Where Durprin Alexander Ivanovich was born. Four main passions in the life of Alexander Kuprin - a writer who could not live without Russia

Where Durprin Alexander Ivanovich was born. Four main passions in the life of Alexander Kuprin - a writer who could not live without Russia
Where Durprin Alexander Ivanovich was born. Four main passions in the life of Alexander Kuprin - a writer who could not live without Russia

Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich (1870 - 1938) - Russian writer. Social criticism marked the story "Moloch" (1896), in which industrialization appears in the image of a monster plant, the enslaving person morally and physically, the story "Fight" (1905) - about the death of a mentally pure hero in the dead atmosphere of army life and the story "Yama" (1909 - 15) - about prostitution. The diversity of finely outlined types, lyrical situations in the titles and stories "Olesya" (1898), "Gambrinus" (1907), "Pomegranate bracelet" (1911). Cycles essays ("Litripeds", 1907 - 11). In 1919 - 37 in emigration, in 1937 he returned to his homeland. Autobiographical Roman "Junker" (1928 - 32).

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, M.-SPb., 1998


Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich (1870), prose.

Born on August 26 (September 7, N.S.) in the city will be told by the Penza province in the family of a small official who died a year after the birth of the Son. Mother (from the ancient kind of Tatar princes of Kulanchakov) after the death of her husband moved to Moscow, where the childhood and youth of the future writer passed. Six years, the boy was given to the Moscow Razumovsky Pension (orphans), from where it was released in 1880. On the same year he entered the Moscow Military Academy, which was transformed into the Cadet Corps.

After the end of the exercise, Military Education continued in the Aleksandrovsky Junker School (1888 - 90). Subsequently will describe its "military youth" in the titles "on a fracture (cadets)" and in the novel "Junker". Already then dreamed of becoming a "poet or novelist."

The first literary experience of Kurrov was the poems remaining unpublished. The first work that saw the light is the story "Last Debut" (1889).

In 1890, graduating from a military school, the Kuprin in the rank of a podoruk was enrolled in the infantry regiment, which was in the Podolsk province. The officer life, which he led for four years, gave a rich material for his future works. In 1893 - 1894 in the St. Petersburg journal "Russian wealth" there was his story "Fogging" and the stories "Lunar Night" and "Inquiry". A series of stories is devoted to the life of the Russian army: "Overnight" (1897), "Night shift" (1899), "Cam". In 1894, Kuprin retired and moved to Kiev, having no civil profession and having a small life experience. In the following years I wandered a lot in Russia, trifting many professions, greedily absorbing the life impressions that became the basis of his future works. In the 1890th, I published an essay "Yuzovsky Plant" and the story "Moloch", the stories "Forest Wilderness", "Werewolf", the story "Olesya" and "Kat" ("Evalor Army"). During these years, Kuprin met Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. In 1901, he moved to Petersburg, began to work "magazine for all", married M. Davydova, was born daughter Lydia. In St. Petersburg journals, Kurrification stories appeared: "Boloto" (1902); "Konokrad" (1903); "White Poodle" (1904). In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story "Fight", which had a great success. The speeches of the writer with reading individual chapters "fight" became the event of the cultural life of the capital. His works of this time were very fragrant: an essay "Events in Sevastopol" (1905), stories "Staff-captain of Rybnikov" (1906), "River of Life", "Gambrinus" (1907). In 1907 he married the second marriage on the sister of Mercy E. Gainrich, the daughter of Ksenia was born. Creativity Kuprin in the years between the two revolutions opposed the decadency sentiment of those years: the cycle of essays "Litriped" (1907 - 11), the stories about animals, the stories "Sullaify", "pomegranate bracelet" (1911). His prose has become a noticeable phenomenon of Russian literature on the beginning of the century. After the October Revolution, the writer did not accept the Policy of Military Communism, "Red Terror", he experienced fear for the fate of Russian culture. In 1918, he came to Lenin with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - "Earth". At one time he worked in the publishing house "World Literature" based on bitter. In the fall of 1919, being in Gatchina, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom Petrograd, Yudenich's troops, emigrated abroad. Seventeen years who spent the writer in Paris were a low-way period. A constant material need, longing in his homeland led him to the decision to return to Russia. In the spring of 1937, severely ill-friendly Kuprin returned to his homeland, the warmth of his admirers. Published an essay "Moscow native". However, new creative plans were not destined to come true. In August 1938, Kuprin died in Leningrad from cancer

Brief biography A.I. KUPROV - Option 2

Alexand Ivanovich Kubrin (1870-1938) is a famous Russian writer. His father is a little official, died a year after the birth of the son. Mother, originating from the Tatar princes of Kulanchakov, after the death of her husband moved to the capital of Russia, where the childhood and youth of Kurpra took place. At 6 years old, Alexander was given to the orphan board, where he stayed until 1880. And immediately at the exit entered the Moscow Military Academy.

After - he studied at the Alexander School (1888-90). In 1889, the light saw his first work - "The Last Debut". In 1890, Kartrin is ranked in the infantry shelf in Podolsk province, the life in which it became the basis of its many works.

In 1894, the writer resigns and moves to Kiev. Subsequent years have been devoted to wandering by Russia.

In 1890 presents to readers many publications - "Moloch", "Yuzovsky Plant", "Werewolf", "Olesya", "Kat".

In 1901, Kubrin moves to Petersburg and works by the Secretary of the "magazine for all". In the same year, he marries Davydova M. and life gives him a daughter.

Two years later, the Kuprin marries the second time. His chosen is the sister of mercy E. Gainrich, who gave birth to the writer daughter.

In 1918, Kubrin comes to Lenin and proposes to publish a newspaper for residents of villages - "Earth". In 1919 the author emigrates abroad. But the period when he was in Paris - 17 years old, were unproductive. The reason for this is the material side, longing for the homeland. And as a result - the decision to return to Russia.

Already 1937, Kuprin returns to Russia, publishes the essay "Moscow native". Death from cancer overtakes the author in 1938.

Biography A.I. Kuprin |

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin

(1870 - 1938)

On August 27, 1870, he was born in a small town that in the Penza province in the family of a small official. The writer did not know his father, because he died a year after the birth of the Son, from cholera. His mother came from the ancient prince's kind of culanchak. After the death of her husband, she moved to a widow in Moscow. Just because of this, the children's years, Kurin took place near the mother, whom he, by the way, literally manshedral. And really was what to admire.

His mother had a solid, even a somewhat despotic character. It was proud prince, possessed excellent taste and fine observation. Unfortunately, material difficulties forced her to give her a young writer to the Moscow Razumovsky Pension (orphans), when he was 6 years old.

After the end of the guesthouse, he entered the second Moscow military gymnasium, which was later renamed the Cadet Corps. At the end of her, Kuprin continued his education in the Third Aleksandrovsky Junker School in Moscow. All this for the 1880-90s. The writer reflected his military youth to the story "on a fracture (cadets)" and in the novel "Junker". From the school, he went out in the rank of a podoror.

Already, being in the school, Kartrin felt craving for literature, his first attempts were poem, which remained unpublished. The first work of Alexander Kurin, who saw the world was the story of the "Last Debut" published in the magazine "Russian Satyric Listka" in 1889. The story was not very successful, and the Kubrin himself was not very serious about writing activities.

After graduating from the school in 1890, the writer was enrolled in the infantry regiment. Served for four years. Military career gave a lot of material for the writer's activities. After the resignation in 1994 moved to live in Kiev. The writer did not have an ordinary profession and was still very young. He traveled a lot in the country, held various positions and tried many professions. This affected his work.

In the 1890th, I published an essay "Yuzovsky Plant" and the story "Moloch", the stories "Forest Wilderness", "Werewolf", the story "Olesya" and "Kat" ("Evalor Army").

During these years, Kuprin met Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. In 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg, began working as secretary of the "magazine for all", married M. Davydova, the daughter of Lydia was born. In St. Petersburg journals, Kurrification stories appeared: "Boloto" (1902); "Konokrad" (1903); "White Poodle" (1904). In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story "Fight", which had a great success. The speeches of the writer with reading individual chapters "fight" became the event of the cultural life of the capital. His works of this time were very fragrant: an essay "Events in Sevastopol" (1905), stories "Staff-captain of Rybnikov" (1906), "River of Life", "Gambrinus" (1907). In 1907 he married the second marriage on the sister of Mercy E. Gainrich, the daughter of Ksenia was born.

Creativity Kuprin in the years between the two revolutions opposed the decadency sentiment of those years: the cycle of essays "Litriped" (1907 - 11), the stories about animals, the stories "Sullaify", "pomegranate bracelet" (1911). His prose has become a noticeable phenomenon of Russian literature on the beginning of the century.

The Revolution did not accept the Revolution, hung his relationship with M. Gorky. The work of the writer was constantly prevented by financial troubles, and family troubles. In 1907, Kubrin again engaged in journalism to pay debts and maintain a family.

In the fall of 1919, being in Gatchina, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom Petrograd, Yudenich's troops, emigrated abroad. Seventeen years, who spent the writer in Paris, did not bring large literary fruits. A constant material need, longing in his homeland led him to the decision to return to Russia. In the spring of 1937, severely ill-friendly Kuprin returned to his homeland, the warmth of his admirers. Published an essay "Moscow native". However, new creative plans were not destined to come true. He died on the night of August 25, 1938 after severe illness (language cancer).

In addition to the biography of Kupper, also pay attention to other essays.

Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin (1870-1938) was born in the city of Varovat the Penza province. A man of difficult fate, a personnel military, then a journalist, an emigrant and "returned" Kubrin is known as the author of works included in the Golden Collection of Russian Literature.

Stages of life and creativity

Kubrin was born in a poor noble family on August 26, 1870. His father worked as secretary in the regional court, the mother originated from the notable kind of Tatar princes of Kulunchakov. In addition to Alexander, two daughters grew in the family.

The family's life has changed dramatically, when a family of the family died in a year after the birth of the son from cholera. Mother, a radical Muscovite, began to look for the opportunity to return to the capital and somehow arrange the life of the family. She managed to find a place with a guesthouse in Kudrinsky Widow House in Moscow. Here were three years of life of Little Alexander, after which at the age of six, he was given to the orphan board. The atmosphere of a widow house reports the story of "Holy False" (1914), written by a mature writer.

The boy was accepted for studying in the Razumovsky orphan boarding room, then after his end, continued his studies in the second Moscow Cadet Corps. Fate seems to have ordered him to be a military. And in the early work of Kuprick the theme of the army weekly, relations among the military rises in two stories: "Army's ensign" (1897), "on a fracture (cadets)" (1900). At the peak of his literary talent, KUPER writes the story "Fight" (1905). The image of her hero, the porquet of Romashov, according to the writer, is written off from him. The lead to the light of the story caused a large discussion in society. In the army environment, the work was perceived negatively. The story shows the aimlessness, the mesh and the limitations of the life of a military estate. A peculiar conclusion of the Dilogy of the Cadets and the "Fight" was the autobiographical story of the "Junker", written by Cupper already in emigration, in 1928-32.

Army life prone to the rebellion, the army life was completely alien. The resignation from military service was accomplished in 1894. By this time, the first stories of the writer began to appear in magazines, while not yet noticed by the general public. After leaving military service, walnia began in search of earnings and life impressions. Kubrin tried to find himself in many professions, but it is useful for the start of classes by professional literary work, the experience gained in Kiev has become useful. The next five years are marked by the appearance of the best works of the author: Stories "Kuste Lilac" (1894), "Picture" (1895), "Overnight" (1895), "Barbos and Zhulka" (1897), "Wonderful Doctor" (1897), " Breget "(1897), Tale" Olesya "(1898).

Capitalism, which enters into Russia, insulating the working person. Anxiety in the face of this process leads to a wave of workers reels that support the intelligentsia. In 1896, Kubrin writes the story "Moloch" - the work of a large artistic force. In the story of the poor-minded power of the car associated with an ancient deity, which requires and receives human lives as a victim.

"Moloch" is written by Cuppeted by returning to Moscow. Here, after wandering, the writer acquires a house, enters the writer's circle, gets acquainted and closely converges with Bunin, Chekhov, Gorky. Kuprin marries and in 1901 moves with his family to St. Petersburg. In journals, its stories "Boloto" (1902), "White Poodle" (1903), "Konokrad" (1903). At this time, the writer is actively engaged in public life, he is a candidate for deputies of the State Duma of the 1st convocation. Since 1911, together with his family lives in Gatchina.

Creativity Kuprin between the two revolutions is marked by the creation of the Love Love "Sulauf." (1908) and the "Pomegrante Bracelet" (1911), which are characterized by their bright mood from the literature of those years of other authors.

During the period of two revolutions and civil war, Kurin is looking for an opportunity to be a useful society, cooperates, then with the Bolsheviks, then with Esrami. 1918 became a turning point in the life of a writer. He emigrates with his family, lives in France and continues to actively work. Here, besides the novel, "Junker", the story "Yu-Yu" (1927) was written, the Tale of the "Blue Star" (1927), the story of Olga Sur (1929), only more than twenty works.

In 1937, after the permission for the entry approved by Stalin, the writer is already a very ill writer returns to Russia and settles in Moscow, where a year after returning from emigration, Alexander Ivanovich dies. Kuprin is buried in Leningrad on the Volkovsky cemetery.

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin, Russian Prosisais writer, author of the age frames and novels "Olesya", "On the fracture" (Cadets), "Fight", "Sullaph", "Yama", "Pomegranate bracelet", "Junker", as well as many stories and essays.

A.I. Kubrin was born on August 26 (September 7, N.S.) of 1870 in the city in the city there are Penza province in the family of the hereditary nobleman, a petty official.

Alexander Kurin as a writer, a man and a meeting of the legends about his stormy life - the special love of the Russian reader, akin to the first youthful feeling for life.

Ivan Bunin, jealously belonging to his generation and rarely sinking praises, no doubt, understood the unequalities of everything written by Cupre, nevertheless called him by the writer by the grace of God.

And yet it seems that in its nature, Alexander Kuprin was supposed to become a writer, but rather one of his heroes - Circus Storm, Aviators, the leader of Balaklava Rybakov, Konokrad, or, maybe she would satisfy his frantic temper somewhere in the monastery (By the way, he did such an attempt). The cult of physical strength, a tendency to azart, risk, violent was distinguished by a young shop. Yes, and later, he loved to face life forces in forty-three years. Suddenly began to study stylish swimming at the world record holder Romanenko, together with the first Russian pilot, Sergey Clekin rose in a balloon, descended in a diving suit on the seabed, with a famous fighter and aviator Ivan Zaicin Flying on the plane "Farman" ... However, I spark God, as you can see, do not pay off.

Dubrin was born in the town of Narovchadovna Penza province on August 26 (September 7) of 1870. His father, a small official, died of cholera when the boy was not fulfilled two years. In the family remaining without funds, except Alexander, there were two more children. The mother of the future writer Lyubov Alekseevna, nee Princess Kulunchakova, took place from Tatar princes, and Kubrin loved to remember his Tatar blood, even there was time, wore a tubette. In the novel, "Junker" he wrote about his autobiographical hero "... The mad blood of the Tatar princes, the uncontrolled and indomitus his ancestors from the mother's side, who pushed him into sharp and rampant acts, allocated him among the dozen junkers."

In 1874, Lyubov Alekseevna, a woman, in memories, "with a strong, inexperienced character and high nobility," decisions to move to Moscow. There, they settle in the general width house of the House (described by Cookina in the story "Holy False"). Two years later, because of extreme poverty, she gives her son to the Alexandrovskaya small orphan school. For the six-year-old Sasha, the period of existence on a barren position - seventeen years long.

In 1880, he enters the Cadet Corps. Here, the boy who tastes about the house and will climbs with the teacher Tsukanov (in the story "on a fracture" - Trukhanov), the writer who "remarkably artistically" read the pupils of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev. It begins to try his hand in literature and teenage Kurprin - Of course, as a poet; Who at this age at least once did not crumple a leaflet with the first poem! He is fond of fashionable by Nadon's poetry. At the same time, Kadrin is cadet - an already convinced democrat "progressive" time ideas were missed even through the walls of the closed military school. He is angry with the rhymed form of the "conservative publisher" M.N. Katkova and Tsar Alexander III, the brand "Gnus, the terrible case" of the royal court over Alexander Ulyanov and his accomplices, having seen on the monarch.

An eighteen years, Alexander Kuprin arrives in the third Alexander Junker School in Moscow. According to the memoirs of his classmate L.A. Limontov, it was no longer a "unructive, small, clumsy cadet", and a strong young man, most importantly, the honor of the uniform, a clever gymnast, a fans of dance, falling in love with each pretty partner.

It also includes his first performance in the press - on December 3, 1889, the story of the "Last Debut" journal appeared in the magazine "Russian Satyrian Listka". This story really did not hardly become the first and last literary debut of the Junker. He later recalled, as, having received a fee for the story of ten rubles (for him, then a huge amount), he bought the mother of gantry shoes on joys, and the remaining ruble rushed to the playpen to droop the horse (Kuprin loved the horses very much. call of ancestors "). A few days later, the magazine with his story came to his eyes to someone from the teachers, and Juncker Kurringe aroused the authorities "Kuprin, your story" - "so exactly!" - "In the Carder!" The future officer was not supposed to be engaged in such "frivolous" things. Like any debutant, he, of course, eager compliments and read his story with a retired soldier, an old school uncle in Karzer. He listened carefully and said "It's great written, your wellness! But nothing can be understood. " The story was really weak.

After the Alexandrovsky School, the Paupron's suborperary was sent to the Dnieper Infantry Regiment, who stood in the bridge of the Podolsk province. Four years of life "In an incredible wilderness, in one of the borderline southwestern towns. Eternal dirt, herds of pigs on the streets, hutniki, mashed out of clay and manure ... "(" To glory "), a number of Muttra soldiers, gloomy officer kitsuzh, and duty novels with local" lionitsa "forced him to think about the future, as he wonders about He is a hero of his famous story "Fight" Podoruk Romashov, who dreamed of military glory, but after the wildness of the provincial army life, he decided to retire.

These years were given the knowledge of the military life, the morals of the town intelligentsia, the customs of the Polessky village, and the readers later presented his works such as "inquiry", "Overnight", "Night Change", "Wedding", "Slavic Soul", "Millionaire" , "Zhidovka", "Brutal", "Telegraph", "Olesya" and others.

At the end of 1893, Kubrin filed a resignation and went to Kiev. By that time, he was the author of the story "Filty" and the story of the "lunar night" (the magazine "Russian wealth"), written in the style of the soul-patious melodrama. He decides to seriously do literature, but this "lady" is not so easy to give in hand. According to him, he suddenly found himself in the position of the institution, which was started at night in the debrals of Olonetsky forests and threw it without clothes, food and compass; "... I had no knowledge nor scientific, nor everyday," he will write in his "autobiography." In it, he cites a list of professions that tried to master, removing the military uniform was a reporter of the Kiev newspapers, manageing during the construction of a house, the tobacco bought, served in the technical office, was a psaller, played in the theater of the city of Sumy, studied the dental business, I tried to get a dental He worked in a forge and a carpentry workshop, unloaded watermelons, taught to the School for the Blind, worked on the Yuzovsky Steel Plant (described in the story "Moloch") ...

This period ended with the release of a small collection of essays "Kiev types", which can be considered the first literary "Muster" Kurin. Over the next five years, he makes a pretty serious jerk as a writer in 1896 publishes in the "Russian wealth" the story "Moloch", where the rebellious working class was shown largely, produces the first collection of "Miniatures" stories (1897), which entered the "Dog Happiness" "," Counterpoint "," Bregest "," Allez "and others, then follow the story" Olesya "(1898), the story" Night shift "(1899), the story" on the fracture "(" Cadets "; 1900).

In 1901, Kubrin arrives in St. Petersburg a rather famous writer. He was already familiar with Ivan Bunin, who immediately introduced him to the house of Alexandra Arkadyevna Davydova, the publisher of the popular literary magazine "World of God". It was about the rumors in St. Petersburg, as if writers who raise an advance, she locks in his office, gives ink, feather, paper, three bottles of beer and releases only with the prepared story, immediately issuing a fee. In this house, Kuprin found his first wife - a bright, Spiritar Maria Karlovna Davydov, a receiving daughter of the publisher.

A capable student of his mother, she also had a firm hand in handling a writing brother. At least for seven years, their marriage is the time of the biggest and turbulent glory of Kuprin - she managed to hold it for a writing desk (up to the deprivation of breakfast, after which Alexander Ivanovich Klonil's sleep). With it, works were written, put forward by Kupper in the first row of Russian writers "Koloto" (1902), "Konokrad" (1903), "White Poodle" (1904), the story "Fighting" (1905), the stories "Fispan's headquarters" "," River Life "(1906).

After the release of the "fight", written under the big ideological influence of the "Petrel Revolution" of Gorky, the Kuprin becomes an All-Russian celebrity. Army attacks, collapses of paints - scored soldiers, ignorant, drunk officers - all this "wasted" tastes of a revolutionary intelligentsia, which and the defeat of the Russian fleet in the Russian-Japanese war considered his victory. This story, no doubt, is written by a large master's hand, but today it is perceived in several other historical dimensions.

KUPRUP is the strongest test - glory. "It was time, - recalled Bunin, - when the publishers of newspapers, magazines and collections on Likhachi chased him on ... Restaurants in which he spent his days and nights with his random and constant drinking companions, and humiliately begged him to take a thousand, two Thousands of rubles in advance for one promise not to forget them on the occasion of their grace, and he, the cargo, largest, only pured, was silent and suddenly he threw himself with such an ominous whisper "Getting the same minute for a damn mother!" - That the timid people immediately as if drove through the land. " Dirty Kabaki and Dear Restaurants, Beggar Breaks and Snacks of St. Petersburg Bohemia, Gypsy Singers and Runs, Finally, an important general thrown into the swimming pool with sterling ... - The whole set of "Russian recipes" for the treatment of melancholy, in which for some reason always The noisy glory is poured, he was tried (as they do not remember the phrase of the Shakespeare Hero "What the Melancholy of the Great Spirit of Man is expressed in what he wants to drink").

By this time, marriage with Maria Karlovnoy, apparently, has exhausted himself, and the Kuprin, who does not know how to live on inertia, falls in love with the young man in love with the educator of his daughter Lydia - a small, fragile Lisa Gainerich. She was a orphan and already experienced her bitter history visited the Russian-Japanese war sister of mercy and returned from there not only with medals, but also with a broken heart. When the Kuprin, not postponing, explained to her in love, she immediately left their home, not wanting to be the cause of family disorders. Following her, he left home and Kubrin, removing the number in the St. Petersburg hotel "Pale-Royal".

Several weeks he dares around the city in search of poor Lisa and, by itself, becoming a sympathetic company ... When a big friend and admirer of the talent, Professor of St. Petersburg University Fedor Dmitrievich Batyushkov realized that these madness would not end, he found Lisa in a small hospital, Where she got a sister of mercy. What he was talking to her could be that she should save the pride of Russian literature .. unknown. Only the heart of Elizabeth Morithovna trembled and she agreed to immediately go to Kuprina; True, with one solid condition, Alexander Ivanovich must be treated. In the spring of 1907, they are two of them to leave the Finnish Sanatorium "Helsingfors". This big passion for a small woman caused the creation of a wonderful story "Sullaify" (1907) -Russian "song songs". In 1908, they are born the daughter of Ksenia, which will later write memories "Kurpource - My Father."

From 1907 to 1914, Kubrin creates such significant works as the stories "Gambrinus" (1907), "Pomegranate bracelet" (1910), the cycle of the stories "Litripeda" (1907-1911), in 1912 he starts work on the novel "Yama". When he came out, the criticism saw in him the vessels of another social evil of Russia - prostitution, Kubrin considered paid "priestess of love" by the victims of the public temperament of the century.

By this time, he had already broke up in political views with Gorky, departed from revolutionary democracy.

The war of 1914 Kubrin called fair, liberation, for which he was accused of "state patriotism". In the St. Petersburg newspaper "Nov'" there was his big photo with the signature "A.I. Kubrin, designed to the Army. However, he did not get to the front - he was sent to Finland to teach recruits. In 1915 he was recognized as unfit to the building service on health, and he returned home to Gatchina, where his family lived at that time.

After the seventeenth year, Kuprin, despite several attempts, did not find a general language with a new government (although Gorky even met Lenin, but he did not see the "clear ideological position" in it) and left Gatchina with the receding army of Yudenich. In 1920, the Cuppes were in Paris.

In France, about 150 thousand emigrants from Russia were arrested after the revolution. Paris became the Russian literary capital - Dmitry Merezhkovsky and Zinaida Hippius, Ivan Bunin and Alexey Tolstoy, Ivan Shmelev and Alexey Remizov, Ivan Shmelev and Alexey Remizov, Hope TEFFI and Sasha Black, and many other well-known writers. All sorts of Russian societies were formed, newspapers and magazines were produced ... even such a jokes are found at the Paris Boulevard two Russians. "Well, as you live here" - "Nothing, you can live, one misfortune is too many French."

The first time, the illusion of the homeland worked with me was still preserved, Kubrin tried to write, but he gradually faded him, as well as he had a good health, and he still complained that he could not work here, because she was used to "write off" his heroes from life . "The wonderful people," the Kuprin spoke about the French, "but he does not speak Russian, and in a bench and in beer - everywhere I don't have everything ... And therefore, this is what - you wait, you will live, and you will stop writing." The most significant work of the emigrant period is the autobiographical novel "Juncker" (1928-1933). He became more and more quiet, sentimental - unusual for acquaintances. Sometimes, however, still gave herself to know the hot shopping blood. Somehow the writer returned with friends from a country restaurant for a taxi, they spoke about literature. The poet Ladinsky called the "duel" of his best thing. Kuprin insisted that the best of all of them written is the "pomegranate bracelet" there are high, precious feelings of people. Ladinsky called this story implausible. Kuprin cleared "Pomegranate Bracelet" - Free! " And called Ladinsky on a duel. With great difficulty, he managed to dissuade him, the whole night in the city, as Lydia Arsenyev recalled ("Far Beach". M. "Republic", 1994).

Apparently, with a "pomegranate bracelet", Kuprin really was associated with something very personal. At the end of life, he himself began to be like his hero - aged yolkowkova. "Seven years of hopeless and polite love" of yolks wrote unrequited letters of princess faith Nikolaevna. The aged Kurrina was often seen in the Paris Bistro, where he was sitting on a bottle of wine and wrote love letters to a little familiar woman. In the magazine "Ogonek" (1958, No. 6) published a poem of a writer, perhaps those who were worked at that time. There are such lines "and no one in the world knows that years, every hour and a moment, from love languishes and suffer polite, attentive old man."

Before leaving to Russia in 1937, he had already recognized anymore, and he was almost never recognized. Bunin writes in his "memories" "... I somehow met him on the street and internally painted and the trace was left of the former Kurrus! He walked small, miserable chambers, flew so thin, weak, that, it seemed, the first gust of the wind blows him down ... "

When the wife took the Kuprin to Soviet Russia, the Russian emigration did not condemn him, understanding - he goes there to die (although such things were perceived in the emigrant environment painfully; they said, for example, that Alexey Tolstoy just escaped in the "Council" from debts and creditors) . For the Soviet government, it was a policy. In the newspaper "True" dated June 1, 1937, a note appeared "On May 31, a well-known Russian pre-revolutionary writer Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin arrived in Moscow to Moscow. On the Belarusian station A.I. Kuprin met representatives of the writer and Soviet press. "

Set the jurisdon in the Moscow Region Recreation House for Writers. In one of the sunny summer days, the Baltic sailors arrived at him. Alexandra Ivanovich carried in the chair to the lawn, where the sailors sang for him a chorus, fit, shook her hand, said that they were reading his "duel", thanked ... Kuprin was silent and suddenly he planted loudly (from the memories of N.D. Teleshova "Writer's Notes ").

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin died on August 25, 1938 in Leningrad. In the last emigrant years, he often said that you need to die in Russia, at home, like a beast that goes to die into my berrher. I would like to think that he left the calmed and reconcilence.

Love cable

Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich (1870-1938), Proseca.

Born on August 26 (September 7, N.S.) in the city will be told by the Penza province in the family of a small official who died a year after the birth of the Son. Mother (from the ancient kind of Tatar princes of Kulanchakov) after the death of her husband moved to Moscow, where the childhood and youth of the future writer passed. Six years, the boy was given to the Moscow Razumovsky Pension (orphans), from where it was released in 1880. On the same year he entered the Moscow Military Academy, which was transformed into the Cadet Corps.

After the end of the exercise, Military Education continued in the Aleksandrovsky Junker School (1888 - 90). Subsequently will describe its "military youth" on the ones "on the fracture (cadets)" and in the novel "Junker". Already then dreamed of becoming a "poet or novelist."

The first literary experience of Kurrov was the poems remaining unpublished. The first work that saw the light is the story "Last Debut" (1889).

In 1890, graduating from a military school, the Kuprin in the rank of a podoruk was enrolled in the infantry regiment, which was in the Podolsk province. The officer life, which he led for four years, gave a rich material for his future works. In 1893 - 1894 in the St. Petersburg magazine "Russian wealth" there was his story "Fogging" and the stories "Lunar Night" and "Inquiry". A series of stories is devoted to the life of the Russian army: "Overnight" (1897), "Night shift" (1899), "Hike". In 1894, Kuprin retired and moved to Kiev, having no civil profession and having a small life experience. In the following years I wandered a lot in Russia, trifting many professions, greedily absorbing the life impressions that became the basis of his future works.

During these years, Kuprin met Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. In 1901, he moved to Petersburg, began working as secretary of the "magazine for all", married M. Davydova, Daughter Lidiya was born. In St. Petersburg magazines appeared Kurrician stories: "swamp" (1902); "Konokrad" (1903); "White Poodle" (1904). In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story "match", which had a great success. The speeches of the writer with reading individual chapters "fight" became the event of the cultural life of the capital. His works of this time were very fragrant: Essay "Events in Sevastopol" (1905), Stories "Staff-Captain Rybnikov" (1906), "River Life", "Gambrinus" (1907). In 1907 he married the second marriage on the sister of Mercy E. Gainrich, the daughter of Ksenia was born.

Creativity Kuprin in the years between the two revolutions opposed the decadent sentiments of those years: the cycle of essays "Litriped" (1907 - 11), stories about animals, Sulamif's stories, "Pomegranate bracelet" (1911). His prose has become a noticeable phenomenon of Russian literature on the beginning of the century.

After the October Revolution, the writer did not accept the politics of military communism, "Red Terror", he experienced fear for the fate of Russian culture. In 1918, he came to Lenin with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - "Earth". At one time he worked in the publishing house "World Literature" based on bitter.

In the fall of 1919, being in Gatchina, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom Petrograd, Yudenich's troops, emigrated abroad. Seventeen years who spent the writer in Paris were a low-way period. A constant material need, longing in his homeland led him to the decision to return to Russia. In the spring of 1937, severely ill-friendly Kuprin returned to his homeland, the warmth of his admirers. Published an essay "Moscow native". However, new creative plans were not destined to come true. In August 1938, Kuprin died in Leningrad from cancer.

Articles about the biography of A. I. Kurin. Full collected works by A. I. Kurin biography:

Berekov P. N. "A. I. Kuprin", 1956 (1,06MB)
Krutikova L.V. "A. I. Kubrin", 1971 (625KB)
Afanasyev V.N. "A. I. Kuprin", 1972 (980kb)
N. Luker "Alexander Kuprin", 1978 (excellent brief biography, in English, 540kb)
Kuleshov F. I. "Creative Path A. I. Kupina 1883 - 1907", 1983 (2.6MB)
Kuleshov F. I. "Creative Path A. I. Kupina 1907 - 1938", 1986 (1.9MB)

Memories, etc.:

Kompani K. A. "Kubrin - My Father", 1979 (1.7MB)
Phoniakova N. N. "Kubrin in St. Petersburg - Leningrad", 1986 (1,2MB)
Mikhailov O. M. "Kubrin", ZhZL, 1981 (1.7MB)
East. Russian lit., ed. "Science" 1983: A.I. Kubrin
Lit. History of the Academy of Sciences 1954: A.I. Kubrin
Brief introduction to creativity
Literary Code Cookin
O. Figurov about Cookina in emigration
Lev Nikulin "Kuprin (literary portrait)"
Ivan Bunin "Kuprin"
V. Etom "Heat to the whole Living (Kupper lessons)"
S. Chuprinin "Re-reading Kuprin" (1991)
Colobayeva L. A. - "Transformation of the idea of \u200b\u200ba" little man "in the work of Kuprin"
Powers about Kuprina
Roshchin about Cookina 1938

Army prose:

I.I. Gapanovich "Military stories and tale of Kuprik" (Melbourne Slavistic Studies 5/6)
On the fracture (cadets)
Fight (1.3 MB)
Earrigner army
Night shift
Rybnik's headquarters
In barracks
Bush of lilac
Last knights
In a bear corner
One-handed commandant

Circus stories:

In Zveznza
In circus
Daughter of the Great Barnuma
Olga Sur
Bad calambour
In a cage of beast
Marya Ivanovna
Clown (Piece in 1 Action)

About Polesie and Hunting:

Silver wolf
Enchanted deaf
On degree
Night in the forest

About horses and jumps:

Redhead, beggars, gray, crow ...

Last debut
Lunar at night
Slavic soul
About how Professor Leopard put me a voice
Sewage audit
To glory
Forgotten kiss
On the drive
Scary minute
Without title
Holy love

A life
Kiev types - all 16 essays
Strange case
Natalia Davydovna
Dog Happiness
Yuzovsky Factory
On the river
Alien bread
Stronger death
Barbos and Zhulka.
First oncoming

Wonderful doctor
In the bowels of the Earth
Happy card
Spirit of the century
The deceased power
Travel Pictures
Sentimental Roman
Outside flowers
By request
Tsaritsynsky fire
Ballroom pianist

At rest
White Poodle
Evening guest
Peaceful Life
Empty dachas
White Nights
From the street
black mist
Good society
Events in Sevastopol
How I was an actor
Demir Kaya.

River Life
Mechanical justice
Small fry

Lot of Finland
My passport
The last word
About Poodle
In Crimea
Above the ground
Poor Prince
In tram
Martyr fashion
In family
Tale of flooded flower
My flight
Garnet bracelet
Royal Park
Easter eggs
Big Fountain
Head of traction
Sad story
Someone else's rooster
White acacia

Black Lightning
The Bears
Elephant walk
Liquid sun
Cote d'Azur
Light Kone
Wine barrel
Holy Lie
Garden of the Million Virgin
Two saint
Sealed babies
Gogue Veselov
Brave fugitives
Pit (1.7 MB)
Star Solomon

Goat life
Poultry people
Thoughts of Sapsan about people, animals, subjects and events
Sasha and Yashka
Tsarski cishar
Magic carpet
Lemon crust
Pest black nose
Golden cock
Blue Star
Punchy blood
South blessed
Pelpelian Language
Fast lesson
The last of the bourgeois
Paris home
Shadow Napoleon
Stories in drops
Violin Paganini
Hero, Leandr and Shepherd
Four beggars
Cape Huron
Red porch
A meeting
Pink pearl
Vintage music
Official singing
Easter bells

Paris and Moscow
Sparrow king
Prayer of the Lord
Wheel of Time
Typographic paint
Sergy's Trinity
Paris intimate
Sveta kingdom
Poultry people
Tribe Ust.
Lost Heart
Story about the fish "Raskass"
"N.-J" - intimate gift of the emperor
Night Filieca
Tsarev Guest from the observation
Moscow native
Voice from there
Merry days
Two celebrities
The story of Pegogo Man

Works of different years, articles, reviews, notes

Dome of St. Isaacia Dalmatsky
Izvir Peter (unpublished, with annotation P.P. Shirkova)
Memory Chekhov (1904)
Anton Chekhov. Teaching, memory Chekhov (1905), about Chekhov (1920, 1929)
Memory A. I. Bogdanovich
Memory N. G. Mikhailovsky (Garina)
About how I saw Tolstoy on a steamer "St. Nicholas"
About Anatoly Durore
A. I. Budishchev
Excerpt memories
Mysterious laugh
The sun of Russian poetry
Beaded ring
Ivan Bunin -istist Pad. G.A. Galina - poem
R. Kipling - bold navigators, Rediard Kipling
N. N. Brescchko-Breschkovsky - Life whisper, Tweet secrets
A. A. Izmailov (Smolensky) - in Bursa, Flying Word
Alexey Remizov - Watches
About Knuta Gamsuna
About Gogol, died laugh
Our excuse will take his groove of his
Note on Jack London, Jack London
Pharaohno tribe
About Camille Lemonier, Henri Rochefort
About Sasha Black, S.Ch.: Children's Island, S.Ch.: Non-sighted stories, Sasha Black
Volga Academy
Reading thoughts, Anatoly II
Nansen Roosters, Fragrance Premiere, Folklore and Literature
Tolstoy, Ilya Repin
Peter and Pushkin
Fourth Musketeer
From an interview
Kuprin about Gumilev
Yangirov about "Voice from there"
Answer O. Figurnova