Orthodox theater group for children name. Case: name for a children's theater studio

Orthodox theater group for children name. Case: name for a children's theater studio

Once you decide that you want to open your own children's club, you, of course, will not immediately start buying equipment and recruiting a team. You will study the specifics of this business. And also you will definitely come up with a name to his brainchild. And this is not an easy task! There are already thousands of clubs with pretty and not so pretty names.

Using this guide, you can come up with a great name for your childcare center, which your clients will like.

  • How to choose a bright name for a kids club?
  • How to find something that is not trivial and not too weird title?
  • How to designate the general name of a children's institution so that it is correct reflected its essence?

Let's first take a look at what other people call kindergartens.

Most of the titles can be divided into categories:

Based on cartoons and fairy tales: Teddy, Pinocchio, Totosha, Babayka, Robin Hood, Kapitoshka, Balu, Umka, Fairy tale, Teremok, Miracles, FanFan, Chunga-changa, Zloty fish, House of wizards, Giants, Akuna-Matata, Learned cat, Smeshariki, Mumimama, Limpopo, Willie Winky, Brownie

Great people: Pythagoras, Plato, Anderson

Children's names: Dasha, Sema, Zarina, Deniska, Holly, Marie, Sasha, Marusya, Dara, Monty, Alice

Animals: Kangaroo, Owl-owl, Hummingbird, Octopus, Mammoth, Polar bear, Bee, Dolphin, Firefly, Hedgehogs, Seagull, Canary, Parrot, Ladybug, Toucan, Owl

Plants: Pine cone, Miracle tree, Grain, Sprout, Birch

Combinations of letters, exclamations and alphabet: A + B, I, ABC for parents, Ay, yes I am !, Hurray! E + Family, ABC, Az and Buki, Oops!

The science: Academy, Academy of childhood, Erudite, Electron, Academician baby, Linguist, Logos, Workshop of Knowledge, Generic, Parallel, Perspective, Progress, New century

Childhood: Smart child, Know, Why Much, First steps, Freckles, Talker, Childhood empire, Childhood secret, Little genius, I myself, Fidget, Smart kid, Know-it-all, Krosh Ru, Children's time, Okay

Family values: Mom's joy, Lucky, Miracle of birth, Miracle children, All the best for children, My smart girl, Family circle, Miracle in the house, Trust, Goodness, Family, 7I, Friendship

Using foreign words: Okeshka, Babyclub, Players, Mamarada (transliteration), Atlantis, Sunnyclub, Kinder boom, Mama house, Smile, Bonus Club, New Days, Sound club, Junior, Party-Boom, Bambino, Funny Park, Kinder Party, Leader Land, Bloom , Mini Bambini, Tilly Willy, MySecret, Sprout, Felicita, Kimberly Land, Mark & ​​Maks Club, Infant, Split

Fruits, berries: Tangerine, Lemon, Vitamin, Citrus, Raspberry, Raspberry, Pomegranate, Orange

Holidays: Birthday, Childhood Party, Christmas

Creation: Plasticine, Pencil, Artist, Bead, Paint

Trips: Safari, In wonderland, Quarter, Adventure island, Fairy tale, Island, Big ben, Madagascar, Little America, World of harmony, Travel bag, Athens, Jungle, Children's town, Space, Sun city, Talentville, Flower city, Land of fairy tales, Malibu

Toys: Rubik's Cube, Matryoshka, Lyalya, Pyramid, Cube

Redesigned words and slang: Begemontiki, Club-ok, Aquamarinka, Druzyaki, KudoMama, Ukhtyshka, Rhythmusiki, BambiK, MimiMotik, Totoro, Limpik, Fontanevia, Manyanya, TaRaRam, Oyka!

Natural phenomena: Spark, Source, Droplets, Orbit, Sun, Rainbow, Constellation, Vortex, Jupiter, Galaxy, Beam, Red dawns, Atmosphere, Sunrise, Asterisk

Phrases: Good day!

How can you come up with something original if there are already so many wonderful names?

I propose to use the best practices of artists and designers, namely the methods of creative search. The main one is search for associations.

7 methods of creative search:

  1. Browse this list of names of kids' clubs and development centers. Turn on your associative thinking and continue each of the categories with their names. For example, for the category "Animals" I thought of the following words: Tit, Kitten, Sparrow, Stork, Giraffe, Penguin, Peacock, Whale, Fox, Drakosha.
  2. Any of these names can be matched with bright adjective... Well, for example: the Smart Tit children's club, the Orange Kitten early development school, the Tsvetnoy Peacock children's art studio, the Magnificent Sparrow children's center, the White Stork family center, the Merry Giraffe family entertainment center, development center "Kind Drakosha".
  3. You can also add to the Russian word foreign words or take completely foreign phrase... For example, the art studio "Art Lis" or the kids' club "Clever Fox".
  4. Consider different active titles... For example, the children's development center "Play, baby!"
  5. Call friends, family or colleagues and arrange brainstorm... This is the same method of associations, only here not one person thinks, but several. They alternately name associations. It is important for someone to write down all the ideas called. The hive mind often works wonders.
  6. If you are a famous person or professional in the field of child development, you you can use your name in the name of the children's club. For example, "Lena Danilova's site".
  7. you also can take over the name club located in another city, but consider the following:

secondly, do not take the names of very famous children's institutions. It will be difficult for you to first reach their level and then surpass it. The same applies to the promotion of the site of your children's club;

thirdly, try to change at least something in the original name. This is necessary in order to avoid a situation when Google (or another search engine) will return 2 clubs with the same name to the query “Children's club“ Vesely broom ””.

What shouldn't you call a kids' club?

  1. Do not use words that can cause any side negative associations. For example, the unfortunate name for a children's club is "Whisper", because it is associated with the word "blindness." And also in the stores you can find children's juice "Speleonok", the name of which is often read as "Snotty".
  2. Avoid words and phrases that are difficult to pronounce (Example: Ribambel Kids Club). Be careful with diminutives - they are not always appropriate. For example, names like "Chameleon" or "Brovarchenok" are a little difficult to read.
  3. Do not use incomprehensible words, because you will have to explain them for a long time to everyone. Example: "Hyperborea", "Athyudiki".
  4. Beware of harsh and distant words. You will have to build a complex connection between the name of the institution and its attitude towards children. For example, "Bartolomeo", "Garage" or "Tachanka".
  5. Banal and very common names are also not the best option. They attract little attention, and there are too many identical names in the search engine. In addition, associations with the school circles of our Soviet childhood have not disappeared anywhere. For example, "Rainbow", "Sun", "Dawn", "Camomile".

In addition to the name, the children's institution also has definition... Here, too, a huge field for imagination opens up. Moreover, the definition is much deeper than the name. It displays essence and main idea children's institution. For example, the "talent club" indicates that children's talents are valued here and, in addition to developing activities, many sections and courses are conducted. Family Centers have programs designed not only for children, but also for their parents.

38 definitions for preschool institutions:

With a focus on child development:

Children's Club, Center for Early Development, Development Center, Educational and Development Center, Institute for Child Intelligence Development, School of Development, Child Development Center, Center for Child Development, Center for Intelligence Development, Children's Club, Early Development Studio, School of the Future First Grader, Early Development Groups, English Kids Club, Harmonious Development Club, Training Center, Child Psychology and Development Club, Montessori Center, Children's Education Center

Working with families:

Family Center, Family Club, Family Development Center, Family Ecology Center, Family Success Club, Family Club, Family Psychological Club, Family Leisure Club, Family Entertainment Center, Center for Children and Parents

A variety of studios, a focus on creativity:

Talent Club, Children's Creative Development Center, Children's Culture Center

Children's leisure:

Leisure club, Kids 'leisure club, Kids' play club

Emphasis on a supportive atmosphere:

Kind home, Eco-club, Friends club.

These definitions are very beautiful and varied, but I want to insert my own fly in the ointment: When asking a search engine a question, customers are most often looking for simple and familiar definitions. Therefore, if you are planning on using the Internet, it is better to dwell on more banal words, such as “kids club” or “children's development center”.

I hope that this extensive article did not tire you, but inspire you. And you already come up with the best name for your childcare center!

P.S. If you liked this article, feel free to . There will be many articles on the opening and operation of the kindest and most interesting business.

The art of puppet theater originated in ancient times and has always attracted the attention of spectators, especially children. Here, in a simple and uncomplicated form, one can talk about the most important things: friendship, love, mutual understanding, betrayal and many others. As a rule, a puppet theater is quite easy to make with your own hands. In some families, there is even a tradition of amateur puppet theater, where the roles are voiced by relatives-puppeteers: grandfathers, grandmothers, dads, mothers and the children themselves.

But often the original theater also wants to be called something, so that it stands out from others. By following some of the tips suggested in this article, you can make your name searches much easier.

  • The easiest way is to name the well-known puppet plays after the heroes: "Buratino", "Harlequin", "Malvina", "Papa Carlo". There are, in fact, a great many options. It remains only to choose a name that does not coincide with the puppet theaters already familiar to the audience.
  • Another method is plot linkage. For example, "Papa Carlo's Small Room", "Golden Key", "Field of Miracles". And this is just one fairy tale, and there are quite a few of them.
  • An interesting name, for example, "Wooden House". In case the body of the stage for the puppets is made of wood. Then it will be especially important.
  • If you show the plays "on the head of the day", you can name them accordingly. "Satirical Stage", "Theater of Honor and Conscience", for example.
  • If the theater is intended for showing plays in the circle of friends and family, then it can be called: "Family Theater", "Theater of Friends".

Read about how to behave in the theater in the article

How to choose one and only one from the many options for names for a theater group? It depends on what you decide to focus on: the age of the participants, the audience, an approximate repertoire plan. You may want to choose a professional term or bet on the name of a well-known character.


When choosing a name for a theater group, be guided by the age of its participants. The children's team (up to 14 years old) is appropriate to name one of the names of fairy tale characters ("Cipollino", "Pierrot", "Ole-Lukoye"). Young theatergoers and members of the circle may not be against Hamlet, Don Quixote, or even Figaro. Do not use the names of characters in books and films whose authors are in good health without their written permission (which is sometimes very problematic to do due to various legal subtleties, material costs, or, for example, a language barrier).

Think about who will come to your performances. If you plan to perform mainly in front of children, then the name of your theatrical circle should be clear to the kids, causing them positive emotions. For example, "Jolly Carlson", "Buratino and Company", "Sisters and Brothers Grimm". However, the teenage and youth audience is quite finicky. In this case, you do not need to choose a too fanciful name. And at the same time, it can be unusual and even shocking. For example, "We Are Together", "Light and Performance", "Steps Behind the Scene".

Take your future repertoire as a basis. So, if you are going to stage sketches, recapitulations, parody plays, then it is possible that you will like the following titles: "Jester with us", "Regulars", "Balaganchik", "Dominoes". If you are going to focus on serious dramatic works, then the name of the circle should be appropriate: "Sphere", "Mirror", "Theme", "Situation", etc.

Choose the names that spectators and members of the circle associate with the theater, namely: - names of genres ("Drama", "Reprise", "Miniature", "Intermedia") - names of structural units of works ("Phenomenon", "Prologue", "Exposition") - terms associated with the work on the production and stage design ("Mise-en-scene", "Props", "Decoration") - terms related to the arrangement of the stage and auditorium ("Ramp", "Backstage", "Gallery", "Parterre").

Decide if it would be appropriate to name the theatrical circle in honor of famous playwrights or their plays. On the one hand, this means that you are striving to meet a given level. But on the other hand, it can seem too pretentious, especially if the productions are not successful.

Don't choose too long names and try to avoid quality adjectives (big, small, beautiful, beautiful, new, old, funny, sad, etc.). Or at least use them in such a way that the resulting phrase has at least some relation to art. For example, "New Age", "Small Hall", "Sad Image".

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Today there are a huge variety of different circles, and, of course, it is difficult to stand out from all this multitude. And what will help to become more noticeable in the "crowd"? First of all, a competent name, because, oddly enough, it plays the most important role for the consumer. Let's figure out how you can name the circle so that people pay attention to it.

Basic naming rules


First, the name must be unique, the use of the same or similar names to competitors is unlikely to play a good role. You create a unique product, which means that its name must be unique, associations with other companies will interfere with correct positioning.

Brevity is the soul of wit

The name should be sonorous and short, it should be quickly and easily remembered. If a long name is unavoidable, be sure to come up with a nice-sounding acronym, but avoid complex letter and sound combinations.

Positive emotions

The name should only generate positive emotions. But keep in mind that if your name only evokes pleasant associations, this does not mean that it sounds pleasant to all other people. Be sure to check your names, at least by asking friends and acquaintances.


A soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad, and an entrepreneur who, creating a business, does not make plans for its development, is bad. Yes, even a tiny circle can grow into a large organization - a network of additional education schools throughout the country. Therefore, when thinking over the name, keep in mind that it should be universal and equally well suited to a small, modest circle, and a large organization.

Reflection of essence

Well, of course, the name should convey the essence, the name of the circle should be associated with the activity that they are engaged in. Below we will consider examples of names of circles for various types of activities.

Examples of names

  • Theatrical circle: "Mim", "Theatricals", "Amplua", "New Look".
  • A circle of foreign languages: "ABC", "Kid" s land "," Lingvo-world "," Polyglot ".
  • Creative circle: "Art Project", "Subtle Nature", "Talantium".
  • Musical circle: "Violin", "The Sound of Music", "By Notes", "Mozart".
  • Dance club: "Rhythm", "Body & Soul", "In Tempo", "Bright life".

Needless to say, quite often many deviate from the "reflection of the essence" rule and choose just a beautiful name for the circle. In some cases, this is justified, but, nevertheless, it is better not to deviate from the rules, because they were not invented in vain. For example, at first glance, the idea to name the children's creative club "Smeshariki" seems good - this is a buzzword, which, roughly speaking, will be "led". However, what happens when the cartoon goes out of style? Your circle will immediately become irrelevant.