Socio-pedagogical foundations of the activities of military commissariats to improve the pre-conscription training of young people Mukhamadeev Marat Masgutovich. The modern role and significance of the military-patriotic club "Nakhimovets" in the moral education of young people is not

Socio-pedagogical foundations of the activities of military commissariats to improve the pre-conscription training of young people Mukhamadeev Marat Masgutovich.  The modern role and significance of the military-patriotic club
Socio-pedagogical foundations of the activities of military commissariats to improve the pre-conscription training of young people Mukhamadeev Marat Masgutovich. The modern role and significance of the military-patriotic club "Nakhimovets" in the moral education of young people is not

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

Municipal Formation Yamalsky District

Municipal state educational institution

"Salemal boarding school named after Volodya Soldatov"

Materials on

All-Russian competition

professional excellence

among leaders and participants

military sports clubs (associations)

search units (associations)

public organizations

military-patriotic orientation,

operating on the territory

Russian Federation


Nomination: "The best leader of the military-patriotic club (association)

teacher-organizer of life safety

Asulkhanov Yuri Mikhailovich

with. Salemal,

2017 Nov.


    ChapterI.Brief biographical note.

    ChapterII... My professional credo.

    ChapterIII... Dactivities to improve the military-patriotic education of youth

    ChapterIV. Participation of the pupils of the club in the implementation of regional, municipal programs for the development of patriotic education


Brief curriculum vitae .

Physical education teacher


Experience: general pedagogical

21 years old


Experience: in this institution

3 years


Position held

Teacher-organizer of life safety, teacher of additional education.


My professional credo

"Bad is the student who does not want to surpass his teacher"

Leonardo Da Vinci

My experience of working as an OBZH teacher confirms that in the current education system, perhaps, there is no such complex and not yet fully mastered subject, which is the OBZH course. Life proves that in the future, after graduation, knowledge of some subjects may not be useful, but the knowledge gained in life safety lessons is applied in practice by everyone.

At this stage of work, I consider it necessary to focus on the activation of extracurricular activities. “The easier it is for a teacher to teach, the more difficult it is for students to learn. The harder it is for the teacher, the easier it is for the student. The more the teacher learns on his own, thinks over each lesson and compares it with the student's strength, the more he follows the student's train of thought, the more he calls for questions and answers, the easier it will be for the student to learn, "Lev Tolstoy said. It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of the classic: in a modern school, the quality of teaching the OBZH course depends not only on the professional training of the teacher, but also on the ability to organize extracurricular activities of students, the ability to establish social partnership

The end result of my work is not limited to getting a high score on the exam. My task is to release a child into life with a certain baggage of knowledge: how to behave in a particular emergency, how to survive on my own and help others. After all, any person at some point may find himself in such a position, and then not only his own well-being, but the life and health of loved ones may depend on competent actions. Thus, going beyond the curriculum, I pay great attention to enhancing the practical orientation of education - one of the areas of my activity.

When planning my teaching activities, I try to adhere to the following principles:

That is why I strive to maximize the potential of my students, to instill in them a steady interest in the military-sports orientation. I systematically improve my professional level: in order to enrich my pedagogical experience and improve pedagogical skills, I study methodological literature on the subject, periodicals, popular science literature, decrees and recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; I plan and predict my teaching activities; on the basis of this type of selection of means of forms and methods of teaching, allowing to achieve quality improvement.

In conclusion, I would like to note: in order to look into the future, you need to look at the day yesterday and today, and this will be a reason for reflection, because human health and safety is one of the prerequisites for happiness and his full life. However, often we do not always think about what our life is for ourselves and our loved ones. But we have only one. And to live it is not a field to cross. That is why it is necessary to learn the basics of life safety, to take seriously everything that is offered by the curriculum and extracurricular activities in this subject. To pay great attention to the training of pre-conscripts, the military-patriotic education of schoolchildren.

The purpose of his activities for the pre-conscription training of schoolchildren is to provide conditions for preparing students for serving the Fatherland in the military field, and he defines his tasks as follows:

to instill in schoolchildren a sense of patriotism, readiness to defend the Fatherland;

to form and develop in students a sense of loyalty to constitutional and military duty;

foster a love for military service;

to form and develop in students a conscious desire to acquire primary knowledge and skills of military affairs, necessary for service in the army, for choosing a profession and further training in military professional educational organizations;

to form and develop discipline in schoolchildren, a conscientious attitude towards learning, responsibility for the assigned work;

develop students' high moral, psychological, business and organizational qualities, physical endurance and endurance.

The method of achieving the above tasks of the goal is defined by the teaching staff as improving the system of patriotic education, pre-conscription training of students.

Chapter III

Activities to improve the military-patriotic education of youth

Work in this direction is carried out on the basis ofaction planon patriotic education of students withinimplementation of the comprehensive program "Patriotic education of citizens and pre-conscription training of youth in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for 2015-2018" (order of the school director dated November 26, 2015 No. 161). During the academic year, the following activities are carried out in the system:

lessons, information hours dedicated to the memorable dates of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. in 2015 (70 years since the establishment of the medal"Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union" (1940),65 years since the beginning of the Nuremberg trials over the leadership of Nazi Germany and others.);

information and propaganda events related to memorable events of the military history of the Fatherland (information blocks in history and social studies lessons dedicated to the memorable date of Russian military history, radio lines, poster information, etc.);

activities to educate citizens in basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service (social and patriotic action "Day of the conscript", competitions in military-applied sports (physical training, shooting, hiking and mountain tourism), military field training );

traditional months, decades (month of civil defense, month of child safety in the Yamalsky District Ministry of Defense, month of mass defense and sports work);

measures to implement the Decree of the Administration of the Yamalsky District Municipal Formation No. 929 dated 06/28/2015 "On the approval of the municipal program" Comprehensive measures to counter extremism, harmonize interethnic and intercultural relations, prevent manifestations of xenophobia, strengthen tolerance in the territory of the Yamalsky District Municipal Formation ";

competitive events (competition for the awarding of special prizes named after P.E.Saltykov, L.V. Laptsuy, S.I. development of "Ethnocalendar");

training camp for applied military sports "Frontiers" (training, preparation of a team to participate in a district event).

According to the results of the survey conducted annually among the students, the most striking and memorable were the "Day of the conscript", military field training, the district patriotic project "Banner of Victory", the regional championship in sports tourism at walking distances "2nd grade" district.

Main directions of activity

The club is military-patriotic.

The age of the participants is from 11 to 18 years old. The quantitative composition of the association has grown by 21 people in four years. (from 25 people in 2013-2014 to 46 people in the 2016-2017 academic year). This indicator testifies to the interest of the pupils in classes in the association, the desire to receive and improve the skills necessary for service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation..

Local acts were developed and approved (Club Charter, program, symbols, etc.). Azamat Gediev was chosen as the commander of the VMK, who represents the interests of the Nakhimovites in the Admiralty (student government scheme ).

Educational level


Secondary collective level


employment of pupils in a military-patriotic association over the past three years (2013-2016)

Number of students






Chapter IV


pupils of the club in the implementation of regional, municipal programs for the development of patriotic education

List of activities

Action plan on the implementation of the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2012-2015" in the education system of the Yamal region

Name of the project, event


XVIIdistrict military sports game "Commander", dedicated to the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (3rd command place in the form of "Athletic all-around")


Implementation of the project "We are faithful to this memory" (conclusion of agreements, organization and participation in actions, competitions of patriotic orientation "My Little Motherland", etc.) together with the Administration of the Moscow region. Salemal, house of culture with. Salemal


Passing initial military training at the district defense and sports recreation camp for youth "Patriot Yamal" on the basis of the Kurgan Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (certificate - A. Gediev, commander of the Club)


District interactive intellectual game "Study the law, test yourself" (participant's diploma)


District patriotic action "Our fellow countrymen served" (Letter of thanks to the school for active participation in the action and contribution to the spiritual, moral and heroic-patriotic education of the younger generation)


Events within the framework of the district defense and sports recreation camp for youth "Patriot Yamal" on the basis of the Kurgan Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Diploma of the 2nd degree - A. Gediev, Club commander, for active participation in push-up competitions; Diploma - A. Gediev ., the commander of the Club, for active participation in camp events)


Events within the framework of the Day of the conscript:

competition program "I serveYamal, I serve Russia " ( 10-11 cl., recruits);

Tolass watch "There is such a profession to defend the Motherland"(9-11 grades);

competitions in military-applied sports (grades 5-11), etc.


An open lesson for the pupils of the Club within the framework of the regional methodological day


Volleyball competitions in offsetXvSpartakiad for pupils of educational institutions of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (3rd place - Olga Fleenko, Maria Saybysheva, Olga Stavrova)



XVIIdistrict military sports game "Commander", 2014 (1st place in the individual standings in flexion and extension of the arms in a lying position - Lamdo Victor)


XVIIdistrict military-sports game "Commander", 2014 (1st place in the individual standings in flexion and extension of arms in a lying position - Mazykina Alena)


XVIIdistrict military-sports game "Commander", 2014 (3rd place physical training team)





Regional competition for the selection of candidates for the award of the Prize of the Head of the Municipal Formation Yamalsky District (nomination "Amateur Sports", winner - Senkov I.)


Championship in military-applied sports "Rubezhi", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (1 team place)


Championship in military-applied sports "Frontiers", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (1st place in the team - A. Gediev)


Regional stage of the All-Russian competition of educational organizations implementing student self-government (participant)


Patriotic action "Soldier's scarf" (participation)


All-Russian action "St. George Ribbon" (participation)


All-Russian action "Immortal regiment"(participation)


Regional military sports game "Commander-2015" (1 team place)


All-Russian patriotic action "Sentry at the Banner of Victory"


XIInternational Literary and Art Competition "Grenadiers, Go!" "Russian land - land of heroes" (A. Kondygin - winner)


Events within the framework of the Day of the conscript


The championship of the municipal formation Yamal District in sports tourism at walking distances "2nd grade", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Yamal district (Salemal schoolchildren became winners at distances "distance-walking-group", "distance-walking-personal" tourism)


Regional stage of the All-Russian competition of educational organizations implementing student self-government (prize-winner)


The head of the Club has developed projects and won grants:

- within the framework of subprogram 4 "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and their illicit trafficking" of the state program of the Autonomous Okrug "Development of tourism, increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of youth policy, organization of recreation and health improvement of children and youth for 2014-2020", grant support was received by:

Hiking Tourism Project,implementation period: 1-3 quarters of 2015 - 100,000 rubles;

- project "Sharp shooter", implementation period: 1-3 quarters of 2016 - 100,000 rubles.


Championship in military-applied sports "Frontiers", dedicated to the 71st anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (3rd team place)


Regional military sports game "Commander-2016" (1 team place),competition in military-applied sports "Patriot - 16"(1 team place)


Festive events dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Volodya Soldatov


Socio-patriotic action "Memory is alive", dedicated to the popularization of the personality and heroic deed of Volodya Soldatov (presentation of the film "Khaerako", visiting the Hero's burial place, installing a fence, a commemorative plaque, laying wreaths) together with the employees of the branch of FSUE VGTRK GTRK Yamal


district volleyball competitions among girls in offset of the schoolchildren's sports day (2nd place - a team of 6 people)


Patriotic action "Soldier's scarf" (participation)


All-Russian action "St. George Ribbon" (participation)


All-Russian action "Immortal regiment"(participation)


Participation in the preparation of the video clip "Salemal sets an example for student self-government" for the broadcast of the Yamal State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company




The second championship of the municipality of Yamal region in sports tourism on walking distances "2nd class". (victory)


"2016 in events and persons". Winning in the nomination "Man of the Year".

Action plan on the implementation of the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020" in the education system of the Yamal region

The action plan of the program for the development of the educational component in the PO YNAO for 2013-2020.

Analytical and statistical data indicate that the pupils of the Club annually take an active part in patriotic events of various levels, win prizes.

The list of measures aimed at increasing the level of professional competencies of teachers who carry out activities for the pre-conscription training of young people

At the boarding school, systematic work is being carried out to improve the qualifications of specialists who carry out activities for the pre-conscription training of young people:

participation in course events on the basis of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug "Regional Institute for the Development of Education" on topics« Priority directions of work on strengthening and maintaining health by means of physical culture ", "Improving the teaching of life safety in a modern school", 2014;

holding demonstration performances, aboutopen classespupils of the Club within the framework of regional methodological days,excursion program for participantsXIICollegiums of the Deputy Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Yamal Region and other events;


Replication of work experience through a personal website (), the official website of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal Formation Yamalsky District, the Salemal boarding school, the regional socio-political newspaper "Vremya Yamal".

Open lesson during the excursion program for participants XII Collegiums of the Deputy Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Yamal Region

Personal merit

In December 2016, a victory in a regional competition

"2016 in events and persons" In the nomination "Man of the Year".

District patriotic project "Victory Banner"

In the period from 22 to 23.02.2015, boarding school students took part in the district patriotic project "Victory Banner"dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The regional project "Banner of Victory", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, is aimed at fostering patriotism, historical enlightenment and preserving the memory of glorious deeds during the Great Patriotic War.

On February 22, 2015, a solemn reception of the Banner of Victory was held, a historical information was given about the state relic of Russia, the official symbol of the Victory of the Soviet people and its armed forces over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War - the Banner of Victory.

For high school students on this day, lectures, interactive classes and expositions “The Path to Victory in the Unity of the Front and the Home Front”, “The Weapon of Victory”, “Wings of Victory”, “Feat”, the intellectual game “What? Where? When?". With the help of the organizer-guide, the participants were able to learn interesting historical facts, consolidate and systematize the existing knowledge about the heroic past of the country.

On February 23, with the aim of fostering patriotism, historical enlightenment and preserving the memory of glorious deeds during the Great Patriotic War, an agitdeer carried out an action to make a copy of the Victory Banner.

15 young Nakhimovites, members of the "Sea Flotilla" children's self-government took an active part in the production of the Victory Banner.

The program of events included solemn ceremonies of awards and photographing of participants and honored guests of the Action against the background of the Victory Banner.

A copy of the Victory Banner is placed in the school museum room.

Asulkhanov Yu.M. the Watch of Memory was organized. Guard of honor from school students in grades 3-11. During breaks, the guys are on watch at the Victory Banner. During the Action, photographing was organized and all participants of the Guard of Honor were handed photographs in memory of this event.

Also, within the framework of the patriotic project, there was a viewing and discussion of patriotic video films "From the Dnieper to the Oder", "Kursk Bulge", "Stalingrad", "Battle for Berlin", "Leningrad in the Struggle", Lessons of Courage "We do not need war", " We honor the great Victory Day ”,“ And the saved world remembers, Lessons of Memory dedicated to hoisting the “Victory Banner”.

On May 9, a banner group with the Victory Banner led the solemn procession of the boarding school column at the parade

Young rescuer

From 17 to 20 September 2014, a 4-day training and sports camp was held on the basis of the Salemal boarding school.

Sixteen boys and girls from the school naval club took part in this event. The program was rich and interesting.

On the first day, the children had to overcome obstacles on rough terrain with the help of special tourist equipment, perform the ascent, traverse and descent on the slope in a sporty way, cross the parallel ropes, as well as go through theoretical classes and at the same time “not lose” a single fighter.

The conditions of the training camp are as close as possible to real ones. The participants underwent not only theoretical training, but also applied the knowledge gained in practical classes: with the help of special tourist equipment, they overcame obstacles on rough terrain and learned how to navigate, provide first aid and transport the victim through various obstacles, shoot and protect themselves and their comrades from various type of weapon.

These days did not go without drill and physical training.

The round-the-clock stay in the camp, according to the organizers, helped the children not only to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice, but also to rally the children's team, to bring up such personal qualities as responsibility, discipline, loyalty to constitutional and military duty in peacetime and wartime.

Championship of the municipality of Yamal region in sports tourism on walking distances "2nd class", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Yamal region

In connection with the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Yamal region, with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle, attracting students to regular physical education and sports, popularizing sports competitions and identifying the strongest teams, on September 20, 2015 on the basis of the Volodya Soldatov Salemal Boarding School "The championship of the Yamal region municipal entity in sports tourism at walking distances" 2nd class ", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Yamal region, took place.

To organize refereeing, to provide methodological assistance, N.Ye. Ustyugov, chairman of the regional public organization "Federation of Sports Tourism of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug" and T. Ivanova, chairman of the city Federation of sports tourism and rock climbing in Salekhard, a sports tourism judge were invited.

Delegations from the villages of Yar-Sale, Panaevsk, Salemal responded to take part in sports tourism competitions at walking distances. 8 teams were formed, the total number of participants was 32 people. Competitions were held at two distances "distance-pedestrian-group", "distance-pedestrian-personal".

The building of teams took place to the solemn music "Heroes of Sport". Khachatryan M.S., deputy. Heads I.A., director of the Salemal boarding school, Durynin S.E., chairman of the Board of Trustees of the school.

The captains of the teams, with a great sense of pride in the Fatherland, to the sounds of the Russian anthem, raised the state flags of Russia, the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Yamal Region, thereby giving a start to regional competitions.

Participants and spectators received a charge of energy and good mood to the sounds of the song "Olympic flame", dance flash mob "It's great to be sports!". Ahead of the participants were eight stages: "ascent-traverse-descent", "hinged crossing", "crossing along parallel rails" and others, and at each stage - strict judges, carefully monitoring the course of the competition. Teachers and students from schools were also involved in judging at the stages. A total of 20 judges were involved. At the end of the competition, all of them received documents of the established form on the organization of refereeing at the stages, which in the future, with the accumulative system (participation in three or more regional competitions), will allow them to acquire referee qualifications (CC 3K).

Despite the weather conditions, difficult tasks at the stages, all teams showed perseverance, perseverance in achieving the set goal, faith in victory.

There is no doubt that in all competitions there are both winners and those who are at least a fraction of a second behind the favorites. The winners and prize-winners were announced to thunderous applause from the audience. Thus, the team "Salemal - 4" (Kondygin Valery, Ezangi Fedor, Mazyrkina Alena, Kuibin Miron) won the group competition. The winner (2nd place) was the team "Salemal - 3" (Mikhail Vylko, Maxim Vylko, Ezangi Snezhana, Azamat Gediev). The third prize was awarded to the "Salemal-1" team, which included Anatoly Khanovin, Afanasy Klimov, Ignat Vylko and Victoria Kuybina.

In personal distances, the hosts of the competition also became winners and prize-winners: among girls - Alena Mazyrkina (1st place), Kuibina Victoria (2nd place), Yezangi Snezhana (3rd place); among young men - Kuibin Miron (1st place), Yezangi Fedor (2nd place), Kondygin Valery (3rd place).

It is gratifying to note that the winners completed the third category in sports tourism and the petition for assigning this category to the children was sent by the chief judges of the competition to the Department for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the Yamal District Municipal Formation.

The teams SelYar-Sale and Panaevsk were awarded with Diplomas of participants.

The event ended with a festive disco, because young people can not only overcome difficult walking distances, but also have fun on the dance floor.

The organizers of the event hope that hiking tourism will become widespread in the Yamal region and are ready for a new meeting of the competition participants on the hospitable Salemal land.

The teams took the first three places. The winners were awarded

III adult category in sports tourism

New records for Salemal schoolchildren

In September 2106, on the basis of our school, the second championship of the municipal formation of Yamal District in sports tourism at walking distances "2nd grade" was held. In a fair fight for the first place, five teams from the Salemal school-inte competed rnata and three teams from the Yamal boarding school. The participants noted that this year the track became more difficult and more interesting, and the judges, in turn, were pleased with the good preparation of the guys. It should be noted that thirteen participants fulfilled the standards of the third adult category and two participants - the second youth.

At the closing ceremony, the hall froze in anticipation of the results of the competition. In the individual championship among youths, the victory was won by a student of the Yamal school - Yezyngi Vyacheslav, an honorable second place Klimov Afanasy (team "Salemal Three"), the third in the individual competition - Kuybin Miron (team "Salemal Two"). The girls did not lag behind the boys, the first place in the individual competition was taken by Alena Mazyrkina (the Salemal one team), the second place was taken by the student of the Yamal school Alexandra Lozyamova, the third result was shown by Snezhana Mazyrkina (the Salemal two team).

The first place in the group classification was taken by the team "Salemal One" (Valery Kondygin, Fedor Ezangi, Anatoly Khanovin, Alena Mazyrkina). The second and third also went to the hosts of the competition, the teams "Salemal Two" (Kondygin Anton, Vylko Maxim, Kuibin Miron, Mazyrkina Snezhana) and "Salemal Three" (Gediev Azamat, Klimov Afanasy, Lar Oleg, Kuibina Diana).

Cups were handed over, parting words were said, photographs were taken. We say goodbye to the competition, see you in a year on a new track and we will set new records!

District open intramural competitions air rifle shooting, dedicated

Day of the formation of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Yamal region

In order to implementsubprogram 4 "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and their illicit trafficking" of the state program of the Autonomous Okrug "Development of tourism, increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of youth policy, organization of recreation and health improvement of children and youth for 2014-2020"(project "Sharpshooter"), on the basis of the Salemal boarding school, in the period from December 10 to 14, 2016, a regional open intramural air rifle shooting competition was held, dedicated to the Day of Education of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Yamal District.

The competition was attended by 39 boys and girls from educational organizations of the Yamal region.

A high degree of activity, interest was shown by the pupils of the MBU DO "Yamal Center for extracurricular activities."

To organize the judging, social partners were invited to the competition - representatives of the Salemal Cossack community of the Obsko-Polar Cossack Line of the Union of Cossacks of Russia, employees of the GKU PS YNAO PCh for the protection of the village of Salemal.

Based on the final protocol of 12/14/2016 No. 1, the places were distributed as follows:

among young men:

1st place - Dmitry Kabirov (MBU DO "Yamal Center for Extracurricular Activities").

2nd place - Maxim Salender (MBU DO "Yamal Center for Extracurricular Activities").

3rd place - Dmitry Abramov (MBU DO "Yamal Center for extracurricular activities").

among girls:

1st place - Kuibina Nella (Salemal boarding school).

2nd place - Alena Mazyrkina (Salemal boarding school).

3rd place - Alexandra Lozyamova (MBU DO "Yamal Center for Extracurricular Activities").

The organizers wish the guys not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, to move firmly towards their goals, as well as new victories in sports arenas!

District defense and sports

health camp "Patriot Yamal"


"Frontiers" - 2015


championship in military-applied sports

"Frontiers" - 2016

Ski relay competition winners:

I- the team of the Novoportovsk boarding school;



Volleyball competition winners (boys):


II- the team of the Myskamensk boarding school;

III- the team of the Panayevsky boarding school.

Volleyball competition winners (girls):

I - the team of the Salemal boarding school;

II- the team of MBOU "Yamal ShI";


Basketball competition winners (youth):

I–The team of MBOU "Yamal ShI";

II- team of MBOU "Seyakhinskaya SHI";

III- the team of the Panayevsky boarding school.

Basketball competition winners (girls):

I- the team of MBOU "Yamal ShI";

II - the team of the Salemal boarding school;

III- the team of the Novoportovsk boarding school.

Air Rifle Shooting Competition Winners:

I- the team of the Novoportovsk boarding school;

II - Team of Salemal boarding school

III- the team of the Myskamensk boarding school

Certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks

Organization of work with adolescents who are registered with KDN and salary, students of the "risk group"

The membership of the Club includes various categories of students, including children from families in a socially dangerous situation, children who are registered with the PDN and the RFP.

Work with this category of children is carried out sequentially and consists of several main stages.

1st stage. Preparation - preliminary acquaintance with all available information about the family,child... Clarification of information about the parents, their social status, about other close relatives of the minor;

2nd stage. Establishing contact, building trusting relationships withthe child and, if possible, with the parents; interaction with the class teacher, educators;

3rd stage. Choice of forms and methods of work and ways of their implementation (inclusion of a child in the activities of the Club, determination of the range of personal responsibilities, involvement in social activities, military sports games);

4th stage. Work on the program, monitoring the personal development of the child.

5th stage.Tracking the further life and professional path of the pupils.

Organization of systematic work with this category of students allows you to obtain the following positive results:

organize full-fledged leisure for children, distract from the negative influence of the street, motivate them to lead a healthy lifestyle;

attract to participate in events of various levels;

to increase the self-esteem of schoolchildren, to involve them in socially significant activities.

Appendix 4

Measures to organize the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports, incl. on popularization among the population of physical culture, mass sports, tourism

1. sports competition "When we are united, we are invincible!"

2. military-sports game "Ready for labor and defense!",

3. military-sports game “Commander. Patriot",

4. military-sports game "Zarnitsa",

5. municipal stage of the All-Russian competition "Presidential Competition",

6. school conference "The world around you",

7. school camp "Young rescuer",

8. school sports camp "Olympus",

9. Health Day (spring, autumn),

10. sports festival "Ready for work and defense!"

11.polyathlon competitions,

12. extracurricular activity "Believe in yourself",

13. extracurricular event "Our Valiant Forces",

14. competitions in northern all-around, dedicated to the holiday "Reindeer breeder's Day",

15. Competition "Most Sports Class" (according to the results of the school championship in mini-football, basketball, volleyball (pioneerball), table tennis, cross-country skiing, national sports),

16. sports festival "Big Race",

17. sports and recreation "Yamal chooses sport"

Sports traditions of the general educational organization

1.sports holiday:

- "Small Olympic Games",

- "Happy starts",

- family sports Saturday "Dad, mom, I am a sports family",

2. track-and-field cross, dedicated to the all-Russian day of running "Cross of the nation",

3. participation in the all-Russian action "I choose sport as an alternative to addictions",

4. district volleyball tournament on the basis of the school, dedicated to the memory of the teacher of physical culture V.M. Popov “Cup of V.M. Popov ",

5. Northern all-around competitions dedicated to the holiday "Reindeer Herder's Day",

6. track and field relay race dedicated to Victory Day,

7. school championship in mini-football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, cross-country skiing, kettlebell lifting, arm wrestling, checkers, chess, national sports, powerlifting - in the account of the school's Spartakiad,

8. week of physical culture and sports,

9. military-sports game "Zarnitsa",

10.organization and participation in sports tournaments of labor collectives (a team of high school students and a team of school workers),

11.Olympic lessons

Other forms of organization of extracurricular physical culture, sports and health-improving activities

School-wide morning exercises for students and teachers,

- "Health Day" (spring, autumn),

Sports holiday,

Competitions in sports games with the involvement of teams from village organizations,

Study fees,

Competitions for the set-off of the schoolchildren's Spartakiad,

Ski marathon,


School camp "Young rescuer" (September)

Championship of the Yamal region in pedestrian tourism (September),

School sports camp "Olympus" (October),

Information hour,

Dynamic pause,



Essay competitions, essays, multimedia presentations,

Conference and others

Interdepartmental approach

in solving issues of pre-conscription training of youth

The Salemal boarding school carries out interagency interaction with the Department for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the Municipal Formation Yamal District (Yar-Sale village), Leader Children's and Youth Sports School (Yar-Sale village), the regional public organization "Federation of Sports Tourism of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District", the city Federation of sports tourism and rock climbing (Salekhard),OPS Yamal in the Yamal region, OMVD of Russia in the Yamal region, reserve soldiers, school graduates who served in the armed forces of the Russian Federation,primary public organization with. Salemal of veterans (pensioners) of labor, war and military operations of the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies of the Yamal District Municipal Formation,Salemal Cossack community of the Ob-Polar Cossack line of the Union of Cossacks of Russia, MBUZ "Salemal District Hospital", CDC "Shining of the North", other interested parties.

Agreements, agreements on cooperation have been concluded: Agreement on cooperation with GAPOU TO “Tobolsk Medical College named after Volodya Soldatova ", Agreement on cooperation" OPS Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the Yamal region "- branch of the GKU Substation Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug PCh for the protection of the village. Salemal, Agreement on cooperation with MBU "Cultural and Leisure Center" Shining of the North ", Agreement on cooperation with MBDOU" Golden Fish ", Agreement on cooperation with GBUZ" Yar-Salinskaya Central Hospital ", Agreement on cooperation with MBOU DO" CVR ", a plan of joint work with the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Yamal region.

Employees of these organizations take an active part in events organized by the boarding school (table 5 )

Replication of work experience naval club

"Young Nakhimovets" through the media

State TV and Radio Company "Yamal":

broadcast of the film "Salemal Provides an Example of Student Self-Government"

Regional socio-political newspaper "Vremya Yamala":

publication “When we are one, we are invincible”, issue # 48 of November 28, 2014;

publication "The Revival of Zarnitsa", issue No. 12 of March 27, 2015,

publication "Championship in Walking Tourism", issue # 38 of September 25, 2015;

publication "Volodya Soldatov 85 years old", issue No. 47 of November 27, 2015;

publication "The Celebration of Courage, Valor and Honor", issue No. 9 of 03/04/2016;

publication "Haerako" with us ", issue No. 16 of April 22, 2016;

The official website of the educational organization :

- Yamal chooses sports;

- Sports tourism on walking distances;

- The guys from the Salemal school became the absolute winners of the championship in military-applied sports Rubezhi;

- We are true to this memory; - The school continues activities within the framework of a month of mass defense and sports work; - New records for Salemal schoolchildren.

Problematic issues arising in the organization of work

Club and ways to solve them

Project development"Yamal 'yana" sarpyavna "(" Yamal paths ") and direction zapplications for participation in the competitive selection for the distribution of regional budget funds transferred to the budgets of municipalities of the Autonomous Okrug in the form of interbudgetary subsidies for the implementation of the activities of Subprogram 4 "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking" of the state program of the Autonomous Okrug "Development of tourism, increasing the efficiency of implementation youth policy, organization of recreation and health improvement of children and youth for 2014-2020 "in 2017

Single face-to-face competitions in various sports between pupils of other schools in the district

Attraction of additional funding (sponsorship, grants) for organizing competitions at various levels

Lack of parenting activity

Public incentives at school-wide events (certificates, letters of thanks)


to improve work aimed at military-patriotic education and pre-conscription training of youth

One of the conditions for improving the quality of work aimed at military-patriotic education and pre-conscription training of young people is face-to-face competitions, contests, gatherings of various levels (district, regional), providing students with the opportunity to test their strength, see the capabilities of other participants in the competition, and adopt positive experience. the best players;

- visits of qualified specialists - employees of district military registration and enlistment offices - to municipalities to conduct educational work with pre-conscription youth;

- creation of a regional bank of the best practices for the organization of military-patriotic education and pre-conscription training of youth.

Chapter I. Historiography and characteristics of the sources of the problem.

§ 1. Historiography of the problem.

§ 2. Characteristics of the research source base.

Chapter II. The formation and development of domestic military museums as cultural and educational institutions in the period from 1918 to 1991.

§ 1. Military museums in the system of education of military personnel.

§ 2. Creation and development of the legal framework for military museums.

§ 3. Activities of state and military authorities to improve the organizational structure of the military-museum network.

Chapter III. Cultural and educational work of military museums during the study period.

§ 1. Activities of military museums for excursion services for visitors.

§ 2. Stationary and traveling exhibitions as a form of cultural and educational work of military museums.

§ 3. Organization of public and search work.

Chapter IV. Popularization and publishing work of military museums in the period from 1918 to 1991.

§ 1. The work of military museums to popularize their funds and collections.

§ 2. The role of the publishing work of military museums in the cultural service of military personnel.

Dissertation introduction 2009, abstract on history, Kuznetsov, Andrey Mikhailovich

At present, the state and military administration bodies are faced with a serious task - strengthening the moral and psychological state of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The practice of educational work has developed many directions, forms and methods of its solution, but the skillful and professional use of the capabilities of the centuries-old culture of the country, the armed forces, especially its material component, stands apart. The material component of culture is a collection of tangible objects that express the uniqueness and originality of a particular culture that has existed in human history. These can be tools of labor, samples of household utensils, items of clothing, architectural structures and, which is important for a military audience, items of military activity. Already at the dawn of their history, people began to collect and pass on to descendants the most significant and valuable objects of material culture, which served as the basis for the continuity of the traditions of a particular people. To ensure the safety of objects, the possibility of displaying them, special rooms began to be created, later called museums. With the development of civilization, the museum business improved, acquired new features and began to develop in certain directions. This is how historical museums appeared, specializing in the collection, study and display of various objects of the history of a particular state, art museums that collect and promote art objects, technical museums telling about the development of technology, etc. A special place among them began to be occupied by museums that collected and stored objects of the "material history" of the military practice of mankind.

The history of the creation, formation, development and functioning of domestic military museums indicates that they carried and carry in themselves a huge educational and cultural potential aimed at forming in the Russian army a sense of love for their homeland, the armed forces, and devotion to the best military traditions.

The study of the historical experience of the activities of domestic military museums at various stages of their development will expand the practical possibilities in organizing the leisure of military personnel, will contribute to the education of personnel on the examples of the heroic past of our Motherland.

One of the most significant periods in the development of Russian military museums was the period from 1918 to 1991. At this stage, the military-museum network was practically re-created by the state and military administration bodies, legal documents were developed, which formed the basis of its work.

The activities of military museums during the Soviet period have repeatedly passed the test of time. The events of the Civil War and foreign military intervention, the interwar period, the Great Patriotic War, the postwar period, the period from the 1960s to the early 1980s, and perestroika showed that the work on the preservation, accumulation and use of military history items in educational and cultural and educational work with military personnel was quite effective. In this regard, for military historians it is of particular interest to study the experience of the functioning of domestic military museums in the Soviet period, activities for the cultural services of military personnel and their families, which may be in demand in the practice of educational work and socio-cultural activities in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The relevance of the study of this problem is due to the following circumstances.

Firstly, its insufficient development, the absence of major generalizing scientific works on this topic, revealing the activities of domestic military museums in 1918-1991. and their role in cultural and educational work with military personnel.

Secondly, the study of the activities of military museums during this period meets the requirements of the State Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010", orders of the Minister of Defense

RF No. 265 of June 10, 2001 "On military-historical work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" and No. 79 of February 28, 2005 "On improving educational work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

Order No. 265 of June 10 * 2001, in particular, states: “The use of military-historical knowledge in the education of servicemen is carried out in order to develop their abilities to realize and deeply understand their military duty and personal responsibility for defending the Fatherland. It is carried out as part of the performance of official duties by the relevant commanders (chiefs) together with the educational work of the Armed Forces in the course of studying the military history of the Fatherland in the system of public and state training, as well as carrying out activities to promote it through the popularization of the heroic deeds of Russian soldiers, the activities of outstanding commanders and military leaders "1.

Historical items that are in the funds and expositions of military museums are the material basis for conducting military history work and contribute to a more substantive formation of patriotism among Russian soldiers.

Order No. 79 of February 28, 2005 states that cultural and leisure activities are part of the complex of educational work organized in the RF Armed Forces. One of the forms of cultural and leisure activities is visiting museums by military personnel on weekends and holidays.

In addition, the order contains a provision stating that commanders of all levels must take measures to develop and update expositions of military museums, museum-type formations, and rooms of military glory. For their effective work, appropriate councils must be elected2.

To implement these provisions into practice, it is necessary to closely study the relevant experience of the activities of military command and control bodies, the military-museum network, accumulated in the period from 1918 to 1991.

1 See: Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 265 of June 10, 2001 "On military-historical work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." - M., 2001 .-- S. 3-4.

2 See: Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 79 of February 28, 2005 “On improving educational work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”. - M., 2005 .-- S. 15-16.

Third, the increasing role of military museums in the education, education and cultural services of servicemen and their families.

Fourth, the need to improve the activities of state and military administration bodies, educational structures in the field of cultural services for the personnel of the Russian Armed Forces on the basis of the experience accumulated by domestic military museums.

Fifthly, the increasing public attention to the objects of material culture of military activity and everyday life of the domestic armed forces, stored in military museums, and the possibility of their use in the patriotic education of the younger generation.

The relevance, insufficient degree of elaboration of the problem determined the choice of the topic, determined the object, subject, scientific problem, chronological framework, goal and objectives of this dissertation research.

The object of the research is Russian military museums in the period 1918-1991. The author considers it necessary to note that only those institutions that were under the jurisdiction of the military department will be considered under military museums. Museums of other ministries that stored, among others, items of military activity and everyday life (culture, internal affairs, state security, etc.), were not included in the research object.

The subject of the research is the activity of state and military administration bodies, museum management on the formation and development of a network of military museums, the organization of their cultural and educational work with military personnel in the period under review.

Substantiation of the chronological framework of the study.

The events of October 1917 marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of national statehood, which was associated with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, who oriented the country towards building the world's first socialist state. For his armed protection, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on January 15 (28), 1918, adopted a decree on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), and on January 29 (February 11), 1918, on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF) ... From that moment on, the military museums of the Soviet Republic were focused on working with the servicemen of the RKKA and RKKF.

On December 8, 1991, the heads of the republics of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, in an agreement signed by them, announced the termination of the existence of the USSR and the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Along with the collapse of the Soviet Union, its Armed Forces and the military-museum network ceased to exist, the activities of which, first of all, were aimed at educating and providing cultural services to the servicemen of the Soviet army and navy.

The scientific problem of the dissertation research is to comprehensively investigate and summarize the historical experience of the activities of state and military bodies, museum leadership on the formation and development of a network of military museums in the country, the organization of their work on cultural services for military personnel in the period from 1918 to 1991, to identify the characteristic features and trends, formulate scientific conclusions, historical lessons and practical recommendations.

The purpose of the work is to carry out a systematic and comprehensive study of the activities of state and military administration bodies, museum management on the creation and development of a network of military museums, the organization of their cultural and educational work with military personnel in the period under review, to draw scientifically substantiated conclusions, formulate historical lessons, practical recommendations and development trends of military museums of the Russian Federation.

To achieve this goal, the candidate formulated the following main research objectives.

1. Assess the degree of elaboration of the problem and characterize the source base of the study.

2. Determine the role of Soviet military museums in the education of military personnel, taking into account the previous experience of the military-museum network of imperial Russia.

3. Investigate the activities of state and military administration bodies to create and improve the legal and organizational foundations of military museums in the period under review.

4. To reveal the work of military museums for the cultural services of the personnel of the army and navy in the period from 1918 to 1991.

5. Analyze the popularization and publishing work of military museums during the study period.

6. Make scientifically grounded conclusions, formulate historical lessons arising from the activities of domestic military museums in 1918-1991, practical recommendations for further study and use of the results of dissertation research, trends in the development of military museums in the Russian Federation.

The dissertation proposal offers the following research concept.

The revolutionary events of October 1917 and the creation in January 1918 of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, and then the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Navy, determined the new content of the activities of military museums and served as the starting point of the Soviet stage in the development of military museum affairs.

During the years of the Civil War and foreign military intervention (1917-1920), the state and military authorities made efforts to preserve the rich historical and cultural heritage stored in military museums, as well as to create a fundamentally new military-museum network, which should was to become in the service of education and cultural service of the command and rank-and-file personnel in the spirit of the new ideology.

In the interwar years (1921-June 1941), the foundations of the legal and organizational development of the Soviet military-museum network were laid, the tasks and directions of its development were determined. During this period, the material base of the existing military museums was significantly strengthened, the construction of new ones began. These processes took place under the control of the bodies of party, state and military administration.

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 became a test of the strength of the established Soviet military-museum network. The experience of military museums in solving the tasks assigned to them confirmed the correctness of the position that their role in educational and cultural work with soldiers of the army and navy was very significant.

The functioning of military museums in the USSR in the post-war years was closely linked with the need to collect and preserve documents and materials showing the greatness of the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, improving the legal and organizational structure, material and technical base, and building new museums.

With the development of the country, quantitative and qualitative changes in the Soviet Armed Forces, the state and military administration bodies adjusted the tasks of military museums in the field of training soldiers. The main directions were the education of the personnel of high discipline, the desire to master weapons and military equipment, loyalty to the military oath, respect for their history and the heroic traditions of the Armed Forces.

Late 1980s and early 1990s were marked by turbulent processes in Russian history. During this period, there were two trends in the development of military museums. On the one hand, the lifting of bans for ideological reasons, publicity, accessibility to previously unknown sources made it possible to expand the exposition complexes of military-historical museums, "saturate" them with new museum items.

On the other hand, the transition to a market economy, the lack of proper attention from the state led to the fact that many military museums have become unprofitable enterprises. The consequence of this was a dilapidated material fund, the departure of qualified employees, the leasing of their premises to commercial organizations, the transformation of military museums in some cases into warehouses, hostels, etc.

Military museums of the Soviet period carried out active cultural and educational work among military personnel and their families. It was aimed at promoting moral and aesthetic education, establishing glorious combat traditions in military collectives, raising the cultural level, participating in organizing the full-fledged leisure of servicemen.

The generalized experience of the work of military museums of the Soviet period in the education and cultural services of military personnel can be used in the practice of the activities of the modern military museum network.

The structure of the thesis includes an introduction, four chapters, conclusion, list of sources and literature, applications.

Conclusion of scientific work dissertation on the topic "Military museums and their role in cultural and educational work with military personnel"

Chapter Conclusions

In the period from 1918 to 1991, Russian military museums carried out popularization and publishing work, which significantly influenced the quality of cultural services for visitors.

Promotional work focused on those people who had insufficient knowledge about a particular museum and its work. Its main goal was to provide primary information about the museum, its objects and collections and to attract as many visitors as possible to the museum halls. Publishing work, in turn, was aimed at a trained audience, which sought to obtain additional information about the museum and its activities. Its goal was to systematize, expand and deepen knowledge about various aspects of museum activities, exchange experience in museum work.

The first provisions concerning the conduct of popularizing and publishing work by military museums were reflected in the legal documents regulating the activities of the military museum network in the 1920s and 1930s.

The work of military museums to popularize their funds and collections in the 1920s and 1930s. was quite specific and meaningful. A large place in it was given to the cooperation of museum collectives with representatives of the media. This made it possible to expand the possibilities for information support of various areas of museums' activities, cultural events.

Starting from the 1950s-1960s, military museums began to actively use the possibilities of cinema in their popularization work, which implied, firstly, cooperation with the central film studios of the country in the production of informational and educational products, and, secondly, the creation of for these purposes their own film studios.

An important event that influenced the expansion of the geography of the popularizing work of military museums was the entry of the USSR into

International Council of Museums (ICOM) in 1957. This made it possible to establish a mutual exchange of experience in this direction with their foreign colleagues.

In the second half of the 1980s. the changed political4 and socio-economic conditions have made changes in the work of military museums to popularize their objects and collections. This was expressed, on the one hand, in the strengthening of the technical base for its implementation, the acquisition of the right by museum collectives to independently choose the forms and methods of popularization work, and, on the other hand, in the reduction of state funding, which led to a decrease in the indicators of its effectiveness.

The publishing work of military museums in the period under review was a complex of activities for the production of printed materials, which reflected important issues of museum activities. The direction of its development was the transition from the publication of small-circulation literature of one or two types (guidebooks, catalogs) to the publication of large volumes of literature and many types (catalogs, guidebooks, booklets, brochures, own periodicals, etc.).

When it was organized in the first years after the October Revolution of 1917, the military museums adopted the corresponding experience of the military-museum network of imperial Russia.

Despite the fact that the issues of publishing work of military museums were reflected in legal documents that appeared in the 1920s-1930s, in practice it developed at an insufficient pace. The reasons for this were the weak material and technical base of military museums, the lack of qualified personnel, and the lack of proper attention to publishing on the part of the museum leadership.

In the 1940s-1960s. there was an increase in the volume of publishing work of military museums, which was associated with the creation of editorial and publishing groups in their states. Their main task was the preparation and production of printed materials corresponding to the profile of the museum and areas of activity. One of the types of printed publications that came out during this period were guidebooks to military museums, which played a large role in educational and cultural work with military personnel.

In the 1950s. the largest Soviet military museums began to prepare and publish their own printed periodicals, which became a platform for discussing the most important issues of museum activities. A significant place on the pages of the publications was devoted to the coverage of various aspects of cultural and educational work with visitors.

In the 1970s-1980s. orders of the USSR Ministry of Defense were issued, which adjusted the goals and objectives of publishing in accordance with the realities of the time. In addition, large military museums issued a number of internal documents that specified the procedure for the preparation and publication of printed materials.

Significant changes in the publishing work of military museums took place in the second half of the 1980s. The weakening of military censorship, the acquisition of high-quality printing equipment and technology, and the expansion of the independence of military museums in the planning and production of printed materials were supposed to bring the publishing work of military museums to a qualitatively new level. However, this was prevented by the collapse of the Soviet Union and its military-museum network.

Report of Archpriest Sergiy Privalov, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies: “Shepherd and clergy in the army. The role of the personality of a military clergyman in the spiritual and moral education of military personnel. "

The service of the military clergy at the present stage of the development of the Armed Forces poses before the Church topical issues of understanding the role of a clergyman in the troops, ways of improving spiritual and moral education and assessing the effectiveness of pastoral work.

The Russian Orthodox Church is aware of its spiritual responsibility and seeks to convey to every person the light of the Gospel Truth: “And light a candle, they do not put it under a vessel, but on a candlestick, and it shines on everyone in the house” (Matthew 5:15).

At present, the close attention of society to the representatives of the Church is becoming not only obvious, but is the subject of the struggle for the souls of people. Opponents of Orthodoxy, looking for the disorder and spiritual weakness of a particular person ordained to the priesthood, are trying to discredit the entire fullness of the Church, which consists primarily of the celestials - the angels of the Church, who have already acquired the right to ceaselessly praise the Lord, as well as people who have embarked on the path of Christian good deeds , but due to the weakness of the forces stumbling and getting up for further battle with the forces of evil in the heavens. The head of the Church is the Savior of the world - our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastoral service in the army is the service of a person who has dedicated himself to God. All the attention of the military is directed to the military clergyman, not only because of his black cassock and cross unusual for the military class, but primarily because of the unusualness of his service, which, mysteriously, not always clear, stands out from ordinary military life and those tasks, which are performed on a daily basis by military personnel.

The military priest is not just in plain sight, they want to see Christ and holiness in him, to which they would like to strive and find the meaning of their life. If only believers gather in parish churches, then a military unit is a collective of like-minded people who perform a single combat mission, but in their own worldview can belong to a variety of groups, currents of religious beliefs, stand at different levels of churchliness and participation in religious sacraments and rituals ...

There is no need to talk about the highest level of responsibility of a military clergyman for the observance of moral and ethical standards that should be inherent in any citizen of our state. We are talking about the manifestation of the qualities characteristic of the holy fathers of the Church and, first of all, of clergy.

A military priest should become not only a good pastor who performs the established Divine services, preaches correctly, conducts incessant educational and spiritual and moral work, participates in social and patriotic events, helps the command in eradicating negative phenomena in the army, but first of all should be a prayer book - a confessor, whose sacred mission should be the spiritual core of a military formation.

We are talking about spiritual warfare or spiritual warfare, which began even before the creation of the world by the fall of the angels and continues here on earth throughout the entire existence of civilization. The struggle for the human soul, for its choice of movement towards God or towards the devil, never stops. It has big and small victories, temporary retreats and advances, but the result of everything is unity with God or a departure from Him. In this battle, the prayer of the priest-confessor for the child he herd is the main work of the clergyman.

Invisible abuse, but clearly felt by the soul of a soldier, for whom his relatives, parents, colleagues and priest-confessor pray, is his real life. External events only replace the surroundings of the struggle for the main thing - the acquisition of the spirit of the Holy God.

“Acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands will be saved around you,” said the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. This order of the holy elder should be considered a motto for the entire corps of military clergy.

The role of the personality of the clergyman sometimes becomes a key element of the pastoral ministry in the army. On the one hand, the authority of the shepherd, his spiritual qualities are an attractive force for the military. The desire to see in the priest a friend, a colleague, a kind interlocutor offers him entry into the sphere of relations that are weakly consistent with his vocation - serving God. Priorities in ministry are shifting to the spiritual, not the spiritual component. Prayer and inner work fades into the background. And this does not always happen at the will of the priest himself. The whole complex of tasks that have to be solved makes the military shepherd an administrator, organizer, builder, a disciplined executor of the will of the command, shifting the emphasis in his activities towards socially significant events.

The initial stage of earning in a military collective ends, and questions arise that are not always easy to give unambiguous answers. What is the return on the invested efforts in the churching of servicemen, what percentage of the total number of personnel attends divine services, lectures and conversations on Orthodox topics conducted by a clergyman? In what quantities can the inner world in a team be measured with the arrival of a clergyman? How many suicidal incidents have been prevented by the efforts of the assistant commander for work with religious military personnel?

We, as specialists in the field of organizing the activities of the military clergy, will have to formulate general approaches to assessing pastoral work, but the highest measure will remain the conscience of the priest and God's judgment on our ministry. I would like the measure of our strength and capabilities to coincide with the providence of God about the ways of laying down the soul for his friends.

It seems important in this audience to remind the representatives of the military command about the share of responsibility that is determined by God and those who hold power. The role of the commander-chief in the process of spiritual and moral education determines not only the fulfillment of the assigned combat missions, but, first of all, the fate of a person who is at that age when everything good is still absorbed like a sponge, but everything bad is deposited in the soul for life through moral or immoral attitudes and formed behavioral stereotypes.

It is easy for us to remember our military youth, when copying the methods of action for managing cadet units was included in the style of behavior, in flesh and blood for many years of life. It is good if the teachers were moral and spiritually mature commanders. You should learn these skills all your life, and taking responsibility for the fate of others, keep in mind not only the physical, but also the spiritual life of subordinates, which is many times more expensive. The life of the spirit is eternal, and everyone involved in the formation of a warrior of the Russian state should worry about it.

Spiritual and moral enlightenment is not a set of sayings from the texts of Holy Scripture, it is, first of all, a personal example of keeping the commandments of God and communion with the grace-filled gifts of the Church of Christ, which enlightens the soul and transforms the body. The path of all life is the path of knowing God within your heart. And in this field it is impossible to be alone, without advice, guidance and prayer of the confessor.

Can a military priest be the confessor of the entire military collective? How many spiritual children can he bring to God, protect them from the perniciousness of this world? Can it be hoped that 10 - 12 soldiers who regularly communicate with the priest and participate in divine services will have sufficient potential to become the "salt" of the military brotherhood?

The Lord likens His disciples to salt, which keeps the human race from moral decay: "You are the salt of the earth," and adds: "If the salt loses its strength, then how will you make it salt?" (Matthew 5:13).

Fundamental theological questions require fundamental knowledge and pastoral experience. It cannot be obtained only in an educational institution. The growth of the spirit in a military priest should be a constant process, where humility, obedience and the struggle with sinful passions produce spiritual fruit - a state of Divine love, which is “patient, merciful, is irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; Covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love never fails ”(1 Cor. 13: 4-8). It has its source in God Himself, who is Love (1 John 4:26).

What demands does the time put forward before the military clergy? The mission of the Church in the Army has never been so auspicious. On the one hand, the exacerbation of all the contradictions of the modern spiritless civilization, which is roughly oriented not towards raising a person to the image and likeness of God, but towards bringing him down to a state of madness and consumption of everything that harms the soul. On the other hand, the question about the meaning of human life, questions of good and evil, honesty and justice, Divine predestination and personal choice of the spiritual paradigm, is becoming more and more obvious for the sane part of humanity. Where, if not in the Army, and even on the brink of a large-scale war, with a constant threat to life, a person should sober up and return to true spiritual values, rethink his life and behavior, uniting in prayer with God and consciously standing up to defend the Fatherland, which is being reborn for serving God.

The Russian Army is currently the second largest in the world in terms of military potential after the United States. And according to the fairness of goals and objectives and the spiritual potential that restrains satanic aggression, of course, it is the first in the world. The military clergy at the present stage of the development of the Armed Forces is more and more weighty declaring their potential. The development of church-military relations grows into collaboration, where the role of the priest-confessor will only grow. Our task is to prepare for serious and intense work and correspond to the mission that God has prepared for us.

Defense in a country depends on the state of the army. It acts solely for defense purposes. Compulsory military service is a key element in the existence of the army. Russia, and all of its territory, belongs to the number of just such a state. All links in the formation of the army and the defense system as a whole ensure the security of all citizens and the entire country. Ensuring conscription into the ranks of the army is the main task of military commissariats. Military commissariats belong to military enlistment offices. The specialists working in this structure are an important link in the entire chain of defense in the country. It would be wrong if the employees of the military registration and enlistment offices were not registered in the country. For this reason, one of the approved state holidays is dedicated to them and their work - the holiday of military commissariats and their employees, approved by the Decree.

Even the Soviet government dated April 8, 1918. There are many reasons for approving the holiday. The main one is, of course, the formation of the composition of the Red Army. At that time, these were volost, district, governor military commissariats, which merging one into one, formed one main district commissariat of military affairs in the country.

Their main task is to prepare young men of military age to join the ranks of the army and learn how to conduct compulsory military service. No matter how the military commissariats are now called, and the plenipotentiaries of the army and military commissariats, they all say one thing, this is the main soldier's structure, founded to conduct the admission of citizens into the ranks of the army for military service. After all, it is from here that every newly-called young man begins his service. It is here that many military retirees turn for help in difficult times. They come here, with the last hope of help, and veterans-front-line soldiers,

Perhaps this is the main reason why a holiday dedicated to the employees of the military registration and enlistment office, which is annually celebrated on April 8, has appeared on the calendar.

To date, the number of military commissariats has increased significantly. All new branches of military registration and enlistment offices are being opened. But, at the same time, they all belong to the Ministry of Defense of Russia, through the interaction of the main organizational and mobilization department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military enlistment offices are a network of structures whose main task is to fulfill the defense task of the state. In close cooperation with local executive authorities, the work of military enlistment offices is aimed at developing plans for the implementation of ensuring the mobilization of citizens, transport resources throughout the subordinate territory. This applies to the military registration and enlistment offices of regional territorial bodies, regional and city. Even in the event of their reorganization, the tasks of the country's armed forces have not been canceled. Their main goal remains unchanged. That is, ensuring reliable protection of citizens, the state and its entire territory. The armed forces must, under any conditions, receive the necessary contingent for conscription.

A whole range of major tasks follows from this. The main ones are the organization and maintenance of strict accounting, the organization of the conscription of citizens, the compilation of a reserve fund of military personnel. And also, securing the reserve and booking for enterprises. All measures are designed to protect the state and are carried out in the interests of the Armed Forces and military formations in the country.
Now the main goal of military commissariats is to provide citizens with a decent defense force, and the state with the mobilization of all the necessary resources to serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Russia. In addition, the military registration and enlistment offices are engaged in the selection of candidates for admission to educational institutions related to military service and defense. They exercise control over the passage of service by citizens who have expressed to serve under a contract. Also, the military registration and enlistment offices take part in the education of young people, instilling in them patriotism, provision and social protection of servicemen in reserve. In general, they deal with all vital issues, in relation to conscripts, those who have served, reserve soldiers and in relation to those who are in reserve, who have retired.

Almost a hundred years have passed since the military commissariats were established. Much has changed over the years. The entire history of the development of the country's Armed Forces is connected with the day of the formation of military registration and enlistment offices. The military registration and enlistment office, as before, make a great contribution to the development of the state's defense capability. No matter how time changes, the defense of the country has always remained the most important task in which military enlistment offices occupy one of the main places.

History of military commissariats

The history of the emergence of military registration and enlistment offices begins long ago. It takes a long period of time, from the time of the formation of the Soviet Union to the present day.

But, if you go even deeper, then we can say with confidence that the first military registration and enlistment office appeared during the reign of Peter the Great. It was during his reign that the first regular troops were created. At that time, this option was not taken seriously, the emergence of the regular army was called more amusing troops than the defense of the country. It was 1687, many years had passed before the emergence of the real Armed Forces. First, in 1699, Russia introduced the so-called recruiting troops, which were finally approved only in 1705. From that moment on, the development of defense, the emergence of regular troops began to develop on the path of development, which was the reason that already in 1716, Peter the Great created the first decree in the history of Russia on a regular army. And 4 years later, by the end of 1720, the decree of Peter the Great was supplemented, also with decrees in relation to the naval forces, which was named so, the naval decree of the regular army of Peter the Great.
At that time, history remembers that war is only a matter of aristocrats. But after a while nobles, merchants, paying citizens and members of the clergy were released from urgent compulsory service. In this regard, only bourgeois and peasants were drafted into the army. At the same time, the term of service in the army was, neither more nor less, only 25 years.

Since then, the army has undergone systematic changes and reforms. The first reform of the army took place in 1874. The founder, whom he became - D.A. Milyutin. He introduced universal military service, which extended to the entire male population in the state. At that time, the word recruit was changed to, recruit. It was at that moment that the need arose to create bodies that would deal with issues related to the equipment of the army. First, military presences were formed, that is, the predecessors of the current military registration and enlistment offices.
In Soviet times, military service was voluntary. But, with the outbreak of the civil war, it became clear that the country cannot do without a compulsory army. Since then, military service has remained mandatory for men of a certain age. The military presences were replaced by military commissariats. Their role was considered the most significant. They were engaged not only in providing the army with personnel, but also trained the mobilized, bringing them to full readiness to serve for the good of the Motherland.

After the end of the war, military obedience became mandatory for every male citizen. Conscription was approved by law. One Law was adopted for all - the obligatory appeal of young men aged 18 years. At the same time, the service life in the army was 2-3 years. This is stated in the presidential decree of the Russian Armed Forces of May 7, 1992. A year later, the main decree of the president of the country was changed. Citizens of the male contingent between the ages of 18 and 278 can be called up for military service in the ranks of the army. This means that if a young man cannot repay his debt to the Motherland in the ranks of the army at 18, then he will always have time to do this before the age of 27. At the same time, almost 15 years, the service life was set for 2 years, but due to the reduction since 2008, it was already only 12 months.

The innovations came out only by the year 200, when the obligatory term of service in the ranks of the army was 18-21 months. More recently, a military reform was again carried out in the defense area. Associated with it are the massive dismissals of military enlistment officers who no longer wear military uniforms and are ordinary citizens of Russia, even though there is military service, which involves serving not only in wartime, but also in peacetime.

On April 8, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted the "Decree on the Establishment of Volost, Uyezd, Provincial and District Military Commissariats," whose activities made it possible to create a strong Red Army in the shortest possible time. April 8 marks the 100th anniversary of the creation of military commissariats. On April 8, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted the "Decree on the Establishment of Volost, Uyezd, Provincial and District Military Commissariats", whose vigorous activity subsequently made it possible in the shortest possible time to create a strong Red Army, equip it with privates and command personnel, arm and provide everything necessary for the conduct of hostilities. Military commissariats played an extremely important role during the Great Patriotic War. Thanks to their active and intense work, the courage of the military commissariats, already in the first most difficult days of the Great Patriotic War, it was possible to mobilize human resources and equipment from the national economy. During the war, military commissariats drafted more than 30 million people into the Red Army, supplied thousands of pieces of equipment from the national economy, provided general military training for citizens, thereby making an important contribution to achieving victory over Nazi Germany. In the post-war years, the staff of the military registration and enlistment offices took on a large burden of meeting, registering and employing the victorious soldiers who were subject to demobilization. An enormous amount of work was done by the military commissariats in recruiting the troops performing their international duty in Afghanistan and taking part in the establishment of the constitutional order in the North Caucasus. Great service of the military commissariats and in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Thanks to the professional activities of the military enlistment office employees, hundreds of thousands of citizens were called up for special gatherings from the reserve to carry out emergency work and thousands of pieces of equipment from the national economy were attracted, thereby ensuring the implementation of a huge range of work to eliminate the consequences of a nuclear accident. At present, military commissariats are entrusted with tasks, the timely and high-quality implementation of which determines the state of combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces: preparing young people for military service, accounting for mobilization human and transport resources, planning mobilization on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizing and conducting the conscription of citizens for military service. Military commissariats also bear a large social burden, ensuring the implementation of measures of legal and social protection of citizens dismissed from military service, and their family members, family members of killed (deceased) servicemen. On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the military commissariats, an exhibition and conference on the topic "The history of the formation and development of military commissariats" was organized for the participants of the gathering. Under the leadership of the GOMU of the General Staff, the military-historical work “Military commissariats: the history of creation and development. Work is underway to issue a commemorative coin and a postage stamp. A significant contribution to this work is made by the veteran organization created in the GOMU of the General Staff, the chairman of which is the former head of the GOMU of the General Staff, retired Lieutenant General Valery Astanin. It should be noted that at present more and more reserve officers who served in the General Staff wish to join the veteran organization, thereby passing on their precious practical experience, preserving the continuity of generations and delighting us with their presence.