Music dictionary with word values. Musical terms in musical education of children

Music dictionary with word values. Musical terms in musical education of children
Music dictionary with word values. Musical terms in musical education of children

Musical Dictionary

ACCENT - Allocation, emphasising of a separate sound or chord by its dynamic gain.

ACCOMPANIMENT - accompaniment to the melody performed by voice or on a musical instrument.

ALTO - String, bow tool, just below the sound of the violin.Alto - Low female voice.

ARIA - in the literal translation from Italian-and. It is found in the opera, operetta, oratoria, Cantate.

HARP - String pinching tool.

BALALAIKA - Russian folk string pinch tool.

DRUM - This is a very ancient shock tool.

Ballet - this is musical performance. In it, all heroes are dancing accompanied by an orchestra. BALLET - This is a musical performance, in which the main actors of the ballet their feelings, experiences, emotions and actions are expressed by means of facial expressions and dance movements.

Barcarol - Song on the water. Song of the boatman in Venice.

Belkanto - Born this style of vocal singing in Italy. Translated the word indicates "excellent singing".

ACCORDION - This is a kind of harmony. The tool was received by the instrument named the legendary Old Russian singer Bayan.

Epics - One of the most ancient genres of Russian song folklore. Folk singers followed the epics under the accompaniment of Husley, Naraspov.

FRENCH HORN - Copper brake tool for sound just below the pipe. Translated from German means - Forest Horn.

WALTZ - The name of the ball dance, especially popular both in Europe and in Russia in the 19th century.

Variations - Means the change. there is musical form Variations A1 A2 A3 A4 ...

CELLO - String, Bed tool, low sound.

Vocaliz - Works for singing without words. The word does a vowel sound singing.

HARMONY - The sequence of chords together with the melody.

ANTHEM - Solemn song, adopted as a symbol of the state.

GUITAR - stringed instrument. Motherland Spain. There are six-string and seven-string.

Gusli. - Vintage Russian folk pin musical instrument.

RANGE - This is the distance from the lowest sound, which can publish a voice or a musical instrument, to the highest.

DYNAMICS - Sound power.

CONDUCTOR - Head of orchestra or choir.

GENRE - The word relating directly to the art means its type, genus, view.

Singe - Part of the song. The words of the spa usually do not change, but remain the same

Satisfied - The man who begins the song.


JAZZ - Music genre, appeared in the 20th century in America. His first creators are blacks. Peculiarity of jazz that performers compose music during the speech itself, improvise on various tools. Jazz has favorite melodies:Spirichuel, blues.

RANGE - The distance from the lowest sound tool or voice to the highest.

DYNAMICS - means of musical expressiveness. Sound power.

DUET - ensemble of two performers.

INTONATION - Melodic turnover, small in length, but having an independent value.

EXECUTOR - This is a musician executing musical composition voice or on the instrument.

IMPROVISATION - Writing music during its execution.

CANTATA - This is a large vocal and tool product consisting of several parts. It is usually performed in concert Hall Choir, orchestra and solo singers.

QUARTET - Ensemble of four performers.

QUINTET - Ensemble of five performers.


KEYBOARD - Family of black and white keys.

Conservatory - Higher music school in which musicians, future performers and composers, receiving certain knowledge, are improving in their skills.

Double bass - String, Bed tool The lowest sound from this group.

CONCERT - a virtuoso product for a soling tool accompanied by an orchestra.

COMPOSITION - kind of artistic creativity, writing music.

CONCERT - The word denotes "compete." Performing a concert, soloist as it competes with the orchestra.

LULLABY - This is a smooth song of a quiet character, which mom peers, telling her baby.

COUNTRY DANCE - Translated from English - rural dance.

Covers - The section of the songs in which words are changing.

XYLOPHONE - Impact tool, translated from the Greek means "sounding tree". It consists of wooden bars, which are played with two wooden chopsticks.

LAD - means the relationship of sounds among themselves, their consistency. Lada Music: Major, Minor, Variable.

LEGATO - Barcode characteristic of a smooth game.

Litavra - Tool Member of the Symphony Orchestra, Impact Tool. He has a height of sound, unlike other drums.

Lira vintage instrument, predecessor guitar.

LUTE - an old tool.

MAZURKA - Ancient Polish dance, who conquered kings and noble nobles, and also sounded on rural holidays.

MELODY - "Soul of Music", one-headed expressed musical thought.

MINUET - Vintage French dance.

MINIATURE - Small play.

Musical image- generalized reflection in the musical work of the inner world of a person, its perception of the environment. The musical image can be lyrical, dramatic, tragic, epic, comedy, lyrical, dramatic, heroic, etc.

MUSICIAN - A person who is professionally dealing with any kind of musical activity: writing music, game on any tool, singing, conducting, etc.

MUSICAL - An entertainment presentation that appeared in the 19th century in America, which combined music, dance, singing, scenic action.

NOCTURNE - That translated from French indicates night. It is annealing, lyrical play of a sad, dreamy character.

OH YEAH - Translated from Greek - Song. It is performed on folk holidays, on time solemn processes, praised the heroes of the winners.

Opera - this is a musical performance. In it, the actors sing accompanied by an orchestra.

OPERETTA - This is a musical comedy in which actors not only sing, but also dance, talk. "Operetta" is the Italian word and means literally a small opera.

ORGAN - Vintage musical instrument, the largest tool in the world.

ORCHESTRA - Team team jointly performing instrumental works.

Orchestra of Russian folk instruments- was created in the 19th century. It includes balalaiki and domra, husli, prank and accordions.

SCORE - A special note record that combines all the voices of the orchestra tools.

THE CONSIGNMENT - Part of the musical work, entrusted with a separate voice or tool.

PASTORAL - From Latin pastoralis - the pastry.

Prelude - Small Tool Piece

PROGRAM MUSIC- Music with a certain name, written mainly on the literary plot.

SONG - The most common genre of vocal music.

POLONAISE - Polish vintage dance - procession. Opened balls.

PLAY - This is a complete musical work of a small size.

REGISTER - Cut of the range. There are registers low, medium, high.

REQUIEM - Mourning choral avenue, which is usually performed with the participation of the orchestra, organ and soloists.

RECITATIVE - From Italian - recitare - to declerate, read out loud. The genus of music that is intonationally reproduces speech. Semissions, half-time.

RHYTHM - The ratio and alternation of the duration of sounds and accents.

ROCOCO - This is a style in architecture and decorative and applied art.

ROMANCE - Solo song with instrumental accompaniment.

Swirl - Russian folk instrument.

SYMPHONY - Translated from Greek means consonance. Work for the symphony orchestra.

VIOLIN - This is a string, bow musical instrument. She has a gentle high voice.

SONATA - It happened from the Italian word Sonare to come. The instrumental genre of music is determined as a form covering all characters. It has its own story, your characters are musical topics.

STACCATO - Barcode characteristic of a fierce game.

THEATRE - this is a world of fairy tales, amazing adventures and transformations, the world of good and evil wizards.

PACE - The speed of the musical work.

KEY - means of musical expressiveness. Lada height.

Trio - ensemble of three performers.

TRUMPET - One of the most ancient copper brass instruments.

TROMBONE - The copper brass instrument in height sounds below the pipe and horn.

Tuba - Copper brass instrument is the lowest sound from this group.

OVERTURE - Translated from French - discovery, beginning. Overture opens the performance, in it we get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe performance as a whole.

TEXTURE - This is a way of presenting a musical material.

FRAGMENT - This is an excerpt of the musical work.

THE FLUTE - Wooden brand instrument. Tool is the highest sound from the group of wooden winds.

THE FORM - Structure of the work. The ratio of individual parts of the musical work. There are one-room, duplex, three-part, variations, etc.

Chelesta - A shock tool invented in France. Externally chest a small piano. The keyboard is piano, only instead of a string in the challente sounds metal plates. The sound of Cheeseta is quiet, beautiful, gentle. You can play a melody on it.

HATCH - Method for extracting musical sound voice or on the instrument.

ETUDE - A small instrumental work for the development of the fingertips of the artist's musician.

Accompaniment -Musical accompaniment Soloist (singer, instrumentalist, ensemble, dance, gymnastic exercises, etc.
Chord (consonance) - the simultaneous sound of three or more sounds, different in height, name.
Accent (Emphasis) - underscore any sound, chord. A. has various graphic notation:\u003e, V, ^, sf, etc. They are affixed in vocal (solo and choral) parties over the notopian (in the absence of text); In the instrumental works. A. Can be affixed between music strings or each separately depending on the performing expressiveness.
Alteration - Increased or lowering sound on halftone or tone using signs:# (dishes) increases on halftone; B (Bemole) lowers halftone; - (Bachar) cancels the diezer or a bembol, etc.
Ensemble (together). 1. Musical work for several performers:duet (two performers),trio ortercet (three),quartet (four),quintet (Five), etc. 2. Unified Art Collection. 3. Pedia, consistency of choral performance.
Fingering - Designation in notes of proper alternation of fingers for the convenience of playing musical instruments.
Arpeggio - Sequential execution in the chord of the sounds of one after another.
Volta - Graphic designation of the repetition of the previous musical passage, which is indicated as follows:

Gamma - Sound - the consistent sound of the Lada steps in the ascending and downward movement. The most common diathonic (out of 7 steps) and chromatic (out of 12 steps).
Harmonization - Instrumental support melody written in folk or other styles.
Harmony. 1. Sequential, natural combination of consonant in Lada and tonality conditions. 2. Training subject in music theory.
Range - Sound capabilities of the singing voice or any tool, the volume between the highest and low sounds of the voice (tool).
Dynamics (power) - use of strengthening or weakening sound as an expressive means of execution. Main graphic designations D.: F (Forte) - loudly, P (Piano) - quiet, MF (Metzo Forte) - moderately loudly, Mr (Mezzo Piano) - moderately quiet, Crescendo (Krefesedo) - Strengthening, Diminuendo (Diminuendo) - Relaxing and dr.
Duration - The properties of the sound that determines its length. The main designation of the duration is a whole note that is equal to two half notes, four fourth notes, eight eighth sweats, etc.

Share - Music Time Unit (Sound), divided into strong (shock), weak (unstressed).
Dissonance - Consonous, in which sounds are not combined, cause a feeling of consistency.
Genre - The concept of determining the content, character, orientation of the musical work, for example, the genre of opera, symphonic, vocal, chamber music. The genre is usually called music, closely related to life (march, dance, etc.).
Uactable - The beginning of the musical work with a weak share.

Musical sound - oscillation of the sounding body having basic properties: height, duration, timbre, dynamics (strength).
Scale - The sequence of the main steps of Lada:up, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si. Improvisation - creative activity directly during execution, i.e. Fingering your options for songs, dancing, marching, etc.
Interval - the distance between two different in height of the sounds, of which the lower is called the base, the upper - vertex, for exampleprima (repetition of the same sound)second, Terration, Quart, Quint, Sex, Septima, Oktawa etc.
Intonation - Melodic turnover, the smallest musical construction, which has independent expressiveness.
Key - a sign that determines the height and the name of the sound and is affixed at the beginning of a new time. Most used:

violin bass

( salt - on the second line), (Fa - on the fourth line).

Consonance - Consonance, in which the sounds merge and, as it were, complement each other.
LAD - ratio, relationship of stable and unstable sounds.
Legato - The associated performance of several sounds.
League graphic image In the form of an arc (concave or curved), which denotes the associated execution of several sounds of different heights, an increase in the duration of one sound, combining sounds performed in a song on one syllable.

Melmisms -Food musical decorations of one sound:

Major - Wheel sound, transmitting the most commonly light, joyful mood of music.
Melody - one-haired sequence of sounds combined with semantic content.
Meter - consistent alternation of strong and weak stakes in the tact.
Minor - Wheel sound, transmitting most often thoughtful, sad mood of music.
Polyphony - a consonant combination of several independent melodic lines (votes).
Modulation - logical, intonational transition to another tonality.
Motive - The smallest musical construction, it usually contains one strong share.
Musical gram - Elementary knowledge in the field of music theory.
Note - Graphic image of sound.
Night Stan. (Notonic) - a graphic image of five horizontal parallel lines to record notes.
Nuance - Tint, emphasizing the nature of the sound of music.
Pause - A sign, interrupting the musical sound on a certain period of time and corresponding to the durations of notes.

Semitone - The smallest distance between two sounds, different in height.
The size - the amount of strong and weak fractions of a certain duration forming the tact; It is depicted in the form of a fraction, in the denominator which indicates the duration of one share, in the numerator - the number of such fractions. At the beginning of the work, on each notonic one separately, after the key characters, and the value is preserved until the end of the work or to the change of the old size of the clock and establishing a new one. For example: 2/4, ѕ, 6/8, etc.
Register - Determines the sound range of a musical instrument, a singing voice and differs on high, medium and low.
Rhythm - Sequential alternation of sounds (different heights and duration) having semantic and expressive importance.
Syncope - Displacement of sound stress with a strong share of the tact on weak.
Staccato - Performing reception characterized by a short, ripple sound.
Lada steps - Sounds having the following notation:

Tact - A small segment of a musical work, concluded between two strong shares (starts with a strong and ends before the strong) T. is divided on a tact bar (vertical line).
Pace - speed, alternation of metric units. The designations of T are affixed at the beginning of the work above the first note line in Russian and Italian, for example: moderately - Moderate (moderato), quickly - Allegro (Allegro), long - Adagio (Adagio).
Tone - The distance between two sounds, which includes two halftone.
The tonality is the specific height of the sounds of a certain Lada characteristic of a particular product. T. has its own key signs and is determined by the position of tonic on a particular stage of the outer.
Transposy (transposition) - execution of the work (songs, plays) in another tonality.
Triad - Accord, in which three sounds are located in terms (for example,du-Mi-salt). T. May be a major or minor and, thus, to determine the way.
Texture - Operation of various means of musical expressiveness: melody, accompaniment, individual voices, pegs, theme, etc.
Fermata - Graphic designation of additional extension, sound for the purposes of greater expressiveness.

Musical shape - In a broad sense combines expressive means: melody, rhythm, harmony, structure. In a narrow sense of F. - this is the structure of the work, for example, two-party and three-part.
Chromatism - halftone change in the height of sounds using the alteration signs.

Vocal-choir art

A cappella - Multi-voiced, mainly choral penis without instrumental support.
Vocalization - Singing, performing hooking on vowels.
Vocal music - Designed for singing. There are three main types of singing: solo (one performer), ensemble (duets, trio, etc.), choral (collective execution, one-haired or multi-voiced, accompaniment ora cappella). Vocal art - Swelling skills.
Detonation - Incorrect, inaccurate sound.
Range - Sound of the singing vote.
Diction - Clear, intelligible, expressive pronunciation of words.
Singe - The beginning of the solo or choral song.
Cantilena - Opening, smooth, manner of execution.
Chorus - Part of the song (in a bus form), executed on the same text.


Bulba - Belorusskaya folk song- Breaking a lively, funny character having a two-dollars size.
Waltz - Ballery dance of smooth, moderately fast character having a three-tested size.
Gallop - Ballroom dance, rapid pace; Size two quarters.
Hopak - Ukrainian folk dance, fast, rapid, based on large jumps; Size two quarters.
Krakowak - Polish folk dance, lively character; Size two quarters; Rhythm with characteristic syncopes.
LEVONICA - Belarusian folk song-dance of a living, funny character with emphasized tributaries at the end of each musical phrase; The pace is fast; Size two quarters.
Mazurka - Polish folk dance with a characteristic acute rhythm; Size threedole.
Minuet - Vintage French ball dance smooth, several flirty character; three quarters; The pace is accelerated.
Polka - Czech folk dance of a cheerful, light, mobile nature; two-dollar size; The pace is fast.
Horticulture - Mass game, with singing and movements in a circle.

Elements of dance movements

Beganets I. P: feet in the main rack (heels together, socks apart). Push off his left foot and make a small leap forward with the right foot ("Once" account), gently dropped to it; Then move forward on a light run: left foot (score "and"), right foot ("two" account). After that, start the same movements from the left leg (jump, the run, etc.).
Side gallop - The element of dance, hesitates to the account: "Once and, two and".I. P: main rack. Movement light, spring. On "Once" - a small step with a jog right foot to the side (from the leg sock, slightly bending the knees); on "and" - land on the left; On "Two and" - repeat movement.
Fractional step. I. P: foot in parallel, knees slightly bent. It is carried out rhythmically, in place, throughout the foot with rapidly alternating tributops: the right, left, right, etc.
Hop - Dance element.I. P: feet in the main rack. Performed on the account "times and, two and". On "Once and" - a small jump on the left leg, at the same time right away to the side, touching the floor toe, slightly bent knee turn inside; On "Two and" - to make a second tide on the left leg, right to put on the heel, the knee turn outward.
Pa-de Basque - Dance element.I. P: feet d base rack. Performed on account "and once, and two." On "and" - a small jump, the impetus to the left leg, right to bring forward and right (low above the floor); on "times" - land on the right leg, left to bend, knee outwards; on "and" - a step with his left foot, slightly bending the knee, right to raise; On the "two" - a step with right foot, slightly bending the knee, the left lift and bend slightly.
Russian variable step. I. P: main rack. Performed on the account "times and two and" on "times" - a step right foot forward from the sock; on "and" - a small step with his left foot on the sock (the heel is raised low); On "Two and" - a small step right foot forward from the sock. Then moves are performed from the left leg.
Russian hid step. I. P: feet in the third position (the heel of the right leg is attached to the middle of the left foot). Movements are a smooth alternate step with each foot from Kosk.
Step Waltza (gymnastic).I. P: stand on socks. Performed on the account, "two times three". On "Once" - a step with right foot forward from the sock on the entire foot, slightly bending the knee (gently spring); On "Two, Three" - two small steps forward left and then right foot on socks (legs straight).
Step Waltza (dance).I. P: stand on socks. Performed, like the previous step, but on run, rapidly.
Polka Pag . I. P: feet in the third position. It is performed on the account "and once, and two" on "and" - a small sliding stalk on his left leg forward, right slightly lift forward; on "times" - a step right forward on the sock; on "and" to put left foot rear to the right (third position); On the "two" - a step right foot forward.
Step with fallen . I. P: feet in the main rack. Performed on account "and once, and two." On "and" - right leg raise to the side, right; On "Once" - to make a small step from the sock on the entire foot, slightly bending the knee, at the same time the left, bent in the knee leg, lift; on "and" - straightening her legs, stand on-sock left legs (back right), right away to side; On "Two and" - repeat movement.
Step with a perspective . I. P: foot in parallel, knees slightly bent. Performed on the account "times, two". On "Once" - a small step with a blow to the right leg about the floor, on the "two" - the same step with the left foot.

Method of musical education in children's garden: "Doszhek. Education "/ N.A. Vetlugin, I.L. Dzerzhinskaya, L.N. Commissar and others; Ed. ON THE. Vetlogian. - 3rd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. - 270 p.: Notes.

Sense of rhythm .

The feeling of rhythm is the perception and reproduction of temporary relations in music. Active role in the dismemberment of musical movement and perception of expressive rhythm is played by accents.

According to observations and numerous experiments, during the perception of music, a person makes noticeable or imperceptible movements corresponding to its rhythm, accents. These are the movements of the head, hands, feet, as well as invisible movements of speech, respiratory devices. Often they arise unconsciously, involuntarily. Attempts by a person to stop these movements lead to the fact that they arise in another capacity, or the experience of the rhythm stops at all. This indicates the presence of a deep connection of motor reactions with the perception of rhythm, about motor nature musical Rhythm.

The experience of the rhythm, and consequently, the perception of music is an active process. "The listener is only then experiencing rhythm when it takes it, it works ... Any full-fledged music perception is an active process, which is not just a hearing, but also warning, and the production includes very diverse movements. As a result, the perception of music is never only an auditory process; It is always a hearing and motor process. "

The feeling of musical rhythm has not only a motor, but also an emotional nature. Music content is emotionally. Rhythm is one of the expressive means of music, with which the content is transmitted. Therefore, the feeling of rhythm, like a lade feeling, is the basis of emotional responsiveness to music. Active, effective nature of the musical rhythm allows you to transfer the smallest changes to the mood of music in movements (having, as well as the Music itself, and thereby comprehend expressiveness musical language. The characteristic features of the musical speech (accents, pauses, smooth or abrupt movement, etc.) can be transmitted by the corresponding movements by emotional coloring (cotton, stentes, smooth or ripped hands, legs, etc.). This allows them to use them for the development of emotional responsiveness to music.

5) Expressive Metals of Music .

1) Melody (vocal, instrumental) is a sequence of musical sounds, combined by rhythm and Lada, expressing musical thought.

2) Rhythm proportionality. Rhythm in music is a uniform alternation of the duration of sounds. No melody is conceived without a rhythm and the number of rhythmic options is infinitely large, they depend on the creative fantasy of the composer.

3) Flood-consistency of sounds in music, different in height.

Basic Ladins 2: Minor and major.

4) Dynamics of sound. The main dynamic shades 2: Forte (loud) and Piano (quiet).

5) Temp- speed of the music work: fast, slow and moderate.

6) Sound timbre. Everyone human voice And each musical instrument has its own timbre. On Tembre, we distinguish the voices of singers.

7) Range distance from low sound to high.

8) Sound position register: high, low and medium.

9) harmony chords and their sequence.

The musical image is created by a certain combination of means of musical expressiveness. The expressiveness of the language of music is largely similar to the expressiveness of the language of speech. Musical sounds perceived hearing as well as speech. With the help of voice, emotions are transferred, human condition: anxiety, joy, sadness, tenderness, crying. The intonation color in speech is transmitted using the timbre, voice force, speech pace, accents and pauses. Music intonation has the same expressive features.

Elementary theory music

Accompaniment -Musical support of soloist (singer, instrumentalist, ensemble, dance, gymnastic exercises, etc.
Chord (consonance) - the simultaneous sound of three or more sounds, different in height, name.
Accent (Emphasis) - underscore any sound, chord. A. has various graphic notation:\u003e, V, ^, sf, etc. They are affixed in vocal (solo and choral) parties over the notopian (in the absence of text); In the instrumental works. A. Can be affixed between music strings or each separately depending on the performing expressiveness.
Alteration - Increased or lowering sound on halftone or tone using signs: # (dishes) increases on halftone; B (Bemole) lowers halftone; - (Bachar) cancels the diezer or a bembol, etc.
Ensemble(together). 1. Musical work for several performers: duet(two performers), trioor tercet(three), quartet(four), quintet(Five), etc. 2. Unified Art Collection. 3. Pedia, consistency of choral performance.
Fingering- Designation in notes of proper alternation of fingers for the convenience of playing musical instruments.
Arpeggio - Sequential execution in the chord of the sounds of one after another.
Volta- Graphic designation of the repetition of the previous musical passage, which is indicated as follows:

Gamma - Sound - the consistent sound of the Lada steps in the ascending and downward movement. The most common diathonic (out of 7 steps) and chromatic (out of 12 steps).
Harmonization - Instrumental support melody written in folk or other styles.
Harmony. 1. Sequential, natural combination of consonant in Lada and tonality conditions. 2. Training subject in music theory.
Range - Sound capabilities of the singing voice or any tool, the volume between the highest and low sounds of the voice (tool).
Dynamics(power) - use of strengthening or weakening sound as an expressive means of execution. Main graphic designations D.: F (Forte) - loudly, P (Piano) - quiet, MF (Metzo Forte) - moderately loudly, Mr (Mezzo Piano) - moderately quiet, Crescendo (Krefesedo) - Strengthening, Diminuendo (Diminuendo) - Relaxing and dr.
Duration- The properties of the sound that determines its length. The main designation of the duration is a whole note that is equal to two half notes, four fourth notes, eight eighth sweats, etc.

Share - Music Time Unit (Sound), divided into strong (shock), weak (unstressed).
Dissonance- Consonous, in which sounds are not combined, cause a feeling of consistency.
Genre - The concept of determining the content, character, orientation of the musical work, for example, the genre of opera, symphonic, vocal, chamber music. The genre is usually called music, closely related to life (march, dance, etc.).
Uactable- The beginning of the musical work with a weak share.

Musical sound - oscillation of the sounding body having basic properties: height, duration, timbre, dynamics (strength).
Scale - The sequence of the main steps of Lada: up, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si.
Improvisation -creative activity directly during execution, i.e. Fingering your options for songs, dancing, marching, etc.
Interval- the distance between two different in height of the sounds, of which the lower is called the base, the upper - vertex, for example prima (repetition of the same sound) second, Terration, Quart, Quint, Sex, Septima, Oktawa etc.
Intonation- Melodic turnover, the smallest musical construction, which has independent expressiveness.
Key -a sign that determines the height and the name of the sound and is affixed at the beginning of a new time. Most used:

violin bass

(salt - on the second line), (Fa - on the fourth line).

Consonance - Consonance, in which the sounds merge and, as it were, complement each other.
LAD - ratio, relationship of stable and unstable sounds.
Legato - The associated performance of several sounds.
League - Graphic image in the form of an arc (concave or curved), which denotes the associated performance of several sounds of different heights, an increase in the duration of one sound, combining sounds executed in a song on one syllable.

Melmisms -Food musical decorations of one sound:

Major - Wheel sound, transmitting the most commonly light, joyful mood of music.
Melody- one-haired sequence of sounds combined with semantic content.
Meter - consistent alternation of strong and weak stakes in the tact.
Minor - Wheel sound, transmitting most often thoughtful, sad mood of music.
Polyphony- a consonant combination of several independent melodic lines (votes).
Modulation- logical, intonational transition to another tonality.
Motive- The smallest musical construction, it usually contains one strong share.
Musical gram - Elementary knowledge in the field of music theory.
Note- Graphic image of sound.
Night Stan. (Notonic) - a graphic image of five horizontal parallel lines to record notes.
Nuance- Tint, emphasizing the nature of the sound of music.
Pause- A sign, interrupting the musical sound on a certain period of time and corresponding to the durations of notes.

Semitone- The smallest distance between two sounds, different in height.
The size - the amount of strong and weak fractions of a certain duration forming the tact; It is depicted in the form of a fraction, in the denominator which indicates the duration of one share, in the numerator - the number of such fractions. At the beginning of the work, on each notonic one separately, after the key characters, and the value is preserved until the end of the work or to the change of the old size of the clock and establishing a new one. For example: 2/4, ѕ, 6/8, etc.
Register - Determines the sound range of a musical instrument, a singing voice and differs on high, medium and low.
Rhythm - Sequential alternation of sounds (different heights and duration) having semantic and expressive importance.
Syncope - Displacement of sound stress with a strong share of the tact on weak.
Staccato - Performing reception characterized by a short, ripple sound.
Lada steps - Sounds having the following notation:

Tact - A small segment of a musical work, concluded between two strong shares (starts with a strong and ends before the strong) T. is divided on a tact bar (vertical line).
Pace - speed, alternation of metric units. The designations of T are affixed at the beginning of the work above the first note line in Russian and Italian, for example: moderately - Moderate (moderato), quickly - Allegro (Allegro), long - Adagio (Adagio).
Tone- The distance between two sounds, which includes two halftone.
The tonality is the specific height of the sounds of a certain Lada characteristic of a particular product. T. has its own key signs and is determined by the position of tonic on a particular stage of the outer.
Transposy (transposition) - execution of the work (songs, plays) in another tonality.
Triad - Accord, in which three sounds are located in terms (for example, du-Mi-salt).T. May be a major or minor and, thus, to determine the way.
Texture- Operation of various means of musical expressiveness: melody, accompaniment, individual voices, pegs, theme, etc.
Fermata - Graphic designation of additional extension, sound for the purposes of greater expressiveness.

Musical shape - In a broad sense combines expressive means: melody, rhythm, harmony, structure. In a narrow sense of F. - this is the structure of the work, for example, two-party and three-part.
Chromatism- halftone change in the height of sounds using the alteration signs.

Vocal-choir art

A cappella - Multi-voiced, mainly choral penis without instrumental support.
Vocalization- Singing, performing hooking on vowels.
Vocal music - Designed for singing. There are three main types of singing: solo (one performer), ensemble (duets, trio, etc.), choral (collective execution, one-haired or multi-voiced, accompaniment or a cappella).
Vocal art - Swelling skill.
Detonation - Incorrect, inaccurate sound.
Range- Sound of the singing vote.
Diction- Clear, intelligible, expressive pronunciation of words.
Singe - The beginning of the solo or choral song.
Cantilena- Opening, smooth, manner of execution.
Chorus- Part of the song (in a bus form), executed on the same text.


Bulba - Belarusian folk song-dance of a lively, funny character having a two-dollars size.
Waltz - Ballery dance of smooth, moderately fast character having a three-tested size.
Gallop - Ballroom dance, rapid pace; Size two quarters.
Hopak- Ukrainian folk dance, fast, rapid, based on large jumps; Size two quarters.
Krakowak - Polish folk dance, lively character; Size two quarters; Rhythm with characteristic syncopes.
LEVONICA - Belarusian folk song-dance of a living, funny character with emphasized tributaries at the end of each musical phrase; The pace is fast; Size two quarters.
Mazurka - Polish folk dance with a characteristic acute rhythm; Size threedole.
Minuet - Vintage French ball dance smooth, several flirty character; three quarters; The pace is accelerated.
Polka - Czech folk dance of a cheerful, light, mobile nature; two-dollar size; The pace is fast.
Horticulture - Mass game, with singing and movements in a circle.

Elements of dance movements

Beganets I. P:feet in the main rack (heels together, socks apart). Push off his left foot and make a small leap forward with the right foot ("Once" account), gently dropped to it; Then move forward on a light run: left foot (score "and"), right foot ("two" account). After that, start the same movements from the left leg (jump, the run, etc.).
Side gallop- The element of dance, hesitates to the account: "Once and, two and". I. P:main rack. Movement light, spring. On "Once" - a small step with a jog right foot to the side (from the leg sock, slightly bending the knees); on "and" - land on the left; On "Two and" - repeat movement.
Fractional step. I. P:foot in parallel, knees slightly bent. It is carried out rhythmically, in place, throughout the foot with rapidly alternating tributops: the right, left, right, etc.
Hop- Dance element. I. P:feet in the main rack. Performed on the account "times and, two and". On "Once and" - a small jump on the left leg, at the same time right away to the side, touching the floor toe, slightly bent knee turn inside; On "Two and" - to make a second tide on the left leg, right to put on the heel, the knee turn outward.
Pa-de Basque - Dance element. I. P:feet d base rack. Performed on account "and once, and two." On "and" - a small jump, the impetus to the left leg, right to bring forward and right (low above the floor); on "times" - land on the right leg, left to bend, knee outwards; on "and" - a step with his left foot, slightly bending the knee, right to raise; On the "two" - a step with right foot, slightly bending the knee, the left lift and bend slightly.
Russian variable step. I. P:main rack. Performed on the account "times and two and" on "times" - a step right foot forward from the sock; on "and" - a small step with his left foot on the sock (the heel is raised low); On "Two and" - a small step right foot forward from the sock. Then moves are performed from the left leg.
Russian hid step. I. P:feet in the third position (the heel of the right leg is attached to the middle of the left foot). Movements are a smooth alternate step with each foot from Kosk.
Step Waltza (gymnastic). I. P:stand on socks. Performed on the account, "two times three". On "Once" - a step with right foot forward from the sock on the entire foot, slightly bending the knee (gently spring); On "Two, Three" - two small steps forward left and then right foot on socks (legs straight).
Step Waltza(dance). I. P:stand on socks. Performed, like the previous step, but on run, rapidly.
Polka Pag. I. P:feet in the third position. It is performed on the account "and once, and two" on "and" - a small sliding stalk on his left leg forward, right slightly lift forward; on "times" - a step right forward on the sock; on "and" to put the left foot from behind to the right (third position); On the "two" - a step right foot forward.
Step with fallen. I. P:feet in the main rack. Performed on account "and once, and two." On "and" - right leg raise to the side, right; On "Once" - to make a small step from the sock on the entire foot, slightly bending the knee, at the same time the left, bent in the knee leg, lift; on "and" - straightening her legs, stand on-sock left legs (back right), right away to side; On "Two and" - repeat movement.
Step with a perspective. I. P:foot in parallel, knees slightly bent. Performed on the account "times, two". On "Once" - a small step with a blow to the right leg about the floor, on the "two" - the same step with the left foot.



Brief Dictionary of Music Terms

Accompaniment (FR. Accompagnement - escort) - Music background to the main melodieshaving in the work of a secondary value.

Chord (IT. Accordo, Fr. accord - consent) - consonance, the sound of several (at least three) musical tones taken, as a rule, at the same time. A. is divided into consonation and dissembly (see consonance and dissonance).

Act (Lat. Actus - action) - relatively completed part theatrical presentation (operas, ballet etc.), separated from the other of the same part of the interruption - intermission. Sometimes A. is divided into pictures.

Ensemble (Fr. ensemble - together) - 1. The name relative to independent musical episodes in opererepresenting the simultaneous singing of two or several singers, vocal Party which are not identical; by the number of participants A. are divided into duets, trio or tercets., quartet, quintes, sextes and so on. 2. Play, intended for joint execution by several musicians, most often by instrumentalists. 3. Quality of joint execution, degree of coherence, overall sounding.

Intermission (Fr. Entr'acte - letters, international) - 1. Break between acts theatrical presentation or branches concert. 2. Orchestra introduction To one of the acts, except for the first (see overture)

Aryetta. (IT. ARIETTA) - small aria.

Arioso (IT. Arioso - like Aria) - a variety aria., characterized by a closer building, more closely related to preceding and subsequent musical episodami.

Aria(IT. Aria - Song) - Developed vocal Episode in Opera, osoria. or cantateperformed by one singer accompanied orchestrahaving widespread melody And the completion of musical forms. Sometimes A. consists of several contrast (see) sections. Varieties A. - aryetta, arioso, kawatina, kabaletta, kantsona, monologue etc.

Ballet(FR. Balletot IT. Ball-dance, dance) - Large music choreographic (cm.) genrein which the main artistic means is the dance, as well as the pantomime, represented on theatrical scene In a picturesque decorative design, accompanied by orchestral music. B. in the form of independent dance scenes is sometimes part operas.

Ballad(FR. Balde, IT. Ballare- Dance) - Original Name Provencal (France) Dance songs; then - literary and poetic genreassociated with folk legends or the narrative of the events of the past. From the beginning of the XIX. - Designation vocal and instrumental pieces narrative warehouse.

Baritone(Greek. Barytono- heavy) - Men's voice average between bass and tenor register; Another name is a high bass.

Barcarol(from IT. Barca boat, Barcaruola - Song of the boatman) - Rod songsdistributed in Venice as well as name vocal and instrumental pieces contemplative singeling character with smooth, sharing accompanomy; Size 6/8. Another name B. - Gondoller (from IT. Gondola-Venetian boat).

Bass(IT. BASSO- Low, Greek. Basis- Basis) - 1. The lowest male voice. 2. The general name of the low register orchestra Tools (cello, double bass, bodycoon, etc.).

Bolero(Spanish Bolero) - Spanish dance, known since the end of the XVIIIV, moderately fast movement, accompanied by kastannet blows; Size 3/4.

Epics- The work of the Russian folk epic, the narrative of the past times, on the exploits of the folk heroes-heroes. B. The character of a non-spirited smooth rechitativelike singing speech; Sometimes accompanied by the game on the hobslies and other musical instruments.

Waltz(FR. Valse, it. Walzer) - Dance that occurred from the Austrian, German and Czech folk dances. B. dancing couples in smooth circular motion; size 3/4 or 3/8, pace Various - from very slow to the fastest. Thanks to the special sample-expressive capabilities V. received from the middle of the XIXVEK widespread dissemination not only as dance and concert (cm.) genrebut also as an important component of music operas, ballet, symphony and even chambersolo and ensembles (see) works.

Variations(Lat. Variatio- change) - a musical work based on a gradual change set out at the beginning topics, during which the initial image is developing and enriched, without losing its essential features.

Virtuoso(IT. Virtuoso- letters. Valiant, courageous) - a musician executor, perfectly owning his tool or voice, easily, with glitter overcoming any technical difficulties. Virtuosity - skill and technical perfection of musical performance. Virtuoso music - music that is replete with technical difficulties requiring brilliant, spectacular performance.

Vocal music(from IT. Vocale- voice) - Music for singing - solo, ensemble or choir (see) with accompanomy Or without it.

Introduction- the initial section directly introducing into any vocal or instrumental play, picture or act Music-theatrical presentation.

Gavotte(FR. Gavotte) - ancient French dance of folk origin; Subsequently, from the XVIIV, he entered the courtinat, in the XVIIIVEK took place in the dance situ. Music is an energetic, moderately fast movement, size 4/4 with a characteristic two-solid software.

Harmony(Greek Harmonia - proportionality, consistency) - 1. One of the expressive means of musical art related to accordov (see) combinations of tones and their submissions accompanying the main melody. 2. Science Ob. accords, their movement and connections. 3. The name of individual chord sounds when characterizing their expressiveness ("hard harmony", "light harmony", etc.). 4. General designation of the circle of chord means characteristic of one or another work, composer, musical styles ("Harmony of Mussorgsky", "Romantic Harmony", etc.).

Anthem(Greek. Hymnos) - solemn laudatory chant.

Grotesque(Fr. Grotesque- fancy, ugly, strange) - Artistic reception associated with the deliberate exaggeration or distortion of the real feature of the image, which gives him a quaint, fantastic, often caricature-humorous, sometimes awesome.

Gusli.(from Old Russian. Gusel - String) - an old Russian folk instrument, which is a hollow flat box, on which metal strings are stretched. The game was usually accompanied by the execution of epic. Artist on G. - Husar.

Declamationartistic reading Poems or prose in an emotionally raised manner. D. Musical - Faithful reproduction in rechitative Characteristic intonations - increasing, decreases, accents, etc. - expressive human speech.

Wooden wind instruments- The general name of a group of tools, which includes flutes (with varieties of flute piccolo and alto-flute), Oboe (with a variety of altage oboe, or English horn), clarinet (with varieties of clarinet-piccolo. And bass clarinet), FAGOT (C A variety of counterphagot). D. and. used B. wind Orchestra, different chamber ensembles And How solifying (See) Tools. In orchestral particuits Group D. D. and. It occupies the upper lines, placed in the above order.

Dezimet(from lat. Decimus-tenth) - operatic or chamber ensemble Ten participants.

Dialogue(Greek Dialogos - conversation between two) - scene-Wened two actors operas; Roll of alternating short musical phrases, as if responding to each other.

Divertissement(FR. Divertissement- Having fun, entertainment) - Musical work, built like suite.consisting of several differently characteristic, mostly dance rooms. D. is also called a separate instrumental play Entertainment.

Dynamics(from Greek. Dynamikos-Power) - 1. Power, Sound volume. 2. Designation of the degree of tension, the effective aspiration of the musical narration ("development dynamics").

Dramaturgy- literature, involving the stage embodiment; Science on the laws of building a dramatic play. In the XXVEK, the term D. began to apply also to musical and theater art, and then to large instrumental symphonic works that are not related to the scene. D. Music - a set of principles for building and developing music operas, ballet, symphony etc. For the purpose of the most logical, consistent and effective embodiment of the chosen plot, ideological design.

Duma, Dumka- narrative Ukrainian folk song Free recitalic improvisational Warehouse with instrumental accompaniment. Usually D. is devoted to the story about historical events, but sometimes it becomes the features of sincere, sad songs of purely lyrical content.

Brass bandorchestra, consisting of copper and wooden winds and shock Tools. Before. Differs in powerful, bright sound.

Wind instruments- Tools, various in shape, magnitude and material, representing a tube or a set of tubes, which sound due to the fluctuations of the air column in them. According to the material and method of sound recovery D. and. divided by copper and wooden. To the number D. and. Belongs also organ.

Duet(from. Lat. Duo- Two) - operatic or chamber ensemble Two participants.

Duettino(IT. Duettino) - small duet.

Genre(Fr. Genre- type, manner) - 1. View of the musical work, determined by various features: by the nature of the theme (eg, the epic, comic), the nature of the plot (for example, J. Historical, mythological), the composition of performers (eg, Well operatic, ballet, symphonic, vocal (see), instrumental, circumstances of execution (eg, J. concert, chamber (see), household), features of form (eg, J. roman, songs, instrumental or orchestral miniatures), etc. 2. The genre (in music) is associated with the characteristic features of people's household musical genres. 3. Genre scene - Household scene.

Singe- Start choir song, executed by one singer - sent.

Singchpil(it. Singen SingeLot and Spiel- game) - Rod comic Operacombined conversational dialogs with singing and dancing; Z. received the greatest development in Germany and Austria in the 2nd half of the XVIII NCH. XIXVEKS

Improvisation(from Lat. Improvisus- unexpected, despite) - creativity in the process of execution, without prior training, by inspiration; Also, the characteristics of a certain kind of musical works or their individual episodes, distinguished by a whimsical freedom of presentation.

Instrumentation- the same thing orchestration.

Intermedia(Lat. Intermedia- located in the middle) - 1. Small musical playplaced between more important parts large work. 2. Putting episode or scene in large theatrical worksuspending the development of action and not having a direct relationship. 3. Combining episode Between the two holdings topics in fougaypassing an episode in the instrumental play at all.

Intermezzo(IT. Intermezzo- pause, intermission) - playbinding more important sections in the meaning; Also, the name of individual, mostly instrumental, plays of various nature and content.

Introduction(Lat. Introductio - Introduction) - 1. Small Sizes Opera overturedirectly introducing into action. 2. The initial section of any piecesHis temp and the character of music.

Kabaletta(from IT. CabalaRe- fantasize) - small opera aria, often heroic-raised character.

Kawatina(IT. Cavatina) - a type of opera aria., distinguished by a more free construction, lyrical entity, lack of temper (see) contrasts.

Chamber music(from IT. Camera- room) - music for soling (see solo) tools or voices, small ensemblesintended for execution in small concert halls.

Canon(Greek. Kanon-rule, sample) - the genus of multi-voiced music, based on alternate entry of votes from the same melody.

Cant.(from lat. Cantus- singing) - in the Russian, Ukrainian and Polish music of the XVII-XVIIIIV, lyrical songs for a three-voice choir without accompaniment; In the era of Peter Iracpretched Welcomers K. Bodry march-shaped (cm. march) The character that occurred on the occasion of official celebrations.

Cantata(from IT. Cantare- sing) - a great work for singers soloists, chora and orchestraconsisting of a number of numbers - aria, rechitatives, ensembles, choirs. From the Oratorio K. is distinguished by the lack of detail and consistently embodied plot.

Cantilena(Lat. Cantilena-machining) - Wide Sovie melody.

Kantsona(IT. CANZONE- SONG) - the old name Italian lyrical songs with instrumental accompaniment; Subsequently - the name of the instrumental pieces Singing lyrical character.

Kanzonetta(IT. Canzonetta- Song) - Small kantsona, singing vocal or instrumental play Small size.

Picture- 1. In the musical and theater work part actseparated by ne. intermission, and a short-term pause, during which the curtain is shortly lowered. 2. The designation of instrumental and symphonic works for which the particular specificity is characterized by the visibility of musical images; Sometimes such works belong to genre of software music.

Quartet(from lat. Quartus-fourth) - opera-vocal or instrumental (most often string) ensemble four participants.

Quintet(from lat. Quintus-fifth) - opera-vocal or instrumental ensemble five participants.

Key(Socre. It. Klavierauszug- Piano Extraction) - Processing, Arrangement for piano Work written for orchestra or ensemble, as well as operas, cantata or osoria. (Conservation vocal Parties).

Coda(IT. Coda-tail, end) - the final section of the musical work, usually energetic, rapid character, approving its basic idea, a dominant image.

Coloratura(IT. Coloratura- Coloring, Decoration) - Coloring, Variation vocal melodies with a variety of flexible, movable passages, virtuoso Decorations.

Colorite(from lat. Color- color) in music - the prevailing emotional color of a particular episode achieved by using various registers, tembra, harmonic (see) and other expressive means.

Carol- The general name of Slavic folk rituals songs Pagan origin related to the celebration of Christmas (New Year's Eve).

Composer(Lat. Compositor-writer, compiler, creator) - author of the musical work.

Composition(Lat. Compositio- compilation, location) - 1. Music creativity, the process of creating a musical work. 2. Internal structure Musical work, the same as the musical form. 3. A separate musical work.

Contralto(IT. Contralto) - the lowest female voice, the same thing in choir Alto.

Counterpoint(from lat. PunctumContrapunctum-point against the point, that is, a note against notes) - 1. Simultaneous combination of two or several melodically independent voices. 2. Science on the laws of combination at the same time sounding melodies, the same that polyphony.

Contrast(FR. Contraste- Contrast) - Bright expressive Music, concluded in convergence and direct contrasting of unhabled, sharply differing in the nature of musical episodes. Musical figurative-emotional K. is carried out with temper, dynamic, tonal, register, temmbral (see) and other opposition.

Concert(from lat. Concertare- compete, IT. Concerto-agreement) - 1. Public execution of musical works. 2. Large, usually three-part, work for solicing (see) tool with orchestra, brilliant, spectacular with developed elements virtuosityIn some cases, approaching the wealth and significance of ideological and artistic content symphony.

Culmination(from lat. Culmen- top, vertex) - moment top voltage in musical development.

Covers(FR. Couplet- Stroat) - Repeated part songs.

Covera(FR. Coupure - Cut, Reduction) - Reduction of the Music Production By Resets, Skipping Anyway episode, in operescenes, pictures or act.

Lezginka- Dance common in the peoples of the Caucasus, temperamental, rapid; Size 2/4 or 6/8.

Leitmotif(it. Leitmotiv- Lead Motive) - Musical Thought, melodyassociated opere With a specific character, memories, experience, phenomenon or abstract concept that occurs in music when it appears or mention during stage action.

Landler(it. Ländler) - German and Austrian dance of folk origin, predecessor waltza, living, but not fast movement; Size 3/4.

Libretto(IT. LibrettTrade, Book) - Full Literary Text operas, operetta; Sensible statement of content ballet. Author L. - Librettist.

Madrigal(IT. Madrigale) - European multi-voice seventhous song of XVIV, exquisite, usually love content.

Mazurka(from Polish. Mazur-resident of Mazovia) - Polish dance of folk origin, lively character with sharp, sometimes sinkated (cm.) rhythm; Size 3/4.

March(FR. Marche- Walking, Procession) - genre, connected with rhythm walking, characterized by clear, measured, energetic movement. M. happens marching, solemn, mourning; Size 2/4 or 4/4.

Copper brass toolswind instrumentsmanufactured from copper and other metals forming a special group in a symphony orchestrawhich includes horn, pipes (sometimes partially replaced by root), trombones and tubes. M. d. And. are the basis brass Orchestra. In symphony particuits Group M. d. and. Writing under the group wooden wind instruments, locked in the above order.

Mesetzinger(it. Meistersinger- Master of singing) - In medieval Germany (XIV-XVIIV), shop musicians.

Telecommunication(from Greek Melos - Song and Lat. Declamatio-declamation) - expressive reading (most often poems), accompanied by music.

Melody(Greek Melodia-singing songs from Melos - Song and ODE- singing) - the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe musical work, expressed by one-haired entangle, is the most important means of musical expressiveness.

Melodrama(from Greek. Melos - Song and Drama) - 1. Part dramatic workaccompanied by music. 2. Menational characteristics of works or episodesdistinguished by exaggerated sensitivity, sentimentality, bad taste.

Minuet(Fr. Menuet) - ancient French dance, originally folk origin, in the XVIIVEK - court dance, at the end of the XVIIIV, introduced into a symphony cycle (cm. symphony). M. is characterized by the smoothness and grace of movements; Size 3/4.

Mesa.(FR. Messe, Lat. Missa) - Large numerous work for chora with instrumental accompaniment, sometimes with the participation of singers soloists, written in religious latin text. M. - the same as Catholic lunch, liturgy.

Mezzo-soprano(from IT. MEZZO- MARNED AND SOPRANO) - Female voice, on register occupying an intermediate position between soprano and contralto. mezzo soprano in chore - The same as Alto.

Miniature(IT. Miniatura) - small orchestral, vocal (see) or instrumental play.

Monologue(from Greek. Monos - one, speech uttered by one person) in music - one of the most effective solo vocal forms in operewhich is usually captured by the process of intense experience or reflection, leading to any solution. M., as a rule, is built from several universal, contrast episodes.

Motive(from IT. Motivo-reason, motivation, and lat. Motus motion) - 1. Part melodieshaving an independent expressive value; A group of sounds of a melody combined around one accent - stress. 2. In the common sense, melody.

Music drama- initially the same thing opera. In the widespread value - one of genres Operas for which the leading role of a strenuous dramatic action is characterized by a scene and defining the principles of musical incarnation.

Musical comedy- cm. operetta.

Nocturne(Fr. Nocturne-night) - the name of relatively small tools in the XIXVEK (rarely - vocal) pieces a contemplative character with an expressive singement melody.

Room- the smallest, relatively finished, allowing individual, independent execution episode Opera, ballet or operetta.

But no(from lat. Nonus-ninth) - a relatively rare type of opera or chamber ensemble For nine participants.

Oh yeah(Greek ODE) - Borrowed from the Literature Name of the Music Work (more often - vocal) Solemn escaped character.

Octet(from lat. Octo- eight) - ensemble eight participants.

Opera(IT. Opera- action, work, from lat. Opus- work, creation) - synthetic genre musical art including dramatic action, singing and dances, accompanied by orchestral music, as well as picturesque and decorative design. The opera work is composed of solo episodesaria, rechitatives, as well as ensembles, choirs, ballet scenes , independent orchestral numbers (see overture, intermission, introduction). O. is divided into acts and paintings. As an independent genre, O. spread in Europe in the XVIIVEK, in Russia - from the middle of the XVIII century. Further development led to the formation of various national styles and ideological and artistic types of opera arts (see O. Big French, O.-Buffa, O. Komich, O. Lyrico-dramatic, O. Lyrian French, O. Navy, O.-Seria., O. Epic, singchpil, music drama, operetta). As a result, the diverse historical development of O. became the most democratic genre among complex monumental genres of musical art.

Opera Big French(FR. Grandopéra) is a type that has been distributed in the middle of the XIXVEK, which is characterized by the embodiment of historical those in monumental, colorful, rich efficient moments of the performance.

Opera Buffa(IT. Opera-buffa) - Italian comic OperaAn emerged in the first half of the XVIIIV. About. Based on household plots, often acquired a satirical color. Developed from the Italian People's "Comedy Masks" (ComediaDelarte), O.-B. Reflected progressive democratic tendencies of the end of the XVIII first half XIXVEK.

Opera comic- general species name opera genreArriving in Europe from the middle of the XVIII century under the influence of democratic ideas in opposition to court-aristocratic art. O. K. In different countries, wearing various names: in Italy - opera Buffa, in Germany and Austria - singchpil, in Spain - tonadilla, in England - operanets, or ballad, song opera. O. K. - the generally accepted name of the French variety of this genre, for which the inclusion of conversational dialogs.

Opera lyric and dramatic- A variety that developed in the opera art of the second half of the XIXVEK. For O. L.-d. Characteristically nomination on the forefront of dramatic, often tragic personal destinies and human relationships shown in realistic truthful life background, in-depth attention composer to mental life Heroes, their feelings, psychological contradictions and conflicts.

Opera lyrics French- Own item french Lyric Dramatic Opera.

Operanets(English beggarsopera) - English species comic Operain which folk songs were widely used ballet.

Opera series(IT. Operaseria is a serious opera, in contrast to the comic) - Italian opera XVIIIV, associated with the court-aristocratic medium. Based, as a rule, on mythological and historical and legendary plots, O.-S. differed in the magnification of production, virtuoso Brilliant vocal Parties But in its development was concerned with the convention of plots, situations and characters.

Opera epic- A type of classical opera, preferential development that received in Russia, characteristic of the use of stories from the national epic - legends, legends and samples of folk song creativity. Stage action and music O. E. Restored in the spirit of the majestic, leisurely narration. TO genru O. E. The operator is also adjacent.

Operetta(IT. Operetta- Little Opera) - Theatrical representation, combining singing and dancing accompanied by orchestra with conversational scenes leading its origin from comic Opera XVIIIV. European O. XIXVEK has an abundance of comedic positions of satirical or purely entertainment. In the Soviet musical and theater art, O. is often referred to musical comedy.

Oratorio(from Lat. Oratoria- eloquence) - large vocal symphony genre musical art whose works are intended for execution chorus, soloists-Shevtsy I. orchestra. At the heart of O. lies a specific plot, generalizable the narrative of the historical or legendary events of the people's life, usually possessing an elevated, heroic color. Plot O. embodied in a number of completed solo, choir and orchestra (see) numbers, sometimes shared recittives.

Organ(from Greek. Organon-tool, tool) is the largest of modern musical instruments that existed and improved for many centuries. O, it is a system of pipes, which sounded through the blowing jet of air produced by the mechanical manner. The presence of pipes of various sizes and shape allows you to extract sounds of different heights and tombra. Office O. is carried out using keyboards, manual (manuals that reach the number up to three) and foot (pedal), as well as numerous switches registers. On the power and colorful wealth of the sound of O. competes with symphony orchestra.

Orchestra(from Greek. Orchestra- in an ancient Greek theater Place in front of the scene on which the choir was located) is a numerous team of performers musicians intended for joint execution of musical works. Unlike ensemble, some party in O. are performed simultaneously by several musicians like one-haired chora. In the composition of the tools O. are divided into symphony, overs, folk instruments, pop, jazz, etc. Opera O., as well as symphony, consists of four main groups of instruments - groups wooden winds, copper brass, shock, stringswhite, and also includes some single tools that are not incoming in any of the groups (harp, occasionally piano, guitar, etc.).

Orchestration- Creation of orchestral pARTIESThe embodiment of musical thought by means of orchestral expressiveness. O. - the same as instrumentation.

Parody(Greek Parodià, from Para- against and Ode- song, singing, letters, singing on the contrary) - imitation for the purpose of distortion, ridicule.

Score(IT. Partitura- division, distribution) - note record ansemblveva, orchestra, opera, oratorical Cantathen (See), etc. Music requiring many performers. The number of rows P. is determined by the number of parties included in it - instrumental, solid-vocal and choirwhich are located in a certain order.

The consignment(from lat. Pars- part) - part of music ensemble, operas etc., executed by one or group of musicians or singers.

Pastoral(from. lat. pastoralis-shephess) - music, musical play or theatrical scene, expressed in gentle, lyrically soft contemplative tones, drawing calm pictures of nature and idealized serene rural life (cf. idyll).

Song- Main vocal genre Popular musical creativity and a genre of vocal music in nature in nature at all. For P. Characterized by the presence of a clear, convex, expressive and slender melodies, having a generalized form-emotional content that embodies feelings and thoughts not a separate person, but the people. The totality of these features is included in the concept of a song as a special means of musical expressiveness, a special warehouse. musical thinking. People's P., reflecting in the innumerable variety of varieties and genres a variety of parties to the people of the people, is the main source of musical art. In the development of folk P. and the highly artistic refraction of it national features The greatest merit belongs to the Russian classic composers. In their works P. widely represented as a household genre, at the same time a song, the song began to be the lead artistic reception. In the narrow sense of P. - a small vocal play with or without it, characterized by simplicity and melodically expressive titles, usually in casual form, as well as the instrumental play of a similar size and character.

Podonic- more or less independent melodyaccompanied in multi-voice music main entrances. The presence of developed P. - characteristic feature Russian people choral (see) music.

Polyphony(from Greek. Poly - a lot and phone- voice, letters, polyphony) - 1. Simultaneous combination of two or more independent melodiesWith an independent expressive value. 2. Science of music of a polyphonic warehouse, the same as counterpoint.

Prelude, Prelude(from Lat. Prae- front and ludus- game) - 1. Introduction, Introduction to the play or completed musical episode, opera scene, ballet etc. 2. The common name of small instrumental plays of various content, character and construction.

Premiere- First view operas, ballet, operetta on theatrical scene; The first public performance of the music work (applied only to major works).

Chorus- Part songs, invariably, along with the same verbal text, repeated after each purchate.

Coming, exemptionsong-Plach, one of the most common in pre-revolutionary Russia genres People songs; It is usually the character of a mournful-excited rechitative.

Prologue(from Lat. Prae- Before and Greek. Logos- Word, speech) - Opening part in drama, novel, opere etc., introducing into the narration; Sometimes P. introduces the events preceding the depicted.

Musical development- Movement of musical images, their changes, collisions, interlocks, reflecting processes that proceed in the spiritual life of a person or the hero of a musical-theatrical presentation, as well as in the surrounding real reality. R. M. - An important factor of musical dramaturgiaThe listener's guiding attention on the most essential parts of the narration. R. m. Is carried out using a variety of composite and expressive techniques; It involves all means of musical expressiveness.

Requiem(from Lat. Requiem, peace) - Monumental work for chora, soloists-Perevtsov I. orchestra. Initially, R. - Mourning Catholic Mesa. Subsequently, in the works of Mozart, Berliosis, Verdi, R. lost a ritual-religious character, turning into dramatic, philosophically significant musical genreAn animated in deep universal feelings and great thoughts.

Recitative(from Lat. Recitare- read, reclaim) - Omubic speech, the most flexible shape solo singing B. opereAligned big rhythmic (see) Diversity and Freedom of Building. Usually R. introduces to aria., emphasizing her singer melodiousness. Often in R., characteristic intonations of living human speech are reproduced, so it turns out to be an indispensable means in creating music portrait acting person. The main varieties of R. - R.-SECCO ("Dry", accompanied by rare ripples chords Orchestra or Chamblock), R.-Acccompagnato ("accompanied", sounding against the background of coherent accompaniment) and R.-Obligato ("mandatory", which indicates the need for an independent melodic thought in the orchestra).

Ryodon(Fr. Rigodon, Rigaudon) - Vintage Provencal (France) dance of the XVII-XVIIIIs, live, vigorous movement; Size 4/4 or 2/3 with one-tailed weak.

Rhythm(From. Greek. Rythmo-dimensional current) - organization of musical movement in time, periodic alternation and the ratio of strong and weak fractions. A periodically repeated group of strong and weak fractions is called a tact. The number of shares in the tact is called a clock size. R. - An important expressive means of musical art, achieving special wealth and diversity in dance music related to the plastic movement of the human body.

Romance(FR. Romance) - solo Lyroe song with instrumental accompaniment characterized by intimate system of senses, individualized content, special subtlety and expressive diversity accompaniment. Vocal melody R. often includes elements rechitative.

Rondo(FR. Rondeauto Ronde- Round, the name of the ancient French choral song) - the form Building musical piecesconsisting of several (at least three) contrast episodesseparated by periodically returned first episode (refrain).

Sarabanda(Š. Zarabanda) - ancient Spanish dance in the character of a slow majestic procession; Size 3/4. Genre S. was often used to create images of deep mournful meditation, a mourning procession.

Seguidilla(Seguidilla) - fast Spanish dance accompanied by whimsical rhythm kastannet; Size 3/4 or 3/8.

Sextet(from lat. sextus-sixth) - opera-vocal or instrumental ensemble seven participants.

Serenade(From. IT. Sera- evening, letters, "evening song") - Initially in Spain and Italy, a love song that has sowed accompanomy Guitars or mandolina under the beloved window. Then - Welcoming works for instrumental ensembles and orchestra. Subsequently, S. - the name of lyrical solo songs with instrumental accompaniment, stylized in the spirit of guitar accompaniment, as well as the name of the lyrical instrumental or orchestral cycle.

Symphony(from Greek. Symphonia- consonance) - monumental work for the orchestra, genre which has developed in the 2nd half of the XVIIIV. C., as a rule, consists of four large variekrastructal, contrast parts, which reflect wide circle life phenomena, the wealth of sentiment and conflict is embodied. The first part of S. usually has a conflict-dramatic character and is inhapsed in a rapid movement; Sometimes it is preceded by slow accession. The second is a lyrical melting, imbued with meditation moods. Third - minuet, scherzo or waltz - In a busy dance movement. Fourth - the final, the fastest, often festive, elevated nature. However, there are other principles of construction. The combination of parts united by the general poetic idea forms a symphony cycle.

Scherzo(IT. Scherzo- joke) - a small instrumental or orchestral product of a living, perky nature, which has sharp, clear rhythm, sometimes getting a dramatic color. From the beginning of the XIXVEK S. entered the symphony cycle, taking place in it menuet..

Scromorchi- carriers of Russian folk art in the XI-XVIIIVs, stray actors, musicians and dancers.

Solo(IT. Solo is one, the only one) - an independent performance of one performer with a whole playing or in its separate episode.if the play is written for ensemble or orchestra. Artist S. - Soloist.

Sonata(from IT. Sonare- sound) - 1. In the XVIIVEK - the name of any instrumental work, in contrast to the vocal. 2. Since the XVIIIV - the name of the work for one or two tools consisting of three or four parts of a certain nature that form a sgonate cycle, in general, a similar symphonic (see symphony).

Sonatoy Allegro- a form in which the first parts are written sonata and symphony- sustained in fast (Allegro) tempe. Form S. a. It consists of three large sections: exposure, development and reprises. Exposition - the presentation of two central, contrasting musical images created in the main and side effect party; Development - development top the main and side parties, the collision and struggle of their images; Reprise - repetition of exposure with the new ratio of images of the main and side parties, achieved as a result of their struggle in the development. Form S. a. The most effective, dynamic, it creates ample opportunities for the realistic display of the phenomena of the objective reality and mental life of a person in their internal contradictions and incessant development. Form S. a. formed by the middle of the XVIIIV and soon got widespread not only in the first parts symphony., sonat, quartets, instrumental concerts, but also in one-room symphony poem., concert and opera overtors, but in some cases and in the deployed opera arias (eg, Aria Ruslana in the Opera Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila").

Soprano(from IT. Sopra-upstairs above) - the highest female voice. S. divided by coloratur, lyrical and dramatic.

Style(in music) - a set of signs characterizing the work of composers of a certain country, historical period, a separate composer.

Stringed instruments- Tools in which sound occurs as a result of vibration (oscillations) stretched strings. According to the method of sound recovery S. and. We are divided into bow (violin, alt, cello, double bass), keyboards ( piano And its predecessors, see chambalo) And pinch (harp, mandolin, guitar, balalaika, etc.).

Scene(Lat. Scena's Greek. Skene-tent, tent). - 1. Theatrical layouts on which there is a presentation. 2. Part of theatrical presentation, separate episode act or pictures.

Scenario(IT. Scenario) - more or less detailed exposure of the action of the action deploying on the scene in opere, ballet and operette, Conceptual retelling of their plot. Based on C. Created libretto Operas.

Suite(FR. SUITE- series, sequence) - the name of the many cyclic work, in which parts are compared on the principle contrast and have a less close internal ideological-artistic bond, rather than in a symphonic cycle (see symphony). Usually S. is a series of dances or descriptive-illustrative plays of a software character, and sometimes - extracting from a major musical-dramatic work ( operas, ballet, operetta, film).

Tarantella(IT. Tarantella) - very fast, temperamental Italian folk dance; Size 6/8.

Theme musical(Greek. Thema- The subject of the story) - the main one to be development The musical thought, expressed in a relatively small completed, embossed, pronounced and memorable melody (see also leitmotif).

Timbre(FR. Timbre) - specific quality, characteristic color of voice or tool sound.

Pace(from IT. Tempo- time) - the speed of execution and the nature of the movement in the musical work. T. is indicated by the words: very slowly - Largo (Largo), slowly - Adagio (Adagio), calmly, smoothly - Andante, moderately fast - moderato (Moderato), quickly - Allegro (Allegro), very fast - Presto (Presto ). Sometimes T. is defined by reference to the well-known nature of the movement: "In the pace waltza"," In the pace marsha" From the middle of the XIXVEK T. is also denoted by a metronome, where the number corresponds to the number of specified durations per minute. The verbal designation of T. often serves as the name of the play or its individual parts that are not halted (eg, the names of the parts in the sgonate cycle - Allegro, Andante, etc., ballet adagioi dr.).

Tenor(from lat. Tenere- hold, direct) - a high male voice. T, divided into lyric and dramatic.

Tercet(from lat. Tertius - third) - opera-vocal ensemble three participants. Another name T. - triois also used to designate instrumental ensembles With the same number of performers.

Trio(IT. Trioot Tre- three) - 1. In vocal music, the same as tercet. 2. The instrumental ensemble of three performers. 3. Medium section in marsh., waltz, menuet, scherzo more smooth and singeling; This value of the term arose in ancient instrumental music, in the works of which the average partition was performed with three instruments.

Trubadras, pipes- Knights-poets and singers in medieval France.

Overture(FR. Ouverture- opening, beginning) - 1. Orchestra play, executed before start operas or ballet, usually based on the topics of the work it precedes, and compressed embodying it the main idea. 2. The name of an independent one-piece orchestral work, often related to software music.

Percussion instruments- Musical instruments, of which the sound is retrieved by hitting. U. and. There are: 1) with a certain sound height - Litales, bells and bells, chest, xylophone and 2) with sound of an indefinite height - tames, large and small drums, tambourines, plates, triangle, kastagnets, etc.

Texture(Lat. Factura- letters. division, processing) - the structure of sound tissue of a musical product, including melodyaccompanying it podonic or polyphonic vote, accompaniment etc.

Fandango(Span. Fandango- Spanish People's Dance of Moderate Motion, accompanied by the game on the kastagnets; size 3/4.

Fantasy(Greek Phantasia - imagination, generally fiction, fiction) - virtuoso The work is free forms. 1. In the XVIIVEK improvisational Character Entry K. fougay or sonata. 2. Virtuoso essay on topics any operas, the same, that transcription (lat. Transcriptio- rewriting) or paraphrase (from Greek. Paraphrasis- description, retelling, paraphrase). 3. Instrumental work, characterized by bizarre, fantastic music character.

Fanfare(IT. Fanfara) - Pipe signal, usually a festive solemn character.

The final(IT. Finale- final) - Final part of many works, operas or ballet.

Folklore(From. English. Folk- people and Lore- doctrine, science) - a set of works of oral literary and musical folk art.

Musical shape(Lat. Forma appearance, outlines) - 1. The means of implementing ideological-shaped content, including melody, harmony, polyphony, rhythm, dynamics, timbre, texture, as well as composite principles of construction or F. in a narrow value. 2. F. In a narrow value - historically established and developed patterns of the structure of musical works, location and relationship schemes and partitions, which determine the general contours of the musical work. The most common are F. three-part, true, variational, rondo, sonateas well as F. Building suitid, sonate and symphony (cm.) cycles.

Piano(from IT. Forte-Piano-loud-quiet) - general keyboard name string tool (piano, piano), allowing, unlike its predecessors - Clausing, chambalo, keycorder, get sounds of various power. The latitude of the sound range and dynamics, expressiveness and colorful diversity of sound, large virtuoso-technical capabilities made F. mainly solo and concerting (see concert) tool, as well as a member of many chamber instrumental ensembles.

Fragment(from. Lat. Fragmentum-chip, piece) - excerpt of something.

Phrase(Greek PHRASIS - speech turnover, expression) - in music a brief relatively completed passage, part melodiesframed by pauses (cesura).

Fuga(IT. And Lat. Fuga- run) - a single work, which is polyphonic (see) Presentation and subsequent development one melodies, topics.

Fugato(from FUGA) - polyphonic episode In instrumental or vocal pieseBuilt like fugueBut not finished and passed to the music of the usual, non-polyphonic warehouse.

Fugetta.(IT. Fugetta- Little Fugue) - fuga Small sizes, with a reduced section of development.

Fouliant(Czech., letters. - Gordez, Zakona) - Swift temperamental Czech folk dance; Size variable - 2/4, 3/4.

Habanera(Ip. Habanera- letters, Havana, from Havana) - Spanish folk dance song, distinguished by reserved clear rhythm; Size 2/4.

Khor.(from Greek. Choros) - 1. A large singing team consisting of several groups, each of which performs its party. 2. Works for choir, independent or included in the opera work, in which they are one of the most important forms of frequently used when creating mass folk scene.

Choral(from Greek. Choros) - 1. Church choral singing on religious text, common in the Middle Ages. 2. Choral or other work or episode based on uniform leisurely motion accords, distinguished by an elevated-contemplative character.

Khota(Š. Jota) - Spanish folk dance of the temperamental living movement, accompanied by the song; Size 3/4.

Musical cycle(from Greek. Kyklos-circle, circuit) - a set of parts of many things, following each other in a certain order. C. is based on the principle of contrast. Main varieties - Sonate-symphonic C., Suite C. (see symphony, suite); Also forms also belong to the number of cyclic mesca and requiem.

Chambalo (IT. Cembalo, Claviecembalo) - Italian title of the harpsichord, predecessor of modern piano. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, Ch. Was part of opera or oratorious orchestraaccompanying execution rechitatives.

Ecosez(FR. Écossaise- "Scotland") - Scottish folk dance of rapid movement; Size 2/4.

Expression (from Lat. Expressio - expression) in music - increased expressiveness.

Elegy(Greek. Elegiaot Elegos- complaint) - play Sad, pensive character.

Epigraph(Greek. Epigraphe- BUVK. The inscription on the monument) - borrowed from the literature the figurative name of the initial musical phrase, topics or a passing, which determines the predominant character, leading the thought of all the work.

Episode(Greek EPEISODION - incident, event) - a small part of musical and theatrical action; Sometimes a section entered into a musical product having a retreat.

Epilogue (Greek Epilogos from EPI - after and Logos - the word, speech) - the final part of the work, summarizing the events, sometimes telling about the events that have occurred some time.

Epitaph (Greek. Epitaphios) - a tombstone.

