Kuzmin Roman Ivanovich Architect. Meaning Kuzmin Roman Ivanovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia

Kuzmin Roman Ivanovich Architect. Meaning Kuzmin Roman Ivanovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia

Roman Ivanovich Kuzmin (1811-1867) - Russian architect, professor of architecture, a valid Stat adviser.


He studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts, as a pensioner of the Black Sea troops, and finished it in 1832, with the title of a class artist and with a small gold medal, awarded to him for the "Project of the Spiritual Seminary". Next year, for the execution of another program: "The project of the estate of a rich landowner," was awarded a large gold medal and soon after that sent abroad.

In European Turkey and in Greece, the monuments of predominantly Byzantine Church Architecture studied, Rome was restored by the Triana Forum and, spending six years at all, returned to St. Petersburg in 1840. For work performed by him during this journey, he was awarded the title of academician, from which he was raised in Professors in a year, for the project of the building for the Medical and Surgical Academy with clinics and other buildings.

After that, Kuzmin served as a senior architect at the corporate-intennant office and, in this position, there was a lot of buildings for the palace department, among which several buildings for the imperial stables rebuilt and expanded the Gatchina Palace, participated in the restructuring of Sing Capella (1857) and built the city cathedral In Gatchina.

The most important buildings of Kuzmin, in which his artistic taste and knowledge of architectural styles pronounced vividly, admit the Church in the Russian Embassy in Athens, the Orthodox Cathedral on the street in Paris, the Greek Embassy Church in St. Petersburg (with the participation of the arch. F. B. Vote ; not survived) and a luxurious house built in the style of rebirth for uteny there, on the Connogvardea Boulevard. Its last construction was a marble chapel at the summer garden.

At 1867, a valid Stat adviser (from December 16, 1861), a member of the Committee of the Ministry of Railways and the Senior Architect of the Office of the Court of His Majesty of the Office.


  • Saint Vladimir 4th degree Order (1852)
  • Order of St. Stanislav 2nd degree (1858)
  • Order of St. Anne 2nd degree (1861; the imperial crown for this order was granted in 1865)

The buildings

St. Petersburg

  • Sleerer street, D.N. 52 - the house of the court clergy. 1842.
  • Tchaikovsky Street, D.N. 2, Middle Corps - court-serving house. 1843-1844.
  • Sleerer street, D.N. 35 - court-serving house. 1843-1847. Included existed house.
  • Petrovskaya Embankment, D.N. 6 - Case of the House of Peter I. 1844. (Expanded).
  • Tchaikovsky Street, D.N. 30 - Mansion L. V. Kochubey. 1844-1846. Completed G. A. Boss.
  • Strengthened Street, D.N. 5 - Profitable House. 1850.
  • Channel Embankment Griboedova, D.N. 11 / Malaya Straoting Street, D.N. 6 / Cheboksar Pereulok, D.N. 1 - Building of the Court Hospital. Perestroika. 1852-1857. (Rebuilt).
  • 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, D.N. 3 - 5 - Profitable House T Tarasova. 1858-1859. Together with K.K. Anderson and A. I. Lange.
  • Connogvardeisky Boulevard, D.№ 17 / Gallery Street, D.№ 20, Right / Zamyatin Lane, D.N. 4 - Profitable House I. O. Utina. 1858-1860.
  • Greek area / Ligovsky Prospekt, D.N. 6 - Greek Embassy Church Dimitria Solunsky (with the participation of the arch. F. B. Vote). 1861-1866 (demolished in 1962 for the construction of the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall).
  • Palace embankment at the Summer Garden (1866-1867) - Alexander Nevsky's chapel in memory of Alexander II rescue when attempted. (Not survived).


  • Perestroika and expansion of the Gatchina Palace
  • Cathedral of the Holy Apostle Paul (Gatchina)


  • Yaroslavl Station (1859-1862, rebuilt)
  • Ryazan Station (1863, construction carried out A. P. Popov; not preserved)

Kuzmin Roman Ivanovich

Kuzmin, Roman Ivanovich - Architect (1811 - 1867). He studied at the Academy of Arts. Got a gold medal for execution of the program: "Project of the estate of a rich landowner." He studied in Europe, Turkey and in Greece, monuments of the Byzantine church architecture; Rome was engaged in the restoration of the forum Trajan. Built several buildings for the imperial stables, rebuilt and expanded the Gatchina Palace, built the city cathedral in Gatchina. The main creatures: Church in the Russian Embassy in Athens, the Orthodox Church on the street in Paris, the Greek Embassy Church in St. Petersburg, the Utina House, built in the style of Renaissance, on the Connogvardea Boulevard in St. Petersburg and the Marble Chapel of the Summer Garden.

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is Kuzmin Roman Ivanovich in Russian in the dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Kuzmin Roman Ivanovich
    (1811-67) - a talented architect, studied in imp. ACD. Artist, as a pensioner of the Black Sea troops, and graduated from the course in it ...
  • Kuzmin Roman Ivanovich in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (1811-67)? Talented architect, studied in imp. ACD. Artist, as a pensioner of the Black Sea troops, and graduated from the course in it ...
  • NOVEL in the zyshinkan names dictionary:
    (borrowing, husband.) - Comprehensive by analogy with the word "Romano" - "Gypsy, Gypsy", as well as "Roman, Roman", which is equivalent from the point ...
  • Kuzmin in the encyclopedia of Russian surnames, secretions and values:
  • Kuzmin in Encyclopedia Family:
    Numerous in Russian options for the name Kuzma (from the Greek 'World, Decoration'). In the sources of the XII century. It is written as a cruise. After ...
  • NOVEL in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    I Lacipin Byzantine Emperor in 920-945. On June 115, 948, the novel came from Lakaps in Femé Likand. ...
  • NOVEL in a brief biographical encyclopedia:
    Roman - Rev., student of St. Sergius Radonezhsky. When in the desert of St. Sergius penetrated the alarms of the worldly self-lion and disagreement, Sergius ...
  • NOVEL in the dictionary of literary terms:
    - (from Franz. Roman - Initially: a work written on one of the Romanesque (i.e. modern, living) languages, as opposed to written ...
  • NOVEL in the literary encyclopedia:
    big epic form, the most typical genre of bourgeois society. The history of the term. - Name "R." It originated in the era of the Middle Ages and originally applied ...
  • Kuzmin
    (Kuzmin-Karavaev) Nikolai Nikolayevich (1919-94), teacher, historian of vocational education, Dr. Pedagogical Sciences (1972), Professor (1973). After demobilization, he worked as a teacher and director ...
  • Ivanovich in the pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary:
    Cornelius Agafonovich (1901-82), teacher, D.C. APN of the USSR (1968), Dr. Pedagogical Sciences and Professor (1944), a specialist in agricultural education. He was a teacher ...
    (Franz. Roman) literary genre, the epic work of a large form in which the story focuses on the fate of a separate personality in its attitude to ...
  • Ivanovich in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Ivanovici) Joseph (Ian Ivan) (1845-1902), Romanian musician, conductor of military orchestras. The author of the popular Walza "Danube Waves" (1880). In the 90s. lived ...
  • NOVEL in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    - Currently, the most popular and richest form of literary works, reflecting modern life with everything ...
    [French Romans - Initially, the literary work written in Romanesque] 1) Most narrative work in prose, sometimes in ...
  • NOVEL in the encyclopedic dictionaries:
    I a, m. A large narrative artwork with a complex plot. Historical r. Lion novels Tolstoy. Roman (lit.) - related to ...
  • NOVEL in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    2, -A, m. Love relations between a man and a woman. She has a river with him. R. Twist with Kem. (to be in …
    Roman Sladkopevts (Kon. 5 V.- Ok. 560), the vistent. church. Hymnographer (melod). Native of Syria. Monk. The author of the multi-robes of lyrical poetic poems called Kondaki ...
  • NOVEL in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    "Roman Due La Rose"), a monument to Franz. Lithing 13 V., Allegorich. Poem on the love of the poet to rose, personifying ...
  • NOVEL in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    "Roman De Renart" ("Roman de Renart"), stir. Production, monument to Franz. lit-ry s is gray. 13 V. Talks about the struggle of the Sly Lisa Renar with ...
  • NOVEL in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Roman Mstislavich (? -1205), Prince Novgorodsky (1168-69), Vladimir-Volynsky (from 1170), Galitsky (1188, 1199), Son Mstislav Iaslavich. Strengthen the princely power in Galich ...
  • NOVEL in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Roman IV Diogen (? -1072), vistent. Emperor C 1068. Located and captive in Aug. 1071 Under Mancikert, the Sultan Alp-Arslorn, released on ...
  • NOVEL in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Roman I lacipin (? -948), vistent. Emperor in 920-944, from the Macedonian dynasty. Decrees R.I 934, 943 defended the cross. land tenure from seizures ...
  • NOVEL in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Roman (Roman), in V. Romania. St. 70 that Pipe rolling Z-D, Masha, Chem., Light, Food. ...
  • NOVEL in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Roman (Franz. Roman), lit. Genre, Epic. . A large form, in K-ROM, the story focuses on destiny. Personality in its respect ...
  • Kuzmin in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Kuzmin Rod. Osievich (1891-1949), mathematician, Ch.-k. Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1946). Tr. According to the theory of numbers and Mat. ...
  • Kuzmin in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Kuzmin Nick. You. (1890-1987), schedule, nar. Hood RSFSR (1972), Ch.-k. Ah USSR (1967). Schedule-free in manner. Ill., Sometimes bruised ...
  • Kuzmin in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Kuzmin Mich. Yves. (r. 1938), geochemist, Ch.-k. RAS (1991). OSN. Tr. According to geochemistry and orety, magship. breed. State Ave grew ...
  • Kuzmin in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Kuzmin shaft. Peter. (1893-1973), breeder, Acad. Vaschnil (1964), Acad. Acan Kazakh. SSR (1962), Hero Soc. Labor (1962). Author of high-yielding varieties ...
  • Ivanovich in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Ivanovich (Ivanovici) Joseph (Ion, Ivan) (1845-1902), Rum. Musician, conductor of the military. Orchestras. The author of the popular Walza "Danube Waves" (1880). In the 90s. ...
  • NOVEL in the Color Dictionary:
    the detailed story, which, as a rule, creates the impression of a story about real people and events, in fact, those who are not. What ...
  • NOVEL in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
    roma "H, Roma" us, Roma "on, Roma" New, Roma "Well, Roma" us, Roma "N, Roma" us, Roma "Nom, Roma" We, Roma "not, ...
  • NOVEL in the dictionary of the Great Language of Business Communication:
    roman, detective - just received for consideration project documentation, consultant report and ...
  • NOVEL in the popular intelligent encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language:
    -, m. 1) a large narrative artwork with a complex plot, with a large number of actors, usually in prose. Historical novel. ...
    Love relationships or fruit of work ...
  • NOVEL in the dictionary for solving and drafting scanvords:
    Resort ...
  • Kuzmin in the dictionary for solving and drafting scanvords:
    Artist ...
  • NOVEL in the thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
    SYN: See ...
  • NOVEL in the new foreign word dictionary:
    (St .-Fr. Romans narration in French (and not in Latin)) 1) a large epic form of the artistic narration (usually prosaic), usually characterized by the variety of active ...
  • NOVEL in the dictionary of foreign expressions:
    [1. A large epic form of the artistic narration (usually prosaic), typically characterized by the variety of actors in the once-branching of the plot; 2. Love ...
  • NOVEL in the thesaurus of the Russian language:
    SYN: See ...
  • NOVEL in the dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov:
    1 narrative work with a complex plot and many characters, a large form of ethical prose historical p. R.-epic. Roman 2 Love relations ...
  • Roman in the Dala dictionary.
    (Roman), city in the east of Romania. 71 thousand inhabitants (1985). Pipe rolling plant, engineering, chemical, lightweight, food industry. - (Franz. Roman), ...
  • Kuzmin in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    Valentin Petrovich (1893-1973), Russian breeder, academician Vaschnil (1964) and the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1962), Hero of Socialist Labor (1962). The author of the high-yield ...
  • Ivanovich in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    (Ivanovici) Joseph (Ion, Ivan) (1845-1902), Romanian musician, conductor of military orchestras. The author of the popular Walza "Danube Waves" (1880). In the 90s. ...
  • NOVEL in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov:
    romana, m. (Fr. Roman). 1. A large narrative product, usually in prose, with a complex and developed plot. Touch with novels. ...
  • Nikolai (Kuzmin)
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". See Kuzmin Nikolai Vasilyevich. Tree - Open Orthodox Encyclopedia: http://drevo.pravbeeda.ru About the project | Chronology | ...
  • Kuzmin Nikolai Vasilyevich in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Kuzmin Nikolai Vasilyevich (1899 - 1937), martyr, singing. Memory October 18, in ...

Svyology I.I. Roman Ivanovich Kuzmin.(From the memories of Acad. I. I. Svyodayeva) // Russian Starina, 1875. - T. 13. - № 5. - P. 155-158.

Roman Ivanovich Kuzmin.

(From the memories of Acad. I. I. Svyodayeva).

In the meeting of the architects, the former on March 18, 1875, G. Petrov made a brief overview of the architectural activity of Pokodenago R. I. Kuzmina. This review says that Kuzmin, who studied the monuments of the Byzantine artist in Athens and the cities of Fessels was among the east. How much I can remember from the conversations with Roman Ivanovich, it seems to me that he was in Constantinople. I met him at what occasion: Returning to Petersburg, in 1832,


i set myself a duty for myself to see for a former senior at the Academy K. A. Ton, then I corrected the post of profession from the Academy of Arts. It seems to be the first date, he led me to the classes to show me the classes of my students and introduced me to the office of the two of his favorites: Richter and Kuzmin, who had already made projects on the Gyotamedali. I can tell the last few flattering words, and therefore Probably, he remembered me. After several years, as we were unable to him: he left for a border, and I am in Moscow to the construction of the church of the Savior. Here I felt in a not quite a clever position, which was probably also known in St. Petersburg. Suddenly, I get from there an anonymous letter, full of hot to me and extremely surprised me, because of my friends no one could know the circumstances mentioned in the letter. Upon returning to St. Petersburg, in 1846, I tried with all measures to open an anonymal author. I hinted that it should be Kuzmin. Remembering that I saw him at the academy 14 years ago, I went to him and found out that the letter was really from him. Since then, we have a constant friendship. I found an artist in him, very educated and developed reading. At that time, the court-serving house was already over. R. I. asked me about him. I answered that between windows on different floors I find an amazing proportionality and harmony

Yes, this is one side of the medal, and the other?

OTHER? ... Once a writer comes to the Voltaire and asks, read the work, to say my opinion. When you have answered, Voltaire answered: the essay is very good, it is twice the better, if it was twice as shorter.

Kuzmin smiled.

Since we saw it with him almost every week, I learned a lot about the overseas of his life and that I was found here with him remarkable. He was needed to return to Russia, and did not send money to him. Reaching something to Munich or Berlin, he met his comrade H ..., with whom it was agreed to go together.

Well, Brother N., you go to your account, and I have no penny, Kuzmin said. He looked around to hysterics. What you laugh, I tell you the truth.

Yes, the truth is yours and laughs me, and I hoped for you, answered a friend.

Sighing that occupied by someone-tosumumegdost


just will be only on the passage and to feed one of them, they decided to dine every other day, that is, one of them documes, and tomorrow is content only with bread and a glass of beer, as a very satisfying drink, and thus disagreeing, they drove them before St. Petersburg. Here R. P., who appeared to his former profession, asked him about the reason for the disadvantage of money.

What did you need money, answered K. A. Ton, - when did you live in Rome a big Barin and hired Arab in Lacey?

Yes, K. A., I have a real-fold, only not real,a so-one -Horn dog! ...

At the restructuring of Gatchinskago Palace R. I. had a personal report from the Pavodago Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich and in proof as his imperial majesty was condescended to artists, dusted me many cases from which I remember the following:

Like R. I. had a habit, saying anything to his assistants and students, often repeat: you see, then explaining a sovereign to some plan and, carried away, said: Do you understand? The sovereign was silent. Continuing the explanation, he still repeated; Do you understand? Sovereign, smiling, said:

"How, I understand a little."

Kuzmin senses.

About such drawnity of CatherineII. For people, simple, not secular, not courtly diluted to me Alexey Mikhailovich Milyutin: One of the Siberian deputies who came to St. Petersburg presented to Empress A. A. Beborodko. It was so skilled in the cooler of Siberian so much that he even forgot with whom he says in the heat of the groove about his region and all his orders sniffed tobacco from Tabakcoque, which the Empress opened for himself. Everything is talking, he wanted to repeat his trick and extended her hand But Bezborodko jerked him for Faldu: the hand of petrified, the words were frozen! ... Catherine, graciously defeated him, reproached the Bezborodko, that she deprived her rarcago pleasure to hear the unaccusted truth.

R. I. loved his long hair, who closed his eyes while tilting his head, and he often corrected them with his hand. He also did at the report by the Sovereign Sovereign.

And you know what, Kuzmin, I would advise you to make it like this: showing your fingers like cut with scissors.

There is no one in the property, to remain like that, Kuzmin reported.


The sovereign smiled.

But in no way he was so merciful to his architect. Once, when inspecting the gatchinskago yard, the sovereign noticed cracks in the jumper over the doors and asked Kuzmina:

What's this?

Seeds, sovereign, answered Kuzmin.

And what, in your opinion, seeds?

Small cracks in the stucco from the shower. About another jumper the same question and the same answer.

Lyucea (sovereign referred to the Ratchino), put it under arrest.

Walking his head, Kuzmin went behind the sweet. To his happiness, that the sovereign examined the palace before, and then he went to the palace church. Here, he was apparently satisfied with him and, sitting in the stroller, quietly told Luce: "You're lying on two hours, and let and let out." However, the way it did not end: the sovereign ordered to dress a comedian, which has reported that the dangers are not It is foreseen that later and justified. A few time, Kuzmin comes with a report.

What are you saying now? I met him the sovereign.

Kuzmin silently bowed.

R. I. Kuzmin served according to the court office and, as a member of the core of the presence of the Department of Projects and the estimation, participated in the reasons for the construction of the work of the Regulation, Highest, approved in 1869.

Architect Acad. I. I. Svyology.

Kuzmin, Roman Ivanovich

Professor architecture; Rod. In 1811, the mind. In 1867, he received the initial and higher art education by the Pensioner of the Black Sea Troops at the Academy of Arts, in which he graduated from the course in 1832 with the title of class artist and the 2nd Gold Medal for execution of the project of the seminary for 200 people. The following year at the end of the course at the Academy of Arts, Kuzmin received the first gold medal for execution of the program "Project buildings for the residence of a rich landowner in the estate of it." This award gave Kuzmin the right to travel on other regions for the funds of the treasury and in 1834 Kuzmin went abroad; Having drove through European Turkey, he spent quite a lot of time in Greece, examining and studying monuments of ancient art; From Greece drove to Italy, in Rome. Here he was engaged in the restoration of the forum Trajan. The Council of the Academy of Arts, to consider his project of the restoration, found him with great superb and unanimously, was to honor Kuzmina the title of academician in terms of architecture. In 1840, Kuzmin returned to Russia. With the cessation of a retired maintenance, Kuzmin remained completely without funds and was forced to ask the Council of the Academy of Ocportant to him, on the basis of decisions that exist at the Academy of Arts, the content from the government, motivating its request to the fact that he had no occupation or service. The Council of the Academy, in the attention of him, as an artist who distinguished himself with his art, determined to appoint Kuzmin to the content for three years and appointed him to execute the project "Medical and Surgical Academy with anatomical theater, clinic and botanical garden." Kuzmin fulfilled the program so well that the Academic Council in September 1841 was decided: "His dating in architectural arts, Academician of Roman Ivanova Kuzmina, on the program executed by him: to submit a project of the Medical and Surgery Academy to build a professor of architecture." The name of Kuzmina, as a talented and capable architect, has become known. Soon he received the place of the senior architect at the corporal intennant office and, occupying this position, raised a lot of excellent buildings. First of all, he arranged several buildings for the imperial stables. Church of the Russian Embassy in Athens, the Greek Embassy Church in St. Petersburg, the Utina House on the Connogvardea Boulevard, the Russian Church in Paris on the street, and, finally - his last construction - a chapel near the fence of the summer garden, on the embankment - here are the outstanding monuments of the Kuzmina talent, talent Large and original. The main labor of Kuzmin is his work in Gatchina: he rebuilt and significantly expanded the Gatchina Palace; According to his own project, Gatchina City Cathedral is erected. In 1845, the Council of the Academy decided that he would notice the department at the Academy of Arts at the time of the opposite of K. Tona. Kuzmin knew perfectly and understood styles; Owing a subtle taste and a sense of elegant, Kuzmin created extremely interesting projects, distinguished by the extraordinary severity and grace of lines and proportions and expediency.

"Materials for the history of the Imperial Academy of Arts" P. N. Petrov, TT. 1, 2. - "Illustrated newspaper", 1867, No. 46; "Voice" of 1867, No. 320 (Faketon); "Russian Starina" 1875, vol. 2, no. 5, p. 151-158: "Enpiccock. Dictionary" Brockhaus and Efron, vol. 32, p, 941.


Kuzmin, Roman Ivanovich

(1811-1867) - A talented architect, studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts, as a pensioner of the Black Sea Troops, and graduated from the course in 1832, with the title of a class artist and with a small Golden Medal, awarded to him for the "Project of the Spiritual Seminary". The following year, for the execution of another program: "The project of the estate of a rich landowner," was awarded a large gold medal and soon after being sent to other regions. In Europe. Turkey and in Greece studied monuments of predominantly Byzantine church architecture, in Rome was restored by the Tranana Forum and, spending six years at all, returned to St. Petersburg. In 1840, the work performed by him during this journey immediately took him the title of academician from which he was raised in Professors in a year, for the project of a building for medical and surgical ACD. with clinics and other accessories. He served after the oldest architect at the corporal intennant office and, in this position, made a lot of buildings on the palace department, by the way there were several buildings for the imperial stables, rebuilt and expanded the Gatchina Palace and built the city cathedral in Gatchina. The most important creatures of K., in which his artistic taste and knowledge of architectural styles pronounced vividly, must admit the Church at the Russian Embassy in Athens, the Orthodox Church on the street. I give, in Paris, the Greek Embassy Church in St. Petersburg. and a luxurious house built in the style of Renaissance for the city of Utina, in the same place, on the Connogvardea Boulevard. Its last construction was a marble chapel at the summer garden.

BUT. C-in.


Kuzmin, Roman Ivanovich

prof. architecture, pupil and pensioner per border I. X.; R. 1810; † 1867 November.


Kuzmin, Roman Ivanovich

He has graduated in 1833 with the rank of class. Hood Arch. In 1840, according to the results of the pensioner trip, the title of Acad was awarded. Arch., In 1841 - Professor. Designed for many cities in Russia and abroad. For Moscow, Yaroslavsky projects (1859-62, rebuilt) and Ryazan (1863, not preserving) stations. In 1863, a member correspondent was elected. French Academy of Arts.

East: RGIA, F. 789, OP. 14, d. 109; GPB OR F. 708; Sobko.

Lit.: Russian Biographical Dictionary / Ed. A. A. Polovtseva.: At 25 tons - St. Petersburg., 1896-1916, t. "Knappe-Kyhehelbecker", p. 530-531; Homuttsky N. F. Materials for biographies of architects S. L. Shustova and R. I. Kuzmina // Architectural inheritance. - L. - M., 1955. - Vol. 7. - P. 197-214; Architects-builders of St. Petersburg in the middle of the XIX - early XX century. Directory / under the general ed. B. M. Kirikov. - St. Petersburg., 1996, p. 184.

Large biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .

In St. Petersburg, a Utina House, built in the style of Renaissance at the Connogvardea Boulevard in St. Petersburg.

Restoration of monuments Awards


The most important buildings of Kuzmin, in which his artistic taste and knowledge of architectural styles pronounced vividly, admit the Church in the Russian Embassy in Athens, the Orthodox Cathedral on the street in Paris, the Greek Embassy Church in St. Petersburg (with the participation of the arch. F. B. Vote ; not survived) and a luxurious house built in the style of rebirth for uteny there, on the Connogvardea Boulevard. Its last construction was a marble chapel at the summer garden.

At 1867, a valid Stat adviser (from December 16, 1861), a member of the Committee of the Ministry of Railways and the Senior Architect of the Office of the Court of His Majesty of the Office.


  • Saint Vladimir 4th degree Order (1852)
  • Order of St. Stanislav 2nd degree (1858)
  • Order of St. Anne 2nd degree (1861; the imperial crown for this order was granted in 1865)

The buildings

St. Petersburg

  • Sleerer street, D.N. 52 - the house of the court clergy. .
  • Tchaikovsky Street, D.N. 2, Middle Corps - court-serving house. -.
  • Sleerer street, D.N. 35 - court-serving house. -. Included existed house.
  • Petrovskaya Embankment, D.N. 6 - Petra's house case. . (Expanded).
  • Tchaikovsky Street, D.N. 30 - Mansion L. V. Kochubey. -. Completed G. A. Boss.
  • Strengthened Street, D.N. 5 - Profitable House. .
  • Channel Embankment Griboedova, D.N. 11 / Malaya Straoting Street, D.N. 6 / Cheboksar Pereulok, D.N. 1 - Building of the Court Hospital. Perestroika. -. (Rebuilt).
  • 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, D.N. 3 - 5 - Profitable House T Tarasova. -. Together with K.K. Anderson and A. I. Lange.
  • Connogvardeisky Boulevard, D.№ 17 / Gallery Street, D.№ 20, Right / Zamyatin Lane, D.N. 4 - Profitable House I. O. Utina. -.
  • Greek area / Ligovsky Prospekt, D.N. 6 - Greek Embassy Church Dimitria Solunsky (with the participation of the arch. F. B. Vote). - (demolished in 1962 for the construction of the Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky").
  • Palace embankment at the Summer Garden (-) - Alexander Nevsky's chapel in memory of Alexander II rescue when attempted. (Not survived).


  • Perestroika and expansion of the Gatchina Palace


  • Yaroslavl Station (1859-1862, rebuilt)
  • Ryazan Station (1863, construction carried out A. P. Popov; not preserved)

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  • Russian Biographical Dictionary: at 25 tons / under the supervision of A. A. Polovtsova. - St. Petersburg. , 1896-1918. - T. 9.
  • Architect St. Petersburg. XIX - early XX century / Sost. V. G. Isachenko; ed. Y. Artemieva, S. Podbytivova. - St. Petersburg. : Lenzdat, 1998. - 1070 p. - ISBN 5-289-01586-8.
  • List of Class IV Class List. Fixed to February 1, 1867. - St. Petersburg., 1867. - P. 431.
  • Architects of Moscow Eclectic Time, Modern and Neoclassicism (1830s - 1917): Ill. BioGr. Dictionary / state. scientific study. Architecture Museum. A.V.Shushev and others - m.: Krabic, 1998. - P. 151. - 320 p. - ISBN 5-900395-17-0.


  • (2012)

Trailer characterizing Kuzmin, Roman Ivanovich

- What to ask me? General ArmFeld proposed an excellent position with open rear. Or Attack Von Diesem Italienischen Herrn, Sehr Schon! [This Italian Mr., very good! (it.)] or retreat. Auch Gut. [Also good (it.)] What to ask me? - he said. - After all, you yourself know everything better than me. "But when Volkonsky, frowning, said that he asked his opinion on behalf of the sovereign, then Pful got up and, suddenly heed, began to say:
- All spoiled, all confused, everyone wanted to know better than me, and now they came to me: how to fix it? Nothing corrected. It is necessary to perform everything exactly on the grounds stated by me - he said, knocking the bony fingers on the table. - What is the difficulty? Nonsense, Kinder Spiel. [Children's toys (it.)] - He went to the map and began to speak quickly, a dry finger on the map and proving that no accident could change the feasibility of the Driss camp that everything was foreseen and that if the enemy would really go around, then the enemy Must be inevitably destroyed.
Pauluches, who did not know German, began to ask him in French. Volzogen approached the aid of his principal who did not speak French badly, and began to translate his words, barely quenched for Pfule, who quickly argued that everything, everything, not only what happened, but everything that could happen, everything was foreseen In his plan, and that if they were now difficult, then all the fault was only that everything is not exactly fulfilled. He is inconspicuously ironically laughed, argued and finally contemptuously threw to prove how the mathematician throws the math in various ways once proven loyalty of the problem. Volzogen replaced him, continuing to express his thoughts in French and occasionally Pfül: "Nicht Wahr, Exellenz?" [Isn't your Excellency? (Him.)] Pful, as in battle, a rapid man hits his, angrily shouted at Volzogen:
- NUN JA, WAS SOLL DENN DA NOCH EXPLIZIERT WERDEN? [Well, yes, what else to interpret? (Him.)] - Pauluchi and Misho in two voices attacked Volzogen in French. Armfeld in German appealed to Pful. Tol in Russian explained the prince Volkonsky. Prince Andrei silently listened and watched.
Of all these people, more thance the participation in Prince Andrei embittered, decisive and stupid self-confident Pful. He, one of all those here, who were present, obviously, did not want anything for himself, did not give anyone to anyone, but wished only one - acting on the plan, drawn up on the theory of works by him. He was ridiculous, was unpleasant with his irony, but at the same time he inspired the invalid respect for his infinite devotion to the idea. In addition, in all the speeches of all those who were speaking, with the exception of Pfula, one common feature, which was not on the military council in 1805 meters year, was now although the hidden, but panic fear of Napoleon's genius, the fear that spoke in every objection. It was assumed to Napoleon everything possible, they waited for it from all sides and his terrible name destroyed the assumptions of each other. One Pful seemed to be His, Napoleon, considered the same Varvar as all opponents of his theory. But, besides a feeling of respect, Pful inspired by the prince Andrei and a sense of pity. By that tone, with the courtesy, according to what allowed himself to say Pauluches to the Emperor, but the main thing about some desperation of the expression of Pful himself, it was clear that others knew and he himself felt that his fall was close. And, despite his self-confidence and German twistful irony, he was pity with his guest hair at the temples and protruded on the back of the tassel. He, apparently, although it hid it under the guise of irritation and contempt, he was desperate because the only one now the case was to check on a huge experience and prove to the world loyalty to his theory eluded him.
The debate lasted for a long time, and the longer they continued, the more disputes that reached shots and personalities flared up, and the less it was possible to bring some general conclusion from all the above. Prince Andrei, listening to this multilingual language and these assumptions, plans and refutations and screams, just wondered what they all said. Those long ago and often came to him during his military activity, that there is no and there can be no military science and therefore there can be no so-called military genius, now they received the perfect evidence of truth for him. "What could be the theory and science in the case, which the conditions and circumstances are unknown and cannot be defined in which the power of war figures is even less defined? No one could and can not know what the situation is our and enemy army in a day, and no one can know what the power of this or that squad. Sometimes, when there is no coward ahead, which shouts: "We are cut off! - And run, and there is a cheerful, bold man ahead, which is crying: "Hurray! - A detachment of five thousand is worth thirty thousand, as under a whisper, and sometimes fifty thousand run before eight, like under Austerlitz. What a science can be in this case, in which, as in any practical business, nothing can be determined and it all depends on countless conditions, the value of which is determined in one minute, which no one knows when it comes. Armfeld says that our army is cut off, and Pauluchi says that we put the French army between two lights; Misho says that the dissent of the Dryse camp is that the river is behind, and Pful says that this is his power. Tol offers one plan, ArmFeld offers another; And everyone is good, and everything is bad, and the benefits of any position may be obvious only at the moment when an event is made. And why all say: genius military? Is that a genius that man who will time be told to ride a cruck and go to the right, to that left? That is why the military people are clothed with the brilliance and power and the mass of the scoundrels of slides of power, giving it the unusual qualities of the genius, they are called geniuses. On the contrary, the best generals I knew are stupid or scattered people. Best Bagration, - Napoleon himself admitted it. And Bonaparte himself! I remember the smug and limited face on the Austerlitz field. Not only a genius and some kind of qualities do not need a good commander, but, on the contrary, he needs the absence of the best of higher, human qualities - love, poetry, tenderness, philosophical inquisitive doubt. It should be limited, firmly sure that what he does is very important (otherwise he will have the patience), and then only he will be a brave commander. Robies God, if he is a man, love someone, will regret, thinks about what is fair and that is not. It is clear that Icestari still for them formed the theory of geniuses, because they are power. The merit in the success of military affairs does not depend on them, but from the person who shines in the ranks: they disappeared, or shout: Hooray! And only in these ranks you can serve with confidence that you are useful! "