Puppet performances in kindergarten. Scenario for younger group

Puppet performances in kindergarten. Scenario for younger group
Puppet performances in kindergarten. Scenario for younger group

In the music hall is shirma, decorated with autumn leaves and a house with a fence. To show fairy tales, dolls are used: hare, fox, bear, rooster.

Leading: Hello children! Let's see a fairy tale about how the bunny helped.

Sounds of calm music.

Leading:Standing in the field House, the house painted

And there lives a bunny-Zainka oblique.

A bunny appears from the house.

Leading: Here he is Zainkin Domishko

(Shows the house)

Well in it to live a bunny!

Safe and warm, sun looks out the window.

Winter chips carrots, shuttle with capping cooks

Lives a bunny, does not bored, and friends he waits!

Leading: But ... Once upon a time, heard about the bunny house Lisa.

Guys, see, and she.

Fox appears for lively music.

Leading:Suddenly from the forest straight Lynoka runs,

His paws warms them, they move.

Runs, spinning, turn the tail,

And on the taunie, the house in all his eyes looks.

A fox: Oh, what a beautiful lodge painted!

I would get it, if not oblique.

It is necessary to drive a hare and what to wait here!

Leading: ... And the fox became a hare to drive out (pushes it).

... poor bunny crying, tears sacks ...

... Suddenly, from the forest right, the bear sticks to him.

There is a bear under musical accompaniment.

Bear:What are you crying crying? Who hurt you?

I did not see anyone in the forest with green.

Hare: How don't I cry, tear do not pour

There is no house now. Where will I live?!

Bear: Hare do not worry, it's better to meet a rooster!

A rooster appears under musical accompaniment.

Cock: Something bunny is sad, I hung low low.

Bear: Petya, where is your braid? The hare drove fox!

Cock: The hare drove a fox ???

You do not be afraid of a bunny, we will ride

Bear: In the house there is a beautiful life of your life.

Leading: And friends headed, Lysita loudly saying:

Cock: Leave, soon fox! Where is my braid?

Bear: Go away, Fox from the road, I will give you my feet!

A fox: (coqueturily) oh! Do not beasts. Drak. I will give you a house and so.

I will not do so more.

Good, affectionate, I will.

I promise all beasts.

Bear: Okay, Lynonya, forgive. Yes myself - then do not be angry,

Better Better. (Fox bow).

Hare: (joyful):Have fun we will live! Hooray!

Bear: We will be friends tight.

A fox: We will invite everyone to visit.

Cock: No one forbid.

Music sounds, animals dance.

Leading: And here and fairy tale the end - and who listened to well done!

Title: Scenario of the Puppet Theater "The fairy tale about how friends - the beasts helped the hare"

Position: Music Manager, 1 Qualification Category
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten № 102"
Location: Yaroslavl, ul. Saltykova-Shchedrin, d.29


1) Talentes (2 heel)

4) Momens

5) Frog

7) Bear


1) on the forest clearing the mirror was lying,

No one, friends, do not know who belonged to.

2) The sun shone, the birds were poured.

In the mirror, only the clouds modestly reflected ...

1) It was quietly quietly on the forest clearing.

Suddenly, where neither take, appeared Bunny


Jump Yes IC, jump yes IC.

Here is the pennies, but - the steers.

I am a bunny gray tail,

I go to a guest's mouse.

Oh, shines there, in the grass something ... (surprised)

Scary ... See Hunting! (whisper)

Suddenly there is a miracle treasure?!

I will find a find!

(approaching the mirror carefully, touches his paw)

What is this subject?

Smells? (sniffing) - Not!

Biting? (touches his paw) - Not! (Looks at the mirror)

Oh yes it my portrait!

Talener 1st:

On a high tree, a squirrel sat,

Climbed nuts, looked around.

Zaita on the clearing squirrel saw,

That I found there a bunny, she was wondering.

About your battle nuts forgot

Jumping a moment from the tree, hurried to the bunny.


(Looking over the shoulder of the hare)

Bunny, give you to see!

What did you find?

Bunny (proudly):

Your portrait!


(looks in the mirror, sees his reflection and says indignantly)

How to lie not ashamed?!

I'm sad to tears now!

My spout, eyes and ears ... ( admire)

Oh, what I am a cut!

Is it a hare?! Not!

Drawn my portrait!

(The hare looks back in the mirror and sees himself, indignantly)


Squirrel, you confuse something!

Here the artist worked!

Ears long, mustache ...

And what kind of beauty eyes!

What I'm good! My portrait!

And you all lie!

Talener 2nd:

Hare with protein noise raised,

Loud argued, shouted.

"My portrait! "No, my portrait!"

And the end of that quarrel is not.

The noise of mouse sick,

Poleyanka came running.


Hello, friends! ( refers to animals, but those do not hear it)

Hello ! (already screaming loudly)What noise, but no fights?!


I'm to you, a mouse, went,

His portrait Found in the grass.


You do not listen to him, no!

There was in the grass was my portrait!

Well, a mouse, see!

What do you see?! Speak!

(shows him the mirror)


Are you in your mind guys?!

You have a bad look!

it my portrait, friends!

(Considers herself)

Ears ... eyes ...

Exactly - I!

Talener 1st:

The noise heard the Hedgehog

I wanted to take a look too,

What kind of dispute lead animals

On the gland from the edge.


Tuff shoes shoes.

What kind of noise in our forest?


I walked to visit my face

His portrait Found in the grass.


He is lying all, it is not true.

There is no portrait there.


I want to see, too.

(looks in the mirror)

On the picture of this ... Hedgehog! ( admiring)

Spiky on the fur coat wears only hedgehog.

Oh, how in portrait I am good!


Yes what is happening, let me answer

I am in the portrait or there I do not?


My portrait there!


There is my portrait!

Talener 2nd:

And they have no conventional again.

Screaming, noisy, swear,

And loudly call.

Talener 1st:

The noise heard a frog

Cheerful cuckoo!

At the glade hurried,

In the dispute, Tom decided to help.


Kva-kva-kva! Kva-kva-kva!

Give me a look first!

I'll see the picture

Immediately I will define

Who is there, who is not there ... (Looks at the mirror)

KVA! Yes this my portrait!


How?! Where?!

No no no!

On the painting my portrait! (All the beasts speak together)

Talener 2nd:

Beasts argue and shout

Do not want to grow up.

In a srangian from Citz,

Redhead rushing fox.

A fox:

What happened? What's that noise?

Need here my cunning mind!

Although I don't care about you,

I understand portraits.

Well, let me take a look! (looks into the mirror)

Ah! It is clear what's the point here!

It's not a secret at all

What is me beautiful.

In the picture of this beautiful

I am drew! Clear?

All animals:

Not! Not! Not! Guys! Not!

On the painting my portrait!

Talener 1st:

Again the beasts are loudly arguing,

And noise, and tarators.

Do not want to make

Everyone shouts every friend.

Handsree that noise bear

And decided to see himself,

What is going on there

Can the force come in handy?


What the cry is here, noise and gaps?

I'll figure it out now!


I went to visit a mouse

His portrait Found in the grass!


This is all some nonsense!

There was in the grass was my portrait!

A fox:

Dear bear!

There is no strength to endure!

No doubt no

In what was there my portrait! (All the animals together)

(The bear takes the mirror, looks at him, then begins to laugh loud)


Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Your disputes - nonsense!

No one of you here (shows on the mirror) not

Here I see your portrait!

What darkened, do not shout?

Do you want to argue with me?!

Well, mouse, come,

On my portrait of my loyalty!

I got out!

(Momens looks in the mirror, sees himself next to the bear, surprised)


Oh, and I found himself here!

(The squirrel jumps the bear on the shoulder and looks into the mirror)


Oh, look, friends!

In the picture there are me!

(The hare runs up to the rest and looks into the mirror)

Frog(looks surprise in the mirror):

How did it happen

What are we all found here?!

Look how many of us!

Not a picture - just class!


In the picture there are me!


So miracles, friends!

(Fits fox)

A fox:

Oh, and I also have here!

Good! Eye does not hide!


Yes, wonderful our portrait!

Only the magic is not here!

(Beasts are overbound and indignantly exclaim:

"How no magic?! Can not be!")

I will explain now for you,

This is a mirror, friends!

Look into it any

And you will see your portrait.

Talener 2nd:

People know this subject

already many hundred years.

In ancient Greece and Rome

mirrors were worn with them.

Molded Metal Forms

or expensive alloy.

Talener 1st:

And in Venice far

as a foundation took a glass.

On glass - layer of silver,

that's almost all things.

A fox:

There are you, and that's me,

Let's look at yourself.

All that mirror carry

It will be reflected immediately in it.


Mirror - useful item,

Very necessary, interesting.


In the morning I will not be lazy early

Stand, I wake, tested

In the mirror then look.

And, of course, smile.

Mirror will not lie

The truth can show.


If there were no mirrors,

who would tell us about that

how time changes us

every day and every hour?

And most importantly, guys, so that our reflection

Always truthful was and worthy of respectfulness.

A puppet play is a theatrical action in which the physical component is performed by the dolls, which are managed and for which actors-docks are said. This kind of art has existed many centuries and remains loved by both children and adults.

The significance of puppet performances in the life of children

It is very important to drive children to the theater, since it has a great educational value. But many kids are afraid of fabulous heroes when actors are played on stage. At the same time, they are not afraid of the actors-dolls, as they are small and similar to toys that kids love to play. Therefore, the best option will be the puppet scenario must correspond to the age of the spectators to be them understood.

Performances with the participation of dolls give the kids a good mood and many impressions, develop their abilities, bring up their emotionality. Children see the relationship between heroes that show them what you need and do not need to be. Characters are examples of kindness, love for loved ones and to their homeland, real friendship, hardworking, desire for the fulfillment of the dream ...

Puppet performances for children have very important meaningful importance. The scenario of presentation in the performance of dolls is close to the child. Children experience delight when they see puppet performances. In their eyes there are magic - the dolls come to life, moving, dance, talk, cry and laugh, turn into something or someone.

To write a good, interesting scenario of children's puppet performances, you need to know for which audience it will be shown: for ordinary children or for a specific viewer, where not everyone can show. In some cases it is necessary to demonstrate something specific.

When the script theme is defined, you need to choose the main character (it must be positive) and its antagonist, that is, a negative character who will create difficulties for him. The appearance of dolls must comply with their characters.

When the characters are defined, you need to consider the plot: what will happen to the heroes and where. The puppet performance should be instructive and at the same time it is desirable the presence of humorous details. Better if the dialogs are not too long. The performance should have more action than text. Long dialogues will be tedious for small audience. The most important thing is to write an interesting and understandable script.

Selection of plot

This must be pushed first. Choose the plot for which the script will be written a doll performance, it is necessary, based on the age of children who will watch it. Kids, for example, 3 years will be difficult to perceive what is intended for children of 8 years.

The puppet play for preschoolers will be interesting and understandable if his scenario will be written on one of such fairy tales as "bangs", "repka", "teremok", "Ryabina", "Three Bear" and so on. These plots are familiar with the kids from the early childhood. Puppet performances for children are more appropriate to put on such fairy tales as "Konon-Gorboon", "Adventures of Buratino", "Ali-Baba and 40 Robbers", "Vini-Pooh", "Cinderella", "Thumbelina", "Cat in Boots" , Mowgli, Gullier Travel, Blue Bird and others. Scenarios for these works are ideal for viewers from 6 to 12 years. Puppet performances for children should be bright, memorable to the small spectators, they cause as much as possible and left a lot of impressions.

Script composition

(as well as any other) are built according to the scheme:

  • tie;
  • development of action;
  • culmination;
  • junction.

The tie is the very beginning of the whole performance. It is necessary to familiarize the viewer with the actors, with the place of action and with the fact that the event began, which will be told.

The development of action is a gradual transition from tied to climax.

Culmination is the main point in the performance, serves as a transition to the junction. He is the most tense and significant in the plot, the outcome of the play is largely dependent.

An interchange is a step on which the action is completed, the results are summarized. This is a peculiar result of the previous components of the entire plot.

"Masha and Bear"

This article presents an exemplary scenario of a puppet play for children as a basis, a fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" is taken. Children's puppet play on this Russian folk work will meet all the requirements for which the plot should be built. There is a positive home heroine (Masha) and a negative character - a bear who creates difficulties for the girl. In this fairy tale there are merry and instructive moments.


The scenario of the puppet play on the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" involves the involvement in the presentation of the following characters:

  • Masha;
  • bear;
  • grandma Masha;
  • her grandfather;
  • girlfriend Masha;
  • Dog.


The puppet play "Masha and the Bear" begins with the fact that the girlfriend invites Masha to go to the forest for mushrooms.

Decorations depict where the main character lives with his grandparents. The forest can be seen. Masha's house is suitable for her girlfriend with a basket in his hands and knocks on the window.

Girlfriend: Masha, wake up rather, and then all the mushrooms do not care! Stop sleeping, the roots were sang.

At this time, the brush's car looks out of the window.

Grandmother: Not shumi, but you will wake! I won't let my granddaughter in the forest, there is a bear there.

Masha comes out of the house with a basket. Grandma comes out after her and trying not to let her go into the forest.

Masha: Grandma, let me go to the forest on the mushrooms, please!

Girlfriend: It is necessary to hurry, and then the sun is already high, and go far to the forest. We score subberezovikov, chanterelles and strawberries.

Masha: Let me go, grandmother.

The grandfather appears in the house window.

Grandfather: Okay you, grandmother, let go of Masha in the forest! There has been no bear for a long time and there is no mesmer, his Fedot shot.

Grandmother: It is good to. Only here Fedot is yours.

Masha: Grandma, well, let me go to the forest for mushrooms and berries!

Grandma: Okay, granddaughter, go, but look, do not get lost and go back to darkness.

Masha with a girlfriend went to the forest, and grandfather with a grandmother - to the house.

Development of action

Puppet performance (its action) is transferred to the forest. Masha with a girlfriend collect mushrooms and berries. While walking through the forest, sing a song.

Masha (Seeing the mushroom, runs forward): Oh, I found mushrooms.

Girlfriend: Do not run away from me and do not fall behind, but you will get lost!

Masha: And here is another mushroom.

She runs away for the trees and it is no longer visible for them, only her voice hears her.

Masha: How much is a naughty, chanterelles. Oh, there are also berries. Strawberry, blueberry, lingonberry.

A girlfriend finds a mushroom, tears it and puts into his basket. After that, looks around.

Girlfriend: Masha, where are you? AU! Remember! Return! Probably drank Masha. Already darkest, it's time for me to go home.

Girlfriend breaks up a few more fungi, then returns to the village.


Masha walks through the forest with a full basket of mushrooms. She goes to the edge, where there is a bearish hut.

Masha: My girlfriend, ay! Remember! I'm here! Where are you? But someone's hut, ask for someone who lives in it, take us home.

She knocks on the door and her bear opens. He grabs her and pulls into his house.

Bear: Come in, once came. Will you stay with me! You will turn the furnace to drown, make order, crimson bars, cookies, cook and porridge manna, and otherwise I'll eat you.

Masha (crying): I can't stay here! My grandparents are waiting for me, crying. Who can they cook dinner without me?

Bear: You need me in the farm! You will live with me, and you can cook lunch and here, and I will attract them.

The next picture represents a village house, from which the brush and grandfather cars are published, they go to the forest in search of their granddaughter.

Grandmother: I told her so that she did not go to the forest, and you: "Go, go." And my heart chuckled. And where now to look for us our granddaughter?

Grandpa: What about me? You let her herself go to the forest! Who knew that she was touched to darkness ...

Grandmother: Granddaughter, where are you? AU! What if a bear ate her? Where are you, Masha?

Been from the tree is shown a bear. He comes out to Grandma with grandfather.

Bear: What have you sniffed here? You prevent me from sleeping!

Grandma and Grandpa are scared and run away.

Bear: Well, fine! There is nothing to walk in my forest!

Bear leaves her hut.


Morning came. The bear comes out of the hut. Behind him follows Masha and carries a large box.

Bear: Where are you going? What in the box you have?

Masha: I baked patties with raspberries and blueberries for grandparents! They will be glad.

Bear: Do you want to escape from me? I do not figure it out! I'm smarter in the forest! I will assume your cakes to them.

Masha: Well, take away. Only here I am afraid that all the pie you eat yourself on the way. I then climb on Posina and from there I will follow you to watch you the box do not open and did not eat anything.

Bear: I'm not deceiving you.

Masha: Bring me a firewood, so that I porridge cooks to you while you go to my grandmother and grandfather.

The bear is leaving for firewood. Girl at this time hiding in the box. Soon the bear returns, brings firewood, boils the box and goes to the village, singing a song.

Bear: Oh, something I'm tired. Sadu-ka on Poturna and eat a pobe!

Masha: (leaning out of the box): I sit high, I look far away! Do not sit on Poto and my patties do not eat! Take their grandparents with grandparents.

Bear: That's what's the eye what.

The forest ends, the bear is already in the village. He comes to the house of Masha and knocks. A dog runs up to it and throws out. The bear throws a box and runs to his forest. Grandma with grandfather opens the box, and from there jumps out Masha. They rejoice that granddaughter returned, hug her and lead to the house.

The script of the puppet play "Masha and the Bear" is designed for children from 2 to 6 years.

Vera Balanovskaya

Hello colleagues!

On the eve of the celebration of the International Day of the theater, I decided to try 2 ml with my children. Groups teach a small scene by roles and show the children of another group. I connected the preparatory group so that they show us a puppet theater on a familiar fairy tale. Wrote a script (thanks to the Internet) and got entertainment. For the first time, the children were even very good. And most importantly - all, and artists, and the audience, were delighted.

entertainment "Visiting Parsley" for children 2nd ml. and preparatory gr.

Purpose: the creation of a relaxed joyful atmosphere, the desire to speak in front of the children of the kindergarten.

Equipment: Shirma, Costfall Puppet Theater (Kolobok Fairy Tale, Gus Puppet Dolls, Decoration to Scene "Baikina Name Day": Table, Tableware, Consideration, 3 Stools, House for Heroes: Tuesuck "Honey", basket with cones , Bunch with fish.)

Children enter the hall to the music, "buy" tickets and are seated to the places.

Dear friends, I am very glad to see you. Today we are going to note a significant day - International Theater Day!

What is theater? (children's responses).

Theater is actors and viewers, scene, costumes, scenery, applause and, of course, interesting fairy tales. The word "theater" Greek. It means and place where the spectacle (performance) occurs, and the spectacle itself. Theatrical art has arisen a long time, more than two and a half thousand years ago.

In the ancient Greece, the perceptions went sometimes for several days. Spectators came to them, stroking the products. Huge crowds of people were dismissed on elevations, and the acting itself occurred in the arena located directly on the grass.

On March 27, a holiday was held in ancient Greece in honor of the god of Dionysus Winemaking. He was accompanied by processions and fun, there were many muddles. And since 1961, this day, March 27, began to celebrate worldwide as the international day of the theater.

Sound fanfares. Merry melody. Parsley appears on Shirma.


Hello guys! Y-U-y! How many of you: once, two, three ... ten, fifty.

Let's get acquainted! My name is. Forgot ... Frog? Not!. Toy ... No! Hand?. Maybe you remember my name?

Children: - Parsley, Parsley!


I am a parsley - a fair toy!

On the road grew, in the cities of Hajales,

Yes, all people, visiting guests, pleased!

To whom the fairy tale will tell who two

And who will tell me himself.

And I'll come up with everybirth yes,

And then you will beat her!

Dear viewers!

View to see if you do not want?

What then do not put your feet, do not shout, do not chlo?

(Spectator applause sound)

And if you have time to have fun,

Sing, dance and wonder

I will meet everyone without problems

I'm glad on holiday I am!

We will play together,

To bored out to run!

Offers children to play with him.

The game "How do you live?"

The lead is asking a question, and the hall responds to him by performing the corresponding movement:

How are you? - Like this! - Fist forward, thumb up.

How are you going? - Like this! - Movement, imitating walking.

How do you run? - Like this! - Running on the spot.

Do you sleep at night? - This is how the palms under the cheek.

How do you get up? - So - get up from the chairs, hands up, stretch.

And silent? - This is how - the finger of the mouth.

And shout? - That's it - everything shouts loudly and put your feet.

Gradually, the pace can be accelerated.

The game "Nose-floor ceiling."

The lead calls in a different order of words: nose, floor, ceiling and makes the appropriate movements: adhesions with a finger to the nose, shows it in the ceiling and to the floor. Children repeat movement. Then the presenter begins to confuse children: continues to pronounce words, and move the movements correctly, it is incorrectly (for example, with the word "nose" shows a ceiling, etc.). Children should not be knocked out and showing correctly.


Dear viewers! We start the presentation! Today we will see three performances. Get ready to watch yes listen carefully.

And now our guest has real small artists - meet!

(Speech of children 2 ml. Gr.) "Scene" Baikina Name Day "

Music sounds with bird singing.

Host: on the edge on the forest

Vidded the house painted.

He is not Belkin, he is not Mishkin

This house-house bunny

(Music sounds and bunny appears)

Bunny: I have a birthday,

There will be dancing, treat!

On the door of the door

I will wait for my guests.

Host: The first friend appeared

Brown Mishenka -Mishuk!

(music sounds, bear goes)

Bear: Happy Birthday Cute Bunny!

What I brought - Guess?

Honey fragrant golden

Delicious and thick

(serves a bunny barrel)

Bunny: Thank you! I am glad!

Not a gift, just treasure!

(treats the bear with tea, music sounds, squirrel appears)

Host: Protein Pumping Skaled,

About the taikin festival assisted.

Protein: Hello, Zainka-Boyful,

Look at what a bump!

And nuts are good!

Congratulations on the soul!

(gives the hotels bunny)

Bunny: Thank you! Havory

I am fragrant tea

(serves protein tea at the table)

Host: Now herself,

Fox - Surgery Kuma!

(Lisa appears to the music)

Fox: Well, friend, Meet Fox

Fish is a delicious carry.

For you and for friends

Caught karai!

(takes a bundle of fish hare)

Bunny: You guessed fox

Fish is also useful!

Host: Glad the owner, guests are glad!

Foreign forest people!

Sing, all need to be dug!

Beasts choir: We start dance!

Beasts come out in front of the audience:

Ai-yes Zaikin Day Birth!

What a miracle treat!

We came to visit a bunny

And gifts brought

Horror we started

Ai, Luli, Ah, Luli!

Having fun with our bunny

Bailed to our!

For him we sing and dance,

Boyko dance.

We came to visit a bunny

Horror we started

Ai, Luli, Ah, Luli!

Host: We all congratulate the hare,

We wish you happiness.

Bunny: Thank you for treating,

Thanks for congratulations!

Merry melody sounds. Beasts are driving round, dance. Bow out.


Ah, yes kids.

Pleased, surprised -

And loud applause


Do you love guys, puppet theater? Do you like tales? What fairy tales do you know?

(Children's responses)


ABOUT! Yes, you are real connoisseurs of fabulous art.

And the next number of our program will be a fairy tale ... Guess at first:

From flour, sour cream

In the hot stove was a liver.

On the window he was lying

Yes, I ran away from the house.

He is a ruven and round

Who is it? (Kolobok)

Then look and listen to the fairy tale!

(Children of the preparatory group show the fairy tale "Kolobok" (Costatic Theater)


Our future schoolchildren

Talents are extremely.

So for you tried -

Praise them desperately! Bravo!

Parsley: (refers to the lead)

What is it in your chest?

Presenter: And these are dolls - "puppets".

Parsley: Why does this doll have such a strange name?

Leading: These toys have long come up with distant Italy long ago.

"Mariona" is a little Mary in Italian - so they called at that time of funny dolls.

And so that this doll came to know, let's say magic words with me together:

"Ding-Don, Ding-Don,

Under a cheerful chime

Our doll will come to know

Dance start! "

Theatrical game "Gus on a walk" (dolls - puppets)

(Show adults)

I am a beautiful goose! I am proud of myself! (White goose is important pulls the neck)

On the beauty of the goose everything I watch, I do not see! (Turn to the geese)

Ga-ga-ha, ga-ga, let's go to walk in the meadow! (Bows towards goose)

(R. N. Melody "Oh, Flowers Kalina", Patterns sing)

1. Go to the walking geese (go in a circle, slapped legs)

And our geese is singing. (Went around the circle, turned to viewers)

Once and two! (Bounces white goose)

Once and two! (Jershits gray goose)

Ga-ga-ha! Ga-ga-ha! Ga-ga-ha! Ga-ga-ha! (Bounce two at the same time)

Here are what geese: remove geese! (Slapped with legs, circling)

2. Here is a guys geese drink, keyman lowered. (Head slopes forward)

And look around themselves, nodes nod. (Turns around yourself)

Chorus: the same.

3. Go to the gours go to walk (go in a circle, slapped legs)

All readings are singing our geese. (Went around the circle, turned to viewers)

Chorus: the same

That ended our entertainment. Did you like in our theater?

I feel sorry to part with you,

We will be very bored,

Promise the same guys

We do not forget us with parsley!


For diligence and talent

You, our young artists,

Over the thunder applause

And ringing laughter

We want to reward everyone!

(Hands children sweet prizes and souvenirs)

(Merry melody sounds. Parsley says goodbye to children.)

Thanks for attention! I will be glad if anyone likes the material.

Puppet play "Katya and Fox" for children of junior preschool age

Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna Music Head of GDDOU Kindergarten №4 Krasnoselsky District Sankt-Petersburg
Work description: I bring to your attention a scenario of a puppet play for children of junior preschool age with the addition of musical, gaming and logo exercises. This development can be used by musical leaders and support teachers.
Subject: "Puppet show"
Leading educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development.
Purpose:the theater reveals the spiritual and creative potential of the child and gives the real opportunity to adapt in the social environment.
- consolidate knowledge about the world of nature and animals
- encourage children to actively participate in the action of the performance;
- consolidate the skills and ability to closely monitor the plot, competing presentation heroes;
- develop musical, dance, singing abilities of children;
Activities: Communicative, game, musical.
Participants: Children of the youngest and medium groups, music leader, educators
Preliminary work:
- selection of the musical repertoire;
- learning the text of the play on roles with educators
- Heading songs

Puppet play "Katya and Fox"

Necessary toys: Katya, Fox, Grandma, Bear, Wolf, Hedgehog, girlfriends (several dolls, fastened together)

In the courtyard - Katenka sighs loudly.
Katya: Hello guys! What a bright sun shines, let's drink him a song.

Song "Sunny"
And won and my grandmother goes.
GRANDMOTHER:Katenka, granddaughter, what do you sigh? Look, summer in the yard! Trees, flowers around all multicolored, but in the air the butterflies are circling - Ploy!

KATYA: Bored me, grandmother. Yesterday the wreath of flowerflocks did, he played in the sand. And now boring ...
The girlfriend appears.
Girlfriend:Katya, went to the forest on the mushrooms!
KATYA: Grandma, can I go with girlfriends in the forest on the mushrooms?
GRANDMOTHER: Oh, I'm afraid I let you go. Light! Borrow!
KATYA: Will not get worn! I know the magic word, what to scream to scream to keep up with girlfriends
Leading: Guys, what is this word screaming in the forest to lose each other? (children answer) Right, ay! Let's all the choir cry!

KATYA: I also know how to "AU", so I will not get worn!
GRANDMOTHER:Well, then go! Only from the girlfriends do not leave, and not that will be lost!
All disappear than the screen
Leading:And we now guess what grows in the forest.
1. What is this maiden?

Not seamstress, not master.
Herself does not sew anything
But in needles all year round. (Christmas tree)
2. Here is the favorite Rus -
All and everyone ask.
Titlebany Beauty
Decorates forests to us. (Birch)
3. She dies under autumn
And again the spring comes to life.
Green needle will be released,
Grows, blooms all summer. Cows without her - trouble:
She is their main food. (Grass)
4. Berry to ride easily -
After all, it grows low.
Under the punch leaves -
There matured ... (strawberries)
5. These berries, everyone knows
We replace medicine.
If you are sick anneas,
Drink tea with ... (Malina)
6. And on the hill, and under the slide,
Under the birch, yes under the Christmas tree,
Dance and row
In the Hats are great. (mushrooms)
And what mushrooms do you know?
KATYA: Here is a fungus, kindergarten ... and there again. Wave, and here is the white mushroom - the king of mushrooms ... So the full basket typed! It's time to go home, please my grandmother.
And where are my girlfriends? AU! AU! Oh, do not respond ... ay! AU! Oh, do not respond! Know, I got lost. What to do now? Where to go? ... (crying) . Oh, scary to me! Soon the night will come, in the forest, the Forests will wake up. What if they offended me!
(Bear appears)

BEAR:Oh, a girl on a tree sits and crying! What are you crying, girl, what are you crying, honey!
KATYA: I grew up at grandparents, my favorite granddaughter Katyushenka. I went with girlfriends in the forest, yes from them behind, and my girlfriends threw me in the forest ... I want to go home!
KATYA: No, I'm afraid you eat me!
BEAR: Well, then I crawl you, and you guys help me.
Song "Bear Kosolapiy"
BEAR:Guys, let's catch a wolf. (goes out)
(Wolf appears)

WOLF: I am a wolf top, gray barrel! Who is crying here?
KATYA:I grew up at my grandmother's favorite granddaughter Katyushenka. I went with my girlfriends to the forest, but from them lagging behind, and my girlfriends threw me in the forest. I want home!
WOLF: So sit on my back, I will take you home to my grandmother!
KATYA: No, I'm afraid you eat me!
WOLF: Well, then I'm with you and the guys dangling.
Dance game "Da-yes-yes"
(Wolf leaves)
KATYA:AU-AU! Who will help me? It is necessary to call the hedgehog.
(Hedgehog appears)

HEDGEHOG: Who is crying here, who complains?
KATYA:I complain, Katyushenka. I went with girlfriends in the forest, yes from them behind, and my girlfriends threw me in the forest ... I want to go home!
HEDGEHOG: So I'll take you home!
KATYA: No, I do not tear, you're prickly, still prick me!
HEDGEHOG: Well, I'm sorry then I'll go further. (goes out)
Leading:All you have driven, Katya. Bear assistance offered - refused, wolf - frightened, Hedgehog was driven. How do you go home now?
KATYA:AU-AU! AU-AU! Who will help me?
Leading: And who else lives in the forest?
(Lisa comes out)

A FOX:I am a chanterelle sister, who is it crying on the whole forest? Who complains here? (notes Katya) Hello, girl! What are you crying so bitterly, almost the lake applied!
KATYA: Hello, chanterelle, I'll tell you now. I grew up at my grandmother's favorite granddaughter Katyushenka. I went with girlfriends in the forest, yes from them behind, and my girlfriends threw me in the forest ... I want to go home!
A FOX: So give me a hand, I'll take you home to my grandmother!
KATYA: Come on, chanterelle! I'm not afraid you, you are kind!
A FOX: That's your house! Let's say! Knock Knock! Open, I brought your granddaughter Katya!
Leading:And we will help Katya knock.
Game-exercise "Stukalka"
GRANDMOTHER(comes out of the house): Oh, Katya! How good that you came, I was so worried. Your girlfriends came running and say: "We lost in the forest Katenka, Auuca, Auuca, and she does not respond."
Katya: I lost my grandmother. Different animals were offered to me. The bear offered, but I did not go with him, Bear is big and terrible. Wolf assisted, I also did not go - the wolf toothy. And hedgehog assist suggested, yes, I also walked with him, he is spiny. But I believed a dead sister. I showed me a dog home showed.

GRANDMOTHER:Thank you, chanterelle, I do not know what you, dear treat, than you, cute, feed!
A FOX:I don't need anything to me! I'm not good and just helped!
GRANDMOTHER: I know! I know what to thank you! (Grandma leaves, returns with a handkerchief). Here you have a present, handkerchiefs painted!

A FOX:Thank you, I will not refuse the header! I'm dangling, and you praise me.
Goodbye, Katya! Goodbye grandma!
Fox leaves, Grandma and Katya are marashe, shout: "Goodbye, come to visit!"