Scenario last call for adults. Scenarios for the last call

Scenario last call for adults.  Scenarios for the last call
Scenario last call for adults. Scenarios for the last call

An interesting and unusual scenario of the holiday of the last bell for the 11th grade.

Holiday script last call "Our school"

Brief commentary.

How the school is like the army. Every year newcomers join it and “experienced” ones leave. And the discipline, the regime - as in the army: from bell to bell. The overwhelming majority of this issue are young men, and the class teacher is a special training teacher. This means that they do not just leave school - they are demobilized.

Speaker. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Hear the order of the High Commander of the school.

In connection with the expiration of the service life, I order:

1. Announce the demobilization of those called up for active school service on September 20 _____.

2. All the above persons who have not expressed a desire to stay for a second course, to be awarded the title of "graduate" with the presentation, subject to the successful completion of the final tests of the certificate of maturity.

3. Conduct a ceremonial formation and a parade in honor of graduation-201_.

4. In order to replenish the staff of the school, announce the next call for active school service of persons who at the time of the call on September 1 will turn 6 years old.

5. The order shall be announced in all divisions of the school.

Leading. All divisions are present. The order has been announced, allow me to proceed with the execution of paragraph 3 of this order. Vasily Pavlovich! I ask you to carry out the formation of the demobilized.

Classroom teacher... Branch, to me! Stand in one line! Be equal! Attention !.

Leading... At ease! In our school, ___ boys and ___ girls who have completed the established period of active school service in our school are subject to demobilization. They were called on September 1, 20_. For 11 years they have gone through everything: the school of a young fighter, and exercises-torment, and maneuvers that were unexpected for teachers, and marches - throws into the cafeteria, and live firing from all types of homemade weapons, and nicotine gas attacks, and much, much more what is so rich in our school life. And here they are in front of us: the guys-heroes and girls-beauties.

How did their glorious combat path in our school begin?

Of course, from the school of a young soldier, in which they studied together with the name of the first teacher. Name Patronymic of the first teacher! What were they at your disposal? What did you manage to teach? Do you recognize them now?

(The first teacher speaks.)

Leading. Now (name, patronymic of the first teacher) the school of the young soldier is being drafted in 201_. They are still completely "green", one might say, salagi, and they timidly look at the "grandfathers" from the bottom up. But no more, and they have to get the floor.

First graders perform

1st first grader.

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you

To no end

Never forgot

His school youth.

2nd first grader.

To your last lesson

The bell will ring now.

First class wishes for you:

Good luck and good hour!

(First graders congratulate graduates, give them flowers.)

Leading. Who is the father of an employee? Of course, their company chief, who will scold, and praise, and help, and prompt. The role of the father-foreman for five years was played by the senior lieutenant of the reserve, the name of the class teacher! Your last word.

Class teacher's speech.

Face to face not to see -

The big is seen at a distance

And we all have yet to understand

What are we losing here in parting.

I'm sorry that in the lobby of the school

I will not meet you in the morning,

Ended up with punctures and gags,

Today you were schoolchildren for the last time!

I confess honestly: I have not slept for a long time,

And I can't get used to the thought

That all the pages have already been read with you,

All somehow in a hurry and on the run.

All our secrets, cool secrets

We will keep a pledge as new meetings,

I wish you all happy tickets to take out!

And God help!

Leading... 11 years ago, with a sense of anxiety in the face of the unknown, their parents sent their children to active school service. Dear mums and dads! As you can see, nothing bad happened to your children. We return them to you alive, healthy and fit. But first, we ask you to speak a word.

Parents' speech

Time is fast, like the wind,

It touches the ground with its wings.

We didn't even notice how children

Ours have matured, grown up.

How long has it been with primers

Did we see them off to first grade?

Were worried, standing outside the doors,

As if they ask us ...

Leading. Much was said about the demobilized. It's time to listen to them themselves.

(Graduates' speech. They read the comic commandments of their class, say words of gratitude to teachers, parents, school workers, and present flowers.)

(A song is played to the melody of a song from the film "An Ordinary Miracle".)

Remember your school.

Having passed the exams, we will finally calm down,

It's time to receive a certificate!

At school, we all felt very good

It was, it was, it was, it was and passed ...

(Dedication to the physics teacher. A song to the melody of the aria "The Heart of a Beauty" is played.)

This man

Physically inclined

And adamant

He's in class.

He rarely praises ...

He's a man!

But still we

We love him!

Yes, yes, yes, we love him!

(Dedication to the teacher of Russian languages ​​and literature. A song is played to the melody of the song "The cavalry guard is a short century."

Those with talent are short-lived,

And therefore he is dear to us.

Literature of our sun -

Of course I am a lover of ladies.

There are many good books in the world,

I myself have written quite a few of them.

Read Pushkin, descendants,

And don't forget the others.

(Dedication to the teacher of history. A song to the melody of the song "Sky №7" is played.)

Many different stories

Will sink into oblivion, but we remember.

We learned a lot at school:

Temples, chronicle, knight, tournament.

About "Odyssey", kingdoms and coats of arms,

About the pharaohs and the vicissitudes of fate.

And, as always, it will start on time

We have a history lesson

And we will go to other cities.

You are always kind and reliable,

But look after us anxiously,

And we will remember history forever.

(Dedication to the teacher of biology. A song to the melody of the song "Wooden Horses" is played.)

They galloped off, all the horses galloped away,

And the other animals also fled.

Because very often they forgot

People give them drink, feed, love, caress.

We sometimes feel sorry for animals,

We respect animals and nature,

Not for nothing in biology lessons

We tried to get the mark "five".

(Dedication to the principal of the school. A song is played to the melody of the song "On a meadow, on a high bank".)

He is so, so, so!

Better than any other

Expensive suit on him,

The telephone is at hand.

Every day - a hundred news

He loves guests very much,

Day and night going through

It is about the school about its own.

Find the time

Come to the exam

Answer all questions

Help us soon.

And to our prom

Come, my director.

Let's not be shy:

Cry and blow your nose into a handkerchief.

Come to us to say goodbye

Our beloved, our dear!

(Dedication to the teacher of geography. A song is played to the melody of the song "Knot".)

The island will appear

The mainland will turn out.

We will not become Columbus,

So something seems to us.

(Dedication to the music teacher. A song is played to the melody of the song "I'll go out into the street, I'll look at the village.")

Out of school

Stands on the porch

It costs a long time

With a smile on my face.

He loves everyone

And we love everyone

How good

It was all the same to us with him!

(Boys and girls sing ditties.)

We are so tired of learning -

The head hurts in the morning.

It's good that in our school

All the kinder nurse.

It's good in our dining room,

You can't find a better place.

So that you can at least eat your fill,

You will come here three times.

Our girls boys

Don't be shy anymore.

At school, teeth were treated -

They walk and smile.

Banned the disco -

We go to the library.

After all, without knowledge, gentlemen,

You won't go anywhere.

Leading. Well done! Now listen ... the long-awaited roll-call order for demobilization.

(The headmaster reads out the order for admission to the exams.)

Leading. So! It's time to say goodbye. (Graduates sing "Farewell March" to the melo diyu march "Farewell to the Slav.")

We will say goodbye to the school dear

And we will leave it very soon.

But again in September they will bloom

Its corridors are a variegated color.

The kids will come to replace us,

Well, unfortunately we are leaving.

Our life's journey begins today

Together with the sadness of spring melodies.

Goodbye My friends,

The roads are calling.

To the beginning of the roads

Calls the silver bell.

We will never forget the school

All friends and family and acquaintances.

I promise to remember you for a long time.

We were ruffians sometimes

And they were rarely exemplary.

And for our antics, smoking and laziness

We were scolded at school lines.

Leading. Comrades demobilized! Right! School bell - to the head of the column! Into adulthood - a step march!

(Graduates, to the sound of a military march and a school bell, go around the circle and leave.)

According to the old tradition, graduating school students are engaged in organizing and conducting the last bell at school. This is a kind of tribute to the beloved school and teachers, demonstrating the level of adulthood and independence of high school students. The script for the last bell, which is prepared by the graduates themselves, as a rule, is very different from the classic holiday and depends entirely on the creativity of the students. And the young and talented, as you know, are not afraid to experiment with ideas and always strive to implement interesting options for the celebration. In our today's article, we tried to choose the most unusual, funny and original scenarios for the last call for you. We hope that our notes will help you organize a grand event that will be remembered by everyone for years to come.

Classic script for the last call with interesting ideas

Let's start, perhaps, with the traditional version of the script for the farewell line, which also implies the presence of original and unusual numbers. As you know, in the classic scenario of the holiday, there are many amateur performances performed by graduates. It can be songs, congratulations, dances, dramatized scenes from school life. This option, despite its familiarity and commonality, is a success in many schools. And all because the classic script is full of touching and memorable moments. Take, for example, the traditional outfits of graduates - white aprons, lush bows, bright ribbons. And also numerous beautiful congratulations and words of gratitude addressed to teachers and parents - they definitely do not leave anyone indifferent. But this option has one huge drawback - it is so similar to thousands of similar holidays held in other schools across the country.

Therefore, if you like the traditional format of the last call, then we suggest diluting it with unusual and original numbers that will not deprive the holiday of touching. For example, the day before, you can conduct a small survey and make a list of the most useful knowledge and skills that graduate students have mastered in school. The survey results can be presented in a humorous form or in the form of funny graphs. You can also organize a bright performance, for example, to release, together with teachers, hundreds of balloons at the end of the celebration. A beautiful dance number staged with first-graders or graduates of 4 grades will also look original.

Modern scenario for the last call: interesting ideas

If you are planning to make an unusual last call, we recommend that you pay attention to the holiday scenario in a modern style. This option implies the presence of numbers that reflect, in one way or another, the lifestyle of modern youth. Starting from greetings and ending with dance performances, absolutely all performances should have style and humor that is relevant and understandable for graduates. For example, the songs and dances that will be performed on the lineup should be in popular styles. Also, jokes, congratulations, and words of gratitude should be presented in a modern manner - dynamic, unusual and interesting. To experience this style, it is enough to watch a couple of TV programs and Internet shows popular among teenagers. And then take out from them the original presentation and relevant topics that can be played up within the framework of the holiday.

In addition, the script for the last bell in a modern style also implies a lot of humor. Naturally, he must be kind and within the bounds of decency. For example, a scene about how the graduates felt in different lessons can be played up with the help of images of well-known Internet memes. You can also make a small vlog in advance - a video about the daily life of the class. This format implies shooting in natural conditions and the absence of staged shots. Therefore, to make the vlog really interesting and unusual, you can secretly shoot it, and then pleasantly surprise your classmates with a memorable video.

Musical Final Call: Script Ideas

Another interesting option, in our opinion, involves the musical format of the event. The script itself in this case will almost entirely consist of musical numbers. Moreover, it will be not only traditional songs and dances, but also congratulations, skits and other numbers. In other words, in order to organize a musical last call, you will need to take care of high-quality sound accompaniment and interesting compositions that are relevant within the framework of this holiday.

There can be many options for a musical script. For example, it can be a nostalgic holiday based on traditional melodies for this holiday. You can also arrange the last bell in the style of a dude with the appropriate soundtrack. The last call can be made in an original way in the style of popular music trends. A fresh and extraordinary scenario for the last call can be obtained if you correctly mix several different musical directions with each other. The main condition is to show all your creativity and talentedly translate this option into reality.

Original script for the last call

Traditionally, the last bell is held within the school building. Therefore, quite often, such a limited space does not allow you to embody interesting ideas for a holiday. Agree that the last call somewhere in the fresh air in the green zone would be very original and memorable. But the whole essence of this holiday contradicts its being held elsewhere. After all, the last bell is a farewell to studies, school years, teachers and the school itself. Therefore, in order to spend it interestingly within the school walls, you need to take care of the original script, which will allow you to go beyond the usual scenery. There can be a huge number of such unusual options. For example, you can make the last call in the manner of an Oscar ceremony. Moreover, the main characters can be both the graduates of the 9th and 11th grades themselves, as well as teachers, parents.

Another interesting script idea is the last call in space style. The topic of space has been quite relevant lately and it will not be difficult to beat it within the framework of a school holiday. For example, you can invite an alien guest to the lineup, for whom the graduates will make a small excursion into school life. Or you can play up the years spent at school as an unusual space journey that ends precisely on the last bell.

Ideas for a script for the last call based on popular films

Popular films are a special category of last call script ideas. If you are planning to hold a holiday based on a particular movie hit, then you should know a few tricks that will help you make the holiday memorable and interesting. Firstly, for it to be successful, the film that will be taken as the basis for the script must be very popular, and its plot and characters must be easily recognizable. Such films include, for example, serial films, classics of cinema and films of recent years, which at one time made a splash. Secondly, it is very important that the plot of the film you have chosen could be easily rewritten on the school theme without losing the main mood. In other words, it is certainly possible to make the last call based on the mega-popular Avatar a few years ago. But you need to clearly understand that the female half of the graduates is unlikely to want to paint themselves in the blue shades of the Navi race at the farewell party to school. And thirdly, when choosing a film for the script, you should be guided by the holiday budget. Consider this moment, because otherwise, instead of an interesting and spectacular holiday, you may receive a last call, which is low-budget and loses to the original idea.

The best selection of poems for the Last Call

If we talk about specific films that will make the script for the last call interesting and vivid, then the following movie hits can be attributed to them:

  • any of the James Bond films
  • saga "Star Wars"
  • famous westerns about cowboys and Indians
  • popular films of the Soviet era
  • colorful films like "Hipsters", "The Great Gatsby", "Bonnie and Clyde", etc.

The best selection of songs for The Last Call

Script for the last call in the style of Hipsters

Last bell 2014-2015

Music 1
Good spring morning!

Good morning, dear friends!


May early morning

Warmed by the splashes of the sun.

Greens bright curls

They are dressed with beads of light.


Poplar fluff flies -

A sign of coming summer.

Day of joys and sorrows

Day of parting with childhood.


Remember September 1st

We met the kids at the door.

Well, it's time to say goodbye today

With those who have grown up, goes on the road.


To you, who steps through the threshold today,

To you, to whom life opens open spaces,

We dedicate the last call

The old school says goodbye to you!


Grandfathers, grandmothers, dads and moms,

Teachers and students!

Meet the culprits of our holiday:

Favorite graduates are coming!

(Solemn music-FON sounds - graduates of the 9th and 11th grades come out)

2 presenter 9-A class. Classroom teacher __________________________________________________________________________1 presenter Students are invited to the line9-B Classroom Teacher ._____________________________________________________________________

2 leads ATTENTION The main heroes of the occasion are invited to the line -.50th issue our school - 11-A class !! ... Homeroom teacher _________________________________________________

1 Moderator: Attention. Stand at attention when taking out the banner of secondary school No. 5! Bring in the banner! MARCH
The anthem of the DPR sounds 2 presenter A solemn line dedicated to the end of the ________ academic year and50 - that graduation of 11 graders should be considered open! FANFARES?
1 ved:

Knocking on the windows early in the morning
We will not rush the call.
After all, this cannot happen
To forget school years.

2 ved: Hello dear graduates! It has been 11 years since you first crossed the threshold of the school. And today we are taking you to the high road of life. Our school ladder, along which you walked hand in hand with your teachers and parents, will end as soon as your farewell bell rings.

1 ved:

You studied at this school
11 best years in life,
But quickly those years passed
And there is no going back to the past.

2 ved

Today is a holiday at our school,
But this is a sad day for us.
Our dear eleventh graders
They came to the lesson for the last time.

SONG Kobelev 1ved: On behalf of those who helped you to go through the 11-year school path, who constantly thought about you, experienced all your joys and sorrows with you, rejoiced at your victories, was upset at your defeats, on behalf of the school teachers, the director addresses you:Avdeev Gennady Fomich
1 presenter

The wonderful school time is over.
You have exams ahead. Time passes inexorably, counting down
seconds, minutes, hours, months, years ... It seems that it was a long time ago, when you timidly and hesitantly entered the first grade.
Then everything was for the first time for you: the first teacher, the first word read, the first bell, the first joys and sorrows.

2 Leading.
You made the first discoveries on this planet with a person who has the most beautiful title on earth - the first teacher: this is __________________________1 presenter

Primary School. This is all in the past. And today the last school bell will ring for you. You will look back with sadness at the past years, which gave you a lot of good things, made you smarter, better.

2 presenter

We can touch the past here,

We can see miracles here:

Stop and look back

And look childhood in the eye.

1 presenter

Guests from childhood - first graders came to greet graduates MUSIC (while under construction) 1st reader is a first grader.

When we came to first grade,

We were all very afraid of you,

We, barely visible from the ground,

They could easily step over.

(+ 12 first graders) SONG and 1st graders give bells to graduates.

2 presenter

All the years you studied and suffered with you and your parents.

1 Leading th

It was they who raised you to school in the morning and handed you a notebook with problems that they solved for you at night.

2 presenter

It was they who whitewashed the crumbling school ceilings and painted the desks covered with careless children.

1 presenter

It was they who blushed for you in front of the teachers when you ran away from lessons or received deuces.

2 presenter

They are proudly looking at you today and are glad that you were able to withstand all the tests of school life.

1 presenter
The floor is given to mom _______________ Muzychka
2 Leader: Girls of the 11th grade. Remember how in the 5th, 6th grades, everyone wanted to be "the most-most". Now the girls in grades 5-6 give you the dance "Competitor". Perhaps you will recognize yourself hereMUSIC DANCE 1 Moderator: The floor is given to the graduates of grade 11-A

Boys . go out to MUSIC something masculine

Ladies and gentlemen! I have invited you to deliver the most pleasant news: today is the last call!


What hurray? We have been instructed to congratulate our class teacher on this significant date!

What other date? And why congratulate?

Since May 29, dear gentlemen! Happy day to get rid of us as soon as possible. Clear?

Can anyone explain to me why 10th and 11th grades need homeroom teachers?

What do you mean why? (tenderly) Who will wake you up at dawn and inform you in a gentle voice ...

That the first lesson had already begun fifteen minutes ago and that by the third lesson he would be at school like a bayonet!

And when you run away from the test, who will catch you on the last step, who will gently take you under your white hands and, having put you at your desk, will unobtrusively remember ..

That this is your twenty-fifth truancy this week

And that for every truancy you have to answer!

Who, finally, having called your home in the evening, will sing a lullaby to your parents about ...

That all teachers are just eager to meet them

For a conversation about your behavior and academic performance!

They say the class is like its homeroom teacher

Oh, it means that we are as smart, elegant, sophisticated, well-mannered as our Lyubov Dmitrievna!

What can I say, we were just lucky that by order of the school director ...

Or just by fate, wise mentors and older friends were appointed to us

Our class teacher and our dear Teachers! (together)

1st Alumni Words We invite all teachers to come forwardMusic sounds, teachers gather.
2nd graduate:
We learned, you taught
Now scolding, then praising.
We were tolerated, we were loved
So many years of the teacher.
And now, at least a little late,
We thank them for everything,
If you are to blame for something, -
We will be forgiven and we will forgive.
3rd Kohl it will happen that sometimes
I'll load about school,
I'll open this door again
I will let go of my soul in childhood!
Ten graduates (boys) go to the site.
We stand in front of you today
At the solemn, cherished hour
And we know: again you are after us
And again you worry about us.
So unobtrusive and modest
In a stream of different school days
They gave their love exactly
All were accepted as “their children”.
Thank you! Bow to earth
Accept from all graduates,
And in the same way, loving carefully,
Teach your disciples.
We will remember you like that
And we can't change our memory
Graduates are now in front of you
They want to kneel. ... Are turning round and round
At this time sounds music-
The youths bow down
one knee Girls 11-A come out with a song

1 presenter Why is it so clouded suddenly The blue of your eyes?2 presenter This, flinging straight out of the hands, The years of childhood are leaving you. 1 ved Yes Let them fly, let them fly - They can't go back ... 2 leads Let them fly, fly And nowhere meet the barriers! « SONG "DOVE" Exit graduates with ribbons (the class teacher holds the ribbons, they come up - they take one each, holding them at arm's length, walk to the song around the classroom, take turns throwing them, as if breaking away from the class teacher and leaving, taking their places on the ruler)Leading:The last school waltz, both joyful and sad.

The melody floats from the school porch.

The school year is over, the classrooms are empty today

A farewell waltz sounds, and there is no end to sadness.

WALTZ 1 ved Joy - the painful period ends
Girls, boys, liberation!

Rejoice! School will not be for you anymore!
2 ved Why aren't you running as fast as you can?
A bell rattles you monotonously:

At school today is the last call.

They won't give you homework,

Don't wake up for the first lesson

Only something made me feel sad.
1 ved At school today is the last call.
School is now in the past for you,

You have summed up a very important conclusion.

The school will be remembered only for the good.

At school today is the last call.
2 ved The right to give the last call is given to graduates - medalists of the school:

2 presenter Ring, bell! Ring, bell!
Cheerful, sad, impudent!
Another lesson awaits you in life!
Childhood is quietly leaving ...
The bell rings! The bell rings!

The last bell rings.
The graduate walks around the site.
1 ved School. To take out the school banner, stand SMALL! Take out the banner!MARCH (taking out the banner)

2 Presenter Grade 11-A graduates, their parents and teachers are invited to the alley of graduates to open the star of the 2015 graduation.

1 presenter : The solemn line dedicated to the holiday of the Last Bell is considered closed.
2 presenter Graduates of the 9th grade are the first to leave the line.

The script for the last call was prepared by: Maya Yuryevna Saidova, Deputy Director for Internal Affairs, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature, Omsk State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 148", email: [email protected]

Seven declarations of love from graduates of their school.


Vedas 1. Good afternoon, dear friends, parents, teachers, guests! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday! Holiday of the last call.

Vedas 2. Any manifestation of a happy life

And the audacity of the lines that came for a reason:

Everything arose from a sense of surprise

It all started with a clean slate.

Vedas 1. The desire to comprehend the properties of objects,

Find their proper places -

Everything was preceded by the heat of anxiety

It all started from scratch

Vedas 2. If you think about it, the whole school life is a huge book ... Yes, not one, but probably a whole library. Judge for yourself: passing exams is science fiction; physics test - an optimistic tragedy, class hours - a detective series ...

Vedas 2. Today we are holding a presentation of an unusual book - "Seven declarations of love of graduates to their school." A book that tells about 11 years of life. And into the hall are invited: the chief editor of the book - the class teacher of the 11th grade Galina Nikolaevna and its authors - the students of the 11th grade.

→ Last call> "url =" ">

05.04.2018 | We looked at the script 8883 human

Leading. Attention attention!
Leading. What are the birds singing to us today?
What did the breeze whisper about in the morning?
Leading. What event will happen at the school?
What is our holiday?
Together. Last call!

Leading. Who is the main character on our holiday?
Leading. Whom...

Examples of cool congratulations from parents at graduation prom for 2018 graduates

05.04.2018 | We looked at the script 2132 human

Today is this day,
You have become adults at all,
Not lessons, changes,
No school problems

This is the day that with sadness
You will often remember
And a transparent tear
It will jump on your cheeks,

I so want, a parting word from you ...

Last Call Scenario for Grades 9, 11

05.04.2018 | We looked at the script 6435 human

LEADING. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state called "Secondary School", one very important event took place! We have been waiting for this event for a long time - no more, no less, as much as eleven years! And finally, wait!

They come on stage ...

"Scenario of the ceremonial line"

05.04.2018 | We looked at the script 4999 human

1st led .:
Today is an extraordinary day:
The sun rose, washed with dew,
For the last lesson, farewell
Graduation class is dispatched.

2nd led .:
May day plays on the line
The breeze whispers softly in the foliage,
Seeing off their graduates on the way, ...

Scenario of the last call "Jubilee cruise" Aerobatics "

27.05.2015 | We looked at the script 11195 human

The hall is filled with guests, music and songs about aviation sound: "Moscow - Odessa" (Spanish: V. Vysotsky), "Little Plane" (Spanish: Valeria), "The sky chose us" (Spanish: A. Domogarov and I. Rudakov) ...

Leaders come out, dressed in the uniform of flight attendants. It's quiet in the hall ...

"Holiday of Youth"

26.05.2015 | We looked at the script 14579 human

Solemn music sounds, the presenters come out.

1st host: They tremble with poplar leaves,
The birch rustles gently.
Today is a holiday at our school:
The last bell will ring.

2nd presenter: They are noisy, worried, graduation classes,
Ringing with a farewell echo ...

Script for the last bell for the 11th grade "The whole world is a theater ..."

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 17848 human

The presenters come out: a young man and a girl, dressed in tunics and with classical Greek masks in their hands - smiling and crying, comedy and tragedy. When the guys talk, the masks must be brought to the face. Tunics can be made from ordinary ...

Scenario. Last Call Line

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 20352 human

1st Reader. Attention! Attention! Listen everyone!
2nd Reader. Remember this day!
3rd Reader. Remember this hour!
4th Reader. Today is a special holiday.
5th Reader. The hour of parting has come! Brothers and sisters leave our family on a long way in life.

(Sounds ...

Scenario of the holiday of the last bell in the 9th grade "Goodbye, fun time!"

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 11278 human

Two presenters appear on the stage

1st host: Remember this day!
2nd leader: Remember this hour!

1st presenter: Today our ninth-graders say goodbye to their class and boldly declare: “We graduated from basic school and are ready to step on the doorstep ...

Scenario of the holiday of the last bell "The best is still ahead"

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 18524 human

Radio announcement:

Attention! The fast train route School - Adulthood will be sent from the platform of school no. 18 at 10:00 a.m. A request to those who see off and those who are leaving to go to boarding.

Excited cool come out from different sides of the stage ...