Modern business ideas in the field of entertainment and methods for their implementation. You are in the category: Entertainment

Modern business ideas in the field of entertainment and methods for their implementation. You are in the category: Entertainment
Modern business ideas in the field of entertainment and methods for their implementation. You are in the category: Entertainment

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Mobile planetarium is an inflatable spherical dome, inside which entertainment and informative 3D movies are shown. The perfect business for beginners who will pay for itself for only 3 months.

With a franchise, Jelly Shots are not worth the questions about whether you will earn a million or not. The question is how many times you will do it for the year! JS - Alcoholic desserts that have no analogues in Russia.

Business plan for the opening of the quest in the format of "imaginary reality" in Rostov-on-Don. Starting attachments - 500,000 rubles. Net profit in the first year of work - 1,900,000 rubles, profitability of sales -...

Business plan for the opening of the attraction Zipline (trolls). Starting investments - 3.14 million rubles. Length of the track - 500 meters. Payback period - 16 months. Net profit 311-635 thousand rubles. ...

Bizeboard is a popular entertainment and teaching board for children, the production of which does not require high investments and equipment costs. You can start production by 20 square meters. m., having 125 thousand rubles ...

Business plan of the autocinener for the city with a population of more than 500 thousand people. Investments - 804 thousand rubles, payback period - 7 months.

Earn monthly up to 148,000 rubles. Interactive Vending Railway Layout with Gift Function. An interesting alternative to typical vending solutions.

Investment costs in the opening of the quest-room - 3,105,000 rubles. Simple (PP) and discounted (DPP) payback period - 6 months.

The volume of investments in the opening of rolled products of growth dolls will be 367 thousand rubles. The expected revenue to the output on the planned sales volumes will be 100,000 rubles. (from 4 months of work), net profit - 66 thousand rubles. & N ...

Attachments in the opening of the ice rink will be 3,856,900 rubles. The expected seasonal revenue will be 8.97 million rubles. Net profit - 5.36 million rubles. Profitability - 59.78%.

The investment costs of the project amount to 249,000 rubles, the main part of the funds is spent on the development and promotion of the site, as well as for the purchase of professional design programs ...

Psychological salon "1000 ideas"

Psychological salon "1000 ideas" - its business that changes life. Unique format, 25 ready-made programs, turnkey training. Investments 80 000 rubles.

Business Plan of the Event Agency "Ghost Hunters"

The volume of general investments in the Ghost Hunters project will be 572.2 thousand rubles. Profitability of sales - 75%. Employed the invested means is planned for 5 months. Work.

Investments in the opening of the Ferris Wheel will amount to 23 million rubles. The payback period of the project is 32 months. The project will be implemented at the expense of own funds of the investor.

Investments in the opening of a carnival costume rolled shop - 876,000 rubles. To implement the project, it will take 526,000 rubles. own funds and 350,000 borrowed.

The cost of the project will be 3,100,953 rubles. The payback period will be 3 months.

INFOLIFE - franchise system of testing abilities, innovative Russian development, its uniqueness is in the test method - in the patterns on the fingers.

Organization of a standard turtled race with 5 red turtles will not require any serious investments and can pay off for just several orders.

Investments in the project "Corn Maze" will be 558 250 rubles. It will use their own cash to implement it. Playback is planned to go out by 5 months of work.

Investments in the opening of the map will be 1,701,000 rubles. The payback period of investments, taking into account the start of sales at the beginning of the warm season, will occur in the second season of work.

Business ideas on entertainment. Everything for which a person is willing to pay to brighten up his leisure and diversify life.

We often write about interesting accessories for mobile phones. Apart from various applications that expand the capabilities of smartphones, the market appeared, for the phone, as well as special. However, the invention of Russian engineers from St. Petersburg will soon open us completely unexpected possibilities of our smartphones. Their new prefix turns the usual mobile in the phone night vision.

Every person, from time to time, discovers that in his house there was a certain number of things in which he no longer needs. Cleaning your clothes, gadgets, books, techniques, toys and photo frames dead cargo lie on the shelves, tormented by the owner. Throw away is hard. Give on charity or sell - troublesome. That would come by anyone and took all time, preferably for money, well, or so simple, on a good deed. Approximately the businessmen Aleksey Barinsky and Dmitry Uhanov argued, when they launched a new service "Dump" or free export of unnecessary trash in Moscow.

Do not hurry to cross out such a thing as a barter from your lexicon. As practice shows, this kind of mutually beneficial exchange can absolutely harmoniously fit into the frame of the 21st century. So, in New York for visiting the fitness club, it is possible to preparing the premises, in one of the French restaurants - and in Scotland save on housing for. The new type of Barter from Transylvania is a little bloody character, but serves completely humane goals.

The world's first VOID virtual reality park combined tactile interaction with external visualization to promote the virtual world to a higher level. With the latest techno-developments, virtuality in the Void Park promises to become even more "acute" and rich emotions with full immersion in the invented world.

Almost every person who works hard, a whole week, looking for as it were interesting and with benefit to spend time on the weekend. Business in the field of entertainment is a specific direction that requires constant development from the entrepreneur and the implementation of new ideas in practice. What is meant? For example, if you have your beer bar, then why in the future do not add the opportunity to hit karaoke in your institution, or not to offer original types of snacks. In this segment of the market related to customer entertainment services, many entrepreneurs are struggling for the client, as people often choose either the best or where cheaper.

The greatest percentage of entertainment establishments and complexes are discharged to business for entertaining children, it may be an amusement park, game rooms, various contests and events that earn tickets. This is most of the market and, as you know, do not save on children, it is most profitable from scratch to start in the children's entertainment sector. For adults, there is also a whole entertainment industry: various bars, concerts, outdoor activities, excursions, and so on. Each of these directions requires its features for development and promotion.

One of the main advantages of this activity is the ability to work both in large cities and in the regions. For example, in a small town, this niche can be completely free, and you will be the first to organize everything and have a good thing to earn on it. Yes, it's more difficult to attract the client, but there is no competition, you can slowly develop a business, improving it every year. And if you take a megapolis, then there you need to run for modern trends, and people will choose where it is better, and you can not earn anything at all, budgets are needed there.

Here is the classification of the main categories of business ideas in the field of entertainment:

  • children's centers: attractions, recreation parks, various events and contests with animators.
  • activities: paintball, fishing, cycling and quad bikes and so on.
  • winter types: Skiing, snowboarding, skating.
  • entertainment facilities: cafes, bars, restaurants.
  • cultural program: galleries, museums and other places.
  • concerts and many other.

We called the main directions of where you can make money on entertainment. In each of these categories, there are narrow niches, you can start and strive in the future to a full-fledged large-scale business. During the crisis, the demand for these services falls a bit, and people start saving, it is important to predict and also optimize business processes and try to reduce monthly payments. In this category of site, we made a selection of working ideas in a niche of a small entertainment business and tried to paint everything in the most detailed as possible, with calculations and rating of profitability. We hope you will be useful. Read, Comment and leave your feedback on this direction.


The organization of the business of children's orientation is a promising decision. Parents try to ensure children fascinating leisure. The case quickly pays off and brings a stable income. Allocate 2 destinations of business creation in the field of entertainment for children: production of game goods, entertainment services.

What game products can be produced?

The organization of business for the production of goods for children's games will require significant investments: buying equipment, rental of premises, staff salary, purchase of raw materials, materials, utility payments. But the risks are minimal.

Competition in the production of goods is low. Products of all price categories find their buyers. Goods for games can be divided into groups:

  • soft toys are used for home games, gifts;
  • thematic toys: Transport, Dolls, Railways, Designers;
  • board games: with cardboard cards, domino, checkers, chess, lotto, puzzles;
  • accessories for sports games: balls, rackets, rollers, skates;
  • production of printed materials: magazines, books, coloring.

Business for the production of gaming goods has a profitability of 15-20%. Large production enterprises receive more income due to the effect of scale.

Directions of entrepreneurship in the field of leisure

There are various ideas of organizing leisure children. Unlike the production of goods, the organization requires a smaller volume of investments. Most entertainment services turn out to be small enterprises with a small staff.

In order for the enterprise to quickly pop up and brought income, it is necessary when choosing an idea to estimate the following factors:

  • Business placement. For small cities, types of services that can enjoy children of any age are preferred: tires, rollers, rides, trampolines, slot machines. In large cities, you can choose a narrow-altered game business: a children's beauty salon, the organization of racing of radio-controlled machines. Some ideas are not binding to a specific place, are remotely: the organization of children's computer online competitions, writing letters to children from animated heroes, Santa Claus.
  • Family income level to which business is focused: open inexpensive rolling machinery or elite children's riding learning club.
  • Competition. Do not create a second Circus or a puppet theater, it is better to install a trampoline or attractions.

We give the most popular business ideas in the field of entertainment.

Rental electric vehicles

Business has a seasonal character. For the provision of rental services, the lease agreement is concluded for the lease of a land plot, the electric vehicles and protective equipment are purchased. The cost of rent will be 5-8 thousand rubles. In summer, rental works without days off, so no less than two instructors will be required. Day of labor can be installed fixed or depend on revenue.

The average price of the car is 12-25 thousand rubles, 5-7 pieces will be required for rental. The cost of opening a business from 100 thousand rubles. Increase the profitability of entrepreneurship, you can binding the models of electric vehicles for different age categories, motorcycles, quad bikes.

The payback period of costs depends on weather conditions, the location of the rolled, the cost of renting an electric vehicle.

In winter, you can enter into an agreement with the owners of a large shopping center and provide rental services inside it.

Entertainment automata

Installing slot machines can be installed in the park, near schools, in shopping centers. Machines are:

  • sports orientation (football, tennis);
  • rockingles for kids (horses, cars, rockets);
  • with various goods (clocks, bracelets, decorations).

For high profitability, business is better to position several slot machines. The entertainment zone will easier notice, and the cost of renting the land will differ slightly.

The price of one slot machine is 30-150 thousand rubles. Fully automated automata do not require service personnel. With an average workload, the installation of slot machines pays off in one year. The specifics of the street location of the automata is the high probability of their breakdown by unscrupulous citizens.

To minimize possible damage, you can insure entrepreneurship.

Dancing school

All parents want to see their children graceful and plastic. The demand for dance schools is constantly growing. For business on the opening of the school, you do not need to have special skills, and the yield of the idea can be 40-50%.

Successful business in this area is possible only in the presence of qualified and friendly teachers who can captivate children. You need to start with their search. Place school needs near educational institutions, public transport stops. The room is recommended to rent with the possibility of redemption. At the beginning of the business, the costs of the equipment of the hall with mirrors and machine can be required.

Different dance directions will attract more students. It is desirable to conduct an advertising campaign. The cost of implementing the business idea in 14-12 months.


Business on entertainment attractions can have a different scale:

  • park for a small town on an area of \u200b\u200b1-2 hectares, the number of carousels - 5-8 pieces;
  • classic stationary park, area 2-4 hectares, rides - 15-25 pcs.;
  • entertainment parks with an area of \u200b\u200b10-20 hectares, include water park, artificial reservoirs with an entertainment zone.

The choice of a specific idea of \u200b\u200bentrepreneurship is made on the basis of financial opportunities. The payback of the small set of attractions will be 3-6 months.Among the entertainment carousels should be children's models, family and extreme. Given the capacity of the attraction, maintenance costs, external attractiveness and safety. When choosing entertainment complexes, you need to know the range of competitors, so as not to purchase repetitive models.

Significance for payback to business has an alignment of attractions: the most attractive must be in the far from the park. Seasonality of the case decreases at the expense of equipment on the territory of the park of children's cafes, indoor carousels, mini-cinemas, tires, providing entertainment attractions for rent.

In continuation of year-round entertainment, in winter, open rollers and equipment rental, tubing trails.

Inflatable trampolines

Does not require large investments. The cost of one product exceeds 50 thousand rubles. Batuts of domestic producers are more expensive than Chinese, but their quality is better.

Inflatable trampolines are produced from high density PVC, equipped with electric pump for air pump. There are inflatable attractions for kids and schoolchildren. Qualitative trampolines are certified, security checks. For entrepreneurship for installing an inflatable design, an area of \u200b\u200b30-50 m2 will be required. The lease agreement conclude with the owner of the land plot. Installing an inflatable attraction is recommended in places of large cluster of people near shopping centers. For the service of the trampoline, 2 people are enough.

The entertainment attraction works in good weather without days off. Duration 1 visits session - 10-15 min, cost from 100 rubles. For the season, you can completely recoup the costs and get business income from 30 thousand rubles from one inflatable design.

Entrepreneurship on entertainment will definitely become profitable. You just need to choose the right direction and place of playing a game business.

Children and their parents are fertile soil for earnings. The first want entertainment, the second is ready to pay for their children to have something to do. And even children need educational services, meals, vehicles, etc. That is why services for children and business ideas associated with children have good profitability and often "burn out" if the demand is correctly analyzed and the offer.

Business ideas and children's entertainment

The good the sphere of entertainment for a businessman is a wide choice of different options, both expensive at the start stage and quite budget.

We list classic business ideas for children in the field of entertainment:

  • Open-air paid playground

Investments: from 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles per 100 square meters. meters. The minimum specified amount of money is enough for the equipment of the site not the most expensive slides, swings, sandboxes, plastic toys. The places will have to make flooring from soft rugs and artificial grass. Separately, it is worth calculating the rental of the territory (if you do not have a suitable land plot located in a good place), the cost of its fence, the cost of the observer. We must not forget about adult benches that will look at the kids. Payment can be charged in an hour, half a day, for the whole day of staying at the site (with the right of free entry and exit to the paid day).

Business payback: If the site is located in the park or in a densely populated neighborhood of the city, then on the day it will be able to take on average 30 children, at a weekend - at least twice as many. The cost of the ticket will differ depending on the time of stay on the site. On average, you can get 150 rubles from one child. Total, even with the most modest calculations, the costs of 100,000 rubles will pay off in the first month, larger investments - for six months. Business can not be called 100% seasonal - if you pull the awnings, then ride rolled and swings, and you can also play in the sandbox in the cold season. Although the influx of children will be several times less than in summer.

  • Magnetic fish catching in the pool