Fairy tales for children old. Russian folk tales read online

Fairy tales for children old. Russian folk tales read online
Fairy tales for children old. Russian folk tales read online

The very first works faced by small readers are Russian folk tales. This is a fundamental element of folk creativity, with the help of which deep vital wisdom is transferred from generation to generation. Fairy tales teach to distinguish good and evil, indicate human vices and dignity, they are not fussing life, family, domestic values. Read your children Russian folk fairy tales, the list of which is presented below.

Digger Ryaba

A fairy tale of good chickens with a row living in the hives of Baba and Grandfather and brought the golden egg that they could not break - this is one of the first fairy tales read by the parents to small children. A fairy tale easy for children's perception also tells about the mouse that the golden testicle broke the tail. After that, the grandfather was burning with a woman, and the church promised to demolish it, but not a gold, but a simple egg.

Masha and the Bear

An entertaining fairy tale of the adventures of a small car, which is lost, got into the hut to the bear. The Grozny Beast was delighted and ordered Masha to stay from him in his hill, otherwise he will eat it. But the little girl reached the bear, and he himself is not knowing, took Masha back her parents.

Vasilisa beautiful

A fairy tale of a good and beautiful girl who dying mom left a magic doll. The girl was worn out for a long time and married and her daughters, but the magic doll always helped her to cope with everything. Once she even woven the cloth of unprecedented beauty, which fell to the king. The ruler liked the fabric so much that he ordered to deliver the craftswoman to him so that she sewed from this shruh's canvas. Seeing Vasilisa beautiful, the king fell in love with her and on this all the suffering of the girl ended.


The fairy tale of how many different little animals lived in Teremchka, teaches the smallest readers to friendship and hospitality. Mouse-norushka, bunny-shooter, a frog-cuckoo, a top-gray barrel, a sister-chanterelle lived in his small house, while they were not asked to live Kosolapi's bear. He was very big and ruined teremok. But the kind inhabitants of the house were not confused and built new terems, more and better than the previous one.


Winter tale of a girl who lived with her father, stepmother and her daughter. Stepmother did not like the stepdaughter and persuaded the old man to take away the girl into the forest on the faithful death. In the forest, Lyuti frost freezed the girl and wrote "Will the maiden's warmth?", To which she answered him with good words. And then he squeezed over her, warmed and gave rich gifts. The next morning the girl returned home, stepmother saw the gifts and decided to send his native daughter for gifts. But the second daughter was rude with frost, therefore frozen in the forest.

In the work of "Cockerel and leggings" by the author on the example of a cockerel who supprusted the grain, tells the story of the fact that in life to get something, you must first give something first. Asking the chicken to go to the cowboy for the Maslitsa to lubricate the neck and swallow the grain, he activated a whole chain of other orders, which the chicken performed adequately, brought the maslice and saved the cockerel.


The tale of a kolobok refers to the discharge of works, easily memorable to small children, as there are many repetitions of the plot. The author tells how the grandmother baked her grandfather Kolobok, and he came to life. The bun did not want to eat him, and escaped from grandmother with grandfather. On the way he met the hare, a wolf and a bear, from which he also gave himself, a senior song. And only the tricky Lisa was able to eat a ball, so he still did not escape his fate.

Princess Frog

The fairy tale about the princess-frog tells about how Tsarevich had to marry a frog, in which the arrow fell, released by him by order of his father. The frog was enchanted by Vasilisa Wolly, which throws out a frog of the skin during the tasks of the king. Ivan-Tsarevich, having learned that his wife is a beautiful and needlewoman, burns the skin and thus carries the Vasilis to be imprisoned from the Koschery immortal. Tsarevich, realizing his mistake, enters unequal fight with the monster and dismisses his wife, after which they live long and happily.

Swan geese

Gus-Swans is an instructive fairy tale about how little girl did not rule out his brother and handed it to the geese swans. The girl goes in search of her brother, she met the stove, apple tree and dairy river on the way, from which she refused. And for a long time to look for the girl of her brother, if it were not for the hedgehog that pointed her the right path. She found her brother, but on the way back, if it were not used using the aforementioned characters, could not return it home.

A fairy tale committing young children to order is "three bear". In it, the author talks about a little girl who got lost and scored three bears on the hut. There, she slightly hurt - she walked a porridge from each bowl, sat on every chair, followed each bed. The family of bears returned home and saw that someone enjoyed their things, he was very angry. Little hooligan saved what she ran away from indignantly bears.

Porridge from the topor

A short fairy tale "Porridge from the ax" about how one soldier went to the first and decided to spend the night from the old woman who met him. And the old woman was greedy, she deceived, saying that she had nothing to feed the guest. Then the soldier offered her to cook porridge from the ax. I asked the boiler, water, then the cunning knuckle knocked out the porridge and the butter, it was himself, I fed the old woman and then I also took the ax that the old woman could not lie to the old woman.


The Fairy Tale "Rack" is one of the most famous Russian folk fairy tales focused on kids. At the heart of its plot lies a large number of repetition of the characters. Grandfather, who asked the grandmother to help him stretch to reprect, and he turned his granddaughter, granddaughter - bug, bug - a cat, a cat - a mouse, teach us what together can cope with something easier than separately.

Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden is a fairy tale, according to the plot of which grandfather with a woman who did not have children, decide to blind the Snow Maiden in the winter. And so she was fine with them, they began to call her daughter, and the Snow Maiden came to life. But the spring and Snow Maiden came to be sad, hid from the sun. But, what to be, not to Must - girlfriends called the Snow Maiden on the goules and she went, jumped through the fire and melted, shot up the cloud of white couple.

Winter animals

In the fairy tale "Zimovye anima" tells as a bull, a pig, a ram, cock and goose escaped from the old man with the old woman to avoid their deplorable fate. Winter approached, and it was necessary to build wintering, but everyone refused to help the bull. And then the bull himself built a winterier himself, and when she came in a busy winter, the beasts began to ask him to overvolve. Bull was kind and therefore let them go to himself. And the animals in turn repulsed the bull for the kindness, to drive a fox, wolf and a bear, who wanted to eat them.

Fox-sister and Wolf

The fairy tale about the fox-sister and wolf is one of the most famous folk fairy tales for children, they are read in kindergartens and schools. And on the basis of an interesting plot on how the tricky chanterelle deceived, deceiving the wolf of the tail, and also on top of a broken wolf drove home, saying "Bathy Nebitant luck", put performances and organize readings on roles.

By magic

The fairy tale "By whining kettling" about how unsuccessful and lazy emelya-fool caught the magic pike, which fulfilled all his desires, it was worth it only to say the cherished words "at a prominent class, in my desire." There, it began his carefree life - the buckets themselves wore the water, the ax Firewood cut, Sani without horses went. Thanks to the magic pike of Emely, the fool turned into an enviable and lucky groom, which was loved by the Marya-Tsarevna itself.

Elena Promudura

Read the Russian folk fairy tale "Elena Revision" is a pleasure - here you are also damn, and the girls, contacting the doves, and the wonderful wise of the queen, and the all-seeing magic book of knowledge. An amazing story about how a simple soldier fell in love with Elena, wisely and cunning married her, like children of any age.

Magic Ring

In the instructive fairy tale "Magic Ring" The author told the story of a good boy Martynke, who was able to achieve much due to his kindness. Instead of buying bread, he saves a dog and a cat, then heaves out the beautiful princess from the misfortune, for which the magic ring gets from the king. With his help, Martha builds wonderful palaces and breaks beautiful gardens, but once the trouble overtook him. And then Martynke came to the rescue, everyone who did not leave in trouble came.

Zayushkina hut

The fairy tale "Zayushkina Hut" is a story about how the tricky chanterelle settled in the hut of a little hack. Neither the bear nor the wolf could drive the uninvited guest from the bunny house, and only the brave cockerel could cope with the cunning fox, which was not worth assigning someone else's hut.

Tsarevna Nesmeyana

All that can be wished, it was a princess, but she still saddled. The king father as soon as she tried, but he could not cheer his only daughter. Then he decided - who will laugh to the princess, he marries her. In the fairy tale "Tsarevna Nesmeyana" the story is told about how a simple worker, without knowing, launched the saddle girl of the kingdom and became her husband.

Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka

Ivanovka's brother was not listened to his sister Alyonushka, drove the water from the waters and turned into a goat. History, complete adventures, where the evil witch drowned Alyonushka, and the little goat saved her and, throwing three times across his head, again became Bratz Ivanushka, was told in the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka".

flying ship

In the Russian folk fairy tale, the Flying Ship, young readers learn how the king decided to give his daughter for the one who build a flying ship. And in one village there were three brothers, the younger of them considered a fool. So they decided the eldest and middle brothers to take up the construction of the ship, that's just nothing turned out to have anything, because the tips of the old man who met them, did not listen. And the younger listened, and the grandfather helped build him a real volatile ship. So the younger brother from the fool turned into a husband of a beautiful princess.

Bull - resin bar

I chisted the grandfather for his granddaughter Tanya's bull from straw, and he took and came to life. Yes, not a simple bull turned out to be a molar barrel. The cunning forced the bear, a wolf and a hare sticking to his barrel, to bring her grandfather. The wolf brought a bag of nuts, a bear - hive honey, and a bunker Kochan cabbage and a red ribbon for Tanya. Although the hotel did not carry a good wild, but no one deceived, because everyone promised, and the promises need to restrain.

    1 - about a baby bus that was afraid of darkness

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale of how Mama-bus taught her baby-bus not to be afraid of darkness ... about a baby-bus, which was afraid of darkness to read live-was in the light of the baby-bus. He was bright red and lived with dad and mom in the garage. Every morning …

    2 - three kitten

    Suteev V.G.

    A small fairy tale for the smallest about three fidget kittens and their fun adventures. Little children adore short stories with pictures, so, Tales of SUYEEV are so popular and loved! Three kitten read three kids - black, gray and ...

    3 - Hedgehog in the fog

    Kozlov S.G.

    The fairy tale about the hedgehog, as he walked at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone delivered him as shore. Magic was night! Hedgehog in the fog read thirty komarikov ran into the glade and played ...

    4 - Apple

    Suteev V.G.

    The fairy tale about hedgehog, hare and crows that could not share the last apple. Everyone wanted to assign him to himself. But a fair bear reasoned their dispute, and everyone got into pieces of delicacy ... An apple to read later ...

    5 - about a mouse from the book

    Gianni Rodari

    A small tale about a mouse that lived in a book and decided to jump out of it in a big world. Only he did not know how to talk in the language of mice, but he knew only a strange book language ... about a mouse from the books to read ...

    6 - Black Out

    Kozlov S.G.

    The fairy tale about a cowardly hare, which in the forest was afraid of everyone. And so he is tired of his fear that came to the black pool. But he taught the hare to live and not be afraid! Black Out to read lived was a hare in ...

    7 - About Hedgehog and Rabbit Slice of Winter

    Stewart P. and Ridde K.

    The story of how the hedgehog in front of the winter hibernation ask the rabbit to keep him to spring a piece of winter. Rabbit rolled the big room, wrapped him with leaves and hid in his hole. About Hedgehog and Rabbit Slice ...

    8 - about hippo, who was afraid of vaccinations

    Suteev V.G.

    The fairy tale about the cowardly hippopotamus, which escaped from the clinic, because I was afraid of vaccinations. And the jaundice fell ill. Fortunately, he was taken to the hospital and cured. And the hippo has become very shameful for his behavior ... about hippo, which was afraid ...

Love for literature begins with a fairy tale, familiar since childhood. It is very important to help the baby correctly choose a work that may be one of the most beloved for him. The best fairy tales for preschool children read in the selection posted on the page of our site.

Preschooler game and the role of a fairy tale in it

In the life of the child there is always a place for the game and a fairy tale. In preschool age, these concepts are especially intertwined at the expense of the story games - the most important stage of the child's development. We read fairy tales to children, and their plots are reflected in the children's game.

Approximately in a four-year-old, the baby penetrates interest in the formulation of mini-ideas, the actors in which his toys are. Later he learns to try different roles on himself and friends, turning alternately in a bold warrior or an unhappy stepdaughter, then in a fierce tiger or a cunning fox.

Enrich this fabulous world and expand the borders of the creative abilities of the child will help fairy tales for children, free of charge to your attention on this service.

What fairy tales read preschoolers

The choice of fairy tales for children is 4 years and older depends on the interests and preferences of the child himself. However, parents can gently direct these interests, offering the baby the best works that became bestsellers.

Russian folk fairy tales introduce the baby with the national traditions and the peculiarities of the life of the native people. Copyright - contribute to the development of imagination and creative thinking.

Why need illustration

The main feature of children's attention is its involuntaryness. It's hard to keep the baby on one object for a long time, even if it is a book with an interesting fairy tale. Use only hearing in this case is not enough. In order for the child to remain focused, it is important to connect other types of perception - visual (pictures), and in some cases tactile (books-toys, puzzles books, etc.).

When it comes to the fairy tale for children 5 years old, perceive the text on the electronic device monitor is even more difficult.

That is why on our site special attention is paid to drawings to children's books, and in this section you are expected exclusively high-quality illustrations.

Preparing to read yourself

Listening to fairy tales - excellent preparation for independent reading. By putting love for books, you awaken the baby desire to learn to read himself.

When he matures enough to master the independent reading, there will be short fairy tales for children for 6 years, specially printed with large font.

Until that time, a small reader can enjoy fascinating plots and colorful pictures of books placed on our page.

Popular children's authors on our website

We have prepared for children of preschool age a selection of books of the best children's authors who have deserved recognition among many generations of children.

Here you will find simple instructive fairy tales M. Pestankovsky and G. Tsyferov, lyrical deep works G.kh. Andersen, the fantastic adventure of the heroes of J. Oderri and D. Biseset.

The little reader will certainly find a fairy tale in the soul, which means it will take the first step in the amazing world of literature. Welcome!