Concert business. How to organize concerts in your city? How to organize a concert group? How to organize a charitable star concert? Where to start a business in organizing concerts

Concert business. How to organize concerts in your city? How to organize a concert group? How to organize a charitable star concert? Where to start a business in organizing concerts
Concert business. How to organize concerts in your city? How to organize a concert group? How to organize a charitable star concert? Where to start a business in organizing concerts

The organization of concerts as a business may seem very difficult. But if there is a desire to make money on music in this way, we describe where to start the entrepreneur and show the profitability of the project.

At first, it will be very difficult to engage in organizational issues. Indeed, in large megalopolis, there is a high competition between such firms, and in small cities it is difficult to provide the required conditions for artists. It is possible that first will have to work without profit or even invest your own money until you create a name in certain circles.

Registration questions

Of course, to become the organizer of concerts it is not necessary to undergo registration in the tax service. But the fact is that the artists will more will be more willing to conclude a contract and go to the deal if you provide a legal entity or registered at least as an individual entrepreneur.

In the first case, the company raises more confidence in sponsors, singers and club owners. But IP has the opportunity to pay a smaller tax to the state in a simplified system. Yes, and the process of paperwork at the same time it turns out to be much cheaper and faster.

If there are several people to organize a similar project, then you have to open ooo. So it will be much easier to engage in many questions that arise before organizer of concerts. It is important to indicate the correct OKVED code. In this case, 93.29 - services in the field of entertainment and recreation.

Market analysis

Where to start the first thing? You can choose two directions:

  1. Focus on your own tastes, inviting those artists who like you personally and hope that anyone else will want to visit a similar event.
  2. But for earnings, it is advisable to make a survey among the inhabitants of the city, acquaintances, on the forums and find out what groups and directions in music are preferred by others. When going to hold a concert with those performers who are waiting in the city most people, with due organization, you can earn large sums.

Before doing all questions, make a business plan and decide that you need, which is missing, which amount you have and what you want to navigate.

Selection of artist

Thinking up the upcoming event, decide how best to do:

  • Invite only one artist or group and offer the public a solo concert.
  • Or collect several performers in one room and provide the audience something like a festival.

It is worth noting that the newcomer will be difficult to get a "star", so it makes sense to navigate on beginner singers, which may even even have their producer. In this case, they will be ready to cooperate for a small fee and will make minimal requirements. Sometimes such groups perform in the club even for free, only for the idea or advertising.

To clarify the conditions and cost per performance, it is advisable to hold preliminary negotiations with the producer or the singer himself. We will not clarify the touring schedule to offer a speech at a time when it is convenient.

What do you need to prepare?

It is quite difficult to organize a concert of the artist. To do this, take into account the many details. Start from the site and equipment. So, depending on the group, its fame, the number of people willing to visit the event you need to find a suitable place for this.

Usually for concerts choose:

  1. Clubs in which there are already all the equipment, lighting and place for the public.
  2. Stadiums, where there is enough space for a large number of people.
  3. Houses of culture or other concert halls.

It is important to agree with the owner of the institution about acceptable rates, date, possible discounts, distribution of tickets and advertising. Do not forget that the performers need a certain technical equipment and in each case it will be something else.

In well-known groups on the official website, there is a technical rider, that is, a list of those tools and other equipment that will be required for their performance. But you can also personally with the producer or artists to discuss this moment and rent a technique in advance. Make it available through special agencies, studios, halls for rehearsals, houses of culture, etc.

Sometimes it makes sense to pay a little more for the rental of a club for a concert, than separately look for the room and the required equipment. After all, in such establishments, usually everything is usual for performances. In addition to music, you need to prepare and lighting, as well as hire specialists responsible for setting the sound, lighting devices, etc.

Almost no concert do without attracting sponsors. They are needed for financial support, help in organizational moments or for advertising and selling tickets. There are two main forms of cooperation:

  • Financial - can be profitable, but usually it is rarely done and only with already well-known firms. Nobody highlights novice organizers directly.
  • In the form of barter - that is, you placed on the bills, tickets, walls and on stage the logo or advertising of the company, and the sponsor for it offers any help. It may be the dissemination of the concert information, the organization of a press conference for artists, providing them with a place of residence, a hall for performing, technique, printing products, etc.
  1. Print Flyers and distribute them in places of great accumulation of people, leave in youth cafes, educational institutions, etc.
  2. Hang posters around the city.
  3. Take advantage of special agencies that will not only help sell tickets, but also create advertising.
  4. Make a page on the Internet or on social sites, provide information about the concert at the local forum.
  5. Organize a press conference and invite journalists.

What else to pay attention to?

In order for the expected event to be held and was carried out at a decent level, you need to do the following:

  • Inviting artists, ask their requirements and wishes. Organize them accommodation, meals, rehearsal.
  • A few days before the concert, you can make a press conference or interview at the local TV channel with performers.
  • When drawing up a lease agreement of the club, mark in writing all the details and features of the room after its careful inspection together with the owner. After all, any damage will have to reimburse you as an event organizer.
  • Payments are held after the speech, although some artists require a deposit in a certain amount before their arrival.
  • Do not expect that the first profit will make you a rich man. Perhaps several concerts will have to work for free or even loss. It will take some time to create an image of the company and the acquisition of authority in the musical environment.
  • Take care of the protection of the premises or the stadium, because the event there will be many people. It is convenient to do this with the help of special private firms.
  • Think over the entire script, as well as hire the lead. It is important to record in advance what and when to speak, the order of the output of artists, etc. Some performers provide their texts for such cases.
  • Before the concert, make it possible to configure the equipment, lighting, and the protruding group to prophete on the scene. To do this, it is better to highlight the whole day.
  • Keep in mind that when renting a club, it is much more profitable to take it on weekdays. Then the cost will be lower, and it is easier to carry out preparatory work, since at this time there is a low attendance of such institutions.


To calculate at least approximately your expenses and expected profit, you need to think about how much a ticket costs, how many people are expected to concert and clarify the rates for all the above organizational moments. We give approximate figures.

If you set the cost of a ticket in the amount of 250 rubles and sell them in the amount of 500 pieces, then the income will be 125,000 rubles. With these expenses, the organization is obtained in a pure form of 50 thousand. Thus, from the first concerts, you can reach the full payback of business.

Video: Lecture - Vladimir Philippov, organization of concerts and tour.

It's no secret that there is always competition in the world of music. But, despite this, people still appear to have interest in organizing concerts and musical festivals. And if you also sometimes slipped the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to make a concert, then for you will not be superfluous with a simple scheme of organizing concerts for beginners.

To begin with:

  • What a budget
  • Knowledge of local groups or contacts through which you can invite stars
  • Friends wishing to offer
  • Sociability without it
  • Designer who will be engaged in decoration issues
  • Internet Access Computer

Instructions for organizing a concert

  • Before organizing a concert, it is necessary to carry out a small analysis of music sites and teams. This will require a computer with access to the Internet, thanks to him you can enter specialized sites, where you will find out a lot of information about groups and can even find contacts to communicate with them.
  • It is necessary to think carefully the genre of the concert itself, and what areas for him will be more relevant, because the organization of concerts of stars has a completely different focus.
  • Decide with the teams that will directly play your event. Prepare a list of teams that most interested and email them a letter offer to speak at your concert.
  • Next, when you already have a list of groups and some sites for the performance, you need to decide on the concert date. The weekend is considered the best time for an absolutely any concert.
  • Simply indispensable to organize any concert are promotional materials. These include flyers, posters, posters, etc. And just helps them to develop a designer, because who can better know how to make a concert poster. You should make sure that you give designer with reliable information about collectives, timing, title and place of your event.
  • Groups that will participate in the concert can also help you. It is enough just to give them a number of tickets for resale, naturally offer them a percentage for sold tickets. This will help attract as many people as possible to the event.
  • It should be promoted as you can promote activities using posters and a variety of leaflets. They can be distributed to musicians who, in turn, will distribute them among their friends and fans. Also, do not forget to hang a poster at the very concert.

Important moments of the organization of concerts

Safety is probably the most important point in the organization of concerts. That is why all the thoughts of the organizers on how to organize the concert properly, should first be aimed at organizing all the necessary security measures of this event. And all because of any kind of mass events carries some kind of hidden threat, because at a concert a very large number of equipment, which makes you think about at least the fire defense.

In addition, the danger is even scenery, because if they are not high-quality fasteners, they can fall at any time, which may be harmful and to the guests themselves. Often, in the production of their concerts, the organizers use fiery and light shows that require greater caution and compliance with special safety rules.

Organization of the group concert

If you think about how to organize a group concert, then you should know two main points that do not know the visitors of the concert, but you, as the organizer know obliged.

  • The first is a fee, namely how much you will cost the work of a group on stage.
  • The second is Rider, or simple words technical and living conditions. It usually depends on the popularity of the team.

Classification of executive groups

  • Wide popularity in wide circles. Groups of such a plan collect stadiums, their fees are very high, the conditions of the rider are practically impossible, but they will undoubtedly collect the full hall, from babies to pensioners.
  • Wide popularity in narrow circles. These are mostly successful groups that work in any style different from pop. Their fees are usually quite acceptable, and riders include several items.
  • Narrow popularity in wide circles. They have less success in contrast to groups from the first point, however, their fees are higher than that of groups from the second item, and riders are painted on several sheets.
  • Narrow popularity in narrow circles. Almost no one knows about them, although they may have two released albums in their piggy bank and one video clip, which was shown a couple of times on musical channels.

And if you think how to organize a concert with the participation of groups, then to begin with, the services of groups are widely popular in narrow circles. And if the event is similar to the fest or session, then groups have a narrow popularity in narrow circles.

Of course, that your event does not consist of misses and shortcomings, it is better to turn to the proven organizers - professionals of your business. The cost of organizing the concert may not reach 1000 dollars, and may exceed a million, so before starting work on the organization of the holiday, you will need to decide from the very beginning to determine the amount of money you are willing to spend.

If music includes music, then she can bring you and good profits. Naturally, if it is not limited to an extensive playlist in the player. How to make money on such hobbies? Organize a concert, of course. It can be a music festival or solo concert. This lesson will not only bring a lot of experience and dating, but also can increase your capital. You feel that this idea for you, we will consider in order all aspects.

And so, there is an idea, there is a desire and desire. But why start? And you should start with the following. It is unlikely that only one idea and the desire you will go to conquer the capital. There are such enough, and they have more money.

You will receive your first experience in this business in your city, even if it is just a small provincial town. At this stage it is necessary to explore: what kind of music residents (especially young people) are preferred. It is worth closing the eyes to your opinion to one or another genre, if, of course, your goal is to make a profit. To do this, it is necessary not only to visit several events, having studied the number of those who came, but also to be close to young people, to study their preferences. Who knows, can in your city there are many fans of rock, which are limited to "garage" concerts.

Deciding with the audience, it will not be difficult to find a potential group or singer. Here it is possible to create a survey on social networks and hoping the popularity and originality of the "Star". Do not stop in the same embodiment, because the stock should always be. But do not rush to invite the artist. Now it is worth thinking about such questions as a platform for a concert and equipment. Why?
These aspects are often becoming a stumbling block in this business. Either the venue will not be on the pocket, or there is no musical instrument.
The issue of the site can be solved as follows. If there is a nightclub in the city, or something like that, then go there. Such institutions attract more people than cultural palaces. You can relax here, and the bar is near.

It is better to talk with the club's director, as the manager does not ask you to help you, and the price of renting is better to speak directly with the owner. But here it is worth the confidence in his business. Let it clear that the idea is worth and profitable. Without any doubts!

Do not let the interlocutor think that you merge with money, if you can earn them at all. If everything goes smoothly, then you can even agree on the fact that you pay for rent you from earned money, but this does not always come out. Solve this question - go to the next.

Search for instruments for your concert is a very important part of the process. Therefore, we decompose everything around the shelves. The required apparatus varies from the genre to the genre. And the harder the execution, the harder it is to find a high-quality apparatus. Here, the knowledge of the musical craft will be especially useful. And if there is no knowledge, it is best to find a person who can help in this. Do not think to climb into these debris without any elementary understanding. After all, if there is equipment for club music in any nightclub, it will have to search for everything from the remote control and amplifiers to the drum installation. But if there is knowledge (or a knowledgeable person), then find it will not be difficult. Often, music techniques can be found at studios or rehearsal points.

Knowing without difficulty will find them. The question will remain for small. Much more expensive, rental firms will cost. Such firms can get you almost all that wish, but for your money.

There is another moment: technical rider.
Famous performers do not discern to demand the best equipment from the organizer, and you can find the technical rider on the group or singer website. And as already noted: quality, and therefore the price of the device vary depending on the genre. Of course, if your concert is limited to little-known groups, then they quite have the fact that you will achieve at local rehearsal points, studios or even cultural palaces.

Many is important to prepare and light equipment. They will not find them in the studios, but even the most sorry club has the minimum necessary set. The rest can be ordered from firms that have already been written above.

Now you have everything you need to hold a concert, except for the artist. In this case, you have already had to stock option. The question of the invited is not less subtle. If this is a famous performer, then the fee will be appropriate, which means it will rise the ticket price. For small cities, the price is a very weighty argument, and sometimes people can refuse only because of this. To begin with, it is worth thinking about the "Soleanka" from different performers.

Such a festival will collect many viewers, and musical groups can be not so famous. The fee is often coming down to pay, and some and for the idea are ready to work. So, here will help the skill to convince and elementary friendliness. But if you decide to "big fish", then get ready for difficulties. The stars are extremely picky, and the failure to comply with their requirements can and you do in a penny.

When all this is completed, it may seem that everything is ready. But no. It remains, perhaps, two questions, and if one can be skipped, then without another you anywhere. The first is sponsors. But keep in mind that few people want to give you their money, even if you sprinkle their advertising throughout the concert area. This question can be as follows. Of course, no one forbids advertisements to the newspaper, on the Internet or just to put out the city near large stores or institutions.

However, often the sponsor is easier to hand you the necessary accessories than your money. So, for a concert, try searching the sponsor among musical instruments stores. Maybe they will provide part of the equipment. In return, any sponsor will require a promotional action from you. Simply put, do not forget to mention it at a concert and attach the logo on the billboard event.

There is another type of sponsors - informational. They will help you spread the news about the upcoming concert. It can be local newspapers, Internet portal of your city, publishes in Soc. networks. Do not forget about large musical Internet portals, which very often place posters, instead of their logo on it. It is worth a recognition that large sites visit more often than they read the local newspaper. Here we got to the last moment - advertising. What is written above is a very important part of the advertising company. But that's not all.

Do not suck print posing and put them around the city. Just do not trust this business to sweatshirts - think ourselves. Come around the city. Offer to place posters in stores or cafes. Ey and educational institutions are suitable if the event is quite cultural. Since we live in the modern world, do not forget to create a concert page on the Internet. This will not necessarily have a site. Sufficient pages on the social network. By the way, this is a very convenient way and distribution of advertising, and observation of people's activity.

Having done all this, it will remain to make an accurate plan of the event. Considerse it with the speakers and director of the club. Do not forget to think about who will conduct an event, especially if there are many groups, and they will need to be submitted to the public. Find the lead is not difficult. Give ads in the newspaper and place on the Internet. The Directorate of the Club can help with this question. Do not forget to prepare texts for the lead. Part of them can be obtained from the performers themselves.

On the day of the concert, it will be nice early arrive at the scene. So you can lead all the preparations. The sound operator you will receive in the load to any device, at least from the tenant, at least from the local studio will have to rebuild the device. The sooner it starts it - the better. After all, various minor problems have a place to be.

Before the start of the concert, take time to a careful inspection of the site along with the representative of the club. It is advisable to fix the inspection in a special act, because all the damage that can occur during the concert will fall on your shoulders and wallet.

Do not forget to pick performers personally. Consider the wishes of artists. Some, for example, you may need a dressing room or room where they will be able to place musical instruments.

Payments you spend after the concert. And you should not despair if your first concert is not too paid off. Even if you were able to recoup, returning all the costs (i.e., coming out in Plus), it is already worth happy, because you have gained great experience, new acquaintances and communications. And all this in the future will necessarily help you in organizing concerts.

Back Forward -

Suppose you have appeared the idea to organize a party or concert. And now you have questions how to save money to hold them or even earn money.

So, to get money from the party, the idea is needed to organize a concert itself. You thought about the plot, outlined the main star of the event ... What to do next? Memore the main items:

  • Find a concert area (be sure to explore it and explore the equipment hall)
  • Define an audience (who will go?)
  • Set the price range
  • Learn to convince

So, to find the concert area, count how many people come to the concert. Determinecapacity Places. By the number of places - we print the required number of tickets for the concert. Inspect the possible entrances (on them there are particularly ear guards or hall workers can inlets for nothing, and even for free "left" visitors or their relatives). If you do not trust local security, put your security on all inputs and outputs.

Do not forget pro machinations grandmothers Ticket - When auntier checking tickets are a little money and she misses everyone in a row. And at the concert hall will be crowded, and tickets sold a little bit. You yourself (or your friends) try to go to the concert, putting it instead of a ticket for example 500 rubles. I missed - we replace it with my own man.

Another chip - fake tickets. To deal with them, put neon prints on them, make embossing, perforation.

Warn what to remove the cash desk will only you and no one else. Decide on the price range:VIP. , average, budget and tickets for partners.

Very good move - to organizeVIP. - Zone. Check out the tables or in the first rows of security, for especially "expensive" customers. Many this flattering and even the overestimated price of such tickets does not scare away.

In the era of modern technologies, to invite the star, do not look for it through the second hands. Now on the Internet through the site you can find a connection with any artist. Learn to convince. Prices for each of their own, but cheaper to invite an artist in a tour (so you will save on traffic expenses). But on average, when organizing the event, all the money earned is divided by about this: the artist is 70%, the organizer is 30% of revenue. Starting negotiations with an artist, the main thing is not to worry and do not forget to rejugging (there is nothing galloping).

In order to bring Star, consider costs for a concert: fee, road share, household rider, technical rider - sound rental, room rental, personnel for the concert, payment for security. Afraid that alone can not handle personal assistant - One or two thousand for the event, but you have someone to rely on. Since during your concert, you can simply break through all sorts of trifles.

When printing posters and tickets, use offset printing for savings. Since it is the cheapest. And on one sheet, you put the posters, and at the edges of the tickets. Best colors for posters black, white, red. The largest letters point to the artist and the date of performances, less font - the rest of the information is the venue, price, points of sale, partners, the name of the concert, and so on.

Placing the poster can be commercial and free. Or activists, ready to work for a ticket for this concert. Distribute 30-100 posters for one person (depending on the price of a party to the party) and explain that every placed poster need to take a picture. What, photograph not the poster itself, but the place where it was glued. Usually hang posters one month before the concert.

The legal side of the issue is taxes. Make up five percent.

When drawing up a contract with the hall, we necessarily indicate the name of the site, its address and time of the concert with a margin of at least five hours. We prescribe the technical personnel of the area - the presence of the electrician, cleaners, water and thermal regime throughout the event. We discover in the contract questions on tickets: who prints, who sells, sell mode, percentage of the transaction. We indicate the mode of operation of the cashier (only 30% of visitors arrive on time, the rest come later, so the cashier should sit almost to the end). So when you decide to stop selling tickets. Even if there is no number and the concert began, you should ask you whether you can graduate from the sale of tickets. We indicate who has the right to take money from the box office.

With an artist in the contract, we indicate how many songs performs, how many minutes. The procedure for calculations is a prepayment, a refund when the concert is canceled due to the fault of the artist, payment after arrival.

Remember that the fee for damage is going on guard, and not to yours. Militia arrival is always free.

I hope these tips will help you organize an event!

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For many people, the organization of concerts seems to be a very easy occupation - the "stars" arrived, played, the money received, the part received the owner of the premises, part is the performer (s), the rest went to the organizer. Everything. However, the work of the latter is conjugate with the solution of a large number of tasks, and this is not only a platform search, but also to ensure the concert with everything necessary - from lighting to the hotel for musicians. The organizer assumes the responsibilities for the fact that the event will not just happen, but will also be properly organized and included everything you need. In essence, the organizer is the person who does not have anything other than the offer of his work. Given that not a single participant wants to deal with such a global issue, the services of concert organizers are popularly in demand. And in the first stages, this business can be almost alone.

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This niche is relatively busy, so the newcomer will certainly be difficult to take its place. The main limitation is pop culture, performers who have gained popularity are already supervised by rather large firms, and drag on behalf of the work in this case it is unlikely to succeed. And here they will not even help more favorable conditions - neither the musicians nor their producers want to risk, tie to anyone an unknown company. In this case, it is better to start with the organization of concerts while no one else has known groups that want to go on the stage, and there are many prospects, if you properly approach your work. It also depends on the degree of activity of the organizer, if he is not waiting until it comes to it for services, but is looking for customers on their own, he can count on success. It is worth noting that the scheme of work depending on many factors may differ slightly.

In order to start your business, it is worth registering as a business entity. The form of entrepreneurship can be any, although customers with a much larger hunt will work with a legal entity, the partners and landlords will be more confidently. However, according to the law, it is possible to remain an individual by registering as an individual entrepreneur. From legal entities, a limited liability company is preferable - as well as in the case of IP, a simplified tax system is available in this, which allows to deduct 6% (from income) or 15% (from operating profit).

Registration of a legal entity will be somewhat longer, will require more significant investments, and the document flow in this case is more serious. In general, if several people are united to organize a business, then they need to be issued a legal entity, otherwise at the business of one person it is worth calculating the future plan to determine the form of entrepreneurship. It is also important to correctly indicate OKVED codes, and such activities are suitable for encoding (OKPD 2) 93.29 Other entertainment and recreation services.

It is desirable to have its own premises, it will become a place where employees work and negotiate with customers. However, work can be established without your own office, which often advocates simply as a representative office. But it raises the prestige of the institution in the eyes of partners. But in any case, the room does not have to be greater, unless it is planned to store props for concerts. Some companies organize their own printing house for printing of posters and leaflets, but it is not always economically appropriate.

Work can be conducted in two direction: the organization of the ordered concert and the organization of the concert with the invitation to him by performers. In the first case, these will have their own concerts of groups and musicians, in the second - festivals and prefabricated concerts, on which teams of a similar genre, subjects or simply focused on a certain category of listeners. What to choose for myself, decides every entrepreneur himself, but no one forbids to engage in both directions at the same time. Only the second type of concert organization is an order of magnitude difficult to first and require significant experience in this area and the ability to attract many performers. Therefore, to start better with the organization of concerts for specific groups, and after starting to engage in our own festivals. They can bring much more profit, as sometimes it lasts a few days, and not a couple of hours, but also require a much more serious approach. And almost all risks fall on the organizer itself, because he performs the instigator of the event.

So, for your work it is immediately desirable to find partners who are willing to provide their sites for the needs of concerts. However, in big cities to agree on the constant granting of the scene, it is unlikely that there are many other people who want to take advantage of rental squares. Therefore, the platform every time, most likely, will have to find and negotiate with the owners every time it will be needed. But this does not mean that this question should not be engaged to directly prepare for the expected event, it is necessary to have a list of possible objects, as well as keep information about their workload. In this case, at least the informal good relationship with the platform owner is very desirable to establish, this will allow to negotiate the lease on the earliest need.

Ready ideas for your business

But it should be noted that the requirements for the room in all artists are different, and therefore you need to have several options on the decision - from relatively inexpensive to elite halls with a large number of audience accommodated. Depending on the format of the concert, the types of sites are selected: it is possible to bring a conditional example that for symphonic music you need a lounge with seating places, and the site with a simple dance floor is enough for a rock concert. Therefore, the latter are often organized on sports arena or in acts. Music lovers rarely refuse themselves the pleasure of visiting the concert of the favorite group only because it takes place in the "uncomfortable" in their opinion, but in other cases the consumer can make a lot of conclusions on where the event passes.

Recently, events held in clubs have become very popular with this option is attractive for listeners, as a rule, like musicians themselves, and the organizer greatly simplifies work, because in clubs, unlike the same sports arenas, there are already lighting and sound equipment. And therefore, the increased cost of renting the club for one evening is reimbursed by the lack of need to rent part of the equipment. Moreover, many concerts spend on weekdays (when the club does not work or works in a slightly different format, bar, for example) and therefore a negotiated discount is much easier.

Ready ideas for your business

The cost of playgrounds will vary greatly and depends on many factors. The most important is the location, then there is a size, format, possibilities of additional equipment, location of the place. All this must take into account the organizer, and this is all interested in producers and musicians. The concert may refuse to give if there is no place worthy in the opinion of the artists, and here we are talking primarily about the profit, and not about its prestigiousness. Yes, and the organizer himself is probably interested in the Arena brought as much money as possible, why many famous musicians do not come to smaller cities: it's not just that the population will not be able to buy expensive concerts, and sometimes the opposite that will be Absolutely, but their playground is not accompanied, and its placement opportunities are unlikely to cover even their own expenses.

The following should search for sponsors of its event. At this stage, there are many options for cooperation up to the point that the sponsors independently conduct an advertising campaign (true, in only the channels available to them) and provide the organizer with the necessary capacities: printing house, equipment, staff, ticket distribution. In principle, any partner can speak the sponsor, except for the actual musicians with their producer or label. A rare sponsor gives directly money to the organization, usually it is a barter when for the placement of their logo, reports about the sponsor at the event and carrying out promotions are provided by one or other assistance.

Sometimes it is even more profitable for the organizer, because the sponsor has the capabilities that allow not to refer to third-party companies, and then spending decline thanks to the advertisement of the partner. Sponsor logos are usually placed on billboards and banners - it is almost always a prerequisite for cooperation. With a successful mutual settlement, sponsorship can be very good savings or additional funds. True, when organizing concerts of little-known groups or just a concert, which is not particularly popular among the population, some good from the point of view of sponsorship companies can refuse to cooperate or set very disadvantageous conditions.

Sponsors will have to sell the future event, and the main criterion, as a rule, for them is the number of visitors. In addition, serious requirements are presented to the advertising campaign; But it must be large enough for the benefit of the organizer. The most common, at least a little outdated, but still an effective way of advertising is the opening of posters on the places specifically provided for this and place the placement of banners in the city. Usually, advertising agencies are engaged in these, which have sufficient relationships and cooperation agreements to ensure information placement about the upcoming event throughout the city. Still, the personally opening of the poster - is already gradually displaced by more perfect and modern methods. If there is its own website, it is certainly worth placing information on it, although the site of the organizer is usually its business card for partners, and not for visitors to concerts, for them all information about the event is posted on their portal distributor of tickets.

Ready ideas for your business

Further should agree with the companies that are ready to lease and put lighting and sound equipment. As already noted, some sites and themselves have them, in some (for example, in thematic clubs) and everything is usually ready for any concert at all - come and play. But more often it is necessary to find delivery equipment for renting a company, negotiate the supply, installation and subsequent export. The equipment itself is paid either by packages (that is, to an example, a complete set for a jazz concert), or is ordered separately, and the rental of each device is paid separately. In addition to standard light, you can get a laser, fiery or some more spectacular show (and will have to hire the relevant employees), and the sound is selected depending on the genre and features of the game (and even the concert itself) of musicians. Thus, the symphony orchestra plays live, but the rock band will require the presence of amplifiers, complex electronics, drum installation, bringing with them only guitars (and not always). Therefore, at this stage, it is necessary to have not only a prisoner with a group or their producer, but also to discuss the exact concept of the event.

The following is the search for a ticket distributor. Some companies generally combine this activity - the distribution of tickets and the organization of concerts, but strictly speaking are completely different companies. Sell \u200b\u200ba large number of tickets without having every opportunity, it is almost impossible, therefore a contract is concluded with a firm that will ensure the sale of tickets for the concert. With this office, you will have to cooperate very closely, because it will partially assume responsibility on advertising, it will be it that will accept money for tickets, which means that it is necessary to demand particularly strict reporting. Doing the sale of tickets only at the checkout site (which may not be) will not work, the scheme is needed.

Negotiations with the musicians themselves are either personally or through their producer - it is always so if it is. The promoted group will make a huge number of requirements for his visit to a city, they need a hotel, meals, as well as the placement of the props. Usually it is brought immediately to the site, where all the preparations are held in a few hours (less often). Thus, in addition to treaties with many companies that ensure the event, they will have to agree with organizations that will provide services to musicians themselves, and this is a prerequisite for artists before visiting the city - so that everything is established by the organizer himself. Thus, in such a scheme, a huge number of enterprises are commonly involved, between which the organizer runs and tries to launch this fairly bulky scheme.

It is better to start with little-known groups, speaking for them as a substitute for the producer, but in this case it is best to find several young talented groups and arrange either a prefabricated concert (that is, including several teams similar to genre), or a local festival. True, in the latter case, the rate is sometimes not on sale of tickets (and the entrance may even be free), but for the sale of additional services at the festival. This comes down to the fact that the organizer simply gives places at the festival to the sellers who are made at the expense of a large number of people in one place. Many beginner teams are sometimes ready to speak only for the idea, wanting to declare themselves peace, and do not require an organizer of any part of revenue. But here and he strongly risks, organizing an event for which no one may come (usually, of course, friends and relatives invited by the musicians themselves, but this does not save this). It is worth starting with completely local events, when you do not have to risk large means and there is an opportunity if you do not profit, then at least get experience.

It will take a lot of time before it is possible to work individually for each team with its feed; Usually, famous musicians work only with major players who may in the shortest possible time to organize an event (and sometimes even the entire tour), collect a lot of money and start selling a few months before the concert. Newbies do not take into account in this case. Festivals and at all, in the usual understanding of this word, can be full, if they are located in a convenient location, are surrounded by the necessary infrastructure, are interesting to visitors and there are a sufficient number of well-known teams. Calculated for many days of the event, a novice player, as a rule, is unable; But no one forbids their new format to come up.

Business on the organization of concerts initially will certainly be very heavy, and for a long time will have to work for the idea by investing their strength (and sometimes money) to just earn a name. However, in this case, there are a lot of perspectives, because, sowing to establish the organization perfect at all stages, it is possible to successfully compete even with well-known companies that are not excluded, there are deficiencies in one area or another.