§3. Definition

§3. Definition
§3. Definition

Definition is a secondary member of a sentence, which depends on the subject, addition or circumstances, determines the sign of the subject and answers questions: what? which the? whose?

The definition may relate to the words of different parts of speech: noun and words formed from adjectives or communities to the transition to another part of speech, as well as pronouns.

Agreed and inconsistent definition

The agreed definition is a definition for which the type of syntactic relationship between the main and dependent words is coordination. For example:

Dissatisfied girl ate chocolate ice cream on an outdoor terrace.

(Girl (what?) Displeased, ice cream (what?) Chocolate, on the terrace (what?) Open)

The agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives, consistent with the defined words - nouns in kind, and the case.

The agreed definitions are expressed:

1) Adjective: Dear Mom, a favorite grandmother;

2) communities: a laughing boy, a bored girl;

3) pronouns: my book, this boys;

4) ordinal numerical: the first of September, to the eighth of March.

But the definition may be inconsistent. This is the definition associated with a word-defined word by other types of syntactic communication:



Inconsistent definition based on management:

Mom's book lay on the bedside table.

Wed: Mom's Book - Mine Book

(Mine Book is a consistent definition, communication type: coordination, and the mother's book is inconsistent, communication type - management)

Inspected definition based on adjoining:

I want to buy her a gift for more expensive.

Wed: Gift is more expensive - a gift dear

(a gift is more expensive - an inconsistent definition, the type of communication is the adjoining, and the gift is dear - a consistent definition, the type of communication - coordination)

In inconsistent definitions include definitions expressed by syntactically indivisible phrases and phraseologists.

On the contrary built a shopping center in five floors.

Wed: Center in Five Floors - five-story center

(center in five floors - inconsistent definition, communication type - management, and five-storey center - a consistent definition, communication type - coordination)

The girl entered the room with blue hair.

(Girl with blue hair - inconsistent definition, communication type - management.)

Different parts of speech can act in the role of inconsistent definition:

1) noun:

Bus stop moved.

(buses - noun)

2) adverb:

Grandma has prepared meat in French.

(French - adverb)

3) verb in an indefinite form:

She had the ability to listen.

(Listen - verb in an indefinite form)

4) Comparative degree of adjective:

He always chooses the way to easily, and she - the tasks are groured.

(easier, threatening comparative degree of adjectives)

5) Pronoming:

Her story touched me.

(it is a possessive pronoun)

6) syntactically indivisible phrases


A special type of definition is an application. The application is a definition expressed by a noun agreed with the defined word in the case.

Applications denote various signs of the subject, which are expressed by nouns: age, nationality, profession, etc.:

I love my sister - baby.

A group of tourists - Japanese lived in the hotel with me.

The species of the application are geographical names, the names of enterprises, organizations, printed bodies, artistic works. The latter form inconsistent applications. Compare examples:

I saw the embankment of the river Sukhona.

(Sukhonov - a consistent application, the words of the river and the Sukhona stand in one case.)

The son read the fairy tale "Cinderella".

("Cinderella" - an inconsistent application, the words fairy tale and "Cinderella" stand in different cases

Inconsistent definitions, in contrast to the agreed, are associated with

Defined word by method of management (writer's story, boat with

Sails) or adjustment (desire to work).

They can be expressed nouns in indirect cases without

Prepositions. In this case, the most common type is determined,

Pronounced by name nouns in the parental case (the mother of the student,

Work teacher).

More often than others use inconsistent definitions denoting

Sign of the specified subject in relation. These definitions are due

Correlated with agreed definitions, but have compared to

With great opportunities for concretization and specify a sign, since

Can attach definitions:

On the wall hanging the fathers of the jacket;

The jacket of my father hangs on the wall.

Inconsistent definitions expressed by name nouns in

Parental case, may sign a sign on its carrier:

He with the love of the artist gave a new and unexpected impression

(I. A.Goncharov).

Inconsistent definitions expressed by the genital case of the name

Noun with an abstract value may designate a sign

Revealing and clarifying concept. Such definitions often

Correlate with agreed definitions expressed relative and

Qualitative adjectives, allow synonymous substitution:

world policy is a peaceful policy;

the history of the Fatherland is a domestic history.

Inconsistent definitions may indicate a sign on the figure,

Manufacturer Action:

I loved the door with the liveliness, waiting for the appearance of his prosecutor

(A. S. Pushkin).

The special group is inconsistent definitions, pronounced

Locomotive existence of the 3rd face in the form of a genitive case,

For example:

I see their home.

Came her friend.

It should be noted that such definitions are usually facing defined

In short, they differ from inconsistent definitions expressed

Parental case of nouns names.

A few group constitute definitions expressed by the name

Nouns in the hardware case without an excuse. Semantics of them

Diverse. They can denote "a sign in likelihood and by nature

Actions. In the latter case, the definitions relate to members of the sentence,

Pronounced exclusive nouns and correlate with

Circumstances of the image of the corresponding verbs. "

For example:

Began an offensive whole battalions.

We began to step by whole battalions.

No less diverse semantics of inconsistent definitions expressed

National names in indirect cases with pretexts. "Uncoordinated

Definitions expressed by names nouns in indirect cases with

Various pretexts, ... are lively and developing in Russian

Language is a way to express the definition. Wealth of prediction values

Determine the breadth of the values \u200b\u200band diversity in the shades of signs,

Denoted by inconsistent definitions of this type. "

In the role of inconsistent definitions of the above group are names

Nouns included in nominal phrases and expressing actually

Identification relationships (and determining relations with various

Additional shades of values).

Inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns with

Pretexts, usually characterize the defined items at the place, time, in

Caused or targeted relationship. It distinguishes them from definitions

Pronounced nouns without prepositions.

To the most commonly referred to definitions expressed by the name

Nouns in the parental case with different pretexts, in fact

Case with the pretext with and in the proposed case with a pretext in. And yet these types

Definitions are significantly inferior to definitions, pronounced names.

Nouns in the parental case without an excuse, in terms of use and

Variety of values.

Among the inconsistent definitions expressed by the names of nouns in

Parental case with various pretexts, you can highlight the following

1) Definitions with the pretext of the indication of the material:

panel from leaves; Shed from boards;

2) Definitions with the pretext of the sign of origin:

commander from officers; exemption from workers;

3) definition with a pretext from under, denoting a sign by substance,

box from cake.

The definitions expressed by the name are widespread

Nouns in the parental case with pretexts from, from under, s, y, from,

Nearby, against, denoting the sign of the subject of the subject:

1) on its belonging to the place, territory;

2) at the location or in the direction.

For example:

1. She often noticed in all people from the city something for children and

condescendingly smiled (M. Gorky).

2. All the garden paths that covered the slope against our houses were me

known (M. Yu.lermonts).

Relatively fixed group represent

Dutiful case with pretexts. At the same time, the definitions are more common

Pronounced with a dutient case with a pretext of software. They have the following values:

1. A sign that limits the defined subject in any respect:

He is my brother by mother.

2. A sign that characterizes the defined object in the spatial


Houses on the shores appeared less and less.

Inconsistent definitions expressed by names nouns in

Vinegenic case with pretexts in and on, may signify the sign on

Appearance (polka dot dress), as far as or amount (ten way

Kilometers), in the direction in space (door to the room), by appointment

(Outfit on crushed stone).

Inconsistent definitions expressed by names nouns in

The appropriate case with pretexts, make up widespread

Group. The most commonly intended definitions with the pretext with. They denote

"A sign of a defined subject for the presence of any external subject

Or internal characteristic feature, quality or properties. " Such

Inconsistent definitions often, in turn, have with them

Consistent definitions:

Girl came with blue eyes.

From inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in

The proposed case, the most commonly common structures are

The pretext in, less commonly used definitions with the pretext on. Data

Definitions may indicate:

1) a sign for the presence of an object of any external feature;

2) Characteristics of the subject in spatial attitude:

1. He learned the girl in the straw hat

2. The conversation in the kitchen was becoming more loud

Finally, inconsistent definitions expressed by the names

Nouns in the proposed case with a pretext about (about) reveal

Interior of the subject:

The question of the inheritance was an important part of the document.

Inconsistent definitions can be expressed as high quality

Adaptable in the form of a comparative degree with suffixes -E - it, she.

Such definitions denote the qualitative sign of the defined subject

As inherent in it to a greater or lesser extent compared to others


I do not know a person kinder good.

But such inconsistent definitions are used in Russian

Relatively rarely, which is due to the fact that widespread development

Complex forms of degrees of comparison. They allow you to express signs of objects

With the help of a consistent definition.

Inconsistent definitions are expressed, moreover,

Circumstantial and circumstantial adverbs. Such definitions

Denote a sign of the subject, characterizing it in terms of quality,

Directions or time, for example:

At the end of the letter stood a signature in French.

She loved the riding walks.

The small group is formed by inconsistent definitions related to

Members of the proposal, expressed indefinitely pronoun:

Someone in white sat on the shore.

Do you need to download an overnumber? Rips and save - "inconsistent definitions. And the bookmarks appeared a ready essay.

Uncoordinated definitions.

If the main members of the sentence is the basis, then the minor is accuracy, beauty and imagery. Especially should pay attention to the definitions.

Definition as a member of the sentence

The definition refers to the word with the subject value and characterizes the sign, the quality, property property that calls the defined word, answers the questions: "What?", What? "What?" What? ", What?" And their case forms. There are consistent and inconsistent definition in Russian.

For example, "I loved to watch a big beautiful white bird."

Defined word - "Bird". The question is raised from him: "What?"

Bird (what?) Big, beautiful, white.

Definitions characterize this proposal subject on such grounds: in size, in appearance, in color.

Definitions "big, beautiful" - agreed, and " white color - inconsistent. What is the difference between the agreed definitions from inconsistent?

Definitions " big, beautiful"- coordinated, they change when the defined word is changed, that is, they are consistent with it in kind, the number, the case:

  • bird (what?) Big, beautiful;
  • bird (what?) Big, beautiful;
  • bird (what?) Large, beautiful.

Definition "White Color" - inconsistent. It will not change if you change the main word:

  • bird (what?) White color;
  • birds (what?) White color;
  • bird (what?) White color;
  • bird (what?) White color;
  • oh bird (what?) White color.

Thus, it can be concluded that this is an inconsistent definition. So, we found out what the agreed definitions from inconsistent are distinguished. The first changes when changing the main word, and the second does not change.

Inconsistent definitions with the value of the material from which the subject

Uncoordinated are never expressed by adjective, communion, consistent with pronouns. They are most often expressed by nouns with pretexts and without prepositions and have different meaning of the subject. One of these values \u200b\u200bis "the material from which the subject is made."

Inconsistent definitions with the value of the appointment of the subject

Very often it is necessary to indicate what the subject exists is, then inconsistent definitions are used that have the value "Appointment of the subject".

Inconsistent definitions with the value of the concomitant subject

If it is said that there is something or something absent from the subject of speech, then uncoordinated definitions are usually used with the value of the "accompanying subject of".

Inconsistent definitions with the value of the subject of the subject

The uncoordinated definitions expressing the belonging of the subject or, more precisely, the attitude of the subject to another subject matter are widely used in the language.

Remuneration of inconsistent definitions and additions

Since inconsistent definitions are expressed by nouns names, the problem of delimitation of definitions and additions arises. Supplements are also expressed by nouns and nothing formally differ from inconsistent definitions. Discern these minor members is possible only from the point of view of syntax. Therefore, it is necessary to consider ways to delimitation of inconsistent definitions and additions.

  1. Supplements relate to verbs, verbalies, communities, and definitions - to nouns, pronounced on the subject.
  2. We put the additions for additions, and to definitions - what questions "what?", "Whose?"

Inconsistent definitions - pronouns

In the role of inconsistent definitions, questions may appear in such cases: "Whose?", "Whose?", "Whose?", "Whose?" And their case forms. We give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by the most attractive pronouns.

IN her The window is lit light (in whose window?).

His Girlfriend did not come (whose friend?).

IN them The garden was the most delicious apples (in whose garden?).

Inconsistent definitions - adjectives in a simple comparative degree

If the proposal is present in simple, it is an inconsistent definition. It means a sign of an object that is expressed to a greater or lesser extent than in another one subject. We give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by adjectives in a simple comparative degree.

Grandfather built a house better ours.

Society is divided into people smarter I am on those who are not interested in me.

Everyone wants to grab a piece morethan others.

Inconsistent definitions - adverb

Often, adverbs act as inconsistent definitions, in such cases they have the meaning of a sign of quality, direction, place, a method of action. We look at the proposal with inconsistent definitions, examples with adverbs.

Listen to your neighbor's opinion (what?) left.

The chulatper was small with the door (what?) out.

The hill was light with a window (what?) On the contrary.

Inconsistent definitions - infinitives

Infinitive may be inconsistent determination with nouns having abstract concepts: desire, joy, necessity and the like. We look at the proposal with inconsistent definitions, examples with infinitives.

Everyone would understand my desire (what?) capture These magic paintings.

In the heart, the need lives (what?) be in love Someone.

The division will speak with the task (what?) take Height on the right bank of the Dnieper.

Everyone should have joy (what?) feel yourself man.

She had a habit (what?) talk With someone invisible.

Separation of inconsistent definitions in Russian

The allocation of inconsistent definitions on the message is sent to the position of the position occupied and from their prevalence. Not prone to the separation of inconsistent definitions directly beyond the defined word - the name of the nominal one.

On the backyards of the garden stood a long shed (what?) from the board.

The old woman was served by sour cream in a blue (which one?) with a chopped edge.

Girl (what?) in blue dress Stood at the entrance to the park, waited for someone.

In the park (what?) with purely revised alleys It was empty and boring.

Desire (what?) survive by anything owned them all the time.

The inconsistent definitions standing after the main word - the name of the nominal, are isolated only if it is necessary to give it a particular semantic significance. Consider separate inconsistent definitions (examples).

In that sweat , from gray wool, She came out of the room, as if there was no whole year of separation.

This vase , with a fucking neck, I remember from childhood.

If inconsistent definitions are facing the defined word, then they are most often separated. Such definitions acquire an additional circumstantial shade of value.

In a long elegant dressThe sister seemed higher and adult.

In a long skirt and naked hands, the girl stands on stage and sings something in a thin voice.

Uncoordinate definitions are always isolated if they relate to and to the name of their own. Consider separate inconsistent definitions (examples).

She is, with braids to the belt, I left the middle of the room and went me through my eyes.

Marya Ivanovna , in a white starch blouse, I called loudly a servant and told the came the girlfriend to remove scattered things.

It (sun), with red-orange rim, hung quite low from the horizon.

Practical task in OGE format

There is such among exam tasks, to perform which knowledge of inconsistent definitions need. To accomplish this task, you need to find a proposal in which there is an inconsistent definition. Next, there is a text with numbered proposals, among which you need to find the right one.

Example 1: Find a proposal with an inconsistent distribution definition.

1) The room was quiet, and for a long time nor a boy nor a man interrupted silence.

2) After some time, the father suddenly said:

3) Listen, Timur! 4) Want, I will buy you a dog? 5) Shepherd with a black stripe on the back.

Example 2: Find a proposal with an inconsistent separate definition.

1) Mother got up very close to hope.

2) She entered the street.

3) in a raincoat and in a white coat, it seemed naught another than two months ago.

4) And the hope that has not yet dares, three seconds looked at the mother, without recognizing.

5) She saw several new wrinkles, separated from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips.

6) Only the Mother's view remained the same, the same, as Hope was hidden in the heart.

Example 3: Find a proposal with an inconsistently specified definition.

1) She shone from joy.

2) Today they called her mother.

3) Do not all neighbors heard how this girl screamed with dark hair:

5) The girl understood what aunt rejoices.

6) Only herself did not understand her, whether she was called.

Answers: 1 (5), 2 (3), 3 (3).

If the main members of the sentence is the basis, then the minor is accuracy, beauty and imagery. Especially should pay attention to the definitions.

Definition as a member of the sentence

The definition refers to the word with the subject value and characterizes the sign, the quality, property property that calls the defined word, answers the questions: "What?", What? "What?" What? ", What?" And their case forms. There are consistent and inconsistent definition in Russian.

For example, "I loved to watch a big beautiful white bird."

Defined word - "Bird". The question is raised from him: "What?"

Bird (what?) Big, beautiful, white.

Definitions characterize this proposal subject on such grounds: in size, in appearance, in color.

Definitions "big, beautiful" - agreed, and " white color - inconsistent. What is the difference between the agreed definitions from inconsistent?

Definitions " big, beautiful"- coordinated, they change when the defined word is changed, that is, they are consistent with it in kind, the number, the case:

  • bird (what?) Big, beautiful;
  • bird (what?) Big, beautiful;
  • bird (what?) Large, beautiful.

Definition "White Color" - inconsistent. It will not change if you change the main word:

  • bird (what?) White color;
  • birds (what?) White color;
  • bird (what?) White color;
  • bird (what?) White color;
  • oh bird (what?) White color.

Thus, it can be concluded that this is an inconsistent definition. So, we found out what the agreed definitions from inconsistent are distinguished. The first changes when changing the main word, and the second does not change.

Inconsistent definitions with the value of the material from which the subject

The inconsistent members of the sentence are never expressed by adjective, communion, consistent with the pronsection. They are most often expressed by nouns with pretexts and without prepositions and have different meaning of the subject. One of these values \u200b\u200bis "the material from which the subject is made."

Inconsistent definitions with the value of the appointment of the subject

Very often it is necessary to indicate what the subject exists is, then inconsistent definitions are used that have the value "Appointment of the subject".

Inconsistent definitions with the value of the concomitant subject

If it is said that there is something or something absent from the subject of speech, then uncoordinated definitions are usually used with the value of the "accompanying subject of".

Inconsistent definitions with the value of the subject of the subject

The uncoordinated definitions expressing the belonging of the subject or, more precisely, the attitude of the subject to another subject matter are widely used in the language.

Remuneration of inconsistent definitions and additions

Since inconsistent definitions are expressed by nouns names, the problem of delimitation of definitions and additions arises. Supplements are also expressed by nouns in indirect cases and are not formally different from inconsistent definitions. Discern these minor members is possible only from the point of view of syntax. Therefore, it is necessary to consider ways to delimitation of inconsistent definitions and additions.

  1. Supplements relate to verbs, verbalies, communities, and definitions - to nouns, pronounced on the subject.
  2. For additions, we set questions of indirect cases, and to definitions - what questions "what?", "Whose?"

Inconsistent definitions - pronouns

As inconsistent definitions may be attracted pronoun. In such cases, questions are set: "Whose?", "Whose?", "Whose?", "Whose?" And their case forms. We give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by the most attractive pronouns.

IN her The window is lit light (in whose window?).

His Girlfriend did not come (whose friend?).

IN them The garden was the most delicious apples (in whose garden?).

Inconsistent definitions - adjectives in a simple comparative degree

If the proposal is present in a simple comparative degree, then it is an inconsistent definition. It means a sign of an object that is expressed to a greater or lesser extent than in another one subject. We give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by adjectives in a simple comparative degree.

Grandfather built a house better ours.

Society is divided into people smarter I am on those who are not interested in me.

Everyone wants to grab a piece morethan others.

Inconsistent definitions - adverb

Often, adverbs act as inconsistent definitions, in such cases they have the meaning of a sign of quality, direction, place, a method of action. We look at the proposal with inconsistent definitions, examples with adverbs.

Listen to your neighbor's opinion (what?) left.

The chulatper was small with the door (what?) out.

The hill was light with a window (what?) on the contrary.

Inconsistent definitions - infinitives

Infinitive may be inconsistent determination with nouns having abstract concepts: desire, joy, necessity and the like. We look at the proposal with inconsistent definitions, examples with infinitives.

Everyone would understand my desire (what?) capture These magic paintings.

In the heart, the need lives (what?) be in love Someone.

The division will speak with the task (what?) take Height on the right bank of the Dnieper.

Everyone should have joy (what?) feel yourself man.

She had a habit (what?) talk With someone invisible.

Separation of inconsistent definitions in Russian

The allocation of inconsistent definitions on the message is sent to the position of the position occupied and from their prevalence. Not prone to the separation of inconsistent definitions directly beyond the defined word - the name of the nominal one.

On the backyards of the garden stood a long shed (what?) from the board.

The old woman was served by sour cream in a blue (which one?) with a chopped edge.

Girl (what?) in blue dress Stood at the entrance to the park, waited for someone.

In the park (what?) with purely revised alleys It was empty and boring.

Desire (what?) survive by anything owned them all the time.

The inconsistent definitions standing after the main word - the name of the nominal, are isolated only if it is necessary to give it a particular semantic significance. Consider separate inconsistent definitions (examples).

In that sweat , from gray wool, She came out of the room, as if there was no whole year of separation.

This vase , with a fucking neck, I remember from childhood.

If inconsistent definitions are facing the defined word, then they are most often separated. Such definitions acquire an additional circumstantial shade of value.

In a long elegant dressThe sister seemed higher and adult.

In a long skirt and naked hands, the girl stands on stage and sings something in a thin voice.

Uncoordinate definitions are always isolated if they relate to personal pronoun and their own behalf. Consider separate inconsistent definitions (examples).

She is, with braids to the belt, I left the middle of the room and went me through my eyes.

Marya Ivanovna , in a white starch blouse, I called loudly a servant and told the came the girlfriend to remove scattered things.

It (sun), with red-orange rim, hung quite low from the horizon.

Practical task in OGE format

There is such among exam tasks, to perform which knowledge of inconsistent definitions need. To accomplish this task, you need to find a proposal in which there is an inconsistent definition. Next, there is a text with numbered proposals, among which you need to find the right one.

Example 1: Find a proposal with an inconsistent distribution definition.

1) The room was quiet, and for a long time nor a boy nor a man interrupted silence.

2) After some time, the father suddenly said:

3) Listen, Timur! 4) Want, I will buy you a dog? 5) Shepherd with a black stripe on the back.

Example 2: Find a proposal with an inconsistent separate definition.

1) Mother got up very close to hope.

2) She entered the street.

3) in a raincoat and in a white coat, it seemed naught another than two months ago.

4) And the hope that has not yet dares, three seconds looked at the mother, without recognizing.

5) She saw several new wrinkles, separated from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips.

6) Only the Mother's view remained the same, the same, as Hope was hidden in the heart.

Example 3: Find a proposal with an inconsistently specified definition.

1) She shone from joy.

2) Today they called her mother.

3) Do not all neighbors heard how this girl screamed with dark hair:

5) The girl understood what aunt rejoices.

6) Only herself did not understand her, whether she was called.

§3. Definition. A coherent and inconsistent definition. application

Definition is a secondary member of a sentence, which depends on the subject, addition or circumstances, determines the sign of the subject and answers questions: what? which the? whose?

The definition may relate to the words of different parts of speech: noun and words formed from adjectives or communities to the transition to another part of speech, as well as pronouns.

Agreed and inconsistent definition

The agreed definition is a definition for which the type of syntactic relationship between the main and dependent words is coordination. For example:

Dissatisfied girl ate chocolate ice cream on an outdoor terrace.

(Girl (what?) Displeased, ice cream (what?) Chocolate, on the terrace (what?) Open)

The agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives, consistent with the defined words - nouns in kind, and the case.

The agreed definitions are expressed:

1) Adjective: Dear Mom, a favorite grandmother;

2) communities: a laughing boy, a bored girl;

3) pronouns: my book, this boys;

4) ordinal numerical: the first of September, to the eighth of March.

But the definition may be inconsistent. This is the definition associated with a word-defined word by other types of syntactic communication:



Inconsistent definition based on management:

Mom's book lay on the bedside table.

Wed: Mom's Book - Mine Book

(Mine Book is a consistent definition, communication type: coordination, and the mother's book is inconsistent, communication type - management)

Inspected definition based on adjoining:

I want to buy her a gift for more expensive.

Wed: Gift is more expensive - a gift dear

(a gift is more expensive - an inconsistent definition, the type of communication is the adjoining, and the gift is dear - a consistent definition, the type of communication - coordination)

In inconsistent definitions include definitions expressed by syntactically indivisible phrases and phraseologists.

On the contrary built a shopping center in five floors.

Wed: Center in Five Floors - five-story center

(center in five floors - inconsistent definition, communication type - management, and five-storey center - a consistent definition, communication type - coordination)

The girl entered the room with blue hair.

(Girl with blue hair - inconsistent definition, communication type - management.)

Different parts of speech can act in the role of inconsistent definition:

1) noun:

Bus stop moved.

(buses - noun)

2) adverb:

Grandma has prepared meat in French.

(French - adverb)

3) verb in an indefinite form:

She had the ability to listen.

(Listen - verb in an indefinite form)

4) Comparative degree of adjective:

He always chooses the way to easily, and she - the tasks are groured.

(easier, threatening comparative degree of adjectives)

5) Pronoming:

Her story touched me.

(it is a possessive pronoun)

6) syntactically indivisible phrases


A special type of definition is an application. The application is a definition expressed by a noun agreed with the defined word in the case.

Applications denote various signs of the subject, which are expressed by nouns: age, nationality, profession, etc.:

I love my sister - baby.

A group of tourists - Japanese lived in the hotel with me.

The species of the application are geographical names, the names of enterprises, organizations, printed bodies, artistic works. The latter form inconsistent applications. Compare examples:

I saw the embankment of the river Sukhona.

(Sukhonov - a consistent application, the words of the river and the Sukhona stand in one case.)

The son read the fairy tale "Cinderella".

("Cinderella" - an inconsistent application, the words fairy tale and "Cinderella" stand in different cases

Definition (syntax)

This term has other meanings, see Definition.

Definition (or attribute) - In the syntax, the secondary member of the sentence denoting the sign, the quality, property of the subject. Usually expressed adjective or communion. Answers the questions: what? which the? What? What? what kind? whose? whose? whose? whose? When decalsing the proposal is underlined by a wavy line.


Definitions can communicate with a noun agreement ( consistent definitions) and control and adjustment methods ( uncoordinated definitions).

Consistent definitions

Consistent with the defined member in the form (case, number and childbirth in units), are expressed by adjective, communions, ordinal numerical, pronouns.

  • « Large Trees grow near fiefsting Domika »
  • "IN ours There is no class lagging behind Pupils »
  • "He decides this Task second hour"
  • "The bright sun shone into the eyes. "

In modern Russian, the agreed definition in the proposal is most often preceded by a definable name (see the above examples). Reverse order (a consistent definition follows the defined name) Suppose, but is usually used, as a rule, in special cases:

  • in traditionally established names of own and special terms: "Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky"," Ivan Great"," Name noun"," Heather ordinary»;
  • in poetic works, the order of words of which affect the requirements of the form (size, rhyme, etc.):

Baron B residents sad
Satisfied, however, was fate
Pastora lasty pogren ,
Herb tomb feudal
AND epitaph bad .

A. S. Pushkin. Message of Delvigu

Uncoordinated definitions

They are not consistent with the defined word and are expressed by nouns in indirect cases, comparative degree of adjectives, adverbs, infinitive, prescriptive proposal.

  • "Skill the leaves berezov»
  • "He liked evenings in the house of Grandma»
  • "Choose a fabric with a drawing more fun»
  • "The breakfast was given eggs skump»
  • "They were united by desire sEED»
  • "House in which I live»

In Russian, inconsistent definitions in the proposal almost always follow the definable name, exceptions are found only in poetic works:

Yes remembered, even though not without sin,
From Aneida Two verses.
It rummage did not have hunt
In chronological dust
Lowerness of the Earth:
But days past Jokes
From Romula to this day
He kept him in his memory.

A. S. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin

Selected definition: Examples. Offers with separate definitions: Examples

If people had not decorated their speech with additional definitions or clarifying circumstances, she was uninteresting and neurop. The entire population of the planet would speak in a business or official style, there would be no artistic books, and the children would not expect fabulous heroes before bed.

It splits a separate definition that is in it. Examples can be found both in a simple colloquial speech and in fiction.

The concept of determination

The definition is part of the sentence and describes a sign of the subject. It answers the questions "What a, -oe, -th?", Defining the subject or "whose, -ye, -ye, -y?", Pointing to his belonging to anyone.

Most often, the definition function is performed by adjectives, for example:

  • good (what?) Heart;
  • golden (what?) Nugget;
  • bright (what?) appearance;
  • vintage (what?) Friends.

In addition to the adjectives, the definitions in the proposal may be pronoun, denoting the belonging of the subject to the face:

  • the boy took (whose?) His portfolio;
  • mom Ironing (whose) is his blouse;
  • brother sent on homes (whose?) My friends;
  • father watered (whose?) My tree.

In the proposal, the definition is emphasized by the wavy line and is always related to the subject, expressed nouns or another part of speech. This part of the proposal may consist of one word or make a combination with other words depending on it. In this case, these are proposals with separate definitions. Examples:

  • "Joyful, she reported on this news." In this proposal, a single adjective is separate.
  • "The garden that overgrown by the bunign was in a deplorable state." Separate definition is the involvement of turnover.

  • "Satisfied with the successes of the Son, mother secretly wiped the tears of joy." Here adjective with dependent words is a separate definition.

Examples in the sentence show that different parts of speech can be the definition of the quality of the subject or its belonging.

Separate definitions

Details are separated by definitions that give additional information about the subject or clarifying its belonging to a person. The sense of the proposal will not change if a separate definition is removed from the text. Examples:

  • "Mom suffered a child who fell asleep on the floor, in his crib" - "Mom suffered a child in his bed."

  • "Exceived by the first speech, the girl snagched his eyes before going to the scene" - "the girl snagched his eyes before going to the scene."

As can be seen, proposals with separate definitions, the examples of which are given above, are more interesting, since the additional explanation transmits the state of the object.

Separate definitions can be consistent and inconsistent.

Consistent definitions

Definitions that are consistent with that word, the quality of which is determined in the case of the way, and the number are called coordinated. In the sentence, they can be represented:

  • adjective - from the tree fell (what?) Yellow sheet;
  • pronoun - with a leash broke (whose?) My dog;
  • numeral - Give him (what?) The second chance;
  • communion - in the parisader was visible (what?) Green grass.

The same properties in relation to the defined word has a separate definition. Examples:

  • "Briefly said (what?), His speech made an impression on all." The communion "said" stands in the female genus, the only number, the nominative case, as well as the word "speech" that it determines.
  • "We went outside (which?), Still wet from the rain." The adjective "wet" is in the same number, childbirth and the case that the word "street defined by them.
  • "People (what?), Joyful from the upcoming meeting with actors, went to the theater." Since the definable word is in the multiple number and the nominative case, then the definition agrees with it in this.

A separate coordinated definition (examples showed) may stand both before the defined word and after it or in the middle of the sentence.

Inconsistent definition

When the definition does not change in kind and number in accordance with the main word, it is inconsistent. They are associated with a defined word 2 ways:

  1. The adjoining is a combination of stable wordform or immutable part of speech. For example: "Does he like eggs (what?) Skump."
  2. Management is a definition of the case, which requires a defined word. Often indicate a sign on the material, purpose or location of the subject. For example: "Girl sat on a chair (what?) From the tree."

Several parts of speech can express an inconsistent separable definition. Examples:

  • Nouns in the articulated or proposed case with pretexts "C" or "B". Nouns can be as single, and with dependent words - Asya met after the Olya exam (which?), In chalk, but pleased with the assessment. ("In the mel" is an inconsistent definition, expressed by nouns in the proposed case).
  • The verb is in an indefinite form that answers the question "What?", "What to do?", "What to do?". In Natasha's life there was one big joy (what?) - Ring a child.
  • Comparative degree of adjective with dependent words. We have noticed a girlfriend from afar in a dress (what?), Brighter than it usually wears.

Each separate definition, the examples confirm this may differ in their structure.

Structure of definitions

By its structure, the definition may consist of:

  • from a separate word, for example, aramed grandfather;
  • adjective or Communion with dependent words - grandfather, delighted with news;
  • of several separate definitions - grandfather, delighted with the news told.

Separation of definitions depends on which the definable word they relate and where exactly are located. Most often, they are distinguished by intonation and commas, less often dash (for example, the greatest luck (what?) - Tear Kush to the lottery).

Separation of communion

The most popular separate definition, examples of which are most often found, is a single sacrament (involvement). The commas with this form of definition is set if it stands after the word that determines.

  • Girl (what?), Frightened, silently went ahead. In this example, the sacrament defines the state of the object and stands after it, therefore it is released from two sides with commas.
  • Picture (what?), Written in Italy, became his beloved creation. Here, the sacrament with the dependent word allocates the object and stands after the word determined, therefore it is also separated by commas.

If the communion or the involvement of the turnover costs to the definable word, then the punctuation marks are not set:

  • Frightened girl silently went ahead.
  • Painted in Italy painting became his favorite creation.

You should know about the formation of communion to use such a separate definition. Examples, suffixes in the formation of communion:

  • when creating a valid communion in the present. time from the verb of 1 linguage, he is written suffix -the - "Thinking - thinking, write - writing);
  • when creating in the present. time of valid communion 2 SPR., Using-in-mail (smoke - smoke, staggering);
  • in the past time, the actual communities are formed with the help of suffix -Bed (wrote - wrote, said - said);
  • persecutive communities are created with the addition of suffixes -nn-ENN in the past time (invented - invented, offended - offended) and, -Y-I, it's in the present (leads - slave, love - beloved).

In addition to the communion, the adjective is the same.

Output of adjective

Single or with dependent words adjectives are isolated as well as communion. If a separate definition (examples and the rule are similar to the communion) stands after the word determined, then the comma is placed, and if before, then there is no.

  • Morning, gray and foggy, did not have a walk. (Gray and foggy morning did not have a walk).

  • Mom, angry, can be silent a few hours. (Angry Mom can be silent a few hours).

Separation with a definable person pronoun

When the sacrament or adjective belongs to pronoun, they are separated by a comma, regardless of where are located:

  • Upset, she went to the courtyard.
  • They, tired, lay down immediately sleep.
  • He, red from embarrassment, kissed her hand.

When the definable word shares other words, a separate definition (examples from fiction, this demonstrate) is also allocated by commas. For example, "Suddenly the entire steppe was stirred and, embraced by dazzling blue light, expanded (M. Gorky).

Other dedication separates

Separate definition (examples, rules below) can transmit value by relationship or profession, then they are also allocated with commas. For example:

  • Professor, young cute man, looked at his new applicants.

  • Mom, in the usual coat and apron, did not change at all for this year.

In such designs, separate definitions are incremented by objects about the object.

The rules seem, at first glance, complex, but if you understand their logic and practice, then the material is well absorbed.

What is a separate inconsistent definition?

The inconsistent definitions expressed by indirect cases of nouns (more often with the pretext) are isolated if the importance expressed by them is underlined by them: officers, in new imprisoners, white gloves and brilliant epoletti, fled the streets and boulevard. The inconsistent definitions can stand up and before the defined noun: in a white tie, in a shank coat, a lardache, with a string of stars and crosses on a gold chain in the loop of Frak, the general returned from lunch, one. Usually, similar inconsistent definitions are isolated:
If you relate to your own name: Sasha Berezhnov, in a silk dress, in Chepetse on the back of the head and in Shali, sat on the sofa; Blonde, with a curly head, without a hat and with an unzipped on the chest of a shirt, smoke Casals 끏 逨 ѯral and extraordinary;
If you belong to personal pronoun: I am surprised that you, with your kindness, do not feel it;
If they are separated from the defined word with some other membership members: after the dessert, everyone moved to the buffet, where, in a black dress, with a black mesh on his head, sat Carolina and watched with a smile, as they looked at her;
If a number of homogeneous members with preceding or subsequent separately agreed definitions are formed: I saw a man, wet, in rags, with a long beard.
Often, uncoordinated definitions in the names of persons in the degree of kinship, profession, occupied position, and so on, since due to the significant concreteness of such nouns, the definition of an additional message is used: grandfather, in Grandma Katsaveyka, in the old Kartuze without a visor, pushed something smiles.
The separation of an inconsistent definition can serve as a means of intentional separation of this turnover from the neighboring faith, to which he could be attributed to the meaning and syntactically, and assigning it to the necessary: \u200b\u200bBaba, with long robbles in the hands, wand in the field.
Uncoordinate definitions expressed by turnover with a form of comparative degree of adjective (often defined noucent precedes a coherent definition): the power, stronger his will, dropped it from there.
In the absence of a preceding coordinated definition, an inconsistent definition, expressed by a comparative degree of adjective, is not separate: but at another time there was no man activity activity.
Separate and separated by the help of a dash inconsistent definitions, expressed by an indefinite form of verb, in front of which it is possible without prejudice to make sense to put words namely: I walked to you with clean motives, with the only desire to do good! If such a definition is standing in the middle of the sentence, it is allocated using a dash on both sides: each of them solved this question - to leave or stay - for yourself, for your loved ones. But if there should be a comma in the conditions of the context after the definition, then the second dash is usually descended: as one choice remained - to lose the army and Moscow or one Moscow, then Field Marshal was supposed to choose the last

Lika Asakov

Separation is the allocation of punctuation signs on writing, and in oral speech -intonation.
The inconsistent definitions is a secondary member of the sentence that answers the question: what? Whose? , emphasized in the offer of the wavy line. Uncoordinated definitions are associated with the main word according to the method of managing or adjustment. For example: Ladder (what?) In the attic. On the attic - inconsistent definition.
Pasta Podlotsky is also an inconsistent definition. Fleet Borsch-coordinated definition (in the same way, among the number and case, as the main word). Uncoordinate definitions can be expressed and syntactically indivisible phrases. For example: Our athletes are high-class players. High-class players indoor definition.
To note, the involvement of the turnover of speech is a consistent definition.

Common agreed definition

The agreed definition is a definition associated with the defined nouns according to the method of coordination (when the dependent word takes the form of the same kind, the number and case, as the main thing). The agreed definition is expressed by adjectives, communions, locomotive adjective and ordinal numerical, for example: green tea, running man, my dad, fifth column. The inconsistent definition is the definition associated with the explanable word in the method of control or adjustment, is expressed by nouns in indirect cases, adverbs, etc. Parts of speech: city streets, paper in the cell, promise to come.

A widespread definition is a definition with dependent words with him, for example: the bus running through the bus, promise to come today. Separate definition is a definition allocated by punctuation marks.

An example of a coordinated common separate definition can be the involvement of the turnover allocated by commas: it's not a pity for years, it is estimated in vain (Yesenin). I fall, pierced (Pushkin) arrow. On the dusty road leading to the gardens, the creamy arber filled with black grapes (L. Tolstoy) stretched

Kostya ordinary

The agreed definition is a definition associated with the defined nouns according to the method of coordination (when the dependent word takes the form of the same kind, the number and case, as the main thing). The agreed definition is expressed by adjectives, communions, locomotive adjective and ordinal numerical, for example: green tea, running man, my dad, fifth column. The inconsistent definition is the definition associated with the explanable word in the method of control or adjustment, is expressed by nouns in indirect cases, adverbs, etc. Parts of speech: city streets, paper in the cell, promise to come.

A widespread definition is a definition with dependent words with him, for example: the bus running through the bus, promise to come today. Separate definition is a definition allocated by punctuation marks.

An example of a coordinated common separate definition can be the involvement of the turnover allocated by commas: it's not a pity for years, it is estimated in vain (Yesenin). I fall, pierced (Pushkin) arrow. On the dusty road leading to the gardens, the creamy arber filled with black grapes (L. Tolstoy) stretched

Pasha Shuletov

The agreed definition is a definition associated with the defined nouns according to the method of coordination (when the dependent word takes the form of the same kind, the number and case, as the main thing). The agreed definition is expressed by adjectives, communions, locomotive adjective and ordinal numerical, for example: green tea, running man, my dad, fifth column. The inconsistent definition is the definition associated with the explanable word in the method of control or adjustment, is expressed by nouns in indirect cases, adverbs, etc. Parts of speech: city streets, paper in the cell, promise to come.

A widespread definition is a definition with dependent words with him, for example: the bus running through the bus, promise to come today. Separate definition is a definition allocated by punctuation marks.

An example of a coordinated common separate definition can be the involvement of the turnover allocated by commas: it's not a pity for years, it is estimated in vain (Yesenin). I fall, pierced (Pushkin) arrow. On the dusty road leading to the gardens, the creamy arber filled with black grapes (L. Tolstoy) stretched

In order not to get involved in which definition in the proposal, you can act according to the algorithm:

1. Find out which part of the speech is the definition.

2. To look at the type of communication between the definition and the word to which it belongs (matching is a coordinated definition, management and adjoining is an inconsistent definition). Examples: Meow Kitten - Communication Coordination, Definition Meow - Consistent; Tree casket - Communication control, delegation from the tree inconsistent.

3. Pay attention at what place in relation to the main word definition. Before the main word, it is most often agreed, and after - an inconsistent definition. Examples: Meeting (What?) With Investors - the definition of inconsistent, stands after the main word; Deep ravine - definition agreed, stands after the main word.

4. If the definition is expressed by a steady combination or phraseological turnover, it will certainly be inconsistent: it was (what?) Neither fish nor meat. Phraseologism neither fish nor meat acts as an inconsistent definition.

The concept of separation

Often there are situations where in the proposal there are separate agreed and inconsistent definitions that require the allocation of the corresponding punctuation marks (commas or dash). Separation always implies two identical punctuation signs, it should not be confused, for example, with commas with homogeneous members, where single commas are consumed. In addition, the use of two different signs during isolation is a rough mistake, which speaks of the misunderstanding of this language phenomenon.

The selection of consistent definitions is the phenomenon more frequent compared to the separation of inconsistent. To determine the need for a comma, you must pay attention to two aspects:

The position of a separate definition relative to the definable word.

What are the members of the sentences participating in the separation (actually determining and the definable word): the story (what?) The majestic is adjective; Centuries (how many?) Twenty - numeral.

Separation of agreed definitions

If the coordinated definition is after the word determined, it needs to be allocated by commas if:

1. It is a certain turnover. For example: basket of mushrooms, assembled on the eve, stood in the cellar. Here, a separate definition assembled on the eve is a involvement of a turnover that is after the basket is determined.

2. It is an adjective with dependent words. For example: through glass, crystal clear, everything that happens in the yard was visible. Here, the definition is crystal clear represents the adjective (clean) and the word dependent on it (crystal). It is required to put commas, because this turnover is after the word glass defined.

3. Be sure to separate the definitions in the event that the definable word costs another definition. For example: Autumn days, bright and sunny, soon they have come to no. Definition Autumn is located in front of a word-defined word, respectively, the definition of bright and solar must be allocated with commas.

4. The definitions are unprosted, are in the sentence after the defined word. For example: South night, black and warm, was full of mysterious sounds. Definition black and warm is two unprofitable adjectives connected by the Union and. Maybe this option: South night, black, warm, was full of mysterious sounds. In this example, the Union is missing, but the definition is still isolated.

In the latter case, it is necessary to be more attentive, because there are situations where the definition is closely related in meaning with the word to which it belongs, so it is not necessary to allocate it with commas. For example:

In the country far from his home home somehow, loneliness is felt.

The definition of a distance from the native home should not be allocated to commas, because without it the sense of proposal is incomprehensible.

The separation of the agreed definition that is in front of the defined word is necessary if it has a cause or concession.

For example:

Exhausted by a heavy transition, tourists were happy to break the camp.

In this case, the definition exhausted by a long transition is isolated, because it is used in the meaning of the cause: since tourists were exhausted by a heavy transition, they were happy to break the camp. Another example:

Not yet wondered, trees are elegant and festive.

Here, the definition has not yet been leaking concessions: despite the fact that the trees have not yet been wondering, they are smarter and festive.

Separation of inconsistent definitions

Separate inconsistent definitions - Phenomenon is quite rare. Usually they make up a couple with agreed. Thus, separate inconsistent definitions are usually used after the defined word and are associated with coordinated association.

For example:

This is a coat, new, in the rutter, was very much natasha.

In this example, the inconsistent definition into the Rubber is associated with a coordinated new one, therefore it must be separated.

We give another sentence with a separate inconsistent definition:

A completely accidentally we met Andrei, in dust, tired.

In this case, the inconsistent definition in dust is associated with the agreed tired, so it is required to put commas.

It is not necessary to allocate commas cases when separate inconsistent definitions are converted.

We saw the sailors from afar in the smooth form, happy and satisfied.

In this case, you can not separate the inconsistent definition in the smooth form, because after it is agreed: happy, satisfied.

In classical literature you can meet both optional and separate inconsistent definitions.

Two stearin candles, in the road silver Shandlah, burned in front of him. (Turgenev I. S.) and three soldiers in overcoats, with guns on the shoulder, they went down to shift to the Rotta drawer (Tolstoy L. N.).

In a proposal from the work of Turgenev, the inconsistent definition in road silver shandlah is separate, and the proposal of the same construction is thick - no. In the latter there are no punctuation marks when definitions in overcoats, with guns.

As a rule, inconsistent definitions belonging to the group of the facid. Let's look at the last example: walked (how? What?) With guns, in overcoats.

App as a special type of definition

A special type of definition is an application. It is always expressed by the name nouns. Applications and inconsistent definitions should be distinguished. The latter are associated with the defined word by control, while between the application and the main word - coordination.

For example, we compare two suggestions:

1. You, as the chief engineer, must oversee this project.

2. This woman in a white coat brought to the guys Ropot.

In the first case, the application is an engineer in front of us. We prove this, marking the main thing and determining the word. You are an engineer engineer - you are an engineer you are an engineer, etc. There is a clear matching approval, respectively, the application is clearly visible. Let's try to do the same with the definition of the second sentence. Woman in a white coat - women in a white coat - woman in a white coat. Communication - control, so here are observing an inconsistent definition.

In addition, the application simply calls the subject in a different way, while the inconsistent definition is some kind of sign.

Separate application

A single application is usually written through a hyphen: sister-hostess, lord commander. In certain cases, the application will be separated. We will analyze them. Applications and inconsistent definitions

The application is separated, which relates to personal pronoun.

1. She is an excellent, take care of the control.

Here, the app is an excellent person in pronouncing it.

2. Here it is, the reason.

We separate the application cause, because it refers to pronoun.

A common application is separated if it is located after the word determined. Examples:

1. Brave captain, thunderstorm seas, easily passed any reefs.

The application of the thunderstorm seas is common (thunderstorm (what?) Seas), so it is necessary to highlight it with commas.

2. Girl, a universal favorite, got the best gift.

The application is universal favorite used after the defined word girl.

Applications are separated with the value of the cause, concessions, clarification (there is an union with it). Example:

You, as an investor, you can control the work of the employees. "You can control the work of subordinates, because you are an investor (value of the cause).

Here you need to be attentive, because the application with the Union as in the meaning "in quality" is not isolated. For example:

As a school discipline, mathematics is well developing logical thinking. - As a school discipline, mathematics is well developing logical thinking. Separation is not necessary.

If a separate application is at the end of the sentence - it may be allocated using a dash. For example:

Similar sisters - Elizabeth and Sophia are like each other.

Elizabeth and Sophia app stands at the end of the sentence, so the dash is separated.