Message about the unusual traditions of different nations. Holidays and rites of the peoples of the world: religious and folk

Message about the unusual traditions of different nations. Holidays and rites of the peoples of the world: religious and folk
Message about the unusual traditions of different nations. Holidays and rites of the peoples of the world: religious and folk

Its traditions, customs and rites have every nation existing in our world. And how many of these peoples, so many traditions are of various, unusual, funny shocking, romantic. But whatever they were, their honor and transmit from generation to the generation. As our reader could already guess, today we will be acquainted with the most unusual greetings of the peoples of the world, as well as their traditions and customs. For each other. For them, it is more likely to tribute the ancestors than a serious ritual. Sometime, so the self-suican tried to find out where the person with whom they greets. The smell could tell how many people went through the jungle or when the last time he eaten. But most often, the smell was determined by a stranger. In New Zealand, representatives of the indigenous population, Maori, at a meeting with each other relating to the noses. This tradition leaves for distant centuries. It is called "Hong" and symbolizes the breath of life - "Ha", ascending to the gods themselves. After that, Maori perceive a person as her friend, and not just as arriving. This tradition is observed even at meetings at the "highest level", so do not be surprised if you see on TV, as the president of some country rubs with a nose with a representative of New Zealand. This etiquette and it is impossible to violate it. On Tibet, at the meeting, show each other language. Such a custom is still with the IX when Tibet Rules Tsar-Tiran Landarma. He had a black tongue. So the Tibetans were afraid that the king after his death could settle in someone else and therefore decided to show the tongue to protect themselves from evil. If you also want to follow this custom - make sure that you did not eat anything painting your tongue in a dark color, otherwise a misunderstanding may occur. At the same time, the hands are usually kept crossed on the chest. The points should be leaning to the dish and raised up two-thirds. You never need to hit on sticks as a spear, cross them with each other on a plate, put on different sides of the dish, pointing with chopsticks to people, use wands to pull themselves the dish closer or, worse than everything, stick them in Fig. This is exactly what the Japanese do at the funeral, leaving rice with vertically stuck in him with chopsticks. The traditions of the people of Japan do not allow a frivolous attitude to death. Let's one with greeting. You can say hello, just shook your hand, as we used. But there are some subtleties. It is considered a bad tone to shake the hand with whom she was not previously familiar. In addition, women should not say hand with Hindu, as it can calculate for insult. The most respectful greeting among Indians is Namaste - these are the connected palms at the chest level. If you meet the Hindu, you must remember that their names consist of several parts. Initially, his own name is, then the name of his father, then the name of the caste, in which he includes and the name of the settlement of his stay. For women, the name contains its own name and name of her spouse. In terms of farewell, the Indians raise the palm and wave only with his fingers. We, too, sometimes use a similar gesture, only in India say goodbye to the girl. If you are forgiven with a man - just get the palm. To express your admiration, the inhabitants of Spain are three fingers, press them to lips and reproduce the sound of a kiss. The dissemination of the Spaniards is expressed by the brush of the hands, which to the side of him at the chest level. Ear Spaniards regarded as an insult. To specify someone on the door, the Spaniards use the gesture, rather similar to our click. The infection on "you" is used by them in most situations, even students in schools often turn to their teachers in schools. This is a private story. But the appeal to "you" can even be offended by a person from time to time. Everything is worse, they are noisy and fun greeting. The most common greeting is "Hola" - "Hi." When meeting and with parting, they pressed the cheek to the cheek, imitating the kiss and hugging. For the Spaniards, a short distance when communicating means that you are a pleasant interlocutor for him. But if you, for example, in Germany, when talking, you will save the distance stretched out, then the Spaniard will understand it as a sign of neglect. Everything constantly happens later than the planned term. There is no fixed time for breakfast, it all depends on when the Spaniard will come to work. They have no habit of breakfast at home, except for drinking a cup of coffee, because the 2nd cup together with a sandwich, will be a guide at first the working day. Soon the dinner time will come.

Tradition, custom, rite is an age-old connection, a peculiar bridge between the past and the present. Some customs are rooted in the distant past, over time they have changed and lost their sacral meaning, but are still being respected, they are being passed from grandchildren and grandchildren to grandchildren as ancestor. In the countryside, traditions are respected more widely than in cities where people live are separated from each other. But many rites were so firmly included in our lives that we perform them, without even thinking about their sense.

Traditions are calendar associated with field work, family, pre-Christian period, the most ancient, religious, which entered our lives with the adoption of Christianity, and some pagan rites mixed with Orthodox beliefs and somewhat modified.

Calendar rites

Slavs were cattle and farmers. In the pre-Christian period in Pantheon Slavic gods included several thousand idols. The supreme gods were welded, the progenitors of all living things. One of them was Veles, a patron saint of cattle breeding and agriculture. Slavs brought him victims before the beginning of Sev and harvesting. On the first day of Seva, all villagers went out on the field in new clean shoes with flowers and wreaths. Sev began the oldest resident of the village and the smallest, they threw the first grain to the ground.

Harvesting was also a holiday. All, even old and sick, residents of the village gathered at the border of the field, the victim was sacrificed, most often a big ram, then in a row, the strongest and beautiful men and young guys with braids in their hands and at the same time passed the first strip. Then girls and young women, necessarily fast and healthy, tied sheep and put the grandmother. After successful cleaning, a rich table was covered for all residents of the village, at the head of the table, put a big sheaf, decorated with ribbons and flowers, which was also considered victims of God Veles.

Maslenitsa also refers to calendar rites, although it is currently considered a half-weather holiday. In ancient times, this rite called on Yarilo, the God of the Sun and the heat, from which the harvest was directly depended. That is why the custom originated on this day the bake pancakes, greasy, ruddy, hot, like the sun. All people drove round dance, also being a symbol of the Sun, sang songs, chanting the power and beauty of the shine, burned the stuffed carnival.

Today, Maslenitsa left his pagan meaning, and is considered an almost religious holiday. Every day the carnial week has its purpose. And the most important day is forgiven Sunday, when everyone's home and relatives should ask for forgiveness for involuntary insults. Sunday is a turn to the great post, the most rigorous and long, when, for seven weeks, believers refuse meat and dairy food.

Saty rites

When Christianity was firmly established in Russia, new church holidays appeared. And some holidays having a religious basis became truly folk. It is necessary that the codniest walks that take place from January 7 (the Nativity of Christ) until January 7 (the Baptism of the Lord).

In the shields, youth went home with ideas, other groups of guys and girls rank, girls and young women in the evenings were guessing. Be sure to all residents of the village participated in preparing for holidays. Scottle scored and prepared special dishes. On Christmas Eve, January 6, evening before Merry Christmas, Cooked the Uzbar, sweet compote with rice, prepared cheesecakes and pies, compound, a special cabbage dish with grain.

Young people sang special comic songwood songs, asked to treat, jokingly threatened:

"And you will not give a cake, minimize the cow for the horns."

If the treats were not given, they could jerked: close the pipe, rush to the field of firewood, strike the door. But it happened rarely. It was also believed that still it is believed that generosities, songs with wishes for happiness and wealth, and the grain brought to the house by guests, bring happiness to the whole new year to the house, get rid of diseases and misfortunes. Therefore, everyone tried to treat the generous hotels who arrived and distribute them.

Young girls most often wondered on fate, on the grooms. The wildests were wondering in a bath with a mirror with candles, although it was considered very dangerous because the cross was filmed in the bath. The girls entered the woods of firewood into the house, according to the number of flights, even or an odd could be said or not, she married this year. Fed the chicken counting grain, the wax was treated and considered that he predicts him

Family rites

Perhaps most rituals and traditions are connected with family life. Watching, wedding, christening - all this required the observance of old rituals who came from grandmothers and great-grandmothers, and their accurate observance promised a happy family life, healthy children and grandchildren.

Slavs used to live in large families, where adult children who had already had their own families lived together with their parents. In such families, three or four generations could be observed, families included up to twenty people. Elder such a big family was usually a father or an elder brother, and his wife was the head among women. Their orders were carried out unconditionally on par with the laws of the government.

Weddings were usually celebrated after harvesting or after baptism. Later, the best time for weddings was the "Red Hill" - a week after Easter. The wedding rite itself occupied a fairly large period of time and included several stages, and therefore a large number of rituals.

Parents of the groom came to match the bride together with the godfather, less often, other relatives. The conversation should begin allegorically:

"You have a product, we have a merchant" or "Doesn't have a tuft on your courtyard, we arrived at her."

If the parents of the bride responded agreement, followed by looting, where the bride and the bride will get acquainted with each other. Then there will be a collusion or hand. Here, new relatives negotiate the day of the wedding, about the granted, and what gifts will bring the bride.

When everything was negotiated, her girlfriends were gathered in the house every night and helped cooking said: the faults, sewn, knitted lace, embroidered grooms. All the girls' gifts were accompanied by sad songs, because no one knew what fate would be at the girl. In the house of her husband, a woman expected hard work and complete submission to the will of her husband. On the first day of the wedding song sounded, mainly lyrical, magnificent, farewell crying. Upon arrival from the Church of the young, they met the parents-salt parents on the porch, and the mother-in-law should have put her newly boring in the mouth of a spoonful of honey.

It is quite another thing - the second day. On this day, on custom, son-in-law was sent "to the mother-in-law to pancakes." After a good feast, guests died out, closed the face with bandages or canvas and drove around the village, having driving to visit all new relatives. This custom has still been preserved in many villages, where on the second day the wedding is rummed guests, they themselves are hardened in the cart, and ride new matchmakers through the streets.

And, of course, speaking about customs, you can not miss the baptism of baptism. Children were baptized immediately after birth. To make a rite for a long time conscuted, choosing the godfather. They will be for a child the second parents and on a par with them are responsible for the life, health and education of the baby. The godfall becomes kums and all their lives support friendships among themselves.

When the child was performed by a year, the godfather put it on a stealied Tulup and scissors carefully littered the cross in her hair on a temkin. This was done so that the unclean force does not have access to his thoughts and further actions.

Those who had grown a Christmas man for the Christmas Eve every year necessarily brought a godfather and another treat, and the godfather giving it in response by any sweets.

Mixed rituals

As we have said, some rituals originated in the pre-Christian period, but continue to live and still, slightly changing their guise. So it was with the carnival. The rite is widely known - the celebration of the nights to Ivan Kupala. It was believed that only the day the fern blooms in this day. Who can find this new flower in the hands, he will be able to see the treasures underground, and all the secrets in front of him will be open. But only a pure heart can find it, sinless.

From evening, huge bonfires were divorced, through which young people were jumped by couples. It was believed that if you are together, holding hands, jump over the fire, then love will not leave you for life. Drove dance, sang songs. Girls spilled wreaths and drooped water. They believed that if the wreath boosts to the shore, then the girl would stay on a lonely year, if she would take it, then this year will die, and if he swallows downstream, he will soon marry.

The wedding tradition in every corner of the world is the display of the soul of the local population, the essence of people of this area. All nations on our planet have identity, unusual rites and a kind of flavor. Let's look at the wedding traditions of the peoples of the world and learn how interesting they are us, and are we ready to marry on some unusual exotic ritual, which will connect the hearts of two lovers forever.

Unusual wedding traditions of different nations

People of any nations of the world are constantly falling in love and marry. In our country, there are also their wedding traditions, leaving their roots in the ancient century. Each element of the Russian wedding ceremony hides under him a separate tradition. For example, the Russian people adopted:

  1. Perform the road wedding cortem.
  2. Distribute to the defector before traveling to the registry office.
  3. Releasing the bride.
  4. Release pigeons.

The Russian bride on the old wedding tradition is given the opportunity to first cut the wedding loaf, showing the formation as a housewife at home. The mother-in-law after marriage removes a fata from the bride, which symbolizes the adoption of a new member in the family. Another old Russian wedding custom, which has been preserved to the present day, is a meeting of the young after registration of marriage bread and salt. According to Russian custom, the newlyweds should bite off from the wedding karabia one piece, and who will have a piece more, he, according to legend, will be the main thing in the house.

Recently, the Slavic peoples appeared another wedding tradition: to throw a wedding bouquet of the bride with unmarried girlfriends. The girl who caught the wedding bouquet should get married next. A similar ritual exists among men: the groom removes the spouses from her feet and throws it with his idle friends. Who will first catch it, he will meet his half. Mention of this wedding tradition can be found in the manuscripts of the XIV century. Then it was believed that any clothes, removed from the groom or the bride, would bring the opposite sex favor.

The most cheerful remains the Russian wedding custom of the redemption of the bride. Usually witnesses are engaged in redemption, but sometimes the groom becomes a member of this event. Buy a girl by tradition money, less often champagne, vodka, candy and flowers. In this wedding ritual, neighbors, acquaintances and invited guests take part. Although many other people of the world conduct a similar ceremony - for example, Muslims were taken for the bride to take Kalym, "but in the Russian tradition, the redemption is more fun than cash payment for the girl.

Russian wedding ceremonies are more aimed at entertainment. In the other nations of the world, wedding traditions are striking by their practicality, thirdly - minimalism, and fourthly romanticity. For example, in Australia, wedding training begins a year before the designated date of the celebration. The people of Australia are Catholics, therefore they have no civil registration for marriage. All newlyweds pass the rite of wedding, after which the holiday begins.

Even three months before the term, the future spouses begin to go to the priest who prepares young people to live together and constitutes the wedding plan with them. Australians are practical in everything, so wedding gifts are negotiated in advance. The bride and groom make up the list of desired gifts in advance, and guests distribute among themselves who will give.

Australians, like other Catholics of the world, there is an interesting tradition to create a lot of noise on the road. The roots of this ritual go from antiquity when the aborigines believed that the noise would drive the evil spirits. To create a screen and to this day, old tin cans or other metal objects that are capable of creating a roar are attributed to the wedding machine of many newlyweds of the world.

The rite of breaking the wedding glass exists in many countries of the world. After leaving the church, young brings wine glasses, which they should have a drink, and after smashing glasses. According to many nations, if both glasses are broken, the newlyweds are waiting for a happy life. But if some glass remains the whole, then the marriage will not be successful. There is another explanation for this mysterious ritual: the ancient people around the world believed that the ringing of the broken glass distinguishes the evil demons from the newlyweds.

Wedding traditions of Europe

  • Hungary

In the wedding tradition, the Hungarian bride takes off his shoes and puts them in the center of the hall. That cavalier who wants to dance with her should throw coins in shoes. Who will throw more coins, he has a primary right to dance. Another interesting Hungarian rite is the morning wash, when the bride in the morning of the second day after the wedding, along with the guests went to the well and washed away in turn of all guests, then wiping them with a towel itself.

  • Slovakia

Bride chooses his chosen one, and then gives a ring and a shirt that is sewn from natural silk. The groom in response also picks up the bride silver ring, puts on the fur hat and the belt of loyalty. The wedding in the cities of Slovakia often takes place with traditional entertainment, games, competitions and a buffet, but in the countryside there is still the opportunity to see the national wedding ensemble of folk instruments.

  • Norway

It is believed that in countries with a harsh climate, the people do not know how to strictly express feelings. Wedding traditions of cold Norway is confirmed. There are much fewer women in this country than men, so young people are looking for a bride from early youth. The Norwegian woman is still equal with a man, so the heirs are considered not only the older boys, but also the older girls.

Nobody collects in Norway, and the newlyweds weddab do on their own funds. The most beautiful wedding Norwegian tradition, which is supported by the newlyweds still - this is when guests go to the place of matchmaking in brightly degraded boats hung with wedding bells and other traditional wedding accessories.

  • Netherlands

Some wedding rites of the Netherlands can have ordinary inhabitants from other countries of the world to plunge into shock. But local bride and groom do not suffer from unnecessary shortness and believe that everything natural should not be banned. Guests at the wedding are having fun without Slavic virtue, and competitions for our ideas are moving all sorts of decent boundaries. The more wedding skip representations, the simpler, in the opinion of the locals, it passes.

There is no traditional wedding cake in the Netherlands at the festive celebration. Instead, guests are offered national candies called "Sugar of the Bride". They are of different shapes, and the taste is a real mosaic. The bride orders sweets from different confectioners, so if the guest will get two identical candy, it is considered a happy admission.

African wedding rituals

  • Nigeria

In the wedding traditions of Nigeria, the parents of the groom invite a professional match, which selects the necessary candidate for the bride who meets the requirements of the family. Swaha in Hamam checks the chosen candidates for innocence, and then presents to the court of parents. An interesting local custom is observed immediately after the Nigerian wedding, when the groom drive through a corridor of relatives who beat him with sticks. It is believed that only after that the groom is ready for family life.

  • Ethiopia

In African tribes, family life for a girl begins with present tests. For example, in the Surma tribe in half a year before the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds pierce the lower lip and insert the clay disk. In order not to interfere with the disc, two front tooth are removed, because it is believed that the more the disk, the richer to the bride. In addition to alerts about the high material position of the girl, the clay disc protects it from evil spirits, which can enter the body through the mouth.

  • Egypt

This African country is home to traditional marriage. The ancient Egyptians were the first people who offered the world to legalize the relationship between a woman and a man. The marriage contract also appeared for the first time in Egypt - in it in detail the duties of her husband and wife were indicated. Wedding rituals of the nations of Egypt their roots go to Muslim, in which a man has the right to have four wives, but must provide everyone. Not all modern Egyptians male can afford more than one wife.

In Egypt, interesting and colorful national dances, which are present at all traditional wedding ceremonies: belly dance, dance with skirt and swords. The exchange of rings is also an ancient tradition of the Egyptian people, which almost all countries of the world picked up. The Egyptians consider ring with a symbol of love and put it on the middle finger of the left hand, because through this finger is the heart vein, which fastens the hearts of the young.

  • Rwanda

The traditional wedding rite of the Bahuta tribe in Rwanda is very passionate! The customs of this nation require that newlyweds express hatred in relation to each other. Immediately after the marriage ceremony, a woman with a covered veil face goes into the house of her husband and there begins this side. The wife ruthlessly scratches her husband, having tangible wounds, and her husband also exhibits aggressiveness towards her.

Running continues until the morning, and his participants keep silence, without uttering a single word during the whole fight. The fucking ritual can continue even a few nights in a row, after which the wife moves into her husband's house forever and no longer the spouses of the Bakhut tribe do not quarrel. These strange wedding traditions check for the readiness of young people to family life. Maybe therefore African families are so durable?

Customs of the peoples of Asia

  • Thailand

The wedding ritual of this Asian people does not require a modest apparel. On this day, the Thai bride can change to ten multicolored and white outfits, depending on which rite is carried out. For each rite you need to choose the appropriate dress. The black color is unability at the wedding, his widow is worn in Thailand, so it is not used even in the finish of the wedding dress. According to the traditions of Thailand at weddings there should be a lot of golden, red and orange colors.

  • China

This people love the red color, so the Chinese wedding tradition is red there is everything: a newlywed-up dress, envelopes with money, boxes with gifts and even rose petals. Wedding tradition, when newlyweds drink from glasses tied with a red ribbon, came to the world too from China. The Chinese wedding ceremony requires high expenses, but it quickly pays off, since the newlywed gifts are transmitted only with money. Money is given even those relatives who are not present at the ceremony.

  • India

The wedding ritual of Indian peoples is the most colorful spectacle in the world, the brightest demonstration of the beliefs of the Indian people, the manifestation of his spiritual culture and deep religious roots. Usually, Indian newlyweds during the marriage ceremony are found for the first time, but the divorces of this people almost never happen. For other peoples, this remains a mystery, because in those countries of the world, where they are married by love, the percentage of divorces is simply catastrophic.

Hindus is the main wedding accessory are flowers. Their at the wedding is immense, therefore it is an expensive component of each Indian wedding ceremony. The aroma of flowers love gods, so through the colors they will quickly hear the requests of mortals. An important point on the holiday is the table: exclusively vegetarian dishes are served, and eggs, fish and meat are strictly prohibited.

The wedding ceremony at this Indonesian island has become among all newlyweds in the world a fashionable event, and it is clear why. It is believed if you conclude a traditional marriage on this paradise island, it will be happy and long. In addition, the Balinese ceremony passes very effectively: the incense smokes, the floral donations are brought by thousands of local gods, and on newlyweds, we have a stunning beauty suits decorated with gold embroidery wounded in several layers.

Newlyweds to the place of the wedding ceremony go on a gold carriage, and more prosperous arrived on richly decorated elephants. In the temple of the young, they shower the petals of exotic flowers, and invited priests pronounce special prayers that will help her husband and wife gain happiness. Music, dancing, flowers, traditional Balinese treats allow you to feel in harmony with ancient island deities.

North and South America

Unlike other countries of the world, the wedding ceremony in the United States is part of the business, the preparation of which Americans trust special agencies. The festival begins in the same way as in other Catholic countries of the world:

  • the guy makes a proposal to the girl;
  • the post of engagement is assigned, on which the ride gives the ring;
  • there is an official wedding ceremony.

There are no restrictions in the American wedding, but the outfits of the newlyweds are usually performed in a traditional style. On the girl, in addition to the new dress, there must be some kind of thing and the object of blue. A worried thing symbolizes communication with relatives, and blue color is loyalty in marriage. The undoubted advantage is the ability to choose a few girlfriends for the bride, and not one, as in other countries of the world. So no girlfriend will not be ignored.

  • Mexico

Latin American peoples are descendants of Maya and Aztecs, so the wedding traditions have somewhat different from the rites of the rest of the world. In the traditional Mexican wedding there are sponsors who finance the holiday. This is usually parents, godparents and relatives of young. During the wedding around the newlyweds, the priest wraps a symbolic "Lasso" in the form of special rosary, symbolizing the combination of two people into one.

Mexicans have even more ancient Indian traditions that were inherited from the Indians, so the unity of two people are celebrated before the official wedding ceremony. At first, the woman must pass the ritual of the ablution, and then there is an Indian traditional rite near the oldest tree, which notifies the elements (water, air, land, fire) and the ancestors that young people are binding together forever.

Video: Review of the traditions of the Peoples of the World

Different peoples of the world exist their wedding rituals, but unites them one: the desire to achieve for a young family of well-being, love and success. Now many wedding traditions can no longer be called exclusively Slavic, Asian or Indies, so they spread all over the world. For example, redemption or calm for the bride give in all religions, and no wedding ceremony in the world does not pass without newlywed dance. Let's look in the video, as it happens in different parts of the color:

All the peoples of the world exist their traditions and customs. They displays the features of the life of the people, its habits and relationships between people. Traditions originate in antiquity, are transferred from generation to generation and are carefully complied with all members of society. Customs and traditions can be associated with nature forces, spirits and other points that can affect people in any way. The violation of traditions was previously considered unacceptable and strictly punished.

customs of the peoples of the world

In some countries there are very unusual traditions, romantic and shocking, beautiful and extravagant.

Very rich in custom Japan

With each time of the year, certain rites and actions are associated with the Japanese. The most beautiful, world famous tradition is "loving flowers." Flowering chrysanthemums, sakura, peaches produce an indelible impression on residents of this country, they perceive the appearance of flowers like a miracle. Sakura is a symbol of the country of the rising sun, her gentle and beautiful flowers personify the beauty of human life. And in antiquity it was believed that the souls of dead ancestors live in colors. On the eve of Sakura flowering, television constantly reports in which area and what days the appearance of the first colors is expected, and the Japanese begin to prepare for this event. The companies are declared a working day off. All employees go to the park to enjoy beauty along with their employees and bosses. They are sitting under the trees and argue about the meaning of life, the laws of being, about love and devotion. At the same time drink sake and eating pieces of chicken and rice sweets. The procedure is like that of our picnic, only more meaningful and spiritual. By evening, tired, but very satisfied they go home. Here is such a beautiful tradition.

Tourists, going on a journey to Japan, should know that in no case cannot break the Sakura branches, it is impossible to even be struggled to flowers, they can only be contemplate.

Unusual tradition connected with Merry Christmas

It exists in Finland. For Finns, this is a special holiday - the day when all the relatives are going together. In the morning, they go to church, and at lunch they sit at the festive table, drink hot grog and eat baked pork leg, which is watered with a lingonberry jam. At the same time, gifts give each other and say wishes. And closer to night, the whole family is going and sent to the cemetery. In the Christmas night there are a large number of people, they happily congratulate everyone on the holiday, light candles and put them native on the graves. Against the background of snow-covered paths and graves, burning lights look fabulously and mysteriously. After they guide the dead loved ones, the Finns go to the sauna, where they rest and having fun until the morning.

Therefore, if you came to Finland under Christmas, which happens quite often, and you are offered to go to the cemetery, you should not be surprised and refused.

Customs related to the celebration of the New Year

They are practically in all countries. For example, in our country, as in many others, it is customary to put a New Year tree in the house, decorate his toys and leave gifts under it. We are waiting for the battle of the Kurats and only after that we congratulate everyone on the holiday and wish you a happy New Year. But in Italy there is a rather unusual tradition. Extravagant and temperamental Italians with the arrival of the new year throw all unnecessary, old things from the windows of their housing. Many get rid of even from furniture, throwing her onto the street. The more old things will throw a person, the more successful will be for him the coming year.

Celebrating the New Year in Italy, remember this custom and do not cause the police to "calm the neighbors".

Customs and traditions of the Caucasus countries

This edge is really famous for them. Residents of these seats are masters in the manufacture of homemade wine. Everyone knows how beautiful, aptly and subtle inhabitants of the Caucasus can pronounce toasts. Congratulatory speech can delay for many minutes. But all this time, guests invited guests should not speak or disconnect the glasses - this is considered indecent and offensive. Everyone is closely listening and watching only a person who utters speech.

Tourists must know about it, otherwise the risk is in an awkward situation.

There are many interesting traditions worthy of attention. Many of them are common to different countries and nationalities. Some are found only in a certain area and affect tourists with their originality. But all the traditions and customs, like the culture of other nations, must be honored and respect.

The customs and traditions of other peoples are interesting, amazing, and sometimes strange and even shocking. People of other nationalities can express their feelings or mental attitude at all as they are taken. Also, the peoples of different countries of the world have unique rituals, beliefs and holidays that reflect their history or beliefs. Knowing all these nuances, you can better understand what they live in a particular country. Studying national customs is not just entertaining, but also useful if you plan to go on a journey.

The strangest and original traditions of the peoples of the world

Undoubtedly, one of the important aspects of any culture are its rules of etiquette: a way of greeting, farewell, behavior at the table, etc. For example, among Russians it is customary to shake hands, loving and friendly Spaniards can generally kiss when meeting. But in Japan, it is better not to do this - personal space appreciated and let only close friends.

What other extraordans are in the world? Here is the ranking of the 10 most unusual traditions of other countries:

  1. On the streets of India, you can see men holding hands. This does not mean that they are in a romantic relationship. So they show their friendship. But Indian couples in love never express their love publicly.
  2. In Germany, do not chlo in your hands when they want to climb. To express their feelings, the Germans are used to knocking on the table.
  3. The peoples of some Asian countries, such as China, Korea or Japan, consider to be a good tone of the chagua during meals visiting. Thus, they show the owner that the dish is very tasty.
  4. In Japan, it is considered indecent and rude to high in humans. If someone needs to be cleaned, then they do it away from all and very quiet.
  5. For residents of South Korea to write someone's name in red - taboos, and all because previously red ink was used to record the names of the dead people.
  6. In Malaysia, point to something index finger - it is rude and offensive. Instead, it is customary to show on things with a thumb.

Another interesting feature: While in many countries, people face cemeteries, they turn them into peculiar parks in Denmark, where you can communicate. Pretty pragmatic use of space, is it not true?

Holidays are part of the culture of the people. Often they use unusual rites and customs that can be very funny, and sometimes frightening.

Monkey banquet

In Thailand, the banquet monkey festival is held annually dedicated to God Rama, who, according to the legend, the monkey helped defeat enemies in a big battle.

In the last month of November, monkeys who live in the province of Lopburi and are considered among the local sacred, in the middle of the temple there are tables with a huge number of fruits, vegetables, sweets and drinks.

It is said that there is more half a thousand primates there and that they need to feed about 2 tons of food! Their singer looks very funny: non-cultural guests are thrown by food, fighting for the right to get the most delicious fruit, teased those who came to tourists.

Tomato battles

Battle snowballs - last century. Tomatoes apply in Spain for these purposes! At the Tomatin festival, which is held there every August, thousands of people are going to participate in the battle of tomatoes. Vegetables are brought on the carts and all participants of the action take each other within an hour, turning everything around into the red alive. In total, about 15 tons of tomatoes use in battle!

Officially, the holiday is dedicated to the patron saint of the city of St. Louis, but in fact he has long been a shit for tourists.

Day goose

On the occasion of this Spanish holiday held in the city of Bilbao, choose a goose, lubricate it with fat and tied over the water on the rope. Competing swim to it on the boat and bounce to catch. The goal is to tear the animal head. The winner gets his carcass and universal respect.

It is worth mentioning that they used to use a living goose, but then, at the request of the Society for the protection of animals, he was replaced by the dead. Someone the competition may seem cruel, but for the Spaniards is an indicator of strength, endurance and dexterity of men.

Cobre Festival

Indians worship snakes since ancient times, cobra are considered especially sacred. In Indian temples there are images and statues of these reptiles, they pray and bring sacrifices.

In some cities and villages of India, the festival is arranged in honor of the worship of the Snake "Nag Panchami". It passes in the middle of summer. Just then, the pouring rains flood the holes of the reaches and they crawl out.

Nag Panchami directly devoted to God Shiva, who is depicted with Cologves on the neck. During the holiday, people dance to music, carrying snakes in pots on the head. The procession bypasses the whole village and moves to the main temple. After chants and prayers, snakes sprinkled with turmeric, give them honey with milk to back up, and they are released into the courtyard of the temple. Animals crawl, performing peculiar dances. The holiday is spectacular and fascinating, which attracts crowds of tourists.

It is noteworthy that people during the holiday often bite, and some snakes of poisonous, but no one suffers from it. Phenomenal!

Night Krampus

This terrible holiday celebrates this terrible holiday in the first 2 weeks of December before Christmas in Austria, Bavaria and Switzerland. About a thousand men are dressed up with Krampus - devilish creatures with horns and hooves, which are antipode Santa Claus. They walk through the streets, scaring children and adults. Custom "learn" Krampuses beat the rods.

The celebration is accompanied by mass fairs, processions and contests. Residents of cities compete for the best and most terrible suit. Unclear it is not terrible!

Ritals and rituals

Particularly unusual and strange are the customs and traditions of the peoples of the world associated with religion, marriage and various rituals of initiation. Some of them may seem absurd, but the natives believe that this is important, so you should not consider them stupid. Perhaps some traditions of our country also seem to someone deprived of meaning.

  1. Japanese warriors still adhere to the Codex Becido, according to which, in the event of a defeat, he must commit suicide. It is better to die than to get into the hands to enemies.
  2. In Muslim countries, a girl in 2 days before the wedding is covered by temporary tattoos from Henna - Mehendi, which symbolize femininity, fertility and good luck. They should only apply a woman, happy in marriage. Mehendi usually paint feet and hands. The longer the tattoo will last, the better, so the bride even liberates home from work.

Chinese brides, namely a resident of the city of Fuji, should cry for a whole month before the wedding. So they are preparing for married life. Maybe they think that all tears will pay and in the future do not have to cry?

  • And here is another unusual folk rite. When the man of the tribe of Tanomanani (Brazil) dies, his body cremates. Close dead mix the dust with the decoction of the plantain and drink. They believe that it pleases a dead soul, which finds a resting place in their bodies.
  • The Greeks have a strange custom to spit on everything. In their opinion, such a ritual brings good luck and scares the devil. Ritals with spurs they are carried out in different special cases, such as christening or weddings. In the old days, guests had to spit on the bride's dress well, but now everything is done rather symbolic. It is enough to pronounce TFU TFU TFU.
  • Young guys in Brazil are undergoing an extraordinary initiation rite. To prove its courage and strength, members of the Satar Mave tribe put hands into a glove filled with poisonous ants. It is necessary to hold out 10 minutes, and because the bites are extremely painful, and the pain lasts the whole day! There were even fatal cases.

In fact, there is a lot of fascinating in every culture. Some can consider these customs inhuman. Others still seek meaning in them, because even the strangest customs and traditions in the world there is an explanation.

Unusual traditions and rites of the peoples of the world

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