Characteristic features of folk elite mass culture. The historical origin of elitar culture

Characteristic features of folk elite mass culture. The historical origin of elitar culture

Elite culture - This is a culture of privileged groups of society, characterized by the principal closeness, spiritual aristocratism and value-semantic self-sufficiency. This is a "high culture", opposed by mass culture by type of impact on perceiving consciousness, maintaining its subjective features and ensuring a sense-forming function. The type of culture characterized by production cultural values, samples, which, due to their exclusivity, are calculated and available mainly to the narrow circle of people (elite). Her main ideal is the formation of consciousness, ready for active transformative activities and creativity. Elite culture is able to concentrate intelligent, spiritual and artistic experience of generations.

The historical origin of elitar culture

Historical origin elitar culture Such is: Already in the primitive society, priests, Magi, sorcerers, tribal leaders become privileged owners of special knowledge that cannot and should not be intended for universal, mass use. Subsequently, such a relationship between elite culture and culture of mass in one form or another, in particular, secular, repeatedly reproduced (in various religious confessions and especially sects, in monastic and spiritual and knightly orders, Masonic beds, in religious and philosophical meetings, in literary - Summary and intellectual circles, folding around the charismatic leader, scientists and communities and scientific schools, in political associations and parties, including those who worked as conspirativity, conspirators, in the conditions of underground, etc.). Ultimately, the elititude of knowledge, skills, values, norms, principles, principles, traditions, the collateral of refined professionalism and deep subject specialization, without which historical progress, progressive value-sessional growth, is impossible in culture, informative and accumulation of formal perfection in culture - any Value-sense hierarchy. Elite culture acts as an initiative and productive principle in any culture, performing mainly creative function in it; While it patterns, rutinizes, profanies the achievements of elite culture, adapting them to perception and consumption by the sociocultural majority of society.

The origin of the term

ELITARIAN CULTURE as an antithesis of mass

Historically, elite culture arose as a massive mass and its meaning, the main value exhibits in comparison with the latter. The essence of elite culture was first analyzed by X. Ortegoy-I-Gasset ("Degumanization of Art", "The uprising of the masses") and K. Manhaim ("ideology and utopia", "Man and society in the age of transformations", "Essa of Sociology of Culture") who considered this culture as the only ways to preserve and reproduce the basic meanings of culture and possessing the principal important features, including a way of verbal communication - the language generated by its carriers, where special social groups - clergy, politicians, artists are used and special, closed for uninitiated languages, including Latin and Sanskrit.

Deepening contradictions between elite culture and mass

This tendency is the deepening of the contradictions between elite culture and mass - it was not intensified in the 20th century and inspired many sharp and dramatics. Collisses. At the same time, in the history of the culture of the 20th century, there are many examples that brightly illustrating the paradoxical dialectic of elite culture and mass: their interlocking and mutual entertainment, mutual influence and self-denial of each of them.

Elitarization of mass culture

So, for example, (symbols and impressionists, expressionists and futurists, surrealists and Dadaists, etc.) - both artists and theorists of the directions, and philosophers, and publicists - were aimed at creating unique samples and entire elite culture systems. Many formal sizes were experimental; Theoretics of Manifest and Declaration justified the right of the artist and thinker on creative incomprehensibility, separation from the mass, its tastes and needs, for self-valued being "culture for culture". However, as the extensive field of activity of modernists fell out objects of everyday life, everyday situations, forms of ordinary thinking, the structure of generally accepted behavior, the current historical events etc. (Let with the minus sign, like a "minus reception"), the modernism began involuntarily, and then consciously - to appeal to the mass and mass consciousness. Package and Eroshest, grotesque and manifold, buffonad and farce - are the same legitimate genres, style techniques and expressive means mass cultureAs well as the beat of stamps and stereotypes of mass consciousness, poster and agitox, bolags and a chastushka, declamation and rhetoric. The stylization or parody of the banality is almost indistinguishable from the stylized and paradisable (with the exception of ironic authentic distances and the general semantic context remaining practically elusive for mass perception); But the recognition and the usability of vulgarity makes it criticism - a highly intelligent, thin, and aesthetic - little understandable and effective for the main mass of recipients (which are not able to distinguish the mockery over the lowest taste from plowing it). In the result, the same product of culture acquires double life with different semantic filling and opposite ideological pathos: one side it turns out to be addressed to elite culture, the other - to the mass culture. These are many works of Chekhov and Gorky, Maler and Stravinsky, Modigliani and Picasso, L. Andreeva and Verkjna, Mayakovsky and Eloar, Meyerhold and Shostakovich, Yesenin and Harms, Brecht and Fellini, Brodsky and Wivich. Especially contradictory contamination of elitar culture and mass culture in the culture of postmodern; For example, in such an early phenomenon of postmodernism, like pop art, there is an elitarization of the mass culture and at the same time - the moance of elitism, which gave the basis of the classics of the Council. Postmodern W. Eco characterize pop art as a "low-level high-pass", or, on the contrary, as "high-pass low-pass" (in English: LowBrow Highbrow, or Highbrow LowBrow).

Features of high culture

The subject of elitar, high culture is a person - a free, creative person who is capable of implementing conscious activities. Always painted personally painted and designed for personal perception, regardless of the latitude of their audience, which is why the widespread and millions of colors of the works of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Shakespeare not only do not reduce their meanings, but, on the contrary, contribute to the widespread dissemination of spiritual values. In this sense, the subject of elitar culture is the representative of the elite.

At the same time, high culture objects that preserve their form are a plot, a composition, a musical structure, but changing the presentation mode and protruding in the form of replicated products adapted, adapted to the functioning unusual for themselves, as a rule, go to the discharge of the mass. In this sense, we can talk about the ability of the form to be a carrier of content.

If you keep in mind the art of mass culture, you can state a different sensitivity of its types to this ratio. In the field of music, the form is fully meaningful, even minor transformation (for example, the widespread practice of translation of classical music into the electronic version of its instrumentation) lead to the destruction of the integrity of the work. In the field of visual art, the translation of an authentic image in a different format - reproduction or a digital variant (even with the desire of context conservation is in the virtual museum). What concerns literary work, then the change in the presentation mode - including with the traditional book on digital - does not affect its character, since the form of the work, the structure is the patterns of its dramaturgical construction, and not the carrier - printing or electronic - this information. To determine such works of high culture that changed the nature of the functioning as massive allows you to violate their integrity when secondary or at least not the main components are accentuated and act as leading. The change in the authentic format of the phenomena of mass culture leads to the fact that the essence of the work changes, where ideas appear in a simplified, adapted version, and creative functions are replaced by socializing. This is due to the fact that, in contrast to high culture, the essence of the mass culture is not creative activitynot in the production of cultural values, but in the formation of "value orientations" corresponding to the nature of the dominant public relations, and developing stereotypes of the mass consciousness of the members of the "Consumer Society". Nevertheless, elite culture is for a massive model, speaking as a source of plots, images, ideas, hypotheses, adaptable to the latter to the level of mass consciousness.

According to I. V. Kondakov, elite culture appeals to the elected minority of his subjects, as a rule, at the same time, its creators and addressees (in any case, the circle of those and others almost coincides). Elite culture consciously and consistently opposes the culture of the majority in all its historical and typological varieties - folklore, folk culture, official culture of a class or a class, the state as a whole, the cultural industry of the technocratic society of the 20th century, etc. Philosophers view elite culture as The only methods of culture and possessing a number of fundamentally important features that have a number of fundamentally important features to preserve and reproduced:

  • complexity, specialism, creativity, innovativeness;
  • the ability to form consciousness, ready for active transformative activities and creativity in accordance with the objective laws of reality;
  • the ability to concentrate spiritual, intelligent and artistic experience of generations;
  • the presence of a limited circle of values \u200b\u200brecognized by true and "high";
  • a rigid system of norms taken by this strata as mandatory and stable in the Community "dedicated";
  • individualization of norms, values, evaluation criteria of activity, often the principles and forms of behavior of the members of the elite community, which are so unique;
  • the creation of a new, deliberately complicated cultural semantics, requiring the addressee of special training and an immense cultural outlook;
  • using deliberately subjective, individually-creative, "westful" interpretation of the usual and habitual, which brings cultural mastering the reality of the subject to the mental (sometimes artistic) experiment above it and in the limit replaces the reflection of reality in the elite culture of its transformation, imitation - deformation, penetration into sense - sensing and rethinking of the data;
  • semantic and functional "closeness", "narrowness", isolation from a whole national culture, which turns the elite culture in the similarity of the secret, sacred, esoteric knowledge, to the rest for the rest, and its carriers turn into a kind of "priests" of this knowledge, chosen of the gods , "Music Servants", "Guardians of Secrets and Faiths", which is often played and poeticized in elite culture

Elements of high culture

  • The science
  • Philosophy
  • Specialized (Professional) Education, especially Higher Education (Intellectual Elite)
  • Literature, especially classical, poetry
  • Intellectual literature (in contrasts of mass literature) and copyright cinema (as opposed to mass cinema)
  • art
  • Musical art, classical music, Opera, ballet, symphonic music, organ music
  • Theatre
  • Etiquette
  • Public service
  • Military service as an officer
  • Exquisite cuisine I. good wine
  • High-fashion
  • Manifest itself as a person

the specific sector of cultural development associated with the professional production of cultural texts that subsequently acquire the status of cultural canons. The concept of "E.K." It arises in Western cultural studies to designate cultural reservoirs, diametrically opposed to their "profane" mass culture. Unlike inherent in any types of community culture of carriers of sacred or esoteric knowledge E.K. It is the sphere of industrial production of cultural samples, which exists in constant interaction with various forms of mass, local and marginal culture. At the same time for E.K. Characteristic high degree Closedness due to both specific technologies of intellectual labor (forming a narrow professional community) and the need to master the techniques of consumption of complex-organized elite cultural products, i.e. A certain level of education. Samples E.K. In the process of their assimilation, the need for targeted intellectual efforts to "decipher" the author's message. Actually E.K. Sets the recipient of the elite text to the position of the co-author, recreating the set of its values \u200b\u200bin his mind. In contrast to mass culture products, elite cultural products are designed for repeated consumption and has the fundamental meaningful content. E.K. Specifies the leading benchmarks of the actual type of culture, determining as a set of "high" culture " intellectual games"And a popular set of" low "genres and their heroes, reproducing basic archetypes of a collective unconscious. Any cultural innovation becomes a cultural event only as a result of its conceptual design at the level of E.K., which includes it in the current cultural context and adapting for mass consciousness. . Thus, the "elitarian" status of specific forms of culture is determined not so much by their closeness (characteristic and for marginal culture) and the complex organization of the cultural product (inherent and high-class mass production), how much ability to significantly affect the life of society, modeling possible paths His speakers and creating adequate social needs of social action scenarios, ideological benchmarks, artistic styles And the forms of spiritual experience. Only in this case can we talk about the cultural elite as a privileged minority expressing in his work "Spirit of Time".

Contrary to the romantic interpretation of E.K. As a self-sufficient "game in beads" (Hesse) away from pragmatism and vulgarity of the "stranded" culture of the majority, the real status of E.K. Most often associated with various forms of "Games with the Power", serving and / or nonconformist dialogue with the current political elite, as well as the ability to work with the "low-level", "trash" cultural space. Only in this case E.K. Keeps the ability to influence the real state of affairs in society.

ELITARIAN CULTURE is a culture of privileged groups of society, characterized by the principal closeness, spiritual aristocratism and value-semantic self-sufficiency, including art for art, serious music, highly intelligent literature. The reservoir of elite culture is associated with the life and activities of the "Tips" of society - elite. Artistic theory considers the elite of representatives of the intellectual environment, science, art, religion figures. Therefore, elite culture is connected with part of the society that is most capable of spiritual activities or with powerful opportunities by virtue of its position. It is this part of society that provides public progress and cultural development.

Circle of consumers of elite culture - highly educated part of society - criticism, literary critics, art historians, artists, musicians, regulars of theaters, museums, etc. In other words, it functions in the environment intellectual elite, professional spiritual intelligentsia. Therefore, the level of elite culture is ahead of the level of perception of the average humanized person. As a rule, it acts in the form of artistic modernism, innovation in art, and its perception requires special training, is characterized by the aesthetic freedom, commercial independence of creativity, philosophical penetration into the essence of human soul, complexity and a variety of forms of artistic development of the world.

Elite culture deliberately limits the range of values \u200b\u200bthat recognized them with true and "high" consistently opposes the culture of the majority in all its historical and typological varieties - folklore, folk culture, official culture of a class or class, state as a whole, etc. Moreover, it needs a constant context of mass culture, as it is based on the repulsion mechanism from the values \u200b\u200band standards adopted in it, on the destruction of the stereotypes and templates in it, on demonstrative self-insulation.

Philosophers view elite culture as the only ways to preserve and reproducing the basic meanings of culture and possessing a number of fundamentally important features:

· Complexity, specialism, creativity, innovation;

· The ability to form consciousness, ready for active transformative activities and creativity in accordance with the objective laws of reality;

· The ability to concentrate spiritual, intellectual and artistic experience of generations;

· The presence of a limited circle of values \u200b\u200brecognized by true and "high";

· The rigid system of norms taken by this strata as mandatory and stable in the "dedicated" community;

· Individualization of norms, values, evaluation criteria for activity, often the principles and forms of behavior of the members of the elite community, which are theically unique;

· The creation of a new, deliberately complicated cultural semantics, requiring the addressee of special training and an immense cultural outlook;

· Using deliberately subjective, individually creative, "removing" interpretation of the usual and habitual, which brings the cultural development of reality to the subject to the mental (sometimes artistic) experiment on her and in the limit replaces the reflection of reality in the elite culture of its transformation, imitation - deformation, penetration in sense - sensing and rethinking of the given;

· Semantic and functional "closeness", "narrowness", isolation from a whole national culture, which turns elite culture in the likeness of a secret, sacred, esoteric knowledge to the rest of the mass, and its carriers turn into a kind of "priests" of this knowledge, chosen The gods, "servants of the music", "Guardians of the Secrets and Faith", which often beats and is poeticized in elite culture.

The individual-personality character of elitar culture is its specific quality, which is manifested in political activities, in science, art. Unlike folk culture, it is not anonymity, and personal authorship is the goal of artistic and creative, scientific, etc. of activity. In different historical periods Up to our days, the authorities are the opts of philosophers, scientists, writers, architects, film director, etc.

Elite culture contradictory. On the one hand, it is quite clearly expressed by the search for a new, still unexplored, on the other - the installation for preservation, the preservation of the already known, habitual one. Therefore, probably in science, artistic creativity New seeks recognition, overcoming sometimes considerable difficulties.

ELITARIAN CULTURE, including its esoteric (internal, secret, intended for dedicated) directions, are included in different areas of cultural practice, performing different functions in it (roles): informational and informative, causing a treasury of knowledge, technical achievements, artistic works; socialization, including a person in the world of culture; Regulatory and other and others. The first plan in elite culture comes out a cultural function, the function of self-realization, identity self-actualization, aesthetic-demonstration (it is sometimes called exhibition).

Modern elitar culture

The main formula of elitar culture is "art for art." Eleacitarian culture include avant-garde directions in music, painting, cinema. If we talk about elitar cinema, then this is an art house, copyright, documentary and short films.

Art House - a film aimed at a mass audience. These are non-profit, independent films, as well as films shot by small film studios.

Difference from Hollywood films:

Focus on the thoughts and sensations of the character, and not the movement through plot turns.

In the original movie in the first place is the director himself. He is the author, the Creator and the Creator of the Film, it is he who is the source of the main idea. In such films, the director is trying to reflect any artistic design. Therefore, viewing of such pictures is designed for viewers who already have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of cinema as art and the corresponding level of personal education, which is why the art house of the movie is usually limited. Often the budget of the art-house movie is limited, so the creators resort to non-standard approaches. Examples of elite cinema can serve such films as "Solaris", "Dreams for sale", "All about my mother."

Elite cinema is very often not successful. And it's not about the work of the director or actors. The director may inves deep meaning In his work and transfer it in his own way, but the audience is not always able to find this meaning and understand it. Here and reflects this "narrow understanding" of elitar culture.

In the elite component of the culture there is an approbation that, after years, it will become a publicly available classic, and perhaps and will go into the category of trivial art (to which the researchers include the so-called "pop-classic" - "Dance of the Little Swans" P. Tchaikovsky, "Seasons "A.Vivaldi, for example, or any other excessively concentrated work of art). Time erases the boundaries between mass and elite cultures. Then new in the art that today is a lot of lotion, through the century it will be clear significantly more Recipients, and even later, can become a common place in culture.


Culture is the sphere of human activity related to the self-expression of a person, manifestations of its subjectivity (character, skills, skills, knowledge). That is why every culture has additional characteristics, since it is connected with the work of man and everyday practice, communication, reflection, generalization and its everyday life.

Culture is a specific way of organizing and developing human livelihoods, presented in products of material and spiritual labor, in the system social norms and institutions, in spiritual values, in the aguity of relations of people to nature, among themselves and to themselves.

As part of the Company, you can allocate:


Mass - Popular Culture

Folk - folk culture

The purpose of the work is to analyze the content of mass and elite culture

Tasks of work:

Reveal the concept of "culture" in wide sense

Select the main types of culture

Describe the features and functions of mass and elite culture.

The concept of culture

Culture - originally had the definition of both the processing and care of the earth in order to make it suitable for the satisfaction of human needs. IN figurative sense Culture - improvement, refining the body and spiritual inclinations and human abilities; Accordingly, there is a body culture, culture of the soul and spiritual culture. In a broad sense, culture is a totality, manifestations, achievements and creativity of the people or group of peoples.

Culture, considered in terms of content, decays to various areas, spheres: morals and customs, language and writing, nature of clothing, settlements, work, economy, socio-political device, science, technology, art, religion, all forms of manifestation of an objective spirit of this nation. The level and condition of culture can be understood only on the basis of the development of the history of culture; In this sense, they are talking about primitive and high culture; The degeneracy of the culture creates either blessing, and "refined culture". In old cultures, there is sometimes fatigue, pessimism, stagnation and decline. These phenomena make it possible to judge how much culture carriers are the essence of their culture. The difference between culture and civilization is that culture is the expression and the result of self-determination of the will of the people or individual (" cultural man"), While civilization is a set of achievements of technology and associated comfort.

Culture characterizes the peculiarities of consciousness, behavior and activities of people in concrete spheres public Life (politics culture, spiritual life culture).

The word Culture itself (in his figurative sense) entered the use of public thought in the second half of the XVIII century.

IN late XIX. - The beginning of the XX century, the established evolutionary concept of culture was criticized. In the culture began to see primarily a specific system of values \u200b\u200bposted by their role in the life and organization of society.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the concept of "local" civilizations - closed and self-sufficient cultural organisms received wide fame. For this concept, the opposition of culture and civilization is characteristic, which was considered as the last stage of the development of this society.

In some other concepts, the criticism of the culture, started by Rousseau, was made to the complete denial of her, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "natural anticulture" of a person was put forward, and any culture is a means of suppressing and enslaving a person (Nietzsche).

The variety of cultural types can be considered in two aspects: an external diversity - culture on the scale of humanity, whose accent is in the progress of culture on the world arena; An internal variety is a culture of a separate society, the city, here you can take into account subcultures.

But the main task This work is a specific consideration of mass and elite culture.

Mass culture

Many crises survived culture for their history. Transitions from antiquity to the Middle Ages and from the Middle Ages to the revival were marked by deep crises. But what is happening with the culture in our era cannot be called one of the crises on a series with others. We are present in the crisis of culture in general, with the deepest shocks in the thousands of its foundations. Finally, the old ideal is the ideal of classically - beautiful art. Art convulsively seeks to go out for their limits. Violated the faces separating one art from another and art in general from the fact that there is no already art that higher or lower it. A person wants to create even never happened and in his creative frencher crosses all the limits and all borders. It no longer creates such perfect and beautiful works, which created a more modest man of the past epoch. This is the entire essence of mass culture.

Mass culture, culture of the majority, is also called both pop culture. The main characteristics are that it is the most popular and predominant among the wide layer of the population in society. It may include such phenomena as life, entertainment (sports, concerts, etc.), also media.

Mass culture. Prerequisites formation

Background of mass culture formation in XVIII century. Increased structure of society. Jose Ortega-I-Gasset formulated a well-known approach to structuring on the basis of creative potency. Then the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "creative elite", which, naturally, is a smaller part of society, and about the "mass" - quantitatively the main part of the population. Accordingly, it becomes possible to talk about the culture of the "elite" - "elitarious culture" and the culture of "mass" - "mass culture". During this period, culture is separated, the formation of new significant social layers. Having the opportunity for a conscious aesthetic perception of cultural phenomena, newly emerging social groups that constantly communicate with the mass make the phenomenon of the "elite", and at the same time show interest in the "mass" culture, in some cases their mixing occurs.

Mass culture in modern understanding

At the beginning of the XX century. mass society And the mass culture conjugate has become the subject of studies of the prominent scientists in different scientific fields: the philosophers of José orthhetian-and-gasset ("Mass Rewell"), the sociologists of Jean Bodrieryra ("Phantoms of modernity"), and other scientists in different spheres of science. Analyzing the mass culture, they allocate the main essence of this culture, it is an enraged so that it has a commercial success to buy it, and money spent on it, they gave profits. The inheritance is given by the rigid structural conditions of the text. The plot and stylistic texture of the mass culture can be primitive from the point of view of elite fundamental culture, but it should not be poorly made, but on the contrary, in its primitiveness it should be perfect - only in this case it is secured by readership and, it became possible, commercial success . For mass culture, you need a clear plot with intrigue and most importantly, a distinct membership on the genres. This we see well on the example of mass cinema. Genres are clearly delimited, and they are not so much. The main one: detective, thriller, comedy, melodrama, horror film, etc. Each genre is a closed world with its own language laws, which in no case cannot be overpowering, especially in the cinema, where production is associated with the greatest number Financial investments.

It can be said that the mass culture should have a rigid syntax - internal structure, but it may be poor semantically, there may be a deep meaning in them.

For mass culture, antimodernism and anti-gangondism are characteristic. If modernism and avant-garde strive for a complicated letter of writing, then the mass culture operates the extremely simple extended culture technique. If in modernism and avant-garde the installation prevails on a new as the main condition of their existence, the mass culture is traditional and conservative. It is focused on the average language semiotic norm, on a simple pragmatatic, because it is facing a huge reader, auditorium.

It can be said that the mass culture arises not only due to the development of equipment that led to such huge amount Sources of information, but also due to the development and strengthening of political democracies. An example of this can be given that the most developed mass culture in the most developed democratic society - in America with her Hollywood.

Speaking about the art as a whole, approximately a similar trend noted Pitirim Sorokin in the middle of the 20th century: "As a commercial product for entertainment, art is increasingly controlled by trade business, commercial interests and fashion trends. This situation creates from the commercial deltsi of the highest connoisseurs of beauty, forces artists to obey their requirements imposed in addition through advertising and other media. " At the beginning of the XXI century, modern researchers state the same cultural phenomena: "Modern trends have a fragmented nature and have already led to the creation of a critical mass of changes, affecting the most foundations of content and activities cultural institutions. The most significant of them, in our opinion, include: the commercialization of culture, democratization, erosion of borders - both in the field of knowledge and in the field of technology - as well as predominantly attention to the process, and not to the content. "

The ratio of science to mass culture is changing. Mass culture is a "decline of the essence of art."

Table 1. Effect of mass culture on the spiritual life of society

Positively independent works do not act as a means of copyright, and directly addressed to the reader, the listener, the viewer, take into account his requests is distinguished by democraticness (representatives of different social groups) that corresponds to the time meets the requests, the needs of many people, including the need for intensive rest, psychological times row. His vertices - literary, musical, cinematic works that can be attributed to "high" art reduces the general plank of the spiritual culture of society, because it purses the unprinating tastes of the "mass person" leads to standardization and unification of not only lifestyle, but also the way of thoughts of millions People are designed for passive consumption, since it does not stimulate any creative impulses in the spiritual sphere implies myths in the minds of people ("Cinderella's Miph", "Myth simple guy"Etc.) forms people through massive advertising artificial needs using modern media, replaces for many people real life, imposing certain submissions and preferences

Elite culture

Elite culture (from Franz. Elite - selected, chosen, better) - subculture of privileged groups of society, characterized by the principal closeness, spiritual aristocratism and value-semantic self-sufficiency. Selected minority, as a rule, simultaneously with its creators. Elite culture consciously and consistently opposes mass culture.

Political and cultural elites differ; The first, called "ruling", "powerful", today, thanks to the works of many scientists and political scientists, are quite detailed and understood. The elites of cultural - stratas united by economic, social, political, and actually powerful interests and goals, but ideological principles, spiritual values, sociocultural norms are much less investigated.

Unlike the political elites, the elites of spiritual, creative formed their own, fundamentally new mechanisms of self-regulation and value-semantic criteria of activity selection. In elite culture, the range of values \u200b\u200brecognized by true and "high" is limited and the system of norms taken by this stratum as mandatory and strict in the Community "dedicated" is tightened. The narrowing of the elite and its spiritual cohesion is inevitably accompanied by its qualities, increasing (in intellectual, aesthetic, religious, and a different terms).

Actually, the sake of this circle of norms and values, elite culture becomes emphasized high, innovative, which can be achieved by various means:

) mastering new social and mental realities as cultural phenomenov Or, on the contrary, the rejection of any new and "cooling" of a narrow circle conservative values and norms;

) The inclusion of your subject in an unexpected value-semantic context that gives its interpretation unique and even exclusion, meaning.

) Developing a special cultural language, available only to a narrow circle, irresistible (or complex for overcoming) semantic obstacles of complex thinking;

The historical origin of elitar culture

In the primitive society, priests, Magitis, sorcerers, tribal leaders become privileged owners of special knowledge that cannot and should not be intended for universal, mass use. Subsequently, this kind of relations between the elite culture and the culture of mass in one form or another, in particular the secular, has repeatedly arose disagreement.

Ultimately, the elitibility of knowledge, skills, values, norms, principles, principles, traditions was the key to sophisticated professionalism and a deep subject specialization, without which historical progress, postulate, value-semantic growth, contain, enrichment and accumulation of formal perfection are impossible in culture, - Any value-sense hierarchy. Elite culture acts as an initiative and productive principle in any culture, performing mainly creative function in it; While the mass culture is tempted.

Elite culture blooms especially productive and fruitful on the "broken" cultural eras, when changing cultural and historical paradigms, a peculiarly expressing crisis state of culture, an unstable balance between "old" and "new". Representatives of elitar culture realized their mission in culture as "new pokerers", as ahead of their time, like creators who are not understandable with their contemporaries (as follows, for example, in most romance and modernists - symbolists, cultural figures avant-garde and prof. Revolutionaries carried out cultural revolution).

So, directions, creative quest for various representatives of modern culture (symbols and impressionists, expressionists and futurists, surrealists and Dadaistov, etc.) - both artists and theorists of directions, and philosophers, and publicists - were aimed at creating unique samples and integers ELITARIAN CULTURE SYSTEMS.


Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the mass and elite culture has its own individual features and features.

Culture is an important aspect in human activity. Culture is a state of mind, there is a totality, manifestations, achievements and creativity of the people or a group of peoples.

But one particular feature can be distinguished, which can be attributed to elite culture - the more percentage of residents who adhere to its ideology, the higher the level of highly educated population.

The work was fully given by the characteristic of mass and elite culture, their main properties were allocated, and all the pros and cons are weighed.

mass elite culture


Berdyaev, N. "The Philosophy of Creativity, Culture and Art" T1. T2. 1994

Ortega - and - Gasset X. The uprising of the masses. Degumanization of art. 1991

Suvorov, N. "Elite and mass consciousness in the culture of postmodernism"

Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1997.

Flier, A.Ya. "Mass culture and her social functions»


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Culture is a generalizing concept covering various classes of phenomena. It is a complex, multilayer, multi-level integer, including various phenomena. Depending on which point of view, for which it is analyzed, it is possible to identify those or other structural elements that differ in the nature of the carrier, by the result by type of activity, etc., which can coexist, interact, resist To each other, change your status. By structuring the culture, based on its carrier, we allocate the analysis as a subject of analysis only of its varieties: elitar, mass, folk culture. Since on modern stage They receive an ambiguous interpretation, then in this control, we will try to understand complex modern cultural practice, very dynamic and controversial, as well as in dissonuous points of view. In the control work, historically established various, sometimes opposite views, theoretical justifications, approaches, and also takes into account a certain sociocultural context, the ratio of various components in a cultural whole, their place in modern cultural practice.

And so, the purpose of test work It is the consideration of varieties of culture, elitar, mass and folk.

culture elite mass folk

The emergence and main characteristics of elitar culture

Elite culture, its entity binds to the concept of elite and is usually opposed to the cultures of people, mass. Elite (Elite, Franz. - Favorite, best, selected), as a manufacturer and consumer of this type of culture in relation to society is from the point of view of both Western and domestic sociologists, cultural scientists higher, privileged layers (layer), groups, classes carrying out management functions, production and culture development. Thus, the division of the public structure on the highest, preferred and lower, elite and the rest of the mass is approved. Definitions of elite in different sociological and cultural theories ambiguously.

The separation of the elite layer has a considerable story. Confucius has seen a society consisting of noble husbands. minorities, and people needing constant moral impact and leadership by these noble. In essence, Plato stood on elite positions. Roman senator of agrippa most The population has referred to the "tight cattle" for which the challenges are needed, i.e. Aristocrats.

Obviously with deep antiquity when primitive community The division of labor began to occur, the separation of spiritual activities from material, processes, stratification on property, status, etc., and began to stand out (alienated) not only categories of rich and poor, but also the most significant in any respect - priests (Magi, Shamans) as a carrier of special intimate knowledge, organizers of religious and ritual acts, leaders, tribal to know. But the elite actually is formed in a class, slave-owned society, when, at the expense of the work of slaves, preferred layers (classes) are exempt from exhausting physical labor. And in societies of different types The most significant, elite layers constituting a minority of the population are primarily those who have real power, supported by the power of weapons and law, economic and financial power, which allows them to influence all other areas of public life, including sociocultural processes (ideology , education, artistic practice, etc.). Such is the slave, feudal aristocracy, (aristocracy is understood as the highest, preferred layer of any class, group), higher clergy, merchants, industrial, financial oligarchy, etc.

Elite culture is formed within the framework of privileged in any field (in politics, commerce, art) layers, communities and includes, as well as culture popular value, norms, ideas, ideas, knowledge, lifestyle, etc. In the iconic symbolic and material expression, as well as ways of practical use. This culture covers various spheres of social space: political, economic, etio-legal, artistic and aesthetic, religious and other areas of public life. It can be viewed on different scales.

In a broad sense, elite culture can be represented by a rather extensive part of the nationwide (nationwide) culture. In this case, it has deep roots in it, including folk cultureIn another, a narrow sense - declares itself as a "sovereign", sometimes opposing nationwide culture, to a certain extent isolated from it.

An example of elite culture in a broad sense is knightly culture as a phenomenon of the secular culture of the Western European Middle Ages. Her carrier is a dominant noble-military estate (chivalry), which has developed its values, ideals, its own code of honor (southwedness, follow-up, courage, generosity, mercy, etc.). Formed their rituals, as, let's say, the ritual of dedication to the knights (the conclusion of the contract with the senor, the oath to loyalty, the adoption of vows - on obedience, personal excellence, etc.), ritualized and theatrical conduct of tournaments for the glorification of knightly valves. There are special manners, the ability to lead a secular conversation, play on musical instruments, compose poems, most often dedicated to the lady of the heart. Knight's music and poetic creativity, treated in national languages \u200b\u200band not alien to people's musical and intonational traditions, was a whole direction in world culture, but it was out of the weakening and departure of this class with historical arena.

Elite culture contradictory. On the one hand, it is quite clearly expressed by the search for a new, still unexplored, on the other - the installation for preservation, the preservation of the already known, habitual one. Therefore, probably in science, artistic work, the new achieves recognition, overcoming sometimes considerable difficulties. Elite culture, including the directions of experimental, even demonstratively nonconformist nature, made its contribution to the enrichment of an ideological-theoretical, sample-substantive canvas, to expand the spectrum of practical skills, means of expression, ideals, images, ideas, scientific theories, technical inventions, philosophical, socio-political teachings.

ELITARIAN CULTURE, including its esoteric (internal, secret, intended for dedicated to) directions, are included in different areas of cultural practice, performing various functions in it (roles): informational and informative, causing a treasury of knowledge, technical achievements, works of art; socialization, including a person in the world of culture; Regulatory and regulatory, etc. The first plan in elite culture comes out a cultural function, the function of self-realization, identity self-actualization, aesthetic-demonstration (it is sometimes called exhibition).