F. Kh

F. Kh

Little Lord Fontler (or "Little Lord") - the first Children's Roman of the Anglo-American Writer and the playwright Francis Khodjon Burnett.

In the middle of the 1880s, Cedric Erol with his mother lives on the wretched street of New York (all of it is called Miss Erol or Dorious), they became very poor after the death of the Father, Captain Sedric Eros. Once they come to a lawyer named Hevishe with a message from Grandfather Cedric, Count Dorinkaount, spoiled millionaire, who despises America and was very disappointed when his younger son married an American. After the death of the elder brother of Father Cedric, Cedric inherits Lord Fontler's title and a whole county with a large real estate. Grandfather wants Cedric to live with him in England and studied as an Englishman-aristocrat. The grandfather invites Miss Erol a house and a lifelong fee, but she should no longer disturb him and Cedric. Mother refuses money.

Upon arrival of Cedric in England, the graph becomes pleasantly surprised by the view and intelligence of his American grandson and is polished with his innocence. Cedric believes that his grandfather is a noble and honest person, and the Graph does not want to dissuade him. Therefore, the graph becomes benefactor for residents at home, which they are very happy. He also constantly gives them to understand that in fact their benefactor is a child, Lord Fontler.

Meanwhile, a homeless shoe cleaner Dick Titon tells the old friend of Cedric Mr. Hobsu (Groceryman in New York), that a few years, after the death of the parents, the elder brother of Dick Benjamin married a terrible woman. She threw the only child after birth and gone. Benjamin moved to California to open a ranch, and Dick barely drives ends with ends on the street. At the same time, another contender for the inheritance of Cedric appears, and the mother of the applicant claims that this is the extramarital son of the eldest Son of the Graph. Dick and Benjamin investigate the requirement for inheritance and come to England. There they will learn in the mother of the applicant for the inheritance former wife of Benjamin. The imaginary mother of the applicant flies away, and the Tyton brothers together with the little son Bengemina do not see her anymore. After that, Bengemain returns back to his ranch in California, where he continues to raise his son himself. The graph is reconciled with its American daughter-in-law, understanding how much it is better than those who fled the impostors.

Little Lord Fauntleroy

© A. Livvitz. Lit preparation, 2015,

© A. Vlasova. Cover, 2015,

© Enas Book CJSC, 2016

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Preface from publishing house

American writer Francis Eliza Hodgson Bernett ( Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett, 1849-1924) was born in England in the family of a poor trader with rigorous products. The girl was three years old when her father died. In the hands of the mother there are five children left, and she tried to manage the deeds of the deceased husband for a while, but she soon ruined and transported his family to America.

But and there, life was not easy - after the end of the civil war, the victim defeated the south was lying in ruins. Francis and her relatives had to earn a living hard work. To help the family, the girl began to write, and soon her stories began to appear in magazines.

When Francis was 18 years old, her mother died. The future writer actually became the head of the family and fully felt all the lifestyles of the poor. Fortunately, soon close cooperation of Francis with several publishers corrected the financial situation of the family.

In the 1880s, Burnett became a very popular and successful writer, whose work was spoken by Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde and Harriet Becher Stowe. Her Peru owns several dozen of the ages and novels of different genres, but the bestsellers were sentimental works - "Little Princess", "Mysterious Garden" and "Little Lord Fauntler".

The story "Little Lord Fauntler" was written in 1886 and had a huge success. It was transferred to almost all European languages, there were performances and films starred.

The main character, a seven-year-old Cedric with a quiet New York street, suddenly turns out to be the heir of the English graph. The kind and friendly kid wins the love of others, including her sullen grandfather ...

There are many translations of the story to Russian made at different times. This edition used the text of M. and E. Solomin (1907) in the literary processing of A. Lorshva.

Chapter I.
Unexpected news

Cedric suspected nothing.

He knew that his father was an Englishman, so Mom told him. But Dad died when the boy was still very small, so the Cedric almost did not remember him at all - only the fact that Dad was high that he had blue eyes and long mustache and that it was wonderfully driving around the room on his shoulders.

After the death of Pope Cedric decided that he was better not to talk about him.

When the father fell ill, the boy was removed from the house. When he returned, everything was over, and his mother, herself barely recovering after severe illness, and more sat in her chair by the window. She was pale and thin, cute snaps were disappeared from the cheeks, the eyes were widely disclosed and sad. And she was all black.

"Dear," said Cedric (so the father always called Mom, and the boy followed his example). - Dear, is it better to dad?

He saw the mother's hands trembled. Having lifted the curly head, the boy looked into her face and felt that Mom was about to pay.

"Dear," he repeated, "the dad is better?"

And then the loving heart suggested Sedrika, which is not necessary to ask more, that it is better to just hug a mother, feel sick with a soft cheek to her face and kiss. He did, and the mother immediately hid his face on his shoulder and cried bitterly, hugging her son as if he was afraid to part with him.

- Yes, he is better ... - she sobbed, - he is much better ... But we ... We are alone now ... we have no one left, no one! ..

No matter how little Cedric was, he realized that his tall, beautiful, young dad would never return anymore. The kid has already heard that people die, but did not know what it means and why this incomprehensible event brings so much grief. Mom always cried when Cedric spoke about the dad, so he secretly decided not to talk about her father, but not to allow the mother to sit without movement, silently looking at the fire or window.

They had few friends with her mother, they lived pretty secluded, but Cedric did not notice that, until he had grown and did not understand why no one visits them.

The boy was told that his mother remained orphans early. She was very beautiful and lived a companion at one rich old lady who adored her. One day, Captain Cedric Errol, who happened in this house, saw the girl in tears fled along the stairs. She was so charmy, so helpless and sad that the captain could not forget her ... And then many amazing events happened, young people got acquainted closely, fell in love with each other and married, although many marriage had displeasure.

The Father Captain, who lived in England, became angry. It was a rich and noble aristocrat, he possessed an extremely bad character and Lyuto hated America and all American. He had two more sons, both older captain Cedric. According to the law, the eldest son should have inherited the generic titles and the rich estate of the Father, and in the event of the death of the eldest son, the heir was becoming the second. Captain Cedric was the youngest in this family, so he did not hoped to get rich.

However, the younger son Nature generously gave the qualities that were deprived of his older brothers: he was beautiful, stored and elegant, he had a bright smile and a pleasant voice, he was brave and generous, possessed a kind heart and the ability to have people. On the contrary, none of his brothers were neither handsome nor kind nor the smart. In ITon, nobody loved them, the boys had no real friends. In college, they did little on science, in vain and spending money and time. The expectations of the old graph were not justified: the eldest son did not honor his noble name. The heir gradually became an insignificant, proud, wasteful man who does not possess nor courage or nobility.

Count with bitterness thought that only the youngest son was gifted by brilliant qualities, power and beauty, which was supposed to inherit a small state. Sometimes he seemed to almost hated this beautiful young man - for what he possesses all the advantages that the magnificent title and wealth approached. However, the proud and old old man loved his youngest son with all his heart.

Once in the attack of Samorams, the count sent Cedric to distant America. He thought to send a pet for a while, so as not to be angry too angry, constantly comparing him with the older sons who were very disturbed by the old man with their outcomes. But after six months of separation, the count began to bored - and wrote Captain Sedrik, ordering him to return home. Unfortunately, his message was partitioned with a letter in which Captain Cedric reported to his father about his love for an excellent American and his intention to marry her. Having received this news, the count is terribly angry. Never in life, the old man did not show a bad character to such an extent as when reading a letter of Cedric. The servant, who was at this time in the room, was even afraid that the graph would have a blow - so he became fierce and terrible. For a whole hour, he rushed like a tiger in a cage, and then wrote the younger son to never be revealed to his eyes. From now on, he can live as he wants, but let him forget about the family and does not hope until the end of his life.

The captain was very sad, after reading this letter: he loved England very much and was gently tied to his native estate, in which he grown. He loved even his old wayward father and sympathized with him in his deceived expectations. However, now the young man could not hope for the mercy of the old graph. At first, he did not know what to do: in his upbringing Cedric was not prepared for work and absolutely did not have experience in affairs. But he was a courageous and decisive person: selling his patent for officer rank in the English army, he after a short hassle found a place in New York and married.

His life has changed much, but Cedric Er-Rol was young and happy, he hoped to achieve successfully hard labor. Young settled in a nice house on a quiet street, their little son was born there. And everything was so simple, joyfully and fun, that Cedric never regretted, he married a pretty companion of the old lady: she was a devotee and affectionate, and gently loved her husband who answered her reciprocity.

Their little son, named after the Father - Sedrik, was similar to the mother, and on his father. It seemed that the world had never seen a happier little baby. First, he never sick and did not give anyone anxiety. Secondly, he was so gentle and friendly that everyone loved him. And finally, thirdly, he was charmingly beautiful.

The baby appeared on the light not with a naked head, like other children, but with curly golden hairs; By six months, they crumbled on his shoulders with luxury curls. The boy had big brown eyes, long eyelashes and gentle face. The back of him was so strong, and the legs were strong so strong that already in nine months the baby began to walk.

His manners were amazing for a child, and communicating with him delivered the surrounding mass of pleasure. It seemed that the boy considers all his friends. If someone spoke with him, sitting in a baby stroller, the baby tenderly looked at the stranger and smiled friendly. Therefore, on a quiet street, where Herrolians lived, there was not a single person - not excluding even a grocers who traded at the corner and considered the most sullen of the people - who would not be happy to see the boy and talk to him. And with each month, he became all intelligent and more attractive.

Soon the kid has grown up so much to walk with a nanny, rolls his little trolley. Dressed in a white Scottish suit, in a big white hat on golden curls, strong and pink, Cedric was so charming, he addressed his general attention. His nanny, returning home, told Mrs. Errol, as noble lady stopped their crews to look at an amazing child and talk to him, and how they were satisfied when the baby was so joyful and happily answered them as if he had been familiar with them.

The most attractive feature of the boy was exactly this funny and friendly appeal, forced people immediately become his friends. Most likely, it was explained by the fact that Cedric had a trusting nature and a trembling heart, which sympathized with everyone and wanted to be as well as well as himself. The boy was very easy to guess the feelings of others, probably because his parents were always as gentle, gentle and attentive to everyone.

Little Cedric has never heard a single coarse or the more bloated word. The parents of the soul were not accustomed in the only child and always gently cared for him, and therefore the children's soul was full of meekness, tenderness and warmth. Cedric constantly heard his mom's affectionate names, and he used them in a conversation with her. He saw Dad cared for his wife, and he himself began to take care of her mother.

Therefore, when the boy realized that his father would no longer return, and saw the sad mom, he gave himself a word that he had to do everything to be happy. Cedric was still very small, but in every way she sought to alleviate the Mother's Mountain: climbed on her knees and kissed her, or laid a curly head on her shoulder, or showed her pictures and toys, or just quietly rushed near her. Nothing a boy did not know anything else, but everything that he did was for Mrs. Errol much more consolation than he could imagine.

"Oh, Mary," he heard once, as the mother spoke to his old maid, "I am sure that he tries to comfort me in his own way." I know it's so! Sometimes he looks at me with such loving thoughtful eyes, as if he feels my grief himself. And then he caresses me or something shows. He is a real little gentleman. I think he himself is aware of it!

When Cedric has grown, he became such a good friend for his mother that she almost did not need other interlocutors. They are accustomed to walk together, talk together and play together.

Being a very small boy, Cedric learned to read. In the evenings, lying on the carpet in front of the fireplace, he often read out loud - then children's stories, and even big books that adults preferred, sometimes even newspapers. And Mary often heard Mrs. Herrol happily laughed by those amazing things that her son said.

"True," said Mary Bakaleshchik somehow, "there is no way to stay from laughter when he begins to argue quite as an adult. For example, that evening, when they chose a new president, he came to my kitchen and began to fire, stuck his hands into the pockets. His gentle face was serious, like an old judge! Well just a picture! And he tells me: "Mary, I am very interested in elections. I am a Republican, and dear too. And you, Mary, Republicanoan? " "Not quite," I said, "on the contrary, I am the most extreme democrat." Here he looked at me with such a look, which penetrated into my heart, and said: "Mary, the country will perish!" And then he did not miss the day, so as not to try to change my political beliefs.

Mary loved little Cedric and was very proud of them. She lived in the Errol family from the birth of a boy and after the death of the owner became a kitchen, maid, nanny - everyone immediately. Mary was proud of the grace of a boy, his strong, healthy body and a friendly character, and especially beautiful golden curls, which were overlooking the forehead and lush curls fell on the shoulders. She was ready to work day and night to help his mother, sew his dress and watch his things.

"He is a perfect aristocrat," said Mary, "by God!" Look, he is as beautiful as boys with fifth avenue. How is it good in his black velvet jacket, albeit with the mistress of the old woman! And all women admire them: and his proudly raised head, and his golden hair. By appearance, he is a real lord!

But Cedric did not suspect that she looked like a young aristocrat, he simply did not know what Lord is. The best friend of the boy was Mr. Hobbs, a harsh grocer from the shop on the corner. Cedric very much respected Mr. Hobbs and considered him a very rich and powerful person: the grocery officer was so much in the store - prunes, and raisins, oranges, and biscuits, and he also had a horse and a trolley. Cedric also loved the milk, and a bober, and ecky of apples, but he loved Mr. Hobbs, and he was with him in such close relations that he visited him every day and often stayed for a long time in a shop, discussing all sorts of urgent questions.

It's amazing how much they had them for conversations! For example, fourth of July. When it comes to the fourth of July, it seemed that the conversation would not be the end. Mr. Hobbs was very bad opinion about all English. He could set the history of America's liberation for hours, accompanying his story with amazing patriotic stories about the adherence and cowardice of the enemy and about the courage of American heroes, and he willingly repeat the excerpts from the "Declaration of Independence". Cedric, listening to him, so inspired that his eyes glistened, the cheeks were burning, and the curls were knocked down and confused. Returning home, he could barely wait for dinner: so he wanted to seek to tell everything about everything.

Maybe Mr. Hobbs and awakened interest in politics in a boy. The grocer loved to read the newspapers, and Cedric often heard from him about what was happening in Washington. The merchant willingly talked about the actions of the president and expressed his opinion about them. Once, during the presidential election, he even took Cedric with him - to look at the large torch procession. And many of those who carried the torches then, they remembered a strong, strong man who stood at the lamppost and kept on his shoulders a pretty little boy, mahabi them with a white hat.

Much later, when Sedrika passed seven years, an amazing event that changed his whole life was happening. It is noteworthy that on the day when it happened, Mr. Hobbs told a lot about England and about the queen, strictly condemned the aristocrats, and most of all were angry at the counts and marquizians.

That is hot in the morning, Cedric, playing with his friends in the soldiers, came to relax in the grocery shop. Mr. Hobbs Gmuro considered "Illustrated London News", in which photograph of some kind of court ceremony in England was placed.

- And this is you! - nodded the merchant to his young friend. - See what they do! .. Well, nothing, the day will come when they are not before! Those whom they trample their feet will eventually rise and break all these dukes, graphs and marquises!

Cedric as usual sat on a tall chair, shoved his hat on his head and laid his hands in his pockets as a sign of the words of a grocer.

- Are you familiar with many marquises, Mr. Hobbs? Asked Cedric. - Or with graphs?

"No," the merchant answered with indignation, is not familiar. I would not want to see any of them here in my shop! I would not suffer that these greedy tyrants stick out from my adhesion with biscuits. Like this!

Mr. Hobbs proudly looked around and the back of a sweaty forehead.

"Maybe they themselves would not want to be Dukes, if they could be better than anyone," said Cedric, feeling some sympathy for unfortunate noble.

- Wouldn't like! - Sliced \u200b\u200bMr. Hobbs. - They are proud of their position. That's for sure! What to say - miserable, insignificant people! ..

Just during this conversation in the shop there was Mary. Cedric thought she came to buy sugar, but mistaken. The maid was pale and obviously excited.

"Go home, dove," she said, "Mrs. Waiting for you.

Cedric slipped from the chair.

- Dear wants me to walk with her, Mary? - he asked. "Goodbye, Mr. Hobbs," he looked up with a grocery officer, "I will soon visit you again."

Sedrika seemed strange that Mary looks at him widely opened eyes and squeezed his head.

- What is with you, Mary? - he was surprised. - Are you not good? Today is too hot ...

"I'm fine," Mary replied, "but we have strange things we have at home."

- Is it healthy dear? Did she have a head from a stuff? - The boy asked with anxiety.

But no, it was not that. At the door of the house stood an unfamiliar carriage, and in a small living room someone spoke with his mother. Mary hastily led the boy upstairs, put him in the best summer costume made of white flannels with a red dusk and combed his curly hair.

- Lord! She sentenced her. - Real Lord, Aristocrat ... Unquided Happiness! ..

All this was very strange, but Cedric was confident that Mom would explain everything to him, and therefore did not ask Mary questions. When the toilet was finished, the boy ran down and entered the living room. There was a tall in the chair, a thin old gentleman with a clever face, and Mrs. Errol stood nearby. She was very pale, tears trembled at her eyelashes.

- Oh, Seddi! - she exclaimed and rushed to his son, hugged him and began to kiss; She seemed frightened and embarrassed. - Oh, Seddi, my dear! ..

An unfamiliar gentleman got up and looked at Cedric with astute eyes. Considering the boy, he thoughtfully stroked the worst chin.

Apparently, he was satisfied.

"So," he finally said slowly, "this is a small Lord Fauntler!"

The most important thing in the life of any person is a family. And it is very important that each of childhood understands how important it is to maintain respect and love in the family. However, this does not mean that it should not be attentive to unauthorized people, they also need warmth and help. When you read a small children's novel "Little Lord Fauntler" Francis Bernett, remember it repeatedly. The book was written more than a hundred years ago, but it is still very loved by readers. Parents are allowed to read her children to raise good feelings in them. The novel fascinates the atmosphere of England of the late 19th century, but at the same time shows a society, whose morals do not like everyone.

Little boy Cedric lives in New York with mom. After the death of the father, their family is experiencing material difficulties, Mom somehow finds money to provide more or less normal existence. She teaches the boy to be kind, sympathize with others, with understanding to relate to their problems. However, because of their poverty, Cedric is unlikely waiting for a bright future.

Once a house where Cedric with Mom lives, a lawyer comes, which reports that the boy is the heir of the famous graph in the UK. This news and makes up, and grieves, because at the request of the graph of the mother and the son will have to be separated. When Cedric comes to the grandfather, he sees a completely different world. Grandfather wants to raise the same prim and arrogant heir, like he himself. However, Cedric is not ready to change his ideals. Gradually, he influences the grandfather, showing him how important to be responsive and attentive as it is important to show kindness and help other people.

The work belongs to the genre of a book for children. It was published in 1886 by the publisher of good books. The book is included in the series "The most real boys." On our site you can download the book "Little Lord Fauntler" in FB2, RTF, EPUB, PDF, TXT format or read online. The rating of the book is 4.41 out of 5. Here you can also read the reviews of readers already acquainted with the book, and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in the paper version.

Zedrik decided not to know anything about it, he only knew that his father was an Englishman; But he died when Zedrick was quite small, and therefore he remembered him not so much; He just remembered that dad was high growth that he had blue eyes and long mustache and what was unusually fun to travel around the rooms, sitting on his shoulder. After the death of Pope Dzedrick was convinced that it was better not to speak with her mother about him. During his illness, Zedrik was taken away from the house, and when the sister returned, everything was already over and his mother, who was also very sick, had just moved from bed on her chair at the window. She was pale and thin, sniffs from her cute face disappeared, her eyes watched sadly, and the dress was completely black.

"Milka," the sister asked (Dad always called her, and the boy began to imitate him), "Milk, dad better?"

He felt her hands trembled, and, lifting her curly head, looked at her face. She, apparently, barely held away from not to burst.

"Milk," he repeated, "say, is he good now?"

But here, his loving little heart suggested him that it is best to crush her neck with both hands, snew a soft cheek to her cheek and kiss it a lot, many times; He did, and she lowered his head on his shoulder and cried bitterly, tightly pressing him to him.

"Yes, he is good," she sobbed, "he was completely good, but with you no one left."

Although the sister was a completely small boy, but he realized that his tall, beautiful, young dad would never come back, that he died how other people die; And yet he could not understand myself, why it happened. Since Mom always cried when he spoke about dad, he decided to himself, which is better not to mention him too often. Soon the boy was convinced that it should not be given to her sit silently and motionless, looking into the fire or window.

He and Mom had few acquaintances, and they lived very lonely, although the sister did not notice that until he was older and did not recognize the reasons why they did not have guests. Then he was told that his mother was a poor orphan, who did not have anyone in the world when Dad married her. She was very pretty and lived with a companion from a rich old lady who turned to her. Once Captain Cedrick Herrol, coming to this lady to visit, saw how a young girl was raised by the stairs with tears in his eyes, and she seemed to him so adorable, innocent and sad, that since that minute he could not forget her. Soon they met, firmly fell in love with each other and, finally, were pecked; But this marriage caused displeasure people around them. All the Father Captain, who lived in England, was angry and there was a very rich and notable lord, famous for his bad character. In addition, he sincerely hated America and Americans. In addition to the captain, he had two more sons. According to the law, the eldest of them should have inherited the family title and all extensive father's estates. In the event of the death of the Senior, the heir was made the next son, so that Captain Cedric had little chance to transform someday in a rich and noble person, although he was a member of such a native family.

But it happened that nature endowed the younger of the brothers with excellent qualities that the elders did not possess. He had a beautiful face, a graceful figure, a courageous and noble posture, a clear smile and a sonorous voice; He was brave and generous and moreover possessed the kindest heart, which in particular attracted everyone to him who knew him. That were his brothers. Still boys in ITON they were not loved by comrades; Later at the university, they did a little science, the time was spent time and money and did not manage to acquire real friends. They constantly upset their father, an old graph, and insulted his pride. His heir did not honor his name, continuing to remain a selfish, wasteful and non-smile man deprived of courage and nobility. It was very insulting to the old Count, that only the third son, who had to receive only a very modest state, possessed with all the qualities necessary to maintain the prestige of their high public situation. Sometimes he almost hated a young man for the fact that it was endowed with those data, which as if they were supplanted from his heir to loud title and rich estates; But in the depths of her proud, stubborn old heart, he still could not not love the younger son. During one of his outbreaks of anger, he sent him to travel in America, wanting to remove it for a while not to annoy the constant comparison with his brothers, which just at this time caused him a lot of worries with his disturbed behavior.

But after six months he began to feel lonely and secretly sought to see his son. Under the influence of this feeling, he wrote a captain a letter to Ceed, demanding his immediate return home. The letter was divided into a letter of captain, in which he reported to his father about his love for a pretty American and his intention to marry her. Upon receipt of this, the news of the old Graph is insanely angry; No matter how Night was his character, he had never reached his anger, as if this letter was received, and his servant, the former thing in the room, was involuntarily thought that he was likely to strike with his fortification. In continuation of the whole hour, he ran like a tiger in a cage, but finally calmed down little, sat down at the table and wrote a letter to his son with the orders never approaching his home and never write to him nor brothers. He wrote that the captain can live where he wants and how he wants that he is cut off from a family forever and, of course, cannot already count on any support from the Father.

The captain was very sealed; He loved England very much and was strongly tied to his hometown; He loved even his harsh old father and regretted him, seeing his chagrins; But he also knew that from this minute could not expect any help or support from him. At first he did not know what to do: he was not taught to work, he was deprived of practical experience, but he had a lot of courage, but then he hurried to sell his position in the British army; After a long hassle, he found a place in New York and married. Change in comparison with his former life in England was very sensitive, but he was young and happy and hoped that stubborn labor would help him create a good future. He acquired a small house in one of the distant streets of the city, his little son was born there, and his whole life seemed to him so good, cheerful, joyful, albeit a modest, that he did not repent for a minute in the fact that he married a pretty companion rich old woman The only thing is that it was charming and that they gently love each other.

His wife was really charming, and their son equally reminded his father and mother. Although he was born in a very modest setting, but it seemed that in the whole world there was no such happy child as he. First, he was always healthy and never hurt anyone's anxiety, secondly, he had such a cute character and such a cheerful temper that he only delivered the pleasure, and, thirdly, he was unusually well. In contrast to other children, he was on the light with a whole hat with soft, thin, golden curly hair, which for six months turned into adorable long curls. He had big brown eyes with long eyelashes and a pretty face; The back and his legs were so strong that nine months from the family he learned to walk; At the same time, he was distinguished by such a rare behavior that everyone with pleasure was hung with him. It seemed that he considered everyone with his friends, and if any of the passers-by approached him when he rolled in a small wheelchair on the street, he usually rushed a serious look at a stranger, and then smiled charmingly. No wonder after that, that everyone who lived next door to his parents loved him and pinched him, not excluding even a petty merchant, who heard the sullen man in the world.

Everything happened in New York on one of the poor streets. Here in one of the houses lived Cedric with his mother. They were poor, especially after his father Ardic Erol died. But somehow a lawyer came to them, who brought Message from Grandfather Cedric. He was a millionaire, but not loved America and Americans very much. He did not like when his son married an American. But when the brother of Father Cedric died, he turns out to be the only heir of the state of the grandfather and will be the title of Lord Fontler. Therefore, grandfather wants Cedric to move to England and studied there. He is going to pay for his studies, and his mother he offers a house and content in replacing the fact that it will not disturb him. But refuses his proposal.

Cedric comes to England and sees a beautiful house and believes that his grandfather is a decent person. Therefore, the Count refers to the tenants of the house, but he says that the child benefactor. But here the shoe shoe cleaner Dick Titon tells Hobsu that after the parents of Dick Benjamin's brother died with a marriage with a terrible woman. But as soon as the child appeared, she threw him. Benjamin went to California, but Dick somehow survives. Immediately appears another contender for inheritance, but the mother of Cedric says that this is an extramarital son.

Then Dick and Benjamin go to England to deal with it. Upon arrival there, in the applicant, they recognize the ex-wife of Benjamin. After that, Benjamin returns to California and raises his son alone. Graph and get acquainted with the daughter-in-law from America and finds it better than impostors. The Count continues to engage in the education of Cedric and wants to make it an aristocrat. In turn, the grandson tells her grandfather about compassion and that he needed to experience it. Count changes noticeably. Cedric meets with his mother and Mr. Hobs, who says he will look after him.

This story teaches how adults should be on the example of a little boy. It will undoubtedly leave only the brightest memories of good and compassion, about relationships between people.

Picture or Figure Bernett - Little Lord Fontler

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