The deceiver of the newspaper and the cargo reader. "Deceptor newspaper and cargo reader"

The deceiver of the newspaper and the cargo reader. "Deceptor newspaper and cargo reader"

Shuffler newspaper and cargo reader

He lived, there was a newspaper, and there was a reader. The newspaper was a deceiver - everything was deceived, and the reader was lung - everything believed. So Icestaries were heard in the world: deceivers are deceived, and the lungs believe. Suum Cuique [each one (lat.)].

Sits a newspaper in his berrga and know himself deceiving and deceiving. "Beware!" Says, "the ordinary trucks mow!" "Rain," says there is no spring from the very beginning - there's no bread, we will stay without bread! " "Fires of the villages and cities exterminate!" "Good provincial and public apart dragging!" And reader reads and thinks that he opens his newspaper. "Such, says we have freedom of typography: wherever we look - everywhere or diphtherite, or a fire, or a crown" ...

Further more. The newspaper was smeared that his deceptions to the reader came to the reader, "began to press it yet. "No, says we have no security! Do not go out, says, reader, outside: Just in the curtain!" BUT cargo reader Going Gogol on the street and sentences: "Oh, how true the newspaper about our insecurity expressed!" Not only that: the other lung reader will meet and will ask: "And you read, how beautiful today about our insecurity of the newspaper extended?" - "How not to read!" Another cargo reader will answer, "it is impossible! You can not, it is impossible to go through our streets - now you will go to the curtain!"

And all the freedom of typography is not pulled out. "We did not know that we have Difteritis everywhere," the gurgling readers sing the chorus, "the annex it is what!" And so on them from this confidence in the soul, it was easy to say that this is the most newspaper that the diphtherite was, and everything came out, perhaps, and the Gazetop will cease to read it.

And the newspaper is pleased, because for him deception - direct benefit. The truth is not anything getting every way - then, seek! - Perhaps, for her and ten penny with a line, you will not pick up! Whether the deception is! Know write yes deceive. Five kopecks from the line - whole beaches of deceptions from all sides you will be applied!

And such a friendship with the reader, friendship started up, and they will not distort them with water. What is more deceived by the newspaper, it is more rich (and the deception of what other and necessary!); And the reader, which is more deceiving it, then more than fives the newspaper carries. And cuttingly, and the honeycomb - in any newspaper a penny firmly!

"There were no pants!" They say enviousness about him, "and now, see how trumps! The leisure hired himself! Nistorchor from national Most Been! Blessed! "

Tried there were other newspapers to bribe it - perhaps, they say, and on our office a subscriber will run, - so where to you! Does not want to know anything reader, only one and says:

Darkness of low truth me more expensive

We are a torn deception ...

How long is it short, but only found kind peoplethat regretted the lung reader. Called a cheater-newspaper and tell him: "Will be with you, shameless and wrong person! Until now, you have traded a deception, but from now on - trade truth!"

Yes, by the way, the readers began to cut down a bit, began to send the cigrelabee. Walked, they say, I am today with my daughter in Nevsky, I thought on the go on the night (my daughter, even sandwiches, in case, stoke, said: "Oh, how fun!"), And instead of it, both worried home ... so How, they say, such a consolation fact with your gentlemen about our insecurity to agree?

Naturally, the newspaper, on his part, just waited. To admit to say, he himself is tired of deceiving. The heart has long been leaning toward the truth for a long time, but what can you do, if the reader only beeps on deception! Crying, yes deceive. Now, when to him from all sides with a knife to the groil, he should be truth, - Well, he is ready! Truth, so truth, damn it! Cheat two stone houses have come, and the rest of the two stone houses have to be truth!

And he began every day of the reader to displays! No diphtherite, and Sabbath! And there are no cute, and there are no fires; If the Konotop burned out, so after the fire it was even better lined up. And the harvest, thanks to the warm rain, it turned out to be such that they themselves fir-ate, and finally the Germans began to throw under the table: End!

But what is all wonderful - the newspaper is printed only the truth, and for the line all five kopeck pays. And the truth in price fell since they began to distribute it to distributely. It turns out that the truth is that the deception is still the price of Ground. And newspaper columns not only did not become boring, but even more revived. Because after all, if the fooling of the air is close to cut to start - this is such a picture will come out that I give everything, and little!

Finally, the reader finally stem and prosened. And before he was thumbightly he lived when he was deceiving for the truth, and now it was completely fond of heart. It will go to the bakery - there they say to him: "We must be, with time the bread will be cheap!", In the smoking shop will look - there they say to him: "It is necessary to be, with time there will be nipples!"

Well, and late how?

Rowing the ruble twenty pennies for a couple! Here is what, with God's help, turn!

And now, once, a cargo reader Fart came out to the street. It goes, "in the hope of glory and goodness", and cane waves: Know, they say that from now on, I am quite secured!

But this time, as in sin, the following happened:

He did not have time to do a few steps, as a legal error happened, and he was planted in Kutuzku.

There he was not a whole day. Because even though it was drowned, but he looked-looked, but only Miles: "Here they are, our crops, what are you!"

There, he grabbed diphtherite.

Of course, on the other day, the legal error was explained, and he was released on the orders (not the case, and it will be necessary again). He returned home and died.

And a cheater newspaper and is now alive. The fourth stone house under the roof brings and from morning to evening about one thing thinks: what is the accurate reader to deceive the lung reader to deceive: deceive or truth?

There is nothing new under the sun. So M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin about the problems of lies in the media and naivety readers in the second half of the nineteenth century wrote this wonderful story.

He lived, there was a newspaper, and there was a reader. The newspaper was a deceiver - everything was deceived, and the reader was lung - everything believed. So Icestaries were heard in the world: deceivers are deceived, and the lungs believe. SUUM CUIQUE. (To each his own)

Sits a newspaper in his berrga and know himself deceiving and deceiving. "Beware! - Says, - Difteritis in the midsters mow! " "Rain," says there is no spring from the very beginning - there's no bread, we will stay without bread! " "Fires of the villages and cities exterminate!" "Good cassenny and public apart drag!" And reader reads and thinks that he opens his newspaper. "Such, he says, we have freedom of typography: wherever we look - everywhere either diphtherite, or a fire, or cropping" ...

Further more. The newspaper was smeared that his deceptions to the reader came to the reader, "began to press it yet. "No, says we have no security! Do not come out, says the reader, outside: Just in the curtain you will come! " And the cargo reader goes Gogol on the street and sentences: "Oh, how true the newspaper about our insecurity expressed!" Not only that: the other lung reader will meet and will ask: "And you read, how beautiful today about our insecurity of the newspaper extended?" - "How not to read! - Mark another cargo reader, - unmatched! It is impossible, it is impossible to walk through our streets - now you will go to the curtum! "

And all the freedom of typography is not pulled out. "We did not know that we have Difteritis everywhere," the chicken readers sing the chorus, "the Anima it is that!" And so on them from this confidence in the soul, it was easy to say that this is the most newspaper that the diphtherite was, and everything came out, perhaps, and the Gazetop will cease to read it.

And the newspaper is pleased, because for him deception - direct benefit. The truth is not anything getting every way - then, seek! - Perhaps, for her and ten penny with a line, you will not pick up! Whether the deception is! Know write yes deceive. Five kopecks from the line - whole beaches of deceptions from all sides you will be applied!

And such a friendship with the reader, friendship started up, and they will not distort them with water. What is more deceived by the newspaper, it is more rich (and the deception of what other and necessary!);

And the reader, which is more deceiving it, then more than fives the newspaper carries. And cuttingly, and the honeycomb - in any newspaper a penny firmly!
"And cutting, and honeycomb." - This is an expression, in applying to the print, denoting the unprincipledness and sales of its leaders, was used by Lenin in the article "Career" (1912), with the characteristics of the Suvorin "New Time".

"There were no pants! - They say enviousness about him, - and now, see how trumps! I hired leather! A storytellor from popular life started! Blessed! "

Tried there were other newspapers to bribe it - perhaps, they say, and on our office a subscriber will run, - so where to you! Does not want to know anything reader, only one and says:
Darkness of low truth me more expensive
We are a torn deception ...
Darkness of low truths to me more expensive to me ... - from the "hero" Pushkin.

How long is it short, but only there were good people who regretted the lung reader. Called the cheater-newspaper and tell him: "Will be with you, shameless and wrong person! Until now, you traded a deception, and now - trade true! "

Yes, by the way, the readers began to cut down a bit, began to send the cigrelabee. Walked, they say, today I am with my daughter in Nevsky, I thought on the guests to spend the night (my daughter even sandwiches, in case, I said, "said:" Oh, how fun! "), But instead of the way both worried home ... because And they say, such a comforting fact with your gentlemen about our insecurity to coordinate?

Naturally, the newspaper, on his part, just waited. To admit to say, he himself is tired of deceiving. The heart has long been leaning toward the truth for a long time, but what can you do, if the reader only beeps on deception! Crying, yes deceive. Now, when to him from all sides with a knife to the groil, he should be truth, - Well, he is ready! Truth, so truth, damn it! Cheat two stone houses have come, and the rest of the two stone houses have to be truth!

And he began every day of the reader to displays! No diphtherite, and Sabbath! And there are no cute, and there are no fires; If the Konotop burned out, so after the fire it was even better lined up. And the harvest, thanks to the warm rain, it turned out to be such that they themselves fir-ate, and finally the Germans began to throw under the table: End!

But what is all wonderful - the newspaper is printed only the truth, and for the line all five kopeck pays. And the truth in price fell since they began to distribute it to distributely. It turns out that the truth is that the deception is still the price of Ground. And newspaper columns not only did not become boring, but even more revived. Because after all, if the fooling of the air is close to cut to start - this is such a picture will come out that I give everything, and little!

Finally, the reader finally stem and prosened. And before he was thumbightly he lived when he was deceiving for the truth, and now it was completely fond of heart. It will go to the bakery - there they say to him: "We must be, with time the bread will be cheaply!", In the smoking shop will look - there it is said to him: "We must be, with time there will be nipples!"

- Well, and late how?
- Rowed the ruble twenty kopecks for a couple!
Here is what, with God's help, turn!

And now, once, a cargo reader Fart came out to the street. It goes, "In the hope of glory and goodness", and cane will flimsy: Know, they say that from now on I am quite secured!
"... in the hope of glory and goodness" ... - from the "Stanov" Pushkin.

But this time, as in sin, the following happened:
He did not have time to do a few steps, as a legal error happened, and he was planted in Kutuzku.

There he was not a whole day. Because even though it was treated, but he looked-looked, but only Milns: "Here they are, the crops are our, what are you!"

There, he grabbed diphtherite.

Of course, on the other day, the legal error was explained, and he was released on the orders (not the case, and it will be necessary again). He returned home and died.

And a cheater newspaper and is now alive. The fourth stone house under the roof brings and from morning to evening about one thing thinks: what is the accurate reader to deceive the lung reader to deceive: deceive or truth?

This product of Saltykov-Shchedrin will always be relevant. Here is talking about a certain newspaper and reader. The newspaper at the beginning of the fairy tale just invented the news, and the reader gladly bought newspapers and believed everything, which is written about them.

And wrote a newspaper about everything that came to mind: about rains, which will leave the population without a crop, about fires, exterminating whole villages, about the diphtherite epidemic, etc.

Under the pretext of the "freedom of book printing", he composed news on any topic, if only the reader bought newspapers from him.

And he bought, believed everything and rejoiced that he was opening his eyes, and discussed these news with other such lung readers. Moreover, he easily found a confirmation of what a newspaper feather wrote about. Here as far as he was trusting!

And the newspaper is glad to try, because he began to receive a considerable income, two stone houses built to themselves.

So everything went to myself, one writes, the other reads - everyone is satisfied. And suddenly there were good people, they died ash player and called on his truth to write, and not to fool their head to the reader.

Yes, and the reader itself began to doubt the veracity of the news, since they did not always correspond to reality.

It would seem that now it's time to think and start looking at the world with your own eyes, and not through the prism of someone's opinion or fantasies. But no, this thought flashed and disappeared. The reader did not develop it. It seems that it is easier for him to live a stranger mind, and not "include his brain".

The newspaper was immediately adjusted for new circumstances and not to lose the reader, began to write the truth. The news became the others: there are no diseases, and there are no fires, and in anything they don't sit in prison, and the crop due to the rains so much that even surplus the Germans began to sell. And the reader believes and rejoices even more that now he has been revealed to him!

And once he walked down the street, and he was suddenly taken to prison in his mistake, and in the newspapers they wrote that such a thing could not! I fed there the reader is bad, despite the promised good harvest, and he also fell ill in prison by diphtherite, although in the same newspapers they wrote that there were no diphtherite epidemics! Then everything quickly turned out, the reader was released, but he, coming home, immediately died.

And the newspaper lives, continues to write the news, the fourth house has been built. The only thing that bothers it, which news is better to attract such lung readers - truthful or not.

At first sight, negative hero Here, the newspaper who is ready to invent any news for the sake of profit, and the reader is his victim who died, it would seem, according to the fault of the newspaper. But the newspaper simply earns a living by what he can: he writes news, sells goods. And, as you know, demand gives rise to a sentence. The newspaper did not forced the reader to buy newspapers, and even moreover, to blindly believe. The newspaper has no goal to lie, manipulate the reader, because at the request of good people immediately began to write the truth. The newspaper loves his work, and his business is successful.

Negative hero here is a reader who is easier to live a stranger mind. And he died most likely from frustration, as being in circumstances that contradicted what is written about what is written in the newspapers, the reader suddenly realized that it was impossible to believe that he was written, and his world collapsed. Although the world was not him, but invented by a newspaper, but the reader did not understand this.

This tale will always be relevant, because there have always been, there will be such lung readers. They do not have their own opinions, and they easily change it depending on who this moment believe. They themselves do not accept decisions, since they do others for them, and the lung readers do not even notice. They are easy to manipulate. Now online, television is widely used. People present information as it is necessary, and information transactions are part of hybrid wars.

However, it is very difficult to free such people from someone else's influence, since they are not ready for it. The fairy tale is referred to some "good people" who called on the newspaper not to fool the reader head. And it ended this good start to the reader is not something that is nothing, but very sad.

Flameter newspaper and cargo reader Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tale read

He lived, there was a newspaper, and there was a reader. The newspaper was a deceiver - everything was deceived, and the reader was lung - everything believed. So Icestaries were heard in the world: deceivers are deceived, and the lungs believe. Suum Cuique [each one (lat.)].

Sits a newspaper in his berrga and know himself deceiving and deceiving. "Beware!" Says, "the ordinary trucks mow!" "Rain," says there is no spring from the very beginning - there's no bread, we will stay without bread! " "Fires of the villages and cities exterminate!" "Good provincial and public apart dragging!" And reader reads and thinks that he opens his newspaper. "Such, says we have freedom of typography: wherever we look - everywhere or diphtherite, or a fire, or a crown" ...

Further more. The newspaper was smeared that his deceptions to the reader came to the reader, "began to press it yet. "No, says we have no security! Do not go out, says, reader, outside: Just in the curtain!" And the cargo reader goes to Gogol on the street and sentences: "Oh, how true the newspaper about our insecurity expressed!" Not only that: the other lung reader will meet and will ask: "And you read, how beautiful today about our insecurity of the newspaper extended?" - "How not to read!" Another cargo reader will answer, "it is impossible! You can not, it is impossible to go through our streets - now you will go to the curtain!"

And all the freedom of typography is not pulled out. "We did not know that we have Difteritis everywhere," the gurgling readers sing the chorus, "the annex it is what!" And so on them from this confidence in the soul, it was easy to say that this is the most newspaper that the diphtherite was, and everything came out, perhaps, and the Gazetop will cease to read it.

And the newspaper is pleased, because for him deception - direct benefit. The truth is not anything getting every way - then, seek! - Perhaps, for her and ten penny with a line, you will not pick up! Whether the deception is! Know write yes deceive. Five kopecks from the line - whole beaches of deceptions from all sides you will be applied!

And such a friendship with the reader, friendship started up, and they will not distort them with water. What is more deceived by the newspaper, it is more rich (and the deception of what other and necessary!); And the reader, which is more deceiving it, then more than fives the newspaper carries. And cuttingly, and the honeycomb - in any newspaper a penny firmly!

"There were no pants!" They say enviousness about him, "and now, see how trumps! The leiser hired himself! The narrator from the people's life started! Blessed!"

Tried there were other newspapers to bribe it - perhaps, they say, and on our office a subscriber will run, - so where to you! Does not want to know anything reader, only one and says:

Darkness of low truth me more expensive

We are a torn deception ...

How long is it short, but only there were good people who regretted the lung reader. Called a cheater-newspaper and tell him: "Will be with you, shameless and wrong person! Until now, you have traded a deception, but from now on - trade truth!"

Yes, by the way, the readers began to cut down a bit, began to send the cigrelabee. I walked, they say, today I am with my daughter in Nevsky, I thought on the augment to sleep (my daughter, even sandwiches, in case, I said, said: "Oh, how fun will be!"), But instead of having fun both gone home ... And they say, such a comforting fact with your gentlemen about our insecurity to coordinate?

Naturally, the newspaper, on his part, just waited. To admit to say, he himself is tired of deceiving. The heart has long been leaning toward the truth for a long time, but what can you do, if the reader only beeps on deception! Crying, yes deceive. Now, when to him from all sides with a knife to the groil, he should be truth, - Well, he is ready! Truth, so truth, damn it! Cheat two stone houses have come, and the rest of the two stone houses have to be truth!

And he began every day of the reader to displays! No diphtherite, and Sabbath! And there are no cute, and there are no fires; If the Konotop burned out, so after the fire it was even better lined up. And the harvest, thanks to the warm rain, it turned out to be such that they themselves fir-ate, and finally the Germans began to throw under the table: End!

But what is all wonderful - the newspaper is printed only the truth, and for the line all five kopeck pays. And the truth in price fell since they began to distribute it to distributely. It turns out that the truth is that the deception is still the price of Ground. And newspaper columns not only did not become boring, but even more revived. Because after all, if the fooling of the air is close to cut to start - this is such a picture will come out that I give everything, and little!

Finally, the reader finally stem and prosened. And before he was thumbightly he lived when he was deceiving for the truth, and now it was completely fond of heart. It will go to the bakery - there they say to him: "We must be, with time the bread will be cheap!", In the smoking shop will look - there they say to him: "It is necessary to be, with time there will be nipples!"

Well, and late how?

Rowing the ruble twenty pennies for a couple! Here is what, with God's help, turn!

And now, once, a cargo reader Fart came out to the street. It goes, "in the hope of glory and goodness", and cane waves: Know, they say that from now on, I am quite secured!

But this time, as in sin, the following happened:

He did not have time to do a few steps, as a legal error happened, and he was planted in Kutuzku.

There he was not a whole day. Because even though it was drowned, but he looked-looked, but only Miles: "Here they are, our crops, what are you!"

There, he grabbed diphtherite.

Of course, on the other day, the legal error was explained, and he was released on the orders (not the case, and it will be necessary again). He returned home and died.

And a cheater newspaper and is now alive. The fourth stone house under the roof brings and from morning to evening about one thing thinks: what is the accurate reader to deceive the lung reader to deceive: deceive or truth?

Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E.

Shuffler newspaper and cargo reader

He lived, there was a newspaper, and there was a reader. The newspaper was a deceiver - everything was deceived, and the reader was lung - everything believed. So Icestaries were heard in the world: deceivers are deceived, and the lungs believe. Suum Cuique [each one (lat.)].

Sits a newspaper in his berrga and know himself deceiving and deceiving. "Beware!" Says, "the ordinary trucks mow!" "Rain," says there is no spring from the very beginning - there's no bread, we will stay without bread! " "Fires of the villages and cities exterminate!" "Good provincial and public apart dragging!" And reader reads and thinks that he opens his newspaper. "Such, says we have freedom of typography: wherever we look - everywhere or diphtherite, or a fire, or a crown" ...

Further more. The newspaper was smeared that his deceptions to the reader came to the reader, "began to press it yet. "No, says we have no security! Do not go out, says, reader, outside: Just in the curtain!" And the cargo reader goes to Gogol on the street and sentences: "Oh, how true the newspaper about our insecurity expressed!" Not only that: the other lung reader will meet and will ask: "And you read, how beautiful today about our insecurity of the newspaper extended?" - "How not to read!" Another cargo reader will answer, "it is impossible! You can not, it is impossible to go through our streets - now you will go to the curtain!"

And all the freedom of typography is not pulled out. "We did not know that we have Difteritis everywhere," the gurgling readers sing the chorus, "the annex it is what!" And so on them from this confidence in the soul, it was easy to say that this is the most newspaper that the diphtherite was, and everything came out, perhaps, and the Gazetop will cease to read it.

And the newspaper is pleased, because for him deception - direct benefit. The truth is not anything getting every way - then, seek! - Perhaps, for her and ten penny with a line, you will not pick up! Whether the deception is! Know write yes deceive. Five kopecks from the line - whole beaches of deceptions from all sides you will be applied!

And such a friendship with the reader, friendship started up, and they will not distort them with water. What is more deceived by the newspaper, it is more rich (and the deception of what other and necessary!); And the reader, which is more deceiving it, then more than fives the newspaper carries. And cuttingly, and the honeycomb - in any newspaper a penny firmly!

"There were no pants!" They say enviousness about him, "and now, see how trumps! The leiser hired himself! The narrator from the people's life started! Blessed!"

Tried there were other newspapers to bribe it - perhaps, they say, and on our office a subscriber will run, - so where to you! Does not want to know anything reader, only one and says:

Darkness of low truth me more expensive

We are a torn deception ...

How long is it short, but only there were good people who regretted the lung reader. Called a cheater-newspaper and tell him: "Will be with you, shameless and wrong person! Until now, you have traded a deception, but from now on - trade truth!"

Yes, by the way, the readers began to cut down a bit, began to send the cigrelabee. Walked, they say, I am today with my daughter in Nevsky, I thought on the go on the night (my daughter, even sandwiches, in case, stoke, said: "Oh, how fun!"), And instead of it, both worried home ... so How, they say, such a consolation fact with your gentlemen about our insecurity to agree?

Naturally, the newspaper, on his part, just waited. To admit to say, he himself is tired of deceiving. The heart has long been leaning toward the truth for a long time, but what can you do, if the reader only beeps on deception! Crying, yes deceive. Now, when to him from all sides with a knife to the groil, he should be truth, - Well, he is ready! Truth, so truth, damn it! Cheat two stone houses have come, and the rest of the two stone houses have to be truth!

And he began every day of the reader to displays! No diphtherite, and Sabbath! And there are no cute, and there are no fires; If the Konotop burned out, so after the fire it was even better lined up. And the harvest, thanks to the warm rain, it turned out to be such that they themselves fir-ate, and finally the Germans began to throw under the table: End!

But what is all wonderful - the newspaper is printed only the truth, and for the line all five kopeck pays. And the truth in price fell since they began to distribute it to distributely. It turns out that the truth is that the deception is still the price of Ground. And newspaper columns not only did not become boring, but even more revived. Because after all, if the fooling of the air is close to cut to start - this is such a picture will come out that I give everything, and little!

Finally, the reader finally stem and prosened. And before he was thumbightly he lived when he was deceiving for the truth, and now it was completely fond of heart. It will go to the bakery - there they say to him: "We must be, with time the bread will be cheap!", In the smoking shop will look - there they say to him: "It is necessary to be, with time there will be nipples!"

Well, and late how?

Rowing the ruble twenty pennies for a couple! Here is what, with God's help, turn!

And now, once, a cargo reader Fart came out to the street. It goes, "in the hope of glory and goodness", and cane waves: Know, they say that from now on, I am quite secured!

But this time, as in sin, the following happened:

He did not have time to do a few steps, as a legal error happened, and he was planted in Kutuzku.

There he was not a whole day. Because even though it was drowned, but he looked-looked, but only Miles: "Here they are, our crops, what are you!"

There, he grabbed diphtherite.

Of course, on the other day, the legal error was explained, and he was released on the orders (not the case, and it will be necessary again). He returned home and died.

And a cheater newspaper and is now alive. The fourth stone house under the roof brings and from morning to evening about one thing thinks: what is the accurate reader to deceive the lung reader to deceive: deceive or truth?