Nastya Kamensky personal life. Nastya Kamensky - biography, personal life, husband, children, parameters

Nastya Kamensky personal life. Nastya Kamensky - biography, personal life, husband, children, parameters
Nastya Kamensky personal life. Nastya Kamensky - biography, personal life, husband, children, parameters

Nastya Kamensky's personal life worries many fans of an attractive and charismatic pop singer. Not far from the Kamensky mountains will be 30 years old, and at this age already many are married and have children. However, Nastya is still a formal free girl. It is known about her novels a little, but considering the rapid temperament of the Ukrainian singer Kamensky, it can be argued that they happened.

Nastya Kamensky: personal life, first love

It is known only about Nastya's novel with a young man named Vladimir Dyatlov. She had the first love with him and had the first relationship.

  1. Acquaintance occurred at school. You can only assume how it took place. First love is always beautiful.
  2. Love at a distance. Vladimir studied in the city of Nikolaev, and Nastya Kamensky remained in Kiev. However, at the beginning it did not interfere with their relationship, but then gradually they began to go to no and smoothly switched to friendly. The personal life of Nastya Kamensky for a while stalled.
  3. Now the couple is in friendly relations, they communicate well and support each other. Friendship contributed to the tragedy in the family of Vladimir, Nastya at that time was next to him. After such events, it is impossible not to stay close people.

Nastya Kamensky: rumors about personal life

Nastya Kamensky does not like to talk about his personal life, in addition to the information about the first relationship, nothing is unknown. However, there are some rumors.

  1. Nastya Kamensky and Potap. Banal rumor, because Potap and Nastya Kamensky - group, and they have to often be together and ride on tour, the pop-stars attributed a stormy novel. However, this is not true. Potap is married. According to the singer himself, with Nastya Kamensky, they are far from friendly relations, but simply in business.
  2. Figure of Nastya Kamensky often undergoes changes. The girl is thinner, it gets better. Therefore, rumors about pregnancy Kamensky and future wedding with a new businessman appear. However, rumors remain only at the level of gossip.
  3. Contract. It is believed that Nastya signed a contract for the non-disclosure of his personal life. She has a man, but she hides him from the ubiquitous eyes of journalists.

The personal life of Nastya Kamensky is closed from the press and simple people. But when the singer marries or get pregnant, we will immediately find out.

For more than ten years has passed since the moment when a dark-haired girl with magnificent forms and an excellent voice has rapidly won the Ukrainian scene. In a duet with Alexei Potapenko ("Potap"), she sings uncomplicated, funny songs, words of which are becoming cruise expressions.

On May 4, 1987, a girl who was named Anastasia was born in the family of Lidia Kamensky and Alexey Zhmura. When the girl grows up and starts the singing career, he will decide to take the Mother's name maiden. Since the surname "Zhmur" was not very suitable for pop.

Nastya since childhood grew under the sounds of songs and music. Mom sang in the famous chore named after Molevki. Father some time was engaged in professionally volleyball, but then he held administrative positions in all the same choir, where his spouse performed.

Nastya's family was not of prosperous. So, Kamensky recalled that sometimes she was not able to wear new clothes. However, parents were able to "attach" a daughter to a foreign program for the exchange of children. Therefore, the first time the abroad Anastasia went for five years. At first she was eaten in France. But most of all she liked to live in Italian Naples. She quickly learned to speak Italian and even local accepted her for their own. Nastya alone lived in the Italian family, others - with their parents.

When the girl was at home, she had no free time: an ordinary school, a music school, ballet lessons and tennis. As the singer itself tells, such a tight schedule was taught to the discipline and the proper distribution of the working day. In 2004, she ends with school and enters the university to obtain a diploma of an economist. But the fate and assistance of parents made it a star of Ukrainian show business.

Nastya Kamensky: Home Career

The first success was to participate in the festival "Chernomorskі Іgri-2004". Moreover, the young performer is not just sang a song, she became the laureate of the Grand Prix of the festival. Nastya stood on the same stage with her idols - the winner of Eurovision Ruslana and the "Ocean Elzy" group. A year later, Kamensky became the "opening of the year" award of the Ubn Awards. To get it, she went to the capital of the United Kingdom.

But the most important year was the year 2006. That year, the young and ambitious Alexey Potapenko decided to create a new direction in music. He called him either "folk, or" collective farm R'n'b ". For his project, Potap was looking for a beautiful and preferably naked vocalist. The acquaintances advised him to pay attention to the 18-year-old Nastya Kamensky, who had just released her first clip on the composition "What difference."

When they met and talked closer, they realized that an excellent project would be released from their duet.

Almost for everything answered Potap. He wrote poems, music, organized shooting clips. Nastya had to sing and spectacularly dance. This simple distribution of roles made their stars.

The first joint work was the song and video "Without Your Love". Flooding couple: Gangster Potap and a glamorous maiden Nastya instantly climbed to the top places in all charts of Ukraine. A year later on a song contest, where Joseph Kobzon, Larisa Valley and Igor Matvienko were sitting in the jury, the duo conquers the Grand Prix.

In 2008 and 2009, one after another overlook the first two Albums of Potap and Nastya - "not a couple" and "do not love my brains." Success and popularity literally collapsed on singers. Gastrols began in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries. At this time, clips are removed on the songs "in nature", "strong nuts", "why" and others. And the video "We have on Redean" receives truly folk glory.

Almost every song produced a real explosion. They sounded on all radio stations, the clips turned all the TV channels, and in clubs on the entire post-Soviet space danced under their songs. Nastya and Potap are invited to act in New Year's music films. The lush molds of Nastya appear on the pages of the most fashionable magazines - "Playboy", "Maxim" and others. Kamensky and Potapenko try themselves as leading on television.

That is why the third album Duet "Potap and Nastya" had to wait for four years. At the same time, rumors appeared that each participant would go further with a solo dear. However, soon the singers proved the opposite. "All a bundle", which appeared on the shelves of music stores in 2013, did not disappoint fans. The group did not lose their backs, drive and senses of humor. The upper charts of musical charts again occupy "Nastya and Potap".

Next year Nastya begins to lead the author's program on the radio. In addition, one of the characters of the cartoon "Seventh Gnome" is talking to her voice in the Russian voice acting. Since 2015, Kamensky - coach of one of the children's song talent shows.

In the same period of 2015, preparing for the release of the album "Shield and Sword", Nastya, Potap and the Belarusian singer Bianca recorded the video "Doggy's style". The clip came out very provocative. In order to prepare for the clip, Anastasia has almost been engaged in choreographer.

After the release of the fourth album, singers had decided to do solo projects for a while. However, they immediately explained that the duet does not cease to exist. In 2017, Nastya released his own video "# SERVICE". By the way, Potapenko wrote the words to the song. To Catholic Christmas 2017, the singer recorded a small album with christmas songs of different countries.

Now Anastasia and further participates in various TV projects: "X-factor", "Komik laugh. Children". Kamensky leads its own channel about a healthy lifestyle on YouTube. Here she shares secrets of how she lost weight. The performer has also launched its Sportswear Nksport.

Nastya Kamensky's personal life

Kamensky repeatedly recognized one of the most beautiful representatives of the national show business. Therefore, it is not surprising that special attention has been chained to her personal life. However, if the Kamensky's erotic photo session is not refused, then the singer does not in a hurry to share the secrets of their privacy.

It is known exactly only about the singer's novel. With a guy named Vladimir Dyatlov Kamensky met, while still a student. The couple broke up after the young man flew out of the capital in the Nikolaev university. Nastya and Vladimir are still friends and even the godparents from one baby - the daughters of their joint friends.

At the moment, the heart of Nastya is free. However, all twelve years of joint creativity and journalists, and fans suspected that between Kamensky and Potapenko there is a big deal than just friendship. Especially rumors intensified after Potap broke up with his wife. Oils in the fire poured and Mom Alexey, saying that for her son Nastya real muse.

In 2016, on the nameless finger of his left hand, journalists saw a ring. Then they decided that the singers were already engaged. Everyone was waiting for high-profile statements about the future wedding. But nothing of anything from the duet stated. Nastya is inclined to complete. Therefore, fans every time she gained weight, believed that Kamensky was pregnant. And each time the singer denied the information.

In the section on the question how many years Nastya Kamensky asked by the author Alex The best answer is Nastya Kamensky was born on May 4, 1987 in the city of Kiev. In 5 years I went to study to France, but stayed there at all at all and soon returned to my homeland. He studied at the Pechersk gymnasium with the bias of the English language. 7 years lived in Italy.
At the age of 15 he graduated from music school. 8 years professionally engaged in dancing - ballet.
After school, he entered the Ukrainian American Humanitarian Institute (USA in Ukraine), where teaching takes place in English.
In 2004, took part in the festival "Black Sea Games". And in 2005, I went to London for the award of UBN Awards, as the "opening of the year."
After that, Nastya Kamensky goes to a new level of their creative activity. And in this, the Ukrainian producer center of Music-Motors led by Ruslana Mintinsky helps her.
The first clip was removed on the song "What the difference", in which Nastya showed promising acting abilities.
After a joint clip followed with a reflection on the song "Without love", which became a bright hit in the Ukrainian show business. And concerts, tour, filming, studios ...
And thanks to the scandaling clip on the song "not a couple", which Nastya also performed with Potap, began to truly "star" life. " Everyone began to say about it. Nastya is invited to numerous television shooting, interviews, radio esters, covers.

Nastya is a stunning beautiful girl and a beautiful vocalist, a participant in the most popular and popular duet of Ukraine and the CIS "Potap and Nastya". It is recognized as the most beautiful woman of Ukraine and long holds the status of a sex symbol, while conquering millions of fans with their naturalness and sincerity. Nastya invariably admire viewers by reincarnations, trying on different images and embodying the most insane and creative ideas of the Potap into reality.

Childhood Nastya Kamensky

Anastasia Alekseevna Kamensky was born in Kiev on May 4, 1987. Mother - Lydia Petrovna Kamensky, singer of the National Academic People's Choir named after Molevka. Father - Alexey Iosifovich Zhmur, was the captain of Dynamo national volleyball team, the concert director of the choir named Molevka. Nastya is the only child in the family.

Since childhood, the girl had a desire to engage in music, on the advice of the parents she began to take the lessons of vocal. At the age of 6, Nastya went to the music school in the piano class, which was finished in 14. By this time, he had time to visit a number of European countries for the exchange of families for children. She did not just travel, but he studied. At the age of 5 went to France, but soon returned home. Starting from the seven age, for 7 years every six months went to Italy.

Motherland Nastya continued his studies in Gymnasium No. 56. In parallel with obtaining secondary education, 8 years old Nastya was professionally engaged in ballet. In addition, the girl managed to visit tennis classes and school mugs. The singer is confident that its success and fully owes their parents who taught it to iron discipline and put the ability to properly distribute their time.

School bench The future celebrity replaced the audience in the Ukrainian-American humanitarian institute "Wisconsin International University (USA) in Ukraine", where all teachers read lectures in English. The girl chose the Faculty of Foreign Economic Activity.

Beginning of Music Career Nastya Kamensky

In 2004, Nastya Kamensky took part in the "Black Sea Games" festival and won the Grand Prix. A year later, the singer in London was waiting for the UBN Awards award in the nomination opening of the year. After this victory, Kamensky enters a new level in the development of their creative activity.

Nastya Kamensky and Potap - New Year

In 2005, Nastya had the first fans, and the TV viewers were able to see on their screens a new talented star of show business from Ukraine. The girl was noticed immediately thanks to the unique vocal talent and enormous potential. In addition, Nastya is distinguished from other celebrities incredible hardworking.

The first video of Nastya Kamensky is shot on the song "What a difference". In it, the singer manifests itself as a talented actress. She meets the famous reper by Potap (Potapenko Alexey) and immediately after the debut clip, Nastya removes the video to the song "Without love" with him. This clip became one of the brightest hits in the Ukrainian show business and laid the beginning of their creative union. After that, the singer tightly included shooting, records in the studio, concerts and tours in the framework of the project "Potap and Nastya".

Duet "Potap and Nastya"

Potap is not just a duet participant, but also producer, the author of the songs and the director of the clips. In 2006, being a famous solo performer, he decided to record a song with a girl and was looking for a vocalist who would sing chorus in the new artist composition. The familiar Potap recommended writing a single with Nastya Kamensky. Then no one assumed that a one-time duo to create one song will turn into an incredibly successful musical project, the work in which the singer brought worldwide popularity. But the subtle grade of the producer suggested the Potap, which is not worth stopping at a one-time speech.

Single "not a pair" lightningly became a hit and charts leader. Already in 2007, Potap became the laureate of the festival "New songs about the main thing" as the author of the song, Duet won the III All-Russian Competition "5 stars".

In 2008, the first album "Not Couple" came out. The duet released such novelties as "why are you silent", "strong nut", "on the area", "New Year", "Do not love my brains."

Nastya Kamensky and Potap - all a bundle

One of the clips, which presented Potap and Nastya, was shot on the song "In Nature". The shooting was held on the basis of the Kyivovpope film studio. In the video you can see a purely Soviet props, for example, the car "Seagull" and a policelike Bobby.

By the way, the song and the video "On the area" became insanely popular among the listeners not only of Ukraine, but also Russia. Nastya Kamensky appears in video filmed under the scandalous singer Amy Winehouse. It is noteworthy that the same lesbian tattoos on the Ukrainian star. This fact caused a lot of questions from the press, which was not ashamed to ask Nastya, as she belongs to girls with unconventional sexual orientation. The singer replied that she likes all the wonderful and even beautiful women, and adds that he considers it normal. Other feelings, besides admiration, it cannot cause beauties.

In 2009, the duet released the album "Do not love my brains", the real Furior caused a new hit "Chumachey Spring". This song rolled literally from all sides. The team successfully moved forward, conquering a reward for a reward. Already a few years of successful work, active tour and release of new hits, Potap and Nastya collected all the musical awards in the post-Soviet space, among which the "Song of the Year", "Golden Gramophone", "Muz-TV Prize", "RU.TV".

"Potap and Nastya" officially recognized the most popular and touring Duet of the CIS. Many top artists may envy the number of concerts and invitations on speeches. The duet puts records of visiting concert sites, including international ones. The geography of Potap tour and Nastya is consistently growing: a duet with unreal success acts in the United States, Europe and Asia, one of the solo concerts was in Beijing.

Nastya Kamensky on television and radio

In 2008, Nastya Kamensky, together with Garick Harlamov, took part in the "First Channel" project "Two Stars". However, from the participation in the show, the couple dropped out the results of the audience voting. A little later, Nastya was invited to the show "Dance for you," where she demonstrated their vocal skills, as well as the wonders of choreography. Before the Final Kamensky did not reach, because he left the project for the target in Germany.

In the fall of 2009, on the channel Ukraine, Nastya Kamensky, together with Potap, was attended by the "People's Star" show. In the project, where a lot of famous artists played, the creative tandem supported Ulyana Rudakov. According to the results of the competition, with a large margin from the rest of the participants, the Nastya Potov-Ulyana team won.

According to the artists themselves, the last final number was put in breaks between flights and concerts, besides, the performance has never been rehearsed, he was invented by Potap. His idea was that Nastya Kamensky, Potap and Ulyana Rudakov, in the costumes of Ninja turtles, depict the fight of the show participants for the victory. The jury the idea of \u200b\u200bthe team did not support and very low estimated this program. However, it did not prevent a trio to win.

In 2010, with Maria Berseneva Nastya participated in the show project "Star + Star". In 2009-2010, she led the show "Guten Morgen!" On the Ukrainian Channel "M1" with his producer Potap.

In 2008, Potap and Nastya were invited to the Music "Red Cap", where they were allocated the main roles. This is not the only duet activity associated with a movie. In 2011, Potap wrote the song "Freaks" specifically for the official Soundtrack of the Comedy Blockbaster of the same name. The composition performed by the Duet "Potap and Nastya" and the clip on the song "Freaks" became the flagship of the film promotional campaign.

Nastya Kamensky - You're gone

In 2014, Potap and Nastya voiced the heroes of the German 3D-cartoon "Seventh Gnome" Talnia and the spring, giving a bright flavor to their characters. The duet performed two soundtrack specifically for the "seventh gnome". One of them is a full single "believe in your strength" - thanks to the charging positive mood, he was very loved by listeners and is now rotated on Russian radio stations.

Nastya Kamensky managed to try their strength and in the model business. True, the mannequer decided to become not the sake of money and glory, but for his own interest. I didn't like the girl on the podium, because the kitchen of the model business was shocked. Nastya saw frowning only envy and intrigue (rivals for the sake of the career even to put the buttons in the shoes). After several outputs on the scene as a model, the girl left the "cruel" business.

However, the girl gladly poses in front of the cameras. Nastya is recognized as the most beautiful woman of Ukraine according to the readers of the magazine "Viva!". Singer snapshots, including erotic content, often decorate the covers of glossy publications. On her account photo shoot in many popular magazines, among which "Playboy", "Maxim" and "XXL".

Nastya Kamensky now

Songs of Potap and Nastya - Records for sales and distribution of mobile content. The project does not cease to surprise new items and annually releases new hits.

In 2013, the third Album of the Potap and Nastya called "all a bundle" came out. The single single is a challenge for the Golden Gramophone-2014 Award and continues to stay at the tops of the musical charts together with the fresh hit "South South."

By the way, a few years ago, beauty, however, as life, Nastya Kamensky was threatened. The girl fell into a terrible accident, in which he lost three people close to her. From shock and horror, the singer could not recover for a very long time. And now prefers not to remember the tragic moment of her life.

The popular Ukrainian duet was so loved in Russia that Nastya and Potap offered to leave the native country. However, Nastya says that Kiev will never leave.

Since 2014, Nastya has been conducted by the author's show "On the way home with Nastya Kamensky" on the "Russian Radio" (Ukraine). In the daily program, the singer tells interesting stories from the world of show business, refutes or confirms the hot rumors about the stars and places listeners.

Nastya Kamensky is constantly removed in the clips of all Empire Label artists. The creative union, except the singer itself, includes actors as groups XS and Queen $, Ugo, Potap and New'Z'Cool.

Personal life

As Nastya itself admits, now the music takes the singer all the time - she does not plan to create a family soon and devotes all of himself.

Nastya is very critical of himself, well, and the most terrible considers criticism from Mom. The most insane act in his life singer calls the beginning of cooperation with producer Potap. With which, by the way, she often attribute romantic relationships.

By the way, Nastya Kamensky loves to travel and enjoy the dishes of oriental cuisine in expensive restaurants.

Anastasia Alekseevna Kamensky. Born on May 4, 1987 in Kiev. Ukrainian singer, duet participant "Potap and Nastya".

Mother - Lydia Petrovna Kamensky, singer of the National Academic People's Choir named after the city of Rope.

Father - Alexey Iosifovich Zhmur, athlete and the musician, was the captain of the Dynamo team on volleyball, then the concert director of the choir named after the city of Rope.

At the age of 5, he traveled to France on the children's exchange program, but he stayed there quite long and soon returned to his homeland. Then for seven years lived and studied in Italy, also under the children's exchange program.

Same Nastya told about his childhood: "My mom is a singer, and I have been devoted to musical subtleties from childhood. In three years I didn't give it to the piano, but I already knew a talny diploma. Songs sang before I learned to talk. I had a childhood Traveler frogs. Mom from my very birth tried to give me as much knowledge as possible and skills. From five years I lived in France. But I did not like it there, and my mother sent me to Italy. Further, for seven years I have every year Six months lived in Naples. This period of life is very important to me. I found the second parents, brothers and sisters. "

She studied in turn in Italy, then in Kiev. In Naples, she was taken for Italian - as she was black and curly with brown eyes. In addition, on temperament it is very expressive and emotional. "Sometimes to prove that I am not Italian, I had to say several capacious phrases in Ukrainian or Russian. I got used to their customs and conversations that, returning home, continued to talk and swear as Italian," she recalled.

According to Nastya, her family lived not to: "When I studied in the second-third grade, the family was felt with finance problems. I remember in winter I didn't buy a jacket to buy, and relatives handed over warm things on the boy who were great to me. And the children are very cruel, steel laugh at me!".

From early childhood, under the influence of parents, it began to engage in vocals, in 6 years I went to the music school in the class of piano, which he graduated from 14 years. The first job on the piano was a song "The grasshopper was sitting in the grass."

Music classes took place under the tight control of the mother. "I realized that if my mother had not forced me to learn, now no one would know about the Nastya Kamensky. Therefore, for all the faces of work I am very grateful to her," Nastya said.

In 1994, went to school number 56 in Kiev. After graduating from school, as they say, not without protection by parents - in 2004 he entered the Ukrainian-American humanitarian institute "Vіskonsinki Mismunign Minister University (USA) in Ukraine" at the Faculty of Faculty of Economic Activities.

In 2004, he won the Black Sea Games festival Grand Prix.

In 2005, he received the UBN Awards award "Opening of the Year" in London.

Since 2006, at the invitation, it became a member of the Duet "Potap and Nastya", the work in which the singer brought popularity, numerous awards and premiums.

Nastya Kamensky and Potap - Chongra Cucundra

In 2007 in Sochi at the Five Star Competition, the Potap and Nastya Group became the absolute winner.

Nastya Kamensky and Potap - Frame

Nastya Kamensky starred in the clips of Empire Label artists, which, in addition to her, includes a group XS, Queen $, Potap, UGO and New'Z'Cool.

Recognized as the most beautiful woman of Ukraine according to readers of the magazine "Viva!" (2009).

Nastya starred a lot for men's magazines, in particular, made photo shoots for Playboy and Maxim gloss.

In 2008, in a pair with Garick "Bulldog", Harlamov Nastya took part in the TV project of the first channel "Two Stars", from which, according to the results of the voting of the audience, dropped out on March 30, 2008.

Nastya Kamensky and Garik Harlamov - Hit The Road Jack

In 2010, Nastya, together with Maria Berseneva, took part in the show-project of the channel 1 + 1 "Zyrka + Zyrka", from which he dropped out in the 10th ether on November 22, 2010.

Leading programs Guten Morgen! On the channel M1.

"I don't really like the use of the phrase" willpower ". I am wondering people who say they have no will! All you have, you just be lazy! It's just a laziness that you can't curb! And the lazy person does not deserve Beautiful clothes, good work. Try it to earn it, first just raising the ass from the sofa! ", "says Nastya about the secrets of his success.

"I always imagined that when I become a popular artist, I will definitely have sex for the scenes with a beautiful technician on a white piano. Such a fetish! But in the end I see there only pricked uncle with a resin on the pants ... However, I do not chase sex - Nor behind the scenes, nor in life. I'm alolyub. I'm more interesting to reach the peak of bliss with one person ", "says Nastya about his attitude to sex.

From 2016 - the leading of the children's version of the project "Laughty comedians" - "Cheerful comedians. Children "on channel 1 + 1.

In October 2017, in a special video event. Next, Nastya announced the beginning of the solo career and introduced a debut solo video for the song "# Warman". The director of the video was Alan Badoev. In the clip Nastya appeared in the form of a Cuban housewife-party-party.

Nastya Kamensky - # SERVICE

Nastya Kamensky growth: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Nastya Kamensky:

Nastya Kamensky really does not like to talk about his personal life. As a rule, it is launched on such questions of journalists either depositly, and it reacts at all aggressively.

But she never denied one novel - with Vladimir Dyatlov, Natives of Nikolaev (who should be noted, subsequently increased in a businessman and politics).

They met on a student bench when Kamensky had not worked with Potap. He studied in the same group, mastered foreign economic activity at the Faculty of the Ukrainian-American Humanitarian Institute "Wisconsin International University" (USA) in Kiev. Loved each other at first glance and began to meet.

Nastya Kamensky and Vladimir Dyatlov

By virtue of life, Vladimir was transferred from the capital university to the National University of Shipbuilding. Makarov in Nikolaev. And the pair had to continue the relationship at a distance of 500 km. Nastya, living with his parents in Kiev, tried as often as possible to drive to the guy in Nikolaev. He, in turn, came every weekend to her.

However, it did not reach the wedding. According to rumors, Extremely jealous dyatlov accused Kamensky in treasures (in general he constantly sat her scandals on this soil).

Samsya itself denies his treason: "So far I have a relationship with the Nikolaev guy, I was right only to him. This, of course, was not easy. I constantly satisfied your hysteria, while my father did not come to me with the words: "Madame, for God's sake, you could not find yourself a man in Kiev?! Because my mother and I can no longer withstand it! "- she told reporters.

Over the years, Nastya in show business was attributed to many other novels. For example, with a goalkeeper of the Dnipro football club " Denis Boyko.

In 2008, Nastya, apparently, were close relationship with TV presenter Gennady Witer.

And, of course, there are a lot of data for the fact that Nastya had a relationship with her colleague on stage Alexey Potapenko (Potap).

In 2016, which claims: "We all know that they sleep with each other."

Since the end of 2016, Nastya and Potap stopped hiding their relationships.

Nastya Kamensky and Alexey Potapenko (Potap)

Discography of Nastya Kamensky and Potap:

2008 - "not a couple"
2009 - "Don't love my brains"
2015 - "Shield and Ball".

Filmography of Nastya Kamensky:

2009 - Red Cap - Red Hood
2013 - 1 + 1 houses - Kameo