. On the stage of Marina Semenov brought a happy case

On the birthday of Marina Timofeevna AIF.RU recalls the most interesting moments of the biography of the famous dancer

Marina Semenova and Alexey Yermolaev in the ballet Peter Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker", 1939. Photo RIA Novosti.

A family

The future legend of world ballet on June 12, 1908 was born, in St. Petersburg, in the family of a small employee. Father died early, and the mother stayed with six children in her arms. I had to get married again - one to feed so many hungry mouths was impossible. Of course, the Marina would hardly become a dancer if not a happy case in the face of her mother's friend - Catherine Karinawho was fond of ballet and led their children's dance circle. It was in this circle for the first time the talent of Semenova was revealed - a small chiller girl conquered all natural grace and natural plastic. Karina was able to evaluate the ability of a talented child and persuaded the mother and stepfather to give Marina to the choreographic school. So at ten Semenov led to the school.

But the reception commission at a thin little girl did not see the ballerina. Saving it for the future career Soloist Mariinsky Theater Victor Semenov - he interceded for the one-facilitator and took the girl to learn. After the arrival, Marina moved from his home to boarding school. There were harsh revolutionary years in the courtyard, and everyone lived, and especially art workers, far from sweet.

First steps on stage

The first year she was engaged in the class Mary Fedorovna RomanovaMothers Galina Ulanova. Marina was a student of mischievous, but very gifted, and from the first class it was transferred immediately to the third - the class of the famous ballerina Agrippines Vaganova, famous for its rigor to students. However, Vaganov conquered a new student with his glitter and a warm relationship established between them, which lasted the whole life.

In the thirteen years, Marina, as a student of the Leningrad choreographic school, first made his debut on the scene in the "Magic Flute" ballet.

But the present triumphal stage debut Semenova was the performance on the stage of the Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in the Don Quixote. Criticism chuckled away from delight, plant praise by young ballerina.

Marina Semenova, 1951. Photo RIA Novosti.

After the school, Semenov took to the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, and having made an exception for her: all young ballerinas were obliged to go through the corpsorette, and Semenov immediately put on the main parties. According to her, Viktor Semenov became partner - the one who took her to the choreographic school.

Semenov became for a young dancer not only a teacher who devoted it to the Holy of Holy Arts, but also the first love - soon Marina and Victor became her husband and his wife.

Triumph in Big

In September 1930, Semenova first performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater - in the form of nicknames in the ballet "Bayaderka". The Moscow public reacted to the arrival of the Leningrad Ballerina wary - thought that the notorious "Academism" of the ballet school of the Northern Capital would handle the party with the party. However, Semenova pushed the combination of such impeccable virtuoso equipment and the passion of execution that Moscow was overwhelmed by the wave of delight. Going on the stage in the tight body of the bodice, in a short skirt, opening heavy legs and black braids, squeezing on the shoulders, the young ballerina produced a furor.

Lunacharsky During his visit to France boasted Dyagilevthat in Soviet Russia there are more great ballerina, and Stephen TsweigWho saw Semenov on stage, experienced a real shock, which described in detail his notes.

Semenova became a proc. Especially memorable in its performance was one of the most difficult roles - the swan in the Swan Lake. In this ballet, Marina danced 25 years old, conquering not only his homeland, but also the West. In France, Semenov conquered the viewers of the party of Gisel.

Marina Semenova in the ballet "Flame of Paris". Photo: RIA Novosti

Personal life

Marriage S. Viktor Semenov Little lasted - the rapid career of young ballerina has affected. When she moved to Moscow in 1930 in 1930, he met there with Lv's Karahahan - revolutionary and diplomat. The beauty of Semenova then flourished in full color, according to the testimony of contemporaries, the ballerina was irresistible, congestive and beautiful, and professional plastic attached her gait and gestures sophisticated charming. Karakhan at the time of marriage to Semenova was the Deputy People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, twice with a married father of three children. However, the ballerina "Red" diplomat conquered, and that year she became his third wife. However, here the family happiness of the Great Dancer lasted for a long time - in 1937, Lev Karakhan was withdrawn from office and was given to the court as an "enemy of the people" and a traitor. He was shot five months after the arrest, leaving Semenov on the position of the Opt Widow.

Of course, the fate of her husband influenced the ballerina - she was for a long time "non-rigging" and even sat under house arrest. However, Semenova was so in sight and possessed such unique (and useful Soviet art) talent that she was not touched and she was able to continue to work.

The third husband of Semenova became the actor Vsevolod Aksenovto which she gave birth to daughter Catherine.

Last years

After leaving the scene, Marina Semenova began to teach: until 1960, she trained a new generation of ballerin in the Moscow choreographic school, and since 1997 he became a professor of Rati.

Among her famous students such "stars" of the domestic ballet as Maya Plisetskaya, Nina Timofeeva, Marina Kondratieva, Nadezhda Pavlova, Galina Stepanenko, Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

Marina Timofeevna lived a long life and died on 103 years of life at home, in Moscow on June 9, 2010.

She is definitely a century woman like Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich. With the better honors that to this day live. And a few years ago, actively worked, tutoring in the Bolshoi Theater. About Semenov said and written a lot of enthusiastic words. She herself was categorically refused to interview all her life without changing their rule and on the eve of the next anniversary. Fortunately for fans of "non-paraphorous" images, Marina Timofeevna has a daughter - also a ballerina and a teacher, a well-deserved artist of Russia Ekaterina Aksenova. She told about the seed - woman, mother, grandmother.

question: Now everyone writes memories. Marina Timofeevna Something pressed?

Answer: No, and never in life did not do this. No matter how much they asked her, she never spoke about himself. Its personal life does not concern anyone. It is primarily a great ballerina and a great teacher. For me, mom is an absolute authority in pedagogy and tutoring of classical dance. I'm learning all my life with her.

q: Then let's start with pedagogy. What was the pedagogical secret to Semenova?

A: She did not kill individuality, but demanded exceptional accuracy and musicality of performance. When the ballerina came to her, she looked at her, helped, so let's say, improve Abris. It was very stronger, in the class all stood on the string. At the same time, she always reacted to the mood and physical condition of their wards. If I saw that something happened to a person, I always asked if I did not happen.

in: Semenov-teacher, many know. But the dancer Semenova is already a legend. What did she take?

A: Anatoly Petrovich Kotorov - and Mkhatovs, led by Nemirovich-Danchenko, were her fans - said this: "Semenova goes to the stage, and you never see anyone." On the stage she was a queen, and she always had royal manners in her life. Do not want, but pay attention. I remember how in the early 1950s she danced the Swan Lake. When we came out after the play, the people stand in the small theater to the passage, there were all movements at all. At the same time, performances specially never put on it, except for the only one - the "young peasants", and the prime minister did not give. This is 1937 the consequences of 1937, when she was shot by Leo Karakhan's husband (USSR ambassador in Turkey. - Izvestia). She does not like this time to remember. She had a suitcase at the time if she had come. Then she was not touched. Although she received the People's Artist of the USSR only in 1975, when all her students had already had this title. And most of the awards came to her when Gorbachev turned out to be in power, and then Yeltsin.

q: In photographs, Marina Timofeevna looks very elegant. At the same time, Alexander Vasilyevu is a fashion collector - she said that the blouses, skirts, Ryushki had never been interested. It's true?

Best days

A: Ryushki is not the most important thing in her life. She did not disappear from the morning to the evening in the porn and cosmetologists. And it was not afraid to go out just dressed - the crown did not fall from the head. But I remember incredible hats, and chic toilets. At one of the techniques, everything was frozen when she descended the stairs in the golden dress. Mom knew how to file himself, knew how to seem beautiful, although by and large there was never a beauty.

q: On this occasion, the Sulamifi Messerer with a hurt said that here, Semenov externally was not noteworthy, and men around a huge number ...

Oh: Yes, she was feminine, it was incredible. She was buried inside any light, and the men, of course, paid attention to her.

q: One of them is the famous Chetch Vsevolod Aksenov - your father. Allegedly Semenova said: "I want to give birth to a child from a beautiful man." Do you know anything about this story?

A: I do not know where and how they met. But I know that for some time they had a serious novel. While Vsevolod Nikolayevich was married. Then the war began, and he returned to the family. When I became older, I used to have in this family. Real, his wife belonged to me in kind. I almost saw my mother in my childhood. She constantly worked. In the summer, during the holidays, dull with tour of the country, earned a living. Then she told me that it was almost 64 cities. I bought an apartment on Tverskaya for this money. When mom left the scene, naturally, communication has become more. And difficulties too. She is a tough person, can remove a person from his life only because she did not like his opinion. If my mother speaks red, that it is black, it means that it is. We do not contradict. I first objected to her when I turned 35, but she reacted wonderfully, said: "You have a character more than mine." I got married I came out, but I do not regret. I have stunning sons, and she is a stunning grandmother. It happens: children - nothing, and grandchildren are all.

q: How are you going to celebrate the anniversary?

A: In the family circle. Grandchildren will come, great-grandchildren, arrange a small holiday. June 12 in the Bolshoi Theater is scheduled in honor of Semenova. I and the children - the family she is so proud - while no one called, although it seems to me that it is time.

q: Journalists, photo and video shooting will be on your celebration? And then rumors are that you marina Timofeevna hide from everyone.

A: You know, a hundred years - not fifty. Mom now does not accept guests. She can talk remarkably with you, but she has too much strength. Now it is customary to show old and weak. We do not want it, and my mother will never allow himself to seem not in perfect physical form. Everyone knows her - great, strong, energetic. Let it be remembered.

The secret of their youth

100 years Marina Semenova - an enviable date, but no one would be surprised in the ballet world with long-lived world. Anna Pavlova, who deceased from pneumonia in 49 years, Rudolph Nureyev, who died from AIDS in 54 years, and Alexander Godunov, whom alcohol and drugs were killed in 45, is an exception. Most dancers before older years retain decent physical condition and a light head. Marius Petipa in 90 years of ruled by the imperial ballet. Igor Moiseev at 101 led the ensemble of his name. 81-year-old Yuri Grigorovich returned to the Big Theater. And his peers Maya Plisetskaya looks like a pretentious of any sex symbol. At first glance - paradox. After all, the matter is wearing, traumatic. No wonder ballet retired at 38-40 years old - earlier than military personnel and workers of harmful production. And live much longer.

Opinions on this occasion disagree, but in one experts are unanimous. Permanent exercise, no excess weight and self-discipline is the key to a ballet longevity. Already leaving the scene, people are true once and for all the initial rhythm and support themselves in excellent form, which is called on the machine. Do not overeat ("I'm not sampling," said Plisetskaya) and do not forget about the daily exercises (Galina Ulanova even wanted to describe his special gymnastics for descendants).

And one more reason. Aging is the loss of freshness of feelings and a constant feeling of dejavu. Dancers such victims are not threatened. For them, from the youngsters closed within the ballet, the second life begins after forty. They re-discover the world and thereby get an emotional incentive to longevity.

But the common judgment that the ballerina live for a long time because they refuse to have the pleasure of having a child - they say, nerves more and the figure is preserved, - no more than delusion. Ballet lingering record holders - happy mother families, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Maternity alarms did not interfere with Tamara Karsavina to live to 93 years old, Sullami Messer - up to 96, Matilde Kshesinsky - to 99. Well, today's jubilee Marina Semenova - until all hundred.

Artist's ballet, teacher-tutor of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia, People's Artist of the USSR Marina Timofeevna Semenova was born on June 12 (May 30 at the old style) of 1908 in St. Petersburg.

In childhood, Catherine Karina was engaged in the dance circle, then he entered the Leningrad Choreographic School (now - St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova). The first year she was engaged in the class of Maria Romanova, the mother of Ballerina Galina Ulanova, then the girl was translated from the first class in the third and continued learning in the class of ballerina and teacher Agrippina Vaganova. Marina danced his first batch at a thirteenty age in the Magic Flute Magic Ivanov's one-act ballet.

In 1925, after the end of the choreographic school, Marina Semenov was adopted in the troupe of the Leningrad State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater (now the Mariinsky Theater), and the central parties in the ballet numbers of the classical repertoire also danced the next year. Among her first parties on the Leningrad scene - Naiala in the ballet "Ruch" Leo Delibe, Odetta-Odile in the "Swan Lake" and Aurora in the "Sleeping Beauty" Peter Tchaikovsky, Nikia in the "Bayaderka" Ludwig Minkus, Tsar-Maiden in "Skate- Gorbunka "Caesar Puny, Rammond in the same name Ilya Glazunov.

In 1930, Ballerina passed into a large theater (Moscow). Performed parties in classic ballets, mainly in the formulation of the choreographer Marius Petipa. Semenova played a big role in the formation of a classic ballet of post-revolutionary years. Her dance was called "heroic", and the appearance of "royal".

In the Bolshoi Theater, she performed the main women's parties in Bayadek ballet (1930) Ludwig Minkus, "Sleeping Beauty" (1930) and "Swan Lake" (1930) Peter Tchaikovsky, "Raymond" (1931) Alexander Glazunov, "Esmeralda" ( 1934) Caesar Puni, Giselle (1934) Adolf Adana, Cinderella (1947) Sergey Prokofiev and others.

Semenova was the first executive in the Bolshoi Party Theater of Diana Mirl in Ballet "Flame Paris" (1933) Boris Asafieva and Masha Princess in the "Nutcracker" Peter Tchaikovsky (1939) in the formulation of the choreographer Vasily Winonen, the Tsaritsa Bala in the "Copper Horseman" Ringold Gliera ( 1949) in the formulation of the balletmaster Rostislav Zakharov.

One of the first Soviet ballerinas Marina Semenov toured abroad. In 1935-1936, at the invitation of the head of the ballet troupe, the Paris National Opera Serge Lifer, she spoke on the stage of the famous theater (the partner was the Blinder himself) - three times in "Giselle" and three times in the program, which included fragments of the Ballets "Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty "and" Shopeniana ", and also participated in a charitable concert in favor of the artists of ballet-veterans of the Paris Opera.

Removed in the films "Concert Waltz" (1941) and "Big Concert" (1951).

Since 1953, Semenova worked as a teacher-tutor of the Bolshoi Theater. Under her leadership, leading ballerinas of the theater of many generations - Maya Plisetskaya, Rimma Karelian, Nina Timofeeva, Marina Kondratieva, Natalia Nementnova, Svetlana Adyrkhaeva, Lyudmila Semenyak, Nadezhda Pavlova, Galina Stepanenko.

In 1954-1960, Semenov taught in the Moscow Choreographic School (now the Moscow State Academy of Choreography). In 1960, Marina Semenova became one of the first teachers who began training for future tutoring teachers at the State Institute of Theatrical Art named after A.V. Lunacharsky (now the Russian University of Theatrical Art - Gityis). Since 1997, she was a professor of guitis.

Marina Semenova's work was celebrated by many awards. In 1941, she was awarded Stalin (state II) award. In 1975, the ballerina was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. In 1988, Semenov was awarded the title of the Hero of Socialist Labor. In 2003, she received the state award of Russia and was awarded the Benois De La Danse prize in the nomination "For Life in Art". In 2004, awards for the President of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art and the Galina Ulanova Foundation Prize "for selfless service of dance art" was awarded. In 2007, Semenov was awarded the National Theater Prize "Golden Mask" - "For the honor and dignity."

The merits of Marina Semenova are marked by three orders of a working red banner (1937, 1951, 1978), in 1998 she was awarded the Order "For merit to the Fatherland" of the III degree.

The Ballerina's work is devoted to the book Svetlana Ivanova "Marina Semenov" (1965).

Marina Semenova. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

The daughter of Marina Semenova - Ekaterina Aksenova, in the past - the Ballet Artist of the Bolshoi Theater, the Honored Artist of Russia, now - the teacher-tutor.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

S. Bunman - Ekaterina Vsevolodovna Aksenova - Ballerina, Honored Artist of Russia. Good day.

E. Aksenova - Good afternoon.

S. Buntman - We congratulate you on all my heart. From all our listeners.

E. Aksenova - Thank you very much.

S. Buntman - even from those who surprised this anniversary.

E. Aksenova - Thank you.

S. Buntman - Tell me, please, how mom now perceives this date.

E. Aksenova - Wonderful, we started very well. Marina Timofeevna received ..., first of all, the telegram came from President Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. Then there were many telegrams and from the Bolshoi Theater, from students and friends. The phone does not silent. The apartment is all in colors. We are all in a wonderful mood. So so ...

E. Aksenova - not yet, but we are waiting for half a day just passed.

S. Buntman - horses will take, I think.

E. Aksenova - Of course.

S. Buntman - Because St. Petersburg is also very connected with St. Petersburg.

E. Aksenova - Yes. You know, and here today told me today, I knew, but in price, with the support of the Boris Foundation, Nikolayevich Yeltsin and with the participation of a friend and a student of Marina Timofeevna - Nikolai Fedorov, a album is created in which congratulations will be given, addressed to Marina Timofeevna with her anniversary and Her great contemporaries. And there will be a lot of letters, and Naina Josephovna Yeltsin, and Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, and Sergey Mikhalkov, and Maya Plisetskaya, and Boris Pokrovsky, and Oleg Tabakov, Ekaterina Maksimova, Vladimir Vasilyev, Vladimir Zeldin, Irina Antonova, Yuri Grigorovich. From abroad ... Beril Gray, John Mayer. Natalia Makarova and Tamara Sinyavskaya and Lavrovsky. That is, all do not list. There are dozens of letters and a very beautiful album, where "Hundred: Semenova, Bravo!"

S. Bunman - actually "Bravo" - the wonderful and most correct short word that can be said by artist in his anniversary.

O. Bychkova - Catherine Vsevolodovna, and how will the celebrations happen? What is the program there?

E. Aksenova - I, unfortunately, I know about this program from. I know that, in my opinion, 13-14-15 numbers in honor of Marina Timofeevna in the Bolshoi Theater will have performances. But, unfortunately, until I personally have spoken it for now. There will be the 15th Gala concert.

O. Bychkov - And in the family?

E. Aksenova - We will all our huge family, Marina Timofeevna twice grandmother, twice the great-grandmother, so much. And we will celebrate all this with your family.

O. Bychkov - And gifts?

E. Aksenova - Oh, gifts Uym. Different gifts. For us, the main gift is that she is in general health and loves us everyone, and the most important thing for us is her health and condition.

S. Buntman - and we wish the same.

E. Aksenova - And I still sorry that Marina Timofeevna, having learned that I will talk to you, asked through your radio station to thank all her congratulations on his birthday and be sure to give you directly thanks for attention and congratulations.

S. Buntman - Thank you. We once again congratulate our wishes the most sincere and hot.

O. Bychkov - We are proud of you.

E. Aksenova - Thank you very much for your attention. All the best.

The legendary ballerina Marina Semenova, the "most dancing ballerina of the century", as critics and fans called it, today left life. She was 101 year old. On the death of one of the main approx of Russian ballet of all time, the general director of the Bolshoi Theater Anatoly Iksanov was informed.

"A large theater, like the whole Russian ballet, grief. The legend has left, with which the best page of the history of the Bolshoi Theater is associated. Until the last minute, Marina Timofeevna Semenov remained Verne to the Bolshoi Theater, where he first shone as a prima-ballerina, then was the wisest and necessary teacher. In fact, by their existence itself, she defined the highest bar of the Russian ballet, "he said.

Maria Semenova danced in the Bolshoi Theater from 1930 to 1952. She served as a party in classic ballets, such as "Swan Lake", "Giselle", "Bayaderka", "Nutcracker". After that, Semenova taught in the Bolshoi Theater and the Moscow Choreographic School (now the Moscow State Academy of Choreography).

Among her students and students, many celebrities, including Maya Plisetskaya, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Rimma Karelskaya, Nina Timofeeva, Marina Kondratieva, Nina Ananiashvili, Natalia Nementnova, Nina Sorokina, Svetlana Adyrkhaeva, Lyudmila Semenyak, Natalia Kaskina, Galina Stepanenko, Nadezhda Pavlova.

short biography

Marina Semenova was born in Saint Petersburg in 1908. Since childhood, she attended a dance circle, then entered the Leningrad Choreographic School, which graduated in 1925. After graduating from the School for five years, she danced in Lenigrad on the scene of the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater.

In 1930, Ballerina moved to Moscow, where her twenty-two-year-old quarry began in the Bolshoi Theater. During this time, Semenova performed the parties in classic ballets, including in the ballet "Swan Lake" Tchaikovsky (Odetta-Odilage), "Giselle" (Adana), "Raymond" Glaseunova (Raymond), "Bayaderka" of the Ministry of Economics (Nikia), " Nutcracker "Tchaikovsky (Masha).

In 1935-1936 Semenova performed in the Paris National Opera - in Ballet "Giselle" and in concert programs. She also starred in the films "Concert-Waltz" (1941) and "Big Concert" (1951). Since 1952, Semenova was engaged in teaching work.

Personal life of the ballerina was not very successful. The first spouse was her teacher and named after Viktor Alexandrovich Semenov. She soon broke up with him. Then Semenova became the civil wife of the famous revolutionary and the diplomat of Lion Karakhan. In 1937 he was arrested, sentenced to the death penalty and on the same day shot. Semenova also has a daughter from the actor of Vsevolod Aksenov - Ekaterina Aksenova, in the past, too, the actress of the Bolshoi Theater ballet.