Bogatyr Scocities Vasnetsov. Description of the picture Vasnetsov "Bogatyr Skok

Bogatyr Scocities Vasnetsov. Description of the picture Vasnetsov
Bogatyr Scocities Vasnetsov. Description of the picture Vasnetsov "Bogatyr Skok

Description of the picture Vasnetsova "Bogatyr Skok"

On May 15, in 1848, a very famous artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov appeared on the world.
He became interested in painting in his youth.
Prew drawing lessons.
Today, his Peru owns many famous paintings, and they do not cease to admire.
His fabulous styles and characters, which he painted, just hit.
One of these exciting pictures is his work "Bogatyr Skok".

The picture presents the Bogatyr in all its glory on the mighty horse.
It holds very confident and terrible.
Dressed in battle armor.
Therefore, it can be judged that he is preparing for battle.
On the right hand, the shield will put the shield and holds the cooler in it with an iron tip.
In the left hand is located to the nut to control the horse.
The sword is in front of the belt.
Bogatyr is fully equipped and ready for battle.
Even his horse in full readiness.
With all his pride, she shows how much he serves her owner.
A grand, high and unique jump, perfect by her for the emergence of his owner, proves her devotion.
The sky is in the back background, though light, but slightly tightened with clouds.
Land and trees of dark color.
All nature was transformed before the onset of battle.
But thanks to our bogatyr and his invincible appearance, we need not worrying.

It seems to me that the picture fully meets its name.
And the horse with their grand leap, and the bogatyr with an invincible species fit very harmoniously into one whole - the Bogatyr Skok.
I think everyone will see in the picture what he wanted to transfer Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.
The unshakable Russian spirit and his love for nature.
His fabulous characters in the paintings always come to life and make us believe in miracles.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov always adhered to his works of Russian topics. Willows were displayed in his works, a simple peasant life. Description of the picture Vasnetsova "Bogatyrsky Skok" will be useful to schoolchildren and students when writing an essay and analysis of the image. For a better understanding, it is worth printing a reproduction, which will be able to consider all the details and recognize the hidden meaning.

Composite framework

Painting "Bogatyr Skok" Vasnetsov was written in 1914. Now the masterpiece of the Russian artist is kept in his house-museum in Moscow. The plot of the paintings is dedicated to the epic bogatyr (presumably, Ilya Muromtsu). The character is represented in full combat closure, as if ready to go into battle with enemies at any second. The assistant in his difficult act is a powerful horse.

The main task of the artist was to maximize the moment the rider jump on the horse, which Vasnetsov, undoubtedly succeeded. To transmit the movement, the author of the canvas used a diagonal composition with the lower feed. Because of this, it seems that the browser observes the current character from the bottom up. Similar artistic reception adds a picture of physical strength . Other compositional features include:

  1. The diagonal location of the figure of a formidable black horse in a jump is emphasized by a spear lines and moving clouds in the back background.
  2. Dynamic background image. The clouds quickly fly through the sky, the storm is coming. A growing horse indicates a developing horsepower mane.
  3. Demonstration of will to victory manifests itself in the position of the horseback head and the harsh glance of the hero.
  4. Using the counterpart and contrast of the background with the main character adds a picture of impressiveness.
  5. Emphasizing the magnitude and strength of Russian warriors by low the location of the horizon and the miniature pine forest behind.

The whole picture is quite symbolic and demonstrates the invincibility of the people living in ancient Russia. When looking at the canvas immediately rises the morale.

Detailed consideration of the picture

Children in accordance with the school curriculum set an essay in the picture in grade 4. In lessons dedicated to literature and folk art, children get acquainted with famous artists who have drawn epic stories. The one who falls the task to write an essay by the picture of Viktor Vasnetsova "Bogatyr Skok" should understand the plot and elements shown on the canvas. Several main points can be distinguished:

  1. Russian hero. He is courageous, ready to fight enemies. There are no grams of fear, pity in the Bogatlish Look. A man is dressed in strong armor (steel bib, mail and a pointed metal helmet), blue pants and high brown boots. In his left hand there is a big shield, in the right - horse whip. In the sheaths, the impressive sizes of the sword can be seen, on the other hand he is glad by a sharp spear. All this says that the rider is ready for battle.
  2. Raveorn horse with a developing black mane - the faithful companion of the rider in battle. You can see a golden ultrasound and red saddle on the horse. An animal is drawn in a jump or gallop, as it is high above the ground. From this, the effect of a powerful rapid horse is created, as evidenced by the rider whipped in the movement.
  3. Rear background, presented by quickly floating over gray sky clouds and a rigous coniferous forest. Bogatyr is on the hill, because of what the image is saturated with majesticity even compared to nature. The capacity of the central character and his "combat comrades" adds the contrast of colors radically different from the background drawing, made in muted calm colors.

By itself, the picture is very patriotic, it is associated with the epics and fairy tales, which inspires to combat accomplishments and an elevated mood. Before writing an elaboration or preparation of an oral story, it is possible to allocate the main points in the form of a plan, indicating the theme, description of the main character and the mood, transmitted by the author of the canvas.

An example of writings

In his work, the Russian painter Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov always addressed the ancient epics, myths, country history. The main characters of his canvases became heroic, glorifying the land of the state over the centuries. Mighty defenders are depicted by the artist colorfully and skillfully, which adds power to them. A bright example is the picture "Bogatyr Skok".

The central position in the art composition is occupied by the mighty rider-bogatyr, sitting on a rope horse. Together they may go on the battlefield. The rider is closed in full uniform - it has a strong armor, a protective helmet, frightening weapons. Brave and hivestone jumps high above the ground. He looks so alive and realistically, which involuntarily hears the hopot hoofs. Toward the horse blows the wind, developing his mane, but it does not become a barrier for bold colleagues in battle.

A detailed image of a horse rushing in a gallop over the field, his tense legs, sharpened under fast, - all this talks about the preparation of an animal, which repeatedly with his owner participated in battles. Probably, so the rider trusts the horse so much that do not even look forward, but rushes his view on the audience. Mitality The image adds a darkened background, showing endless fields and forests.

An image symbolizes the strength of the Russian spirit. To this end, the author uses the reception of the background landscape and the magnitude of the hero.

The protagonist is so powerful that it takes almost all the space - from Earth to Heaven. The Grozny look inspires the fear of the warrior. It immediately makes the impression that he will defier to win. About this, he hints a formidable look to his opponent in battle.

In his artistic work, the Russian painter Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich often turned to folk creativity and myths. Frequently, the heroes of his masterpiece became the powerful defenders of the ancient Russian land - heroes. The author skillfully and with the color was able to transmit their mood and spirit, their mood and experience about the upcoming battle.

My attention did not bypass the picture of Vasnetsova "Bogatyrsky Skok", at the very center of events, the author depicted a fermented and fast SCOC of Russian heroes on his faithful assistant - a ceremony and a hive cross. The picture is so seemed to be "alive", as if I hear the blows of the hooves about the solid land and gusts the fresh wind, which flies towards the rider, creating an obstacle to his intentions.

The author shows the power and strength of the Russian spirit, depicting the rider as if he was so great and powerful that it takes spaces from the ground to the most heavens. It seems that the warrior is touched by the clouds. His look is very harsh, so he lays fear of his enemies, which is one of the combat approaches. So he shows its advantage and hints to the enemy that the fight will be unequal.

Dressing on the rider of the chain, complements his image, and is a means of protection against the enemy. A long spear, which is far away beyond the limits of the horse's head, reminds me of flight of arrows on something endless space, as if she bursts the wind streams on their way.

Vasnetsov depicts every movement of the horse, his jump, tense and underly legs, all says about a good animal training, about his desire to please their "master". And the bogatyr completely trusted the animal by the animal, and his eyes were shed towards the viewer. Thus, the author shows the relationship between human spiritual gusts and the feelings of an animal instinct.

To create a militant atmosphere, the author depicted a rear background, where the forest and endless fields are visible, in dark colors. Which allows us to focus your opinion only on the rider and its horse, as the central element of the picture. Also, the painter skillfully depicts dawn, the time when nature awakens from night sleep, and the warriors are ready for an attack on the enemy.

Description of the picture Vasnetsov Bogatyr Skok

Vasnetsov - a person who acted through his artworks to the long-standing literary works of the Russian people. Very often by the main persons in his paintings were the main defenders of the Russian land - hero. Vasnetsov managed to very accurately depict the emotions of his characters, a common attitude and martial spirit, their experiences about the upcoming battle.

One of these pictures is his artistic work "Bogatyr Skok". It shows the ancient Russian warrior, which is very rapidly rushing on his strong and faithful horse. The picture was performed so that it exceeds that atmosphere. There is a feeling that you can hear the sound of hooves and feel the gusts of the wind, which blows in the face of the rider, trying to become an obstacle to him.

Vasnetsov shows her character very strong and large, showing all the power of the strong heroic spirit. He seems so huge and powerful due to the fact that his huge body rises to heaven, it seems as if his head pulls out to the clouds. The bogatyr himself has such a harsh and a formidable look, which to inspire fear on any enemy. He seems to show with all the enemies that the alignment of the strength is originally unequal.

The rider is dressed in the mail, which serves as a good addition to his image and protects it from enemy attacks. His long and mighty spear, visible from behind the horse's head, which looks like an arrow, ready to argue on the head of any enemy.

The picture is made so that the rider and his horse attract all the attention of the viewer, being the center of the image. The rear is visible a thick forest throat and a huge endless field, which is depicted in the most gloomy colors. Time is depicted as dawn when all nature and people are just beginning to wake up, which is an excellent time to apply strike. All this as much as possible conveys the atmosphere of the situation and feelings of the main character.

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Artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov drew many wonderful paintings for his life. From his youth, he began to get involved in painting, took drawing lessons. Today, he is the author of a multitude of famous paintings, which will never stop admiring numerous fans of art. Fabulous characters - the heroes of his paintings - always look so vividly and it is interesting that they involuntarily begin to admire them. One of his works is called "Bogatyr Skok". I want to tell about her.

In the picture, we see the hero, settling a mighty horse. The warrior holds very confident and terrible. On him, the artist depicted a fighting armor. It can be seen that Bogatyr is ready for battle. In one hand he has a whip to control the horse, and with the other hand he holds the stake with an iron tip, it is dressed on it and shield. In front of the belt of the sword's hero. He is not only fully ready for battle himself, the morale is felt by the horse. He is ready to serve his owner to a victorious end! A grand, high and unique jump, which he committed his owner, proves his true devotion. The sky in the picture is slightly tightened with clouds. Land and trees of dark color. Nature as if prepared for the upcoming battle. But thanks to our mighty hero, and his invincible appearance we are nothing to worry about.

I think the picture fully matches its name. And the graceful horse with his jump, and the hero with an invincible species can be described by the same name - the Bogatyr Skok. The author of his picture once again reminds us of the unshakable Russian spirit. Fabulous characters in the pictures of Vasnetsov always come to life and make us believe in miracles.

Together with Article "Essay in the picture Vasnetsova" Bogatyr Skok "read:

Victor Vasnetsov is a talented artist who wrote a huge number of wonderful paintings. He is rightly called a fabulous painter, since most of his plots are illustrations for fairy tales and epics. Despite the fact that Vasnetsov's canvas have been many years old, but they are still surprised and admire people, and the art of the artist himself pleases and creates a wonderful feeling and mood.

You can plunge into a new fairy tale, if you look at and then carefully consider one of the paintings of Viktor Mikhailovich with such an expressive name as "Bogatyr Skok". The hero of this picture seems not only in some kind of inspired, but alive and real person. It is known that this beautiful picturesque canvas was created in 1914, and everything, of course, understand what it was during the time.

From the course of history, you can remember that it was the beginning of the war, which began slowly, but lasted for a long time. And, accordingly, no one could know what this war ended. But it was clear that in order to win, it is necessary to unite the entire people of Russia, because he has the most huge power of the spirit and will, which will allow to survive and defeat.

So to strengthen patriotism in people, Victor Vasnetsov and decided to devote one of his paintings to this topic. And for this plot, he chose the glorious and heroic defender of the Russian land - hero. It can be seen that a powerful and strong bogatyr, who confidently sits on a horse, is ready to enter into battle to protect his native land from the enemy. He has everything you need to be a defender: onions, sword and arrows. On one of the hands, he prepared a shield, he is needed hero in order to defend himself from the enemy. But in the same hand he also has a stake, to which the tip of iron fell in advance. He needs heroitory to attack himself and destroy the enemy.

The left hand of the hero is also busy. The whip helps the defender of the Earth of the Russian to spur a horse so that he rushes faster and was able to beat the enemy. The elongated horse legs show that the boys do not stand still, and the horse carries him to towards the enemy, and now, probably, the battle will begin. Each horse movement allows you to consider the armor of the defender. Each detail is drawn on them clearly and detail. And as soon as they get straight and bright sun rays, they begin to sparkle and blur. But a strong rider, despite the fast ride, continues to look at the distance to discover the faster enemy his offensive and already fully meet him. Piercing and vibrant view of the hero of the painting as if looking far ahead.

Perfectly on the canvas Viktor Vasnetsova and a horse that is not afraid of nothing. She rushes quickly, and her beautiful and long mane develops in the wind. Its color is black, so it overflows when sunlight falls on her wool. View of the boysk horse well-kept and fresh. It can be seen that he is surrounded by caring and love of his owner.

Horse's legs are not only fast, but also strong, since in any battle, she should help her rider. And the view of the rider is serious and harsh, and this is created with the help of a thick dark beard and mustache, which heroes never shaved. It is immediately seen that the horse and the rider are indistinguishable, as if faithful and kind comrades. Therefore, in any battle, they help each other and cut down, and it helps them to win.

Showing the power and strength of his hero, the artist portrayed the rest of the background of his painting much less. So, in the background of the picturesque canvas, a dark and thick forest is visible, which seems very small compared to the main figure of the painting. And the hill, and even the forest begins to envelop some strange and muddy haze. The bright and clear sky begins to gradually delay the dark and terrible clouds, as if nature foreshadows something bad and dangerous.

It seems that nature is waiting for the enemy just like a bogatyr and his beautiful horse. She froze in sad and sad waiting. All nature changes before the onset of battle, but the artist of his picture tries to settle in the faith of faith in victory, as such strong and courageous warriors will always guard the beautiful Russian land.

And in this predestal hour, the epic hero will be able to defend the right to be winners. Nobody managed to capture Russian land! As soon as the battle is over, the sunshine and disgusts look like. And again there will be a clear day, clean and happy. And this will allow you to live again happily all people on the native land of the artist. The picture perfectly reflects its name.

Bogatyr, courageous and heroic, and his brave and brave horse joined in a single jump. And this Bogatyr Skok is great. And I want to believe that this fabulous hero is about to revive and miracle happened. And people, especially in wartime, always want to believe in wonders and a fairy tale.