One of the civil professions of Anton Free. Anton Privolnov: "Life was divided into" before "and" after

One of the civil professions of Anton Free.  Anton Privolnov:
One of the civil professions of Anton Free. Anton Privolnov: "Life was divided into" before "and" after

Future Anton Privolov's wife Olga studied with him at the Internews Film and Television School, but at first did not pay any attention to him. Yes, and he also did not attach much importance to the girl with fiery red hair, but everything was decided by chance. Once they, together with classmates, decided to go to the cinema, but no one except Anton and Olga came. They did not refuse to go to the cinema and went together. After the movie, the young people walked for a long time, talked and realized that they were very good and interesting together.

In the photo - Anton Privolov with his wife

After the first date, the following followed, and soon Anton and Olga began to live together. Soon Olga became the legal wife of Anton Privolnov, they moved into their own apartment, which they gave to the young family after they broke down the house in which Anton lived with his parents. Soon, Anton Privolov's wife gave him a son, whom the young parents named with the rare name Platon. The child turned out to be restless, and Olga had to devote a lot of time to the baby. When Plato grew up, his mother went to work. Thanks to good earnings, after a while, Anton and Olga were able to earn a suburban house, which they had dreamed of for a long time.

And Anton Privolov's wife supported her husband's idea of ​​opening his own restaurant, and he and his friends became the owner of a place called Puree, in which Anton was entrusted with the purchase of food and drawing up the menu. Olga also takes part in this project, but only indirectly. Since the specialization of Anton Privolov's wife is documentary filmmaking, she decided to make a film about the work of waiters.

Having worked for over ten years as a host of the Test Purchase program, Anton has become a real specialist in the selection of high-quality and healthy products, therefore shopping trips are his family responsibility. He now knows for sure which sausage can be bought, and which one is better to refuse, but he is especially attentive to buying baby food - in this regard, his wife can only be envied, because such a knowledgeable spouse still needs to be looked for! Due to the busy work schedule, Anton and Olga do not have too much time to communicate, but they always spend their holidays together. Their family has already visited Karelia, traveled to Nice, and they plan to visit many more interesting places. Anton Privolnov is still drawn to the acting profession, after all, he has an acting education - he is a graduate of GITIS, and he entered the university Anton, not yet having a high school diploma. But after the institute with an acting career, he did not work out, and he decided to first try his hand at television.
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For three years in a row, every morning Anton appears in front of the viewers of Channel One in the Test Purchase program. A memorable appearance, a wide smile, witty comments ... Looking at him, it would never occur to him that just a year ago a real tragedy broke out in his family.

When Olga, Anton Privolov's wife, had a couple of months before giving birth, the doctor, having done an ultrasound scan, dumbfounded: “The child has a serious stomach problem. An urgent operation will be required. Without this, he will perish. " There was no choice, and as soon as the baby was born, he was only briefly shown to the young parents and sent to the operating table. “My wife was crying, and I feverishly figured out how to calm her down, to distract her. I say: “Ol, our chosen son! He has such a rare pathology that it is nothing but a sign from above. " I understood that I was talking nonsense, but this distracted Olya from her sad thoughts, she calmed down and somehow mobilized, ”says Anton. The operation was successful, and soon their newborn son, named Plato, was at home with Olya. As soon as the young parents relax a little and believe that all the problems are behind, as a planned visit to the otolaryngologist plunged the young parents into a state of panic - the doctor diagnosed a 1.5-month-old Plato with deafness.

“We noticed that the son did not respond to sounds. But they thought that this is how it should be for babies. And when the doctor categorically stated that Plato did not hear anything, we were completely desperate. Although there was still hope that the doctor was mistaken. They took the baby home and began to set up experiments: they knocked with iron dishes over Plato's ear, rang at the door. Zero reaction! It seemed that our life was divided into "before" and "after". It became quite clear: cloudless family happiness will not work. We bought a bunch of literature about this disease, rushed to look for clinics in Moscow and abroad, where children are restored to hearing, hoping for Platoshino's healing. " A month later, Privolov Jr. underwent a tomography scan, and it turned out that he was absolutely healthy!

“The amazing incompetence of the doctor who made the diagnosis. He should have known that up to two months, many children are still developing their auditory organs, ”Anton says indignantly. But now, when all the fears are behind, the TV presenter believes that the trials he and Olga had only brought their family together, they became even closer to each other.

The story of Anton and Olga's acquaintance is no different from the stories of many other student couples: they studied together at the Internews Film and Television School and at first did not pay attention to each other. Although, as Anton recalls, Olya looked more than extravagant. “A mane of red hair, multi-colored socks, a short dress with huge plush carrots - a freak, in a word. And I'm all such a regular Muscovite in a gray sweater and jeans.

In short, outwardly complete opposites. Once we got together with fellow students at the cinema. Nobody came except Olga and me. We went to the session alone, then chatted all evening and realized that we were terribly interesting together. " Soon the young people began to live together, and a year later the question of marriage arose of itself. “Once we started talking about a possible wedding, and suddenly one of us came up with the idea: we will submit an application and spend the allotted two months for their intended purpose - we will look closely at each other and give points every day - for the shown tenderness, care, words of love ... We bought two mirrors, lined them up into 60 squares and gave them marks on a five-point scale. When the probationary period ended, it was obvious that we were perfect for each other, there were only fives in the squares ”.

At this time, the housing issue was resolved very opportunely: the old house where Anton lived with his parents was demolished and the young family was given a two-room apartment in a new building. The apartment was a concrete box, for the arrangement of which the newlyweds took up with enviable zeal.

“The first thing we bought was a design magazine. We sat down on a bench in the Alexander Garden and began reading with enthusiasm. But they immediately abandoned this business, because they realized that we are talking about apartments with a living area of ​​five hundred square meters. And we have only 55. As a result, having watched several episodes of the Housing Question program, we drew a plan and relied on our imagination, ”says Anton.

Olga wanted something unusual, and she suggested making one room in the form of a hollow - with a round door and niches in the walls.

Anton cooled her ardor: “But we are not squirrels! This is unlikely to be convenient. If you want something original, I am ready to paint the living room in orange-green, and the rest of the walls, for example, in red-orange. " His beloved wife, on reflection, agreed, and Anton fulfilled his promise, painting the walls with his own hand and upholstering the ceilings with bright linen.

The couple wanted more light in the house, so wherever possible they hung lamps and screwed in more powerful bulbs. Due to inexperience, they did not take into account that the power grid may not withstand the load. Then I had to abandon some of the "ramps" and "spotlights" ... The Privolovs also screwed up a bit with the choice of colors for the kitchen walls. They painted them bright yellow and enjoyed the color scheme until a fuchsia-colored headset was delivered from the store.

The "picture" turned out to rip out my eyes, so I had to urgently repaint the kitchen in a calmer tone.

If in some families repairs are a reason for discord and conflicts, then the Privolovs always find compromises. “We got married because we want to be together all our lives, so why darken it with quarrels over trifles, it’s better to turn it into a holiday. Olga constantly surprises me: she launches a hundred multi-colored butterflies into the apartment, then she makes a Honor Board out of my photos listing my “achievements”: “Gave my wife two nights in the jungle”, “Got a Macintosh”, “Married”, "I rejuvenated the body in an Indonesian source" ... When one person thinks about another, seeks to surprise, it is very pleasant and causes a response impulse, "Privolov admits.

Disagreements between spouses arise only when Anton sets up experiments in the field of pedagogy and child psychology. “Our Plato is an extremely wayward child. He can scream for an hour, demanding his own. Recently I put on a hellish experiment: my son grabbed the remote control from the TV, I took it away, firmly saying: "This is not a toy," and put it on the closet. Plato yelled and fell on the carpet. After 20 minutes, he turned blue, but continued to yell. Olya sat next to me, worried and persuaded me to stop the "execution". I explained to her: “You see, the crucial moment - who will win? Is he me or am I his? " It turned out that he was me ... Now I am afraid of his growing up, the guy's character is still the same! " - Anton worries.

Career issues do not really bother him today. “I don’t want to host a talk show. There are no answers to questions, but in my program there are. Besides, I can really help a lot of people. Sometimes on the street they come up with complaints: "Anton, the store has sold a defective product and refuses to change it, the dry-cleaner ruined the fur coat, help!" And we help as much as we can. " Once the editors of the Test Purchase were looking for specialists to comment on a story about a doctor's sausage. We called the Research Institute of Nutrition. On the other end of the line they replied: “We are not in the know. Call ... Privolnov. " Upon learning of this, Anton was amused: "I realized that I have become an authoritative figure."

Privolov got into the "Test purchase", according to his confession, thanks to "the second happiness - impudence." Here is how it was. Having received a diploma from the School of Film and Television, Anton hoped that he would immediately find something to do on TV.

But weeks went by, and potential employers were in no hurry to call the graduate. “I had a pass to Ostankino, and therefore my friend and I dragged along the corridors and, plucking up impudence, opened the doors at random and declared to the people who were there:“ Congratulations! We are immediately ready to implement many of our interesting ideas and findings in your programs. " Oddly enough, our colleagues reacted calmly to our sudden appearance: "Leave your coordinates, we will call you back." Once we knocked on "Good morning" on First. Then there was Larisa Krivtsova in charge. We sketched out a list of headings that we could do and passed it on to her. Nobody called us back, but somehow in the corridors of Ostankino I saw Krivtsova's assistant.

I decided: "Oh, it was not!" - and, going up to her, he casually asked: “What's with our ideas? And then NTV offers a job. Anton Arens himself called me. " Why I suddenly gave the name of a stranger to me, I don’t know. I heard that there is one on NTV, so I blurted out. And it worked! Krivtsova's assistant took us by the hand and led us to the editorial office of Good Morning. She and Larisa Valentinovna whispered about something and hired me. Later I became the host of "Quality Control Department", and then "Test Purchase".

Actually, Privolov did not plan to become a television operator. As a child, having played a bunch of roles in a theater studio at the Palace of Pioneers, he dreamed of entering an acting class. Even before graduating from school, Anton went to try his hand at the RATI. And passed! “Since I didn't have a certificate, I bought it in the metro for 200 rubles and brought it to the admissions office.

They said: "This is wonderful, only we need a real one." Managed to convince to wait a year. So at the same time I studied both at the RATI (on the course of Leonid Kheifets) and at the external school. While studying, I worked as a waiter in a bar near Ostankino. We were often visited by TV stars. Petr Fadeev and Nastya Solovieva were then very popular, they ordered expensive dishes and left generous tips. And I thought: "This is what it is - a stellar life!"

After the institute, Anton was taken to the troops, fortunately, not to the ends of the world, but to the Theater of the Russian Army. “Petya Krasilov was my“ grandfather ”, he drove me, forced me to pick nails out of the stage,” recalls the former private.

At the same time, he made his television debut. Friends offered to host one program on the TVC channel, however, the project did not last long - it was closed. After demobilization, Privolov again went to work as a waitress, but quit the very next day: "Not a boy, go, run, serve!" - and went to study again. Now at the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino" to the directing department, deciding that a good director will always earn money for a piece of bread and butter. And then - to the School of Film and Television. "I am lucky. I do what I like, I write myself eyeliners, although the scriptwriters and editors are offended: "Look what you are, Privolov, you are smart enough!" I try to keep the program getting better, and even recently changed my tradition: I succumbed to persuasion to use the advice of stylists - I stopped broadcasting in my own clothes.

There is no limit to perfection ”.

Viewers of Russian TV associate the name of Anton Privolov with the only program - Test Purchase, and few people know that his activity goes far beyond its borders, and his path to television was not only thorny, but also amazing. For his fans, Anton has always been somewhat closed, very little is known about his biography and personal life, and the idol of millions is in no hurry to reveal the secrets.

Biography of TV presenter Anton Privolov

Anton is a native Muscovite, born on January 1, 1981 in the family of a guitarist and a teacher of foreign languages. Parents divorced when the boy was very young, and he grew up with his mother. For a long time, an ordinary Moscow boy could not decide who he wanted to become, and as a result, following the choice of his friends, Anton entered the RATI (Russian Academy of Theater Arts). And he did it at the age of 15, having bought a fake high school diploma in an underground passage.

It was then that Anton Privolov had a professional dream - to become a famous TV presenter. In order to achieve it, he entered the directing department of the Institute of Television, pounded the thresholds of practically all Ostankino studios, proposing new ideas for programs. As a result, the guy was noticed, and his career began to take off. Now he is not only the top presenter of the "first button", but also a popular theatrical actor, participant in talk shows and reality shows. In addition, Anton has his own restaurant in Moscow, where he continues the theme of his show - they cook only from natural and safe products.

Personal life of Anton Privolov

The popular TV presenter does not like to talk about his personal life, either ignores the questions of this plan, or leaves them, and sometimes stops them, often says that persistence and desire to "delve into someone else's underwear" is unpleasant to him. Everything that is known about the personal life of Anton Privolov:

  • married in 2007 to classmate Olga,
  • soon the couple had a child - the son of Plato,
  • in 2017, the Privolov family broke up.

For some time, the press actively discussed the topic of the disability of Anton Privolov's son. Allegedly, the boy was born with congenital deafness. The TV presenter commented on this news, giving a refutation.

Anton also does not discuss his divorce with the press. It is only known that they have maintained friendly relations with his wife, the TV presenter is actively raising his son, trying to spend all his free time with him. Journalists often "bring together" and "divorce" Anton Privolov and his ex-wife Olga again. Neither he nor she responds in any way to these rumors. The obvious truth is that both Anton and Olga, a year after the divorce, have not acquired new partners.

Anton Privolnov is a journalist and TV presenter. Anton gained popularity among Russian TV viewers with the help of a social program-recommendation "Test purchase", where Privolnov impartially tests food and other household purchases.

Anton Privolov was born on January 1, 1981 in Moscow. Anton's father, a former guitarist, is now in the car business. The TV presenter's mother is a French teacher. When Anton was 6 years old, his parents divorced. The boy stayed with his mother Tatyana Privolova, Anton also maintains a relationship with his father.

Privolov did not make an official statement about his nationality, so fans were divided into two camps on this issue. Some saw Jewish features in Privolov's face, others consider the TV presenter Russian, appealing to the Russian name and surname of the journalist.

As a child, Anton did not dream of an acting career or becoming a TV presenter. The boy played in school plays, but thought that he would work as a firefighter or salesman. When the guy matured, he decided to enter the acting department at GITIS. Without waiting for 18 years, Anton successfully entered the course of Leonid Kheifets. Having already passed all the exams, Privolov admitted that he had not finished school. I had to come up with something with the documents. One way or another, but Privolov finished school already as an external student, studying at GITIS. Anton studied on the same course as the actor. Their friendship has survived to this day.

After Privolov managed to work as a waiter in an expensive Moscow restaurant. Anton never stops learning and improving. During this period, Privolnov studied at the School of Film and Television on the course. There is an interest in the television format.


In 2001, Anton made his television debut in the Secrets of Themis program, where Privolov was invited to host.

A year later, Privolov's career went up sharply. The guy was invited to Channel One in the Good Morning program. There Anton became the author and TV presenter of the news column. This was not easy to achieve. For a long time Anton Privolnov and his friend walked around Ostankino, knocked in the studio and said that they had a lot of ideas for television programs. In the end, the knock on the door of the Good Morning program brought a good result.

Anton Privolnov in the Good Morning program

In 2003, Anton is already a permanent TV presenter. Leads the heading of the Quality Control Department, and since 2005 and the morning hit-parade "The First Program". Since 2006, a new program has appeared in Anton's creative biography: from this period, viewers will recognize Anton Privolov as the host of the "Test Purchase".

In 2010, Privolov made the company in this TV show. After the appearance of the co-host, the program received a great social orientation, and with the filing of Semenikhina, the headings "Test purchase warns" and "Hot questions and answers" appeared. Semenikhina began to conduct a section of the program dedicated to legal assistance to consumers.

Today Anton still appears on the Good Morning program, but already as the main presenter. Anton Privolnov joined the permanent cast of the TV presenters of the program. Privolov's colleagues in Good Morning are Sergei Babaev and Roman Budnikov.

Anton Privolnov in the Test Purchase program

TV viewers approved the new position of Privolov. Most of the reviews about the TV presenter are positive, but the audience reproached the stylists of Channel One for the fact that Anton is constantly being worn in women's jackets and hats.

There was a lot of controversy on the forums about the artist's diction. The TV presenter himself is not shy about discussing this issue. And he is not shy about learning what can be done at any age. Today Anton Privolnov is working with a speech therapist, but he does not have any complexities at all. And Privolnov also dreams of an acting career, but so far he appears on movie screens only in cameo.

Personal life

Anton Privolov is married. With Olga, his future wife, he met at the School of Film and Television. There was no love at first sight in the history of their relationship. At first Anton did not notice Olga, did not see her as his girlfriend. But once they got to talking and realized that they had a lot in common. The couple formalized the relationship in 2007, and soon they had a son, Plato.

There are rumors in the press about the boy's illness. A couple of months after the birth of his son, the boy was diagnosed with deafness. Privolov and his wife claim that the diagnosis was wrong, and a completely healthy child is growing up in their family. In 2014, Plato went to a music school at the Gnessin School. The TV presenter has no other children, but Anton often calls the Test Purchase program another child.

For Anton Privolov, it is important to add a piece of joy to what he does. He wants to benefit from his established and new projects in the future, but the TV presenter also considers it important to improve the mood of the viewer.

In 2013, the experience gained in the program on high-quality and healthy food helps Privolnov in business, because Anton decided to go into the restaurant business and opened a cozy cafe for homemade food "Puree".

By the end of 2014, the TV presenter had lost a lot of weight. With a height of 185 cm, Anton began to weigh 92 kg instead of 107. They began to turn to Privolnoye with questions about the diet. Anton Privolnov is a vegetarian, the TV presenter also adheres to a healthy diet. The TV presenter does not give recipes in official sources, but websites with recommendations appeared on the Internet, which boil down to the fact that it was precisely the refusal of meat and fatty foods that helped the journalist lose 15 kg.

In June 2017, after 10 years of barge. The reason for the break in relations with Olga was a departure - the wife of the TV presenter was transferred to work in St. Petersburg, where she moved with her son Platon. At the same time, Anton stayed to live in Moscow. The distance negatively affected the relationship of the spouses, therefore, six months after separation, they decided to leave.

Anton Privolnov now

The press regularly publishes articles about awards and diplomas, which are presented by Anton Privolnov as a TV presenter of the Test Purchase program. Brands, factories and firms make public events out of presentations, telling about the awards on the pages of mass media. In 2016, Privolnov noted the Prosto Milk brand and GAP Resource in the Innovation of the Year in Healthy Eating nomination, Vkusnoteevo curd as the winner in the Healthy Eating 2016 category, and also awarded other companies and products in various nominations. ...

On April 27-28, 2017, the Irkutsk Meridian media forum was held at the Baikal Business Center in the capital of the Angara region. The forum was attended by 200 professional journalists and TV presenters, among whom Anton Privolov held a master class.


  • "Lady Boss"
  • "Dormitory area"
  • "After school"
  • "Shopping center"

For many years of work on Russian television, the presenter Anton Privolnov has become an acquaintance and almost a member of the family of millions of viewers and he is undoubtedly loved and respected by all housewives of a huge country. Having worked for ten years in the popular Test Purchase program, he is considered a real expert in the field of the correct choice of grocery products and even the most distrustful of consumers listen to his opinion. The ability to correctly present information, adding to it the recommendations of competent specialists and a good dose of good humor from a charming and handsome, positive-minded Anton is enough to cheer up TV viewers in the morning and fill their day with creative energy. It is difficult to doubt that he himself is a dynamic and cheerful person: this is also the opinion of the wife of Anton Privolnoy, Olga.

Anton and Olga studied together at the School of Film and Television, where the young man who dreamed of a theatrical career came, having tested his strength in many professions. He was in such a hurry to live and work that he managed to get into GITIS without even graduating from school. Then she had to finish it as an external student. During his studies with Anton, two significant events happened: in 2001 he made his television debut, becoming the host of the "Secrets of Themis" program, and met Olga. As it turned out later, both of these episodes became fateful in his life. By the way, at first there was nothing special in his relationship with the girl. As he himself later admitted, they were people of different "directions" Bright and lively Olga with her red hair and extravagant mini-dress "in plush carrots" simply frightened the restrained Moscow guy who prefers to dress "like everyone else."

Once they all gathered in a group at the cinema, but only two future spouses arrived at their destination. They got to talking, found each other interesting and began to meet. When Anton and Olga were already living together, they got the idea to make sure that they fit one another, and the lovers invented a whole system of test evaluations, which they painstakingly filled out every day: for tenderness, for attentiveness, for kind words ... A month later they became it is clear that they are an ideal couple and they cannot get married, they need to. The wedding took place in 2007, and then the son Plato was born. The young spouses were incredibly lucky with housing: the apartment of Anton's parents was “demolished” and the newlyweds received a separate two-room “palace” with an area of ​​55 square meters.

They had Napoleonic plans for the design of a family nest, but the fashion magazines designed for huge living spaces proved useless, as did the several conscientiously listened to the Kvartirny Vopros show. Then Anton, wishing to bring joy to his wife, volunteered to paint the walls of the rooms in different bright colors with a predominance of her favorite sunny shades. Apart from the corrected shortcomings, the apartment turned out the way they wanted: bright, joyful and conducive to pleasant emotions. Plato felt good about it. True, there were also several disturbing moments with the child. Immediately after birth, he required stomach surgery, and at the age of two months, the young doctor suspected the baby of deafness.

Later it turned out that the physician had overdone it: children under two months of age quite often hear nothing from birth, and only then their hearing begins to develop. Now Plato's hearing is not only excellent, but also special: he studies at the music school at the Gnessin School of Music. Plato's childhood was a test of strength for young parents also because he turned out to be a hyperactive child, which kindergarten teachers and nannies could not cope with. Olga devoted her life to raising her son and gave up her beloved work for a long time. She is a television director and editor by profession. Now the boy has grown up and become more disciplined: ten-year-old Plato is in school and he himself chose music as a parallel learning.

The life of a married couple of Privolovs turned out to be full of mutual surprises, gifts made with their own hands, jokes and fun. For example, once Olga made Anton's "Honor Board", which listed all of his most important, in her opinion, achievements: mastering "Macintosh", a gift to his wife in the form of "two nights in the jungle", "body rejuvenation in an Indonesian source" and others ... All this was accompanied by illustrations in the form of photographs. Going to live together "happily ever after", these husband and wife made it a rule to make their life together interesting and varied. They believe that the most important thing in family happiness is the ability and desire to compromise.

Now, after ten years of marriage, they have changed their exotic apartment and have become less recklessly inventing ventures to embody their feelings and ideas, but the agreement between them is still complete. Anton and Olga never go on vacation alone and also overcome everyday storms and troubles together, by the way, both became vegetarians. Their son grows up and absorbs the atmosphere of a friendly family in order to carry this warmth into his future adult life. Anton Privolov's wife is engaged in the affairs of their common restaurant "Puree", which serves food only from high-quality products, and has already shot three documentaries. Anton, who considers his TV show to be a good thing, still dreams of playing on stage and everything is going well for them, as it should be for a strong, prosperous family.