Maxim Gorky short biography. The last years of life and death

Maxim Gorky short biography.  The last years of life and death
Maxim Gorky short biography. The last years of life and death

Maxim Gorky is a famous Russian writer who was able to overcome many difficulties on his life path, to rise from the bottom - his biography is replete with tragic events.

This man was justly called a genius, because it was he who created the magnificent work "At the Bottom", which touches the soul and full of urgent problems, and became the founder of a new trend in literature - socialist realism.

Russian writer A.M. Gorky

We all know Maxim Gorky as a great revolutionary writer, many recognize his portrait among others, study his biography, important facts from life: real name and surname, place of birth, title of his first work, reasons for emigration from the country.

However, few people thought about the very value of the life of this brilliant writer, few people know that literally every day Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov passed in a fierce struggle with himself, with power, with life's hardships.

Short biography of Maxim Gorky

A. M. Peshkov was born on March 28, 1868. City native Nizhny Novgorod... Alyosha chose the pseudonym for himself as a reminder of his father - Maxim Savvanteevich.

Father and mother

At the age of three, Alexei fell seriously ill with cholera. The boy's father, who loved his son dearly, courted him for a long time. He was able to cure Alyosha, but he contracted it and soon died.

The happy family broke up. Mother, Varvara Vasilievna Peshkova, subconsciously blaming her son for the death of her husband, could not forgive her child and moved away from him. She died of a dangerous disease - consumption, when Alexei was 11 years old.


The boy was orphaned early, and grandfather Kashirin was forced to take up his upbringing. He, being a cruel, ruthless man, often beat his grandson, because of which during adulthood Alexey Peshkov stopped experiencing physical pain. But this did not prevent him from deeply empathizing with other people and suffering from someone else's pain.

Alyosha also had good childhood memories associated with his grandmother Akulina Ivanovna. She told him fairy tales or stories from her life, sang sonorous songs. The grandmother took care of the boy, taught him to overcome obstacles in life, to cope with difficulties.


The future great writer did not have a decent education. Peshkov began to study at the parish school, but illness thwarted his plans for studying. Later he entered the school, but became famous there as a difficult teenager, a student with a difficult character.

Alexey began to steal food, pick up discarded clothes. Other students noted that he often emanated bad smell, which became the reason for bullying and ridicule. Because of this, Alyosha Peshkov dropped out of school, went on a trip around the country, learned a lot, saw how hard life is ordinary people... Wanderings gave Alexey a lot of experience and knowledge.

Adolescent years

When Alyosha turns 19, his grandparents died. He, being in Kazan and unsuccessfully trying to enter the university, falls into depression and attempts to commit suicide. The young man shoots himself in the chest, but the bullet misses the heart, stuck in the lung.

The doctors had to save the writer twice, because, while in the hospital, he wanted to try again to commit suicide by drinking poison.

Creative way

Mine creative way Maxim Gorky began working for a provincial newspaper. With the great help of V.G. Korolenko, the writer was able to prove himself in the world of literature.

It was the very first work "Essays and Stories" that brought Gorky fame as a writer, which during his lifetime has not been possible for any famous Russian writer.

In his works, the writer often spoke about the revolutionary democratic movement, criticized the existing government. Due to ambiguous statements about Lenin and support for the revolutionary mood, Gorky was detained by the police more than once.

In 1892, the first story "Makar Chudra" was published under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky. The overwhelming success of the writer begins with him.


In the next period of his work, Maxim Gorky closely cooperates with organizations of revolutionaries, which is reflected in his revolutionary novel "Mother". In 1905, under threat of arrest, the writer was forced to leave home country and leave for the USA. At the end of the year, he travels to Italy to the island of Capri.

Abroad, the writer was received with great joy, he was invited to various receptions and evenings. Mark Twain personally took care of the worthy reception of Maxim Gorky in America.

After an unsuccessful attempt to return to his homeland, Maxim Gorky went abroad in 1921 to improve his health. He travels to Germany, then returns to Capri again. Continuing to be interested in events in revolutionary Russia, the writer is skeptical about the revolution in his native country.

During this period of his life, Gorky wrote the novel The Artamonovs Case.


Finally great writer, having responded to the invitation of the authorities, he returned to Russia in 1928. Gorky is received with open arms, after a demonstrative five-week trip around the country he is presented with a mansion and two summer cottages.

Gorky is working on the creation of "The Life of Klim Samgin", and also becomes the editor of the newspaper "Life of Remarkable People".

The last years of life and death

Another tragedy that befell Gorky was the death of his son Maxim, which severely crippled the writer. Visiting his grave, where Gorky lay for a long time on damp earth and could not believe in the death of his son, the writer caught a cold and fell seriously ill.

He died on June 18, 1936. There are many versions of his death, contemporaries claim that the writer could have been poisoned. The body of the great genius was cremated, and his brain was removed for further study.

Interesting facts from the biography of M. Gorky

Something to be curious to know:

  1. Despite the fact that Gorky was a comprehensively developed, intelligent and erudite person, at the age of thirty he continued to write with mistakes, which were carefully corrected by his beloved wife Ekaterina Volzhina.
  2. The fact that Maxim Gorky was a unique person is also evidenced by his ability to drink a lot and often, but never get drunk.
  3. The writer's personal life was unsuccessful: he had two wives and many mistresses.
  4. The writer was interested in okimono, was engaged in collecting japanese figurines made of bone.
  5. During his lifetime, Maxim Gorky could receive five Nobel Prize, but was deprived of this award great efforts authorities.

Famous works of Maxim Gorky

The writer has written many novels, stories and plays:

  1. "Makar Chudra";
  2. Childhood, In People, My Universities;
  3. "Old Isergil";
  4. "At the bottom";
  5. The Artamonovs Case;
  6. the novel "Mother";
  7. story "Life unnecessary person"," Small town Okurov "," Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin ".


Maxim Gorky, whose real name is Alexey Peshkov, is a cult figure in Russian culture. The years of the life of the writer: 1868-1936. He created not only many excellent works, but was the editor of many literary magazines... The name of this brilliant writer will not fade in the centuries, his stories, novels, plays will be re-read by our descendants.

Maxim Gorky or Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov - was born in 1868 and died in 1936.

The pseudonym "Gorky" was taken by the writer because his whole life was not distinguished by sugary sweetness. In early childhood, Maxim Gorky's parents died and he was raised by his grandparents, who were not distinguished by special wealth. WITH youthful years Alexei Peshkov had to cling to any part-time job in order to feed himself and his family. So the craving for work was instilled, which Alexei Maksimovich did not refuse even as a writer.

Love for literature developed in young poet his grandmother, whom he loved immensely.

Bitter camp pioneer of realism new era... That is why the authorities disliked him and many of his books were banned.

The writer gained experience both at home and abroad repeatedly, seeking recognition from the whole world.

He was one of the most controversial writers of his time, Gorky created in his works the image of his Epoch - the way he saw it and understood it.

The poet died under mysterious circumstances, there are rumors that the authorities were involved in his death and many blamed Stalin, suggesting that the poisoning was committed. However, the cause of his death has not yet been established.

Grade 11, Grade 7, Grade 3 for children. Interesting facts from the life of Gorky

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts... The most important thing.

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Maximovich Peshkov.

M. Gorky: biography, a brief history of the life of an interesting person

He lost his parents very early, so he lived all his childhood and youth with his grandfather Kashirin Vasily. His grandfather died when Alexei was 19 years old, after which future writer went to travel around Russia, wanting to find ideas for creating interesting stories.

The writer's youth

The biography of M. Gorky, just like life, is very complex. After all, having entered the school, after 2 years he was forced to quit his studies. This is due to the death of my mother and the complete ruin of my grandfather. After that, the future writer had to become a shoemaker, work in a drawing workshop and study icon painting. In the years that followed, all attempts to resume studies failed. Continuous failures in life almost led to the fact that he almost committed suicide. The biography of M. Gorky in his youth speaks of the severity and intolerance of being. Over the years of travel, he has seen a lot and worked in a completely different areas activities.

During the years of wandering and wandering, he managed to get acquainted with the writer V. Korolenko, who helped improve the work of M. Gorky. Alexey's first story appeared in the Kavkaz newspaper, it was called Makar Chudra. So at the age of 24, the writer became known to people under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky.

Role in the life of a writer

Since 1892, the biography of M. Gorky began to develop much more successfully. It was from this time that V. Korolenko became his main assistant and mentor. He also helped in the publication of the subsequent stories of Maxim. It was Vladimir Galaktionovich who gave him recommendations and talked about the writer in various publishing houses. From 1893 to 1895, more than seven stories by Gorky were published. All of them were first published in the Volga press.

After the publication of the stories, the biography of M. Gorky received a new development: he entered the permanent job in "Samarskaya Gazeta", where he was published daily under the heading "By the way". But he signed himself with the pseudonym Yehudiel Chlamida. The first book ("Essays and Stories"), which was written in two volumes, was published when Maxim was already 30 years old. And the critics really liked her, so Gorky began to write the novel "Foma Gordeev". At that time he became recognizable writer: now he has been recognized as one of the best and famous authors that time.

Then Gorky went into drama and wrote two of the most famous plays- "Bourgeois" and "At the bottom", which received an unusually great success, but at the same time caused a speech by the anti-government public. Gorky was arrested and taken into custody more than once, he was also one of the most active participants revolutionary movement... In 1905, the writer was imprisoned for six months for calling on the people to overthrow the government. But he was released due to public pressure. One of the most "scandalous" is the novel "Mother", which was written in 1906, in the midst of the revolution.

After the publication of the story, Maxim lived in Europe for seven years. Then, in 1913, he returned to Russia and wrote many more interesting works... After the revolution, his career took off. From 1934 to 1936, Maxim Gorky headed the Union of the Union. The writer died at the age of 68, having lived a rather rich and interesting life.

Maksim Gorky - creative pseudonym playwright, writer and prose writer Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov. Gorky's brief shows how a person, not succumbing to circumstances, creates himself.

Gorky's biography is brief, the most important

Alyosha Peshkov was born in 1868 in the town of Kanavino. Left an orphan at the age of 11, he went to work. I read a lot. He traveled, emigrated twice from the country, but always returned. Wrote 61 literary work... Supported revolutionary views. He was treated for tuberculosis all his life. He died in the summer of 1936.

Childhood and adolescence

The father nursed a four-year-old cholera patient Alyosha. The boy survived, but Maxim Savvatievich himself became infected and died. The writer's mother, widowed, returned to her father's house. She married again, entrusted her son to her parents. The grandfather was a strict, stingy and religious person. Grandmother Akulina Ivanovna is the only one who loved little Lyosha. Thanks to her cares, Alexey was imbued with love for folk tales and songs. His grandfather taught the boy to read from church books. At the end of the summer of 1879, the writer's mother died. The grandfather went bankrupt, sent his grandson to earn his own "bread" on his own.

Aleksey worked as a "boy" in a shoe store, washed dishes on a steamer. He was a bird hunter, sold icons, renovated fairgrounds. Mastered creative professions: studied icon painting, was an extra in the theater. When the boy served on the ship, the cook, Mikhail Smuryi, a retired officer, aroused his interest in reading. Later, Gorky wrote that resistance environment forms a person, creates him.

Youth, the beginning of literary creativity

Gorky worked as a watchman when he did not become a student at Kazan University. The first stories were published after a trip in which the writer came to the Caucasus on foot. Emigrated to America in 1906, moved to the island of Capri in Italy. He wrote books filled with revolutionary ideas.

"Makar Chudra" is the first book in which the author refers to himself as M. Gorky. "Essays and Stories" became popular in the country and abroad. Brief Tales Alexey wrote for children, arranged holidays for them.

The playwright demonstrates his attitude to life through thoughtful works that are studied by schoolchildren in grade 11: "", "Bourgeoisie". The final novel in the biography of the writer was the pearl of his work - "The Life of Klim Samgin", which Gorky wrote for eleven years and never finished.

Personal life

In 1896 he married the newspaper proofreader Catherine. Soon they gave birth to two children: a son, Maxim, and a daughter, Katya. The writer raised his godson, who was like a son to him. Love quickly passed. The family was supported by the parental obligations of the spouses. After the death of his daughter, the marriage broke up. Former spouses remained friends.

A friend of Gorky, introduced him to Maria Andreeva, a theater actress. Although, the lovers did not officially formalize their relationship, but they lived together for 16 years. After the revolution, Maria was an active party worker, there was no time for a family, the couple quickly separated.

Real name - Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov (1868), prose writer, playwright, publicist.
Born in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of a cabinet-maker, after the death of his father he lived in the family of V. Kashirin's grandfather, the owner of a dyeing establishment.
At the age of eleven, becoming an orphan, he begins to work, replacing many "owners": a messenger at a shoe store, a dishware on steamers, a draftsman, etc. Only reading books saved a hopeless life from despair.
In 1884 he came to Kazan to fulfill his dream - to study at the university, but very soon he realized the whole unreality of such a plan. Started to work. Later, Gorky wrote: "I did not expect help from outside and did not hope for Lucky case... I understood very early that a person is created by his resistance to the environment. ”At the age of 16, he already knew a lot about life, but four years spent in Kazan shaped his personality and determined his path. and peasants (with the populist M. Romas in the village of Krasnovidovo.) Since 1888, Gorky began wandering around Russia with the aim of getting to know her better and getting to know the life of the people better.
Gorky walked through the Don steppes, across Ukraine, to the Danube, from there - through the Crimea and the North Caucasus - to Tiflis, where he spent a year working as a hammer, then as a clerk in railway workshops, communicating with revolutionary leaders and participating in illegal circles. At this time he wrote his first story - "Makar Chudra", published in the Tiflis newspaper, and the poem "The Girl and Death" (published in 1917).
Since 1892, having returned to Nizhny Novgorod, he took up literary work, published in the Volga newspapers. Since 1895, Gorky's stories have appeared in the capital's magazines, and in the Samarskaya Gazeta he became known as a feuilletonist, speaking under the pseudonym Yehudil Chlamida. In 1898, Gorky's Essays and Stories were published, which made him widely known in Russia. Works hard, quickly growing into great artist, an innovator who can lead. His romantic stories called to fight, brought up heroic optimism ("Old Woman Izergil", "Song of the Falcon", "Song of the Petrel").
In 1899, the novel Foma Gordeev was published, which nominated Gorky to a number of world-class writers. In the autumn of this year, he arrived in St. Petersburg, where he met Mikhailovsky and Veresaev, with Repin; later in Moscow - S.L. Tolstoy, L. Andreev, A. Chekhov, I. Bunin, A. Kuprin and other writers. Agree with revolutionary circles for writing a proclamation calling for the overthrow royal power in connection with the dispersal of a student demonstration, he was deported to Arzamas.
In 1901 - 1902 he wrote his first plays "Bourgeois" and "At the bottom", staged on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. In 1904 - the plays "Summer Residents", "Children of the Sun", "Barbarians".
In the revolutionary events of 1905, Gorky took an active part, was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress for anti-Tsarist proclamations. The protest of the Russian and world community forced the government to release the writer. For helping with money and weapons during the Moscow December armed uprising, Gorky was threatened with reprisals by the official authorities, so it was decided to send him abroad. In early 1906 he arrived in America, where he stayed until the fall. Here were written pamphlets "My interviews" and essays "In America".
Upon his return to Russia, he created the play "Enemies" and the novel "Mother" (1906). In the same year, Gorky went to Italy, to Capri, where he lived until 1913, giving all his strength literary creation... During these years, the plays "The Last" (1908), "Vassa Zheleznova" (1910), the stories "Summer", "Okurov Town" (1909), the novel "The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin" (1910 - 11) were written.
Using the amnesty, in 1913 the writer returned to St. Petersburg, collaborated in the Bolshevik newspapers Zvezda and Pravda. In 1915 he founded the Letopis magazine, headed the literary department of the magazine, rallying around it such writers as Shishkov, Prishvin, Trenev, Gladkoe and others.
After February revolution Gorky participated in the publication of the newspaper " New life", which was the body of the Social Democrats, where he published articles under common name "Untimely thoughts". He expressed fears of the unpreparedness of the October Revolution, was afraid that" the dictatorship of the proletariat would lead to the death of politically educated Bolshevik workers ... " ...
Soon Gorky began to actively participate in the construction new culture: helped organize the First Workers 'and Peasants' University, Bolshoi drama theater Petersburg, created the publishing house "World Literature". In years civil war, hunger and devastation showed concern for the Russian intelligentsia, and many scientists, writers and artists were saved by him from starvation.
In 1921, at the insistence of Lenin, Gorky went abroad for treatment (tuberculosis resumed). At first he lived in the resorts of Germany and Czechoslovakia, then moved to Italy in Sorrento. He continues to work a lot: he finished the trilogy - "My Universities" ("Childhood" and "In People" were published in 1913 - 16), wrote the novel "The Artamonovs Case" (1925). He began work on the book "The Life of Klim Samgin", which he continued to write until the end of his life. In 1931, Gorky returned to his homeland. In the 1930s, he again turned to drama: "Yegor Bulychev and others" (1932), "Dostigaev and others" (1933).
Summing up the acquaintance and communication with the great people of his time. Gorky created literary portraits L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, V. Korolenko, essay "V. I. Lenin" ( new edition 1930). In 1934, through the efforts of M. Gorky, the 1st All-Union Congress was prepared and held Soviet writers... June 18, 1936 M. Gorky died in Gorki and was buried in Red Square.