Sister Armen Dzhigarkhanyan confirmed that he was seriously sick. Sister Armen Dzhigarkhanyan told about the serious condition of the actor County Ashotovich Summary Brother Gigarhahanyan

Sister Armen Dzhigarkhanyan confirmed that he was seriously sick. Sister Armen Dzhigarkhanyan told about the serious condition of the actor County Ashotovich Summary Brother Gigarhahanyan
Sister Armen Dzhigarkhanyan confirmed that he was seriously sick. Sister Armen Dzhigarkhanyan told about the serious condition of the actor County Ashotovich Summary Brother Gigarhahanyan

In the second issue of the transfer "in fact" with Dmitry Shepelev, who is dedicated to the family conflict Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, invited guests and experts once again tried to figure out what happened between the famous actor and his wife's pianist Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

We will remind, the woman left Russia a few days ago, now she is in Georgia, her interests in Moscow represents Elina Mazur. During the program, the Sister Armen Borisovich Marina came to communicate with the studio of the talk show. A close relative said that he did not know friends who had recently been next to her brother and were not allowed to him in the theater of outsiders. According to a woman, Gigarkhanyan has another sister and nephews, ready to help the actor.

"We must understand that Armen Borisovich suffered two heart attacks and two strokes. After all, it is clear that at this age, changes in the brain begin, suspicion arises, emotional irritability, which, first of all, is sent to loved ones, the outbreaks of anger from him were very often. Once he closed in his office himself and several days refused to return to spend the night, "said the sister of Armen Borisovich.

According to Marina Gigarkhanyan, the actor is not going to divorce his wife for the first time. She is sure that it was the friends who set up a mature against a spouse in order to take possession of his theater. Arthur Soghomonyan and another friend do not give the actor to see the relatives. On the air of the talk-show, sister asked to return his brother into the family. The woman clarified that Vitalina believes, the pianist really loves Armen Borisovich. According to Marina, the day before the wedding as a sign of respect and gratitude, Gigarchhanyan rewrote the apartment to his wife.

"He was angry with her, she forgot everything. She told me: "Do not worry, I will never bother him." The worst thing is that both friends knew Vitalyna perfectly, so it is low and challenged what they did, "the close relative emphasized.

Then the transfer was invited by Nikas Safronov. The famous artist agreed with the sister of Gigarhahanyan, he told that Armen Borisovich and Vitalin were happy together.

"He adored her. This is the only person he loved, "Safronov shared.

The opinions of the participants of the current show were divided. Some argued that the legitimate spouse used Armen Borisovich for personal purposes, and friends saved a nationwide pet. However, the sister of the actor Marina and the representative of the Timbalyuk-Romanovskaya Ealina Mazur insist: Vitalin still loves Gigarhahanyan and he did not steal anything.

Yesterday it became known that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan fell into the hospital. The actor's sister clarified the situation, told about the conflict, which occurred during the deterioration of the well-being of Armen Borisovich. Now he is in the medical center under the supervision of doctors. Emergency hospitalization occurred last night. Marina Dzhigarkhanyan does not hide that the brother is very seriously sick.

Armen Dzhigarkhanian's sister Marina confirmed that her brother was seriously sick. The actor is under the supervision of doctors. For yesterday, he was hospitalized twice. There are health problems, and very serious, I did not hide a woman, explaining that the conflict came yesterday at a flat place.

First, the artist took the ambulance and took it to the hospital. There he had emergency assistance and delivered back to the theater. However, soon I had to send him to the hospital again. All this time, everyone was emotion, very nervous, explains Marina. The woman talked with the head physician of the hospital, where Armen Gigarkhanyan is now lying.

Now with the patient everything is in order, he is supervised by physicians. The problem was in high Sahara. In such a state, people are inadequate. After assistance, Armen Borisovich came to normal, assured her mother's sister. He did not give any statement to the police to his wife, as they write in the press.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife Vitalin // Photo: Social Networks

"It all started with the fact that friends came to Armen. Then brother became bad and taken to hospital. Armen's friends for some reason did not inform Vitaly. She was very nervous, because from our loved ones only Vitalin knows what Armen need medicines to take. Friends of Armen, who were taken to the hospital, was their understanding, as my brother to treat and how to live further, "- clarified Marina Dzhigarkhanyan.

Now they do not even be allowed to the artist, since he needs a complete peace. The spouse was very worried about her husband, the Marina stressed, and the evil tongues tried to just slander Vitaly. Meanwhile, only thanks to her thorough care, Armen Borisovich is still alive.

October 16, 2017.

The 82-year-old actor was hospitalized last Sunday. Also, some sources reported that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was abducted. The relative of the artist talked to journalists and clarified the situation.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan / Photo:

Last night, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was urgently hospitalized. A number of Telegram-channels also reported that the actor was abducted by his friends and his young Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was allegedly told about it. According to some reports, she wrote a statement to the police about the disappearance of her husband, and also it turned out that the missing artist himself wrote to Vitalyna. He said that allegedly the spouse makes attempts to get rid of him to take possession of journalists to communicate with the sister of Armen Marina, and she clarified the confusing situation.

She explained that her famous brother suffers from serious illnesses, as no longer young, and is now in the hospital. According to her, Dzhigarkhanyan took assistance to doctors, but then he returned to the theater again, and after some time he was again taken to the medical institution. "Just it was all on the nerves, everyone was emotional," Marina told. She also noted that, according to doctors, everything is fine with her brother, and earlier he felt bad, since he had an increased blood sugar. "Now he was assisted, so he is normal. Lies, treated, "says the relative of the actor.

She also admitted that the statement for Vitalina was not written by artist, but someone else. The woman assured that there are a number of people who like to participate in the family affairs of Dzhigarkhanyan. They sent the artist to the hospital, and did not report this to his wife, and she is the only person who knows which pills he needs to take. Sister Armen called it "disgrace" and noted that his friends could bring it in such an inadequate state anywhere and let sign up the favorite papers. She hinted that it was these mysterious "friends" that could write a statement to the police to Vitalin and let him sign on Jigarkhanyan, which due to increased sugar in the blood was unable to adequately respond to what was happening. Marina also noted that the spouse Armen did not really know, in which hospital he was taken away, and worried him very much. At the moment, the artist needs calm, and therefore it is not allowed to go to the chamber, the relative of the actor told the publication "

The state of health of the People's Artist of the USSR Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Doctors estimate as moderate severity. He fell into the hospital after another quarrel with his wife, which the artist accuses to theft. Ahead of them is waiting for a divorce and increased attention of the press.

The most important thing is now about the health of the great artist Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, you can not worry. He in the 57th hospital of the city of Moscow, carefully care for him, he does not need anything. Still, the artist is loved by millions. Even those who have not seen him on the stage know His roles in the cinema, among whom they simply do not have neuropric.

We contacted the sister of Armen Borisovich, she is famous art historian and founder of the Museum of Contemporary Art in St. Petersburg.

"Now with Armen, everything is well according to age. But what now everything is over, one God is known. So all the circle washed, and it is, including that now I don't know what will happen to him from the hospital," said Marina Dzhigarkhanyan.

By the way, it is warmly refer to the current spouse of the actor ,. What you can not say about those people theater, which came to the studio to Andrei Malakhov.

In their opinion, the story is old as the world. Young accompanist decided to take possession of the heart of the artist. The difference at the age of 44 did not frighten it. She achieved his own, the union was fixed in the registry office, then Vitalin was taken by the post of director of the Moscow Drama Theater under the leadership of Gigarkhana. Then the personnel permutations began, which Armen Borisovich was reported. And now they came to the studio just offended, who are not for loved by Vitalyna.

"During the performance, I was called in the hospital. I did not surprise me, I waited for such a turn, I knew that it would be so. She fed him with such products that it was impossible he was," said Margarita Cels, a former employee of the theater Under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

In a word, some believe that Vitalin, having received the leadership of the theater, and according to some data, having received the real estate that a husband unsubscribed to her began to intentionally bring a very healthy elderly person to a critical state. After that, the spouses quarreled, and the artist himself voluntarily went to the hospital, asking for a wife not to let him.

Thief, "Armen Dzhigarkhanyan said, People's Artist of the USSR.

The opinion of Vitaly and her loved ones is that Dzhigarkhanyan was taken to the hospital two men. The relationship between Armen Borisovich and the spouse is good, with whom it does not happen.

According to the girlfriend Vitaly. The Mazur, the spouses have an excellent relationship.

All spouses quarrel, but the stars are always close attitude. Discuss not only marriages with a big difference in age. Like the artist Ivan Krasko, but in general any marriages. And the appearance of Matra's wife in the theater as the head of the collective, the director is always a painful story. You can recall the late Yuri Lyubimov and a quarrel with the artists of the theater on the Taganka, who expressed claims to his wife Cataline.