Saltykova Shchedrin Biography Year of birth. Interesting facts about Saltykov Shchedrine

Saltykova Shchedrin Biography Year of birth. Interesting facts about Saltykov Shchedrine
Saltykova Shchedrin Biography Year of birth. Interesting facts about Saltykov Shchedrine

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin was born on January 27, 1826 in the village of Spas-Angle, Tver Province. The boy was born in the old nobility family. Children's years have passed in the family estate of the Father. Having got good home educationFor ten years, Mikhail has been adopted by a pensioner to the Moscow Kozhalyan Institute, and in 1838 it was transferred to the Tsarskostsky Lyceum. Here, under the influence of the work of Belinsky, Herzen, Gogol begins to write poems.

In 1844, after graduation, the Lyceum Saltykov served as an official in the office of the military ministry. "... everywhere debt, everywhere forcing, everywhere boredom and lies ...", such a characteristic gave bureaucratic Petersburg.

The first stories of Mikhail Evgrafovich "Contradictions", "confusing business" with its acute social issues paid attention to the attention of the authorities, frightened french revolution 1848. After that, the writer is sent to Vyatka, in which eight years lived.

In 1850 he was appointed to the post of advisor in the provincial board of the city. This gave the opportunity to the writer to observe the official world and peasant life.

Five years later, after the death of Nicholas I, Saltykov-Shchedrin returns to St. Petersburg and renews literary work. In the next two years, the writer created the "provincial essays", for which the reading Russia called him heir to Gogol.

Next, until 1868, with a small break of Saltykov was in the public service in Ryazan, Tver, Penza, Tula. A frequent change of places of service is explained by conflicts with the supervisors of the provinces over which the writer "laughed" in pamphlet-grotescas.

After the complaint of the Ryazan Governor Saltykov-Shchedrin, in 1868, resigned in the rank of a valid Stat adviser. Further moves to St. Petersburg and accepts the invitation of Nikolai Nekrasov to become a society of the journal "Patrican Notes". Now the writer is completely given to literary activities.

In 1870, Saltykov-Shchedrin writes the "story of one city", the top of his satirical art. The next five years Mikhail Evgrafovich was treated abroad. In Paris met with Turgenev, Flaubert, Zola. In the 1880s, Satyra Saltykova reaches climax: "Modern idylls"; "Lord Golovy"; "Poshekhonsky stories." IN last years Life writer created his masterpieces: "Fairy Tales"; "Little nothings of life"; "Poshekhonskaya older".

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin died on May 10, 1889. According to the Writer's testament, I was buried next to the grave of Ivan Turgenev at the Volkovsky cemetery of St. Petersburg.

Bibliography Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin

Chronicles and novels

"Pompadur and Pompadurshi" (1863-1873)
"Lord Golovy" (1875-1880)
"The history of one city" (1869-1870)
"Poshekhonna Starina" (1887-1889)
"Refuge MONREPO" (1878-1879)

Fairy tales

"Wild landowner" (1869)
"The story of how one man two generals Pin" (1869)
"Waved conscience" (1869)
"Toy business people" (1880)
"Poor Wolf" (1883)
"Will Piskary" (1883)
"Selfless hare" (1883)
"Tale of the Schedule" (1883)
"Drier Vobla" (1884)
"Virtues and vices" (1884)
"Karas-idealist" (1884)
"Bear on Voivodship" (1884)
"Deceptor newspaper and cargo reader"(1884)
"Eagle-Macena" (1884)
"Baran-Nepomny" (1885)
"The faithful trident" (1885)
"Fool" (1885)
« Suddenished hare"(1885)
"Kisel" (1885)
"Konya" (1885)
"Liberal" (1885)
"Unshadled OK" (1885)
"Bogatyr" (1886; forbidden, published only in 1922)
"Crow-Man" (1886)
"Celebrated conversation" (1886)
"Adventure with Kramolnikov" (1886)
"Christ night"
"Christmas tale"
"Rustic fire"


"Good soul"
"Spoiled children"
"Chizhikovo Mount" (1884)

Books essays

"In the hospital for insane"
"Lord Tashkent" (1873)
"Gentlemen Molchalin"
"Gubernsky Essays" (1856-1857)
"Provincial Diary in St. Petersburg" (1872)
"Abroad" (1880-1881)
"Letters to aunt"
"Innocent stories"
"Pompadura and Pompadurshi" (1863-1874)
"Satira in prose"
"Modern Idyll" (1877-1883)
"Good-free speech" (1872-1876)


"The death of Pazukhin" (1857, prohibited; put 1893)
"Shadows" (1862-65, not completed, delivered 1914)

Mikhail's memory Saltykov-Shchedrine

In honor of Mikhail Saltykov, named:

streets in:

Krivoy Rog.
street and alley in Kaluga
lane in Mine

State public library them. Saltykov-Shchedrin (St. Petersburg)
Before renaming Street Saltykov-Shchedrin was in St. Petersburg

Memorial Museums Saltykov-Shchedrin exists in:


Monuments to the writer installed in:

Lebiazhye, Monument Saltykov Shchedrine
village Lebyazhye of the Leningrad region
tver in Tver Square (opened on January 26, 1976 due to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of his birth). Depicts squeezing in a carved chair, leaning his hands on a cane. Sculptor O. K. Komom, Architect N. A. Kovalchuk. Mikhail Saltykov was the Vice-Governor of Tver from 1860 to 1862. The writer's Tver impressions were reflected in the "satire in prose" (1860-1862), the "stories of one city" (1870), the "gentlemen of the greenery" (1880) and other works.
taldoma of the Moscow region ((Opened on August 6, 2016 due to the celebration of the 190th anniversary of his birth). depicts sitting in the chair, in right hand - A sheet of paper with a quote "Do not bother in the details of the present, but educate the ideals of the future" (from the "Poshekhon Starny"). Armchair - accurate copy The real Saltykovsky chair stored in the Writer Museum at the School of the village of Yermolino Taldomsky district. The birthplace of the writer - the village of Savior-angle - is located on the territory of the Taldom municipal district, the center of which is the city of Tald. Sculptor D. A. Stretovich, Architect A. A. Ayrapetyov.

The writer's busts are established in:

Ryazan. The opening ceremony took place on April 11, 2008, in connection with the 150th anniversary of the appointment of Mikhail Saltykov for the position of vice-governor to Ryazan. Bust is installed in the reclining next to the house, which is currently a branch of Ryazan regional library, I used to serve as a residence of the Ryazan vice-governor. The author of the monument is a Honored Artist of Russia, Professor of the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after Surikova Ivan Cherapkin.
Kirov. Stone sculpture, the author of which Kirovsky artist Maxim Naumov was located on the wall of the building of the former Vyatka province government (Dynamo passage, 4), where, during his stay in Vyatka, Mikhail Evgrafovich served as an official
savior Savior-Corner of the Taldom district of the Moscow region
The Saltykiad project, conceived and born on Vyatka, dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of M. E. Saltykova Shchedrin, uniting literature and art. It includes: the procedure of open protection diploma projects Students Department of Technology and Design Vyatgu, on which a solemn transmission of the statuette of the symbol of the All-Russian Prize M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin Government Kirov region, as well as the darling ceremony of the sculptural image of a writer and a set collectible coins Kirov Regional Museum. Award named after M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin was presented by Evgeny Grishkowtsu (September 14, 2015). Exhibition "M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The image of the time "on which the draft sculptural monument was presented to the writer. Exhibition of works of Maxim Naumova "Saltykiada" in the Kirov region art Museum named after Vasnetsov Brothers (March - April 2016). In October 2016, in the framework of Saltykovsky readings, a presentation of the Multi-information album "Saltykiada" was held.
At the exhibition "Saltykiada. The story of one book ", last March 16, 2017, were represented by 22 new graphic work Cycle, as well as works from the funds of the Vyatsky Art Museum.
In the USSR issued stampsdevoted to Mikhail Saltykov.
In the USSR and Russia, postal envelopes were released, including with a special session.

Biography and episodes of life Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. When born and died Saltykov-Shchedrin, memorial places and dates important events His life. Writer quotes Images and video.

Years of the life of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin:

born on January 15, 1826, died on April 28, 1889


"In our strange age, all sadness amazes
Not wonder: We used to meet
Work every day; All imposes
We are on the soul special seal.
We are in a hurry. Without a goal without meaning
Life stretches, passes day after day -
Where to what? We do not know about that. "
From the poem "Our Age" M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

"Yes! It is hard for us to part with life ...
But he is close, our terrible death hour;
Doubt grave to go on the soul
God knows what is waiting for the coffin of us ... "
From the poem "Winter Elegy" M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin


Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin became one of the most famous observer writers who painted the provincial orders in Russia, mumbled over curse and reaction, predatoryness and zephalimacy, the desire to talk more and smaller. Saltykov-Shchedrin became a bright figure also because, despite the sharp tone and sometimes very unpleasant frankness, he was allowed to be printed, evicted not somewhere on the edge of the world, but only in Vyatka and for a short time, and later allowed even to occupy significant posts in public service. Critical statements Saltykova-Shchedrin about Russian reality and today more than relevant: it seems that many of them directly relate to our days.

The real name of the writer was Saltykov, "Shchedrin" was originally taken to them as a pseudonym. Mikhail Saltykov was from the noble family and at the age of ten he entered the Moscow Nobility Institute. Two years later, he was recognized as one of best Pupils And transferred to the Tsarskostsky Lyceum. There future writer And began to try himself in the literature.

At first Saltykov tried himself in writing poems, but soon realized that he had no poetic talent, and had moved to prose. At first he wrote small essays, bibliographic notes, stories. They were rejected by some parties to Russian reality, and therefore the writer was sent to Vyatka, where he spent seven years. It was seven extremely useful years for which, thanks to business trips, he learned a lot about the provincial life and the most gloomy sides. Upon returning from the link collected by the writer, the material asks to go to work, and Saltykov-Shchedrin begins to write - actively, much and brilliantly.

His "provincial essays" became fair and detailed picture provincial life of life. And the picture is so disgusting, which was incredible, as no penalties apply to the author. On the contrary, Saltykov is promoted by the service: he becomes the vice-governor of Ryazan, subsequently goes to the same position in Tver, later becomes the manager of the official chamber - first Penza, and subsequently Tula and Ryazan.

But, Mikhail Saltykov, Mikhail Saltykov, after all, considers literature. And he needs not just writing, as such, and the active bilateral dialogue with the reader. After Nekrasov became the editor-in-chief of the journal "Domestic Notes", Saltykov-Shchedrin sent all his energy to work in the journal. After the death of Nekrasov, he took his post on which he spent 6 years - until the journal is prohibited. The latter was hard on the mood and health of the writer.

In the last years of life, Saltykov-Shchedrin suffered from rheumatism and frequent colds, traveled for treatment abroad. The writer died aged 63 years.

Life line

January 15 (January 27 in the old style) 1826 Date of birth Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin.
1836 Admission to the Moscow Nobility Institute.
1838 Translation to the Tsarskostsky Lyceum.
1844 Enrollment for the service in the Office of the Military Ministry.
1847 Writing the first story of "contradiction" and the publication of it in "domestic notes."
1848 Exploray to Vyatka.
1850 Appointment by adviser to the provincial rule.
1856 Marriage on Elizabeth Appolonne Bolt, return from the reference, the beginning of the publications of the "provincial essays".
1858 Appointment by Vice-Governor of Ryazan.
1860 Appointment by Vice-Governor Tver.
1862 Getting started in the magazine "Contemporary".
1863 The first edition of the collections "innocent stories" and "Satira in Prose".
1864 Care from the "contemporary".
1865 Appointment of the head of the Penza Cassenaya Chamber, then transfer to Tula and Ryazan.
1868 Care with service for work in the journal "Domestic Notes".
1869 Creation of the "story of one city".
1875-1876 Travel abroad, including Paris.
1878 Appointment editor " Domestic notes».
1880 Creation of "Lords of the Heads".
1889 Creating partially biographical Romana "Poshekhonskaya older".
April 28 (May 10, old style) 1889 Date of death Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin.
May 2 (May 14th old style) 1889 Funeral Saltykov-Shchedrin on the Volkovsky cemetery.
1936 Transfer of the remains of Saltykov-Shchedrin on the literal walkings on the Volkovsky cemetery.

Memorial places

1. The village of Spas-Angle of the Moscow Region (previously - Tver Province), where Saltykov-Shchedrin was born.
2. Tsarskostsky Lyceum in Pushkin, where the writer studied.
3. House number 19 on the street of Decembrists (earlier - officer street) in St. Petersburg, where the writer lived in 1844
4. House No. 8 on the embankment washing (Zhadimirovsky's house) in St. Petersburg, where the writer lived in 1845-1848.
5. House number 93 on ul. Lenin in Kirov (earlier - st. CRANTSENSKAYA Vyatka), where Saltykov-Shchedrin lived during reference in 1848-1855.
6. House number 42 on ul. Lenin (house number 24 on ul. Nikolodvorayanskaya) in Ryazan, where Saltykov-Shchedrin lived in 1858-1860.
7. House number 49 on ul. Freedom in Ryazan, where Saltykov-Shchedrin lived in 1867-1868.
8. House No. 41 in Furshtatskaya Street (House of Insurance) in St. Petersburg, where the writer lived in 1968-1873.
9. House No. 60 for Foundry Avenue (Squaretsky House) in St. Petersburg, where the writer lived in 1876-1889.
10. Volkovskoe cemetery in St. Petersburg, where Saltykov-Shchedrin is buried.

Episodes of life

The literary activities of Saltykov-Shchedrin began with poems, the future writer was considered a poet of his course in the lyceum. But soon Saltykov realized himself that he did not possess poetic giving and subsequently did not like to remember his youth poetic experiments.

Special place B. creative heritage Saltykov-Shchedrin occupy fairy tales. It is unlikely that they can be called them intended for children: Rather, it is satirical parables with the "speaking" names - "Baran-Nepomny", "Sensible Hare", "Carace-idealist".

For the "provincial essays" Saltykov-Shchedrin was called the second Gogol. At the same time, the merciless satire of the writer caused violent indignation in the power of having, and finally with public service He was recalled on the complaint of the Governor of Ryazan.


"Russian authorities should keep their people in a state of permanent amazement."

"It's scary when a person speaks and do not know why he says he says and will ever finish."

"If I plan and wake up in a hundred years and ask me what is happening in Russia now, I will answer: drink and steal."

"What is freedom without participation in the benefits of life? What is the development without a clearly planned ultimate goal? What is justice, devoid of dedication of dedication and love? "

"Saltykov-Shchedrin. Biography and creativity, "Lecture Dmitry Baka within the framework of the project" Russian literature "


"I'm sorry Saltykov. It was a strong strong head. That bastard spirit that lives in a small, revealed sincerely Russian intelligent of medium sewing, lost its most stubborn and annoying enemy in it. "
Anton Chekhov, writer

"In every decent person of the Russian land, Shchedrin has a deep admirer. Honestly name is between the best, and the most useful, and the dariste children of our homeland. He will find himself many panelists, and all the panelists are worthy of him. "
Nikolai Chernyshevsky, philosopher, literary critic

"With the advent of each new thing, the whole corner old life. Who remembers the impression of his "Pompadurov and Pompadursh", his "silly" and his "Balalaikin", knows it. The phenomenon for which he was taken, could not survive after his impact. It became funny and shame. No one could consider him with respect. And he remained only to die. "
Poet and translator Mikhail Solovyov

"This is a huge writer, much more instructive and valuable than they speak about it."
Maxim Gorky, writer

(pseudonym - N. Shchedrin)

(1826-1889) russian writer

Saltykov-Shchedrin (so usually write his last name in our time) became the first Russian writer, whose works read the same way as the most relevant messages of newspapers.

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin belonged to the old noble family, and in mothers - to no less ancient merchant surname. He accounted for a distant relative famous historian I. slain. Mikhail's childhood passed in a secluded corner russian provinceknown as Poshechonye. There was a generic estate of his father.

In the family, the main person was a mother: she not only led the economy, but also dealt with all commercial activities.

The first ten years of life Mikhail went home. Invited teachers were engaged with him, and by six years the future writer spoke to German and french, I knew how to read and write. Only in 1836, Mikhail came to Moscow and entered the noble institute. Having studied there for a year and a half, he was transferred to one of the most prestigious educational institutions of that time - the Tsarskoyel Lyceum.

Already in the first year of study, the literary abilities of Saltykov appeared. During all six years of stay in Lyceum, he was announced by the "Foother of Pushkin", that is, the first student in Russian literature. But on the student reviews, he did not go and for all the years of study never started writing.

In 1844, Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov cums a course of study and enters the military ministry. The service immediately became an unpleasant responsibility for him. The main passion is the literature. He visits the collection of writers in the house of N. M. Langov known in St. Petersburg. Apparently, there Saltykov met Vissarion Belinsky, under the influence of which begins to cooperate in the "domestic notes" and "contemporary" magazines. Soon he becomes a permanent reviewer of these magazines and regularly publishes articles about various book novelties.

At the end of the forties, a publicist is adjacent to the mug of M. Petrashevsky known in St. Petersburg. However, philosophical disputes are practically not interested. The main interest of Mikhail Saltykov is the life of Russia and the West. The young man was looking for a sphere for the active use of his abilities.

At the end of the forties in the journal "Domestic Notes", two first stories of Saltykov are published - "confusing business" and "contradiction". The sharp observations contained in them over modern reality attracted the attention of the authorities. The writer was dismissed from the service and in the spring of 1848, seconded to the city of Vyatka. There he spent as much as eight years.

Departure from St. Petersburg played and positive role in his life. When the society of Petrashevsky was defeated in 1849, Saltykov managed to avoid punishment, since more than a year he was absent in the city.

Being in Vyatka, Mikhail Saltykov passed all the steps of the then official staircase: was a correspondence of papers, a police officer under the governor, and in the summer of 1850 he became an adviser to the provincial rule. By the nature of the work, he traveled a number of Russian provinces, checking various institutions. Almost constantly he led memorable notes, which later used as a basis for its works.

Only in 1856 the term of his reference ended. Then the king Alexander II climbed to the Russian throne. This year brought the change in the personal life of Saltykov. He married the seventeen-year-old daughter of the governor Elizabeth the chatter and came back to St. Petersburg with her. However, at that time, Saltykov had not yet decided to leave the service and completely devote himself literary work. Therefore, he again enters the service to the Ministry of the Interior. At the same time, the writer began the publication of the "provincial essays".

Initially, he brought them to the editorial office of the "contemporary", where the manuscript was read by N. Nekrasov and Ivan Turgenev. Despite the enthusiastic assessment, Nekrasov refused to publish Saltykov's essays in his journal, fearing censorship. Therefore, they came out in the magazine "Russian Bulletin" signed by the pseudonym N. Shchedrin.

From this time, Mikhail Saltykov spoke all of Russia. Essays caused a whole flow of reviews in various publications. But the most expensive for Saltykov were Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov articles.

The success of the "provincial essays" wrapped the writer, but he still could not leave the service. The reason was purely material: reading the publication, the mother deprived Mikhail any financial assistance.

The authorities also treated it wary. They found a faithful pretext to remove it from St. Petersburg. He was appointed by the vice-governor at first in Ryazan, and then in Tver. There Saltykov first got the opportunity to implement their principles in practice. He mercilessly dismissed bribery and thieves, canceled corporal punishments and sentences, who considered unfair, and also initiated court cases against violating the laws of landowners. The result of the Saltykov activity was numerous complaints. He was dismissed for health.

Having left the service, Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov moved to Petersburg, where he tries to publish his own magazine "Russian truth". But soon she suffers financial collapse, two years later returns to the service and leaves the capital.

The new appointment of Saltykov, apparently, was also dictated by the desire to eliminate him from active publicist activities. After the "provincial essays", he produces a new cycle - "innocent stories", as well as the play "Death of Pazukhin". The last drop that overflowed the patience of the authorities was the cycle of satirical sketches "Pompadur and Pompadurshi", in which Saltykov is indiscriminately ridiculed those who sought to hide their emptiness at beautiful words.

It is translated by the head of the Kazan Chamber in Ryazan, in half a year they move to Tula, and less than a year later in Penza. Frequent moving interfered with focus on literary creativity. Nevertheless, Mikhail Saltykov did not cease to send satirical essays to St. Petersburg, which regularly appeared in the journal "Domestic Notes". Finally, in 1868, he was finally dismissed in the rank of a valid Stat advisor in 1868.

In December 1874, the mother of Saltykov dies, and he receives a long-awaited inheritance, which allows him to get a living in St. Petersburg. There he becomes one of the main employees of the journal "Patrican Notes". After the death of Nekrasov in 1877, Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov becomes the responsible editor of this publication. On his pages, he prints all his new works.

Over the next twenty years, Saltykov-Shchedrin creates a kind of satirical encyclopedia of Russian life. Along with the cycles of essays "Letters about the province", "signs of time", "letters to aunt" and "Provincial Diary in St. Petersburg", and the works of a major form, primarily "the history of one city". Saltykov created the first romance in the Russian literature in the genre of fantastic grotesque. The image of the city of Sillious became nominable and determined the whole direction of the subsequent development of Russian literature.

In the depths of the essays gradually developed and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "Lord Golovy". Shchedrin tells terrible story The death of a whole race. The image of Arina Petrovna is inspired by communicating with his own mother. After all, he took his pseudonym, so that he was distinguished from the cruel landowner, called Saltychikha. Very colorite the main character Roman - Porphiri Golovzli, called Judek. Shchedrin shows how greed gradually ruins him, reassuring all the human.

The last decades of life, Mikhail Saltykov, are held in constant struggle with severe disease - tuberculosis. At the insistence of doctors, the writer has repeatedly leaving for treatment in France, Switzerland and Italy. But there he did not let the pen from the hands. Saltykov worked on the novel "Modern Idyllius" and new essays on life in European countries.

After repeated warnings in the spring of 1884, the authorities closed the "Domestic Notes" magazine. But the writer did not reconcile the fact that he was deprived of the main rostrum for speeches. He continues to be printed in the "Russian Vedomosti", "Bulletin of Europe" and other publications. To put the vigilance of censors, the writer renews work on a cycle of fairy tales. They were a peculiar result of his life. The writer has enjoyed them in a fancy-parable form, but the attentive reader immediately understood who the author means under the sands, wolves, eagles-patrons.

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov was an extremely wounded person. When a hail of negative reviews hit him in 1882, he wanted to stop writing. But the popularity of the writer and friendly support of friends, including, for example, Ivan Turgenev, helped to overcome depression.

Shortly before the death of Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote in a letter to the Son: "Page all love native literature And the title of writer prefer any other. "

Years of life: From 01/15/1826 to 04/28/1889

Russian writer, publicist. Known as satirical works Saltykov-Shchedrin and his psychological prose. Classic Russian literature.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin ( real surname Saltykov, pseudonym N. Shchedrin) was born in the Tver province, in the estate of his parents. His father was a hereditary nobleman, the mother came from a merchant family. Saltykov-Shchedrin was a sixth child in the family, initial education received at home. At 10 years old, the future writer entered the Moscow Nobility Institute, where he was translated from two years to the Tsarskoye Lyceum as one of the best disciples. The literary preferences of Saltykov-Shchedrin began to appear in the lyceum, he writes verses that are published in student publications, but the writer himself did not feel the poetic gift, and the subsequent researchers of his creativity are low these poetic experiments. During the training of Saltykov-Shchederin, a graduate of the Lyceum M. V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky, who had a serious impact on the worldview of the future writer.

After graduating from a lyceum in 1844, Saltykov-Shchedrin was enrolled in the service in the Office of the Military Minister and only after two years received the first regular place - Assistant Secretary. At that time, literature was interested in young man Much more than the service. In 1847-48, the first story of Saltykov-Shchedrin is published in the journal "Domestic Notes": "contradictions" and "confusing case". Critical statements of Shchedrin in relation to the authorities fell just at that time when February Revolution In France, the tightening of censorship and punishment for "liberty" was reflected in Russia. For the story, the "confusing case" of Saltykov-Shchedrin was actually exiled to Vyatka, where he received a place of a stationery official at the Vyatka provincial board. During the links, Saltykov-Shchedrin served as a senior official special instructions At the Vyatka Governor, he held the position of ruler of the Governor's Office, was the adviser to the provincial rule.

In 1855, Saltykov-Shchedrine was finally allowed to leave Vyatka, in February 1856 he was ranked as the Ministry of the Interior, and then appointed a special instrument official officer. Returning from the link, Saltykov-Shchedrin renews literary activities. Written on materials collected during their stay in Vyatka, "provincial essays" quickly gain popularity from readers, the name of Shchedrin becomes known. In March, 1858 Saltykov-Shchedrin was appointed Ryazan Vice-Governor, in April 1860 transferred to the same position in Tver. At this time, the writer works a lot, cooperating with various magazines, but mostly with the "contemporary". In 1958-62, the light saw two compilations: "innocent stories" and "Satira in Prose", in which the city of silly appeared. In the same 1862, Saltykov-Shchedrin decided entirely to devote himself to literature and resigned. For several years, the writer took the most active part in the publication of the "Contemporary". In 1864, Saltykov-Shchedrin returned to the service again and until the final resignation in 1868, his writings appear practically.

Nevertheless, Nekrasov, Nekrasov is appointed by the chief editor of the "domestic notes" in 1868, Nekrasov became the chief editor of "domestic notes", Generin became one of the main employees of the magazine. It was in the "domestic notes" (the chief editor of which after the death of Nekrasov became Saltykov-Shchedrin) the most significant works of the writer came out. In addition to the well-known "history of one city", which he saw the light in 1870, for the period 1868-1884 there was a number of collections of the stories of Shchedrin, and in 1880 - the novel "Lord Golovy". In April 1884, "domestic notes" were closed on the personal disposal of the main censor of Russia, the head of the Main Directorate for Print Affairs, Evgenia Feoktistov. Closing the magazine has become a great blow to Saltykov-Shchedrin, who felt that he was deprived of the opportunity to refer to the reader. The health of the writer, and without that brilliant, was finally undermined. In the years that followed the prohibition of "domestic notes", Saltykov-Shchedrin published his writings mainly in the "Bulletin of Europe", in 1886-1887 the last lifetime collections of the writer's story were published, and after his death - Roman "Poshekhonna Starina". Saltykov-Shchedrin died on April 28 (May 10) 1889 and buried, according to his desire, on the Volkovsky cemetery, next to I. S. Turgenev.


Tale and novels
Contradictions (1847)
Tangled business (1848)
Shelter MONREPO (1882)

Collectors of stories and essays

Innocent stories (1863)
Satires in prose (1863)
Letters from the province (1870)
Signs of time (1870)
Lord Tashkent (1873)
Good-free speeches (1876)
In moderation and accuracy (1878)
All year round (1880)
Letters to Auntie (1882)
Non-smoked conversations (1885)
Poshekhonsky Stories (1886)
Fucking letters (1886)

Warming of works, theatrical productions

Art films
Judish Horses (1933, USSR) dir. Alexander Ivanovsky
Shadows (1953, USSR) dir. Nadezhda Kosheverova, Nikolay Akimov
It (1989, USSR) dir. Sergey Ovcharov
Lord Golovy [TV] (2010, Russia) dir. Alexandra Erofeeva

As one man's two generals, Potted (1965, USSR) dir. Vladimir Danilevich, Ivan Ivanov-Vano
Promotrated Pescar (1979, USSR) dir. Valentin Karavaev
The history of one city. Organic (1991, Russia) dir. Valentin Karavaev

Childhood is the time when the basis of the personality is laid, it is determined that it will give an impulse to its development. That is why it is so important to understand that formed a future writer, which entered his soul with early years And then he was pretended in his work. We know well the history of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and many other wonderful Russian writers. But about how passed life Path And, in particular, the childhood of Saltykov-Shchedrin, who later became the great writer, the information is very stupid. As a rule, in his biography, it is mentioned about its service, the Vyatka reference and work in journals. But the gift of the Satirik writer, who possessed Shchedrin, is truly unique: it needs special personal qualities, special look at the world. How is it formed, what lies in his foundation? Perhaps to understand this will help us the childhood of Saltykov-Shchedrin.

His life was rich and in many ways unusual: before being glorified as Satir, Shchedrin passed a large school of life, school tests and losses, hopes, mistakes, disappointments and discoveries. And she began in childhood. He was born on January 15 (27 according to the old style) of 1826 in the family of rich landowners of the Tver province of Saltykov in the village of Savior-angle. It received such a name due to what was on the "corner" of County and province.

Parents Saltykov-Shchedrin

Father His Evgraf Vasilyevich Saltykov belonged to the old nobility. Having received a good education for his time, he knew four foreign languages, I read a lot and even wrote poems. He did not career, and having resigned in 1815, decided to fix his unimportant financial situation profitable marriage. Wedding played in 1816. Already a forty-year-old nobleman married a fifteen-year-old daughter of a rather rich Moscow merchant Olga Mikhailovna Sabelina. Immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds settled in the generic estate of Saltykovy village saved the corner. Shortly before the wedding, Evbugra Vasilyevich finished the construction of a new Baroic house, where their children were born: Dmitry, Nikolay, Nadezhda, Vera Love, the sixth was Mikhail, and after him two more brothers were born - Sergey and Ilya. Total - 8 children! Perhaps, even for noble families, that era is too many: it was usually 3-4, sometimes five children, but eight! How could such a "crowded" reflected in the childhood of the writer?

Atmosphere in the family

We know how the Pushkin's motherhood in childhood was lacking - but he had a nanny. Early left without mother Lermontov - but he had a loving grandmother. Shchedrine, it seems, lucky more: his parents lived long enough, there were many brothers and sisters. But the atmosphere in the family was extremely tense. The fact is that Olga Mikhailovna was distinguished by a steep temper, which affected her husband and children. Despite his youth, she showed such power, which soon subordinated to themselves, including own husband. She installed solid routine in the manor, introduced strict accounting of income and expenses. Soon by the efforts of Olga Mikhailovna Saltykov became the largest landowners in the county, the estate turned into a highly profitable economy based on the most advanced achievements for that time. But what price did it achieve?

The accumulation was accompanied by an amazing scopeidism. Olga Mikhailovna saved all: on food, on clothes, on the formation of children. But not only: halfland childhood Saltykov-Shchedrin in the richest family took place against the background of constant scandals between parents. Affected a big difference At the age, upbringing, characters, habits, temperament. Olga Mikhailovna did not have education, even to write it learned only in Spassky. Evgraf Vasilyevich, and living in the village, retained interest in reading, including religious literature. He took the mass of time to church affairs, especially attentively referred to the church, which snatched opposite the manor. The Saltykovs were baptized here, there was a family tomb here, where the Father of the writer, who died in 1851 was buried.

But the religiousness of the Father did not save the family from the parties. As a result, it turned out that those commandments referred to in the sacred books did not actively have anything in common with real lifewhere there was no main thing - love to neighbor. And therefore, as the writer said, "the religious element was reduced to the degree of simple ritual."

The atmosphere of a constant hostility, Rugan forever smelled into a sensitive soul of a little Misha. It was especially terrible that it concerned and children. Instead of parental caress there were a hand in one and tumaki to others. The children were divided into "Pets" and "Caught". How not all this on those " noble nests"The contemporary of Mikhail Evgrafovich Turgenev in their novels showed us in their novels! How distinguished the situation of childhood Saltykov-Shchedrin from the one in which another great Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy! It is enough to compare only two works written in an autobiographical basis, - "Childhood" of Tolstoy and "Poshechon Starin" Saltykov-Shchedrin - to understand this difference.

Attitude towards serf

But, perhaps, even stronger Shchedrin was struck by children's impressions associated with attitudes towards the serfdom. He recalled this with a sense of internal shock: "I grew up on the Lon of serfdom. All the horrors of this century bondage I saw in their height. " The maternity and skillful mistress, Olga Mikhailovna in handling the peasants was an example cruel. Childhood Saltykov-Shchedrin was noted by the fact that he was more than once to watch the scenes of the rattles, brave, beatings. People equated to things. Yard girls who guessed themselves, could marry the most hiking men, for the slightest disobedience of peasants semen, sold. And all this was considered the norm, a legitimate means, allowing to put the farm on the feet.

Visiting Trinity-Sergius Lavra

The picture of people's suffering was also complemented by the impressions that were remembered by the future writer after the first visit to the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra. In 1831, the mother was lucky with Brother Dmitry to Moscow to determine in educational institutionwhere it was possible to continue the education obtained at home. Their road ran through the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, which was in 70 versts from the Spasskoye manor.

A picturesque view of the fabulous ensemble of a Trinity Monastery, surrounded by powerful white fortresses with red combat towers, was revealed. They were visible to cathedrals with golden domes, a lightweight, striking bell tower and flowery-motley palaces. In the monastery itself, it was full of beggars and cripples, which sat on both sides of the alleys and walked so much. Very otherwise, the monks, sggling, in silk cans and with colorful rosary looked. He remembered for a long time church serviceaccompanied by chants.

In Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, Saltykov-Shchedrin was more than once and subsequently. But the impressions of the first visits were undoubtedly the most strong. They found a place in " Provincial essays", And in" Gentlemen Golovykh", And in" Poshekhon Starne" So, the soldier of Pimenov tells the legend of Sergia Radonezh, Judish Golovlov dreams of finding calmness from life distils in the Trinity. In the "Poshekhon Starne", Shchedrin gave an exact description of the road from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra to Moscow.

Light memories

There were bright memories associated with native places where his childhood passed. The surroundings of the estate gave the shower of the soul, tuned to a contemplative, dreamy way. From the West, a forest came almost close to the estate. There was a full game, mushrooms and berries. The writer noted: "It's great that I was born and grew up in the village. I knew what a forest was, and many times even guarded there for mushrooms and berries. " In the east, the forest was inferior to the shrub of the overgrown of the swamps, according to which in two versts from the estate slowly carried their waters in the thickets of the source of the Velka River. Behind her, Nikitskoe village was visible on the hill. From there and from other surrounding villages on holidays went to the Spasskoy Church by of the Lord Ramierers of Bogomoles. Then guys and girls drove away dance, the songs of the peasants were heard. All this also filled the soul of an impressionable boy, bringing bright impulses into it, the mood of peace and joy.

So, the formation of a future writer with a combination of casual social satire and a striking aspiration to a bright, ideal start by the combination of severe social satire and striking aspiration to a bright, ideal beginning. Those was the childhood of Saltykov-Shchedrin, briefly described in the article. At the intersection of these two, it would seem that mutually exclusive tendencies and formed a unique, unique Shchedrian style that determined his writer's gift.