How to get into the internal affairs girlfriends. Features of work in PPS

How to get into the internal affairs girlfriends. Features of work in PPS
How to get into the internal affairs girlfriends. Features of work in PPS

The preservation of state order is one of the foundations on which modern society is built. Social in this case is identical to the country. And in each state exist organs designed to maintain public order.

Police posts

The police are called whole complex of state structures. Each is responsible for maintaining order. So will be in demand all professions:

  1. Employees of personnel department.
  2. Accountant.
  3. Operatives.
  4. Investigators.
  5. Plot.

The list will be about the same as in the case of other state structures. Pedagogical education will help those who are planning and to engage in minors.

To get a place for a place, it is enough to contact representatives of the staff of the personnel of the unit where it is planned to entrust. It remains to submit documents, take care of tests and surveys.

Requirements for candidates: how to be girls

At first, the citizen checks whether it corresponds to the requirements of the institution. Investigators and accountants are accepted on different conditions, but there are always common points.

For example, the main requirement remains the presence of official Russian citizenship. At the same time, floor irrelevant. If there are no contraindications for health status, then the service can do both girls and young people. As for age requirements, they will be as follows:

  1. Not under 18 years old.
  2. After 35 are not allowed.
  3. The exception is the adoption of a citizen who has previously held in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For them, the plank at age rises to 50 years.

Education must match postswhich is claimed by the future employee. In some cases, there is enough medium or vocational education. Higher profile is needed to those who claim the senior staff of the organization.

The obstacle to the post may be:

  1. The presence of convicted relatives.
  2. Own business.
  3. Nootability to work with the state secret.

The path to the organs is closed and in the event that an administrative or criminal code has repeatedly applied to the candidate.

List of employment documents

The set of documents consists of the following positions:

  • labor book in the presence;
  • certificate of assigning the INN;
  • information on income and property;
  • military ID, if we are talking about military service;
  • education documents;
  • autobiography;
  • questionnaire;
  • statement.

The list may increase depending on the post on which the candidate enters.

Not only entrance exams are important, and a set of personal qualities. Among them:

  1. Preservation of self-catering and calm in any situations.
  2. Fast decision making, even in emergency situations.
  3. Responsibility, punctuality when performing tasks.
  4. A sense of debt in front of the country, the people.
  5. The ability to convince others in its position.
  6. Courage, dedication.
  7. Readiness to cope with hard conditions.
  8. Decency, honesty.
  9. Readiness to carry out orders from bosses.
  10. Compliance with strict discipline.

Don't do without good physical training, good biography. Young people must serve the urgent service until the post is admitted.

Advantages, disadvantages, salary level

Police work is different high levels of difficultyBut there are certain advantages. Here are just some of them:

  • social guarantees;
  • fringe benefits;
  • building career in public service.

If desired, any employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may to retire Previously, the remaining categories of citizens.
The main disadvantage is considered danger and risksWith which representatives of services face every day. It is worth being ready for the fact that citizens are not always due respect to representatives of these structures. Therefore, without patience and excerpts can not do.

Exists several factorsthat affect the level of wages of police officers. For example, in large cities, the level of ensuring is higher than in the regions. On the territory of megacities you can count on salary in the amount from 45,000 to 100,000 rubles. This amount already includes surcharges along with surcharges.

You can list only some establishments where they are engaged in high-quality training with high qualifications:

  1. Tambov Technical Institute.
  2. Moscow Financial Law Institute.
  3. North Caucasus University of federal significance.
  4. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main thing is to remember that this work is connected not only with daily risks, but with stress. Undorrible working days are the smallest possible. But for society, this service is still requested and relevant. It is only necessary to maintain a desire to move forward, to self-improve.

Features of the professional profession

Plot refers to employees who may have to accept complaints, appeals from citizens at any time of the day. The main thing is to be aware of everything that happens on the site, which is entrusted to the employee. Here you have to work in a whole range of tasks:

  • find criminals;
  • carry out preventive conversations;
  • protect peace of citizens.

For the post, the requirement is presented high enough. Of course, stable physical health is required. Without education in the field of jurisprudence can not do. Many are sifted until there are interviews. Others are translated due to too high load, with which it is difficult to cope.

The reaction to the appeal of citizens should be timely. For communication with the authorities, official phones are issued, their number is created separately.

Plotted bypass to get acquainted with those whose activities and life they must guard, control.

Is it possible to get a job without service in the army

Many citizens are interested in the question if you can get to the police, if the usual military service was not passed. Regulations do not contain specific instructions That the military service is mandatory for all. But the probability of refusal increases if there is no mark in the documents.

This is due to the presentation of certain requirements or non-compliance:

  1. Security measures when using special self-defense facilities.
  2. The presence of special combat preliminary preparation.
  3. Acquaintance with the charter.
  4. Ability to handle weapons.

If these skills are absent, then the higher authorities simply do not see the point of taking a person to work.

For some posts, health status is at a certain level. Problems in the device in the Ministry of Internal Affairs may occur even with those who used to serve and finished it successfully. For example, if problems arose with health, because of which its category was reduced.


The presence of condoms and lack of citizenship may become the reason for refusing to satisfy the request. The same applies to situations when a person was recognized as incapable. Finally, it is dangerous to provide any fake, false information.

As for retirement, the minimum experience for this right - 20 years. A specific division does not matter.

PPS - important servicewhich performs tasks that ensure order and stability in society. It is she who is recognized as one of the most effective. Therefore, the modernization and development of the departments should not stop. And this can be achieved only if the influx of new frames is permanent.

The requirements are quite rigid, but still the result is their implementation. It is necessary only to decide in advance whether the service corresponds to character, personal inclinations. And after that, to choose the direction of activity that interests most.

Features of the police are presented on video.

How to get a job in the police and be responsible for maintaining orders in the country.
This position means that it should be required not necessarily precinct, investigators, operatives, but also specialists of such activities as accountants. Consequently, this feature is not only for lawyers, but also for citizens of other specialties.

In the police

To be an employee in the police, it is necessary to go to the personnel separation. Then provide a complete package of special papers and go through the relevant tests, the medical commission.

There are special requirements for the position of work in the police:

  1. Age limits up to 35 years. By law, it is permitted only to this age.
  2. Good biography. The prerequisite is the lack of a candidate criminal record and his family members.
  3. Military service for men is the main condition. Women does not concern.
  4. Health. We must pass the GDK (Military Medical Commission). It includes inspection to the psychological and physical well-being of a person.
  5. Conditions for the formation of a citizen must comply with the level of position on which he wants to settle. Take with middle and vocational education. But for the senior position it is necessary to have higher, preferably with a legal specialty.
  6. Do not get confused by people who have their own business or those who cannot store state secrecy.


How to get a job in the police girlfriend? The girl follows:

  1. You can go to the nearest branch, and find out what are the vacancies and posts in the police for girls, if they are not going to the official website of the Ministry of the Interior and submit their resume.
  2. Choose in which industry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Woman wants to work. In most cases, prefers to work with documents, document management, accounting activities and public relations. And for this it will not be necessary to complete the profile institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the necessary order, you need to know the area of \u200b\u200bthis specialty.
  3. What kind of education need to work in the police gum? If the girl wants to work law enforcement agencies, then for this you need to prepare at the Academy or University of the Ministry of the Interior. These educational institutions are in all major cities in Russia. The doctrine takes place at different specialties primarily on jurisprudence, forensic examination and forensic.
  4. There are the same standards as everyone else. Restrictions aged 18 to 35 years and, of course, good health.
  5. It is necessary to take physical and psychological standards to learn to find out whether the girl is ready for such a difficult position. To do this, you will need to go through a military medical examination at the place of residence.
  6. There is a difference between the passage between a man and a woman at the reception. Girls arrange at less energy-cost specialty.
  7. When receiving, not only the level of knowledge and work experience, but also information in the questionnaire is taken into account. You need to fill paper in detail, and then the information is processed in detail.

List of necessary securities

For employment to work in the police, you need to have a corresponding package of documents:

  • application for specialty;
  • test questionnaire;
  • biography of the candidate;
  • regulatory papers regulating the scope of training;
  • military ID;
  • data on income and property;
  • certificate of assigning the INN;
  • if there is a workbook.

The rest of all papers depend on the service for which a person wants to go.

In addition to the papers, it is necessary to pass the medical commission to accurately prove the readiness for the post. It includes inspection by doctors and passing the necessary analyzes.

It takes control not only to physical standards, but also on the psychological state of a person. When all the conditions are completed, you need to go to practice.

After excellent delivery, the employee can receive this work and be certified by all the rules of a special title.


How much time to spend time

To take on a position to the police, it is necessary to pre-sign up for an interview to the head representative of the department. If there are vacant places, the application of the candidate is considered and issuing the appropriate forms that it must fill. Then you need to go through a medical examination and check the psychological state. Then send the military medical commission.

How everything will be ready and the personnel department will consider in detail the human biography and if any serious illnesses are detected, then the candidate can be accepted. The final terms of the results become known from 3 months to six months. It is necessary to have a hard character, be patient and decisive in your choice, show enough effort to accurately get into this sphere.

How to find a place former police officer

Only 40% of workers have a legal education. The rest of the percentage of people work is not specialty, but do not know how to get a job. Some citizens can find a job where physical strength needs, for example, in security organizations, a loader and handymen. If a former policeman is able to lead, then you can open your private enterprise.

The former officers who are well understood in the field of economy have dating organs, can work in various banks - in security services, in checking employees and customers. Former workers are needed in oil structures. The fact is that every individual employee has great importance in these areas. Each bank employee has access to very important, secret data.

You can go to settle in other areas, such as MES, FSSP, FSIN. Especially you can try to work in the lawyer.

Another way to employ a former employee is tourist activity. The police have many links in the passport tables, they can easily arrange a passport faster than the usual term, which is very valued by the tenant.

How to get a job in the police

5 (100%) 5 votes

Former soldiers who came from the army are often lost on a citizen, not knowing what they want to continue to do. It is believed that the army makes a real man from the young man, but this question is controversial. The fact is that the routine of the day of the servant is painted in minutes, the soldier tends to do everything in a pointer, and so lives for a whole year. Of course, the lifestyle with a clear schedule becomes familiar, so when the "grandfather" goes to Demob, real life becomes a kind of shock.

Now you have to independently solve important tasks - who do you want to be what you want to do, and you also have to move yourself to the development itself. Nearby there is no more officer who will solve all your problems, move and feed.

Thinking where to go further, the soldiers often choose the opportunity to realize in the police - at least some hint of development in the Armed Forces of Russia, the more wages of the current employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot but rejoice in their sizes. Recently, the Russian government has been closely on the reform of the military sphere, so a military sin complain.

The road from the army to the police

How competent the personnel composition of police workers, sometimes causes certain doubts. That is why former soldiers of the army willingly take in the ranks of the police - they are more stressful, they know what discipline and order, excellent performers and responsible employees.

But this does not mean that the police will accept the first one who came to the army - the competition in 2017 for open vacancies no longer canceled. By the way, about the competition - if you want to claim a place in the police, you first need to know whether there is free.

To do this, come to the territorial separation of the police and declare your desire to work in a serious department. If necessary - negotiate with the manual, ahead of the competition, you should be well prepared.

Who has more chances to get to the police

Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs implies not only good physical data and endurance of the applicant, but also the knowledge of many laws - it is on their foundation that the employee has the right to identify the other as a violator of the rule of law, the Corruptioner, and so on. The more accomplished applicant to the vacant place in the legal aspects of the current Russian legislation, the greater the chance to break through into the ranks of the police.

Therefore, before you get a job in the Armed Forces of Russia, it is necessary to actually appreciate your own opportunities. The selection and training of personnel occur taking into account such important criteria:

  • age from 18 to 40 years;
  • availability of service in the army;
  • sports achivments;
  • participation in sports competitions or their organization, refereeing;
  • education is taken into account - the highest guarantees the full luggage of knowledge and shipment of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is taken to the army upon reaching 18 years, so returning home, everything you can boast of a competition in the MIA - this is 1 year away from loved ones, the plus will be a contract service lasting 2 years, it will allocate you from the crowd and denoting serious intentions to tie Military affair his life.

Is it worth going to the police right after the army or better to do with it, having received education - to solve only you. It is possible to finish the university in absentia, and at this time work, but where to get a good, not knowing absolutely nothing, with grade 9 or 11 school classes, you should think well.

Value for operational composition

The Department of Frames of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is still inclined to option when the operational composition is already more oriented in a legal aspect. Of course, if you wish, you can teach any employee, but how much strength and time is needed to make from a novice without knowledge of a real highly qualified employee, and how long will it work on his job place? Answer these questions is uniquely difficult.

The result of such experiments is crying:

  • low level of personnel staff;
  • as a consequence, a bad disclosure of crimes;
  • lack of interest to disclose the case.

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 requires a greater reduction of employees who do not want to spread in the workplace for all 100%, so the requirements for applicants increase even more, and therefore a simple former soldier is unlikely to seem to immediately settle in the police. Conclusion - it makes sense to get an education, and only then undergo a competitive selection.

Although no one forbiving trying happiness and immediately after the army - it remains to submit a statement, documents and hope that you will be appreciated.

At the same time, a new job for former police officers can be provided at the age after 35. That is, if earlier you served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but then for any reason the experience was interrupted, it is possible to re-give a job until 50 years.

  • Education must comply with position. At the same time, the operation opera in the police is possible with an average vocational education, but for the superior composition, the requirements will be more stringent.
  • Of course, the requirements for the operative and accountant will differ. Therefore, before starting to collect a package of documents, specify what the work of the district authorized police or an employee of another post you are interested in and appreciate its compliance with the established standards. You can familiarize yourself with the general qualification requirements in Art. 14 and 17 FZ No. 342 of 2011

How to get into the police | Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Hello, friends. The reform held by the government gave their sprouts. The police set up not easy. And while others think how to get into the police, I suggest to study right "here and now" what is needed for this. And what, in fact, gives work in law enforcement and is it worth the game of the candle? Take a look! ? These are the bonuses that the acting police officer gets:

  • Free medical care.
  • Mandatory insurance of life and health.
  • Work experience of 20 years (currently discussed an increase in service life of up to 25 years), after which you can make a retirement.
  • Inexpensive travel by public transport (preferential travel).
  • Vacation is the main 30 days + 7 (9) days with an abnormal working day + leave for long service (from 5 to 15 days).

How to get a job in the police: Requirements and restrictions

Hello. I am 35 years old, I want to settle in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now I work in customs, I have a special title "Lieutenant". Will you take me? After all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs takes up to 35 years. And I heard that it seems to be in the new legislation who worked in the special rank at the state service does not concern and take in 40 years. Hello, Konstantin. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2011
N 342-FZ "On the service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation: Article 17. The right to receive service to the internal affairs bodies 3. The urgent age of receipt of the service in the internal affairs bodies is set: 1) for replacement of posts in the internal affairs bodies - 35 years; four.

The essence of the police work. How to get a job in the police?

Also, a citizen in the course of verification takes place several procedures:

  • Medical examination, during which the health compliance is determined by the requirements for the post
  • Passage of physical health tests
  • Passing the psychological and psychophysiological examination for the identification of a citizen's compliance with the required moral quality, the presence of the required level of emotional sustainability and so on.

Among other things, when conducting a psychophysiological examination, checks on the lie detector ("Polygraph") to minimize possible risk factors. The fact is that according to the current legislation, the lie detector cannot provide 100% guarantees in his testimony.


In addition, for some posts and ranks, higher education is a mandatory requirement. As for the race, faith and political views, they do not affect how to get a job in the police. Requirements and restrictions can be slightly changed for girls and women, and in order to protect them from heavy loads.


How to get a girl to work in the police with regard to women, then for them there are some restrictions in the choice of posts. For example, weak gender will not be able to get into the rapid response command or in the interception group. The reason for this is the high threshold of physical training, frequent risk to life and the need for great endurance.

The rest of the girl can qualify for the same vacancies as men. Although most ladies still seek the work of the investigator or to the department for working with minors.

Air receipt in the Ministry of Internal Affairs after 35 years

How to get a job in the police? Increasingly, this question is interested in young people, which considers the work of a police prestigious and promising. But before Temkak, get a job in the police, it is necessary to assess your chances of receiving the post. What posts in the police? Is it possible to get a girlfriend to the police (requirements for candidates)? What documents are needed to get a job in the police? What tests need to go? Subscribe to Naskanal in Yandex.Dzen! Subscribe to channel What are the police posts? First of all, it is necessary to understand that the Russian police are a whole set of state structures responsible for maintaining the rule of law in the country.
This means that not only precinct, investigators and operatives, but also specialists of such peace professions, such as accountants, employees of the personnel department, etc. are in demand.

Work in the Police of the Russian Federation: how to get up and what is needed for this

Russian Federation; 8) the acquisition or availability of citizenship (citizenship) of a foreign state; 9) Representation of concrete documents or knowingly false information when entering the police. For a citizen entering the service in the internal affairs bodies, in order to verify the level of its preparation and compliance with the position in the internal affairs bodies, to the substitution of which it claims, the test is established for a period of two to six months. When admission to the service in the internal affairs bodies to the position, with the substitution of which the special rank of police is applied, the testing for a period of less than three months is not allowed.
For the period of testing, the candidate is appointed by an intern for the appropriate position in the internal affairs bodies without assigning a special title to it.

While how old you can get to work in the police

Documents required for employment will understand which documents are needed to get into the police:

  • statement;
  • completed form;
  • autobiography (sample autobiography to work in the police can be viewed on the Internet);
  • diploma;
  • military ID (for military-ridden);
  • information about income and property;
  • employment history.

This is the main list of documents - perhaps the work of the Distributor in the police in the selected department will require additional securities. Therefore, specify what you need to get into the police specifically in your case.

How old can you get to work in the police


I will not fall into the demagogue on the effectiveness of the reforms carried out, but, friends, from reliable sources I know exactly what the police are unfinished. Good frames are always needed, and you may need it. The system has always presented serious requirements for the newly new and thirsty to enter into a difficult path of the policeman.

So - how to get into the police (requirements for work in the police) 1. Age up to 35 years. It is possible to arrange to the police according to the law. Although, in my opinion, after 35 years, it is unlikely that anyone in his own will decide to go to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
? 2.

Pure biography. Lack of convictions and drives - a prerequisite. It is not only about the applicant itself, but also its closest relatives. 3. Army for men. For men, the army has become a mandatory demand for service to the police.

Women do not count. 4. Health.

How old are they taking a job in the police

Is it possible to get a girlfriend to the police (requirements for candidates)? Before you get a job in the police, you need to check whether you meet the requirements that are presented to persons trying to work in this structure. Of course, the list of requirements for the investigator and accountant will differ, but there are a number of mandatory items of conformity. Thus, police officers can become citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of gender, and therefore girls, and young people, suitable for health reasons and passing age values \u200b\u200bestablished by law. Citizens are not allowed to enter service in the internal affairs bodies, but not older than 35 years old. An exception is the case when a citizen who has previously served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs starts to the service - then the age plank rises to 50 years.

Until what age is taken to work in the police of women

The citizen entering the service in the internal affairs bodies is drawn up with a personal guarantee, which consists in the written commitment of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, which has a service experience of at least three years, that it swings for compliance with the limitations and prohibitions established for employees specified citizen internal affairs bodies by federal laws of the Russian Federation. The candidate requires an interview, during which the motives of admission to service are clarified, the nature of the upcoming service is explained. If necessary, a conversation is also held with his wife (spouse), the parents of the candidate with their consent.

Written tests help to recognize the true intentions of a person, to correctly choose a position in accordance with the professional skills and the level of intelligence. Oral communication will help to see the reaction of a person on stressful situations and show the degree of readiness to make situational solutions. At the stage of psychological check, 30% of those who want to become police officers are sifted.

Work in the Russian police provides for the full return and unquesting performance of official duties. For comparison, they will answer the question of how to get a job in Germany: there it is much easier - it is worth writing a statement and collect a standard package of documents. This suggests that anyone can become a police officer in this country, but in Russia the police should be born.

Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is associated with great risky, frequent physical exertion and stress, and this will sooner or later affect health. Many are aware of the complexity of this profession, only after working out for several years, after which, without rendering the loads, throw it. Therefore, before you get a job in the police, it should be good to think about the question: "Do I really want this?" And only after all the pros and cons will be well weighed, you should begin preparation for the commissioning. Who can apply for a police officer based on the laws of the Russian Federation, the police can be only a Russian citizen from 18 to 35 years old. He must speak Russian well and have an ended secondary education. It should be immediately noted that candidates with higher education have more chances to receive a place in the police.

How to get a job in the police: Requirements and restrictions

Employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs without a service in the army on the Internet often ask the question of how to get a job in the police without service in the army. In regulatory acts relating to the police, it is not indicated that all young people are obliged to serve before work in the power bodies.

Nevertheless, many people who wish to wear a police form refuse to work in the absence of a military ticket with a marking on the passage of the service. The refusal is motivated by the fact that police officers from the first day of service are obliged to be able to handle the weapons, know the charter, have special combat training, comply with security measures when handling special self-defense.

A person who is not familiar with such skills will not be taken to law enforcement agencies. In most positions, a person will need not only the passage of the service in the military unit, but also the availability of a category of health status of the highest category of level A.

The essence of the police work. How to get a job in the police?


Despite all the difficulties, the service in the law enforcement bodies remains very popular and necessary for society. Having received the necessary skills in the learning process, as well as the desire for self-improvement, you can achieve success in this field, becoming a real professional fighter with crime.

The profession of precinct work of the district authorized police is not easy, because at any time of the day, citizens can contact him with questions and requests for help. The main task facing such a police officer is to be aware of everything that happens on the administrative plot entrusted to him.

How to get a girl to work in the police

Work in the police for women How to get a job in the police gum? Just like a young man or man. Before how many years you can get to the police, we wrote above - these requirements are united for both sexes.


Who is closed way to organs? The work of the investigator in the police or for any other position does not shine:

  • businessmen;
  • people who are not ready to work with the state secret;
  • persons who have criminal records, repeated drives and convicted relatives.

Is it possible to get a set in the police without the army? It is possible, but without the right to postpone the call. In some case, in the reception to the work of military-ridden applicants, they refuse, although there is no such paragraph.

How to get into the police | Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Hello, friends. The reform held by the government gave their sprouts. The police set up not easy. And while others think how to get into the police, I suggest to study right "here and now" what is needed for this.
And what, in fact, gives work in law enforcement and is it worth the game of the candle? Take a look! ? These are the bonuses that the acting police officer gets:

  • Free medical care.
  • Mandatory insurance of life and health.
  • Work experience of 20 years (currently discussed an increase in service life of up to 25 years), after which you can make a retirement.
  • Inexpensive travel by public transport (preferential travel).
  • Vacation is the main 30 days + 7 (9) days with an abnormal working day + leave for long service (from 5 to 15 days).

Is it possible to get a job in the police without special education

In addition, you have the right to one-time financial assistance in purchasing housing.

  • Police officers are resting more civilians. On average, the police vacation lasts 7 business days more.
    With a supraid age, the number of vacation days increases. This compensation for the abnormal working day.
  • Modern reforms in the state improve the work and the life of police workers. They receive a decent wage, for example, a young officer has a salary of about 30 thousand rubles.
  • These and other advantages in the police make many think about tie their lives with this department. Who can get to the police so, let's say you are a young girl who dreams of entering the police.

Is it possible to work in the police without higher education?

I have served in the army, I have a secondary education, can I get to the police? Read Answers (2) Subject: Employment in PoliceMoguli Do I get to the police Having education 9 classes and having a certificate that he has listened to the grade 10-11? Read Replies (1) Subject: to get into the police without education you need all the details for this and it is possible to get a job through their site without visiting the personnel. Total answers (1) Topic: the police without a lawyer will be arranged in the police without an army, but with higher education. Answers (3) Subject: Did I get a policeman to the police with an infant proceeding?! Read Answers (2) Subject: Is the girl forming a special education for a special education? And if you can, who? Read answers (2) Theme: Amendments to separate legislation 26 years I want to work for work in the police in PPS, but I have 9 education classes.

Get a police formation

Features of inspection in the hospital. To get a job in the police, you need to have excellent health. Therefore, the first thing for candidates is sent to the hospital for the passage of the Medical Commission.

One should understand one thing - the internal bodies are closely monitored for future employees, so do not look for workarounds and try to bribe doctors in order to speed up this process or hide congenital diseases. In general, with the average accumulation of patients, the passage of the medical commission takes no more than 2-3 days.

As for the health problems that they can block the path to the desired profession, then their list can be viewed on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also in the hospital will need to pass the blood test for the presence of alcohol or drugs.

Psychological suitability If we talk about how to get a job in the police, it is impossible not to mention a psychological check.

How to get a police without education

24-hour legal advice on the phone Get a free advice of a lawyer by phone: Moscow and Moscow region: St. Petersburg and Lenignan Region: Regions, Federal Number: Work in the police seems promising and attractive to many young people. In addition, it provides good benefits (we will also talk about them in this article).
How to get a job in the police? First, decide on the post (and in the police structure are not less than in any other state) and understand how much you are responsible for applicants to the requirements. After that, it will be possible to prepare a package of documents and submit it for consideration into the personnel department. Work in the police: The main posts of the police of the Russian Federation are a set of state structure responsible for the country.

How to get a police without education

You can also go to the website of the Ministry of the Interior and familiarize yourself with the vacancies in the online mode. Do not forget to find out about the work schedule, it is unlikely that then the authorities will enter your position when you need to pick up a child from kindergarten.

A girl who wants to work in the police should be decided in which field of activity she would like to implement themselves. Usually girls choose work with a document flow. A lot of girls dreams to work in a passport desk. If some position seemed to you attractive, make a competent summary and send it at the specified address. You can try to talk to the future chief - perhaps you can prove to him with a personal conversation that you are determined and certainly want to work in his department. Military values \u200b\u200bperseverance and confident actions. Work in the police is a difficult thing.

How to get into the police without higher education

Is it possible to get a girlfriend to the police (requirements for candidates)? Before you get a job in the police, you need to check whether you meet the requirements that are presented to persons trying to work in this structure. Of course, the list of requirements for the investigator and accountant will differ, but there are a number of mandatory items of conformity. Thus, police officers can become citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of gender, and therefore girls, and young people, suitable for health reasons and passing age values \u200b\u200bestablished by law. Citizens are not allowed to enter service in the internal affairs bodies, but not older than 35 years old. An exception is the case when a citizen who has previously served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs starts to the service - then the age plank rises to 50 years.

How easy it is to get into the police without education

How to become an officer if you finally decided to work in the police in a senior position, it is necessary to determine the educational institution where it is necessary to receive a proper profile education. As a rule, a higher legal education is required to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We list the most famous institutions in Russia to prepare highly qualified employees:

  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • North Caucasus University of federal significance.
  • Moscow Financial Law Institute.
  • Tambov Technical Institute.

Before you connect your life with work in the police, remember that for successful career growth and receiving a decent salary you will have to be subjected to everyday stress, also be prepared to work on non-normalized working graphics.