Writer - Hobbies, creativity or prestigious work? Can wringing activities give financial independence quieter you go - you will be on or vice versa.

Writer - Hobbies, creativity or prestigious work? Can wringing activities give financial independence quieter you go - you will be on or vice versa.

Ostap Bender in Crimea

Anatoly Vilinovich Modern Russian literature Further adventures of the Osta Bender

Author - Member of the International Association of Writers, Kinodramature, Journalist; Kiev resident; Writing activities are engaged since 1983. The novel "Ostap Bender in Crimea" is a continuation of the previous book by A. Vilinovich "Further adventures of the Ostap Bender, published in 1997.

Alexander Mikhailovich Kazbegi Foreign Classic No data

Chico first met with the beautiful young men, selflessly loving her, she was convinced that he had kidnap her not to make her to disaggregate, force her forcibly, no, true love made her google to kidnap her. And this in the eyes of each row girl - a feat deserving praise; In addition, his glance radiated by the power won, subjugated her against the will ... The electronic version of the work is published according to the publication of 1955.

Alexander Mikhailovich Kazbegi Foreign Classic No data

Writing and civilian courage of Alexander Kazbegi was particularly pronounced in his creative activities of the 1980s of the XIX century. In his novels and stories with a large artistic force, the inner world of heroes, their feelings and experiences were transmitted.

The best pages of his novels of the "Otseubyza", "Cycia" are devoted to the life of Chechens, and the story "Eleiso" - the whole of the Chechens, to which the Georgian writer treated with the greatest sympathy, knew their life, customs and morals well. The electronic version of the work is published by the 1955 publication.

"The right to write down" is the book of articles, essays, records of journalist and writer Frida Vigdorova (1915-1965). Most of it is built on archival materials - writing and journalistic notebooks, which showed one of the main features of Wigdor's talent: the absolute rumor on human speech and the ability to artically reproduce the heard multipath.

The head also includes the head of its unfinished story "Teacher". In addition to the texts of Wigdorov, the book included fragments of memories, articles, speeches devoted to her life, creativity and activity. Most of the materials are published for the first time. The texts of Frida Vigdorova are published with the preservation of author spelling and punctuation.

K. D. Balmont.

Evgeny Anichkov Criticism Absent

"When in March 1912 in St. Petersburg celebrated the twenty-feast of the poetic activity of Balmont and became in a special commission, where professors and critics, and poets, discuss that, in fact, he did, with some striking clarity, the significance of creativity of this was revealed Always lively and eternally young poet.

After all, if you think, on the one hand, it is strange that he already has a quarter of a century of persistent writing work, and on the other hand, and this period is too short to do so much. "I am spring!" - Recently, Balmont exclaimed a masty-mastic writer.

Yes, his whole poetry is an imperceptive spring. The word is so coming to him ... ".

Club of private investigations (season 1)

Alexander Nikolaev Horror and mystic No data

Journalist - Freelancer Igor Zarubin - the main acting face of a discrete plenty novel. He has an outstanding writer talent, has good physical training thanks to the service in special forces and enthusiasm oriental martial arts. All this, and some paranormal abilities, data from nature, help him unwind complex and unusual, conjugate with mysticism, the situations in which he himself and the people surrounding it.

The results of this activity of the journalist subsequently become the basis for its artistic publications. In the city, which appears in the stories, Igor Zarubin is known as a writer, a journalist and a person who takes to investigate what official law enforcement agencies refuse.

In this full danger of work, he helps his childhood friend - now Major Police, who heads the city department to investigate the murders - Alexey Uspentez. In a joke, they call each other Holmes and Watson. In the process of investigating one of the cases ("Emerald Skriezhal"), they help the girl who fell into trouble - Dasha Atanazi.

She becomes the third in their company as Miss Hudson. After that, young people form an informal club of private investigations. To be continued!

Nikita Nikolayevich Moiseev. The fate of the country in the fate of the scientist

Alexander Petrov Biographies and memoirs

Arthur and Sherlock. Conan Doyle and the creation of Holmes

Michael Sims Biographies and memoirs Biography of the Great Man

This book is a wonderful gift to all admirers of the famous Sherlock Holmes. Written in style, reminiscent of his creator, Arthur Conan Doyle, she tells a truly detective story about how the young Scottish doctor became a writer with a world name, and his hero is the greatest detective of all the times and peoples.

Immersing the reader into the atmosphere of Victorian England, Michael Sims introduces him to the literary and scientific world of the late XIX century, introduces the closest entourage of Arthur Conan Doyla, with his laboratory - medical and writing. "There is nothing more important than little things," the author writes.

And they are a lot of them in this book: numerous unknown facts from the life of Conan Doyle, the details of the Sherlock Holmes prototype, the analysis of the "marketing" techniques used in the "Promotion" of revolutionary for their time on the agent and stories about the Great Detective and much more.

From the book you will also learn: what was the name of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson initially what is the difference between deduction from induction and deductive whether the method actually used the great detective what family secrets of Arthur Conan Doyle went on the basis of his works when Holmes first appeared "in public" in his The famous "hunting kone" and why it was completely indecent why Arthur Conan Doyle quarreled with the first publisher of stories about the great detective with whom the most famous illustrator of the books about Sherlock Holmes Sidney Paddht wrote off the "canonical" image of the detective.

Night riders. Violators of the Law (Collection)

Ridgeell Callem. Foreign adventures Classic adventure novel 1906, 1914

Ridgeell Callem (1867-1943) - the pseudonym of the American writer Sydney Graves Burchand. By nature an adventurer and passionate seeker of adventures, he left England at seventeen years and, combined the gold fever in Transvaal, went to South Africa.

Many adventures fell to the share of the future writer. He participated in the Anglo-Borsk War, then, seduced by the prospects of the country Sage, this Canadian version of Eldorado, crossed the ocean to get to the Yukon, where Miraculi escaped his hungry death; Later frozen on the golden curls of Klondike.

Then became a successful cattle breeder in Montana, took part in the uprising of Indian tribes Siou ... After the success of his first novel, the "Devil Barrel" (1903) decided to devote himself to the writing craft and over the forty years of creative activity produced over three dozen books, most of which can be attributed to Western genre.

The action of Nights "Night Riders" and "Violators of the Law", presented in this volume, occurs in the XIX century on the endless expanses of Canadian Prairies. Their heroes are cowboys and robbers.

Arkady Gaidar without myths

Boris Kamov Biographies and memoirs Absent

Boris Nikolayevich Kamov represents the ninth, final book about life, combat activities and the work of Arkady Petrovich Gaidar. The author gives the most complete picture of the Creator "School" and "Timura", opens us the inner world of this amazing person, describes his hard way into literature.

A large place in the book is assigned to the issues of pedagogy. It was shown as a system of education in the Golikov family influenced the pedagogy of the sixteen-year-old commander Arkashi Golikov. The vertex of writer-pedagogical work of Gaidar was the creation of the image of Timur: the organizer, Humanist, ready for a selfless act for another person.

And the happy family is depicted in the "Blue Cup". This book is addressed to high school students, school teachers, educators of children's institutions, pedestrian students, library workers and parents. But many episodes can be interesting for children of middle and initial age - if someone will read them out loud, in class or after classes.

  1. Never use the metaphor, comparison or other speech turnover, which you often see on paper.
  2. Never use a long where you can do short.
  3. If you can throw away the word, always get rid of it.
  4. Never use a passive deposit if you can use active.
  5. Never use borrowed words, scientific or professional terms if they can be replaced by vocabulary from everyday language.
  6. It is better to break any of these rules than to write something frankly barbaric.

  1. Use the time of a completely unfamiliar person so that it does not seem to be spent in vain.
  2. Let the reader at least one hero, for which I want to hurt the soul.
  3. Each character should wish something, let it be just a glass of water.
  4. Each proposal should serve as one of the two goals: disclose the hero or move the events forward.
  5. Start as close as possible to the final.
  6. Be a sadist. Whatever cute and innocent are your main characters, do terrible with them: the reader should see what they are made.
  7. Write to please only one person. If you open the window and take care, so to speak, love with the whole world, your story will pick up pneumonia.

Modern British writer, very popular among fans of fantasy. The key work of Mochoka is a multi-volume cycle about Elnica from Melnibone.

  1. I borrowed my first rule at Terens Hanbury White, the author of "Sword in Stone" and other works about King Arthur. It was: read. Read everything that comes on hand. I always advise people wishing to write fantasy, or scientific, or love novels, stop reading these genres and take up everything else: from John Banyan to Anthony Bayette.
  2. Find the author who admire (my conrad), and copy it to the stories and heroes for your own story. Be an artist who imites the master to learn to draw.
  3. If you write a plot-oriented prose, imagine the main characters and the main topics in the first third. You can call it introduction.
  4. Develop the themes and heroes in the second third - the development of the work.
  5. Complete themes, reveal the secrets and stuff in the final third - the junction.
  6. When maybe accompany the acquaintances with the heroes and their philosophizing by various actions. It helps to keep dramatic tension.
  7. Whip and gingerbread: Heroes must be pursued (obsession or villain) and pursue (ideas, objects, personalities, secrets).


American writer XX century. It was famous for such scandalous for their time with works like "Cancer Tropic", "Capricorn Tropic" and "Black Spring".

  1. Work on something one, until you finish.
  2. Do not be nervous. Work calmly and with joy, whatever you do.
  3. Act the plan, not by mood. Stay at the appointed time.
  4. When, work.
  5. Cement gradually every day, instead of making new fertilizers.
  6. Stay like a person! Meet people, attend different places, drink if you want.
  7. Do not turn into a fragile horse! Work only with pleasure.
  8. Reference from the plan if you need it, but come back to it the next day. Focus. Specify. Exclude.
  9. Forget about the books you want to write. Think only about what they write.
  10. Write quickly and always. Drawing, music, friends, cinema - all this after work.


One of the most famous science fictions. From under his feather, such works as "American gods" and "Star dust" came out. However, shielded.

  1. Write.
  2. Add a word for the word. Find a suitable word, write it down.
  3. Finish what they write. What would it be worth it, bring started to the end.
  4. Postpone records aside. Read them as if you do it for the first time. Show work to friends who love something like that and whose opinion you respect.
  5. Remember: When people say that something is wrong or does not work, they are almost always right. When they explain that it is not how and how to fix it, they are almost always mistaken.
  6. Correct the mistakes. Remember: you have to let go of the job before it becomes perfect, and start the following. - It's chase over the horizon. Move on.
  7. Laugh over your jokes.
  8. The main rule of the letter: if you create with sufficient confidence in yourself, you can do anything. It can also be the rule of life. But for the letter it is best suited.


The master of the short prose and the classic of Russian literature, who hardly needs a presentation.

  1. It is assumed that the writing, in addition to ordinary mental abilities, should have experience. The highest fee receive people who have passed fire, water and copper pipes, the most lowest - Nature is untouched and unspoiled.
  2. The writer is very not difficult. There is no of that freak, who would not find a couple, and there is no that nonsense that would not find a suitable reader. And therefore not Roby ... put in front of yourself, take a pen in the hands and, irritated the prisoner thought, Schroa.
  3. To be a writer who is printed and read is very difficult. To do this: Be and have a talent for at least a lentil grain. Beyond the lack of large road talents and small.
  4. If you want to write, then do this. Avoid first the topic. Here you are given complete freedom. You can use arbitrariness and even self-government. But, in order not to open America for the second time and not to invent the second time, avoid those who have long been already visited.
  5. Giving the will of fantasy, hold the hand. Do not let her chase in the number of lines. The shorter and less you are writing, the more you are printed more often. The brevity does not spoil the case at all. A stretched elastic erases a pencil at all is not better than unsesty.

  1. If you are another child, make sure that. Wash for it more time than anything else.
  2. If you are an adult, try to read your work as it would do a stranger. Or even better - how to read their enemy.
  3. Do not exal your "calling". You either can write good suggestions or not. "Writing Lifestyle" does not exist. It is only important what you leave on the page.
  4. Between a letter and editory, make significant pauses.
  5. Write on a computer that is not connected to the Internet.
  6. Protect working hours and space. Even from the most important people for you.
  7. Do not confuse honors and achievements.

Once I stood in front of the mirror - an adult, educated, having a family and work, and suddenly thought: Is there anything behind the external roles, what is my deep essence. Then the writer woke up in me, the outside began to jump out different stories - funny and sad, first very short, and then long. I asked questions, I was looking for answers, I really wanted to share how I see this life, our world. To my joy, the story was found a response, my stories appeared in magazines and collections, and then the first books came out.

Writing became a lifestyle for me, I walked closely, trying to see the hidden side of things, and told about it. Now, when I got more than fifteen books, I can call myself a professional writer. I easily go out in the specified deadlines, I love the frame - it tones, feeds hardworking, trains inspiration. But for me it is always very important to write with joy, with the desire to do this particular thing. All Nature - dead, only art is born with passion. By nature, I am not a grafoman (in a good sense of the word), because sometimes I need recovery - time to collect stones.

I wrote my first book into a joke, for the company - a friend suggested together to participate in the literary contest. The winner then I did not become, but I loved my text very much. He wanted his lucky fate and sent to all publishers who took the "samotek" - manuscript of beginner authors. I was answered out of two publishers, and two years later (then it seemed eternity) My first book was released. Since then, I have cooperated with Eksmo and Foma ID.

There are still difficulties with the publication of texts going beyond the available series. Split those who bring income, and income brings - promoted. Only a creative man with a fairy sill can scroll through this ring, like Julakhup, without being protein in the wheel.

All the difficulties of writing business are the complexity of promotion, low fees and high-hand criticism - can recoup only a happy time spent by alone with texts. Success comes only to the one who sincerely loves their own business. Texts, like our children - we can create them, at first, doing everything to find themselves in this world. And then - let go and take both their bitter failures and great successes ...

Writing - hobby or work?

Marika, writer

I did not have, like some, some kind of turning point or illusion type "write is my vocation." But all his life, how much I remember myself, I composed stories, and as soon as I learned to write, began to record them.

For me, writing is definitely work. And, in my opinion, this is one of the key moments to be aware. If the writing is considered as, then this entertainment. You should not know anything to anyone, when you want how much you want and how you want. But the result is appropriate. And when you sit after work for a few more hours every day, in spite of everything - this is no longer a hobby, but the same job. Of course, there are exceptions, but usually it is with such an attitude to writing that they become professionals and achieve publications and circulation.

But the main thing is still the attitude. I have always treated writing books as a job, let it do not bring money or brings, but little.

It is difficult to describe some kind of "typical" my day, as they depend on the rest of my activities: studies, work, etc. Previously, I tried to put myself the norms by the number of words, but I refused this: editors and thinking about the plot - no less important things, but in the end we are moving into the background, as it seems and are not considered.

My main principles: to work regularly, a predetermined amount of time, but at the same time be sure to leave the time to rest, on the "sharpening of the saw." I used to work without weekends, but now at least one day I do not even open the editor and try not to think about the text.

Inspiration, of course, important. But usually it comes in the process of writing. You make yourself tea, reluctantly sit down, sign up ... and soon you do not notice how the process went. And to sit in Facebook and wait for when illuminated, you can long.

Separately, I want to say about working with the audience. We want this or not, but now it is the author who needs to work on promoting yourself and its works. Therefore, a separate item is communicating with readers: LJ, writing group in VKontakte, etc. I was lucky: I like my readers and communicate with them great, but sometimes you have to write a post through I do not want, especially when I promised and people are waiting.

I am sure that the writing may well be the main source of income for the author in Russia - with good royalties and circulations. This is not so unreal as many seems to. I have a lot of familiar writers who do not work anywhere else, only books write. But such that you will become a millionaire from the first book (another common myth) will not. It is necessary to work, write a lot and promote yourself.

On one English-language writer site they said that real success comes after the seventh book. Maybe it is an exaggeration, but usually 3-4 books to write and publish will have to be available before your audience is formed and there will be a serious return.

Can I learn to write?

It all started with the grandfather (he was a fairly famous poet) and the test test: at twelve received the result - "to be a writer." Where am I and where are writers? But all I did, I boil to verses and sketches. And there has always been a feeling that to convey the idea and thoughts will be literate through the work. The child will rapidly take values \u200b\u200bthrough a fairy tale, for example, than through notation.

For me, writing, rather, lifestyle. I am writing everything about everything, I charge others to write my story. There is a working side in this, there is a passionate. It is equally vital for the soul, to write under the order, inspire, to send, to share what is aware of.

Can I learn to write? I see in practice - you can. If you create a creative background, inspire an acquaintance with theory, make friends with practice - it will be effective training. Finish the Litin Institute for this can be, but not necessarily. It is important to find a medium where you are developing as a creator. Someone will come hard courses, someone creative, and someone structured institute.

But the courses will not give in-depth knowledge of literary research. But they will give practice and the inner kitchen of book publishing. If you know the fundamental foundations, practice will fall in the right direction.

The writer's path is different. Sometimes a woman comes in throwing: mine is not mine? And after a few months you read the text bursting the soul. We have Irina Kubantieva on the writing workshop, here is her way about such.

Profession is not important, the desire is important. Here Anna Voronina -, Mathematics to the tips of the fingers, recently, and I could not think that it would write, and today her poems and fairy tales print media and almanacies.

Love Holov, the author of the novel "Road to the vocation", long doubted: is it necessary for her stories - the girls who came from the Russian depths to America? And today thousands of readers thank for the book, published in St. Petersburg Publishing.

Olga Striggovshchikova put the task to write a book, sat down and did - the power of the will. The process of idea to the "Book in Hands" stage took six months.

Writing is more than retelling stories or create imaginary worlds. As Nikolai Basov said, the novel is the best model of life. And Christopher Vogler believes that the author through the journey of the hero in the work can test his life, try different options and find the happiest. Writing forms space and frees from difficulties. Write your life yourself.

How screenwriter works

Alexander Molchanov, Writer, Dramaturgome, Creator OnlineFilmschool Online Film School

I worked as chief editor of the magazine "New Crocodile" and met Igor Ugolnikov, who then restarted "Fitil". Igor Stanislavovich invited me to write for "phytel" and I wrote three or four scenarios that were immediately removed and went on the air.

Today, the profession of the screenwriter is the only way to write a person to gain access to a multi-million audience, creative self-realization and financial independence. No other areas of creativity - neither the theater, nor literature give it.

The ideal situation - when the screenwriter comes up with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe film, writes an application, receives an order from a film company or a television channel for this application, and then writes a script. In reality, the screenwriter falls at each stage to receive many amendments and to take into account them. Writers write. Scripts are mostly rewriting.

The most important thing in work is to hear what the customer wants. The screenwriter is always part of the creative group.

Do you need inspiration to work? Be sure! True, inspiration usually visits those year after year, day after the day at the same time sits down at the table and writes.

The series of the series can be written in a week, full meter - from three months to six months. It should be borne in mind that many scenarios work in "then thick, then empty." Then three projects at the same time, there is no work for half a year. Therefore, it is important to learn to distribute the received fees and create a "airbag".

Three or four years ago, there was no competition in this area. In a profession, it was possible to enter the street, finishing the film school or passing scenic courses. Working scenarios lined up the queue from customers for two or three years. Now the screenwriters have become more, and the orders are less. Accordingly, the requirements for the scripts grew. Nevertheless, this growing market and the profession remains very popular.

As for the payment of scenic creativity: there are different full meters and different series. There are arthow full meters that are filmed with a spear budget, and there are complete blockbuster meters. And the spread of the fee is from two hundred and three hundred thousand to five million rubles. On television there is a daytime air, where the series costs about 60 thousand rubles, and there is a prime, on which the series can cost up to four hundred thousand rubles. This royalties from the rental in our industry is not. This is due to the peculiarities of our legislation, according to which the authors of the film are screenwriter, director and composer, and royalties receive only composers.

How much can a writer?

The path from the manuscript to the publication can take from several months to several years. When the book is written, the author is synopsis (a brief description of the book, it is usually written by 1-2 pages) and sends it in the publisher. More chances to get a publication if you write for a series that is already in the ID. But the new items without a series have the chances of being accepted.

A novice author can count on a circulation of 3-5 thousand copies and a fee of about 15-25 thousand rubles (in some cases, payments can reach 50 thousand). If the circulation is printed, the author can receive additional payment. For subsequent works, you can count on a higher fee. It is less likely to meet when the author is paid only interest from the copies sold, but in this case he will receive money only after the party is realized.

The fee directly depends on the circulation. What it is more, the higher the amount in the contract. The author, the books of which go out in the amount of 30-50 thousand copies, will receive 10 times more than a beginner. So it is not necessary to count on a hazardous life from the very first books, for this you need a name.

Writers say that if you can not write - do not write. But if you constantly invent different stories and heroes, create images that themselves ask for paper, try to arrange your thoughts. Let it first be a hobby without commitment. But over time it can turn into full-fledged employment. Joan Rowling began to write from hopelessness. You know what it led to.

When using the materials of the site, the author's instructions and an active link to the site are required!

On the title photo: Stephen King;

- Good day! I wrote, prepared, published several books, publications. I have the opportunity, experience, the skills of writing texts of large volumes to order on various topics. With the wishes of success, Peter, Moscow.

People who want to help me in writing activities are often treated for me, namely in writing books to order. It is good that there are many wishes in creative activities, who are directly related to development and improvement. True, there are no less reasons why I prefer to work independently. I will try to tell about them in this material.

Let's start with the philosophical.

Firstly, writing activity is my way of heart (who read Carlos Castandane, he will understand!), For which I have to go on my own, meeting on the way of the travelers (co-authors, potential customers), who must teach me something. That is, writing a book to order - for me it is not a completely commercial sphere. This is, above all, my spiritual growth aimed at numerous insights, insights, experiments, etc.

I will give a simple example.

When I decided to change the design of my site and chose this one, then my programmer discouraged me for a long time, claiming that he was not contractive and would not succeed. I answered him like this: "The main thing that he resonates with my inner world, and everything else is the second and third ...". So it turned out. On my way there were precisely those people who shared my point of view and with whom they had to go through some time a segment for creative paths. Writing a book to order - can not be a commercial sphere in the understanding, in which we used to see the traditional business, because it is not an online store, it is not a trading platform for the sale of cosmetics and other products. Not. Clean creativity pours here! Of course, writers feed on not by air, but that writer who chases money, ceases to be a writer. As a result, he may not take place, nor as a writer, nor as a businessman. It is precisely because I am not a businessman, then I don't hire "to work" third parties and take orders individually that will help me to figure out those or other things.

Secondly, writers are not freelancers. Believe me, not all freelancers are able to write a full-fledged book, not to mention the old artwork. Also, not all writers will write the selling advertising text. Unfortunately, some who appeal belong to writers as freelancers: "Ah, there is cheaper, I will go to him," forgetting about quality. After all, my individual approach is directed to the quality of the literary work. Sometimes, I am addressed to me to write an autobiographical book for a month to coach it to some loud PR event. I immediately say: "No," because I know perfectly well that good books are not written in a month. Give me a choice of "three months" works or "nine months" - perhaps, I will choose "twelve". And all for quality! And for the sake of creativity! Because I want to create pleasure! Because the writer puts the soul into his literary work.

Thirdly, writers are the state of the soul. That is why I spoke about an individual approach to the literary work, because the potential client comes to the project with its idea, the plot, heroes, he also comes with his mood. But if your souls do not unite at the time of writing a book in the creative gust, then write-lost: the customer will not receive what he wanted, and the writer will remain dissatisfied with his work. That is why - I choose an individual approach with a double-sided movement. And to attract third parties for me, who will write a book for someone to order or at all give someone to someone, a crime is like. Not. It is interesting for me to work with the man TET-A-TET so that only two souls participated in this creative sacrament. Three people are already a team, and I am a person, fortunately or regret, is far from the team. I am alien to the word team, especially in this case, as writing a literary artwork.